Author Topic: Sims 3 - Tips for Crashing, Lag and Other Misc Tips  (Read 270841 times)

Offline MrsFlynn

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Sims 3 - V-Sync Settings
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2015, 09:44:19 PM »
Sims 3 - V-Sync Settings

In Sims 3:  Go to the Graphics tab and set the Screen Refresh Rate by selecting one of the numbers in the drop down menu. For example set it at 60. This will mean that you have V-Sync on. If you have it set to default that means it's turned off.

You can cap the frame rate with Nvidia Control Panel. Doing this will cap it at 60 FPS.
Example Shown is of Sims 3.

Click images to see larger view

You can find the vertical sync option at the bottom of the Specify settings for this program list:
Click images to see larger view


Nvidia = Manage 3D Settings and look for Vertical Sync. Set that to on/off
AMD = 3D Application Settings and look for Wait for Vertical Refresh - set to on/off

Frames Per Second (FPS) Tips

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Game won't load - stuck on black screen
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2015, 01:42:07 AM »
Game won't load - stuck on black screen

Updated: May 2023

Quick Links:
Game Will Not Launch/Start/Load
Relieving Freezing and Lag
Launcher Crashes / Launcher has stopped Working

Here are a some tips that might help.

1. Make sure drivers are up to date

Troubleshooting graphics on PC

If the above doesn't help, try uninstalling your graphics driver and reinstall it. -- You may need to search on the manufacturer of your video card (Nvidia or AMD) to help find your graphics drivers.

How do I uninstall my NVIDIA display drivers?

Uninstalling AMD drivers

If you have a dual graphics card system, make sure the game runs on the card and not the chip.

How-To: Get Sims 3 to Recognize a New Graphics Card

2. Turn off EA App overlay: In the EA App, click Application and look for In-game Overlay this setting needs to be turned off.

   EA App overlay is similar to what Origin in-game was. A feature that allows you to see friends online in-game as well as other game stats. However, It has been known to cause problems having this feature turned on.

3. Try resetting the Sims 3 folder, aka Sims 3 Factory Reset (HowTo),20732.msg401814.html#msg401814

4. Repair Game: Open the EA App >  Library > Find Sims 3 and Click Manage > Repair.

5. Delete Game Cache,20732.msg401809.html#msg401809

  ✽ If you've got patch 1.69 make sure that the EPs/Sps you intend to play with are still checked before clicking Play. As it has been reported that clearing caches also clears the checked selections in the new EP/SP Picker function.

6. Try changing the resolution and/or Windowed mode using the Options.ini file. (Make a backup of this file, before making any changes!!)

The Options.ini file is in - \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 - Click on the file to edit it.

-- Change the screen resolution:
Scroll down to where you see the word resolution.
Edit this to say: resolution = 1920 1080 0
The above is an example. When trying to change the in-game resolution, it's better to go lower than what your native screen resolution is.

-- Change from Fullscreen to Windowed Mode:
Scroll down to where you see the word fullscreen. Change it from: fullscreen = 1 - to: fullscreen = 0. This will put the game in windowed mode.

7.  If that still does not help, run a Clean Boot as this will help with stopping any other programs from interfering.

8. Uninstall/Reinstall the Game and/or EA App: It's recommended to uninstall the EA App, Sims 3 and related content. Use a registry cleaner such as Ccleaner or Revo Uninstaller to cleanup the files left behind from uninstalling the app and game files.  Then reinstall the EA App (, Sims 3 and related content via the EA App.

If none of the tips above help, please post about the the issue on answers.ea Sims 3 Tech Help Board: Give them as much detail as possible, even the troubleshooting tips you've already tried.
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Game Won't Fully Load - Save slow loading
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2015, 03:26:23 PM »
Game Won't Fully Load - Save Slow Loading

Updated: May 2023

Here are some troubleshooting tips to try:

1. Try loading a previously saved game.,20732.msg433992.html#msg433992

2.  Delete Game Cache Files (What & Howto)

3. Check Mods and Custom Content:  Move the Mods folder to the desktop for testing purposes and try the game again. - We suggest this due to outdated/broken mods/cc being the #1 issue when it comes to games not working correctly. If you need help with these, have a look at the links below.

