Chapter 68: Desert Motel MayhemWelcome to Lucky Palms! The Singhs purchase an abandoned motel for their stay, this place has several bedrooms! Perfect for a large group of people.
Kim: Man, this place could use a makeover! But it doesn't matter! I'm here with Mickey and that's all I need.
Well, I need children in order to keep this madness going. Kim and Mickey cuddle all day long in their nice little suite. Only thing that worries me is the cobweb infestation that covers the walls.
Kim: Look at me, and the grime will vanish!
Mickey: I'm trying.
Josh teaches Colin his new toddler skills. One of the motel rooms has been converted into a nursery- something that would never happen in real life.
Josh: Okay, what sound does the cow make?
Colin: Meow!
Josh: You're joking. There's no way you're that stupid. What sound does the rooster make?
Colin: Oink! Oink!
Josh: I've failed as a parent.
Speaking of parents..
Kim: Bleh! I just threw up everywhere! How will I be able to speak at the Mayor's rally now?
"You're only a ballot counter, why would you want to speak at her rally?"
Kim: case she needs me for a recount!
"She won't need you if you keep vomiting all over the ballots."
Shirley is out and about in her new job at the hospital. I decide to let her invite her neighbor, Emi Irwin, to join her. She meets up with the pregnant Zahra Diwan.
Shirley: Ooh! I just heard a grumble.
Zahra: That was my stomach, I haven't ate lunch yet.
Shirley: It's only 10 AM, why are you like this?
?: OW!
Shirley: Wait, who was that?
Donnovan Steel: Ow! My stomach! Help! It feels like it's about to explode! I need a doctor.
Zahra: Hey! I'm the pregnant one here. Don't go stealing my thunder, mister!
Donnovan: Help!
Zahra: Ugh, I hate it when people upstage me.
Shirley: Here, look into this contraption.
Donnovan: It's my stomach not my eyes.
Emi Irwin: Ohmigosh! This is so scary! What if he dies?
Donnovan: No! I don't want to die!
Shirley: I hate everything.
*camera pans*
Kim: Hey, I'm pregnant!
"Nice dress! It doesn't really match your hair though.."
Kim: I can't hold a fundraiser like this!
Mickey: It's okay babe, I'll play you a song on my bass to celebrate.
Mickey has been playing instruments non-stop since we arrived, he is now a level 10 bass player. One down, two to go!
Colin ages up, and it's about time! I was sick of him waiting by the stairs of his motel room.
Colin: My hair is gone! No!
He seems like a male version of Shirley, but he got Mickey's hair color. The Twinbrook genes mean business.
Kim goes into labor at home, alone. She calls a taxi to the hospital, and gives birth to a baby girl. Everyone, meet Maya Singh!
Kim: Are there any cameras around? They need to see me holding a baby for a strong emotional appeal! Vote for me, Kimberly Monika Singh!
Kim: Aw, Maya. I can't wait to have you work on my presidential campaign!
Maya: *cries*
Mickey pops a wish to have another child, and I decide to oblige. We shouldn't waste an empty household space. Plus, I could buy him a reward that makes his skill level up faster.
Kim: Oh man! I'm supposed to count the votes on Proposition 23: Grim Reaper Regulation. I can't be sick today! This ain't cool.
Colin: Yay! I'm going to have another niece or a new nephew!
Kim: And it looks like we will have no new laws on death flowers in Lucky Palms either, because someone wasn't there to count the votes. *cries*
Josh: It's okay! You can count all thirty of them when you get back to work.
Kim: Oh man, thirty? That's a 56% bigger turnout than last year! This will take forever.
Maya ages to toddler, and I all I have to say is this: how on earth did Christopher Steel's genes make it into the family? She looks like neither of her parents. She could be Michelle's clone, for all I know.
Maya: With this block, I will achieve prosperity.
It's soon time for Shirley and Josh to age up, Kim invites nearly half of the entire town to attract potential voters, even though she's just a Yes-Woman.
Josh: Haha! Emi Irwin's daughter is a horrible dancer!
Cricket Irwin: How dare you! I can dance like no other sim can.
Zahra: I'm going to try to sneak a picture of Joshua Singh without him noticing.
Josh: I saw that, creepy lady.
Josh was up first.
Josh: Really? Stripes? And plaid shorts?
Cricket: HA! I may be a horrible dancer but you're the one with horrible fashion sense!
Josh: Shut up.
Shirley: Well, I'm next. This should be fun.
Kim: I'm confused, how do I win over voters?
Taj Diwan: Yay! It's a birthday!
Colin: Watch me throw my hands in the air, like I just don't care!
Kim: Except you do care.
Colin: Be quiet Kim.
Brayden King: They must clean their windows very often.
Shirley: I need a new hair color, right now!
Josh: I hate wrinkles.
Shirley: So do I. At least we have each other.
Josh: Yeah, but I still hate wrinkles.
We end this chapter with Maggie hanging out with her new girlfriend, Cricket Irwin.
Maggie: Look, you're pretty cool, but I'm gonna need to teach you some new dance moves.
Cricket: Deal.