GlazeyLadyGlazeyLady decided to complete a Domination Dynasty. Read
Changeling Domination to see how she did it.
Domination Dynasty ChallengeDomination Town Time — Week 16 Day 4 @ 7:53pm
Domination Vacation Time — 44 Days
Total Domination Time — 153 Days
What did you like most about the 4x4 Dynasty?The freedom to use any content. The majority of my playing time is devoted to challenges, so there are always a lot of restrictions. I haven't bought a lot of store content because of that, but I really enjoyed the freedom to use the content I have in a long game.What was most difficult for you?the masterpiece portraits - I got one on the first try, some only took 2 or 3 tries, but some seemed to take forever. I had one Sim that was painted 23 times before I got a masterpiece. The need to repeat the same action so many times was very frustrating. I stopped playing a few times for s couple weeks just because I was sick of trying to paint masterpieces. This being the last Sims 3 Dynasty, and my first, I was determined to finish, but if anything could have made me quit, that was it.
Artok and Aya
GoldenwandererBarely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty.Life States Dynasty ChallengeLife States Used — Witch, Vampire, Alien, Fairy, Mermaid, Imaginary Friend, Werewolf.
Finished — Week 61, Day 1
What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?"This is the most time and energy I've ever put into a Sims family, and I've grown attached to them in a way that doesn't happen with most of my Sims. The challenge was just difficult enough to keep me interested longterm, and it was fascinating to watch the family grow and develop over time.The different life states were interesting, too, though I don't think I took advantage of their supernatural abilities as much as I could have."What was most difficult for you?"Aside from keeping Natasha out of trouble? All the in-between times, particularly the child and teen ages. With so little to do, it was harder to summon up the energy to play during those times than any time else in the challenge. And it wasn't easy to keep everyone busy while the younger generations were growing up."
hazelnutAna Goole struggles to finally live a life and take care of her spectral descendants. This story is wonderful and entertaining and sure to grab your attention from the start. Come on over and meet
The Ghosts of Twinbrook.
Life States Dynasty ChallengeLife States Used — Normal, Electrocution Ghost, Meteor Ghost, Mummy's Curse Ghost, Starvation Ghost, Drowning Ghost, Fire Ghost
Finished — Week 57, Day 4
What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?"I like long-term multi-generational games (I’ve also finished both of the other dynasties, before I joined the forum), although this one didn’t appeal at first. Then I thought of Ana’s story. It’s a bit perverse to play this challenge without either Late Night or Supernatural but, having thought of the idea, I had to go with it. Normally, I just play the game and maybe take a few screenshots to record what happened. Embedding the challenge into a story was a new experience: I’m not sure I’ll do it again but it’s been fun."
"I’d never played with ghosts long-term before, so keeping a whole family of them around was a challenge and different from my normal playing style. For some reason, my game really likes producing ghost babies but, up until now, I’ve always got bored and given them ambrosia as children."What was most difficult for you?"The random traits! I’ve played a legacy challenge through, so random traits weren’t a completely new idea. On the other hand, you can choose the heir in a legacy. This time, the heir was predetermined (except in generations 5 and 6, when I finally had twin potential heirs). At least none of them were mean-spirited, though I did seem to get a lot of useless and/or duplicate traits."
"Also (and this is going to sound unbelievably girly) the choice of hairstyles for Sims with see-through heads is really limited .
Standing, from left: Louisa (generation 7 - fire ghost), Joseph (generation 6 - drowning ghost) and William (generation 3 - meteor ghost)
Sitting, from left: Anastasia (founder - human), Christabel (generation 2 - electrocution ghost), Isabella (generation 5 - starvation ghost) and Emily (generation 4 - mummy's curse ghost)
But wait there's more! hazelnut is also the first person to ever complete a Townie DecaDynasty.
The Wan-Goddard-Landgraab Decadynasty isn't a full story as much of a summary but what an awesome job this family did in making it all 10 generations!
Townie DecaDynasty ChallengeTotal value of DecaDynasty Collections — $1,089,078
Finished — Week 99, Day 1
What did you like most about the Townie DecaDynasty?"Oddly, having mortal heirs (even though I don’t like my Sims dying). It meant they could learn each other’s skills to some extent, because they weren’t going to have the rest of the game to reach level ten or complete challenges while I was concentrating on someone else."
