Author Topic: Rastelli Immortal Dynasty  (Read 44425 times)

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #105 on: March 27, 2016, 06:01:17 PM »
Finally caught up.  Why no strawberries?  Seems like a ready made spouse for the little nooboo.  What's his name by the way?  Typical great story Play.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #106 on: March 27, 2016, 06:21:24 PM »
Hi @Joria  I only want to play male sims, I know I'll have to have spouses join the dynasty house but least I can limit that. I dunno really.. but I just like playing with male sims better, always have inTS4. I was the opposite in TS3. I have another role in mind for Dee's off-spring.  :-X

I'll probably post another chapter late tonight my time as I didn't play yesterday, I was thinking about where to next while I was doing rl stuff. As for Gen 2's name.... hehe you'll have to wait.
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #107 on: March 27, 2016, 06:48:59 PM »
It was nice to see Max as a child again. LOL He's still a brat.  :P

That shot of Alex swimming in the ground was great. Congrats on the new nooboo..

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #108 on: March 27, 2016, 08:40:36 PM »
@Playalot   Your remark below made me laugh hard

Having no strawberry munching sessions in this dynasty!!

Do you mean Dee's son will have the klepto trait,  too? (blinks eyes innocently)

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #109 on: March 31, 2016, 11:29:21 PM »
Congratulations on Gen 2 Play!  Looking forward to seeing what the new heir looks like...  are you planning on hiding faces again this dynasty?
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #110 on: March 31, 2016, 11:46:05 PM »
@sdhoey swimming through the ground!
@oshizu hehe... I'll be rolling his traits too so time will tell.  ;)
@dethdukk naa, not going to hide faces this time around, I've only just trained myself to take screenshots from the front again!  :P
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #111 on: April 03, 2016, 02:19:23 AM »
Chapter 14: Now's The Time

Alessandro: Aw yuk! Now I know why you gave me the first cuddle! Eww... geez little man, what the heck have you been eating?
Candy: lol I know, it's pretty bad eh.

Alessndro: There you go fella, all clean. Who is a clever little man eh?
Candy: Let's hope this diaper doesn't fall straight off like your first one did!
Alex: Silly mummy, we've got this eh Max.

Candy: I love you Alex
Alessandro: Me too amore mio.

Candy: I didn't know I could feel so much love watcher.
I know, it's amazing isn't it.
Candy: I feel like I just don't want to ever let Max go.
Then don't. There's nothing in the house that everyone else can't manage. You stay with Max babe... he'll be a kid before you know it so make the most of these baby days.

I thought I'd find you in here. Look all this dust and stuff can't be good for bubs. Come and take a break. Honestly, I feel like I should lock you out of this room.
Dee: I'll just finish....
No you won't. Leave it, come take a break. Now.

Brian: How's everything Dee?
Dee: Good, great actually. Watcher's making me take a break.
Art: Really, I thought she kept directing you back to making more sculptures all the time and was only having you pose here for a minute so she could make it look like she actually cared.
 >:( I heard that. Stop breaking the forth wall Art.
Brian and Dee: Lol
Brian: Fourth watcher.
Whatever. Anyway, don't you boys have something to do?

*Sigh* So, seriously, how are you Dee?
Dee: I'm good. sit there for a while and take it easy. Baby's due any moment.
Dee: What are you off to do?
Oh, just introduce Brian to a few more neighbors and such.

Alexander: This better not be one of those dynasty "visits" Yuki... I'm feeling pretty over protective of my mum right now.
Yuki: Oh gosh no Alex... ewww, our watcher's not like that. seriously.
<mutters> Ok, well... that put paid to that plan then.

Cassandra: Oh gosh *giggle* I didn't know you were so well traveled Brian. How exciting.
Brian: Oh yeah, I've been getting to see many towns and cities traveling around with our watcher.

