Author Topic: Household Skills Project Mk 3  (Read 96567 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 5 Feb
« Reply #120 on: February 06, 2017, 12:55:00 PM »
I didn't much like playing in Bridgeport either. Too many subways, funny shifts, and the lifts get in the way. Shame, when it looks so nice.

The subways weren't too much of a problem once they all had cars in their inventories (I temporarily replaced the hot tub on the balcony with a parking space and doled them out).  Leo was a real pain until he got his police car, forever getting taxis to and from subway stations that were hardly any distance apart.  He'd have been far quicker walking.

Odd about the automatic clean-up - I wish my apartment had that feature! Were you living above a bar or something?

No, the lots are all either commercial or residential.  I'm not sure whether it was because of the public spaces: you can imagine that an automatic clean-up of the lobby and lifts would be a useful feature.  I thought at first that it was only happening in the rooms that had been hidden before I adopted them but then it occurred to me that their plumbing was staying remarkably clean without any upgrades - and Margarita's stockpiled skill gain drinks were all in the original apartment.  It might be a bug, of course - after only two generations and no travelling the game was getting pretty flaky.  I'll have to test it out with a new file sometime.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #121 on: February 10, 2017, 02:34:54 PM »
House 17

I had Midnight Hollow as a Christmas present, so there was never any doubt about where the Haskills would go next.  Cecilia moved into a very familiar-looking house, although it’s had a minor makeover, including darker colours on the outside.

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Many of the community lots have been similarly toned down – even the junkyard looked glaringly bright compared with the local architecture ???.  I’ve added a few bars: Waylon’s has been imported from Bridgeport and plonked down right across the road from the Goole Haskill house.  Varg’s Tavern and the Red Velvet Lounge, which has been upgraded to a Late Night-style vampire lounge, have also been added and Midnight Hollow’s own Precarious Pub has become a local watering hole.

Cecilia had resigned from Skillz just before leaving Bridgeport and was now ready to form her own band.  Well, who could turn down the chance to play with David Bowie Ziggfield?

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"Wow! He's dishy!"

Sorry, Cecy, he’s married.  And off-limits to you anyway.

Once she’d recruited two more members, she summoned everyone to the Gloomy Garden for a jam session/publicity exercise.

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Ooh!  Now, he’s not off-limits.  That very pale (white?) skin and black-and-purple hair would be interesting additions to the family genetics.

Cecilia stopped playing and tried to strike up a conversation.  It was hard going, though.  Warren Delgado clearly preferred taking photos or making notes to actually getting to know the celebrity he was following.

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Then he left the lot.  Very improperly, Cecilia chased after him (although she did pause to change into her formal outfit by way of compensation for her unladylike behaviour).

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It looked for a while as though she was getting somewhere but then he started turning away after every sentence and the rest of her conversational actions would drop.  Talking for long enough to be able to ask him to move in was clearly out of the question :(.

As usual, the back-up plan was the postman.

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By the end of Cecilia's second day in Midnight Hollow, Jamaal Kent was part of the household.

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The postman’s cap must have Tardis-like properties – how did all of that hair fit under it?

Jamaal arrived with the Super Popular LTW, which no-one’s done yet, but, since he was still a young adult, he’d have plenty of time to get through a career – so he signed up as an organ donor, with a view to changing his wish to World-Renowned Surgeon once he’d saved up the points.

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There was also time for their relationship to develop relatively slowly…

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…although Cecilia wished to marry Jamaal as soon as they were romantic interests.

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His bachelor party was more of a shared engagement do – most of the guests were Cecilia’s friends.

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A small outbreak of wedding spam:

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(Using the rugs from the Savvy Seller’s Collection wasn’t one of my cleverer ideas.  I thought they looked suitably bridal but the guests kept trying to buy the wedding arch  :P.)

The wedding party went on for most of the day but at last the newlyweds were alone together.

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Cecilia realised she was pregnant in the middle of a performance by the band.

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Fortunately, they were only jamming for tips rather than performing an official gig.  I’m pretty sure they’d have failed the opportunity if it had been a gig, just as Skillz had when a member of the audience very inconsiderately dropped dead in the middle of their set.  Cecilia abandoned her keyboards and ran across the road to tell Jamaal he was going to be a father.