"Playing with new households all the time was an interesting challenge – I found it took a while to get my head around each new family and house layout. I also liked having other family members around who could contribute to the requirements without having the heir’s restrictions."
"Story progression was fun, even though it almost caused me to fail through lack of spouses: I enjoyed seeing what happened to the townie families over the years. The Bunches kept going for five or six generations and ended up as distant relatives and some of the families who moved in early on were still going at the end of the game. There were also all sorts of background dramas (like the townie who was having affairs with three sisters simultaneously)."What was most difficult for you this time around?"Bugs! After all the failed attempts, keeping things simple was my top priority. I changed as little as possible in the houses, mostly had small families, played with the graphics settings turned down as low as I could stand and saved almost half of the travelling for the final household. Even so, the last generation was horrible because of all the crashes: half an hour’s continuous play became something of a luxury. By that stage, it was certainly determination to finish that kept me going rather than enjoyment of the game
Generation 10 Heir Sophia Silverman with her collection of Relics.--------
Not done yet! Hazelnut also surprised the forum with a finished Immortal Dynasty making her the first person to complete all three challenges as well. Not originally planning on sharing the story with us,
The Wood Immortal Dynasty is another summary but still worth a look to see the journey of this family.
Immortal Dynasty ChallengeTotal value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $680,465
Finished — Week 51, Day 5
What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?"Having the same Sims around for a long time and really getting attached to them – and watching what the immortals did when left act autonomously. I tend to micro-manage and having an increasing number of Sims who were looking after themselves was different – in fact, after finishing, I unlocked all of the doors and left them on freewill for a few Sim weeks just to see what they did next."What was most difficult for you?"The start was a mad scramble, trying to balance the various requirements, before it all suddenly came together. Trying to stop the second immortal, who was a Renaissance Sim, from learning forbidden skills was a real challenge. She kept sneaking into temporarily unlocked rooms and starting to cook, paint or play chess. Then I nearly failed with generation six, just when it was all looking straightforward."
"Supermaxing skills probably belongs in both categories. Fishing was the only skill I’d supermaxed before this, so it was a new way of playing, which is always good. On the other hand, churning out those endless ice sculptures and paintings, or finding stars, got pretty boring at times and I’d have to take a break and play a different kind of game for a while."
Back Row (L to R): Burl, Ebony, Cherry, Rose;
Front Row (L to R): Willow, Ash, Holly, Rowan
Hazelnut has completed another dynasty and it is an amazing tale that you can read right
here4x4 Dynasty ChallengeWorlds Used -- Hidden Springs, Monte Vista, Barnacle Bay and Starlight Shores
Finished -- Week 80, day 5
Total value of 4x4 Family Collection -- §920,980
What did you like most about the 4x4 Dynasty?"This dynasty seems very much like a combinaton of the previous three and, I think, has most of their best features. It was also fun seeing how the genetics played out over so many generations. I never expected the rainboo gene to last into the fourth town!"What was most difficult for you?"Bugs, yet again. It also took far, far longer than I was expecting when I started back in September, from a combination of the aforementioned bugs, limited Simming time and the story getting away from me in quite a big way
But wait there's even more? Hazelnut decided that another Decadynasty was just what she needed, but with more original townie genes...and just the base game only as well,
no biggie.
The Steel Decadynasty is a challenge unlike what any simmer has done yet!
Townie DecaDynasty ChallengeTotal value of DecaDynasty Collections — §405393
Finished — Week 84, Day 5
What did you like most about the Townie DecaDynasty?Getting loads of opportunities, some of them unfamiliar. The opportunities are usually the toughest part of playing a Decadynasty but most of the heirs had no problem at all. It was also a remarkably bug-free game. I'm pretty sure I could have played the whole thing in a single town if I hadn't wanted to mix up the genetics.
Having a family of pyromaniacs from halfway through was fun. I still have no clue how that happened but it saved a lot of fines from the fire brigade
Also a special mention for Odin Crosby, Dynasty MVP. Despite his supposed dislike of children, he was great with the kids and he managed to learn both baked angel food cake and ambrosia for free What was most difficult for you?The NPC friends: there's very little choice without expansions, unless you're lucky enough to meet a science geek or old-style magician, which I wasn't. Collecting an almost identical set before each move got pretty boring. My first Decadynasty family met most of their friends just by hanging around Central Park but that seems to have been pretty much patched out. This lot really had to work at it.
10th gen Duncan with his books.
