Author Topic: Rastelli Immortal Dynasty  (Read 44422 times)

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2016, 08:13:45 PM »
Heh... no worries, it's just a tease!  ;)
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2016, 09:49:03 PM »
Chapter 1: First Day

Dominic: You know that voice you were talking about? The one that made you feel like you were hallucinating?
Alessandro: Hmm.. yep. I can hear it yapping away right now.
Dominic: That's the watcher.
Alessandro: The what?
Thank you Dominic, I've been trying to get his attention for hours!
Dominic: Yeah, it means you're a watched sim.
Alessandro: Watched?
Vivian: Uh oh. I sense stormy waters ahead.

Look you can't just sit here all day reading and drinking coffee.
Alessandro: Actually, I can. I am and what's more it's what most normal sims do on Sunday mornings. You should try it, might loosen a few knots.
Loosen a few...omg.
Alessandro: Look angel, this book is rather fascinating, so if you don't mind...
My name is watcher.
Alessandro: K cupcakes, what ever you say.

Look Alessandro, we've got a million and one things to put in place, people to met, things to do and really, you know, time is of the essence. I mean you need a ... well... a good few sessions in the gym to say the least.
Alessandro: You're really pushing my buttons now. I'm trying to stay civil but I've had just about as much of you as I'm going to take.
Alessandro: I don't know who you are, what you are even doing bothering me and what's worse, all this trying to tell me what to do and pointing out my flaws. Just go away. Now.
I can't.
Alessandro: Oh yes you can. Just put one foot in front of the other angel and keep doing that.
*sigh* No, I mean we're sort of bound together. You can't go anywhere without me... and I'm almost stuck the same way.
Alessandro: You have to be kidding me, right?
Let's just take this one hour at a time ok? I would really appreciate it if you and I could go to the park and just meet a few people.
Alessandro: That's all.
Yep, that's all.

Alessandro: Hey.
Art: Hi. Nice day for it eh?
Alessandro: Well, to be honest it was much better yesterday, today's turning out a bit weird.
Art: Lol, that happens to the best of us!

Alessandro: Hmm, I don't see anyone playing in the fountain!
Heh... like your style there Art. Wanna join us?
Art: Oo, you're a watched sim Alex?
Alex: Yep, apparently. Whatever that means.
Art: Newbie then watcher?
Art: Better take you up on that offer then and come and give you guys a hand.
Art: I suppose you are going to want me to live up to my name?
Probably. We'll catch you up soon, just got one more person to meet.
Alex: *sigh*

Alex: Nice to met you too. How did you know we'd be here?
Dee: Ohh a certain someone told me.
Alex: Oh, have you met the watcher?
Dee: Lol yep. I hear you are looking for housemates?
Alex: Oh no, I was...
...Actually that's right. We are. Why don't you show Dee the house plans Alex?
Alex: We've got house plans?
On your phone.

Dee: Hmm... looks good.
Alex: I'm as surprised as you are!

And so, after some long chats and convincing Alessandro, aka Alex, that asking two new friends into his imaginary home was the best idea ever. Here we have our dynasty house. lol  Don't ya love the first day!
Dee: Why are there no chairs with the chess table watcher?
You didn't wish for chairs, just to buy a chess table... what can I say!

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2016, 11:07:17 PM »
OK.. now I knew he'd be cute.. but COME ON! Great job watcher! hehehe Looking forward to following you on the next long journey!

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2016, 12:52:02 AM »
Lol! He may actually be worse than Dude! I love him already! What is it about the snarky ones?

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2016, 01:08:59 AM »
@KTK10 I know! Right?!? Don't tell Winston but Alex is just as hot! *purr*

@Playalot yayness! I was so hoping you'd get another one of these going! I love your stories and life just hasn't been quite the same without the Hollingsworths, but now we have other eye-candy to drool over *party streamers*

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I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Playalot

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2016, 05:36:34 AM »
Alessandro is actually based around a townie that appeared in another of my games. He was just so gorgeous that I knew I had to recreate him and make him a founder! Glad you like him. I'm doing things a little differently this time and am using traits I don't normally so it will be interesting to see how that works out. Anyway... on with Alessandro's story!
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2016, 06:25:09 AM »
Chapter 2: A Night Out

Alex: Hey Dee, you know you don't have to go to work as a Repair Chick anymore, unless you want to that is.
Dee: Oh! I didn't realize. It's not that I mind working but... well... it would be nice to use my skills for something else really.
Alex: Sure, you go right ahead, eh watcher.
Sure Dee, I didn't even know you still had your uniform!
Dee: Well, I just got up this morning and put it on from habit I guess.
Well, you go and change and make yourself at home.

Alex: Talking about home...
What happened to your... are you feeling alright?
Alex: A little hot but I've taken some medicine.
K, well... maybe just do some more reading and leave the rest of the skilling till you feel better.
Alex: You're not going back on your word are you?
Nope, daytime you're mine... evenings, you can do what you like.
Alex: K... I can live with that until we figure out how to get rid of you.
*sigh* I wouldn't hold your breath for that happenin'. Just saying.

Plants are looking good Art.
Art: Thanks, just need either a cherry or spend some time fishing and catch a pomegranate.
Hmmm... Well, not today with everyone being all sick and contagious. Gross.
Art: Tell me about it.

You know Alessandro, maybe you and Art could do with some chill time.
Alex: Hmm, in a minute, this books pretty good.
You are so contrary.
Alex: You're so controlling and noisy, you're always disturbing a man's peace and quiet.
Art: Don't mind me, just passing through.

Art: I think that's the forth glass of OJ I've had today.
Well.. you look better. How you feeling now?
Art: Umm... bored mostly. But not sick for sure.
Alex: Hey, ready to hit the town Art?

