Author Topic: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty [COMPLETE]  (Read 262024 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #195 on: October 21, 2016, 07:55:06 PM »
Woohoo! It seems the giant Denial of Service attack is over for today, so now we get Spiffendales! Sorry for the delay!

Chapter 47:  It Tickles

Wendell:  Whoa! Club cosplay? And you meet in the middle of the night in the park?  You guys are amazing! I’m so joining as soon as these Dynasty responsibilities are taken care of. How do you feel about hot dogs?

Pernille:  So, Gary, I was reading in the newspaper the other day about a penguin that escaped from its cage at the zoo and got mixed up with the zebras and I thought to myself, wait a minute, there's no such thing as newspapers! Great outfit, by the way. Love your color choices!

Gary Behr:  If you like this, you should see my bathing costume.

Pernille:  Okay, here goes! Becoming an adult! I wish for the courage not to swoon over the sight of Goopy in a suit! And the self-control to not say my wishes out loud!

Pernille:  Okay, there he is. No big deal. We’re both adults now. Just take a deep breath and-

Goopy:  You look really beautiful tonight, Pernille.

Pernille:  Oh! I! What, now? I mean, . . .yes! I mean . . . thank you.

Goopy:  Would you care to join me for a drink in the other room?

Pernille:  I would. Care to. For that.

Pernille:  Okay, and a little liquid courage later I am prepared to tell you that I have never met anyone like you before in my life and I could just gaze into your eyes forever. You take my breath away, Goopy.

Goopy:  Wow! Whipping out the big guns! Okay, I’m sold.

Pernille:  Then maybe you’ll consider giving me my first kiss?

Goopy:  Indeed. And your second.

Pernille:  Hey . . . are you glowing?

Goopy:  *blushes* Yeah.

Pernille:  Coooool. Even Mrs. Pringlefeather never dated an alien.

Goopy:  Well, then I guess you’ll have to be the star of your own next book, huh?

Pernille:  So where are you from, exactly?

Goopy:  Why don’t I show you?

Pernille:  This is the most amazing birthday ever.

Pernille:  *sigh* Adulthood rules.

Arianna:  Gah! Darn these birds! I feed you! Every day I feed you, you ungrateful little savages!

Dennis Kim:  Countin’ shadows on the wall, that don’t bother me at all . . .

Mallory:  Playin’ solitaire ’til one, with a deck of fifty-one . . .

Arianna:  Smokin’ cigarettes and watchin’ Captain Kangaroo . . .

All Three:  Now don’t tell meeeeeeee, I’ve nothin’ to doooooo!

Wendell:  All right, faithful admirers, take a good gander. This is the last you shall see of the epic hotness that, up until today, has epitomized Wendell Spiffendale. To everything there is a season . . . and the season is about to change.

Wendell:  One last boogie . . .

Wendell:  One last expedition sans spacesuit .  . .

Wendell:  A little space halo for the road . . .

Wendell:  A deep breath and . . . blow!

Wendell:  Ah! There it is!

Wendell:  Our hero has arrived at the sanctum.

Wendell:  He takes his well-deserved place at the table.

Wendell:  Tastes like . . . .dubstep. If dubstep had a flavor, this would totally be it!

Arianna:  Wendell, sit down. We try to maintain a bit of an atmosphere of dignity and reverence at these gatherings. Also, next time no swimsuit, okay?

Wendell:  You got it, grandma!

Morris:  I’m curious, Wendell, why MySims trophies?

Wendell:  Oh, these?  I just think they’re funny. Out of all the available options, these were the funniest.

Morris:  I see. Okay, then.

Mallory:  Did you feel it?  Did you feel your age bar roll back?

Wendell:  Oh, yeah! Sweet! It tickles! I think I’m going to like this immortality business!

Only one rare, but what can you do?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #196 on: October 21, 2016, 10:04:24 PM »
I see congratulations are in order!