Brian: I don't see why I need to give everyone my number watcher, it's only going to lead to a lot of unwanted txts.
Stop moaning about it... come one, next neighbor to meet. Chop Chop.
Townie: Oooo I'm never going to delete this number *fangirling*

Townie: Yes, I just moved in actually, you're my fist visitor.
Brian: How lovely. Well, want to show me around your house then seeing as I'm your first house guest.
*Snicker, that was pretty smooth!*

Opps... this might not be the best time to visit Liberty. Good luck Libs.. we'll er... come back later.
Brain: Arghhhh...wuuuttt... ooo.

Oh my gosh...stop that Brian!
Brian: Can't help it.. *smirk* I'm on fire babe.
Eww... don't 'babe' me... Yuk. Anyway we're just here to make friends.
Brian: Friends?
Yep. New rule to this dynasty... married sims are off limits.
Eric: Thank goodness for that watcher. I thought I was gonna have to beat some sense into your man there.
Hehehee..naaa, it's all good Eric, promise.

Brian: What do I talk about watcher?
I dunno... try fitness.
Brian: So fitness, amirite?
Alice: Wooo! I love fitness.
*face palm*
Brian: What? It worked didn't it?

Brian: Oh gosh, I really love art too! Oh is that your art in the museum? It's great!
Alice: Thank you, I'm still trying to get used to that fact that everyone views my art really... It's quite a change from being just in the background.
Keep the chatter going Brian, there's another married sim I want you to chat to coming up.
Brian: K. Still don't see why if I'm not....err.... you know... why I'm still standing here chatting.
They have daughters.
Alice: That is really low even for you watcher. I'm disgusted.
*Blush* *mumble... dynasty... mumble*

Brian: ....and then Alice basically kicked us out of her house even though we hadn't even made it inside.
Alex: Lol, way to go watcher!
Shut up. Anyway, I need to talk to you and NOW'S the time.
Alex: K, I'm going to grab a quick shower and then we'll talk.
K, meet me in the red room.

A short while later...
Alex: So, what do you want to talk about watcher?
This isn't going to be easy for you to hear Alessandro.
Alex: I'm sure I'm man enough to handle it watcher.
*Frustrated sigh* It's not about being *air speech marks* Man enough *air speech marks*
Alex: Just say what you have to say watcher.
Right. Well, this is an Immortal Dynasty Challenge and you are going to live forever while everyone around you will die apart from your first born child and their first born child and so on. K?

Alex: What the flipping heck! When.... WHEN did you plan ON TELLING ME ANY OF THIS???
Well... I have tried a few times but you just never wanted to talk.
Alex: No wonder when you go around TELLING PEOPLE STUFF LIKE THIS. ARGHHHHHH

Look, you need to take a deep breath and calm down.
I know this isn't easy. But we have a big problem to sort out.
Alex: Really? I HADN'T NOTICED.

Alex: Wait... everyone is going to.... I'm going to... Wait. How? No. Not without Candy.... NO!
I'm sorry, I can't change that part of this. I promise you I would if I could. I really would.
Alex: But I can't without Candy. You don't understand watcher. You don't know what I am without her.
I do.
Alex: No... don't get too close to me. I'm... dark inside. You don't know what I've done.
I do. I know it all.

Alex: I have so many people depending on me. I can't be weak. I have to finish this thing.
Your Monte Vista issues are really only a complication Alex. We can sort this out. Together.
Alex: I'm not who you think I am. Every thing that you tell me is wrong to do feels so right to me.
I know, but you still manage to be a good husband and a good father now, don't you?
Alex: I've been losing sleep over Monte Vista, keeping score, planning wicked schemes to make someone burn for all of this. To finish it once and for all. I can't let go of that. I have to keep Candy and Max safe... and everyone else.
I'll help you. I want it finished too. Then we can move on and focus on completing other things that need doing.

Alex: Let me think for a bit watcher.
K... umm... the fire...?
Alex: I need to keep busy so I can think.

