Author Topic: Re: And the Winner Is..The End of It All - Graveyard Please  (Read 34486 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #150 on: June 29, 2016, 05:49:06 PM »
Oh, no! How frustrating! I keep thinking they've fixed that business about sending sims home early from work and then it happens again!

I do think my sims have been dropping their queues more often than usual lately. Drives me bonkers.

I think the "play while playful" thing only works on the pirate ship or space ship, not the monkey bars. I don't know what to say about the chess games, though. You and your sims are having a rough day!
I hope the venting helped!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #151 on: June 29, 2016, 06:45:28 PM »
About career promotions, I always wait to save until after my sims return home from work, just to be on the safe side. I've also thoughtlessly decided to plan outfits and caused the kids to return home from school.
Many of my sims are so disobedient--they just drop queued actions and go play video games, mix drinks at the bar, or watch romance/comedy tv. Drives me a little loca.
I locked my worst offender into her bedroom, bought her a computer and queued up multiple books. She only comes out when another sim is hungry or has to use the toilet (which I use as a gauge for her). The bar and computers are in locked rooms.

The Computer Whiz chess milestone sounds glitched to me. I'd PM the Team if I were you. I just queue Play chess with... 3x. When I see the chess partner mixing drinks, I know they're done, lol.

And about my sims reading your threads, I don't doubt that they would be welcome. It's the aftermath: "How come we don't get to live in a cool place like that? How come we don't have a party room?"

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Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #152 on: June 30, 2016, 04:11:29 AM »
I was just catching up and I wanted to take a second to mention something.  If you have to save while someone is at work/school - a good way to make sure that they don't come home is to choose another lot when the game loads and choose to visit that lot with another Sim.  It will kill the queues for the Sims at home but it will keep your working Sim at work!

Also if you have access to/are allowed the wishing well, and if the well is happy that could actually get you a promotion with a wish.
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Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #153 on: June 30, 2016, 05:30:40 PM »
@FrancescaFiori :  I thought maybe the play while playful thing had to do with being at a park because that's where I got it to work but you might be right about monkey bars vs play structure.  I've got monkey bars in my yard but no play structure.  (not enough room).  Yeah, I really have to micromanage these Sims as they constantly drop queues.  With 8 to keep track of it makes me crazy.  The day got worse.  I have severe arachnophobia and was terrorized by this little 8 legger till it finally left my pc, (which is right next to me and therefor MUCH too close for comfort), around 5 am.  I was/am exhausted.

@oshizu :  I did the same thing!  I sent one kid to the dresser while the other two were at school and of course, they promptly left school. Won't do that again!  I like the idea of locking a Sim in a bedroom!  My writer is the worst one for just getting up and wandering.  Usually can be found painting taking up one of my painter's spots!  Now the founder really should not do much more, (fear of maxing out stuff heirs will need), so maybe I should lock her up!  As for the Wiz Kid thing, I tried having her play alone.  zip, nada, nuthin.  Then play with a family member.  Same response, (although she was doing a great job maxing the skill!).  Then had her play with a club member/friend and voila!  So that's done at least.  You tell your Sanada's that I'd be glad to make a party room for them.  lol

@Ricalynn :  I did not know that!  Thank you.  So I could just log in to my file and select like a townie and go to their lot?  Messing up queues is not as big a deal as messing up promotions!  Don't have a wishing well in this file but it might be a good addition.  Could stick it in the garden or even museum room.

Thanks everyone for such good moral support.  I was really fed up.  So what I did in order to not totally lose momentum is I worked a little on remodeling.  I always get cheered up building.  So our little Mansion Baron family now has a cozy and pretty place to have "private" dates and there is a meditation garden as well. 

Oshizu you mentioned your sand garden wasn't what you liked.  My suggestion is remove the rock, or enlarge it a LOT, and replace it with one of the quiet, drippy type fountains you can find in build mode.  There are two I particular like.  One is a big round ball which does well in a sand garden and the other is like a big O.  It's a nice focal point and is very serene.  Use the sandcastles paint for the sand and you get some nice wavy lines in the sand, so the combination of the wavy lines and either the ball or O gives a sense of infinity.  The raked sand in Sims3 was much better but this works ok.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is...TGIF!....July 1
« Reply #154 on: July 01, 2016, 05:02:55 PM »
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a family of creatures called Sims.  They were a fortunate bunch because they always had someone to watch over them.  Someone called, appropriately enough, the Watcher. 