Sims 3 - How-To: Fix Problems with Mods/CC

  -- If you are using a lot of custom content, this could cause long loading times, lag and crashing.

Try combining packages (custom content) files.

4. Empty Personal and Family Inventories: Look at Sim's personal inventory as well as the family inventory. Get rid of what isn't being used. Often too many items in the inventories can cause issues.

5. Playing on large lots: (40x40 and above) can cause lag, having a large family and house with a lot of furniture/decor and landscaping will cause lag after awhile.

6. Size of Town: Is a bit factor in loading/saving time. The number of lots, and more importantly, the total population of the town. If it's a large town, you may want to consider moving the family to a different world/town. The bigger and more populated the world is the more they can lag after awhile.

–Help Moving Towns: Look into Nraas Porter to help move your families?

Nraas Porter, FAQ and Tutorial

7. Reset Town, Sim or Evicit Household: Can help, specially if there is something or a Sims or Sims stuck in your save.

Reset Town, Sims or Evicting Households to help reset things sometimes helps. (

8. Check your game options. -- Sometimes experimenting with in-game graphics options help. Helps loading/saving times.

Sims 3 Options Overview

For example, Enable Advanced Rendering, try the game with and without that turned on, or turn Tree detail to Medium and High Detail Lots to 3.

As well as turning off memories, and the interactive loading screens. How-To Links are below:

Turn Off Memories,20732.msg401805.html#msg401805

Turn Off Interactive Loading Screens,20732.msg401807.html#msg401807]

9. Play for shorter periods: Try not to play for more than a few hours at a time. Restart the computer every now and again to help refresh the game.

10. Cleanup your Sims 3 folder of Saved Games, Screenshots, Videos, Downloads and Library Files.

Backup and/or Delete Older Saved Games:

Every so often delete or back up some of your older save-games. Back them up to a usb key, external drive or online storage.

Having a lot of saved-games in your Saves folder is known to cause issues with the game and loading issues.

Move the Screenshots and Recorded Video folders if using them, to the desktop. You can also do this for your Downloads folder, for backup purposes along with your Library folder. This will help the game have less to load.

** :Important Note: **
To prevent corrupting the game save use Save As, often. Giving the saves names such as Save01, Save02, Save03 each time. This helps create backups of your game save that you can go back if needed.

11. Playing a single Save for long period of time - example: months to years: Playing saves files for real life months to years long is problematic. There's tons of bloat to consider and if you use save instead of Save As that can cause even more bloat and problems.

    1. Use a Save Cleaner: Regul Save Cleaner (
    2. Merge Custom Content, but keep a backup of your single CC files to help troubleshoot issues.
       -- How To: Merge Your Custom Content: - Using S3PE: (
       -- How To: Install CC in CC Magic: (
    3. Look over the Sims 3 Performance & Bug Fix Guide: ( for more tips that might be helpful.

12. Repair Game: Open the EA App >  Library > Find Sims 3 and Click Manage > Repair.

13. Restart computer if you haven't in awhile. This helps to refresh the computer's memory.

14. Turn off EA App overlay: In the EA App, click Application and look for In-game Overlay this setting needs to be turned off.

   EA App overlay is similar to what Origin in-game was. A feature that allows you to see friends online in-game as well as other game stats. However, It has been known to cause problems having this feature turned on.

15. Try resetting the Sims 3 Folder, aka 3 Factory Reset (How-To)

16. Turn off the Game Bar as it's known to be causing issues with a lot of games.

Turn off or disable Game bar in Windows 10

17. Check Online Storage (OneDrive/GoogleDrive): Uninstall, disable or pause syncing with any services you normally use, such as OneDrive, Google Drive or otherwise. These services move your game files out from (\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3) to where your game can't see them anymore.