Say it ain't so, Hazelnut then went in for her second Immortal Dynasty with
the Carrs, their story/spouses/vintage appeal, and after a lull, getting the new highest museum score in this hall of fame!
Immortal Dynasty ChallengeTotal value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $5,107,139
Finished — Week 72, Day 3
What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?"This was the first time I'd played with a family trait. It wasn't something I was completely committed to at the beginning, especially since Vehicle Enthusiast is a pretty useless trait, but all of them ended up with it (although it was an additional, social group influence, trait for Ford and Lotus).
I also liked using science clones to keep the original townie genes going. I'd only cloned one Sim before this. In an ideal world, I'd have used more of the DNA samples the Carrs had stored up, just to see what happened with the genetics. Sadly, that probably needs a different sort of game.
Apart from the inevitable sculpting and painting, most of the unique supermaxes were relatively unfamiliar, as were several careers. Trying new (or newish) things is always fun.
The museum value was a major surprise. I was trying for a high score but never expected to do that well. I suppose that doesn't really count as something I liked about the challenge but I've certainly been enjoying it since
."What was most difficult for you?"Morgan (gen 5) being essentially asexual was irritating. I could have forced him into marriage and having a kid but I always prefer to go with what the game throws at me. Fortunately, he did eventually fall in love late in life.
And then there was the glitchiness of Rolls Royce, the final heir, not helped by his being a ghost. I could have done without the panics, which continued right up until the last few minutes of the challenge.
I thought that boredom would be a problem when I decided to go for a high museum value this time but, oddly enough, that rarely turned out to be the case. It probably helps that I like training sculptors
The Carrs and their cars (L to R): Ford (gen 6), Portia (gen 4), Morgan (gen 5), Minnie (founder), Austin (gen 2), Lotus (gen 7), Rolls Royce (gen 8 ) and Vera Winifred 'VW' (gen 3)
IflanaNifiLike Teresa, forumer IflanaNifi finished the Immortal Dynasty Challenge at breakneck speed. Read about Founder Amelia Byron and her descendents
Immortal Dynasty ChallengeTotal value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $562,166
Finished — Week 49, Day 3
What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?“I really liked the continuity of this challenge. I've never played a Sim family so in depth because usually I get bored after generation 2 is born. This really forced me to get to know how the story mode works, plus I like playing challenges that force you to play without cheats. I also like working toward goals, which is probably why I didn't focus on the story so much as finishing the challenge.”What was most difficult for you?“Keeping the Sims under control around 7th and 8th Gen was difficult. There were so many and I had to keep them from doing things that would jeopardize the challenge. I think I would have liked to plan better so they had more to do at the end of the challenge. I had done a few practice runs of the 1st Generation before I even considered doing a serious run to get an idea of how long it would take to fill the requirements, but it's much different when you're controlling two or three Sims to when you're controlling eight.”
From L to R: Amelia (1st Gen), Elizabeth (2nd Gen), Xander (3rd Gen), Penelope (4th Gen), John Dorian (5th Gen), Gwendolyn (6th Gen), Dominique (7th Gen), Shaun (8th Gen).
JuxtapositionWith over 33k views at the time her story/Dynasty ended and entered the Hall of Fame, Juxtaposition’s
De D’Onlyn Dynasty is definitely one of the more popular stories that has been written.
Immortal Dynasty ChallengeTotal value of Immortal Dynasty Museum —$1,183,934
Finished — Week 63, Day 2
What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?”My favorite part was writing in all the things that went wrong. The erasing of a possibly Dynasty ending twin, and the fixing of Lynnore's broken pregnancy were actually my favorite parts. Overcoming adverse events left me with a real feeling of accomplishment.” What was most difficult for you?”Sticking with it during all the skilling, and less exciting parts was definitely my challenge, I get distracted pretty easily. Plus waiting through 2 hours of load screens toward the end.”
KatluvrAt close to 17k views and over 60 pages, Katluvr’s Starr Immortal Dynasty story has been very popular with forumers. Read about Founder Jackson Starr and all of his descendents
Immortal Dynasty ChallengeTotal value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $677,655
Finished — Week 50, Day 1
What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?“I loved the continuity of making each generation immortal. Being able to keep all the skills and experience each Sim accrued over their lifetime made each successive generation a little bit easier in many respects. I think the challenge is structured beautifully to give purpose to what is otherwise a very open ended game. Being quite goal oriented in real life, I like having a fixed set of rules and goals to strive for.”