Now this Watcher basically had to decide to give up a life of her own so she could vicariously live the life of the "Sims".  At times it was full of fun and adventure, and at other times it was dead boring!  Being a good Watcher, she never told her "Simmies" this, nor did she ever mention the sacrifices she made.  Missing the important parts of the tv show the Watcher's spouse had on.  Getting her food cold because she was so involved with Sim life she ignored the call to meals.  Having to rush panic stricken to the jon because she also had been ignoring Nature's call.  Or how about the dark circles under her eyes from staying up all night playing with her Simmies?  Ah yes, so many sacrifices.

Unfortunately for her, we were now at the deadly boring part.  The biggest sacrifice of all was sticking with it..................

REALLY?  Really, Watcher?  Complaining about us again as if we can't hear.

Well, I've gotten so little recognition this time around I thought I'd just briefly mention what it was ...................

Just shut it. You're done and it's time for the story to continue.

*mutters to self*  Dead boring.  Skill, skill, skill.   Sheesh.


Unfortunately, part of the life of a dynasty Sim is doing a lot of stuff over and over.  However, some times it's just plain adorable.  For instance, here's a snap shot I took of my darling Meghan working hard at maxing her violin skill.  She's already maxed all her aspirations and now is working so hard at gaining adult skills.  I hate it that she will grow up so soon!

Not to be outdone, Leonardo, one of her good friends, marched right out to the deck to work on his Creativity.  He's a high B student at school but needs to catch up a lot on his aspirations.  I think tonight he will actually max Creativity! 

The kids had been so good.......oh, wait.  Did I tell you Brianna aged up?  Yep!  Of course I got all thumb fingered and lost the snaps of her doing it.  But I did get a couple of pictures of her with the other two kids and the Mini-Maars.  As I started saying, the kids had been so good we decided a few hours at the park before it got totally dark would be fun.  Ulricke particularly had a great time playing Sea Monster for the gang.

It looked like so much fun!  I wish Watcher had left room in our yard for one of those play structures.  Oh well, at least the kids had a ball with it.  The little blonde cutie is Brianna before she went to the mirror.  She was the "Captain" this time around.

So you're wondering where my little nutmeg is, right?  Skilling must happen so here is my shot of her filling her very last requirement for Social Butterfly.  She picked that infamous Don Lothario for her final adult friend.  Turns out he really likes kids. 

As I said, skilling must happen and since Sergio had finally come home from work, she managed to snag him to work on her Chess play and Charisma.  For a child hater he seems to spend a lot of time with the kids, especially Brianna.  If I didn't know better I would swear she was cheating.

The sun was definitely going down fast but I still managed to get this sweet shot of Maalke and Brianna.  Brianna loved to have Maalke read the stories she wrote to her.  Just adorable.

At long last night settled in.  As a parting shot and farewell to her buddies, Meghan pulled out her violin and played a concerto for them.  Ever notice how many boys are in her club vs girls?

The next day Brianna finally got her visit to the mirror and dresser.  Doesn't she look the image of her mom?  She asked for her hair style to be just like Mommy, so Watcher, that old complainer, complied.

Brianna:  So, Momma.  What do you think?

Maalke:  Beautiful, darling.  You are just beautiful.  I love what you did with your hair.

Brianna:  You should see all the cool outfits Watcher gave me Mom.  Not as daring as some but suits my cheerful disposition to a t.

Brianna: I love you so much Momma!  Thank you for taking such good care of me.

Maalke:  I love you too, baby.  That's why I chose to have you.

Maalke:  Selfie?

Brianna:  Absolutely!

She really is a cute kid.  Maalke and Malcolm did well with the gene pool.  I can hardly wait to see how she, Meg and Leo will look once they age up!  They are really great kids too.  Brianna is cheerful which is good because Leo tends to be a bit hot headed while my Meg is very creative and always manages to get them doing fun stuff.  The other day after school......

Leo:  Hey, Bri!  I got my A at last!  Now I can take some time off and work on skilling up.  I don't want you girls to be too far ahead of me.