––Before doing anything with OneDrive or GoogleDrive, if you have Sims 3 files there, copy them back to the C:\Users\Username\Documents\Electronic Arts folder.

Then turn off, disable or uninstall the service. This way the game will be able to access your Sims 3 files again and won't move them.

–Turn off, disable, or uninstall OneDrive:

18. Ensure Antivirus or security software is not blocking the game/EA App.

Add an exclusion to Windows Security:

Reference Links:

Game Help: Restoring Backup Saves

The Sims 3 Performance & Bug Fix Guide:

Tips for Better Game Performance:

Error: Long Loading Times - Tips

Tips for General Crashing Issues

Tips to Relieve Lag and Freezing
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My Sims User or Install Files are Missing?
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2016, 01:50:41 PM »
My Sims User or Install Files are Missing?

If by chance your user files or install files have gone missing, you may need to first check to make sure you've installed the game correctly.

If the game is installed correctly, navigate to the folders below to see if you can find your files. If they aren't there. You may need to search your computer for these folders.

----> Click Start, and in the search bar the comes up Search for Sims 3 or 4.

User files should be located here:
C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3
C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4

Game install files should be located here: (by default)
C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 3
C:\Program Files\Origin Games\The Sims 3

The Original Disc Version - pre 2012 version
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3

** The newer 2013 disc versions may try to default install to Origin Games.

If your user files aren't in your \Documents\Electronic Arts\ (Sims 3 or 4) folder, move them from where you found them into one of those folders. As that is where the game saves the user files by default.

Check Online Storage (OneDrive/GoogleDrive): Uninstall, disable or pause syncing with any services you normally use, such as OneDrive, Google Drive or otherwise. These services move your game files out from (\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3) to where your game can't see them anymore.

––Before doing anything with OneDrive or GoogleDrive, if you have Sims 3 files there, copy them back to the C:\Users\Username\Documents\Electronic Arts folder.

Then turn off, disable or uninstall the service. This way the game will be able to access your Sims 3 files again and won't move them.

–Turn off, disable, or uninstall OneDrive:

Ensure Antivirus or security software is not blocking the game/EA App.

Add an exclusion to Windows Security:

If you are still having problems finding your EA Games it may be best to contact EA Help for further assistance.
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Go Back to a Previous Save
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2016, 11:38:01 AM »
Go Back to a Previous Save

To find if you have a previous save look in your Sims 3\Saves folder in Documents.

Default Path to Saves folder.
C:\Users\Username\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Saves

Inside this folder you'll find your saved games.

SaveGame.sims3 -- (Main Save)
SaveGame.sims3.backup -- (Back up save of Main Save)
and maybe GameSave.sims3.bad -- (corrupted game save)

If you have a SaveGame.sims3.backup file. Rename or move the main save file to some place safe like an external hard drive or flash drive. Then rename the backup save.

For example: You could rename the Main Save SaveGame.sims3MS, then rename the backup: GameSave.sims3

If you find that the backup works, it would be a good idea to back it up as well. That way you have something go back to if something happens.

It's highly recommended to use Save As often. Give the save file a name like S1, S2, S3, for example. Then when problems come up, you have a built-in backup on hand to use when needed.

It's best to delete the GameSave.sims3.bad file, as it's corrupt and cannot be salvaged. These are okay to delete.

If your save files are not in \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Saves your game will not be able to see them or use them. They may have been moved to OneDrive. If this is the case you may need to uninstall, disable or pause syncing with any services you normally use, such as OneDrive, Google Drive or otherwise. These services move your game files out from (\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3) to where your game can't see them anymore.

––Before doing anything with OneDrive or GoogleDrive, if you have Sims 3 files there, copy them back to the C:\Users\Username\Documents\Electronic Arts folder.

