Author Topic: Rules: Who's Your Daddy Project  (Read 63995 times)

Offline CSquared2

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Rules: Who's Your Daddy Project
« on: March 27, 2012, 07:25:30 PM »
A big thanks to Pam, Metro and Carl for allowing me to share this here.   :D

A note: I frequently use the word "challenge" instead of "project" in the rules.  This wasn't originally written to be shared here.  Elsewhere it would be known as a challenge, but since that carries a different meaning here, when I say "challenge," I mean "project."  This isn't a part of the tournament or any of the official challenges by Metro.

Who's Your Daddy? for The Sims 3

In 2007 I wrote a challenge for my own amusement.  In 2008 a chance request led to me posting my challenge rules.  Much to my surprise, people liked it and I collaborated with a bunch of creative, amusing simmers/writers to polish the rule set.  When Sims 3 arrived in 2009, I didn't get into it right away.  What little I gleaned from my early experimentation with the game led me to believe my challenge, Who's Your Daddy, wouldn't work well for TS3.  Another player, stircraxy, felt differently.  When she discovered I had no intention of adapting the rules myself, she asked if she might and I gave her my blessing.  She involved me and several others in the development of the original Sims 3 rules for Who's Your Daddy.  Stircraxy updated her rules through Ambitions, but unfortunately has not been around since 2010 and her rules for the challenge don't address the many additions that have been made to the game.

Finally I feel like I know enough about the game to see how Who's Your Daddy can be adapted.  With the help of Jenn from Boolprop, I've put together a new set of rules to include all the expansion packs now in existence, and I hope to still be around and kicking to update them as needed.

The Rules
The letter of the law appears like this.

The spirit of the law is in italics.

Your Who's Your Daddy challenge should be conducted in any town provided by Electronic Arts.

Every custom town I've ever played was designed in some way to make things easier.  If you've got your heart set on a custom town, that's okay, but remember this is supposed to be challenging and having the life fruit on the plant when you move in isn't challenging.

Edit Town is off limits with one exception.  This exception is that you may add to any EA town any expansion-specific EA lot that does not already exist in the town.  These additions should be made if possible before your sim moves in.  You may not use Edit Town to search for fathers.

Tempted to add more?  Your own stuff?  That super cool vampire bar?  That's okay, but remember to keep it a challenge for yourself.  If you don't realize you want this lot or that one until later, adding them later is not the end of the world.  Please only add later on if it means you'll have access to a father you would otherwise not be able to access.

Aging and story progression should be enabled for this challenge.

Create a female, young adult sim in Create-a-Household.  You may not add any other household members of any kind prior to moving in.  You may select her appearance, personality and lifetime wish as you desire.  You may choose to make your sim supernatural, but if you do, you forfeit any bonus you would otherwise have had for the lifespan you choose.  The exception to this are witches, whose lifespan is the same as non-supernaturals.

Move your sim into any home or empty lot she can afford.  Once there, she may only move when she can afford to.  When she moves, her entire household must come with her.

Cheats and/or mods to make things easier are forbidden.

Resetsim and Overwatch are your friends.  Motherlode and Woohooer are not.  Ask yourself if you're giving yourself an advantage.  If so, you know what to do.

Once your sim moves in, she may add pets to her household in any way you wish.  Other than marrying her husband and giving birth to children, the only other ways a sim may join the household is as an imaginary friend made real or as a genie released from its lamp.

Your sim is allowed as much travel as you wish.  Conceptions while traveling are limited to one per destination.

To complete the challenge, your sim will have to live a long time.  All means of lengthening her life built into the game are permissible.  The same goes for her husband, if necessary.  You also have the choice of which lifespan you use, though there will be a bonus (see scoring below) for using shorter lifespans.

All service sims are available, except butlers and Bonehilda.

You may not send your children to boarding school.

Twins and triplets still count as one pregnancy.

Children resulting from anything other than pregnancy, including but not limited to: imaginary friends, time travel, wishing wells, do not count toward your score.

You may allow children to age up on their own or cake them when there are zero days left in the age meter, or you may cake them up early provided they have met certain criteria.
Infants - You may not cake infants.
Toddlers - You may cake a toddler when they have learned to walk, talk and potty.
Children - You may cake children when they have spent three consecutive days on the honor roll and have one best friend.
Teens - You may cake teens when they have spent three consecutive days on the honor roll (as teens), have one romantic interest and either a) learned to drive or b) reached the top of a teen career.