Pernille, you stepped up to the plate and now the metaphor's not working but you confessed and he likes you back! You go, girl!
Ahhh, Wendell, you are the hippest sim in the Spiffendale Dynasty. No one will ever outshine you in terms of sheer coolness!
   Yay, you have reached immortality! (I love how he narrates his own actions in third-person...)

And I laughed that Arianna scolded him for arriving in a swimsuit, while Morris quietly sits there in his pjs and bedroom slippers. (Morris knows when not to draw attention to himself, lol)

Great progress on your dynasty, Watcher! Delightful update, as usual!

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Offline Whirligig

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #197 on: October 22, 2016, 08:11:51 AM »
(Trying a new thing where I write my comment as I'm reading. Not sure how it will go)

Wait, did your game actually generate a cosplay club, or was that just a lucky screenshot? I've noticed now that most of the original Windenberg townies have died, my game has generated an art club - I want to know if a cosplay club is actually a possibility.

And the Goopy/Pernille awkwardness continues even now that Pernille is an adult. I love it! They make such a wonderfully adorkable couple.

Counting Flowers on the Wall: such a fitting song for the lives of already-eaten-ambrosia-elders, hey?

And a huge congratulations to Wendell for making Party Animal look easy, and finally earning his Ambrosia. I can't think of anything more fitting for him than MySims Dolls, anyways, so I think they were a great choice! Now it's up to Pernille I see - (she'll probably smash everything right out of the park I'm sure).
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Offline Caterina

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #198 on: October 22, 2016, 08:52:56 AM »
Congrats to you on your newest immortal.  I really like the museum/ambrosia room.  I can't wait to read more about Pernille and Goopy.

Offline Joria

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #199 on: October 22, 2016, 06:02:23 PM »
Pernille and Goopy, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G!  Well, ok, maybe no trees were involved but it was great to see the two of them finally getting together.  The ambrosia scenes were priceless.  Wendell, you are a star!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #200 on: October 24, 2016, 06:35:48 PM »
@oshizu Thank you! I have to agree about Wendell. He is the coolest. No one else comes close. Morris is so good at being nonchalant that I hadn't even noticed his PJs! Watch out for next time, Morris! I've got my eye on you.

@Whirligig Cosplay was game-generated. A bunch of other clubs have generated, too. I think they had that built in for when the original clubs die out. There's the science-y Covalent Bonds who helped with the rocket, and there's a comedy club now called Punch Lines, and some other ones, too, I think. It's nice. Club Cosplay is my favorite so far, although they have no club activities. They just stand around in costumes. :) Thank you for the congratulations. I'm glad Wendell was able to make Party Animal look easy. It was not. I'm so over parties that I'm having trouble making myself do just the required five for Pernille, but we'll get there! I swear!

@Caterina Thank you! I think the Ambrosia room shaping up okay, although I'm going to need to find a place to add a bathroom at some point. I send them down there as soon as they get their first notices (not taking any chances) and half the time their bladder needs are in the red.

@Joria Thank you! I love Goopy and Pernille, too. There are much more of their antics coming up!

Chapter 48:  Strangers and Enemies

Wendell:  Soo . . . sugar skulls?

Jasmine:  Oh, so now you want me around, huh? Now that I’ve got something you want?

Wendell:  Well, I’m immortal now, and nobody wants to be mentored in violin at the moment, so . . . yeah. This could be good for a laugh.

Jasmine:  Fine. But I wish you’d take my challenges more seriously.

Wendell:  Well, I wish you wouldn’t hang out in front of my house like a Sims 3 paparazzi, so we both have things we could work on, I guess.

Wendell:  Greetings, scores of dead relatives! Consider yourselves honored!  . . . No? Not enough?  Okay, hang on.

Wendell:  We reallly, super-duper honor you! So much honeration.

Morris:  And honorifics! Those, too! Finger-waving!

Wendell:  I think they like this! It's working!

Wendell:  Hey, there! Nice belt buckle! A plus!

Celebrant:  Oh, thank you! Gosh for a second there I thought you were a stranger or an enemy, but now that I know you’re a fellow belt buckle appreciator I’m so relieved!