Then turn off, disable or uninstall the service. This way the game will be able to access your Sims 3 files again and won't move them.

–Turn off, disable, or uninstall OneDrive:
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How To: Download Store Content
« Reply #35 on: March 20, 2016, 12:10:00 AM »
How To: Download and Install Store Content

Updated: May. 2023

Quick Links:
- How to Download Store Items
- Clear Edge and IE Browser Files and Some Tips
- How to Install/Uninstall Store Items
- How To: Redeem the Monte Vista/Hidden Springs World Bundle
- How-To: Backup and Restore Store Content
- Bought Used Copy of Game or World Discs
- Sims 3 Points/Sims 3 Currency
- How To: Get Sims 3 Store Content Recognized By Game
- Troubleshooting Tips

Please note that recently purchased store items may take several minutes to appear on the purchase history page.

How to Download Store Items:

There are a few ways to download store content. It's recommended to do so in a new Sims 3 folder for best results. To create a new Sims 3 folder, go to: (\Documents\Electronic Arts) - right-click on the Sims 3 folder and select Rename. I usually rename it something like Sims3-Bkup. Everything is safe in your backup Sims 3 folder. Launch the game and exit it so it creates a new folder.

  ~ 1. Using the EA App:

Open the Sims 3 using the EA App. Go to the Load Game Page,  click the three dots in the lower left and click Open Download Dashboard. This is where you should find all your Store Content. Look for Riverview, for example. When you find it, click Install Now.

This will download Riverview to the downloads tab of the launcher and install the it.  Showing a status of downloaded and installed.  -- Go into the launcher > Installed Content tab to see that everything is installed correctly.

  ~ 2. Sims 3 Store Site:

Go to the Store site and login with your Origin/EA username and password. (

Go to your Username in the upper left hand corner of the screen and left-click on it and select My Store Account. Under it's menu select Purchase History This is where you can find all store content purchased and re-download it from there if needed.

If needed, you can go to the item's page and download it from there. -- Items will show up in the Downloads tab in the launcher.

    ✽ Note: It's highly recommended to download files in small batches of maybe 20 files or less and world files one by one. This is to help not overwhelm the launcher.

Download content to a new Sims 3 folder for best results. To create a new Sims 3 folder, go to: (\Documents\Electronic Arts) - right-click on the Sims 3 folder and select Rename. I usually rename it something like Sims3-Bkup. Everything is safe in your backup Sims 3 folder. Launch the game and exit it so it creates a new folder.

Open the launcher so it's ready to receive the store content you're wanting to download.

Start downloading store content in groups, for example you could start with store worlds, then store sets (download a few sets at a time, depending on how big the sets are) and then the individual pieces.

After you've downloaded all your store content. Make a backup copy your Sims 3 folder. By copying it to backup media of choice (a folder outside of the Electronic Arts folder, usb drive, external hard drive, etc.) -- This way you have your store content backed up ready to go if/when you need it again later.

Click the downloads tab in the launcher, Click Select All and Install.

  ~ 3. Downloads Dashboard

If for some reason you are experiencing issues downloading content from your Purchase History page or item's page, You can use the Downloads Dashboard to get the store content downloaded into your game. More details in the link below:

About Downloads Dashboard (What & How-To Use)

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Clear Edge and IE Browser Files and Some Tips:

If you're having issues with the Store site, downloading and/or installing content try these tips.

  ~ Clear Edge and IE Browser Data:

The Sims 3 launcher uses parts of IE to work, so clearing Edge and IE's browser data can help with launcher issues such as downloading and installing store content.

View and delete browser history in Microsoft Edge:

  ~ Password Issues?

If your password contains any special characters, it's a good idea to change your password.  The launcher doesn't do well with some of those, for example & or !.  This is the case even when the password works fine on other EA sites.

