Terrific update Cheezey. So Emit is a Wainwright descendant! How cool is that! Also I just love your choice for Patrick's T-shirt. That's so inappropriately funny.
Thank you! Since the game doesn't show descendants from children that don't live in the active household (their features look like Boyd and Susan, not Blair) I figured I'd go with how Emit shares two traits with Cycl0n3 and one with Blair, and make him their descendant, and say the others were Patrick's. Also, glad you got a kick out of Patrick's shirt. I did that on purpose.

What a fantastic twist, having Emit being descended from the Wainwrights and Sw0rds! Really loving this story, Cheezey!
Patrick is adorable and I can't wait for Orion to age up!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the twists! Orion is an adorable toddler, although story-wise his birthday won't happen until Chapter 39.
Wow, I like how Emit turn out to be a Wainwright descendent. And sad after knowing that a Sword caused that mayhem in the future. I guess everything is good in the future now. And great to see the grown-up Patrick. I will wait and see how he excels in the painting skill. Looking forward for next update.
Thank you! Patrick got the artistic trait when he aged up, so despite being a couch potato like his mom and dad, he's more inclined to creativity than science.
I'm only halfway through the story- but I have to say that you are excellent when it comes to characterization. I love the way you portrayed Xander and Stiles, very well written!
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying how I've been writing the characters! I try to get in the heads of the characters as I write them.

Chapter 37
Patrick Wainwright could not believe his eyes. A second ago, his favorite toy, his doll, Buddy, had been on his bathroom floor. Now, as if by magic, he’d come to life. “You’re talking! And alive! How?”
“Of course I’m talking. I always talk to you. We’re best friends!”
“But—but you’re a doll.”
Buddy put his hands on his hips. “So?”
“So, dolls don’t talk! Unless they’re talking dolls. But you’re not a talking doll, and don’t have batteries. You’re just a doll-doll.”
“I am not just a doll-doll!” Buddy seemed insulted by the insinuation. “I’m your friend.”
Patrick frowned, feeling a little bad even though he still didn’t understand. “I didn’t mean you weren’t.”
“Well, then say sorry and we’ll still be best friends like always.”
“I’m sorry. Of course we’re friends.” He looked at him in amazement. “I just didn’t know you were real! Like walking and talking real, I mean. When I talked to you before it was like make believe.”
“Oh, I’m real. I’ve always been real. I’m magical.” Buddy did a little twirl. “You didn’t make me up. You heard me. Only you can see me, though. Because only my best friend can see me.”
“Wow!” Patrick was amazed. “So I can see you and talk to you, but my parents can’t?”
“Nuh-unh. They think I’m just a doll.”
“What about Orion? Or Chris and Blair and Cycl0n3?”
Buddy shook his head. “Nope! Just you. We’re special best friends.”
Patrick stepped closer, and looked him up and down. “So you can play with me? Not for pretend or like with the doll house, but play real games and tag and stuff like that?”
“Oh, yeah! That’d be fun. Want to go play now?”
Patrick heard his mother shouting for him up the stairs. “Patrick! The bus will be here soon!”
“Coming, Mom!” He turned to Buddy. “I’ve got to go. Today’s my first day of school. Will you be here when I get back?”
“I’ll always be here!”
“Okay. See you later then!” Patrick left, glancing over his shoulder as he did. Buddy followed him into the hall. When he started down the stairs, he saw a flash of movement, and where Buddy stood a moment ago, the doll that he was supposed to be was on the floor again.
Although discovering that Buddy was a magical playmate was exciting, so was the first day of school. Aside from new classes, Patrick met the other kids in his class. Penny Bunch was the daughter of his parents’ friends, so he sort of knew her already. At lunch he sat with two boys named Jamaal Hart and Julius Langerak, and he played with them at recess, too.
His teacher told the class that they could sign up for after school activities if they wanted. Patrick hoped that maybe he could join the art club that Mortimer Goth talked about at his birthday party, but the only ones that kids in his grade were allowed to sign up for were ballet or scouting. He remembered Blair telling him once that she was in Sim Scouts, so he picked that one. It sounded like it could be fun. The teacher said he’d learn about nature and how to do different things.
After he got out of school, it was time for the art class that he’d asked to take on his birthday. Most of the others in the class were grown-ups or teenagers, but he didn’t mind that, especially when the instructor told him how nice she thought it was that creative young minds like him wanted to learn. They gave him an information packet to take home with him, and let him try out different kinds of paints. Watercolors, acrylic, and oil, and he also learned about different types of brushes and techniques. “You did very well,” the instructor told him after the class ended. “Keep practicing, and you can be a great artist someday.”
