@oshizu Yes, Tallulah looks very different not all dolled up. Still cute, though. Somehow I had convinced myself that they'd fixed that very happy/very confident glitch with skilling charisma, but I must have made that up. I get so seduced by the glowing skill bar that I'm sure it's going faster. Oh, well. Back to the happy bathroom it is. I wish plain old happy were not so difficult to maintain.
That guy in the grey shirt just appeared across the street. My game has been very accommodating about generating teen lovers for Tallulah. He really needed some help in the fashion department, though. Ouch.
As for Morris and the pianist, that question will be answered in this chapter. There's still one very important person who hasn't yet weighed in on the Morris/Diego situation.
@NexttoNormal Yup. Lula's a Serial Romantic. She's darn good at it, too.

I'm glad you like the way I'm writing her. Not making her evil or vindictive was a major goal of mine.
Never fear, Morris's wake up call comes very soon.
Chapter 74: Play it Again, Betty
Otto: Not that anyone’s paying attention, but I am now a living legend, and the funniest sim who ever lived.

Otto: I am also, low-key, a pretty accomplished Master Thief. I never did figure out why my entertainment company had so many rare metals and elements lying around, but . . . .well, they don’t anymore so it doesn’t matter.

Morris: Wait a minute . . . your eyebrows are grey! You can’t fool me with that cc hair! You’re an elder! You’ll never live long enough to fulfill Otto’s Good Friends requirement!
Angelica: Busted!

Otto: Wow! Green, blue, purple. So many vibrant hair colors to choose from! I wish you all could be my good friends!

Morris: Betty . . .you came.
Betty: Hey there, old timer. You in need of a little music?

Morris: You still take my breath away, you know.
Betty: And you still forget that I prefer guitar, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what you called me to talk about.

Morris: So hey! How are things? What’s new? The netherworld still treating you okay?
Betty: Morris . . . I’ve known you since we were kids. We were married for a lifetime and I’ve been your ghost girlfriend for several more. Something is up . . . now spill it.

Morris: Well, as it happens, I have begun a new career. I’m a food critic and I’m very good at it and highly successful.
Betty: And . . .
Morris: Well, through this new employment I’ve made a new acquaintance, a very young and attractive young fellow named Diego, and we’ve become very close. And, actually, it’s been brought to my attention that he’s become a rather ardent admirer of mine.

Betty: And how does our highly successful food critic feel about his young, attractive, and ardent admirer?
Morris: I . . .I seem to have become very fond of him, too.
Betty: So what’s the problem?

Morris: Betty, I love
You’re my soulmate. You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted.
Betty: Morris, I’m dead.
Morris: Shhhh! Don’t talk like that!
Betty: Morris, it’s true. I’m dead, and furthermore, and more importantly, you are not! You are not dead, and you might never ever be dead if this dynasty thing works out. Forever is a very, very long time to remain faithful to a person who’s transparent and only comes around when you pay a $100 fee.

Morris: Betty, I would be faithful to you for a hundred lifetimes.
Betty: But that’s not what I want. Morris, I love you more than anything, and that’s why I want you to be happy. I want you to live your life. I can’t live it with you, anymore, but life is only half-lived if you can’t share it with someone. If you’ve found someone, Morris, someone you can really love . . . then go get him!
Morris: Really?
Betty: Really and truly! You have my blessing, you ridiculous man. I release you with open arms! Go, and live you life.
Morris: Oh, Betty, you wonderful woman. No wonder I married you. You really are an angel.

Betty: Yes. Just, you know, don’t hire me to play your wedding. I’m not that much of an angel.
Morris: It’s a deal.

Morris: I’ll love you forever.
Betty: Me too, now go get your man!

Otto: Nah, it’s cool. I’m fine. All of my potential friends ran away while the focus was on somebody else again, but you know, I’ve got my taco so I’m doing okay.

Karla: Seriously, Otto? This one?
Otto: Well, she’s here. She’s just . . . she’s a little pretty so I wanted you to be here so you’d know that there’s no hanky-panky going on. I just need good friends.
Karla: Oh, Otto. I am in no way threatened by your friends of any stripe, particularly not purple-haired nobodies in kilts.
PHNIK: Uh, guys? Standing right here.
Karla: Oh, hush. He said you were kind of pretty, now come back to the house. I want to introduce you to our closet.

Tallulah: I want you to know that this moment, right now, is so precious to me. I will never have this moment with anyone but you, and there’s no one I’d rather share it with.
Silver Hair: I . . .wow . .. I just. . .
Tallulah: Shhhhh. No need to talk. Let’s just enjoy each other for the brief time that we have.
Silver Hair: Brief?
Tallulah: Shhhhhh.

PHNIK: Surprise! I’m an elder!
Otto: Dang it! Fooled by the cc hair again! *looks at Karla* You knew, didn’t you?
Karla: I know everything. Now there’s a nice, solidly middle-aged man out front. Why don’t you go make friends with him?
Otto: What would I do without you?
Karla: I shudder to think.

Morris: Hey! Um, it’s me! Morris? Um . . .do you want to come over maybe?

Diego: Deep breaths. Don’t get your hopes up. He probably just found a new ice cream recipe. Stop running, Diego. El Lobo does not run. He strolls.

Morris: Diego! You’re here!
Diego: Yes, darling, you invited me.
Morris: Right! *ahem* Do you want to come upstairs?
Diego: *smirks* To your threshold?
Morris: No. Well, um, yes but what I mean is . . .up to my room. I thought I could show you my . . .career rewards.
Diego: I’d be delighted.

Morris: So, there it is. I think it has a really nice, playful use of color, which is why I thought you’d like to see it. Oh! And there’s the plaque I got for completing my experimental food photos collection. And I guess when I max food critic they’ll give me a very tasteful bowl of gold fruit.
Diego: Morris . . .

Morris: Yes?
Diego: Look, you’re adorable, but cut the crap.
Morris: What?
Diego: I think we both know you didn’t really bring me up here to look at your career rewards. Now, I’ve been very patient with you, but the time has come. You know how I feel about you. I believe you feel the same way. It’s time to get things out in the open here, darling. I’m done waiting.
Morris: But I’m-
Diego: Yes.
Morris: And you’re-
Diego: Yes.
Morris: And we’re-
Diego: Yes.
Morris: But what about-
Diego: This doesn’t change that.
Morris: But does that make me-
Diego: Not necessarily.
Morris: But you’re definitely-
Diego: Oh, yes. In a big way.
Morris: Oh, heck!

Diego: Now, see? That wasn’t so hard.

Diego: I love you, Morris Spiffendale, you ridiculous old man.
Morris: Oh, Diego, my vibrant virtuoso. Heaven help me, I love you, too.

Morris: I forgot how nice it is to sleep next to someone.
Diego: I forgot how much you love to talk. *chuckles* Go to sleep, darling. I’ll still be here in the morning.
Morris: *happy sigh*