Author Topic: Downloads Dashboard  (Read 23592 times)

Offline Saltypaws

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Downloads Dashboard
« on: May 23, 2013, 03:20:26 PM »
For over a year now, I have not been able to get into my purchase history on The Sims3 site, so all of the gifts and extras for the game, I have not been able to reinstall.  I take that back, last time I used my purchase history was last October when I got my new computer, still, that has been too long. I did however, read on the forum on the Sims3 site, something about Download Dashboard. 

I knew it was in the game and I think I tried to get into it quite a while back and it crashed my game. Anyway, I decided to go into the dashboard, which you can access by clicking on the three little dots, either in main menu or in game.  I realized, all of the items that are in your purchase history are also in the Downloads Dashboard, which I only thought items that you had downloaded were in there.  Imagine my excitement when I found all of the gifts and extra items were in there ready to download. I even got the statue from Universities downloaded.  After finding out a couple of other people didn't realize you could do that, I decided to start a thread and see how many more this info would be helpful to.

As Ricalynn pointed out though, any sets are all individual downloads, but that was fine with me.  I find the Downloads Dashboard easier than purchase history, especially if you change computers and lose track of what you have re-installed from your purchase history.  In the dashboard, anything that has not been installed or forgotten about, has an "install button", so you just click on it and off you go. 

So if anyone else has an issue with their purchase history, this is the perfect solution.

Updated: May. 2020

In-Game via the Downloads Dashboard

If for some reason you are experiencing issues downloading content from your Purchase History page via the Sims 3 Store website. You can use the Downloads Dashboard via the Sims 3 main menu to get the content downloaded into your game.

How-To Get to the Downloads Dashboard

Click the Options button at the Sims 3 Main Menu and Select Downloads Dashboard.
-Click images to see larger view.

*Note: To view your Downloads Dashboard, you will need to login using your Origin username and password.

How-To Use the Downloads Dashboard

Once loaded, click on the left and right arrows to go through the list. It looks like you can download both single items and any sets you may have.

   - Installed Items will have a check mark to the right, along with a status note of where they were installed to. (Buy Mode, Build Mode, Create a Sim)
   - Store Worlds have a status note of installed to Main Menu.
   - Some older store items have a status note of installed.
   * If you find that you are having issues installing content, take note of the item # and date of purchase, if you choose to seek help with the issue.

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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2013, 05:07:34 PM »
Thank you for this information! I know it will come in handy some day.

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Offline Skilletnap

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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2013, 05:26:33 PM »
Is there a way to vote this up? Or get it put onto a set topic with solutions or work-arounds to various issues for easy reference and quick searches?

Because that's awesome. Nice post Saltypaws! :)

Offline Joria

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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2013, 12:35:35 AM »
Salty one of the best things about using download dashboard is you can select which of the items in a set you actually want installed.  Yes, it takes awhile to go through all the items, but there are several things I don't use all the time, like the Halloween or other holiday stuff.  Simple thing to just NOT download those items till needed.  Once you are done with the season, you can remove them from your launcher and not have them taking up space and creating extra clutter.

However, some premium items do not show up in the dashboard!  Some do, some don't.  Today I was trying to install premium items, veggie cart, hot air balloon, pizza oven, etc.  Nowhere to be found in download dashboard though I obviously own them.
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Offline napoleonwrasse

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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2013, 11:19:54 AM »
That's because those items are built into the Simpack file, they can't be downloaded separately from the venue or world because the are built into the file. Download the World/Venue and they should appear.

I just checked mine. Pizza oven is not separate, only shows Monte Vista not individual components, like I said premium content from venues and worlds are built into the file and probably won't show as separate. You'd just need to download the world/venue then it should appear.

Offline Schipperke

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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2013, 12:14:47 PM »
If you own Monte Vista, you should be able to download the pizza oven separately.  Go to Premium Content - Appliances and you'll see it.  I've just checked and I have the option to download it.
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Offline napoleonwrasse

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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2013, 07:32:38 AM »
Huh, well I guess mine's different then because I don't seem to have that...
The non world/venue related one's are there like the multitab...
Hmm. I might have to do some testing.