Patrick beamed. “I will!”
True to their word, once they saw he was serious, Boyd and Susan bought him an easel. They set him up in the study by the picture window between Boyd’s computer desk and the back stairs. “Have fun, but be careful about spills,” Susan told him.
“Okay, Mom.”
He started his first painting, and Buddy came up behind him. “Whatcha doing, Patrick?”
“What is it?”
“A volcano. See, here’s the lava.” He made a broad stroke with his yellow paint.
“Lava’s supposed to be orange, isn’t it?”
“It’s really bright and hot.”
“It looks like lemonade.” Buddy giggled.
Patrick turned and stuck his tongue out at Buddy. “Who asked you?”
Boyd came in as Patrick was making faces at the air, and turned on his computer. “Who are you talking to?”
“Oh.” Boyd wondered if Patrick was playing some kind of pretend game with his doll, but he didn’t see it anywhere. “Is he helping you paint?”
“Nah. Just hanging out. He doesn’t know how to paint.”
could paint. I just don’t
want to,” Buddy pointed out.
Boyd frowned, unsure if Patrick was giving him attitude or just distracted. “Well, it’s probably better to keep him away from the paint anyway. It’d be hard to get any stains out.” He sat at his computer desk and loaded TarzWar.
Buddy wandered behind Boyd and snickered as he looked at his screen. “Your dad’s a big geek.”
“Duh,” Patrick retorted. “So what?”
“So what what?” asked Boyd.
“You said so what, so ‘so what’ what?”
“Oh, I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Buddy.”
“I see.” Boyd found it odd, but chalked it up to a child’s imagination.
Susan came in with Orion, who she had just changed. She put him on the baby mat, and sat down at the chess table.
“Not going online tonight?” Boyd asked.
“No. I have a match against Jamie Jolina tomorrow. If I win, I’ll take Rank 3 on the circuit. I want to prepare on the traditional board. It helps my focus.”
“I’m sure you’ll wipe the field with her, honey.”
“That’s the goal.”
While Susan got herself ready for her level 3 title game, Cycl0n3 stewed because, among other things, once again he couldn’t play his. It was the third night in a row he had to bow out of raiding on TarzWar with his buddies, because Blair was working overtime. He’d learned the hard way that he couldn’t concentrate on a raid and watch Chris at the same time. It was one thing if Chris was asleep, but he was still wide awake, and that meant he had to keep one eye and ear on him.
It was not that he minded watching his son. He loved Chris, but kids his age needed a lot of attention. Even one as easily entertained as Chris—who would amuse himself playing with his toys or blocks, or watching TV—couldn’t be left unmonitored while he played TarzWar. Especially since Chris was accident-prone. Cycl0n3 joked that Chris was like a magnet to anything dangerous, and it seemed like he knocked over or bumped into things that gave him minor boo-boos all the time. He’d been working with him on that, teaching him to be steadier on his feet and walk properly, but he was still learning.
Usually, Blair played with Chris after work. She’d watch him for a couple of hours while Cycl0n3 played TarzWar, and then they would put him to bed and spend the rest of the evening together. It gave Blair some time with Chris, and Cycl0n3 a break after playing work-at-home-Dad all day. Being a self-employed P.I. meant they only needed a babysitter when he had to go somewhere Chris couldn’t come along. Cycl0n3 had cut back on his case load back when Blair went to work, but that also meant less money, at least from cases. A few that utilized his computer savvy had provided some hacking bonuses, but he had to fib to Blair that the money all came from his fees.
Now that she was working so much overtime, though, he had less case work to keep him busy, and he couldn’t do other things he enjoyed, like TarzWar. Even worse, Chris asked for his mommy often, and Cycl0n3 had to tell him she was working and wouldn’t be back until after bedtime. Chris missed her, and so did he. Lately, it felt like quality time with Blair was rarer than the undercooked steak he’d had for dinner at the diner, and he resented it.
Chris was already in bed by the time Blair got home that night. Cycl0n3 had just finished a snack and was about to go online when she came home. She greeted him, and when she didn’t see Chris, she glanced over at his closed bedroom door. “Chris is in bed already, huh?”
“Yeah, that happens when you work until almost 10.” Cycl0n3 hadn’t meant for it to come out as snappish as it had, but he wasn’t inclined to apologize for it, either.
