Author Topic: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty [COMPLETE]  (Read 262022 times)

Offline Caterina

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #90 on: August 05, 2016, 01:55:11 PM »
Very interesting update!  The house you built reminded me of the Sims 3 Life States Dynasty.  I built a themed section of the house for each life state with the façade and interior decorated to match their life state.  I can't wait to see what waits for them inside and at the other gate.

Offline laurenannie

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #91 on: August 07, 2016, 02:19:42 PM »
I just caught up and I'm loving it. "Team Pancakes!" made me lol :)

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Offline Joria

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #92 on: August 07, 2016, 05:28:41 PM »
That house is definitely one of the things that makes you go hmmmmm?  Spooky looking chapter.  So, is she taking a peek at the after life?
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #93 on: August 10, 2016, 02:22:06 PM »
@oshizu Eduardo in the costume cracked me up, too.  I'm glad you like my attempt at a suspenseful chapter! I'm not sure if we'll go back to the Huntington Estates before the end. I'd like to, but I'll have to think of an excuse.

@Caterina Oh yeah! The Life States Dynasty! That's a cool one. I started one but never finished. I hope we get enough life states in Sims 4 to make a version of that possible in this game.

@laurenannie Thank you for reading! I'm so glad you like it. Team Pancakes is still going strong. Bob's jawline is one of the most persistent genetic traits I have ever seen!

@Joria Oh, good! I was going for spooky! I definitely overused the wall and floor coverings from the Spooky Stuff pack. I was surprised how few actually black options there are for walls and floors and such. I don't know about taking a peek at the afterlife, but Arianna is definitely taking a peek at life after the dynasty. I'm still trying to get a peek at that, myself. I have high hopes for this one, but I'm still only at Generation 3. I really hope I make it!

Chapter 19:  Waiting for Lucien

Mallory:  *sings* Lonleeeey, I’m so lonelyyyyyy. I’ve got noboooodyyyyy to ca-all my oooown . . .See you in a bit, Gram, I’m going to go cry in the closet.

Arianna:  Whoa! Wait, what?

Betty:  Hey! Hey, Paolo! I did it! I’m a Concert Pianist!

Paolo:  Right on!

Betty:  And now back to my real passion, with an axe worthy of “Pancake Girl.”

Mallory:  Now that’s what I call a masterpiece! *sigh* Well, that's it for the day's required painting. *sings* All byyy myyyyse-e-elf . . .

Arianna: So, do I interfere like an old busybody, or do I let my granddaughter sort this out on her own?

Betty:  So then a guy’s cell phone rang in the front row and I played along with the tune on the piano until he answered it. It was so funny. I mean, who says classical musicians have to be stodgy?

Morris:  Good on you, honey!

Eduardo:  Half full? Half empty? I’m gonna call this particular glass of water half awesome. Half awesome, and half sexy. I call it, “The Eduardo.”

Mallory:  Dark times, dark thoughts, dark paintings. Man, I need a vacation or something.

Eduardo:  Whew! I am not as young as I used to be!

Morgan:  I am! Let’s do that again!

Don: Darn kid thinks he’s going to show up old Don, huh? Breaking my record. Well, I got news for him, there’s only one Don Lothario. I am a legend, and he is just a cute guy in a loose towel.

Arianna:  Oh, relax, Don. We all know you’re the original. So he’s got more kids. Who cares? That darn Haas woman has had at least four boys, and if Jade Rosa’s baby is a boy, then that’s it for Partihaus; they’re all full.

Don:  That’s right! Quality over quantity! Young upstart!

Yuki:  Maaike, you’d better change the station back. You know Pop is the official station of Handymen Anonymous.

Maaike:  I can’t help it. I just prefer alternative.

Yuki:  Okay, but if the old lady catches you, you’re out!

Mallory:  Ah, lavender. The loneliest bathtime scent.

Arianna:  So, Ashlynn, how’s the family?

Ashlynn:  Oh, not bad. My brother’s going through a bit of a rebellious phase, though, and he and Mom are at each other’s throats. I’ll be relieved when he ages up and moves out.

Arianna:  Oh, really?

Lucien:  Guess who?

Mallory:  Oh, my gosh! It’s so good to see you! Did you age up? I mean, I know you didn’t. I’ve been checking my relationship panel pretty obsessively. I mean, in a not-creepy way.