Wendell:  Presley! How’s things?  Still hating children? You look great, by the way.

Celebrant Presley Behr:  Wait a minute, are you a stranger or an enemy?

First Celebrant:  No, no. He’s cool. He’s a belt buckle aficionado. I already checked him out.

Presley:  Okay, then.

Pernille:  Oh, no! My future in-laws have found me!

Pernille:  I swear, you guys! I’m going to propose as soon as I get a day off! My intentions are honest!

Pernille:  Ouch. Okay, message received! See you at Thanksgiving, guys!

Pernille:  Soooo . . . I met your folks.

Goopy:  Oh! Shoot! Gosh! I meant to warn you about them. They’re harmless, really, but they can be pretty protective of-

Pernille:  Little Gooper-Pooper?

Goopy:  Oh, man! They told you my baby nickname! This is too embarrassing.

Pernille:  Well, come on over here with me to this sweeping view and let’s see if we can take your mind off of it.

Pernille:  So, you’re probably expecting this, but I have to ask . . .

Goopy:  Oh, beautiful! I’ve been claimed! Concrete proof that I’m yours and nobody else’s. This probably won’t make me any less tense, but for this moment I’m just super pleased and confident.

Pernille:  I’m so excited! Are you excited? Because I’m excited!

Goopy:  Baby, I’m over the moon. And I’ve been over the moon, so you know I know what that really feels like.

Goopy:  Might as well make use of this sweeping view while we’re here!

Pernille:  No arguments from me!

Wendell:  Simultaneous teleportation!  We are getting so good at this.

Arianna:  Yup. Now we just need to work on dress code. I believe I mentioned something to you about those swim trunks last time.

Wendell:  My bad, grandma.

Morris:  *squirms*

Wendell:  So, what do you say? I’ve got wacky pants, you’ve got wacky pants. You believe in honoring the dead, I live in a house teeming with ghosts. We clearly have so much in common. You know you want to give me a sugar skull, right?

Pernille:  Hey, sweetie. It’s a little too late for a wedding, tonight, but I’ve got a flirty whim to go on a date, what do you say?

Goopy:  Are you kidding? I’d love to! Just as soon as we talk about my insecurities for a sec, okay?

Pernille:  Of course. I built in a fifteen minute delay for a pep talk.

Goopy:  You think of everything.

Pernille:  You know, this is the bar where Grandma Arianna and Grampa J had their first date.

Goopy:  Nice. Pedigree.

Goopy:  Whoa! Ghost night, apparently. I wonder if Dennis Kim knows that guy behind him is making fun of him. You’d think he could just look backward through his transparent head. I wonder how ghost eyes work.

Goopy:  I missed you while you were in the bathroom.

Pernille:  You know, honey, this jealousy thing is kind of cute but . . .I’ve been obsessed with you pretty much from the moment I became a teenager. It’s not really necessary. You have nothing to worry about.

Goopy:  Sorry, baby. It’s just who I am. That’s just going to be your cross to bear in this relationship. I require constant reassurance.

Pernille:  Well, I guess that’s not so bad.

Goopy:  Great! Now, also, please refrain from having any friendly conversations with anyone else in the bar or I may become enraged.

Pernille:  Maybe we should sit outside.

Goopy:  I cannot wait to have nooboos with you.

Pernille:  Oh, yeah. With my nose and your jaw, this kid has no choice but to be gorgeous.

Pernille:  Well, that’s gold. Shall we take this party back home?

Goopy:  Yes, please.

Goopy:  Yup! That’s right! Completely satisfied! Brimming with confidence! Goopy Gray is on top of the world!

Pernille:  Oh, thank goodness, because I am essentially already asleep. See you in the morning, darling.

Goopy:  I’ll miss you while you’re asleep!

Pernille:  You’re exhausting. You are so lucky you’re cute.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #201 on: October 24, 2016, 07:09:01 PM »
Wendell is charming the socks off the celebrants, I see.
How brilliant of you to turn Pernille's abduction into a meet & greet with her in-laws!