It caught her off guard. “Tia couldn’t come in to cover until late. We’re really short-staffed with Justine out on—”
“Maternity leave. I know.” Cycl0n3 frowned. “It’d just be nice if it wasn’t always you staying late every time.”
“It’s not always me,” Blair said defensively. “I’m sorry. I’m not thrilled about it, either, but it’s not.”
Even though it was true, her arguing about it soured Cycl0n3’s mood more. “Yeah, well, somehow I’m not picturing Hank cutting his party time at Mick’s short every night.”
Blair frowned. “That’s not fair. Hank’s covered just as many shifts as I have lately. I told you, we’re under-staffed. They need us all.” She sighed. “At least it’s good money, right?”
“We’re not hurting that bad, and let’s be honest, I could make more in a night hacking than you do on an overtime shift, with what they pay you.”
“Hacking? Oh, yeah, that’s great, until you get caught and thrown in jail.” Blair rolled her eyes. “That’s not even funny to joke about.”
Cycl0n3 frowned. “Who said I was joking?”
“You’d better be, because you know what kind of position that’d put me in. I’m sworn to uphold the law, not look the other way while you break it. And seriously, is
that the kind of example want to set for Chris? That it’s okay to steal as long as it’s on the computer?”
“Well, at least I’m here to set one, which is more than I can say for you most nights lately,” he snapped. “Sorry if I suck at it.”
“I never said that, and you’re not being fair at all!” Her voice rose with emotion.
Cycl0n3 held a finger up to his mouth and sneered sarcastically. “Shh, Perfect Mom. You’ll wake up the sleeping kid.”
“Cycl0n3, I never said you were doing a bad job. I know you take good care of Chris,” she argued. “And I’m sorry I’ve been on so many extra shifts lately, but what am I supposed to do?”
“Maybe say you’ve done a bunch already this week, and that it’s someone else’s turn? Say ‘no’ once in a while? I say no to cases I can’t take all the time, because of Chris. And apparently, so you can work even more.”
Blair groaned in frustration. “Oh, come on, Cycl0n3. It’s not the same thing. My job is important! The SVPD can’t just not be available. People count on us to be there when we need them!”
“Oh. Well excuse me for daring to think anything I do could be as important as what you do,” Cycl0n3 retorted. “Maybe once the
important people of Sunset Valley are taken care of, you can squeeze in some time to see me and Chris.”
“Forget it.” With that, he stalked off to the bedroom while Blair sat down on the couch and cried.
Cycl0n3 never came back out, and when Blair went in to go to bed, he was either asleep or pretending to be. She was not sure which. It tore at her. It was not their first argument, but it was the first time they’d gone to bed angry at each other.
When Chris woke up half an hour before her alarm, Blair got out of bed to take care of him. Cycl0n3 rolled over and saw her go, but didn’t say anything. Blair tried not to let that get to her as she snuggled their son. “Good morning. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you went to bed last night. Mommy does miss you when she’s working late, I promise.”
“Mommy.” Chris hadn’t mastered talking yet, but he knew a few words. He smiled at her.
“I bet you’re hungry, huh? Well, let’s get you changed for the day and out to the kitchen for some breakfast.”
After she got Chris taken care of, she got herself a bowl of yogurt. Cycl0n3 came out a few minutes later. He ruffled Chris’ hair and got himself a bowl of cereal. He didn’t say anything, but sat at the table with Blair to eat it.
She couldn’t bear the silence. “Cycl0n3, I’m sorry. Last night, I never meant you and Chris weren’t important! Of course you are! You know how much I love you both.”
“Yeah. I know.” He still sounded sour.
“But you’re still angry.”
Cycl0n3 looked at her. “Do you know, lately, this is the only time we even talk? In the morning, over a crappy bowl of cold cereal and your morning yogurt, for fifteen minutes or less before you head off to work?” He let out a cynical laugh. “You don’t even make coffee here anymore. You get that at the java hut on your way in. Because you’re so tired you sleep until the last minute in the morning. Wake up, shower if you didn’t the night before, and boom. Off to work. Chris and I see you for fifteen freaking minutes.”
Blair felt both hurt and guilty. “I know. But it’s not forever. I miss you and Chris, too.” She looked over at him, and noticed him watching them. “Maybe we shouldn’t get into this here after all.”
Cycl0n3 set his spoon down. “Yeah. He can tell. Better not to have what time he gets to see you be like this.”