Lucien:  Of course.

Mallory:  Right. But . . . .how?

Lucien:  Your grandma talked to my sister and worked out an arrangement. Seems somebody around here was missing me pretty badly and couldn’t even wait the one day until I become a young adult for me to move in.

Mallory:  Gosh, really? Must have been my Dad. He really likes you.

Lucien:  Mmmhmm. ‘Scuse me a sec while I hit the dresser.

Lucien:  New shades, new day, new life. All right.

Lucien:  Arianna, much as I appreciate this fine tutoring session, I must say, it’s not going to make much of a difference. My birthday is tomorrow.

Arianna:  You may call me Ma’am or Madam Founder, and as long as you live under this roof you will do your homework, okay Mr. Coolguy?

Lucien:  Ummm . . . yeah, for sure Madam Founder.

Mallory:  Yeah, should have warned you about her, Lucien. Sorry.

Lucien:  That’s Mr. Coolguy to you.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #94 on: August 10, 2016, 02:53:33 PM »
What a hilarious chapter! At first, I couldn't remember why Mallory was so blue then I remembered that Lucien was a bit younger. Awwww.
I practically fell off my chair at Eduardo and "The Eduardo"!  I don't know, though, I'm pretty sure that drink needs to be 200% so it can be all awesome and all sexy, lol.
Poor Don, feeling surpassed and outdone! And whoa, he's even in an Angry mood!

Fantastic idea with the Handymen Anonymous Club! I wonder if a sim could also be persuaded to watch Kids Network using the Watch TV interaction...
Lately, I've been wondering if pregnant sims would eat strawberries if my sim used a SimRay (Mind Control: Eat) on her in a locked room.

Woot woot, Mr. CoolGuy moved in! I hear wedding bells and the pitterpatter of little feet in Mallory's future!

Offline Caterina

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #95 on: August 10, 2016, 04:55:16 PM »
Very funny update!  You do a very nice job with the personalities and the relationships of your sims.  I have so much admiration for all of the writers on this forum.

Offline Joria

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #96 on: August 11, 2016, 03:43:15 PM »
Hilarious!  The "Eduardo" really had me goin' although Madame Founder and Mr. Cool Guy definitely put the frosting on the humor cake.  Loved this update.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #97 on: August 12, 2016, 04:27:30 AM »
Hehe, I approve of Lucien. He just rolls with Dynasty craziness and bossy founders; it's a good skill to have in a household!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #98 on: August 12, 2016, 03:17:45 PM »
@oshizu That is brilliant! Mind control and a locked room might just work. I'm keeping away from active careers in this Dynasty, but the Scientist career is just so useful. I might have to make an exception.

@Caterina Thank you! This is very nice to hear because I'm always worried that all my sims sound the same. Making them distinct is a challenge, especially over so many generations. I admire the writers on this forum, too, you very much included!

@Joria Thank you! I debated whether or not to even include "The Eduardo" screenshot, since it doesn't exactly advance the plot, but now I'm really glad I did. It cracked me up, too. Eduardo makes the best faces. I have a shot of him eating tacos that I couldn't justify including, but now I may have to come up with a reason to work it in somewhere. :)

@Curveball I agree! I like Lucien a lot, and being able to roll with craziness is a vital quality in a dynasty spouse!

Chapter 20:  Wasting No Time

Betty:  Ow! Man! Forgotten birthday and back pains, too? Double ouch.

Betty:  Fruit salad is the saddest salad. Not even any dressing.

Betty:  That cheers me up. Thanks, honey.

Morris:  Hey, it’s never too late. It was in my wedding vows, after all.

Betty:  You vowed to vow. Lol.

Morgan:  Yikes! That looks painful. Gross.

Yuki:  This is going to be you in about 24 hours, so you could try and be a little more sympathetic.

Morgan:  Ugh. I’d rather listen to Pop music some more.

Yuki:  You know what they say about Karma . . .

Lucien:  All right. Down to business. No more school, no more books. Well, except for the million or so books I’m going to start writing right now.

Lucien:  Shame this cool costume didn’t come with sunglasses. Oh, well, lights out!

Lucien:  Didn’t think it was possible, but yup, I have actually become even cooler.

