@oshizu I was so excited when she got the call from J! Yes, The Sims takes "'til death do us part," very literally, and Sims are no longer married once they die. Their romantic bar was still full, so it was easy to get them back together, but she still had to ask. Actually, he turned her down the first time, which would have been hilariously ironic to include in the story, but I missed getting a picture of it because I was so shocked!
It is tempting to have Morris and Betty have another baby, but I really want to keep the household small, and I find it especially heartbreaking when siblings die. Arianna had more than one kid in a few of my Sims 3 attempts, and I decided she didn't want to repeat the experience. It's just too emotionally difficult!
Eduardo's Fan Club is called Handymen Anonymous, and it comes into play a bit later. I'll sign you up as soon as there's an open spot!
@Joria Yes, Don comes around quite a bit as a ghost. It's very comforting. He's still an important part of the household.
@Caterina She really aged well! I think the aqua tattoos came with Get to Work and were probably intended for aliens, but I love them, too! I went a bit crazy with Arianna's tattoos, because at the time I made her you couldn't add tattoos to sims after the founder because you used to have to go into full edit mode to do it. I'm pretty sure that has changed now, though.
@Nettlejuice What's that? You're demanding another comparison collage? Well, I simply cannot disappoint you.

Why are collages so much fun? I don't know, but I can't stop myself. This one is particularly fun, though, because now we kind of know what Mallory would have looked like if Morris had married Gemma.
Speaking of Morris . . . .
Chapter 14: Morris's Second Great Love
Morris: Hi. Um, . . .hi. Our reservation isn’t for another hour, but I’m really excited to eat here and I promise to order three courses and tip like a big shot. Can you fit us in? Please? Maybe?
Etta the Hostess: Oh, Mr. Spiffendale! What an honor! Please, come right this way. May I just say, you are impeccably dressed. We’re delighted to have you at Chez Llama.

Morris: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see what font they picked for the menu!
Betty: *grumble grumble* blue eyeshadow *grumble grumble* hussy.

Morris: Betty, it’s like a culmination of everything I’ve worked for so far. I’ve maxed cooking, gourmet cooking, and mixology, and even I couldn’t begin to make the stuff they’re serving here. I haven’t been this excited since the day I married you.
Betty: Morris, I love you, and this is your thing, and I’m excited for you, but you are so, so weird.
Morris: Not as weird as what we’re about to eat! Whee!

Morris: Oh, my gosh. How did they do this? The texture is crispy on the outside, but pudding-y in the middle, and this flower petal is made out of like, flavored ice.
Betty: Mine smells like socks. Can I have more nectar?

Morris: I mean, I think I have to re-evaluate everything I’ve been doing so far. The way they combine the bitter and the umami flavors . . . I feel like I’m being reborn.
Betty: I’m going to go to the bathroom.
Morris: Hang on a second. I want you to order the next course! I want it to be a surprise!

Betty: Okay, so, the pit beast? Does it feel as gelatinous in your mouth as it looks in this picture?
Waitress: Most people say even more so.
Betty: Hmm. The wood plank that this one comes on, are you supposed to eat that, too?
Waitress: We like to leave that up to the individual diner, though it is infused with licorice.

Betty: I’m going to go sit in for a few songs. You feel free to eat mine if I don’t get back in time.
Morris: My life is perfect.

Betty: Aaaaaand, I’m done. *passes out*
Morris: I wonder what these sprinkles are. You don’t think they could actually be metal shavings, do you?
*Meanwhile . . .*

Eduardo: So, hang on a minute here. You’re saying you were basically like a member of the family? You got parties and storylines of your own?
Don: Oh yeah. I was Arianna’s mentor and confidante. I still am, to tell the truth. I felt really valued and vital to the whole operation. Don’t you feel that way?
Eduardo: Heck, no! I barely even know the family. I’m just a baby-maker. Nobody even says “Thank you!”
Seth: Gosh, I think I even had more depth as a character than you.
Eduardo: Shut up, evil gardener! Why haven’t you been culled yet?
Seth: It’s always the ones you don’t really care about who stick around. I figure Gonzalo and I will be here until the dynasty’s complete.
Eduardo: You know it was my birthday yesterday and nobody said a thing?
Don: *whistles* That’s cold. I think you’d better have a talk with Morris.
Eduardo: You’re darn tootin’!

