Author Topic: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 6 7/20)  (Read 12022 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 3 7/01)
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2016, 06:23:55 AM »
Jules is much improved! The girls are all gorgeous, I get the feeling a vampire will be the next heir. Or I could be wrong  ;)
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 3 7/01)
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2016, 11:13:40 AM »
Yay!!! Andrea is gorgeous! Love her style, too!

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Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2016, 08:09:11 PM »
@Nettlejuice Thank you! Well, we'll see soon enough  ::)
@peachjam Thank you very much!


Andrea definitely enjoyed her childhood. She absolutely loved playing with her toys and baking. She also especially loved using the prize claw machine.
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Because she was just THAT lucky, somehow she ended up grabbing and Sun-Cut Pink Diamond!
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Like? How could she even do that? I've never even found a regular pink diamond and somehow she can get that from an arcade game???? Anyway, Andrea always did her homework at a very fast pace (Thanks glitch?). She also definitely got the family trait of eating.. and eating.. and eating....
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I decided to keep writing books because (a) Jules was a lazy bum who didn't want to work and (b) I am basically the breadwinner of this family, so yeah. I tried my hand at writing another Masterpiece. It took 3 days this time (Thank you Moodlet Manager!!) and it was entitled Desiderata.
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We eventually decided to expand our house because, well Andrea needed a place to sleep, and we'd eventually need all the more space for her future spouse.
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As for Jules, he was on elixir duty to give us a lifetime supply of Potent Invigorators, Fountain of Youths, and Potent Blisses. The consignment store lady (where Jules bought all his ingredients because he hated gardening) was a weird, pale green vampire name Carmella Hai.
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Jules didn’t really like her.
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One day, Jules came in and just saw Carmella turn.... old. Like, really old.
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A few days later, it was Andrea's birthday! And everyone was certainly happy! Andrea certainly grew up to be a beautiful, young woman. (well, teen, I guess)
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Her teen years were basically spent by her doing her homework really fast (Thanks again glitch), going to prom with Waylon Wolff, learning Alchemy, Cooking, & Spellcasting, and me teaching her how to drive. (I gave up on that, by the way.)
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A few days after Andrea's birthday, Annie came home! And of course, a makeover was greatly needed.
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Annire grew up to be beautiful, but she wanted to live away from her family, so she got a little old shack far away from town and she was happy there until she died.
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A week later, the dishwasher broke. Usually, this isn't a problem but silly BONEHILDA forgot to clean the floor first before fixing the dishwasher. The result? An electrocuted Bonehilda and a fire which was stopped by Jules. (Thank you Ice Blast!)
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After everyone stopped freaking out, the fire department came. And surprise, surprise, they were LATE. Seriously the response time was super slow, even though I wasn't keeping count but I'm sure they were at least an hour late.
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A couple of hours later, everything (including Bonehilda) was back to normal as if nothing happened. But the fire was still the topic while we were watching TV.
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I am working on making a family tree for the entire family, so stay tuned for that I guess. Other than that, a lot of the chapters have been written and my game is still in progress so woo!
I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 4 7/02)
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2016, 09:34:47 AM »
So pretty, love the makeovers you gave them. Those silly firemen and Bonehilda , I haven't seen a 'fleshy' Bonehilda before. Andrea is super lucky, I have always gotten junk or worthless items from the claw machine.
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Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 4 7/02)
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2016, 12:27:03 PM »
Good looking girls. Good luck to Andrea! Hope she finds a great spouse and completes her reqs quickly!

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 4 7/02)
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2016, 08:53:21 PM »
@Nettlejuice Thank you! Neither have I, but she pretty much has the same genes as the Grim Reaper. Yeah she is! Her lucky trait totally worked for her this time.
@dontmindme Thank you very much!

I may or may not post an update today, we'll see because I'm feeling lazy to edit pictures for the next chapter.  ;)
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A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2016, 05:05:55 AM »
CHAPTER FIVE: Too Hot, Perhaps?

I passed by the elixir store this time, and I was surprised to see a new face manning the cash register.
"Hi! I'm Becky Younan, how may I help you?"
"What happened to Ca--"
"Carmella Hai? Oh she died."
She said that with a smile on her face. Weird girl.
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And now, as Andrea is going into young adulthood, it is time to pass on the storytelling privilege to her.
(A voice at the back of the room) "Mom, you don't have to make it sound special. Also it's not a privilege it's a burden."
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Anyways, hi I'm Andrea. Yeah you already know me so I'll make this quick. My mom has to do this and we all have to do that and blahblahblah. You know the drill so let's get back to what's happening.
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I didn't realize it was already my birthday! I was excited to finally leave school and focus more on life and finishing these requirements, I guess. I think I grew to look okay. (Dad thinks otherwise)
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I liked the color red a lot (if it wasn't obvious yet), so I decided to make it my lipstick color. I also like green. And suddenly I looked like the flag of Italy (or I loved Christmas too much).
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Today was also graduation day! I was class valedictorian and I was voted 'Most Likely To Be A Rockstar' for some reason. I don't play a single instrument but thanks! To celebrate my graduation, my family and I, of course, ate!
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At a young age, I was deeply interested in baking, so I'm not surprised I took on cooking. I loved making whatever concoctions of food with the ingredients I had. Of course, my food tasted delicious and they were all perfect.
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I eventually learned about ghost chillies, which are the hottest chillies in the world. I took a bite of it and it was amazing. Although, I had to make a quick trip to the bathroom afterwards. Mom and dad weren't so fond of it. Too hot, perhaps?
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I enjoyed working at the Van Gould Merhcant House and Cafe. The people there were nice, the place had great ambience, and my boss was my mom's best friend, so it was quite easy to go far in the job.
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One day, the owner of the place, Tristan Van Gould, came in to do an inspection. That included employee inspection and food inspection. As the best chef there, everyone decided that I should cook the food Tristan should eat. Needless to say, he wasn't disappointed. He thanked me for the meal and I truly fell in love with him. Yeah I know, that was quick but our relationship moved at lightning speed and sooner than later we got married!
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Tristan immediately moved in with me and everyone got along nicely. But clearly something had to be done with Tristan's face.
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Ah, that's better. The new hairstyle also suits him nicely. As usual, we settled down to watch TV.
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Because I wasn't getting any younger, I rushed to make elixirs and I just decided to throw them at random sims at the park.
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At one point, I was so desperate to be able to cook 75 dishes, that I took it to La Shove Beach (Hey! Don't laugh! I actually finished!). Strangely enough, all the food was gone in the morning. (DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!)
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We decided to expand the house again, so that everyone is covered until like the next two generations.
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Much like my mom, I finished my requirements a few days before I became an elder, and of course to celebrate, besides eating, I drank a young again potion! I also got a little bit of plastic surgery.
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And well..... I think you know what happened next.

