@oshizu That is brilliant! Mind control and a locked room might just work. I'm keeping away from active careers in this Dynasty, but the Scientist career is just so useful. I might have to make an exception.
@Caterina Thank you! This is very nice to hear because I'm always worried that all my sims sound the same. Making them distinct is a challenge, especially over so many generations. I admire the writers on this forum, too, you very much included!
@Joria Thank you! I debated whether or not to even include "The Eduardo" screenshot, since it doesn't exactly advance the plot, but now I'm really glad I did. It cracked me up, too. Eduardo makes the best faces. I have a shot of him eating tacos that I couldn't justify including, but now I may have to come up with a reason to work it in somewhere.
@Curveball I agree! I like Lucien a lot, and being able to roll with craziness is a vital quality in a dynasty spouse!
Chapter 20: Wasting No Time
Betty: Ow! Man! Forgotten birthday and back pains, too? Double ouch.

Betty: Fruit salad is the saddest salad. Not even any dressing.

Betty: That cheers me up. Thanks, honey.
Morris: Hey, it’s never too late. It was in my wedding vows, after all.
Betty: You vowed to vow. Lol.

Morgan: Yikes! That looks painful. Gross.
Yuki: This is going to be you in about 24 hours, so you could try and be a little more sympathetic.
Morgan: Ugh. I’d rather listen to Pop music some more.
Yuki: You know what they say about Karma . . .

Lucien: All right. Down to business. No more school, no more books. Well, except for the million or so books I’m going to start writing right now.

Lucien: Shame this cool costume didn’t come with sunglasses. Oh, well, lights out!

Lucien: Didn’t think it was possible, but yup, I have actually become even cooler.
Mallory: (in costume) Did it happen? Did I miss it? Okay, too excited. Way too excited. Better go calm down somewhere.

Lucien: Ah, blessed solitude. Cake in a bathroom. My perfect birthday.

Lucien: So, it’s like all a conspiracy, right? The government and stuff!
Darth Lucas Munch: Yeah, you should probably switch to Bestselling Author. Chief of Mischief just doesn’t suit you, man.
Lucien: Yeah, you’re right. It was worth a shot, though.

Luna: Well, hello mysterious stranger. What an enchanting mask.
Eduardo: Well, hey, if you dig anonymity, I have got a club that’s right up your alley.

Lucien: So hey.
Mallory: *blushes* Hey.
Lucien: I like you jammies.
Mallory: *blushes deeper* Thanks.
Lucien: Do you . . . like my jammies?

Mallory: I really, really like your jammies.

Mallory: Would you and your jammies like to marry me?
Lucien: Indeed we would.

Lucien: Do you like my swimming suit?
Mallory: I’m actually kind of confused by your swimming suit.
Lucien: You and me both, sweetie. You and me both.

Mallory: Hey! I can see you! We finally bought lights!
Lucien: Yeah, a lot of them. I sort of wish I’d kept my sunglasses on for this. *squints*

Lucien: Are you cringing because you are embarrassed by the sweetness and sincerity of my vows or because Maaike is loudly going into labor over there?
Mallory: Mostly because I forgot to ask Eduardo to cancel his club meeting. There are just a lot of casually dressed pregnant ladies here.

Mallory: Oh well, at least we get to be married in a minute here.
Lucien: Wait for it . . .


Lucien: Hey, isn’t that the mailman? He's kind of hot when he's not wearing his uniform.
Mallory: I can’t understand you with cake in your mouth.

Lucien: Mmmmwah!
Mallory: Teehee!
Maaike: It’s cool guys. Just flirt right over me like I’m not here, having a baby in your kitchen.
Lucien: Honey, let’s take this upstairs.

Mallory: In Eduardo’s bed? Really?
Lucien: Sssssh.

Mallory: And . . . . yes! Two confettis in one day!

Mallory: Wait, so you’re not happy about the nooboo?
Lucien: I think it just kind of hit me that I was a teenager yesterday and now I’m suddenly a married father-to-be. It's a bit of a head rush.
Mallory: Hey, I’d been waiting for you for over a week. We don’t waste time around here.
Lucien: All right. I can dig it.

Morris: Okay, okay . . . I feel this. I'm not to old to get down a little bit.

Morris: And . . .pop!