Waitress: Nice to see you again, Mr. Spiffendale. Dining alone today?
Morris: Yeah, my wife says she won’t come with me anymore. Do you have a limit on the number of entrees I can order?
Waitress: Well, one at a time, but other than that, no.
Morris: Great! We’re going to be here awhile!

Waitress: Aren’t you a little young to be hanging around a bar?
Mallory: Yeah, but my Dad has kind of moved into the restaurant, so I just come here after school to do my homework. And tell gross jokes to Carson here.
Carson: Ugh. You have a twisted sense of humor, Mallory. You want a virgin tang and zing?
Mallory: With a twist, please!

Betty: You want help with your homework, hon?
Mallory: Nah, it’s done. Hey, I thought you were refusing to come back here.
Betty: Well, I have to get my daily piano practice in somewhere, and I’d never see your father, otherwise. The tips are amazing, too! This place attracts an affluent, generous crowd.
Carson: You ain’t kiddin’!
Betty: Hey! You’re a young adult! Have you been checking out my beautiful daughter over here?
Carson: No, ma’am, I swear! I was just tutoring her in algebra!
Betty: That’s too bad. We’re trying to get her interested in boys so she can pick out a spouse and keep this dynasty train rolling, but nobody seems to pique her interest. Oh, well, my break’s over. Mal, al least find out his traits, would you?

Arianna: Oh, Liz! I’ve missed you!
Eliza: Honey, how are you still rocking that dress at your age? I’m about to die all over again of jealousy! Listen, though, the word around the ghost water cooler is that your pollinator is about to revolt. You’d better do something about that, STAT.

Betty: I can’t believe I let you drag me out here, again.
Arianna: Quiet! Now, listen you guys. This day is about Eduardo. He’s sad about his birthday. He’s feeling unappreciated, so I want everyone to make nice and make sure he knows just how important he is to the family, okay?
Betty and Morris: Okay.

Eduardo: Wow, this place is super-swank. I love it! Hey there, Olivia. You’re looking gorgeous as always.
Olivia: Oh hey, Eduardo. You’re looking awfully good, yourself.
Eduardo: Thanks, baby. Oh, are you on a date with that guy? Lucky fella! Hey, how’s my little girl doing?
Olivia: Not so little, anymore, dear. She’s a teenager now.
Eduardo: Oh! Look out world! Hey Morris, do you know Olivia?
Morris: Enchanting Introduction . . . for some reason!
Betty: Morris, you are in so much trouble when we get home.

Waitress: Oh, gosh! I’m so going to get fired. Don’t tell anyone, okay?
Eduardo: So do we need to order again or . . . .?

Morris: Eduardo, sit down. I’m sure they’ll bring our food out again soon.
Eduardo: No, it’s not that! My pregnancy sense is tingling! Someone, somewhere is in labor with my child!

Adrienne Patel: I’m right here, Eduardo. Having lunch with our other child. This is so not how I saw this going in my head.
Eduardo: I’ve never actually been present for this before. It’s terrifying! Make it stop!

Eduardo: Phew! They finally left for the hospital. Where’s Betty?
Morris: She had to go to work. Hey, can I take a picture of yours? I’m going for the whole collection.
Arianna: Don’t let him use the flash. He did on mine and I think it deflated.

Eduardo: Hey, pretty lady. Do I know you?
Morris: It’s like saffron . . . but more spicy, and purple.
Arianna: ZZzzzzzZ

Morris: How long do I have to sit like this, honey?

Mallory: Just another sec, Dad. I can’t quite get the shape of your nose. Hey, how did Eduardo Appreciation Day go?
Morris: Not bad. Everything that could possibly have gone wrong, did go wrong, and he’s still around, so I’d say that makes him officially a member of the family.

Betty: Stupid Morris and his stupid level 8 charisma. *oof* “Oh, Hi. I’m Morris and I’m incredibly charming.” *oof* “I’m also incredibly married to the woman sitting right next to me.” *oof*