Author Topic: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 5/2/2016 Completed  (Read 41160 times)

Offline KRae

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Welcome to Riverview, Gia Breve!
Gia: Breve? That doesn’t sound right.
No, it used to be Kelly after your grandparents from Dragon Valley.
Gia: So why the change?
Because this time we’re going Short.
We’ll be following the rules found here … mostly. I don’t use a story progression mod, so my sims may wed long-lived supernaturals who will be cured immediately upon entering the household. The second born child will be the heir.
So, step one – get a house.
Gia: *snorts*

Step two – met that rich man across the street.
Gia: Hello, Jon Lessen. I’m the woman of your dreams.
Jon: Yes, you are.
Gia: You know, he’s going to be an elder in a few days.

No time to waste then.
Boyfriend secured.

Step three -  Spend the night at the firestation.  There’s an easel there.
Gia’s traits are Dramatic, Artistic, Good, Snob, and Vegetarian.  Her Lifetime Wish is Master of the Arts.

Step four –
Gia: Stop with the steps, already!
Gia met Jon at the elixir shop and married him on the steps. He brought $21,000 to the union…

He also brought this car. Enjoy driving it one last time, Jon. It’s paying for your house and your multitabs.

Jon’s traits are Great Kisser, Virtuoso, Hopeless Romantic, Charismatic, and Artistic. His LifetimeWish is Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers. His guitar skill is high (7?) but his charisma needs work. He is at level 8 in his music career, but won’t work again until his elder birthday.

Jon spends his spare time (hah!) at the subway station playing for tips.

While painting, Gia realized that she was with child.
Gia: I’m totally preggers!

On Jon’s birthday, a bright pink girl was born.
Jon: Aww, let Grandpa-Daddy rock you.
Little Zyra is Evil and Easily Impressed.

Gia wanted to try for a second child late that night, but it was her Adult birthday and that just doesn’t work.
Gia: Why, hair, why? No – I have wrinkles. Let’s move!

Fortunately with the short lifespan, midlife crises are fleeting as is nooboohood.
Gia: Tickle, tickle ….

Gia: Now get in the walker so Mommy and Daddy can make a sibling for you.

Zyra has green eyes like Gia’s.

The generation two heir is on the way.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty)
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2016, 11:31:02 PM »
Go Breves!

Jon is a good spouse, I find.

Love the rainboo Breves

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty)
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2016, 11:37:46 PM »
Yay! Good luck with your short dynasty!
I'm rooting for you! Go Breves!
I can't wait to meet the generation 2 heir!

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty)
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2016, 06:24:34 AM »
Oh, you've tweaked the rules a bit to make the second-born child the heir, because a single child wouldn't be enough work, hehe.
Good luck!  Looking forward to reading about all the happenings, hook-ups, nooboos, and family expansions!
Go KRae! Go Gia!

Offline KRae

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/06/2016
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2016, 04:15:56 AM »
@Deklitch , Jon is a good spouse. He was three days from elder when he moved in, but his traits, skills, and Lifetime Wish were too good to pass up.

Thanks, @LivvieLove , this 27 day lifespan is a killer!

@oshizu , somehow I convinced myself that it would be good to have an older sibling around to sort of pave the way and maybe provide one skill point before the heir becomes a young adult. It may blow up on me if a male heir has an older spouse though.

Birthdays are pretty much a constant. At least Zyra got a cake this time. She added Computer Whiz to Evil and Easily Impressed.
Zyra: Can I fix my hair and clothes? Remember I like orange best.
Sure. That’s going to look great.

Zyra: Thanks for the computer, but you said I could fix my hair.
Just as soon as you get to level four in Logic.
Zyra: Slave driver!
I’ve only just begun, my dear.

Zyra: That’s not exactly orange, but it will do.

Jon was doing well on his skills with guitar completed and charisma very close. His career, not so much. He just didn’t have enough work days. He was at level 9 when he got an opportunity to go to China to learn about the music there.
He arrived safely and sought out the man who would teach him.

All he needed to do was return home and go to work to complete the opportunity. Before leaving, he did some shopping. The clerk taught him a song and helped him complete his lifetime wish.

All on his own, Jon listened to a tab cast on fishing.
You want to fish?
Jon: Yes, I just know I’ll be great at it.
Nice technique.

Using the multitab, Jon learned fishing at an amazing pace. He developed a new method at level 5.

The next day, he reached level 8 and tried the singing Chinese songs and waving the fishing pole around method. 

By the end of his 3 day vacation, Jon had maxed fishing and caught several perfect fish.

The next day back at home, the generation 2 heir was born. Little Zulu Breve is Brave and a Heavy Sleeper.

The next day, Zyra became a teen and a Supernatural Skeptic. 

Another day, two more birthdays. First Zulu had cake and became a toddler.
Zulu: Nosy much?

Gia: How can I be an elder already?

Zulu taught himself the rest of his skills while his mother painted and his father fished and went to work.