Reset your password for expired credentials: (

Additionally, go into Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3 > Downloads and delete the file labeled [your email].bin. if you have it.

  ~ Repair/Verify Game, Clear EA App Cache:

Repair Game: If Using EA App: Open the EA App >  Library > Find Sims 3 and Click Manage > Repair.

Repair/Verify Files: If Using Steam: In Games Library, click on Sims 3 > Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game files.

Clear the EA App Cache Files: Click Menu (☰) up top left > Help > App Recovery > Clear Cache. * Restarting your computer maybe helpful after this step.

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How to Install/Uninstall Store Items:

The items you download from the store will go to your Downloads tab in the Sims 3 launcher. Once the items are finished downloading, click the Select All button, then click the install button. After installed they will show up under the Installed Content tab.

  ~ To Uninstall Store Content:

1. Open the launcher, click the Installed tab.
2. Find the items you want to uninstall and checkmark them or click the Select All button.
3. When finished click the Uninstall button.
4. You'll get a warning message of Are you sure you want to uninstall the selected items? Click Ok.
-- The uninstall may take a few minutes depending on how many items you selected.

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How To: Redeem the Monte Vista/Hidden Springs World Bundle:
When purchasing the bundle, you will receive an email confirmation with codes for these world files. Be sure to check your spam folder in case it might be in there.

  ~ To redeem this bundle:

1. Log into the store - Click your username, and select My Store Account -

-- You may need to redeem the codes separately for each world.

2. Click the green plus (+) sign to the right of Redeem a Code (right side of screen)

3. Enter the code and Click Redeem.

-- Once you do this for both worlds, they should now be added to your Purchase History page and be available for download.

4. Check either your purchase history page for the worlds or go to their item pages to download and install.

Monte Vista:

Hidden Springs:

Notes on Hidden Springs and Monte Vista:

HiddenSprings is known to be a little tricky to get via this bundle. What should happen is your account should get credited up to 2000 Simpoints. At that point, you should be able to go to it's item page: and purchase it that way. It should then show up on your purchase history page. It should then be ready to download and install.

You may find that you get an error message of This code has already been used for Monte Vista. That's okay. You've already redeemed the code for the town. It should now be ready to download and install from your purchase history page, or from it's item page.

Note: Key codes for the worlds, store content and game are stored in the Windows registry. So, that's why it is skipping the game code entry when you're installing any of the above - it uses those keys even though you may be installing it from disc.

If for some reason this does not work, or the worlds do not show up in your purchase history after awhile, please contact EA's customer service (  Missing games/content seems to be an account issue, like code(s) being blocked and needing a new one or game entitlements not being recognized as owned. You may need to try asking about it with Live Chat Support. If you don't see the option, change the location in your browser window to U.S. or U.K.


Reference Links:

[Guide] Sims 3 Store Worlds

How to Install Hidden Springs -

Unable to Download/Install Hidden Springs and Monte Vista bundle

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Information on Sims 3 Points/Sims 3 Currency:

Simspoints are now called Sims 3 Currency and you can buy them with the EA App.

Can't Buy SimPoints on

Players can still purchase SimPoints/Sims 3 Currency in the EA app for PC (and Origin on Mac) to then redeem on and in the in-game store.

Buy Sims 3 Currency in the EA App: If you're not seeing the option, click Sims 3 in your game library, then click DLC, and "Sims 3 Currency" should be the first listing.  Click that and select the number of points you want, then proceed to checkout.

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Get Store Content Recognized By Game:

It seems like for the most part, downloading from the Sims 3 Store's website: > purchase history page: to the Sims 3 Downloads folder, isn't the issue.

Where the problem comes in is getting store content to stay installed or getting the game to recognize that it's already installed.

Click images to see larger view.

Exit the game and EA App and delete the files mentioned below.

