Addy - Whoops forgot it was your birthday.
Alex - How could you forget me?
Addy - It was like twelve hours ago or something when I got that message, leave me alone!
Alex - It's all good. Do I look all distinguished?
Addy - Not really.. But you know you could go back to painting and finish that aspiration like a true adult now.
Alex - You're no fun.
Addy - I'm a barrel of fun, thank you.
Aria - Addy Addy! Look at me!
Addy - Um. Are you trying to point out your color similarities to the crystal or that you're upside down?
Aria - I was thinking that I looked more like a musical note now perhaps.
Addy - Or a hanging apple ready to be plucked.
Addy - I want you to know.. music sounds better when you use more than two fingers.
Melody - Shhh. I'll lose the rhythm.
Addy - Just keep plunking away there and behave or I'll have to share what you did.
Melody - I don't know what you're talking about.
Addy - Keep it that way.
Aria - Aren't you a little old to be wearing glow bracelets?
Joaquin - You're only as old as you feel.
Aria - Well I'll see if my Dad knows how to make you feel as old as you look so you'll change clothes.
Joaquin - Related to Artie huh?
Aria - I wonder what gave it away.. Also, thank you for standing there and taking this abuse. Now that we're friends, go away.
Simonis - My turn!
Artie - Blah-blargl-rargl-rawr
Simonis - Ahhh!
Addy - How are you even moving like that?
Simonis - *discusses fractions*
Junior Grey - Uhh..
Aria - Friend us or I'll go get my Dad.
Junior - You guys are great ++
Addy - Aww.. did the squeamish person not like catching that fish?
Melody - That was disgusting.
Addy - Suck it up princess.
Melody - You could can the attitude or someone will think something is up.
Addy - Good.
*after rallying the troops all night kids finally began to show!*
Addy - Look at you.. A real social butterfly.
Simonis - Can we go home now?
Addy - Tired of the park?
Simonis - Honestly.. yes
Aria - Hey Simmy..
Simonis - What.. where are you?
Aria - Ooooh I'm a floating head.
Addy - Just get out of there.
Aria - I'm having fun..
Addy - Fine then I'll just--
Aria - Hey!
Aria - And he totally belly-flopped right into the water. I swear you could hear him groaning in the garden.
Simonis - So... I dare you to backflip off the platform.
Aria - What? *chuckles* Okay!
Simonis - Whoa!
Addy - Be careful! You're an heir and I don't remember if you can drown in this world!
Simonis - And after Alex belly flopped into the pool. I dared Aria that she couldn't backflip and she totally did.
Artie - Of course she did. She's a Grim.
Cassie - I bet you can't do it.
Artie - What?
Aria - C'mon Dad.. let's see who can dive better.
Artie - Well me of course.
Aria - *tarzan scream*
Addy - *closes eyes*
Cass/Simonis/Artie - *applause*
Addy - Did she flop?
Artie - No it was a perfect dive.. My turn to put it to shame.
Cassie - Aria get out of the way!
Simonis - Whoa!
Artie - *Splash all over the place*
Aria - *laughs and claps*
Addy - Cass why don't you give it a try and put him to shame?
Cassie - Sure why not
Addy - Ooo. Yeowch.
Artie - Don't worry.. I'll get her out while she's in shock.
Reid - What's going on out here party people?
Aria - I'm all pruny.. let's go hang out by the fire!
Artie - I think it's time to make food actually. After you eat we can hang by the fire..
Aria - The giant black dragon swooped down into the colliseum and landed right there in the middle of the attacking terrorists. Using his dragon's breath and..
Melody - Where does she come up with these stories?
Alex - I think you've been watching too much tv.
Artie - Nah.
Reid - *quietly* This would make a good book.
Addy - Whoo. You're an adult
Melody - This doesn't feel half bad.
Addy - It's the next one you have to worry about. Just going to go put this cake down in the basement.
Melody - Why?
Addy - Because Bella made it. it never spoils and we need a surprise cake with candles to keep guests from eating it.
Melody - Oh.
And after that I realized we needed a party area. Ta-da! Going to start locking the house for parties so they can't come in and break things!
Simonis - Boo!
Aria - Not scary, goofball.
Simonis - It's a little funny though
Aria - Not really.. I'm done here.. wanna go play?
Simonis - I am playing.. wanna see me be a superhero?
Aria - Nah..
Artie - Hey kids, I got a new camera.. come down stairs a moment.
Aria - Oooh.. let's do that.
Simonis - Yes!
The kids weren't the only ones in on the fun. I was sad when I couldn't get a pic of Simonis with his gramma!