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Almost inevitably, she was playing again when she went into labour – practising the guitar in the basement party room...

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...and Maxine was born onstage.

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #122 on: February 11, 2017, 03:12:32 PM »
Maxine grew up into an even scarier-looking toddler than Vlad.

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Perhaps that was why Cecilia took so little interest in her daughter.  Jamaal was besotted but so busy with his medical career that he had little time for being a hands-on dad.

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Maxine largely taught herself her toddler skills, with some help from an unusually competent babysitter.

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Cecilia, who was already pregnant with her second child, spent a lot of time being pampered at the day spa, when she wasn’t hanging out with the band.  She did have the odd fit of enthusiasm for all that motherly stuff but really didn’t have any talent for it  ::).

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Maxine had her child birthday remarkably soon after her previous one.

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She was still mildly terrifying as a child – and her slobby tendencies quickly became apparent.  Cecilia enrolled her in military school, hoping that her untidiness could be trained out.

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At least the school uniform suited her.

Jamaal had a rare day off just before she was due to leave for Fort Starch, so they planned a family day out at the summer festival - which Cecilia ruined by going into labour about five minutes after they arrived.

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While Jamaal drove his wife to the hospital, Maxine cycled home and spent the day playing with her toys instead  :(.

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The new baby was a boy.  They named him Jonathan.

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Maxine left for school the next morning while her parents were still asleep.  Jamaal had been called to deal with an emergency in the last hour of his supposed day off and Cecilia had been up most of the night with a fretful baby but I still felt sorry for the poor kid.

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As a toddler, Jonathan looked a lot like his big sister at the same age.

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(Out of curiosity, I aged Jamaal down in CAS and, yes, they’re his genes.  Jonathan is practically a clone.  I hadn’t noticed before how prominent Jamaal’s browline is.)

Jon was aged up even quicker than Maxine had been – he was only a toddler for a day.

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(I have no idea why Cecilia’s doing that: worrying about the effect of all of those birthday cakes on her figure, maybe?)

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She warmed a little towards Jon when she discovered he’d inherited her artistic nature…

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…and even autonomously read him a bedtime story (although it was Commitment Issues  ::) )…

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…but she still enrolled him in boarding school.  Le Fromage, naturally, to encourage his talents.

This time, the family day out worked better.  Jon had a great time, winning the pie-eating contest and collecting an autumn gnome (my first ever) on a trip through the haunted house.

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But the next morning he too walked out through the big gates and set off for school  :(.

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Soon after he’d moved in, Jamaal had found a dusty old lamp on a chest of drawers on the landing.

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He’d given it a quick polish, with the usual results.

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“There aren’t any… ghosts… here, are there?”
“Your house looks an awful lot like one my friend Deirdra was telling me about.  Full of ghosts.  I don’t like ghosts.”

Jamaal assured his new acquaintance that the house was ghost-free, carefully saying nothing about the Salas family just down the road.  He’d summoned the genie at intervals since then and they’d become close friends.  Now he made his final wish, carried out the rather mysterious tasks as instructed…

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…and Asa Ott joined the household.

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Asa, a computer whiz (what is it with genies and computers?) had the Blog Artist LTW when he arrived but seemed like the ideal Sim to do Paranormal Profiteer – he really does seem to be obsessed by ghosts, judging by his thought bubbles.

And, talking of lifetime wishes, a couple of days after Asa’s arrival, Cecilia maxed the bass skill and became my first One-Sim Band  :D.

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Offline Alex

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 11 Feb
« Reply #123 on: February 11, 2017, 03:27:01 PM »
Wow, those are some very, um, interesting-looking kids you've got there :o Their eye colours are nice, though.

Did the Goole house always have those colourful kitchen tiles? So pretty!

I thought they looked suitably bridal but the guests kept trying to buy the wedding arch

*still giggling at mental image* Well, that's one way to pay for the wedding, I suppose.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #124 on: February 19, 2017, 09:43:20 AM »
Wow, those are some very, um, interesting-looking kids you've got there :o Their eye colours are nice, though.

Disconcerting, aren't they?  Those very blue eyes are from Jamaal; the violet ones are inherited from Leo.

Did the Goole house always have those colourful kitchen tiles? So pretty!