“On an emotional level, the absolute best moment of the entire challenge for me was when Joanna, my generation 8 immortal, had her teen birthday and I saw just how beautiful she turned out. It was awesome to know that every decision I made for 8 generations led to that moment.”
“Lastly, but most importantly, I appreciate how encouraging, helpful and kind the members of this community have been. Their constant positive feedback kept me going for the nearly 4 months it took to finish the challenge.”What was most difficult for you?“The hardest thing for me was overcoming the feeling that I didn't know what I was doing. I had only been playing for about a month when I started the Starr Dynasty and I had no previous Sims experience on PC. I was inspired by Pam's Dreamweaver Immortal Dynasty and knew I had to give it a go. I still can't believe I did it!!!”
“In terms of game mechanics, I found it really daunting controlling 8 Sims at one time. I had a couple of close calls because I wasn't paying enough attention to what everyone was doing. The surprise challenge for me was how slow generation 8 went. It didn't help that I was SuperMaxing writing and in the writing career, both of which are fun but don't exactly make for exciting game play. I had to bring some of my elders out of retirement to make the time pass a little faster.”
L to R: Jackson, Jessica, Jorianne, Jasmine, Jocelyn, Jameson, Jenni Carmen, Joanna
As if one Immortal Dynasty was not enough, Katluvr did a full blown 2nd attempt with her Fae Immortal Dynasty. Check out Kat’s story
here. Immortal Dynasty ChallengeTotal value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $922,440
Finished — Week 53, Day 2
What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?“I think the Immortal Dynasty Challenge is simply the most well-crafted event of its kind! It's hard enough to keep me on my toes, but not so difficult as to be discouraging. I also love having the continuity of 8 generations of Sims under one roof. I get quite attached to my Simmies.”What was most difficult for you?“This is my second Dynasty so I was a lot more relaxed this time. I applied the lessons I learned from my first Dynasty to make this one a bit easier. The hardest part for me was managing my founder's husband to make sure he could paint her portraits, grow life fruit, catch deathfish, AND prepare ambrosia. It still amazes me that I was able to manage his time well enough to get everything done. 

L to R: Glenys (founder), Meghan (gen. 2), Raven (gen. 3), Callie (gen. 4), Daniel (gen. 5), Pearl (gen. 6), Brianna (gen. 7), Idelle (gen. 8 )
kent91blazekent91blaze's Octa Dynasty took on the challenge of Bridgeport and won! Take a look at their story and see their amazing journey
over here.
Immortal Dynasty ChallengeTotal value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $770,185
Finished — Week 50, Day 5
What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?"I would have to say the whole challenge it self. I'm new to the Sims when I started this challenge, and it's interesting to try out all the different skills, jobs the game has to offer. Also, playing one family for a whole 8 generation is something really fun and exciting. On top of that, I've also got the chance of explore writing stories and I did in fact enjoyed the process."What was most difficult for you?"Dealing with minor glitches like the one time Titania disappear and also waiting for Destiny to age up to Elder. The latter was the most challenging part."
From left to right in sequence: Flora Octa, Oceania Octa, Loveline Octa, Weldon Octa, Penny Octa, Ace Octa, Titania Octa and Destiny Octa
KRaeKrae is rapidly become one of our best dynasty players a lot of time has gone into dominating Starlight Shores read how it was done in the
Bright Grey Domination DynastyDomination Dynasty ChallengeFinished -- 10:50pm Week 43 Day 7What did you like most about the 4x4 Dynasty?What did I like best? Well, I always love planning these things, and I enjoyed using skills and careers that I don't normally try. At first I enjoyed all the nooboos.What was most difficult for you?That leads into what was hardest. After the first 15-20 toddlers, they started to drive me bonkers - too many birthday cakes (I ended up with 51 group servings and 33 individual pieces), too many graduations (so very disrupting). The most difficult was the unpredictability of getting those masterpiece portraits. I did a little sitting on the couch happy dance whenever Misty produced one.
Here a shot of Sonny and Misty Bright-Grey in the Honeycomb Basement of Total Domination.
The first family to finish the new 4x4 Dynasty turned out to be KRae’s Washington Dynasty. There is no story attached but KRae has provided us with a stats summary of her dynasty which can be found
here. 4x4 Dynasty ChallengeWorlds Used -- Sunset Valley, Twinbrook, Riverview, and Bridgeport.