Brianna:  Way to go, bro!  It's gonna be a few days for me.  The curse of being the youngest I guess.  But it's ok.  Let's hurry inside and get our homework done.

Leo:  Homework?  Oh.  Right.

Leo:  I think I hear your Mom!  Let's see if we can beat her inside.

Maalke:  Briana?  You home from school, sweetie?  Let's get to that homework!

Sometimes Moms can be a real drag.  Here are two of them "helping" with the kids' homework.  I'm pretty sure they promised them ice cream if they finished it perfectly.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family has been busy too.  JD wanted to acquire better mixology skills, not that he needed them.  However, as you will be able to see with the next pictures, he absolutely did need the practice!

Up!  There's the toss!

Higher! looks like....

Ooops.   Not quite.

At this point I tiptoed quietly away.  JD, thinking a retreat to the work out room might be a better plan, started pumping iron.  What a guy!

Really, a lot of it is just our trying to find a way to stay occupied while the kids skill up.  It's gotten pretty boring around here as Watcher said.  Me, I sat around meditating while Maalke, wearing that silly outfit, worked in her garden.

Sergio and Ulricke spent their time painting.  I think they were both bored and lonely.

Watcher really was right.  It has gotten a bit dull around here lately.  So much so the Watcher decided it was time for her to have some fun and give us a nicer yard.  This isn't a really good picture of it but here's part of the front of the house with our new trees, and cozy love seat for those romantic, at home dates.

Here is our new meditation area.  Nice and quiet and serene.

And here is a long shot of the entire area.  I'll leave you with this pretty picture and hope to see you tomorrow.  Bye!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...TGIF!....July 1
« Reply #155 on: July 01, 2016, 06:03:36 PM »
I love the action shots of JD practicing his bar tricks!  Too funny!

I also love your meditation garden. I saw you describing it elsewhere and was curious, but now that I see it I definitely have to try making one. Lovely!

Your description of the sacrifices you make for your sims is spot-on. I hope the skilling doldrums pass quickly, for your sake!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...TGIF!....July 1
« Reply #156 on: July 01, 2016, 07:44:22 PM »
Joria, you slave driver!
I sometimes think childhood is the least fun, because of my trying to squeeze in so much in just 13 days.
Don't let yourself get burned out! Do fun things for yourself and do fun things for your sims, too! (sez the Burnout Queen...)

Brianna is so adorable, too! Does Malcolm ever want to come over to visit her?
Have you ever taken Brianna over to the Landgraab House in Oasis Springs to meet the grandparents?
It's always such a pleasure to see what you're doing with your house!

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Re: And the Winner Is...TGIF!....July 1
« Reply #157 on: July 02, 2016, 09:42:31 AM »
I hope the kiddies and their watcher will have fun with the Kids Room stuff so it won't be as boring as skilling. I love what you've done for the private romantic and meditation area, it looks lovely. Brianna's makeover is gorgeous!
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Re: And the Winner Is...TGIF!....July 1
« Reply #158 on: July 02, 2016, 07:45:38 PM »
Well now I'm sort of sad.  After complaining so bitterly about skilling I find my heir's life bar is bubbling away.  I JUST got a nice play area set up for the kids complete with all the fun, new, Kid's Room stuff and now she'll have to leave it all behind!  At first I was going to age up Leonardo as well but he has too many days left for me to justify doing that so at least he and Brianna will get to enjoy it.  Meanwhile, Meghan has put on two puppet shows and beat the snot out of one of her club friends with her Void creature.  I only bought her one since she'll be aging up in a few minutes, (when I get back to my game), but Leo has a 5 pack so he's stylin'!  Shades of Magic the Gathering and Pokemon! 

Ok, I'm not REALLY sad because I've been remodeling which means builder fun for the Watcher.  I moved everyone around and set up a nice focus area, (really much too big but oh well), and am currently wishing I had room for a photography studio and one of those game pad thingies.  Sub-basement anyone?  lol  I am a tad concerned for Meghan as some of her club members have been culled.  Drat!

@FrancescaFiori :  I know, right?  I watched him fumble that toss for like five of rl minutes and then decided to take screenies.  It was a riot.  Good thing he's a chef and not a mixologist.  The key to that kind of garden is simplicity.  Just one focal point and nothing to distract your thoughts.  It's one of my favorite kinds of garden in rl.