Mallory: (in costume) Did it happen? Did I miss it? Okay, too excited. Way too excited. Better go calm down somewhere.

Lucien:  Ah, blessed solitude. Cake in a bathroom. My perfect birthday.

Lucien:  So, it’s like all a conspiracy, right? The government and stuff!

Darth Lucas Munch:  Yeah, you should probably switch to Bestselling Author. Chief of Mischief just doesn’t suit you, man.

Lucien:  Yeah, you’re right. It was worth a shot, though.

Luna:  Well, hello mysterious stranger. What an enchanting mask.

Eduardo:  Well, hey, if you dig anonymity, I have got a club that’s right up your alley.

Lucien:  So hey.

Mallory:  *blushes* Hey.

Lucien:  I like you jammies.

Mallory:  *blushes deeper* Thanks.

Lucien: Do you . . . like my jammies?

Mallory:  I really, really like your jammies.

Mallory:  Would you and your jammies like to marry me?

Lucien:  Indeed we would.

Lucien:  Do you like my swimming suit?

Mallory:  I’m actually kind of confused by your swimming suit.

Lucien:  You and me both, sweetie. You and me both.

Mallory:  Hey! I can see you! We finally bought lights!

Lucien:  Yeah, a lot of them. I sort of wish I’d kept my sunglasses on for this. *squints*

Lucien:  Are you cringing because you are embarrassed by the sweetness and sincerity of my vows or because Maaike is loudly going into labor over there?

Mallory:  Mostly because I forgot to ask Eduardo to cancel his club meeting. There are just a lot of casually dressed pregnant ladies here.

Mallory:  Oh well, at least we get to be married in a minute here.

Lucien:  Wait for it . . .


Lucien:  Hey, isn’t that the mailman? He's kind of hot when he's not wearing his uniform.

Mallory:  I can’t understand you with cake in your mouth.

Lucien:  Mmmmwah!

Mallory:  Teehee!

Maaike:  It’s cool guys. Just flirt right over me like I’m not here, having a baby in your kitchen.

Lucien:  Honey, let’s take this upstairs.

Mallory:  In Eduardo’s bed? Really?

Lucien:  Sssssh.

Mallory:  And . . . . yes! Two confettis in one day!

Mallory:  Wait, so you’re not happy about the nooboo?

Lucien:  I think it just kind of hit me that I was a teenager yesterday and now I’m suddenly a married father-to-be. It's a bit of a head rush.

Mallory:  Hey, I’d been waiting for you for over a week. We don’t waste time around here.

Lucien:  All right. I can dig it.

Morris:  Okay, okay . . . I feel this. I'm not to old to get down a little bit.

Morris:  And . . .pop!

Offline Joria

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #99 on: August 12, 2016, 04:17:55 PM »
All I've gotta say is it is really a good thing I went to the bathroom before reading this or I would have totally peed myself.  The final bit of Morris, "and....pop"  was just too much, but the entire thing.  The jammies.  The hot tub!  You are a riot!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #100 on: August 12, 2016, 06:19:51 PM »
I agree with Joria. This chapter had me laughing like a crazy person. Sooo many fantastic quips!

Mallory looking so hyped up at Lucien's hotness in the Han Solo costume and Lucien's notion of the perfect birthday was a hoot.
Darth Lucas advising Lucien to stay with Bestselling Author cracked me up, too. Lucas is such a boring sim--how would he eve know!?
In the shot of Eduardo chatting up Luna, I initially thought he was wearing that reddish-pink flower over his ear/mask.
The entire Do you like my jammies/swimsuit dialogue  LOL

Way to move fast, Mallory! You are now an honest woman with Gen3 on the way!

P.S. Please don't leave out your screenshots that don't advance the plot. If we only keep advancing plot, we'd only be showing skilling, career promotions, courtship, woohoo, and childcare.
Personally, I tend to veer toward "and now I've completed X achievement," but I'm trying harder to keep the legacy stuff in the background.
P.P.S. I hope Morris didn't slip a disc...

Offline laurenannie

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #101 on: August 13, 2016, 03:05:10 PM »
Poor Maaike! She's bringing new life into the world, and Lucien and Mallory act like they can't even see her. ;)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #102 on: August 15, 2016, 03:55:49 PM »
@Joria Thank you! Morris breaking it down was just too good. I had to include it!