Finished -- Week 107, Day 5
Total value of 4x4 Family Collection -- $201,217
What did you like most about the 4x4 Dynasty?I really enjoyed the planning phase and then following through with the plan. It truly was a challenge, which was exactly what I needed.
What was most difficult for you?I loved planning this out. With so few EPs it was quite a challenge. I stuck with my plan. The hardest parts were getting enough opportunities and completing some careers. Some of my heirs had a real mixed bag of skill challenges. (Firefighter who had Diabolical Detonator, Widget Wonder, and Master Bassist).
Just as she opted to not write a story for her 4X4 Dynasty, KRae just wanted to give readers a simple summary for her
Caspian No Story DecaDynasty.DecaDynasty ChallengeFinished — Week 91, Day 6
Total Collection Value —$254,056
What did you like most about the DecaDynasty Challenge?“
Planning is so much fun for me. Of course not everything can be planned and the surprises are fun, too. I liked moving to new houses and dealing with whatever I found there. I generally changed very little. It might sound weird, but I liked making friends with NPCs and having little meet and greet NPC parties.”What was most difficult for you?“
Now on to the hard parts. The unpredictability of those black ops. Sometimes the phone just does not ring and when it does it’s another used celebrity op. GRRR.
The hardest part though was after moving to Sunset Valley because of file size and bugs, the town just died. By the second generation born there, only 5 houses were occupied. I really did enjoy all the challenges, though, and figuring out how to deal with problems.” 
Photo of Heir 10 with Final Collection
A Long Life States Dynasty, by KRae.
Life States Dynasty ChallengeLife States Used — Witch, Fairy, Human, Werewolf, Imaginary Friend, Vampire, Genie
Finished — Week 47, Day 6
What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?My favorite thing about this dynasty is that it forced me to play in ways that are very alien to me. I usually make perfect sims, designed for the role they will play. The randomness of this had me using traits that I rarely if ever use. My vampire, Fiona, had all five traits that I never select. I had to put my control freak on the back burner and just relax and enjoy.What was most difficult for you?The hardest part was waiting for those 5k wishes to pop. Apparently Evan, my founder, just really didn't care if he ever reached the top of his fishing career. He was actually my most difficult, but he set up wish anxiety for the rest of the dynasty.

Here's the picture of the Long family in the mausoleum. (Yes, you're tired. Just pose.)
Immortal Rain Dynasty, by KRae.
Immortal Dynasty ChallengeTotal value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $201,758
Finished — Week 53, Day 6
What did you like most about the immortal dynasty?"While I enjoyed playing this dynasty, I think I made it little too easy on myself using only portraits. I liked the planning, as usual, and following my plan. I liked figuring out ways to keep sims away from each others skill objects and keeping the elders occupied without making an elder dungeon."What was most difficult for you?"The hardest part was slogging my way through the tedious parts when just waiting for an heir to age up. I probably should have relaxed a little and allowed them to complete their requirements in a more leisurely fashion. Especially heir eight who was done except for his portraits before his adult birthday."
Left to Right: March, April, November, October, July, December, January, August
laurelaLife States DynastyLife States Used - Human, Witch, Vampire, Imaginary Friend, Werewolf, Fairy, Old Age Ghost
Completed - Week 65, Day 3
Here is a
link to laurela's Life State's Dynasty story.
What did you like the most?I got Supernatural just to play this challenge, and I most certainly don't regret it. I was always fascinated by all the different life states but I was so hesitant on getting it. But when I came across this challenge, I knew that I should get it. I really liked playing all the different life states and developing each of my sim's character. I also got really attached to some non-heir sims and I found it hard to move them out as they just grew on me, like my founder's spouse, Jules Macduff. Overall, I just really liked having to complete goals for each heir and then move on to the next.
What was most difficult for you?Definitely the waiting for wishes to fire. Sometimes they just won't pop up no matter what you do. Generation 6 almost gave me a nervous breakdown when she wouldn't fire a lot of wishes, and Generation 7 didn't even get a wish to reach the top of her career and that definitely had me worried, but I'm glad it all worked out in the end.