@Schipperke: Thanks for the info.

@Joria: Is yours like mine the world/venue premium content objects aren't separate?

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« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2013, 03:44:18 AM »

Don't mean to annoy you, just a comment on this dashboard thingy. Well, I'm not sure what dashboard the OP is talking about. There aren't any links or pictures. In my opinion there is NO dashboard in the game. OR it could depend on what is considered/defined as a dashboard?

If one press the 3 dots in the lower left, in the game, one gets to the sims3 MENU, also where the SETTINGS page is, and I wouldn't call that a dashboard anyway. Sure, it's a menu..

Also, there is a sims3 TOOL called s3dashboard, which is great for finding troublesome mods or clothings installed, and it can also check the framework setups. I think, the dashboard you mention in-game, would be like this picture here: (first hit from gogle)

that, I would choose to call 'the sims 3 game launcher-download section'. I don't know why you call this a 'dashboard', it doesn't say dashboard any where ? Funny I think this somehow resembles 'things that people previously bought on Itunes' that they want to get back ? I can't relate to that, as I do not buy stuff for the sims in the first place. There are tons of free clothings and so on, to be found. I do appreciate the some people buy sims3 stuff, it's just not for me.  :)

goddag til saltpastillen forresten :)

Offline grimsoul

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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2013, 05:25:03 AM »
Don't mean to annoy you, just a comment on this dashboard thingy. Well, I'm not sure what dashboard the OP is talking about. There aren't any links or pictures. In my opinion there is NO dashboard in the game. OR it could depend on what is considered/defined as a dashboard?

If one press the 3 dots in the lower left, in the game, one gets to the sims3 MENU, also where the SETTINGS page is, and I wouldn't call that a dashboard anyway. Sure, it's a menu..

Also, there is a sims3 TOOL called s3dashboard, which is great for finding troublesome mods or clothings installed, and it can also check the framework setups. I think, the dashboard you mention in-game, would be like this picture here: (first hit from gogle)

that, I would choose to call 'the sims 3 game launcher-download section'. I don't know why you call this a 'dashboard', it doesn't say dashboard any where ? Funny I think this somehow resembles 'things that people previously bought on Itunes' that they want to get back ? I can't relate to that, as I do not buy stuff for the sims in the first place. There are tons of free clothings and so on, to be found. I do appreciate the some people buy sims3 stuff, it's just not for me.  :)

goddag til saltpastillen forresten :)

When your at the main menu where you select a saved game to play or start a new game. Or when in the game you click on the 3 dots in the lower left corner and in the list that pops up is an option to Open Downloads Dashboard.
For me in the main menu it's the last option and in the game it's the 3rd from the bottom.

Edit to add a picture.
The image on the left is from the Main Menu and the one on the right is from in game.

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Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2013, 07:18:22 AM »
Thank you grimsoul for putting that picture up.  I know how to do that, but for some reason, I cannot take a screenshot of it.  Well, that at least proves to DaDewd that there is a dashboard and I have managed to download all of my purchases from there.  It is called a dashboard, because that is what it is.
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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2013, 08:06:00 AM »
No problem, Glad to add the pictures.

I have a few items showing on the Dashboard as not installed when I know that they are. Has anyone else had this happen.
One example is on the Dashboard I have the option to install Hidden Springs and it's already installed. I'm even playing a family in the town so I know it's installed. :)
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Offline aenito

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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2013, 11:32:01 AM »
I bet the confusion of DaDewd is because the localization.

I was also puzzled by that dashboard name you all were using but with the screenshot of grimsoul it's now clear what are you talking about. In spanish it's "Abrir interfaz de Descargas" that translated back to english is something like "open downloads interface".

Offline Tandrael

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Re: Downloads Dashboard
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2014, 02:00:27 PM »
Wow SaltyPaws, what a great thread this is! Thank you very much for posting it! I was having trouble with my Store Content- couldn't find it, counldn't acess it- and I found it thanks to this thread, and thanks to MrsFlynn who lead me to it!
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