No, it had the same wall style but with black/grey/white tiles.  The kitchen was one of the rooms that had a complete makeover.  And thank you.  I'm rather fond of them myself :)

I thought they looked suitably bridal but the guests kept trying to buy the wedding arch

*still giggling at mental image* Well, that's one way to pay for the wedding, I suppose.

True ;).  It was a real pain, though.  There I was trying to get them married and the guests wouldn't get out of the way.

When I’ve sent Sim kids to boarding school before (admittedly, not all that often), they’ve essentially disappeared into limbo until their YA birthdays.  Maxine’s time at Fort Starch was quite different – a succession of pop-ups kept me informed about her progress.

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Although I think the military may have bigger problems than their financial errors if they can’t even keep track of their students’ identities :P.

Jonathan, who had a weekend birthday, came home for a couple of days of driving lessons and intensive skilling.  Like great-uncle Vlad, he took the chance to poke around in the storage chests…

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…and turned himself into a witch.  He had a few hours to practise spellcasting before returning to Le Fromage.

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Cecilia had another baby (on their private stage, again).

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Like his older siblings, Tom was taught his toddler skills at top speed, had an early cake…

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…and was packed off to boarding school.

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His parents were busy.  Jamaal was progressing fairly slowly through the medical career, because he was holding clinics and visiting rabbitholes as often as possible.  He was also following up most work shifts with home visits, because I was trying to get the service award for forty diagnoses for the first time.

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And finally, more than five weeks after moving to Midnight Hollow, Cecilia made a start on the skill for this house.

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Winter had arrived (I’m changing the seasons to suit myself this time) but the paparazzi didn’t seem to have noticed.

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You’d think a doctor would have more sense, but no:

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Asa’s career was going well...

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…and he reached level ten a day after Jamaal.

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Maxine returned home from Fort Starch.

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Somehow, despite her success in the bunk inspection contest, she was still a slob.  A disciplined slob, which boggles my brain rather.  She turned out better-looking than I’d expected.

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The following day, she was off again, for a single week at university with a minimal class load.  The aim was to max nerd influence and maybe also work on the other two social groups.  She didn’t do quite as well as I’d hoped, largely because I forgot to pack a motive mobile in her inventory.  She was only at level 8½ by the end of the week but used happiness points to buy her way to the top and took a job in video game creation.

Cecilia celebrated her eldest child reaching young adulthood by producing another one.  (After all, she’s such a great mother ::).)

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Davina will definitely be the final member of the family – her birth slightly delayed Cecilia’s elder birthday.

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And yet again, Jamaal’s scary features win out over Cecilia’s rather attractive ones :(

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Jon graduated from art school and like Maxine, immediately left for uni.  He did rather better, largely because he had a moodlet manager, and maxed his rebel influence in a matter of days.  Unsurprisingly, he took a job in art appraisal.

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Again, he’s grown up pretty well.

Jamaal took possession of the moodlet manager and spent his nights sculpting instead of sleeping.  To my surprise, he produced a gnome almost immediately.  (That’s only my second sculpting gnome, even though sculpting is one of my favourite skills.)

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Even more astonishingly, Cecilia made another a few hours later.

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Her next sculpture took her to level ten.

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Jamaal and Asa weren't far behind, although I didn’t do too well with the screenshots – I had the camera somewhere else when Asa maxed the skill and the numbers over Jamaal’s head were mostly lost in a block of clay.

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Even though the kids have mostly been away at school, this is turning out to be the most demanding house so far, not helped by increasing bugginess over the last couple of weeks.  It’s the first time in ages that I’ve had Error 12s.  It’s a good job the game is still cheering me up with its random names :D:

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Offline Alex

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 19 Feb
« Reply #125 on: February 19, 2017, 10:38:17 AM »
Good luck coping with the bugs - Error 12 is not fun :(

Jon grew up okay, did he? :) Davina doesn't look so bad to me, but maybe I'm getting acclimatised to Jamaal's, um, interesting features.

Bo Tai - :D :D :D

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #126 on: February 25, 2017, 08:18:30 AM »
Jon grew up okay, did he? :) Davina doesn't look so bad to me, but maybe I'm getting acclimatised to Jamaal's, um, interesting features.