@oshizu :) I think Morris is okay, but I'm stepping up his yoga just in case. He's not as fit as he used to be, poor fella.

@laurenannie I know! Poor Maaike! She had a rough day. She got her revenge, though. It was another boy. That girl gives me nothing but trouble!

Chapter 21:  Nesting

Eduardo:  Tacos for breakfast, am I right?  Yeah, I know there's nobody else in the room. Don't be coy. You know who I'm talking to. We have many computers in this house. It was only a matter of time before I found the forum. Write nice things about me and later I might eat a steak.

Mallory:  Okay, I know there’s a carrot in my hand. I’m just going to move my hand towards my mouth and have faith that everything goes as planned despite the way things look.

Mallory:  Self-portrait for posterity. Might as well get one more thing done before putting this dress away forever.

Mallory:  Well, I’ll say one thing for this artist’s smock. It does cover the baby bump.

Mallory:  Dad, are you sure Amygdelights are safe to drink during pregnancy?

Morris:  Well, I mean, no more or less safe than usual.

Mallory:  Okaaaay .. . ?

Mallory:  Must. Play. Chess. Must. Ignore. Bladder.

Morris:  You sure you’re okay with this?

Betty:  Morris, it’s ancient history, and we need another household member to prevent twins. She’s the natural choice. Call her.

Morris:  Okay, then. Here goes.

Betty:  So what do you think, Gemma?  You’ve always been a dear friend to this family, but I know you’ve got a family of your own . . .

Gemma:  Well, as it happens, my daughter didn’t have the same luck I did with traits. To be honest, she’s evil, and well . . . I think we’ll get along much better if there’s some distance between us.

Morris:  Fantastic! Welcome aboard!

Morris:  Hey. Nice makeover. Very classy.

Gemma:  Thank you, Morris. It does feel nice to freshen up my look a bit.

Lucien:  Wow. There’s totally a baby in there, isn’t there?

Mallory:  Yup. A feisty one.

Lucien:  Fishing. Not a bad way to pass time while we wait for the baby.

Mallory:  Nice. Not a bad way to stock up on ambrosia supplies, either.

Lucien:  Go, Mallory, Go! Rally those Troops! Fill those needs! Catch those fish!

Mallory:  I appreciate your support, even if I cannot presently turn my head to acknowledge it.

Mallory:  Ugh. Nesting is the worst.

Mallory:  Hey hey. First hospital birth of the dynasty. Woo.

Lucien:  I don’t know where I am! I don’t know what’s going on! I have a strange urge to go play computer games on inappropriate computers and make a pot of coffee! Why?

Doctor:  Aren’t you excited? You’re going to be a mommy!

Mallory:  It’s really hard to have any kind of emotion at all while strapped into this contraption. I’ll probably be excited in a minute or two.

Mallory:  Welcome to the world, Wendell Spiffendale. Congratulations on being the first baby to be photographed in the entire dynasty. I love you, sugar.

Morris:  Grampa Morris holds you first, doo dah, doo dah. He’s the best and everyone else is the worst, oh the doo dah day!

J:  Hey Mal, what’s up? You just getting back from someplace?

Mallory:  Oh, my gosh! Grampa J! What perfect timing! I just had a baby!

J:  No way! For real?

Mallory: And then these giant forceps came in and just ripped the baby right out of my body!

J:  Oh, the horror!

Mallory:  I’ve missed you, Grampa J.

J:  Same here, kitten. I’m glad I could stop by and see how great you’re doing.

Mallory:  Thanks. You should come in and meet the baby!

J:  Will do. Just need to check in on your Grandma for a second first.

Arianna: It’s so good to see you.

J:  It’s good to be seen!

Arianna:  Whew! Been holding onto that whim for awhile.

J:  Worth it!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #103 on: August 15, 2016, 04:34:34 PM »
Mallory looks so hot in those jeans, even while she's pregnant!
Welcome to the Spiffendale Dynasty, Wendell!

Haha Grandpa Morris filling poor Wendell's little head with biased drivel!
Does Lucien like being a father!