She flashed him a wounded look, but kept her voice even while giving him the benefit of the doubt. “Was that sarcastic?”
“It was honest. He misses you.”
Blair tried not to cry. “I’m sorry.” She looked over at Chris, who was playing with his bear. “Are you and Wugglesworth having fun?”
Chris bopped the bear against the floor while holding onto his arm, and giggled back at her.
“I’m glad.”
Blair and Cycl0n3 finished their breakfast, and she sat and paid Chris some extra attention before she couldn’t wait any longer and had to get dressed for work. Before she left, she picked Chris up and gave him a kiss goodbye. “You’re going to be good for Daddy today, right? I know you will.” She handed him to Cycl0n3. “I’ll see you later. We’ll talk tonight, okay? We’ll get dinner, and do a family thing together, when I get off work. I promise, I won’t cover any shifts unless it’s an absolute emergency.”
“Sure.” Cycl0n3 forced a half-hearted smile. “See you tonight.”
On time, I hope, he left unsaid.
A little while later, Cycl0n3 received a call on his work number. Originally he’d planned to work from home, but when this new client wanted to meet up with him in the office to discuss case particulars in person, he didn’t argue, especially after she said he’d been highly recommended to her. “I’ll be happy to meet with you, Mrs. Landgraab. See you in my office at ten.” He called a babysitter for Chris and headed out.
Nancy Landgraab seemed less than impressed with his meager office downtown, but she had the class to show it with no more than a vague expression of disdain when she first walked in. “Hello, Mrs. Landgraab. Please, have a seat.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sw0rd.” She shook his hand and sat down. “I appreciate your willingness to meet with me on short notice.”
“No problem. Happy to help. So, what can I do for you?”
“I’ve heard good things about your work, so I hope you’ll be interested in this job. As you know, my family has lived in this town for generations, and we feel strongly about the good community we have here. We want Sunset Valley to continue to grow and thrive.”
Cycl0n3 nodded. “Right. Of course.”
“Unfortunately, I think corruption has become a problem in our local government. A serious problem.”
“What kind of corruption are we talking? Bribes? Bad cops?” He had trouble imagining the latter was going on; Blair would not be able to keep any knowledge of dishonesty among the SVPD to herself. She’d be the type to crusade loudly and proudly against it.
“More the city council, and our newly elected mayor. I’m certain city funds are being appropriated to cover it up and being used in other inappropriate ways.”
“You think Mayor Alto’s on the take?” Cycl0n3 realized he should not have been surprised that was what it was about. The Landgraabs and Altos hated each other, and Vita Alto had just won the mayoral seat.
“Indeed,” insisted Nancy. “There are questions about where all this funding goes. Our taxes have gone up, but the funding going to city hall expenses has increased disproportionately with the staff. Certain positions on the council and on staff have gotten rather significant bonuses compared to historical values, and surprise, the ones who benefited most worked on Mayor Alto’s campaign. Meanwhile, our beaches still haven’t gotten the improvements that were promised, and some of the roads in this town are atrocious. Have you seen the potholes on Skyborough Boulevard? You could flatten a tire in them! And don’t get me started on the so-called employment project at Outstanding Citizens. Despite the tax hike, our city-funded school claims they can’t afford new gym equipment. So where exactly are our tax dollars going, if not to improve the town? The pockets of the mayor and her friends, that’s where! This is a serious problem, and I need evidence to take to the proper authorities to prove it.”
Cycl0n3 nodded. “I take it you’ve already asked them to look into it and they wouldn’t?”
Nancy let out a hollow laugh. “My family’s history of… disagreements with the Alto family is well-known in this town, Mr. Sw0rd. Unfortunately, my genuine concern as a citizen is written off as some sort of vendetta, especially by those in law enforcement who have a, shall we say, beneficial working relationship with Mayor Alto. Without evidence, my claims will be ignored, and the Altos’ lawyers are ready and willing to start frivolous lawsuits for slander at the slightest provocation.” She let out a dramatic sigh. “They’d lose, of course, but a lengthy courtroom battle means scandal, and that means a drop in the value of my holdings while investors are scared off. Unlike the Altos, I don’t believe that any publicity, even bad, is
good publicity.”
“I see. So, you’d like to hire me to look into city hall’s handling of funds.”
“It’d be a great service to Sunset Valley. I’d much rather pay an honest, hard-working member of the community like you than see it go to red tape and court fees to force the issue with uncooperative police and city council members.”