Jealous Goopy and the way Pernille deals with him are just too adorable! I can't wait to see their nooboos!

By the way, I love Pernille's white and grey outfit; that top with those grey-plaid slacks are Maxis clothes but you've combined them in a new way, coupled with those high-heel boots you seem to like so much!
Congrats on your engagement, Pernille and Goopy! What an absolutely fantastic couple! (I think each couple in your dynasty becomes more wonderful, in fact.)

Did I say that I can't wait to see their nooboos! (may I say it once more, just to be sure?)

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Offline Whirligig

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #202 on: October 24, 2016, 09:29:04 PM »
What a delightful update! I loved the interactions with the Day of the Dead celebrants - that was pretty fun. And Pernille's 'meet the parents,' haha! Don't worry, Gooper-Pooper, your nickname is safe with us.

I loved the engagement, and the date! That Jealous trait should really be renamed to 'clingy', hey? Oh well, it's not all bad, and it is one of the traits that seems to me to give sims a bit more personality.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #203 on: October 26, 2016, 01:02:00 PM »
@oshizu Is is weird that I'm flattered that you've noticed my Sims' style preferences? I really like that outfit of Pernille's, too. I'm experiencing a bit of cc ennui, so it's nice I can still find Maxis content clothing that I really like. Still, I'm incredibly excited for all the new City Living clothing. I've been binging on preview videos and it all looks amazing. Nooboos soon, I promise!

@Whirligig Thank you! I'm having fun writing jealous Goopy, but yes, he's super clingy and almost always low-level tense. He's a lot of work, but I still love him.

Chapter 49:  White Wedding

Arianna:  Okay! Let’s see what this does!

Pernille:  Should I be worried that you’re covered in red dots?

Arianna:  Ummm . . . maybe?

Pernille:  Oh, yeah! Massages are great! I feel like a cartoon princess about to burst into song!

Goopy:  Sul sul, honey!  I know you’re doing your daily writing task, but I wanted to tell you I love you and I missed you while you were at work, and you’re beautiful!

Pernille:  I’m going to have to marry you just to shut you up, huh?

Goopy:  Psssh. Silly pumpkin. That will totally not work.

Pernille:  Good morning. Yes, I’ve finally got a day off so it’s time. Yes, I’m sure. I know, I know he’s a little possessive, but I’m willing to put in the effort to keep him happy and I think we can work it out. Yes, really, okay? Enough! Oh, and no need to send the default dress. I’ve got my own.

Pernille:  Mmmhmm. Custom. That’s how this is going down.

Morris:  A little Alien Juice in honor of the groom . . . .

Pernille:  I think it’s really cute that you wore white, too.

Goopy: I want us to match.

Pernille:  Good thinking.

Goopy:  We should match every day! Then everyone will know we’re together!

Pernille:  You know, let’s focus on the vows for now, okay?

Pernille:  Darn it, Grampa Morris! This was going to be a really nice shot.

Morris:  Hey. Consider yourself lucky. At my wedding, we didn’t even have lights!

Goopy:  My view is wonderful.

Goopy:  Awww. You make the best faces.

Pernille:  You make me make the best faces.

*music swells*

Pernille:  Nice timing on the music, Dad.

Wendell:  You know I’ve got your back, baby girl.

Isla Bjergsen:  You just wait, Pernille Spiffendale! You’ll be sorry for rubbing your happy marriage in my face!

Pernille:  Boy, you really are your mother’s daughter, huh?

Pernille:  Okay, drama’s over. Back to business.

Goopy:  Here comes the tentacle of doom!

Pernille:  Huh. Alien feeding practices are a little different, I guess.

Wendell:  Hey, Devonte! Thanks for coming! Say, I was wondering, do you know what cultural appropriation is?

Devonte Behr:  You’re not referring to me as “Black Sheep.”  Why does that make me nervous?

Wendell:  Come on upstairs to the closet and we’ll talk about it, okay?