@oshizu :  I'm over the burn and back to having fun.  I don't really mind skilling up kids.  Actually have fleetingly considered making a WC.  Brianna hasn't met her Dad or grandparents but I plan on doing that soon.  I think at Meghan's first party.  I'm hoping to get them done before she becomes a YA but there is so much else for her to do.

@Nettlejuice :  Thank you!  I really didn't have to do much to Brianna.  She leapt out with glasses on so I kept that and gave her a new hair do and ward robe.  She's a cutie.  I am LOVING the Kid's Room stuff!!  Finally a room for boys that looks like a boys room.  I really struggled with it before.  The only thing is I want to use everything and there just isn't enough room.  Leonardo seemed to appreciate it.  First thing he did was admire stuff and then grab clay out of his new toy box.

Ok, back to playing.  I have a birthday to do for our "little Nutmeg".  (Anyone get the reference?)
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is...Farewell to Childhood - July 5
« Reply #159 on: July 05, 2016, 05:30:25 PM »
There are so many times when I fuss and moan over the work and noise of raising a child.  It seems the house is always bursting with energy and the often delightful chaos children can bring.  Meghan with her horde of cronies running in and out, playing and shouting, has been both a headache and a joy.  I look back at all the photos I've taken of her and her friends and I know this is the last I'll see of it.  Only memories in a scrapbook as we face an entirely new adventure.  Teen agers!  Oh, dear Plumbob, how will we ever survive?!!  Am I up to the challenge?  Will we be able to raise a happy, well adjusted successful young woman?  How do we guide her, comfort her, challenge her to be the best she can be without stifling her personality?  She is so creative with her excellent violin skills and artistry, but will she be able to make a career out of it?  Her little stories and doll house adventures have been so amusing, maybe she will lean toward writing.  On the one hand, I'm sad and going to miss the little rambunctious scamp we raised, on the other hand, I am looking forward to her teen years with both anticipation and dread.

We knew the day was coming up fast.  Her life bar had been bubbling for some time and I kept getting these messages about birthday parties.  Just one more day is all I asked for, and the Watcher managed to give it to me.  First of all, she built an adorable play area for the kids, complete with a puppet theatre.  Here's some snap shots of Meghan performing two different shows.  Oh, you can't see her, but look at how much we are enjoying it!

Later on in the day she gave one of her friends a chance to be puppeteer.  I thought that was sweet of her since she would not have that much time to play with it herself.  It's just for children after all.

As you can see, her friends were all at the house, ready and waiting for the birthday bash.  Leonardo and the boys decided they were going to challenge Brianna to a llama game.  I think they thought they could beat her.  Meanwhile, while playing both Leonardo and Brianna leveled up a lot in motor skills as well as social buttefly.  Who knew?

Once the puppet show was over, Meg challenged Marcella to a battle of Voids.  It was quite the game!

Meghan's void swooped in for the kill while Marcella watched horrified as hers was decimated.  I don't know which ones they were but it seems the little sweet looking one is quite the fighter.  Looks can definitely be deceiving when you're playing Voids!

Here's a snapshot Meg took of her Void poster that shows all the critters, or most of them.

Brianna, that little imp,  was just overjoyed at her llama game win and just couldn't help crowing about it to Leonardo.

He was a pretty good sport about it though and even offered to do a celebratory selfie to commemorate the win.

Maalke took this happy occasion to bring in a surprise.  This was the first time Brianna met her dad, Malcolm.  It seems at first she just wasn't too sure about the whole thing.  You can definitely see the family resemblance though.

She soon warmed up to him, he can be very charming when he wants to, and even took a selfie of the two them for her wall.  I imagine he'll have a bit more to do with her now she no longer needs diaper changes!  He says he really wants to marry Maalke but he does understand the rules of dynasty play.  I guess he's a watched Sim himself.  You know, with that retail family?

I'd finally decided we should wait no longer.  The gang all gathered around to celebrate Meghan's birthday and aging up to teen ager.  We actually had quite a crowd!

Wishes were wished, candles blown out, and sparkles sparkled.  Out of the glitter and shine came our beautiful Meg, who's wish was she wouldn't look hideous in ugly clothes.  I guess her wish came true!