The friend and romantic interest requirements do not need to be unique.  Siblings may share friends and interests.  Imaginary friends may count as both friends and romantic interests, but only if they are made real.  Once made real, they are not subject to the same constraints as the children and may age as you wish.  This also applies to any other children who are not part of the scoring.  The best friend may not be a pet.

When children (including IFs made real) age up to young adult, they must move out within 12 hours.  If you release a genie from its lamp, it should be so that he may father the very next child.  He should move from the household as soon as pregnancy is confirmed (at the first baby bump.)

The goal of Who's Your Daddy is to have this female sim produce 26 pregnancies, each one with a different father.

To complete this challenge, you need only do what's stated in bold above: your sim must have 26 pregnancies, each with a different father.  Each pregnancy is worth one point, so if you finish, your base score is 26.  Your "multiplier" is 1.0.  You haven't done anything extra, so your score is just as it is: 26 x 1.0 = 26.  If you stop one pregnancy short, your score is 25, etc.  If you do not complete the challenge, it is still possible to tally a score using the number of pregnancies your sim did have rather than the 26 you were aiming for.

If you do nothing else, your score is done.  If you decide to aim higher, you will multiply your score by another number.  What that number is will depend on how much you achieve.

Father Clusters
Father clusters are groups of fathers who differ from each other in some way.  Each cluster is worth something different, based on the number of fathers included.  To gain the bonus, your sim has to have a child with every father in the cluster.  If you fall one short, you don't get any bonus.  Unlike in previous versions of the rules, the categories are not mutually exclusive.  If the father of Child A is a five star celebrity, a vampire and a Leo, you may check off all three instead of choosing just one.  A checklist is strongly recommended!

The Celebrity Cluster (worth 0.6 bonus)
A father with each of the star levels.  He does not need to maintain his star level at any point after conception occurs.
______ 0 stars
______ 1 star
______ 2 stars
______ 3 stars
______ 4 stars
______ 5 stars

The Occult Cluster (worth 1.0 bonus)
A father who is each of the occults listed below.  If you do not have the expansion pack for a particular creature, you may consider the cluster complete without that creature, but also remember to subtract 0.1 from the bonus.  On the reverse side of that, if you are knowledgeable and can create a pregnancy keeping in the spirit of the rules with other creatures, you may feel free to do so and give yourself an additional 0.1 bonus per additional occult father.
______ genie
______ imaginary friend
______ ghost
______ vampire
______ witch
______ fairy
______ werewolf
______ alien*
______ plantsim**
______ mermaid

* "Alien" can be fulfilled in one of two ways.  Either your sim's husband can be abducted and a pregnancy results from that, or your sim can meet an alien any other way and have a child with him in the ordinary way.  If the husband has the baby, this does not replace the need for your sim to also have a child fathered by him, but the husband's alien baby does count toward the total of 26.

** This "pregnancy" will not be typical, but the relationship with the father and the woohoo should be the same.

The Travel Cluster (worth 0.7 bonus)
A father who is a resident of each of the travel destinations and one from university, since it works the same way.  This child may be conceived on vacation or during a visit by the father to your sim's home.  Tourists already visiting your town are also allowed.
______ Champs Les Sims
______ Al Simhara
______ Shang Simla
______ University
______ The Normal Future
______ The Dystopian Future
______ The Utopian Future

The Job Cluster (worth 1.7 bonus)
A father employed at the time of conception in each rabbit hole career.  For careers with two tracks, only one is needed.  To define "service sim," any sim that does a job that cannot be held by an active sim is eligible.  Sims often switch jobs.  This can be a nuisance if you think you've found Business Dad and he changes careers as you try to build a relationship with him.  Nonetheless, it is the career the father has at the point of conception that matters.  If he switches before conception, you should take his new job into account.  If he switches after, you should continue to count him as having the career he had before.  As with the occult cluster, if you don't have the expansion pack that provides a particular career, the cluster is complete when you collect a father for every listed career you do have.  Be sure to subtract the appropriate amount of bonus from 1.5 (0.1 per career) that you're unable to accomplish for lack of the expansion pack.
______ business
______ criminal
______ culinary
______ journalism
______ law enforcement
______ medical
______ military
______ music
______ political
______ sports
______ science
______ education
______ film
______ service
______ fortune teller
______ astronomer
______ plumbot dealer

The Zodiac Cluster (worth 1.2 bonus)
A father with each of the zodiac signs.
______ Aries
______ Taurus
______ Gemini
______ Cancer
______ Leo
______ Virgo
______ Libra
______ Scorpio
______ Sagittarius
______ Capricorn
______ Aquarius
______ Pisces

Social Group Cluster (worth 0.3 bonus)
These coincide with the University careers.  Since neither the careers nor the social groups exist without the University expansion pack and cannot exist without each other, these careers have been given their own cluster.
______ Nerd/Video Game Developer
______ Rebel/Art Appraiser
______ Jock/Sports Agent

Lifetime Rewards (variable bonus)
Each and every legitimate means to extend a sim's lifespan is allowed, including those in the lifetime rewards.  However, for every lifetime reward you do not use for your sim, you may add 0.01 per reward.  You should calculate this at the end of the challenge by counting the rewards your sim has available and can afford but which she has not purchased.