Goopy:  *giggles* Are you sure we should be doing this right now?

Pernille:  Family tradition! What could go wrong?

Devonte Behr:  Oh, yeah! This is great! I look amazing!

Wendell:  I’m glad you feel that way, Dave. Also, your name is Dave from here on out.

Dave Behr:  Whatever. Anything beats Black Sheep.

Arianna:  Carry on, children. Awww. You two lovebirds just warm my heart.

Arianna:  Isn’t it beautiful, Sabrina?

Sabrina Rosa:  Yeah. True love. *sigh*

Chi Behr:  So this is where the party’s at, huh?  What are we all doing up here?

Morris:  Oh, just hanging out. Pernille and Goopy are consummating their marriage and I was sharing some cooking tips with this lovely young lady here.

Pernille:  Okay, everybody. I’m going to share the big news with you now. Try and act surprised, okay?

Pernille:  So . . . it worked! We’re pregnant!

Goopy:  But  . . . but . . that means I have to share your love with someone else! What if you love the baby more than me? Oh, what have I done? This is a disaster!

Pernille:  Just think happy thoughts, dear. I have enough love to go around. I promise. Also, you never know. You might love the baby a little bit, too.

Goopy:  I need to go sit in the sauna for awhile.

Jasmine:  I’ll teach him to call me a paparazzi! See? I’m in a park all the way across the street! Totally not creepy. Just hanging out by the picnic tables at midnight like any normal person.

Pernille:  Guess what, Grampa Lucien! You’re going to be a great-grampa!

Lucien:  Well, that’s kind of you, Pernille. I certainly intend to do my best.

Pernille:  No, not a grampa who’s great, a great . . . you know what, never mind.

Wendell:  The skellephone! Get it?

Celebrant Bailey:  I don’t get it.

Other Celebrant:  I get it. It’s just not funny.

Wendell:  Okay, hang on. I’ve got at least fifty more. We’ll get there! Are you guys into pumpkin jokes, or is that not really your deal?

Wendell:  YES! KAPOW! My very own awesome belt buckle!

Morris:  You know, I think Jasmine Holiday might be right about you. You’re clearly not treating this situation with enough reverence.

Wendell:  But look at my cool smoke cloud! Wooooooo!

Morris: . . . .

Wendell:  Come on! Be impressed! This might be the last impressive thing I do for the rest of my immortality!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #204 on: October 26, 2016, 01:24:43 PM »
What a gorgeous bride and groom! I'd like to say more, but adjectives are failing me now. Pernille of course looks incredible in that bridal gown (a side effect of your cc ennui?).
And Goopy matching in white looks very dapper indeed. Since when could we choose our own wedding outfits?

The beauty of the wedding is matched in hilarity by the crowd in their bedroom. I love Morris' blase quip about sharing cooking tips during the marital consummation.
Only chez Spiffendales!

When Pernille is talking to Lucien, is she wearing new PJs? That outfit is soooo cute with the little foxies; and it appropriately hints at her growing baby bump.
Wendell's "cultural appropriation" interlude made me laugh! I'm glad he convinced Black Sheep to lose those blond dreads!

Wendell as celebrant! His shades and nose were made for the Day of the Dead's facial make-up! I love Morris--he's so unenthusiastic about anything that isn't his own jam, hahaha.

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #205 on: October 26, 2016, 01:32:32 PM »
Gooper Pooper?  OMG let the laughter begin.  Great wedding and hilarious wedding night.  How did you wind up with all those people there, sitting on the bed no less.  Total crack up once again.  Pernille does not disappoint.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #206 on: October 26, 2016, 01:57:21 PM »
Aaaand... I'm finished :-) only took about 4 days (would have been quicker but yeah, work)

This is •words fail• You're right up there with some of my favourite writers like Blamsart, Livvielove, mpart, oshizu, Trip, Ricalynn, Pam and and and wwwaaaaayyyyy too many others in this forum to mention them all by name (but y'all know who y'all are!)

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who was reading Ullal with Pepe's voice lol but, it just totally fit!