I really adore how J is always stopping by!!! How do you achieve that? Is his urn out in the house somewhere?
And I always get a big kick to see how crazy Arianna and J still are for each other. Such a fantastic couple!

Took me a while to figure out how Mallory was painting a self-portrait. What a genius idea to stand near a mirror! I'm so impressed!

Eduardo, you sizzle even when you are merely eating a taco in your workout clothes! *throws a $20 bill at Eduardo
Oops, he's a handyman not a dancer, right?

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #104 on: August 17, 2016, 07:58:36 PM »
@oshizu Thank you! I'm sure Mallory is very flattered. I love that outfit, too. I try to give everybody a revamp every time they have a birthday, just to mark the passage of time and keep things interesting, but I was sorry to see that particular getup go.

Lucien is a good daddy. I should have a couple of pictures of that coming up in the next chapter.

The house is totally ghost central. Usually three of them come out on any given night, and the only one that's been culled so far is Gonzalo the random hipster musician.  J is actually at my beck and call because he called up and asked to join one of the household's clubs. I couldn't invite him, but he invited himself, and now we get to see him whenever there's a gathering. It's great!

I was so happy the mirror self-portrait worked! I tried to do it for Eliza in Gen 1, but I was playing on a laptop with lower graphics settings then, and it was a total failure. No reflection at all. Hooray for upgrading!

Eduardo accepts tips for all of his talents! :)

Chapter 22:  Cool Guys

Morris:  Oh! Ow! I remember how that feels.

Eduardo:  Ow! Oh well, at least you remembered to bake me a cake this time.

Lucien:  Daddy loves you, little dude. You are going to have the awesomest life possible.

Eduardo:  Gemma, darling, you’re as lovely as ever.

Gemma:  Oh, Eduardo. It’s been years, but you’re still a charmer.

Eduardo:  A rose for a rose?

Gemma:  I know I shouldn’t fall for this again, but . . .

Gemma:  Oh, what the heck!

Eduardo:  Well, you’ve certainly got a spring in your step!

Gemma:  You put it there, old man!

Gemma:  Are you . . . . is that what I think it is?

Eduardo:  I really hope I can get back up from this position.

Gemma:  You want to do this right now?

Eduardo:  Hey, clock’s ticking!

Lucien:  Mmmm. Baby heads smell amazing. I’m going to miss this smell. Not so much the other smells you made, but this one is really stellar.

Obligatory Child/Parents-as-Children Comparison Collage:

Arianna:  Hey! It’s my favorite great-grandson!

Wendell:  Oh, hey! What do you know? It’s my favorite great-grandma! What are the odds?

Arianna:  Wait, what? Again? What do you want from me? I’m just an old lady.

Wendell:  Are they always so animated in the morning?

Lucien:  Yeah, we’re a pretty excitable family overall.

Wendell:  Man, I’m going to have to start drinking coffee. This is too much for me at 6 a.m.

Lucien:  You okay in there, honey?

Mallory:  Hang on, I think I see something.

Wendell:  Don’t fall in, Mom!

Wendell:  Oooh! It’s all fuzzy here!

Lucien:  Yeaaaaah. Nice.

Mallory:  Okay! Let’s find a pond and go to town!

Mallory:  Well, this worked out okay for me last time . . .

Mallory:  Who’s a cute fishy fishy fishy? You are! You’re a cute little fishy! And with that, I complete my- Huh. I could have sworn that was my 20th type of fish. Oh well.

Mallory:  And with that, I- Okay, hang on. I know I’ve never caught a rainbow fish before.

Lucien:  Really? I’ve caught like five!

Mallory:  Quiet, you!

Wendell:  I don’t want to stick my hand in there, but something is just calling me.

Elizabeth Caliente: Wait a second, aren’t you married?

Eduardo:  I’m not into labels.

Mallory:  And with that - Okay, I am positive this is my first gummy guppie. I didn’t even think these things existed in the wild.

Lucien:  There’s one in the tank in the kids’ playroom.

Mallory:  Hmmm. I guess Grampa J caught that one.

Lucien:  Maybe the Aspiration is only counting fish nobody in the house has ever caught before. You might have to catch something completely new.

Mallory:  That could take awhile. Grampa J was a great fisherman.

Lucien:  It’s cool, baby, you know I’m in it for the long haul.