Maybe I'm getting acclimatised as well :).  I may also be biased - Jon is my favourite of this generation, even though his LTW is driving me nuts.

Davina became a child and chose clothing to express her eccentricity (and liking for lime).

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As the only child not to be sent to boarding school, she was in danger of being thoroughly spoilt.  A number of new indoor and outdoor toys appeared – although the person who spent most time playing in the sandpit was Jamaal.

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He was very fond of Davina, helping her with her homework (usually in the sandpit ::) ) and reading her bedtime stories on the evenings when he hadn’t been called into the hospital for an emergency.

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Davina went to ballet lessons after school and was the first child in the family to be asked to audition for the lead in the end-of-term performance.  She got the part – but the stress apparently got to her:

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No, she’s not insane, just eccentric.  The really odd thing was that I had to play through that day twice because of a crash and she changed into her pyjamas both times.

Jamaal was still spamming the follow-up housecalls…

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…although that came to a sudden halt.

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I didn’t know the hospital treated animals as well as people  ???.  Jamaal was, unsurprisingly, unable to examine or treat Felix and he wasn’t going to get another patient to follow up until he had.  Oh well, at least it gave him more time with Cecilia.

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Tom came home from Dribbledine…

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…just in time to witness his father’s death.

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Poor Tom was traumatised.  Until the mourning moodlet had worn off, it was practically impossible to get him to do anything.  He kept dropping his action queue and crying.

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Like the others, he grew up better-looking than I’d expected.  Jamaal’s brow seems to get less obvious as they get older.

Davina aged up to teen.

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I had a lot of fun with her outfits, dropping the lime green in favour of a goth/steampunk look.

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Asa had been concentrating on learning to garden, making use of the green thumb he’d acquired as a social group trait.  (Must clash horribly with the blue.)  The Haskills had been carrying around a stock of life fruit for ages, ready for the inventing house, but I’d managed to leave them behind in an obscure corner of the attics at the Anchor Inn.  I’d taken them out of the fridge because Sybil kept making pancakes with them but why on earth didn’t I put them in a chest?  Now Asa had reached level seven, he was doing his best to replace them.  He was still catching ghosts in his spare time and was summoned to the town hall for another presentation to recognise his achievements.

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Maxine reached level ten of the video game developer career.  I’m not quite sure when it happened – I somehow missed the pop-up about the promotion and only noticed she was a now the head of the studio when she rolled a wish to improve her writing skill and I checked on her job requirements.  So, instead of a ‘reached the top’ screenshot, I offer Max working on her rebel influence in her work uniform:

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Tom made a start on his lifetime wish, learning charisma and adopting cats from the shelter.  In rapid succession, the household was joined by:

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Una, Twain…

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…and Tessera (apparently a wannabe businesscat).

Jonathan was still working his way through the art appraisal career.  It was going slowly because he kept just missing promotions and no longer had a boss to sweet-talk into promoting him anyway.  He was also working on his spellcasting skill.  He and Maxine made a good team – she had a high level of handiness from her days at military school and had finished the plumber challenge a few days into young adulthood, when most of the plumbing had blocked or developed leaks almost simultaneously.  Now that Jon could do magical upgrades, it was all self-cleaning as well (not that they really needed that, with Asa around to make everything spotless and sparkly at regular intervals).  He upgraded the wardrobe in Max’s bedroom as well and Cecilia went on a magical adventure in Narnia.  She told Max all about it afterwards.

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Scary stuff, clearly.  Or maybe that was a reaction to, “And to think that Jon was conceived in that very wardrobe!”

Cecilia was becoming a problem.  She was approaching a hundred and it had reached that horrible point where I was just waiting for her to die so that her kids could get on with their lives.  The house was full and nobody else could move out yet – Asa was still working on the garden and Max had only recently started to learn sculpting.  So I decided that the best thing all round was to move Cecilia out with the cats.

Not a clever decision.  For one thing, Cecilia was the one with the Fireproof Homestead reward.  She’d only just reached the front door when this happened:

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Fortunately, Jon was ready with an Ice Blast spell before any serious damage was done but by the time the fire was out, Cecilia and the cats were already settled into their new home and I’d missed the moving screenshots.