Alex: Ok... so one, we sort Monte Vista and Dante Costa once and for all.
Alex: It's going to involve something you won't want to know about.
I already know and have some ideas.
Alex: Then, we need to think about Candy and Max.
Alex: I can't think about losing Candy just now. I ... I can't.
You won't lose her any time soon. You are both young and have your whole lives ahead of you together.
Alex: Only that's not quite true is it watcher. *Sigh* Candy has her life ahead of her but I have an endless life time...
Then you better make the decision to make the most of every day you have then hadn't you?

After some hours of planning and scheming together:

Alex: Woo! Right on... this is officially ON.
We make a good team Alessandro.
Alex: You know watcher, we actually do. As long as you remember I'm the boss.
*eye roll*

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #112 on: April 03, 2016, 02:33:43 AM »
Absolutely loved this chapter!
Brian and his "traveling"...and his showing up "Very flirty" at the SKLs.
Did Alice kick Brian and the Watcher out because she was sore about Brian not being interested in her?

Gah, all the shirtless scenes with Alex!
I mean, the big reveal to Alex about how an IDC works. And now I wait to find out what exactly you two are planning.
Brian and Alex are just the perfect pair--Brian is light, goofy, cheerful, blonde; Alex is dark, evil, intense, and dark-haired.  Great dynamic!
Alex's tattoos aren't hard on the eyes, either...

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #113 on: April 03, 2016, 02:48:28 AM »
Hi @oshizu thanks. Alice kicked out Brian and the watcher cos we were using the mums to err.... line up the daughters *cough* which Alice found rightfully, disgusting. You have a random decision to tidy up my CC to thank for Alessandro's shirtless-ness. I had forgotten that he was wearing one of the CC tops that I removed, then I decided that topless would work too, so I left it.  :P
I really love playing all these sims. They really do contrast each other very well but particularly Brian and Alex. It's all helped with Brian telling a lot of jokes automatically and Alex doing a lot of mean interactions automatically, so they really feel quite different to play. I'm in sim-love with them both.
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #114 on: April 03, 2016, 03:46:56 AM »
Chapter 15: Babies, Enemies, Birthdays

Morning Alessandro
Alex: Morning watcher.
You're looking rather determined.
Alex: I feel like a new man this morning.

Alex: Morning wee one. Well, you've got a good appetite.
Don't say that. You might jinx the randomizer.
Alex: Randomizer?
You probably don't want to know.
Alex: Watcher, we promised no more secrets.

Well... when you guys age up I roll a ... well... more like click actually. I mean in the olden days it was actually a roll but these days every things online so it is a click.
Alex: It's alright Max... I just smile and nod too.
... which makes this computer program sort of choose a trait. Only it doesn't actually chooooose 'cos computers aren't actually that bright. Although they reckon one day they will be. But that's the whole sort of Skynet sort of argument thingy which I don't really want to get into... so yeah. That's how it all happens.
Alex: Cool.
*Smile* It's nice talking to you Alex, you always get it.
Alex: No problemo watcher. K, you coming down to dance?
Dance? This early in the morning?
Alex: Yeah, it's the only time we're all going to be home today so we thought we start the day together.

Brian: That's actually starting to sound pretty good.
Yuki: Yeah, the mixes are getting better and better for sure.

Art: Argh, wish I could say the same about my dancing. I'm sure I've got two left feet!
Yuki: lol, well... no one can see you here anyway Art.
Candy: So hows the Spin Masters going Dominic?
Oh, morning Dominic, didn't see you there.
Dominic: Good thanks Candy. Morning watcher. We haven't met for a while though have we Candy.
Candy: Nope, we should fix that!

*sigh* Dee... I'm starting to think you are actually addicted to that woodworking bench.
Dee: I know, but I just really wanted to finish this sculpture.
O.K. But last one, right?
Dee: K
Right. Well I better go check on Max. I think I can hear him crying...again.

Brian: S'ok, I got him watcher. Geez though... phew!