Towards the end, I also found it hard to summon the energy to keep playing the dynasty, since this is the longest time I've ever played with a family and I'm not used to multi-generational families. It seemed more like a chore than a recreational activity. Random traits also threw me for a loop. While I didn't get a lot of bad traits like Brooding and Childish, I seemed to get a lot of really useless traits that didn't really help any of my sims in the end. And I also learned that I really, REALLY cannot stand the Absent-Minded trait.

From left to right: Chesca (Fairy, Gen 6), Emil (IF, Gen 4), Andrea (Witch, Gen 2), Mafi (Human, Founder), Ella (Vampire, Gen 3), Julieanne (Werewolf, Gen 5), Camryn (Old Age Ghost, Gen 7)
LenaLJLenaLJ first dynasty with super fast speed, you can read her summary right
hereDomination Dynasty ChallengeDomination Town Time — Week 9 Day 5 @ 1:35pm
Domination Vacation Time — none
Total Domination Time — 61 Days
What did you like most about the Domination Dynasty?To see all those colourfull sims

, I love the rainbow slider. But also to go through all the skills and different jobs. I really enjoyed that it was 1 generational, and so fast, made it so much more easy for me to complete.
What was most difficult for you?The most difficult was the graduation, it stoped my sims que all the time. And then the masterpieces, that was so luck depending.

Eddard and Catelyn Stars
Lisa46Lisa46 completed her immortal dynasty in record time. She also kept summaries of her dynasty in her
All in the Family Immortal Dynasty.
Immortal Dynasty ChallengeTotal value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,065,483
Finished — Week 41, Day 2
What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?"I loved the fact that each sim developed their own character. For this dynasty I tried to avoid stereotypical skilling traits and tried developing unique personalities for each sim. That was very fun for me. I also liked seeing the genes evolve over time. The rainboo quality lasted until generation five was born and I was very happy about that. I also got some really unique features and totally fell in love with generation 4 as an elder. Lastly I felt very proud about the Supermaxes. Supermaxing Logic was hard but I felt so proud when it was over.
"What was most difficult for you?"The hardest parts were the lag and loading times. I also absolutely hated the child stages. I basically sat by my computer waiting for their birthday. The immortal dynasty is hard with the "no cake ups" thing. "
LivvieLoveThe first of many attempts that will qualify for HOF. There is no story attached but LivvieLove has provided us with plenty info, check out her
Hopecarver Life States Dynasty.Life States Dynasty ChallengeLife States Used — Human, Vampire, Fairy, Werewolf, Witch, Genie, Imaginary Friend.
Finished — Week 35, Day 5
What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?"I loved the variation, that I just simply couldn't keep plans down even if I tried, because those crazy Sims would always throw a wrench in my plans. The scramble is what made it fun, especially after they had more money than I would ever need (which was by the second generation). With the Life States Dynasty it felt like a mad dash to get to my requirements before the Sims would change things up on me which I found increasingly fun. I love that there was always variety - no two of my Sims were ever the same, but it also made them more realistic and less perfect. After playing this I've started to randomize traits for a lot of my other games, just because the randomness helps them develop their own unique personalities that stop looking all the same (as I would always use the same traits for the same Sims)."What was most difficult for you?"Those silly opportunities! If you would've seen my game you would've think I suppressed those darned things, except I didn't! I would get multiple childhood and teen ones, then as soon as my Sim grew up and started skilling it was silent. Once the requirements were finished is only when they would start to blow up my Sim's phones. If it wasn't for Into the Future I'm almost sure I would have failed!"
From left to right: Flynn (Genie), Mirdac (Werewolf), Mortissa (Vampire), Xiri (Human), Damien (Fairy), Caelia (Witch), Leif (IF).
lynyeldLynyeld gave a nice outline of all the necessary requirements for all 8 generations in her
Yeld Immortal Dynasty.
Immortal Dynasty ChallengeTotal value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $173,384
Finished — Week 46, Day 3
What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?“I used real family names which also go back about 5 generations. I liked the fact that I got to know my characters so well. They almost became a part of me. Parts of the challenge was challenging, but good - especially as I succeeded in all my plans I had for each of my characters. There were no last minute change of plans due to some unforseen mishap.”What was most difficult for you?“Getting my first generation eligible for Ambrosia. Someone had to paint the portrait. The life fruit had to be grown, the deathfish had to be caught and level 10 in Cooking had to be reached.”
Left to right: Thomas, Alleyne, Leilani, Catherine Ann, Charlotte, Eoin, Walter, Lynette.