@oshizu Thank you! I have to agree about Wendell. He is the coolest. No one else comes close. Morris is so good at being nonchalant that I hadn't even noticed his PJs! Watch out for next time, Morris! I've got my eye on you.
@Whirligig Cosplay was game-generated. A bunch of other clubs have generated, too. I think they had that built in for when the original clubs die out. There's the science-y Covalent Bonds who helped with the rocket, and there's a comedy club now called Punch Lines, and some other ones, too, I think. It's nice. Club Cosplay is my favorite so far, although they have no club activities. They just stand around in costumes.

Thank you for the congratulations. I'm glad Wendell was able to make Party Animal look easy. It was not. I'm so over parties that I'm having trouble making myself do just the required five for Pernille, but we'll get there! I swear!
@Caterina Thank you! I think the Ambrosia room shaping up okay, although I'm going to need to find a place to add a bathroom at some point. I send them down there as soon as they get their first notices (not taking any chances) and half the time their bladder needs are in the red.
@Joria Thank you! I love Goopy and Pernille, too. There are much more of their antics coming up!
Chapter 48: Strangers and Enemies
Wendell: Soo . . . sugar skulls?
Jasmine: Oh, so now you want me around, huh? Now that I’ve got something you want?
Wendell: Well, I’m immortal now, and nobody wants to be mentored in violin at the moment, so . . . yeah. This could be good for a laugh.
Jasmine: Fine. But I wish you’d take my challenges more seriously.
Wendell: Well, I wish you wouldn’t hang out in front of my house like a Sims 3 paparazzi, so we both have things we could work on, I guess.

Wendell: Greetings, scores of dead relatives! Consider yourselves honored! . . . No? Not enough? Okay, hang on.

Wendell: We reallly, super-duper honor you! So much honeration.
Morris: And honorifics! Those, too! Finger-waving!
Wendell: I think they like this! It's working!

Wendell: Hey, there! Nice belt buckle! A plus!
Celebrant: Oh, thank you! Gosh for a second there I thought you were a stranger or an enemy, but now that I know you’re a fellow belt buckle appreciator I’m so relieved!

Wendell: Presley! How’s things? Still hating children? You look great, by the way.
Celebrant Presley Behr: Wait a minute, are you a stranger or an enemy?
First Celebrant: No, no. He’s cool. He’s a belt buckle aficionado. I already checked him out.
Presley: Okay, then.

Pernille: Oh, no! My future in-laws have found me!

Pernille: I swear, you guys! I’m going to propose as soon as I get a day off! My intentions are honest!

Pernille: Ouch. Okay, message received! See you at Thanksgiving, guys!

Pernille: Soooo . . . I met your folks.
Goopy: Oh! Shoot! Gosh! I meant to warn you about them. They’re harmless, really, but they can be pretty protective of-
Pernille: Little Gooper-Pooper?
Goopy: Oh, man! They told you my baby nickname! This is too embarrassing.

Pernille: Well, come on over here with me to this sweeping view and let’s see if we can take your mind off of it.

Pernille: So, you’re probably expecting this, but I have to ask . . .

Goopy: Oh, beautiful! I’ve been claimed! Concrete proof that I’m yours and nobody else’s. This probably won’t make me any less tense, but for this moment I’m just super pleased and confident.

Pernille: I’m so excited! Are you excited? Because I’m excited!
Goopy: Baby, I’m over the moon. And I’ve been over the moon, so you know I know what that really feels like.

Goopy: Might as well make use of this sweeping view while we’re here!
Pernille: No arguments from me!

Wendell: Simultaneous teleportation! We are getting so good at this.
Arianna: Yup. Now we just need to work on dress code. I believe I mentioned something to you about those swim trunks last time.
Wendell: My bad, grandma.
Morris: *squirms*

Wendell: So, what do you say? I’ve got wacky pants, you’ve got wacky pants. You believe in honoring the dead, I live in a house teeming with ghosts. We clearly have so much in common. You know you want to give me a sugar skull, right?

Pernille: Hey, sweetie. It’s a little too late for a wedding, tonight, but I’ve got a flirty whim to go on a date, what do you say?
Goopy: Are you kidding? I’d love to! Just as soon as we talk about my insecurities for a sec, okay?
Pernille: Of course. I built in a fifteen minute delay for a pep talk.
Goopy: You think of everything.

Pernille: You know, this is the bar where Grandma Arianna and Grampa J had their first date.
Goopy: Nice. Pedigree.

Goopy: Whoa! Ghost night, apparently. I wonder if Dennis Kim knows that guy behind him is making fun of him. You’d think he could just look backward through his transparent head. I wonder how ghost eyes work.

Goopy: I missed you while you were in the bathroom.
Pernille: You know, honey, this jealousy thing is kind of cute but . . .I’ve been obsessed with you pretty much from the moment I became a teenager. It’s not really necessary. You have nothing to worry about.
Goopy: Sorry, baby. It’s just who I am. That’s just going to be your cross to bear in this relationship. I require constant reassurance.

Pernille: Well, I guess that’s not so bad.
Goopy: Great! Now, also, please refrain from having any friendly conversations with anyone else in the bar or I may become enraged.
Pernille: Maybe we should sit outside.

Goopy: I cannot wait to have nooboos with you.
Pernille: Oh, yeah. With my nose and your jaw, this kid has no choice but to be gorgeous.

Pernille: Well, that’s gold. Shall we take this party back home?
Goopy: Yes, please.

Goopy: Yup! That’s right! Completely satisfied! Brimming with confidence! Goopy Gray is on top of the world!
Pernille: Oh, thank goodness, because I am essentially already asleep. See you in the morning, darling.
Goopy: I’ll miss you while you’re asleep!
Pernille: You’re exhausting. You are so lucky you’re cute.