Gia: Good job on the walking, kid. Here, try this.
Zulu: Why you all gray and wrinkly, Mama?
*Gia and her watcher sob a little*

Somewhere along the line, Zyra decided she wants to be a Renaissance Sim. She’s working on gardening and should have it maxed easily before Zulu becomes a young adult. She signed up as a professional gardener and is working on getting 9 different plants up to perfect. Gardening should be a good career for future spouses and spares. It’s a good money producer.

Jon was helping himself to some goopy carbonara before work. He was so close to his final promotion, but at age 28 days he just couldn’t hold on even for a few more hours.

Jon maxed 3 skills (guitar, charisma, and fishing) and completed his lifetime wish Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers.

Thank you for the lovely medium tombstone and for the 12 different perfect fish. You will be missed.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/06/2016
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2016, 05:49:07 AM »
What a great founding father you were, Jon!
And so esoteric! Loved the singing Chinese songs and waving fishing rod method! Considering the short lifespan and his age when your game started, KRae, you helped me achieve so much!

Are you going backward from Z this time? Zyra grew up so fast and Zulu is a doll!
Hard to believe how swiftly this Short Dynasty Challenge moves!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/06/2016
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2016, 12:42:07 PM »
The first death as touched our lovely family here! Goodbye Jon, you've started a great dynasty!

Isn't it amazing how fast things go here though? If you don't already I highly recommend the Motive Mobile. Once you don't need to sleep anymore things get a lot easier! :D I can't wait to see how your family does!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/06/2016
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2016, 12:57:30 PM »
KRae, you helped me achieve so much!

Oooh, I meant you helped Jon achieve so much, not "me" (Do you think Jon was using me as a channel or something like that?)

Offline KRae

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/07/2016
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2016, 10:13:20 AM »
@oshizu , Yes, I am starting with Z. I missed out on using those great(?) end of the alphabet names in my family empire.

@LivvieLove , I'll keep the motive mobile in mind. I'm sure it would be a big help. I don't much care how many points they get, but the close calls on careers is a bit frustrating. Not sleeping wouldn't help with rabbithole jobs, but my heirs are going to stay away from those.

Zyra: Now that we’re good friends, I’d like to give you a gift. Here, this is Fluffs. He’s my very best friend.
Gia: I really don’t know you well enough and next time try giving a gift that’s more expensive.

Zulu became a child.
Sorry about the lack of cake.
Zulu: Hey, give a guy some privacy here!
Zulu is now rebellious.

Zulu: You know, I think I spotted the Loch Ness monster in the tub last night.
Zyra: Well, if you catch it, try giving it to Mom. I dare you.

Gia is at level nine in the painting skill and career. She’s also closing in on her final days. I’d like to consign her paintings now that they’re worth more, but I’m afraid she’ll never get credit for them.

Meanwhile, Zyra became a young adult. Her traits are Evil, Easily Impressed, Computer Whiz, Supernatural Skeptic,  and Star Quality. That’s useful with celebrity shut off.

The next day she graduated and was voted Most Likely to Hack the Military Facility.
Zulu: Pesky graduation! If I’d gone to school today, I would have an A now.
*watcher snorts* Dream on, little dude.

Zulu: No cake, no A. Happy Birthday to me.
Hey, you didn’t get the Grumpy trait. You Love the Outdoors.

Zyra: BWAAH! Happy birthday!

Zulu: Heh heh. Payback time.

Zyra: I love broken appliances, but stay away from my computer.

Finally, Gia completed her lifetime wish by maxing painting.

The painting on the left is Gia’s fifth masterpiece. Supermax complete!

At age 29, Gia was quickly producing expensive large paintings and had less than $5,000 to go to top her career. Alas, it was not meant to be.

Zyra: I’ll miss you, Mom. Just when you were starting to make some real money, you go with Grim. If I stick around, maybe I’ll see your ghost. Bwahaha!
Such a touching eulogy.

Gia maxed Guitar and supermaxed Painting along with completing her lifetime wish. She had two children and bought the coffeehouse and the diner. She was happy enough to provide a small tombstone. That’s 9 points for Gia. Along with 5 from Jon, Generation One made 14 points. That’s much better than I expected.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/07/2016
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2016, 12:38:28 PM »
Congratulations Gia on the maxed painting and supermax! The first generation is gone. :'( They will be missed!
Keep it up KRae!
Also, Rabbit holes can be done, but they're tricky. Ones like the medical field come a lot easier than science due to work hours and days (most likely to get a promotion in a day with 9+ hours at work rather than 5+). I can't wait to see how you approach this dynasty. :D It's hard to believe how fast it moves sometimes. I feel like I have 6 birthdays an update and a death every 2. ::)

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/07/2016
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2016, 04:40:30 PM »
Zulu is such a spoilsport at times, I thought he was the neglected spare but then realized your dynasty has designated the second-born as heir!
This seems like such a tricky challenge!

Will Zulu retain his childish sweetness as a teen?  hehe

Offline KRae

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/08/2016
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2016, 08:50:47 AM »
@LivvieLove , I hadn't thought about it, but you're right. Medical could work for a male. Getting called in for emergencies really helps too.

