Kieran: Well family, things are very different now. Lots of changes. I'm almost ready for my elder birthday, Don, Dina and our friend, Liz, have all had theirs and it worries me that their time is rapidly counting down. We just lost another one we loved and it has hit us hard in so many ways. Liz, I wish I could have taken you and your boy in to live here but we couldn't do that to Bob. It wouldn't have been fair or kind. Hard enough to exclude him from the club.
Liz: I understand, Kieran. Just make sure Christopher is ok when I do finally leave for the next world. Ok?
Dina: Of course we will! You're my best friend so you know we'll take care of things, right Kieran?
Kieran: Absolutely right, hon. So, you all know we had two open spots. In deference to someone who has been my friend since I got here, I asked Don's ok and having talked to all of his boys, we decided to bring Rez and Waylon to come live with us. So, welcome to the family boys.
Waylon: Thank you so much. We've always felt like part of this family and this just makes it even better. Plus, I'll get to be with my Dad for quite some time now.
Rez: Yes. Thank you. It's going to be good to be with Dad and it's not like the others are going to be ignored. They are all part of either Don's Kidz Klub or Airynn's Kidz Klub so we'll all be able to be together often.
Kieran: You boys know what you are in for, right? Heavy skilling, jobs to enhance the family acquisitions, lots of home chores and fishing. Plus, even though you get a really nice cushy home to live in, you won't live forever.
Waylon: We know and it's ok. We get to be Watched Sims so we know the deal and we're ok with it.
Kieran: Ok, then! Eat up and let's get busy!
Don: I'm really happy for this opportunity, son. You ready to work with me? You think you might have what it takes? I mean, you're my son and you've got a nice build so I'm rarin' to go.
Way: I guess so.
Don: Guess? Guess? There is no guess, boy. Champions are not made with "guess". Let's get a few things straight right from the start, ok? First of all, while we're training I am not just Dad. I am your worst nightmare. I will push you to the limit and beyond. You think you can handle that?
Way: I think so. (Don shakes his head in disbelief.)
Don: There is NO think! Now let me see you push! Lift those legs. What, are they made of spaghetti? I've seen dogs lift their legs better than that!
Don: You are goin' to SWEAT boy! Sweat! You wanna be a champ? You wanna win at professional sports? You gonna give me everything you got and then some!
Way: Yes SIR! I'm ready.
Don: Great! Now give me twenty more!
Don: Ok, that's it. Your old man needs to work out some and you need to work out different. We're off to the gym.
Kieran: I thought there was a class going on here.
Don: Hasn't started yet. They got some wimp, the ol' DBD running it now. I'm just getting ready and warming up.
Kieran: Whoa! You're gettin' good at that!
Don: Yeah, I hardly ever fall now. Here comes Rez. He's got a crush on Airynn you know. They might make a good couple.
Kieran: Yeah, might. I dunno. He might be more into your old job Don. She really shouldn't marry you know.
Don: Sad. Oh well, he'll like the job. Pretty much the only thing someone so lazy would be good at any way.
Don: Oh yeah. I got this! Yo, Rez! Get with the rhythm.
Kieran: Ok, ladies you know what we're here for. Dina......lookin' good. Aislyn, c'mon honey. Let's get some muscles on you.
Aislyn: Ok, Dad although I don't see the point. Artists don't need muscles.
Kieran: Watcher, you listening?
W: I'm here.
Kieran: This sucks you know.
W: Yeah, I know. I hated to see him go too.
Kieran: Well, every time I hit this bag, guess who I'm thinking of?
W: Not me I hope. I just follow the rules. I wish you all could live forever. Maybe someday.
Kieran: You don't even let us keep their ghosts. Not right, W. Not right.
W: Sorry. I don't do ghosts. Just hit the bag, Kieran. You'll feel better.
Way: So tell, how is this different from working out at home?
Kieran: More available showers plus the treadmill and punching bag. You'll be bringing home a treadmill if you max your career.
Way: Oh, joy. More workout stuff.
Later that night, at home...............Don: Now that is what I was talkin' about. Good form son. You are really lookin' good. That hard work is showin' fast. Uh, you got a girl friend?
Way: No time. No interest. No girls, no guys. I got a body to train.
Don: You might want to rethink that some time in the future.
Way: This body is a temple and I intend to be the only god in it. Besides, the only girl I've ever been interested in has her eyes on Rez.
Oh, if you only knew what's ahead. If you only knew.