Well done on getting this far, and in another 49 chapters I'll be congratulating you for finishing! (Don't worry, I touched wood like a crazy after that)

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Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #207 on: October 26, 2016, 05:50:16 PM »
I would like to be the first to second what Joria said.  Pernille's dress was beautiful.  I liked Goopy's matching white suit.  I love the way you are writing his Jealousy trait.  Lovely update.

Offline Whirligig

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #208 on: October 27, 2016, 12:00:04 AM »
Yay, a wedding! And yay, nooboos! I think this is my favourite part as a play and a writer - finding a partner and introducing the next generation. All the in-between is just, well, in-between.

That is a beautiful dress! I'm usually a CC hoarder, so I'm trying to play my ID with *none* but I do feel that we're limited with our bridalwear selection.

Goopy:  We should match every day! Then everyone will know we’re together!
::) Typical.

Wow, did Pernille and Goopy feel like the royals of olde, when an audience gathered in order to ensure the marriage had been aptly consummated? *shudders* Talk about a terrible honeymoon.

But yay for nooboos!

Congratulations to Wendell on finishing the skull collection! I hope the belt buckle was worth it. ;)

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #209 on: October 28, 2016, 07:10:25 PM »
Hey, friends! Photobucket is apparently still suffering from the attacks earlier this week and won't cough up my photos, so no update today. But I wanted to reply to your comments because they were just really sweet, so let's just chat!

@oshizu Thank you! The dress was one of the last cc things I downloaded before I was like, "Oh, forget it! I'm over all this." One of my favorite skins just got updated, though, so I've dipped my toes back into the cc pool and . . .yeah.
The afterparty in Pernille and Goopy's bedroom was a glitchy nightmare. They just . . . stayed under the covers. For hours. People kept wandering in, and I would try to boot them out and lock the door, but somebody else would stop by too quickly, and eventually I just gave up and everyone settled in and had a lovely time. Sims!
Pernille's pjs are pretty new. They're my favorite right now. I feel like the game needs a "Master Suite" style stuff pack, just because I desperately want more pajama options. These have a lot of cute prints and are tiding me over.
I'm very glad you liked the cultural appropriation interlude. That had been bugging me for awhile. :)
I agree that Wendell's face is perfect for celebrant makeup. He's so awesome!
Oh, and we can't choose the wedding outfits. I just made Pernille an extra formalwear and changed her into it. Goopy, I think, failed to change into the default tux, so I did him manually as well, and they matched and it just fit. :)

@Joria Thank you! Honestly, I was desperately trying to get them all out of there. On my own sims I did about a thousand "go here"s and when NPCs started to go in I started conversations with them and did another thousand "chat here"s, but the situation just kept getting worse no matter what I did so I just threw up my hands and embraced the chaos. No embarrassed moodlets, though, so I guess that's a win.  :P

@Magpie2012 Hey!!! Welcome! What an amazing compliment. I'm honestly doing a little Kermit the Frog arm flail over here. Being grouped up with so many other great storytellers makes me blush. I also just really love it when people whose stories I like start reading mine, so hooray and thank you!
Thank you also for touching wood. I really hope I can pull this one off. I'm so attached to the family I don't know how I'd ever be able to start over. I'm afraid it's going to be more like 149 more chapters, though. I'm getting pretty screenshot-happy. :)

@Caterina Thank you so much! The jealousy trait does make for some good storylines, but poor Goopy! He's always, always tense.

@Whirligig Oh, gosh. Me too. The spouse-hunting and courtship is my favorite. It's getting a little ridiculous. I have spouses picked out before the teen years even hit now.
I really want to keep my cc limited but it's a constant struggle. Once you start . . . yeah.
That's a very good idea, making it more of a royalty tradition than just an abominably inappropriate wedding reception. Next time I am definitely locking the doors beforehand.
Oh, and yes, I think the belt buckle was 100% worth it. He didn't keep this outfit on for days and days like he does with some of the costumes, but he seemed pretty pleased with himself. :)