@oshizu , Zulu's actually pretty nice, but evil Zyra gives him such a hard time.

Life goes on, and teens grow up.
Zulu’s traits are now Brave, Heavy Sleeper, Rebellious, Loves the Outdoors, and Gatherer. He wants to be an Alchemy Artisan.

Zulu graduated the next day and was voted Most Likely to Save the World – with his vials of bliss I guess.

The bliss will have to wait. An heir’s most important duty is the continuation of the dynasty. Everything else is just points.
Zulu met this girl at school. She graduated on the same day. I’m sure she has a name…probably. Anyway, she lived in a house, but must have been a moved in NPC because later that day she was not only a proprietor at Performance Park, she was also a full on adult. Sorry Zulu. You need to move on.

I guess bliss won’t have to wait. Zulu’s next stop was the elixir shop.
Zulu: Woo! Alchemy Artisan here I come. I’ll be right back. I’ve got a career to register for.

Zulu: You know all those elixirs I just bought? I want to consign them.
Elixir man: You’re all alike.
Zulu completed his Alchemist career before his adult birthday.

A family moved into Jon’s old house across the street – a man, his vampire wife, and their two teenage werewolves. Zulu kept an eye on them, and very soon the daughter became a young adult. He went for a visit, chatted for a while, did a little pillow fighting, and convinced her to move in.

This is what Melinda Augustine looks like after getting cured at the salon. She’s Over-Emotional, a Great Kisser, a Natural Cook, a Perfectionist, and an Angler. She want to be The Leader of the Pack. Well, that’s not going to happen now, is it.

I hope you enjoy gardening, Melinda. You’ll be able to fish too, someday.
Zyra has already developed nine different perfect plants, including red berry beans. The money should start rolling in now.

From the bathroom we hear *Bluurgh…Flush…Moan*

Finally the vomiting stops.

From the second floor we hear *Ribbet…Croak…Moan*

Time to read pregnancy books.
Melinda: Have you gotten to the scary part yet?
Zulu: Yes, I just started chapter one.

Zulu: If you have to go through all that, the very least I can do is give you this shiny ring and marry you.

Meanwhile, with Melinda tending the garden, Zyra had time to work on maxing her fishing skill.

Her second skill completed, Zyra went to the library to listen to her multitab and read about logic.
On her way in, she saw this man with a little toddler boy.

On her way out of the library, Zyra became an elder.

Melinda, who was due to go into labor in a few hours, went to a party at her parents’ house. No, this isn’t a family member, just some random guest dying. In a short dynasty, the chances of throwing a party and not having a death are slim to none.
Melinda: Hey, you, over there. I hear you have a toddler. Maybe one of my kids can marry him when they grow up.
Man over there: By the time your kids are teens, mine will probably be an adult.
Melinda: Works for me!

Later that night, Yasmine Breve, Eccentric and Neurotic, is born.

A couple of days later, heir number 3 is on the way. This will delay Melinda’s adult birthday by a couple of days.

Zulu’s adult birthday seemed to trigger the appearance of Jelllybean, his imaginary friend.
Jellybean: We’re going to be best friends. We’ll pillow fight and play tag. It’ll be so much fun!
*and get in his way, and walk in on him in the bathroom*

Not to be out done, Zyra’s imaginary friend, Fluffs came out to play, also uninvited.

Well, since you’re at level 9 in logic and you want to max it anyway, you might just as well work on chemistry. I don’t know if you’ll have time to discover them all though.
Zyra: Especially if this keeps happening.

So far she’s only discovered 3 potions, but  Zyra did max logic and complete her lifetime wish by becoming a Renaissance Sim.

Although only her max gardening skill will count, Zyra did buy the family a Motive Mobile with her happiness points. Thank you!
Now teens may actually learn to drive.

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/08/2016
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2016, 11:26:19 AM »
ummm yeah... LOL "Grandpa-Daddy"  ;D I LMAO!!!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/08/2016
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2016, 01:07:05 PM »
The motive mobiles have begun! Woo!
Congratulations KRae!
Man you're catching me up!
 ::)  :-X I'm such a slow poke haha.
Anywho, I did complete the medical career with Ima, but I feel that almost wasn't fair because there was a point where Sam was her boss (her husband) and that she got a promotion from that. Haha.
Also, I love the death at parties comment, it's so true! You almost stop throwing them after a while..

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/08/2016
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2016, 01:27:22 PM »
On her way in, she saw this man with a little toddler boy.
Initially, I didn't understand the relevance of this remark until the follow-up at the party ("I hear you have a toddler").

In a regular Immortal Dynasty, we keep an eye on teens; in a Short Dynasty, you monitor the townie toddlers.  Really gives a sense of how fast the game moves.
Thanks for explaining the Zulu/Zyra dynamic. Zulu's moustache suits him.

Also, this is the first time I'm seeing IFs that aren't the opposite gender of their "owners." Different challenges, different strategies, I guess. Or can the gender be manipulated?