Brian: I have no idea what you are feeding Max but he sure is putting on weight nicely.
Umm.. I've been mixing that special fertilizer you got from Jasmine into his milk.
Brian: Wuuuut? Gosh, that doesn't sound right watcher.
Lol, good thing I'm not doing that then eh. *Grin*
Brian: Ha! What do you think about that Max, watcher told a funny!

Brian: Oh hello!
Candice: Hi Brian *eyelash flutter* I was hoping to catch you alone.
Brian: *gulp* Umm.. you do know that Alessandro will not be happy to see you in his house again?
Candice: He doesn't need to know does he?
Brian: *under his breath* Watcher...? Help?
Hang on. I'm just checking if she is a housed sim....

Yep, she's in a house. Do your magic.
Brian: No.
Candice: Aww... don't be a spoil sport Briiiaaaan... *giggle*
Brian: You are Alessandro's declared enemy. You need to leave. Now.
You know what, I'm just going to leave the two of you figure this out.
Brian: I'll show Candice the door.
K, your decision.

Candy: I think you actually might be right watcher.
Really? Gosh! About what hun?
Candy: It really is a nostril.
Yeah, hehehe. It is.
Candy: lol
Well, congrats on completing your painting aspiration Candy.
Candy: Thanks.
What are you going to do now?
Candy: Cuddle Max

Heyyyy! Welcome home Yuki. How was your first day?
Yuki: Good. It was really good actually. I'm just a bit stunned. There was so much to learn.
I bet there was.
Yuki: Is Max awake?
Think so.

Oh yep... ewww. He's awake. Wow, you really are a pooping machine.

Yuki: Ohh Auntie Yuki's got cha Max baby. Don't listen to the mean watcher.
Hey! Don't go teaching him to ignore me! If he's anything like his father that particular skill will be genetic.
Dominic: Lol... I think I might need a cuddle after you Yuki.
I didn't realize you were still here Dominic!
Dominic: That's what happens with big houses watcher, you lose people in them.

Candy: Sooooo, I've finished redecorating our bedroom.
Alex: Awesome. Can't wait to see it.
Candy: K, Now don't forget you said you were ok with a little bit of pink.
Alex: Yep, all good with me amore mio.

Alex: Oh! *grin* I thought you said a little bit of pink.
Candy: Well, it is mostly white, sort of.

Alex: What do you think watcher?
Oh! ummm.... very... pretty and pink and stuff. Yeah, very pretty... errr.

Alex: As long as you are here with me then I adore the room.
Candy: Oh I'm so glad. I love it. I've always wanted a room just like this.
Alex: And now you have one my lovely, beautiful, gorgeous wife.
Umm.. I'll see you guys in Max' room when you're ready.
Alex: *whisper* Christen the room...?
Candy: *Giggle*

A little later...

Alessandro: Well, my wee man, you ready to become a big boy?
Max: *Gurgle*
Candy: Oh so soon, but hasn't he been a joy?
Well, he certainly has a good set of lungs.

Alex: Here we go!
Max: Arghh... purple pants. Ewww...

Candy: My boy! So handsome.
Max: Woah! Hands!

Alex: Happy birthday son.
Max: Thanks. Don't let the watcher take any more pics until I've changed dad. K?
Alex: You got it son.

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #115 on: April 03, 2016, 04:14:15 AM »
!? We don't get to see Max's face yet?

Okay, I'll try consoling myself with the sight of Alex's "tattoos."
But I really, really want to see what Max looks like...

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #116 on: April 03, 2016, 04:38:37 AM »
Chapter 16: Sparklez

Max: Wow, I so don't get this game!

Max: I mean all the pieces are the same size and everything on my side is the same color. I'm confused watcher.
I see what you mean but once you learn the rules and how the pieces move it's a lot of fun.
Max: I think I need dad's help.

Oh... I see you're busy... s'cuse me.

Hiya Brian, could you go and help Max with some basic chess moves and stuff?
Brian: Sure thing.
Art: I don't feel so well....
Hang on.... *rustle* There you go Art, take that medicine that's in your pocket. That will have you right as rain.
Art: What's rain?
Google it.

