@oshizu I do enjoy the waterslide. Much more interesting that forcing everyone to meditate, although I had to put it back in storage for somebody's wedding and now the punishment for errant sims doing things I don't like is being forced to take a treat from the spooky candy bowl.

I'm glad you enjoy Morris' snobbery. He's really coming into his own as a snooty old man.
Oh, the trophies! Let's not speak of it. :/
Pernille actually has quite a lot of friends because of her childhood club, although she spends zero time with them lately and turns down every single invitation to hang out. She's very driven.
I think Goopy's rockstar alien look is a cc thing. Pretty much all of my aliens have that hair and those sunglasses. He does look pretty awesome, though.
@MarianT I'm sure you're fine. The Oxford comma is really a matter of personal preference, but I thought the lack of a hard and fast rule would really rankle poor Pernille and provide a good metaphor.

Don't take my advice on commas, though. I shamelessly overuse them and have to go back through my posts and delete about half of them every time.
@Whirligig The water slides come with Backyard Stuff. It's a fun little pack, but probably not essential. Dine Out, on the other hand, is one of my favorites. It's buggy at the moment, but still really, really fun and the experimental dishes are delightful.
Chapter 46: Hug It Out
Wendell: Psssh. Space Madness. Who’s got space madness, now? Is it the guy on an alien planet with no spacesuit? . . . . .Oh, wait. It might be. I’d better get that checked out when I get home.

Wendell: Well, that was a total bust. Time to head home. Tomorrow is another day full of not building a rocket!

Goopy: Woo! Partaaaaay!
Ullal: I’m actually quite weary after a day of pollinating, is this nightclub thing the best of ideas right now?
Arianna: Honestly, we’ve been having amazing luck with bartenders lately. Last time somebody invited us out we met Goopy, so we’re trying not to turn down any invitations for awhile. You never know what might happen!

Goopy: *pouts* Gosh . . . everyone looks so happy.

Pernille: Hey, Goopy. You look kind of down. Is everything okay?
Goopy: Oh, gosh. Sorry, Pernille. I didn’t mean to be such a party pooper. You go have a good time.
Pernille: No, no. Don’t worry about it. Is something up, though?

Goopy: Oh, it’s just . . . seeing all those happy couples out there on the dance floor . . . it’s just a reminder that I don’t have anyone special in my life right now and . . . I can’t help but feel jealous. Totally pathetic, right? You must think I’m such a loser.
Pernille: Oh! Gosh! No! Hey, come here! Give me a hug! And another hug!

Pernille: Listen, you are an amazing guy. Really. You’re handsome and charming and sensitive and really it’s just a matter of time before someone comes along and snaps you up and treasures you forever. Why I bet someone you already know is just waiting for the right moment to tell you how she feels.
Goopy: You think so?
Pernille: I know so. And no, Ghost of Nancy Landgraab, I am not referring to you, so don’t even think about it. And hey, in the meantime, don’t forget that you have lots of friends who care about you deeply and are always willing to give you as many hugs as you need.

Goopy: Oh! Oh, gosh. Well, that is so sweet. You know, I might actually be good on hugs for the time being.
Pernille: No arguments! Bring it in. You’re a seriously huggable guy and I don’t want you to ever doubt that.
Goopy: Awww. Thanks, Pernille. I feel so much better.
Pernille: Anytime. I’m serious. You smell like a deep mountain forest. I would pay good money to hug you.
Goopy: Thank . . you?

Lucas Behr: Lucas and the Snoozers. Definitely my new band name.

Pernille: His . . neck . . smelled . . like . . a . . deep . . mountain . . .forest. Oh, man. So much to write about! This one is going to sell like hotcakes!

Wendell: So, my good bros . . . welcome to the bro lunch. Just making sure we’re all good friends leading up to the big day. You enjoying your . . . whatever that’s supposed to be?
Moshe Capriciossa: Totally! I think I might even be able to identify one or two of the ingredients.
Chi Behr: You’re doing better than me, man.

Morris: Oh, my beloved Chez Llama. Your charm and beauty is wasted on these youthful ingrates!

Wendell: Oh hey my little Fyres! Lookin’ sharp! You want to help an old dog achieve immortality?
Emiliano Fyres: Sure, dude! I’m not going to make it into the history books any other way, right?
Pernille: I know I’m too young to be drinking Granny Smashes, but just look at him! He’s sitting right there shirtless, smelling of woodsmoke and eating a salad. I mean, honestly, anyone with a pulse would be driven to drink!

Wendell: Okay! Say, “I just met this guy, but he totally rules!”
Emiliano: How about, “cheese?” Could we just say, “Cheese?”
Wendell: Whatever. We’re good friends now. See you around!

Wendell: You know, Kitten, I’m really proud of you. One aspiration down, and just a few bucks left in royalties to earn for Fabulously Wealthy. All skills maxed. Only a couple of whims to go. And you did it all while dancing around your crazy Dad’s party antics and your crazy Grandma’s matchmaking antics. You're quite a phenomenon, you know that?
Pernille: Oh, thanks, Dad! That honestly means a lot to me.
Wendell: I mean it, pumpkin. Okay, you all ready to head out to Chi’s birthday?
Pernille: Seriously? Another party?
Wendell: Well, Chi’s my best bud, honey, and like I just said, you’ve pretty much got everything in the bag, so . . .
Pernille: Oh, okay.

Arianna: Happy birthday, Chi! Man, I remember when you and Wendell were just little guys doing puppet shows in your sunglasses.
Chi: Yeah, those were the days.

Kristen: Yeesh. Old Man dancing is depressing.
Layla: You said it. I hope I never get old.
Kristen: Well, we’ve both spent most of our adult lives pregnant, so we can at least put it off for a bit longer.
Morris: Ladies, your jealousy is unbecoming. I have clearly got the moves.

Wendell: Man, it’s too bad Always Welcome is a unique reward for me. I’m the only one who can make cakes without getting kicked out. Chi deserves something a little more fantastic for his last birthday.
Mallory: Oh, man. There’s only one bathroom in this place, isn’t there?

Pernille: Toooooo yooooooooooou!
Chi: Ow, that hurt! Well, at least I still have cool hair.

Ullal: Pernille, my young friend. You are really growing up into a fine young lady.
Pernille: Well, what can I say? Good genes, good mentors, lots of yoga. Yeah, I’m turning out all right.

Gary Behr: Muahahahahha. One bathroom. Lots of partygoers. Lots of drinks. The perfect time for me to settle into the bathtub fully clothed with a couple of cucumbers on my eyes. Oh yeah. It’s Gary Time, suckers.

Mallory: Oh, hey, random baby. You sure are cute. Almost takes my mind off my extraordinarily full bladder.

Arianna: Oh, gosh! Ullal! Already!
Ullal: Yes, my time with your was brief but precious. I have left my mark and I am satisfied. A man cannot ask for more. Please, for my sake, take care of your beautiful self and your beautiful family. Now, I must rest.

Mallory: Wow. What a guy.
Arianna: Yup, handsome even in death.
Morris: Oh, Ullal! I resented you, but . . . I’m so sad that you’re gone!
Pernille: Oh, hey! I’m sad! I still need a sad whim! Quick! Where’s my phone?

Pernille: Hello, Sadness hotline? Yes, I’m standing over the body of my dead friend and . . . yes, directly over it. I’m kind of in between his arms and his legs. Well, don’t sound so shocked! I needed to make sure the sadness didn’t get overpowered by any other moodlets and . . . yes, I’ll hold.