Delete the igs.bin and platform.bin files in the SigsCache folder
- \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SigsCache

Launch the game again to see if that helps. The game will regenerate these files. If not, try the tip below:

◆ ◆ For this tip, please be sure to have your store content and custom content files backed up. Deleting the both files in the folder mentioned below deletes both the installed store content and custom content that is installed via the Sims 3 launcher. -- However, deleting just the missingdeps.idx file should not delete store or custom content.

Delete the missingdeps.idx file from the DCCache Folder
- \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\DCCache

If uncomfortable deleting the files mentioned above, save a copy of your Sims 3 folder to your desktop or usb stick for back up purposes. Then try deleting the files.

Please see the article linked below by Crinrict to read about the Sims 3 User Files.

Sims 3 User Files Explained

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Troubleshooting Tips:

Make sure Origin/EA App is open and the Sims 3 launcher is open before you log into the store to download the content. As it may take awhile for the launcher to open depending on how much content you have installed already.

If you're having problems downloading any of the store content, try using a different browser. For example: Firefox.

If you're having a problem with your EA account, downloading or installing, try the tips listed here first. If those don't help, please contact EA's Customer Service ( as they can help with account issues.

Missing games/content seems to be an account issue, like code(s) being blocked and needing a new one or game entitlements not being recognized as owned. You may need to try asking about it with Live Chat Support. If you don't see the option, change the location in your browser window to U.S. or U.K.

You may need to verify your account details and show proof of purchase. -- If at some point you have registered your discs/games with that might be able to be used as proof of purchase.


Reference Links:

[Troubleshoot] Downloading/Installing of Store Content

[FAQ] The Sims 3 Store

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Created: Mar. 2016
Updated: May. 2023
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Sims 3 Expansion Packs Disappeared From Launcher
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2016, 06:50:05 PM »
Sims 3 Expansion Packs Disappeared From Launcher

Updated: May 2023

This is still currently an issue with the EA App and Sims 3 Launcher.

You might try:

1. Clear the EA App Cache Files: click Menu (☰) up top left > Help > App Recovery > Clear Cache. * Restarting your computer maybe helpful after this step.
2. Login to your EA Account via the EA Website ( to check your purchase history.  Just to see what packs/content show up.
3. Consider Contacting EA ( after looking at your purchase history to see if the packs/content do show up on your account. Missing games/content seems to be an account issue, like code(s) being blocked and needing a new one or game entitlements not being recognized as owned. You may need to try asking about it with Live Chat Support. If you don't see the option, change the location in your browser window to U.S. or U.K.
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Sims 3 - From Steam To Origin
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2016, 03:05:46 AM »
Sims 3 From Steam To Origin

Question: If I buy Sims 3 expansion/stuff packs from Steam, can I take the game codes and register them with Origin?

Answer: Yes. However, first you must purchase the TS3 base game from Steam. - Once that is done, you can purchase all the expansions/stuff packs you want and register them with EA to get the EA version.

Go to the Sims 3 in your Steam library and go CD Key, under the Links menu. Click on each ep/sp and copy key to clipboard paste into notepad. So then they can be registered with EA.

Via the EA App: Library -> Redeem code

Via Sims 3 Store: Login to the Sims 3 Store's website ( Go to My Page > My Account > Register a Game or possibly Redeem a Code.

However if you get a message that states the codes have been redeemed, you may want to check over your account history. to see what shows up. If you have any problems Contact EA ( to see if it's an account issue, like code being blocked or game entitlements not being recongnized as owned. You may need to try asking about it again with Live Chat Support. If you don't see the option, change the location in your browser window to U.S. or U.K.

