Author Topic: Re: And the Winner Is..The End of It All - Graveyard Please  (Read 34488 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...A Beautiful Day -May 25
« Reply #135 on: May 25, 2016, 11:28:51 PM »
Adoption's a great solution for Ulrike since you're playing a week at a time!
I'm always amazed at how lovely the house is--even the backyard looks fantastic!
Looks like this family is making very nice progress! 

I can't wait to see Meghan as a teen--she's going to be so lovely! Are you planning on a Meg/Leo pairing?

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: And the Winner Is...A Beautiful Day -May 25
« Reply #136 on: May 29, 2016, 05:21:38 AM »
Aw, Leo, your going to have a fabulous new life and he's already enjoying it =D Going to second Oshizu, love the house especially the kitchen with all the glass windows - and I bet diagonal walls were a nightmare.
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Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza -June 17
« Reply #137 on: June 17, 2016, 07:32:38 PM »
My apologies for the long absence.  It is the curse of interesting Metro challenges which I have decided to avoid from now on.  (maybe)  Really, having all these stories going should be challenge enough and the fun and headaches of the other challenges just interferes and makes keeping a story going very hard.  Now where did I leave the Marr Mansion Baron family?.........................


"Oh yeah?  Well your Mama looks like a llama with wings!"

"Hey!  No need to get insulting just because you KNOW you are going to lose!"

"Lose?  LOSE!?  You wanna lay some money on that?  Wait, better yet, the loser gets to weed the garden for a week and the winner gets to eat an entire container of his choice of ice cream.  Deal?"

"You're on it sci-fi-guy!  Don't go getting your spoon ready either."

Yeah, that really happened.  We were having a great, peaceful day when the two children of the house, namely JD and Sergio, decided to challenge each other to a Foosball game.  Honestly!  As if we didn't have enough rambunctiousness going on with Leonardo and Meghan and the kid club.  Then there is the impending................. she?...............".hang on Maalke!.....I'm coming!"

I raced up the stairs as if my life depended on it, but it was too late.  I watched from the hallway as the sparkles began.  There was a beautiful new life just coming into the world.  Baby girl Brianna.

"Aaaahhhhggggghhh!  I am NEVER letting you get close to me again Malcolm Landgraab!   Oooooooo!"

"Oh, you are so beautiful!!  My little Brianna.   I didn't know if you would be a boy or a girl but I am so happy you are a little girl angel.  I promise to love you forever."

Maalke began to rock and cuddle her precious child.  They looked so sweet together.  It brought back memories of when my Meghan was born.  You forget all the pain and discomfort of those long months and the agony of the birth itself the minute that little life is in your arms.  I almost wished.........

Maalke gazed lovingly down into Brianna's sparkling little eyes.  What a beauty she is, and no wonder!  Both her parents are quite attractive.  That little smile she has is so adorable!  I think she knew instantly who her Mommie was and was very pleased by it.

I left Maal and her newborn alone to bond and just get to know each other.  Racing back down the stairs, I wasn't sure if I'd see murder and mayhem between the contestants but no, the boys were just having a ball trying to best one another.  They were so evenly matched it was hard to tell who would win.  I just left them at it and decided to put on some music and groove a bit.  My dance skills were definitely not the best.

Distracted by Leonardo's laughter at the Llama table, JD took the opportunity to slam home the winning move.  Maal had come down stairs to watch them and gave a round of applause to the winner.  I think she was still a bit hurt by Sergio not wanting to be her guy.  Got to give him credit though, at least he's faithful.

It seems like time marches on way too quickly in life.  You're born, you're a child and the next thing you know you're an adult with all kinds of responsibilities you never dreamed you'd have.  Right now my responsibility was get a birthday cake or three all made for the busy rest of the day we were going to have.  Scooting upstairs, I quickly whipped up a nice cake and called the gang away from what they were doing.  Hot tubbing of course!  Taking a big breath, Ulricke blew the candles out in style.

To the raucous, off key sounds of the birthday song, Ulricke became an adult.

Next up was Sergio.  Not to be outdone by Ulricke, he darned near blew the frosting off the cake.  Confetti fluttered down in a frenzy of color and sound makers blasted everyone's ear drums with joy.

Sergio looked like he was putting on some of his surfer moves as he came out of the sparkles, looking not much different.  Now an adult, we'll see if this changes him at all.  Not to be outdone, Ulricke hit a high C, which isn't even a note in the song at all.
Her own, private noise maker?