The Hubby (worth 0.1 bonus + variable bonus)
Your sim must marry before the conception of her last child.  She may marry at any point prior.  Her husband may not move in until it's time to get married.  They must marry.  The last child must be his. For every child conceived at home after the marriage, not counting the last one, you may add 0.01 to your bonus.

Yes, you get a bonus for a requirement.  You're welcome.

Basically, if your sim can cheat successfully, you get the bonus, even if she gets caught.  It only counts if it's at home, though conceptions can take place anywhere.  It might be difficult to juggle the jealousy, so here's the compromise.  Your sim can marry late, but you forego some bonus for it.  Or she can marry earlier and you have to handle having her sneak around.  But they'll need a high enough relationship to try for baby at the very end.

The Boo Boo Clause: because Jenn killed her husband.

The accidental electrocution of Grape Splash brought to my attention an unaddressed "what if."  What if your sim's husband dies?  I don't want this to be the sort of challenge you can fail through unintentional mishap.  Thus the Boo Boo Clause was born.  If your sim's husband dies, whether it be an accident or not, you have two choices.

a) You can resurrect him into either a playable ghost or a fully resurrected sim.  Doing so results in no penalty, but you may not count any at-home conceptions for a bonus from the time of his death until he becomes playable again.

b) Your sim may remarry, however, none of the bonus for at-home conceptions with her first husband count because, as it turned out, he wasn't the one with whom she needed a relationship good enough to conceive her youngest child.  You may begin to obtain at-home conception bonus points with her new husband once she remarries.  If you choose this route, there's a price: a 27th child.  A second husband must father two children with your sim.  Only the first will count toward the base score so that it may not exceed 26.  If, for whatever reason, a third husband is necessary, he must father three children, and so on for any subsequent husbands.

You must choose either a) or b) in the event your sim's husband dies.

Lifespan (variable bonus)
This challenge is meant to be enjoyable.  Not everyone enjoys the same lifespan.  Here's a little something for everyone.
You may play on any preset lifespan provided by the game.  The lifespan should stay the same throughout the challenge.  The setting you choose may bring an extra bonus.   There is no bonus if your sim is a supernatural whose lifespan is altered by being supernatural.  Supernaturals who retain a normal lifespan can still claim this bonus.
(Choose only one.)
Epic - no bonus
Long - add 0.1 bonus
Normal - add 0.2 bonus
Medium - add 0.3. bonus
Short - add 0.4 bonus

The Social Worker (loss of bonus)
If any of your children are removed by the social worker, you lose the 1 point to your base score for each child taken.  This does not end your challenge!  You may continue with a reduced score or you may replace the child or children taken by having an equal number of additional children.  If a child is taken away, the slots filled by its father must be emptied, even resulting in the loss of a completed cluster.  Those slots can be refilled by the fathers of the replacement kids.  This penalty shall also apply in the case of any child that dies before leaving home.

What's Your Score?
The challenge ends when the youngest child is born.

Add up all your bonuses.  Now add 1.  (This is the same 1.0 someone who simply completed the 26 pregnancies uses.)  This is your "multiplier."  Multiply 26 (or however many pregnancies your sim had, up to 26) by your multiplier to get your final score.

Though there is no leaderboard, I would love to hear how others do at this.  If there are any questions or clarifications, please feel free to ask; many creative minds are what made this project happen.   :)

Offline simfulicious

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 06:48:00 PM »
Sounds like fun...getting ready to go start right now.

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Offline CSquared2

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2012, 10:49:22 PM »
Glad to hear it.   :)  I've started one, too, though updates will be few and far between.  I look forward to seeing how it goes for you.   8)

Offline CSquared2

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2012, 04:17:59 PM »
I made an addition to these rules.  It takes up a lot of space, but really is just a what-if.  I added it to the rules in the first post, but I'll post it here so you don't necessarily have to hunt down the change.

The Boo Boo Clause: because Jenn killed her husband.