Grim caught up with Cecilia three days later.  As I’d half-expected, the cats reappeared in the shelter.  Tom was already halfway through adopting the next batch and was still friends with the original four, so I assumed that they’d still count towards his lifetime wish and carried on adopting new cats:

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                                                                            Quintus, Septimus
                                                                         Sestina, Octavia and Noni

Then, when it was too late,  Tom’s LTW count started dropping, even though all nine cats showed as friends or BFFs in his relationship panel.  It looked as though he was going to have to befriend nineteen cats instead of fifteen :(.

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 25 Feb
« Reply #127 on: February 25, 2017, 11:19:35 AM »
Can you send somebody off with the current cats, then readopt the first batch?

Are you allowed you use Manage Worlds (or whatever the Sims 3 equivalent is - Edit Town?) to move cats into other households?

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #128 on: February 26, 2017, 10:17:43 AM »
Can you send somebody off with the current cats, then readopt the first batch?

That was the plan but Asa was the only one who'd finished his requirements and I wanted to keep him around for a while for various reasons (including a plan, later abandoned, to use him to ensorcel people and try to complete the Supernatural photo collection).

Are you allowed you use Manage Worlds (or whatever the Sims 3 equivalent is - Edit Town?) to move cats into other households?

I suppose I could have done - after all, I moved Misty in with Ken using Edit Town, back in Hidden Springs.  On the other hand, using it to get through the Cat Herder wish would feel a bit like cheating.

Davina had another birthday…

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…and another wardrobe makeover.

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She graduated as valedictorian and Most Likely to Get Married.  (Yay! Another new ribbon!  Even though it was the only reason I’d given her Hopeless Romantic as her final trait, I was convinced she was going to be yet another member of the family to be voted Most Artistic.)

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Jon finally made it to Master Forger and could hardly contain his excitement.

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Like Maxine, he packed in his job after getting his final promotion and all four young Haskills concentrated full-time on sculpting.

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Maxine was the first to master the skill.  Given the Cat Crisis, I decided against finishing her LTW the hard way and simply cashed in some happiness points.

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That’s Max just after achieving her wish.  The crucial moment was hidden by the pop-up offering her a job as a sports agent, which she refused – but not quickly enough for the numbers to be visible.

She called the estate agent…

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…and she and the cats moved out, to the same cat-friendly little house where Cecilia had spent her final days.  (I know really that inactive Sims spend most of their time standing immobile just inside their front doors but I like to pretend that they have lives and I’m too much of a softie not to provide for their pets.)

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Tom rang the pet shelter as soon as they’d gone… to find that the former Haskill cats were no longer on their books :(.  When I checked his relationship panel, Una was still there (although no longer registering for LTW-granting purposes) but the other three had disappeared.

Back to the sculpting stations, then.  Davina and Tom reached level ten on the same day.

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While Davina continued plugging away at her supermax, Tom alternated between the library and the park, working on charisma – and Super Friendly in particular.  I didn’t want any more feline relationships to decay and he didn’t have the points for Long-Distance Friend.  It had an unexpected extra benefit – while he was in the park, he met and befriended a neighbourhood cat named Jeremiah, reducing the number of future adoptees by one.  Once he’d maxed the skill and knocked out three challenges, he started adopting cats again.

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From right to left, that’s Dixie, Elf and Dodeca.  They were followed by:

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Baker (who likes nachos better than beetles – and who can blame him?), Quatorze and Quince (who seems to be interested in a rather different kind of mouse from most cats).  As soon as all six were befriended, they were moved out with Asa, who had now restored the life fruit stocks.  I’ll miss him and his magical cleaning abilities, not to mention the endless supply of perfect baked angel food cake.

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A few hours later, Jon maxed sculpting and could finally do some serious work on his lifetime wish.  Tom adopted yet another cat to act as his familiar.

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That's Hex, short for Hexadecimal.

Armed with the moodlet manager and several bottles of Essence of Magic, Jon put in a couple of days of spellcasting at the park.  I’m ashamed to say that he toadified Max along the way  :-[.  The good luck charm he also cast on her probably didn’t do much to make up for it.