The day wound down as all days are wont to do.  It was pretty late but as I went to tuck in Meghan I discovered she was missing.  Sort of.  She was in the field behind our house star gazing with one of the Caliente girls.  She never stops working on her skills!  What a perfect heir she is going to be. 

Anyway, the day HAS wound down and it's time for all good Sims to say goodnight, so I'll leave you with this last picture of me.  This is my museum portrait.  I think it came out great!  'Night all!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza -June 17
« Reply #138 on: June 17, 2016, 08:47:44 PM »
Brianna's birth and two adult birthdays--so much going on!
Your spares live a good life, Watcher!

And who painted the gorgeous portrait of your founder?

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza -June 17
« Reply #139 on: June 18, 2016, 05:58:26 AM »
Welcome Brianna, I can't wait to see what she looks like when she grows up (never paired anyone with Maaike, especially Mal!) She has a lovely name too.

The last screenshot needs to be resized ^^
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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza -June 17
« Reply #140 on: June 18, 2016, 06:18:31 AM »
Welcome Brianna, I can't wait to see what she looks like when she grows up (never paired anyone with Maaike, especially Mal!) She has a lovely name too.

The last screenshot needs to be resized ^^

It was.  Just more stupidity from Mediafire I guess.  I'll try to fix it.  Mal usually has really nice looking kids so I'm hoping this will work out well.  It's the only time I didn't mess with the sex of the nooboo so didn't know if it would be a boy or girl.  Just have to get more children around somehow since Sergio is not being the pollinator I'd hoped he'd be.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza 2-June 25
« Reply #141 on: June 25, 2016, 04:37:47 PM »
You would think with such a full household there would be a ton of stuff to write about, but unfortunately, my poor brain just hasn't been able to get a hold of it and just do it.  I guess I'm just getting worried that our bloodline will fail and it will be all my fault.  I struggle every day with trying to find things to do that won't max out skills my heirs will need to do, and I worry constantly because my career seems to have hit a promotion road block.  What am I doing wrong?!!!  I go to work Very Inspired and I maintain it to at least Inspired during my whole work day.  I get there on time and I work hard.  I guess being a mixologist just isn't as easy to get promoted at as being a chef is. (sigh)  I've learned everything there is to learn about being a mixologist, can do all the bar tricks and even have learned all the new drinks the local restaurants offer.  It's getting harder and harder to not be completely bummed out.

After whining so much about my career woes, JD decided it was time for some fun.  Considering where we are and the smile on my face do I need to tell you what that "fun" was? 

We both still are madly in love despite all the stuff going on in our lives, and it was good to just find some time to be together as sweethearts and lovers.  Plus, JD was really supportive and gave me some really good tips about my career.  Maybe it's time I focused more on Meghan and just let my career do what it will do.  After all, I've done everything else needed except that.

Speaking of Meghan, she was pretty interested to hear her "Uncle" Sergio talk about his day at work.  It seems he met this really cute little girl and her family.

It got even more interesting when he found out they were the aliens visiting incognito that day and EXTREMELY interesting when he heard her story about this kid named "Meghan", who wound up getting beat up in a fight with her.  Sergio already knew about that story but it was interesting, and humorous for him, to hear it from another view point.

I complain a lot about how my job is going, or rather, not going, but JD is doing quite well.  Here's a picture I took of him making a roast chicken.  He's already maxed out Cooking and is well on his way to maxing Gourmet Cooking.  What's next?  He says his buddy, one of those Sanada's, Tao I think his name is, suggested dining out to get some new experimental dishes.  We'll see.  Personally, that chicken just looked too good to pass up to me.

Yeah.  Looked so good guess what this Watcher had for dinner last night?  Yumm.

Really?  Really?  Do you HAVE to interject your personal comments here?  I mean, I know I'm a watched Sim but who cares if your chicken was as nice.  I can almost guarantee JD made a better one and that's enough out of you, Watcher.

Sorry.  Shutting it.  The veggies were great too.


Sorry.  Shutting it.  Did I mention the cranberry sauce? *giggles*

Ok, moving right along and ignoring that obnoxious W, I've got the most adorable photos to share.  First of all, not surprising in the least, "Auntie Ulricke" is having the time of her life.  First she adopted that scamp, Leonardo, but now, with baby Brianna around, she's also getting her chance to fill her need to nurture newborns.  I almost feel badly about having pulled her into this whole dynasty challenge thing.  I think she deserved a family of her own.  She says this is good enough.  No man to have to fuss over!  Dirty diapers are a breeze compared to men.