GENERATION 2: Andrea Phillos (witch)
Traits: Brave, Good, Lucky, Perfectionist, Sailor (yes, I rolled all of those)
LTW: Zombie Master
Spouse: Tristan Van Gould (vampire)
Toddler: Peg Box & Xylophone, Best Friends with Jules & Mafi
Child: On Honor Roll, Research Project
Teen: On Honor Roll, RI: Waylon Woff, Level 3 in Cemetery Worker Job
1-Best Friend: Erica Wolff (werewolf)
2-Career Rewards: Cooking Certificate & Food Processor
3-Opportunities: All-New Bi-Pedal Dishwashing Machine, From One Chef to Another, Some Reading Material
4-LTRs: Magic Hands, Fireproof Homestead, Attractive, Collection Helper
5-Wishes: Learn All Recipes, Max Cooking Skill, Max Alchemy Skill, Be Worth More Than 300000, Marry Tristan
6-Skill Challenges: Menu Maven, Master Alchemist, Star Chef, Alchemists Anonymous, Excellent Elixirs, World Class Chef
7-Masouleum Piece: Potent Invigorating Elixirs

So I finally finished making the family tree. You can view it here. NOTE: The family tree is up until generation 5, so spoilers ahead. Enjoy!
I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 5 7/08)
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2016, 04:10:17 AM »
Must resist looking at spoilers!

That smirk, Becky, I bet she had something to do with Carmella's death  :P I forgot how cute and funny the animations for spicy food is. Andrea reminds me of Ellen Page, so pretty.
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Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 5 7/08)
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2016, 02:06:00 AM »
CHAPTER SIX: If You Don't Succeed, Try Again

Where were we? Oh right. Me and Tristan had a bit of fun..
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....And now I'm pregnant!
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While Tristan and I were celebrating our first nooboo,  Mafi and Jules were outisde on the swing set
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They are SO relationship goals. Anyway, a few days passed and I went into labor.
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At first I thought, 'Hey, this isn't as bad as mom told me.' But I was so wrong. A few hours later, our baby Mikayla came into the world!
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BUT she was a witch, like me. :( So we had to keep trying for vampire nooboos. But first, we had to age her up, of course.
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Soon enough, I got pregnant again and I gave birth to twin vampires!! Yay!! We named them Michaela and Ella. I eventually chose Ella to be the heir (because Absent-Minded and Heavy Sleeper are better than Evil and Couch Potato!).
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Because there were already 7 of us in this house, it was getting harder to manage everyone, so I had to ask Jules to move out, along with Mikayla and Michaela. Mom was a bit sad, but she knew they had to go.
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Bye Jules, your elixirs will be missed. :(
Since Ella was a vampire, she had no problem learning skills and all we had to do was spend time with her. She also got this peculiar doll in the mail from a distant Aunt May. Mafi, who in the world is Aunt May?
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Then, it was Ella's birthday! We were so happy to have another birthday in this household!
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Ella grew up, of course, gorgeous and even her little friend (that's what she told me) grew up with her!
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Happy to announce that my final generation (7th) is almost done with her teen requirements! Woohoo! HoF here I come! In other news, the family tree has been updated to include everyone, including the last generation. So you can check it out in the first post if you don't mind spoilers. :)
I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 6 7/20)
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2016, 07:37:07 AM »
Congratulations, laurela! You are now in the Sims 3 Dynasty Hall of Fame.  :D

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 6 7/20)
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2016, 12:26:26 AM »
Congratulations, laurela! You are now in the Sims 3 Dynasty Hall of Fame.  :D

Yay! Thank you so much Metro!  :)
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A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 6 7/20)
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2017, 07:56:35 PM »
Hello everyone, I have decided to discontinue this story of my dynasty. I've simply just lost the time to continue it, and I've been having a lot of fun exploring The Sims 4.

This may most likely become a summary instead, so all of you may get to know the heirs. But as of the moment, I have no plans to continue the actual story itself. Thank you to everyone who has read this story, and hopefully I get to actually post a summary soon! :)
I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