Later that day Meg took some photos with her new, birthday camera.  First, here's a shot of one of her friends, I think his name is Kevin Cole.  Not sure.  She has so many.  Obviously, he, and several others, aged up with her.  Surprisingly he is not evil as we had thought he might be!

She also took a portrait shot of Malcolm for Brianna's room.  Sweet of her, wasn't it?  Why do they always pose with their hand on their chin?

Later on that same day we learned my darling JD got his promotion!  (Spoiler:  I did too!)  After all the noise and chaos of a big birthday party, he just chilled out with his guitar.  I think he wants to max it so he can mentor one of the kids in it.  Be still my heart!  He still has that old magic for me.

Now that she's "all grown up", Meg begged for a new room.  Watcher, that sentimental grandma, decided to give her what she wanted.  Here's Meg's new room.

While she was at it, Watcher shuffled the household all around.  So here are some photos of what she had done.  I guess we'll have to wait for a shot of the spiffy room she did for Leonardo for later as I seem to have lost that one.  Ok, first up........

Brianna's Room:

Next, Sergio's new digs, as far away from kids as possible:

And finally, JD and my new room.  So pretty!

I know you're thinking, "oh no!  I want to see Meghan grown up!"  So here she is, writing her first novel.  Yes, she chose the writing career!

She and Maalke are fast becoming best friends.  Ok, guys.  Guess our time time up.  I'll see you in two weeks!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Farewell to Childhood - July 5
« Reply #160 on: July 05, 2016, 07:18:53 PM »
Meghan is so lovely! Those little poufs are perfect for puppet theater audience seating. I'm going to have to run off and re-arrange the puppet area in my sims' house now. I get such good ideas from reading your story!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Farewell to Childhood - July 5
« Reply #161 on: July 05, 2016, 10:53:53 PM »
I'm glad Brianna got to meet Papa Malcolm! Wouldn't it be okay if Maaike and Mal got married? I thought only the bloodlines couldn't intermarry. (What do I know---I went back to reread the rules and got overwhelmed, lol).

In your shot of Meghan and Marcella playing voidcritters, I see the jester's cap symbol---does that mean battling voidcritters levels the Mischief skill? (I don't have the Kids Stuff Pack).

Meghan looks so pretty. A front shot of your gorgeous teen, please!

It seems Meghan will be ready to move out of your lovely house soon, with JD and Maaike capable of mentoring her in guitar and writing, respectively.

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Re: And the Winner Is...Farewell to Childhood - July 5
« Reply #162 on: July 08, 2016, 03:35:43 AM »
@oshizu :  Sorry to disappoint but no front shots of Meghan till I come back to that family.  Next up is Alien Bloodline which is not doing all that well.  Not sure about how many children are left in town that aren't with another bloodline so poor Estrella might be out of luck for clubs.  Plus, "fixing" the files meant all the club points and goodies, as a matter of fact the club itself, was gone!  So no rally the troops or anything till I get all the points back.  At least they don't have to be at work for a few days so I have time.

As for marrying Malcolm, I guess it could be possible in the future.  Hadn't thought about it.

The Jester's cap is Meghan's club symbol.

First of all Meg has to get to level 3 in a teen career and then she can move.  Not sure I want her to move as a teen though.

@FrancescaFiori : I love those poufs and they really do go so well with the new kids room stuff.  Having fun playing around with that.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is...Farewell to Childhood - July 5
« Reply #163 on: July 09, 2016, 04:19:04 AM »
From what I can tell Meg is gorgeous and Brianna looks like her mother. I love those poufs too, they are simply perfect for viewing the puppet shows.
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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Farewell to Childhood - July 5
« Reply #164 on: July 09, 2016, 05:13:11 AM »
Sorry, I'm not trying to force a marriage between Maaike and Malcolm. I also realize that he's a helper in one of your other bloodlines.
Just wondering if it's legal--haha, I feel sorry for Malcolm and his deal-breaking Evil trait.
Obviously, I've never played an RDC so I'm asking these absurd questions and making pointless observations.

How does one know when an heir is "ready" to move out, aside from having fulfilled the move-out requirements. How do you define this readiness? I'm just so curious! (and a pest, I know.  :-(