Brianna thinks she's pretty swell too.  It's like having two Mommas.

Yesterday the kids came home from school all tuckered out.  I didn't realize how tired they were till I happened to peek in while Meghan was bathing and caught this.

Of course that meant a trek downstairs to check in on Leonardo.  Adorable!

They were both totally zonked out!  I guess the water getting cold brought them around though because soon after they were plunked down at the table doing their homework like good kids.  Meghan is an A student and Leonardo is working hard to catch up and is currently a B student.  Not too shabby for either of them.  Ulricke is making sure Leo gets ALL his answers correct.

Once their homework was done it was time to skill up.  Meg is having a really hard time with Social Butterfly.  We rarely get a chance to go to a park and there is nothing nearby that would encourage kids to visit.  Fortunately for her, a new family has come to town, although we don't know where they live.  She met a young son named Kevin Coles right outside our side yard.

She immediately signed him up with Mini-Marrs and off they went to play.  I personally am a bit unsure about this boy.  I really didn't like the way he snickered at Leo who was working on his Creative skill.

We had noticed JD's life bar was bubbling away and probably had been for days.  Ooops!  So an impromptu birthday party was arranged with his full cooperation.  He needed a silver medal from an event while cooking three gourmet meals so this was the absolute right time!  Even though he was the birthday boy he figured it would just be even better if he could complete that part of his aspiration so we all headed down to the party area.  Maalke decided her part of the deal was going to be "Chef" even though the poor dear can barely cook.  She figured it didn't take much skill to do chocolate strawberries, and added her own special touch to the dish.

Of course, she was the first to try it out.  Man those berries are huge!

Meanwhile Ulricke made sure the kids had fun and stayed out of trouble too.  I think Leonardo was happy to not be playing violin and had a chance to show off his gaming skills to Kevin.

As for me, I did my usual great bar tending while JD waited for his cake to finish cooking.  Imagine baking your own birthday cake!  What a hoot.

"Ok, JD.  No more procrastinating!  You'll only become an adult after all.  Go blow out those candles."

And so he did.  I have to admit we all had a great time.  Good food, good drink, good fellowship among friends.  Who could ask for more?  Oh, and a gold medal to boot!

I'll leave you with one more image.  Who's the child hater?  We have our doubts.

Yes, that is Sergio.  Cooing and babbling to his little "pwecious pwincess", Brianna.  Well, guess that's it for today.  I'll be seeing you!

And more often at that.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #142 on: June 25, 2016, 05:39:19 PM »
That party room looked fantastic! So colorful and bright! The turquoise/blue and yellow really boost the festive mood!
You have another room behind the bar/wall--what is that room for? I also loved all the purple/blue/lilac shades in the flowers bordering the hot tub.

I highly recommend a restaurant visit for the Social Butterfly aspiration. Just think, if you take Kevin Coles along to a restaurant, he's basically stuck in his chair until someone pays the restaurant bill.

Wow, your household now consists of five adults, two children, and one infant, with every woman having a child of her own!
What fate does your Watcher have in store for you, little ones?

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #143 on: June 25, 2016, 06:01:26 PM »
Are you buying the Kids Room pack? The puppet show from that is supposed to be great for raising social, until then I'd follow @oshizu and force everyone to a restaurant some time. But then again, you raised a question about restaurants in the RC post so are you able to place them in world yet?

Ah, is Kevin evil or mean? I hope not, lol.

Lei isn't doing too bad in the mixology career (though she has extra traits from maxing out childhood aspirations and reward traits and hit level 10 bartending as a teen).

I also love the party room, so colourful that JD matches the room.
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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #144 on: June 25, 2016, 06:12:16 PM »
You're right--I hadn't even noticed that the chairs at the yellow table go with JD's shirt! Oh JD, you are so loved!

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Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #145 on: June 27, 2016, 03:44:26 PM »
Well, oshizu,  I love that area as well.  It's encouraged me to use more colorful things in my builds instead of just pastels.  So here's some photos of the area:

Bird's eye view of the entire basement:

Party/game room and tv/movie area:

Pool, yoga, sauna and massage:

Exercise & Movie area:

In the overview there is a room to the upper right, two of them actually.  The farthest up is the "museum" room with the smaller, pink room with a cot in it just a spare room.  JD does his baking down here.  I'll probably enlarge Meghan's room once she becomes a teen and I'm thinking of moving Brianna down here once she ages up.  No co-ed rooms needed!  lol  Really, this basement needs a bit more fixing up but I was trying to keep the file smaller since it has to be shared among all the bloodlines.  Totally failing at that!  Still, it would be nice to have one of those game things that are kind of like our Wiis. 