Cycl0n3 wondered if Nancy knew he was married to one of those police she complained about, but he supposed it didn’t matter. It was a case, one that could really make his career if it turned out she was right. Even if she wasn’t, he’d still make money for the time researching. Cycl0n3 was a little wary of the Altos’ reputation, but he felt confident he could stay under the radar. A P.I. poking around public documents in city hall was hardly unusual. “All right, Mrs. Landgraab. You’ve got a deal. I’ll take the case.” He pulled a standard contract out of the drawer and filled it in. “Just need you to sign here, and I’ll get started right away.”
“Wonderful. Thank you.” She took the paperwork, read it over, and signed. “Do keep me informed of your progress, Mr. Sw0rd. I look forward to your results.”
Cycl0n3 called the babysitter to let her know he’d be a while longer, and drove over to the Alto mansion. He knew that Vita Alto was likely to be at work, but he was not sure of her husband’s hours. He slowed as he approached their home, and realized that the snow would make it more difficult to check out the property. He would leave tracks anywhere he went. He thought for a moment, and then parked at the fishing park across the street. It was cold, but he’d have to walk along the plowed road if he didn’t want to be noticed.
It didn’t look like anyone was home. He saw that the Altos’ mail had recently been delivered, from the fresh tracks leading up to the mailbox. With careful steps, he could peek at that without being detected. There was a utility bill, junk mail, a flyer for the 28 Hour Wellness Gym, and what looked like a bank statement. Nothing unusual. It was illegal to open someone else’s mail, but he doubted there was anything on the bank statement anyway, other than a depressing sum of money that would remind him how small his balance was in comparison.
After that, Cycl0n3 followed the road to their plowed driveway. Garbage had been picked up not long ago, so he walked in the existing footprints to give that a peek, too. He removed the lid, but then he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Plum! Was that a security camera?
Panicking, he looked up, but he was relieved to see that it was just a light. Phew! Cycl0n3 resumed rummaging.
The Altos’ trash was more interesting than their mail. Aside from typical garbage, there was an unopened bottle of bubble bath, a surprisingly fresh-looking bell pepper, and a bundle of buzzberry. He wondered if it was the mayor or her business tycoon husband that was into the herbs. Unfortunately, he didn’t find anything of use to his case. He put the lid back on the trash can, brushed the snow off of himself, and wiped the grime off his gloves in a nearby snowbank. He then covered it up with fresh snow so no one would notice, and returned to his car.
Next stop was city hall. He was glad that part was indoors. He was already tired of the snow. When he got here, he headed to the records department. He was about to ask the woman behind the counter for help, when he realized that he knew her. He just didn’t recognize her because she looked so different than the last time he saw her. “Hi, can you… wait, Tam?”
“Oh, hi, Cycl0n3! How’s it going?”
“Hi. You, uh, look different.” City Hall’s dress code had always been frumpier than how she dressed out of work, but with the new haircut it had made her almost unrecognizable.
“Yeah, I got a makeover last week.” She smiled. “Got a new hairdo, and some silver highlights.”
Cycl0n3 smirked. “Where I come from, that’s called going gray.”
“And where I come from, that’s called rude,” Tamara retorted. “You’re lucky I know you’re a lost cause when it comes to people skills. So what brings you here today, Master P.I.? A case?”
“Yeah. Got a client who’s convinced his tax dollars are being funneled into secret government research underneath the beach,” he told her, proud of his cover story.
Tamara laughed. “What? Are you serious?”
“I know. Some people, huh? So, can you point me to the budget papers or whatever so I can tell him we don’t have an underwater superweapon off the coast of Sunset Valley?”
“Yeah, sure.” She snickered, and looked up some information on her computer. “Where do you find these people? They’re weirder than your internet friends.”
“They find me, for some reason. But as long as their checks don’t bounce, who am I to judge?” Cycl0n3 leaned on the counter. “Oh, and I’ll need promotion and payroll records for city hall workers, too. Whatever’s public about that. He also thinks aliens are working here and helping cover it up.”
Tamara raised an eyebrow. “You really do get the wacky ones! Anyway, our salary’s not public record, and it’s not really anyone’s business. But there are some general numbers and a list of names here. For this year and last year.” She opened a separate window and grumbled. “Though I’m pretty sure everyone who works here is human, and honestly, if an alien wanted big bucks, they wouldn’t work here.” She hit the print button and went to wait by the printer.
“So, even with that promotion you got, still not making a fortune, huh? That sucks.”