Progress was slow, to say the least – and fainting then peeing himself every time he successfully cast the haunting curse didn’t help.  (Apparently, ghost werewolves transforming are much scarier than living ones  ::).)  Jon was already in his final week of adulthood and it seemed unlikely that he’d be able to max his witchy powers in time for Davina to move.  I was seriously considering swapping him to an easier lifetime wish and trying Zombie Master again later on.  The only other option was alchemy – there were still some elixirs of Sev’s in one of the chests but he’d need a lot more.  I bought an alchemy station and Jon started researching.

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Meanwhile, Tom, who’d learned some gardening at school and had improved his skill by helping Asa, spent a day at the library getting to level seven.  He planted a couple of glow orbs, searched for rhinoceros beetles (he found one) and repeatedly bought out the elixir store in the hope of finding Potent Zombification ready-made.  There wasn’t any  :(.

Having done everything he could to help his brother, Tom turned back to his own lifetime wish.  He adopted an adorable little bundle of fluff called Janis…

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…and then a full-grown cat who appeared to be part vampire bat.  With fingers crossed, I named him Thatzit.

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And it was  :).

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I really should have done both witch lifetime wishes together in the alchemy house – they could have duelled to build their spellcasting skill and the magical healer could have cured all of the zombies to get his/her wish.  Plus, that household had an expert alchemist, a large garden and a werewolf who could hunt for ingredients.  I suppose the real lesson is that I should have played more with Supernatural before adding it into this game  :-\.

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 26 Feb
« Reply #130 on: March 06, 2017, 11:48:14 AM »
I've just found your story and have read it all over the past couple of days. I've really enjoyed it, you write really well. I love all your houses, especially the way you've decorated them and the attention to detail. Do you use custom patterns?

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 26 Feb
« Reply #131 on: March 08, 2017, 05:45:00 PM »
Although I don't always comment, I keep reading this interesting story. Right now I am strongly resisting the temptation to start this project but with two stories and little time to play I know it's crazy to start now.

Good job to Tom for that LTW, which in my opinion gives less points than it deserves.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 26 Feb
« Reply #132 on: March 11, 2017, 12:28:47 PM »
Oh, poor Thatzit - did you call him Zit for short?

Nope.  It had never occurred to me before reading your comment to split his name as That/zit rather than Thatz/it.  It does seem a bit mean now that you've pointed it out :(.  I was just looking for a 'finished, thank goodness!' name, since I couldn't think of an eighteenish one at the time.  (Major, possibly?)

I've just found your story and have read it all over the past couple of days. I've really enjoyed it, you write really well. I love all your houses, especially the way you've decorated them and the attention to detail. Do you use custom patterns?

Thank you :D.  I don't really think of this one as proper writing, just recording what happens in the game.

Quite a few of the houses were built for other reasons and reused for this project - the last one was originally built for my Life States Dynasty, for example.  I love building but don't always have the time to really concentrate on it.

The only pattern I've used that's not completely standard is that flowery one on a lot of Cecilia's clothes, which I think came from the free JC Penney store set. (Pretty sure it's no longer available, sadly.)  All of the others are just recolours: they can look quite different if you play around with different combinations of colours.

Although I don't always comment, I keep reading this interesting story. Right now I am strongly resisting the temptation to start this project but with two stories and little time to play I know it's crazy to start now.

Good job to Tom for that LTW, which in my opinion gives less points than it deserves.

Hello again :).

I don't understand the LTW points either.  The two animal-befriending ones do seem to be completely undervalued, while Alchemy Artisan and Master Mixologist are far too easy to be worth 40k points.  I don't think Seasoned Traveller is anywhere near hard enough to justify 60k either.  (I know Marco struggled but that was mostly because I was doing so many other things with that household.)

And don't even get me started on Home Design Hotshot...

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3
« Reply #133 on: March 12, 2017, 04:59:48 AM »
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Tom, Janis and Thatzit moved out and I set up Davina with a load of barely-started paintings and sculptures, so that I could concentrate full-time on Jon.

Witch plus supernatural fan really is a powerful combination for learning alchemy.  It only took a few days for him to reach level ten and learn all the recipes (for the chance of not using up all of his ingredients).  Then he mixed his first zombie elixir.

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Two bottles!  Yes!  He went straight out to the park in search of victims converts.

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One down, nine to go.