Yes, it's a full house and currently driving me bonkers.  I really didn't think this one out very well.  I was just concerned my heir wouldn't have any playmates her age, but she is drawing very close to teen and the others STILL won't be around her age!

@Nettlejuice :  Definitely buying the Kids Room Pack.  I'm pampered in that I'm always allowed all the new stuff, and this one sounds as much fun as the restaurants.  Nothing like a Punch and Judy show, eh? 

I have placed the restaurants.  Four different ones so we can experience all the different atmospheres.  I put a burger joint in Magnolia so the shoppers would have something more than a bakery to eat at.   ;D  Thinking ahead with this one.  I think I'll do that with my No Buy story since the very flexible "rules" are my own and maybe download some from the gallery just to see what folks have done.

Kevin is still a child so no way of knowing.  However, he usually has that "Max" look about him, frowning and what not, so I suspect he will have some negative traits like mean or evil.  So far Meghan has all boys in her club, Aubry, Leonardo and Kevin but we're planning a trip to the park to see if we can find some girls as well.  Of course, Brianna will join as soon as she ages up.  Nothing like having possible future spouses all in a group!  Once Meghan ages up I'll age them up at the same party just as I did with Sinead and then we'll know if she has to look elsewhere.

I didn't know a teen could max mixology!  Good to know, not that Meghan will need it.  Right now we're waffling back and forth over whether or not she'll go into music or writing or art.  She's maxed all her child aspirations and is working on violin so we'll see.

Thanks, you two and to everyone reading.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #146 on: June 27, 2016, 04:45:57 PM »
What a cool basement! I want to hang out down there! Full houses drive me bonkers, too, but I can never seem to resist filling them up.

I love Sergio cuddling the baby, and Maalke insisting on being the chef. Your sims have great personalities!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #147 on: June 29, 2016, 06:39:55 AM »
As a spare Lei took two vacation days from school (Thursday and Friday) and maxed it during those two days with a club running.
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Re: Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #148 on: June 29, 2016, 12:44:37 PM »
Thank you so much for sharing a more detailed glimpse of your basement! I better keep my own sims away from your threads!

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Re: And the Winner Is...Birthday Bonanza2 -June 25 UPDATE
« Reply #149 on: June 29, 2016, 05:26:29 PM »
Right now I'm so angry and frustrated I could just spit!  I've posted how I've been worried about promotions in Mixology.  Really, it should be a breeze but something always seems to happen!  Everything else is done for my darling founder.  So I sent her off to work Very Inspired, all needs filled and expected her to come home with said promotions because she was just a small click away.  I saved, said good night, and turned the game off.  Next day I come back, there is an update and installation of Kids' Room.  I go into my file and there she is on the sidewalk having been sent home from work early!!!!!  Aaaarrrrrgggghhh.  Oh, and yes, she took a hit backward for going home early.  Why does the game do that to us?  To make it worse, the club perks we had earned before I got everything all messed up, (separate files issue), and then fixed, were gone and I hadn't noticed it.  Has anyone else noticed how often our Sims are ignoring our instructions and doing their own thing?  I have to be on them like white on rice or they simply stop doing their appointed tasks and then drop the queue.  Plus, there are more things simply not registering, like Brianna has played umpteen chess games but they are not registering in the aspiration requirement and neither is the playing on monkey bars while playful.  Oh well, maybe after this huge venting I'll be able to gather myself together and play some more so we have an update.

@FrancescaFiori :  Thank you!  Go all bright colors is something I've been trying to do more.  I tend to be rather monochromatic, so the basement has been fun.  Now I'm trying to figure out where I can fit one of those game pad things and still leave room for dancing.  The thing with Sergio was all him.  I happened to notice he had left the party so went looking for him and there he was with the baby.  Even changed it's poopy diaper!

@Nettlejuice :  I had Meghan use a note first and then vacation days.  I want her to max out violin of course and maybe get a bit more charisma.  I'll do the same with Leonardo and Brianna once an A has been achieved.

@oshizu :  Oh no!  Don't keep them away!  The Sanadas are always welcome.  Of course it might mean having to have a mop handy to mop up the drooling the females of my house would be doing.  lol
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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