Sims 3 Steam code not registered on Sims 3 website

Reference Link:

Can expansions bought on Steam be transferred to Origin?
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Add Sims 3 and Expansions to the Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2016, 10:14:17 PM »
Add Sims 3 and Expansions to the Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

For Windows 8 and 10
For Windows 7

** This only works with the original disc version of the game.

For Windows 8 and 10

1. File Explorer > This PC, right-click select Properties
2. Select Advanced System Settings
3. Under the Advanced Tab, Performance, click Settings.
4. Select the Data Execution Prevention tab.
5. Select Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select.
6. Add the Sims 3 executable files to the exception list.
7. Click the Add button and navigate to the Sims 3 install folder and look for TS3W.exe

--- 32-bit Windows: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin
--- 64-bit Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin

** Note: You will need to find the .exe file for each expansion you own and add it to the list.

8. Click OK when finished.
9. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

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For Windows 7

1. Windows Explorer > Computer, right-click select Properties
2. Select Advanced System Settings
3. Under the Advanced Tab, Performance, click Settings.
4. Select the Data Execution Prevention tab.
5. Select Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select.
6. Add the Sims 3 executable files to the exception list.
7. Click the Add button and navigate to the Sims 3 install folder and look for TS3W.exe

--- 32-bit Windows: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin
--- 64-bit Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin

** Note: You will need to find the .exe file for each expansion you own and add it to the list.

8. Click OK when finished.
9. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
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Offline MrsFlynn

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Restore Sims 3 Game Options Settings
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2016, 05:39:46 PM »
Restore Sims 3 Game Options Settings

These tips sometimes helps, not always.

1. Move the options.ini file to the desktop.
[The option.ini file can be found in: \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3]

2. Start the game and then quit out of it. So it will create a new options.ini file.

3. Open the option.ini file and look for a line that says something like "lastdevice =" with a bunch of numbers. Copy the lastdevice = with it's numbers and replace it into your old options.ini file.
4. Save and replace the options.ini file. 

This device line gets changed every time the graphics drivers and/or Windows are updated. The lastdevice line is given a new driver number that seems to tell the game that the whole options.ini file is new.

If for some reason this doesn't help, you'll need to manually reset them yourself and take note of them via text notes in Notepad or screenshots of your game and graphics options, for next time the graphics card needs to be updated.

You won't be able to just copy/paste the file into your Sims 3 folder. It doesn't work that way, not sure exactly why other than the file is assigned unique lastdevice numbers that are different file to file and if they don't match you have to change the options yourself.

If you don't understand the above, look at the post linked below. It explains in a different way how to save and restore the options.ini file.

How to save graphic settings?

Under the spoiler tag are a some of options that you may want to change in your file to to get highest settings. (1 means low / 2 medium / 3 high / 4 high/max)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
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Can't Log In to Sims 3
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2017, 01:33:35 AM »
Can't Log In to Sims 3

Try these tips:

1. Clear Edge and IE Browser Data:

The Sims 3 launcher uses parts of IE to work, so clearing Edge and IE's browser data can help with launcher issues such as downloading and installing store content.

View and delete browser history in Microsoft Edge:

2. Reset Your Password:

If your password contains any special characters, it's a good idea to change your password.  The launcher doesn't do well with some of those, for example & or !.  This is the case even when the password works fine on other EA sites.

Reset your password for expired credentials:

Additionally, go into Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3 > Downloads and delete the file labeled [your email].bin. if you have it.

3. Use a Different Browser to Login:

Try a different browser, for example Firefox or Chrome istead of your usual browser and log into the Sims 3 Store website.

4. Try using the exchange, open the launcher (don't login). Go to the exchange: Try downloading something, to see if it will allow that. If so, then try logging in.

5. If all else fails, it maybe best to post about the issue on answers.ea. Sims 3 Tech Board

Sims 3 Tech Board:

EA Customer Service:

When talking to EA's CS. You will have to verify your account. This means you may have to give them your name, email address, etc. With that information, they can help you with your account issues.

Also, if you have a temporary account, let them know about it. They may be able to merge it with your main account. - You may need to verify both the main and temporary accounts to be able to get the accounts merged.

Reference Links:

Can't Login thru Sims 3 Launcher or in Game

I can't log in to The Sims 3

Invalid email/password error
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