And he still needed more elixirs, of course.  Then I went into map view and noticed the insects.  Of course!  He was holding the first stage of the Philosopher’s Stone opportunity but I’d not really registered that it requires insects and that every beetle and butterfly was now identified on the map including two rhinoceros beetles!  Jon’s LTW had suddenly gone from near-impossible to completely doable.

And, a few  hours later, ‘completely doable’ had become a dead cert.  (An undead cert?)  In fact, he now had two more elixirs than he needed.  While he was hanging around at the park, looking for people to throw them at,  Asa came over to say hello.  Bad move  :-[.

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I have promised myself that someone will throw a potent cure at Asa the next time I see him.

It took a couple of days (people seemed to be avoiding him for some reason  ::)) but finally Jon was ready to throw his tenth elixir.  The dubious honour of being his final convert went to Nadia Cho, one of his mother’s former bandmates.

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(I wonder whether a zombie vampire counts for the Doubly Dead photo?  I must get Davina to invite Nadia over and find out.)

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Jon and Hex moved out and Davina was left alone to complete her supermax.

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Soon, only the five metal sculptures were left to do.   It was just as well that she now had my full attention.

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I knew that sleep mask was a bad idea  :(.

On the final night in the house there was an attempted burglary.  The thief had barely entered the grounds when Davina was out of bed and running downstairs.

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It seems that the ability to apprehend burglars is another occupational trait that can skip a generation  :).

Davina slept late, making up for her interrupted night, but by early afternoon she’d finished her fifth metal sculpture.

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She made a few calls…

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…and drove across town to her new home building plot.

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House 17 summary
Skill: sculpting

Level 10 photography, drums, piano, guitar, bass and sculpting
Learned all instrumental compositions.
New photo collections: Nightlife and Seasons.

Jamaal Kent
Traits: (none)
Career: Medicine
LTW: World-Renowned Surgeon
Level 10 logic and sculpting

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                                                                                    Jamaal’s career rewards

Asa Ott
Life state: genie
(Traits: clumsy, neat, dislikes children, computer whiz, lucky)
Career: Ghost Hunter
LTW:Paranormal Profiteer
Level 10 logic and sculpting

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                                                          Asa’s career rewards (and an almost-complete spirit collection)

Traits: friendly, slob, bookworm, (good, disciplined) – plus charismatic from nerd influence
Career: Video Game Developer (Engineer)
LTW: Reach Max Influence with All Social Groups
Level 10 sculpting
Attended Fort Starch Military School

Life state: became a witch
Traits: artistic, couch potato virtuoso [trait changed by school], supernatural fan, (photographer’s eye, star quality) – plus charismatic from rebel influence
Career: Art Appraisal (Acquisition)
LTW: Zombie Master
Level 10 street art, painting, sculpting and alchemy
Attended Le Fromage Art School

You know the standard advice about sticking to one skill for would-be musical supermaxers?  Jon received four or five bass opportunities, far more than anyone in the bass house, despite having points in about a dozen skills  :-\.

Traits: clumsy, couch potato, cat person, (loves the outdoors, handy)
LTW: Cat Herder
Level 10 charisma and sculpting
Attended Dribbledine Sports Academy

Traits: eccentric, artistic, lucky, savvy sculptor, hopeless romantic
Career: Sculptor
LTW to be completed in next house
Level 10 photography; supermaxed sculpting
Building/property: Antiquity Art Museum
Unique rewards: Cloud-inator 3000, Map to the Stars

Davina’s ballet shoes, art club trophy and cupcake painting completed the family’s collection of after-school club rewards:

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This collection should really have gone in the summary for the previous house but there wasn’t enough space in the apartment to display it:

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                                                                            The Celebrity Collection

I’m a little disappointed that there wasn’t a Blingaboo as well – they’re by far my favourite celebrity freebies.

A random picture to finish with:

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It’s often hard to tell in Midnight Hollow but yes, that was the middle of the night.  Do zombies moonbathe?

Offline Alex

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Re: Household Skills Project Mk 3: updated 12 Mar
« Reply #134 on: March 12, 2017, 08:28:23 PM »
I love that picture of the afterschool club trophies - I don't think I've seen them all together before. I'd forgotten quite how nauseating the cupcake painting is ;)

Nice zombie mastering, Jon! Does the Reanimation Ritual not count for the LTW?