Max: Oh myyyyy goooosh! I love to steal toooo! Well, I mean I haven't actually done it yet, but I can't wait! What's your most prized possession?

Max: Opps, do you think Dad heard that?
Alessandro: You can betcha last simoloeon I did Max. Talk to you later son, I've got a meeting I can't cancel.

Candy: Honestly there's nothing to worry about. Once bubs is here you will totally forget everything.

Don't they say that giving birth is like...
Candy *cough cough cough* Is that Max calling you watcher?
Eh? oh, I'll go check.
Dee: Thanks for that Candy, sometimes the watcher really isn't helpful!
Candy: Ooo bubs kicked!

Dee: Oh Candy! this is it!
Candy: Oh wow! I went into labour in this room too!
Dee: I'm never stepping back in here ever again then!

Naa... Max wasn't calling me. Oh! Dee?
Dee: Nooboo.
Here or hospital?
Dee: Here... no time... no time watcher...

Dee: I'm never ever doing this agaaaain... Ooo.
Of course not. Never again.
Dee: I'm not...OOoooo...
Nearly over now Dee... you're doing great.

*gasp* Oh Dee! He's beautiful!
Dee: Watcher, meet Ty Lothario.
Welcome little Ty.

Dee: He's simply beautiful.

Max: Sooo, basically the mean witch thing ate the kids cos she ran out of gingerbread?
Brian: *stifling laughter* Umm... yep.
Max: Personally if that had been me, I'd have nicked all her good stuff when her back was turned while she was tending the fire and made a run for it.

Good result then?
Alessandro: Yep, one more step closer watcher.
Good job Alessandro. Good job indeed.
Alessandro: Thanks. Huh, we're killin' this!
Yep, we sure are!

Candy: ... and then it was time and little Ty was born safe and sound.
Alex: Aww, that's great. I'll go peek in at him soon.

Max: Watcher?
Max: Who is that strange guy that keeps walking through our house?
I dunno. It's all a bit weird.  :-\
Max: You should tell my dad so he can beat him up.

You know Max, talking is  much better way of sorting out your problems.
Max: *Cracks up* You're so funny watcher!
Aye aye aye! This one's gunna be tricky!

Max: So queen to here... making the enemy squirm? Right dad?
Alex: Yes, looks a good move.

Alex: You've always got to think like your opponent, imagine how they could use any possible move you make to their advantage...
Max: Hmm, I see.

Max: Dad, about that strange man who keeps wandering through our house.... he said he had a message for you.
Alex: I know son. I'll be giving him my own message soon enough son. Nothing you need to bother about.
I think it's school time Max.

Have a good day!
Max: Yep. I know, work hard, don't pull the girls hair and don't swap my lunch.
Lol, K then. See ya at 3.00!

Oh goodness... looks like Ty's got a set of lungs on him too!

Dee: I love being a mum.
Nice, but Ty probably needs his butt changed rather than a cuddle. Just saying...

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #117 on: April 03, 2016, 04:47:54 AM »
Just in case you hadn't picked up on it Maximiliano Rastelli's (Max for short) rolled trait was kleptomaniac and his rolled aspiration was Whiz Kid which I won't swap out until it is completed.  :)
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #118 on: April 03, 2016, 05:53:49 AM »
Fangirling over Alex with his top off, more please xD I am in awe of your building and decorating, I can't seem to drag myself away from your screenshots. I can already tell Max will be a handful and a blast to read about.
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #119 on: April 03, 2016, 06:29:58 AM »
rofl "What's your most prized possession"?  Max, you're busted!
Dang, Max is so very gorgeous with a perfect little mouth!  A sassy mouth, it seems.
Good luck with that, Watcher!

Dee looks even prettier than usual in this chapter. Lol, with Ty in the house, Max will soon have his own personal resident minion. 
Also, I agree with Nettlejuice. May I humbly request a virtual tour of the premises at a later date?