“No, but I can’t complain too much. I make decent money for the field. Vita’s pretty generous with the raises and bonuses if you do your job well. But it’s no fortune 500 kind of deal, you know? Just steady work and good benefits.” She retrieved the printout and handed it to Cycl0n3. “That’s the payroll stats. I’ll get you the other stuff. Wait here.”
“Sure. Thanks.”
While Cycl0n3 waited, he was surprised to see none other than Mayor Alto herself come in, and with a familiar face.
What’s Blair’s mom doing here?“…and there you go. All finalized.” Vita handed Susan a file of papers.
“Thank you so much for pushing that through,” Susan said to her. “It’s such a relief to have it taken care of once and for all. I couldn’t believe they told me it’d be another month to process and review it.”
Vita gave her a warm smile. “What are friends and neighbors for? I’m glad I could help. You’ve got enough on your plate without red tape adding to it. I was happy to vouch for you and expedite things.”
“Well, we really appreciate it.”
“No problem. Congratulations to you and Boyd on making the addition to your family official.”
Cycl0n3 approached and said hello. “Hi! Didn’t expect to see you here.”
“I could say the same,” Susan replied. “I’m picking up Orion’s adoption papers. It’s all official now, thanks to Vita here.” She turned to her. “Speaking of which, Vita, this is my son-in-law, Cycl0n3 Sw0rd.”
“A pleasure.” Vita extended her hand.
“Same, Mayor Alto. Thanks.”
This isn’t awkward at all, he thought, trying to keep a straight face.
“So what brings you here today?” asked Susan.
“P.I. work,” he replied. “Boring record checking stuff.”
“Hardly the glamorous part of the job, I imagine,” Vita said. “Anything I can help direct you to?”
“No worries, Vita, I’ve got it taken care of,” Tamara said as she returned with an armful of files. “Here you go, Cycl0n3. Enjoy. I hope you find what Alien Man is looking for.”
“Alien Man?” Vita and Susan both gave her a curious look.
“His case is some guy who thinks aliens work here and are helping cover up some secret government base by the beach where they’re using city funds to build it or something,” she said with a snicker. “Because aliens definitely live and walk among us here in Sunset Valley, right?”
It was Susan’s turn to feel awkward, holding Orion’s paperwork. She forced a look of amusement while Vita chuckled.
“Oh my. Well, as far as I know, no aliens work here.”
“Glad to hear it. Thanks for the help, Tam. I’m going to head out and start digging through this. See you later.” He waved and headed back to his car.
Cycl0n3 went home and paid the babysitter. Chris was full of energy and hadn’t wanted to eat lunch, at least not until Daddy was there to give it to him. He put off his file reading long enough to feed Chris and play with him a bit. Afterward, when Chris was happily distracted with his peg box, Cycl0n3 got to work.
It was tedious, but it passed the time. It seemed to him that there wasn’t much of a legal case against Vita for paying off city officials, although it did look like the salaries had gone up a bit. He couldn’t remember if higher wages in Sunset Valley had been part of her campaign, but some quick internet research told him that it had been one of her talking points. Technically, there was nothing illegal about giving raises, even if many did go to favorites. Like Tamara, who’d worked on her campaign and in her office for years, and considered Vita a close friend. But was it truly corruption, or just shameless nepotism? Cycl0n3 knew Tam, and while she was not one to turn down a free anything, she wasn’t a criminal.
He moved on to the local park budgets when he got a text from Blair. It was ten minutes after her shift ended.
Sorry going to be late.
Huge accident on ice at Main & Sunnyside. 3 cars, bad injuries. Home ASAP! Sorry! I love you and Chris.Cycl0n3 tried not to feel hurt. It was an emergency. She wasn’t blowing him off.
“So much for dinner.”
He didn’t realize he’d grumbled it out loud until Chris called for him. “Da-da?”
“Sorry. I was just answering my phone.” He texted back a response to Blair.
See you whenever you get here. Cycl0n3 bent down and picked up Chris. “Mommy’s going to be late.” He sighed and tried not to give in to the feeling of resentment welling up inside. “Again.”
Author's Note: This is the first chapter where you can tell that I started playing with the aging mod that shows adults and elders aging gradually. I love how it looks, but if you're curious why Nancy and Vita looked like that, that's why. It also highlights just how much that treatment in Oasis Landing set back Boyd and Susan's aging, although you will see them start to get some gray and wrinkles, too, as they progress through the adult stage.