The accidental electrocution of Grape Splash brought to my attention an unaddressed "what if."  What if your sim's husband dies?  I don't want this to be the sort of challenge you can fail through unintentional mishap.  Thus the Boo Boo Clause was born.  If your sim's husband dies, whether it be an accident or not, you have two choices.

a) You can resurrect him into either a playable ghost or a fully resurrected sim.  Doing so results in no penalty, but you may not count any at-home conceptions for a bonus from the time of his death until he becomes playable again.

b) Your sim may remarry, however, none of the bonus for at-home conceptions with her first husband count because, as it turned out, he wasn't the one with whom she needed a relationship good enough to conceive her youngest child.  You may begin to obtain at-home conception bonus points with her new husband once she remarries.  If you choose this route, there's a price: a 27th child.  A second husband must father two children with your sim.  Only the first will count toward the base score so that it may not exceed 26.  If, for whatever reason, a third husband is necessary, he must father three children, and so on for any subsequent husbands.

You must choose either a) or b) in the event your sim's husband dies.

I also made a very minor change to make the end of the challenge when the youngest child is born, instead of the birth of the 26th pregnancy, since this addition creates the possibility of a 27th pregnancy.

Offline CSquared2

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2012, 04:21:18 PM »
I made a few small tweaks after I received some questions.

Like the occult cluster, if you don't possess all the expansion packs to complete the job cluster, consider it completed when you've collected a father from each of the listed careers that you do have and subtract 0.1 from the bonus for that cluster for each career you can't complete.  That only goes for if you don't own the expansion pack.

Taking into account children that come about in ways other than pregnancy, children from time travel and wishing wells have been added to the list of those that don't count for a score, like imaginary friends.  Similarly, these children are not subject to the same aging restrictions as those who are scored.  If you want to make it that much harder for yourself by raising extra kids, be my guest.  :D

Offline CSquared2

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2012, 09:05:29 PM »
Edited the rules to account for Supernatural.  If anyone sees any inconsistencies or incorrect numbers, please let me know!

Added Bonehilda to the restricted service sims.

Added the Fortune Teller career to the Career Cluster and raised its bonus.

Added fairies, werewolves and witches to the Occult Cluster and raised its bonus.

Added a stipulation regarding the aging bonus if you decide to play this challenge with a supernatural mother sim.

Offline MissPlumbBob

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2012, 09:18:09 AM »
I'm very interested! I guess I just enjoy doing projects.
Check out my new story here!

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2012, 04:36:46 PM »
Good to hear, MissPlumBob!  I always enjoy reading WYDs. :)

Offline oxJennxo

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2012, 02:05:17 PM »
I really need to do this one again with the newest stuff, and preferably without killing the husband this time.  I will be aiming for a mid-November start so that we can see what happens when Seasons comes out. 

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2012, 06:43:16 PM »
Wow, twice the WYD, twice the fun!   ;D

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2012, 01:33:41 PM »
A player pointed out a rule that is no longer necessary as EA seems to have fixed the problem.  Pregnancies conceived on vacation now appear to progress and the child to develop normally once the mother returns home, so the ban on vacation conceptions has been lifted.

Offline MissPlumbBob

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2012, 03:01:54 PM »
I've been playing a new file for this project, and I have an idea that I want you to consider.

It might be possible to have a father from each of the five boarding schools. How does that sound?

EDIT: Hahaha... What happens in the case of an autonomous divorce? I just had this happen...
Check out my new story here!

Offline MoMoll

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2012, 12:04:42 PM »
Just curious as to how a female will find a mate after having so many kids with so many different fathers! Has anyone actually done this? My sim had 4 different fathers and other male sims seemed to reject her.

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2012, 06:55:01 PM »
@MoMoll A couple people have gotten pretty far along or even finished.  Jenn's comes to mind immediately:  She never mentioned a problem with getting men to accept her sim's advances, but she's got a comment on this page if you'd like to message her yourself.

@MissPlumbBob  Good questions!  I'm still thinking about the private school cluster.  It's seems like such a small part of the game to include, but we did include zodiac signs and those are only just now getting more attention.  About your autonomous divorce, handle it as if the husband had died.  If you stay divorced, the at-home conceptions while he was the husband don't count as at-home anymore and your sim will have to produce an extra child with her new husband.  Or they can remarry without penalty, just remember not to count at-home conceptions again until they do remarry.  I'll put that in the rules next chance I get.

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Re: Who's Your Daddy Project
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2012, 07:15:48 PM »
Just curious as to how a female will find a mate after having so many kids with so many different fathers! Has anyone actually done this? My sim had 4 different fathers and other male sims seemed to reject her.

I got as far as eight fathers. Try using Above Reproach LTR.
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