A little later that night after about an hour or so of auto flirting that was frankly quite nauseating...

Alessandro: It's pretty hot in here, want to slip out and get some fresh air?
Candy: Sure.
Don't say it Liberty...
Liberty: I think they've got it bad watcher.
Oh sheesh... this is turning into such a mess, it's way too early for this kind of thing.
Liberty: Oh don't be so stuffy watcher, what's better than young love?
A night in with wine, chocolate and Mr Darcy?

Alex: You know Candy, I think you're really special.
Candy: Aww... thanks.
Alex: I mean it, you make my heart sing!

Alex: I was thinking we should, make it official, you know. Exclusive, I don't want to see anyone else. Do you? I mean... only if that's what you want to... of course.
Candy: Oh! I...
Alex: Oh, I've rushed you haven't I... Forget it. I'm sorry.
Candy: No... I mean, yes. I'd like that.
Alex: Umm for me to forget it?
Candy: No... the other thing. *Blush*
Alex: You'll be my girl?
Candy: Yes.

Alex: Awesome! Smile Candy, I want to remember this!

Candy: Oh, I've got to go... I've got work later today!
Alex: OK... Go away watcher, I'm saying bye to Candy. Take care babe.

Alessandro: One last kiss to remind you of me.
Candy: Oh!

So...well... err.. you look happy.
Alex: Yeah, I am. I don't think I've ever been this happy actually.
Aww, well that's nice eh.
Alex: Is this because of you?
Yeah, sort of. Watched sims get to have different lives than unwatched sims eh.
Alex: Well, maybe having you around isn't all bad then.
Wanna head to the gym?
Alex: Sure, why not. I'll see ya there.

Alex: Hehehe, you sure are fired up there Linda!
Linda: Stop chatting, focus on your stride!

Paolo: You sure are happy Alex! Have you and the watcher become friends?
Alex: Naa, Candy and I are an item. Man, that girl's so sweet!
Paolo: Woah! Congrats man!
Alex: Thanks!

Paolo: Lol... nice one!
Linda: Ooo, I've been telling you to stop chatting and focus!

Paolo: Well... if you want my advice, I reckon you've got to get the watcher on board, you know. No point fighting with her for the rest of your life.
Alex: Yeah, I hear you Paolo. But I've got plans for my own life that I can't put aside.
Paolo: Connections from home?
Alex: Yeah.
Paolo: You should have cut all the ties.
Alex: Too late now and you know... enough's been said eh.
Paolo: K. *pause* I take it... no one knows?
Alex: No one, part from you, my old friend.

Art: Hey, txt from the watcher... didn't you tell her where we were going?
Alex: I may have got the gyms muddled up.
Art: LOL. K, well I'm hitting the showers, later Alex.

Alex: Woah, this really worked!

Omg..there you are!
Art: Oh hey watcher, what you up to?
Umm.... looking for you guys. Where's Alex?
Art: Already home.
Brian: Hi watcher.
Hmm, hardly recognixed you without your DJing daft punk helmet on!
Brian: Thanks, I think.
Actually, Brian, are you still lookin for somewhere to live by any chance?

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2016, 06:59:12 AM »
Chapter: 3 A Love Like This

Alessandro: Don't even start watcher.
Whaddya mean me don't even start?
Alex: I was on my own time.
No you weren't. We agreed daytime you were mine.
Alex: I was at the gym, as we agreed. Not my problem if you have a lousy sense of direction.
Wuuut? There's nothing wrong with my sense of direction!
Alex: Can it, this conversation's boring and you sound like a nag. Did I or did I not gain fitness?
*eye roll* You did.
Alex: Case closed.

Alex: Hey Brian, good to see you. Pretty early for a visit!
Brian: Oh it's better then that! The watcher asked me to move in!
Alex: Oh cool! Be good to have you man! Grab some food, make yourself at home.

Brian: Hey watcher, you never did get round to telling me what the job was you had in mind for me.
*cough* Oh.... *nervous laugh* plenty of time for that. No rush, you just focus on settling in eh.

A few hours later...

Dee: Did you just ask me what my prized possession was Brian?
Brian: Yes.
Dee: What, so you can swipe it when I'm not looking?
Brian: No! I'd never swipe anything from a friend.
Dee: Just people you don't know?
Brian: Umm... well... it's not like I can help it, really. It just sort of happens.
Dee: Just so we're clear, swipe anything of mine and you're dead meat. that was the trait we didn't know... hehehe, cool!
Dee: I fail to see what is so "cool" about having a kleptomaniac living amongst us.
Brian: No need to be rude.
Well.... isn't this a pleasant evening?
Brian and Dee: No.

Candy: This is lovely.
Alex: It is.

Alex: You know Candy, I don't think I've ever been happier.
Candy: Me neither!

Alex: Would you take a chance on me? I'm rough around the edges and I have a wicked streak a mile wide... but I love you and I'll always try to do the right thing by you.
Candy: You're too hard on yourself Alex.
Alex: No... I'm not Candy, there are things I've done that I'm not proud of but I promise you that I'll keep you safe.

Alex: Will you move in with me? Even though my life seems to have become a little crazy recently? I can't offer you much, I don't even know who my parents were but what I've got I'll willingly share with you.
Candy: Oh Alex... yes! Yes, but my life's not that simple either. I can't leave my sister.
Alex: Of course not! She's your family. Of course I mean Yuki as well!
Candy: In that case ... yes!
Alex: I promise you won't regret it.

Alex: You've made me a happy man Candy.
Candy: *sigh* I can't wait to get moved in Alex, I'm so excited!

Candy: You know... not everyone would have opened their heart to my little sister too. I... I love you for that.
Alex: I hope you love me for other reasons too! lol

Alex: Come here.

Alex: You know, I think we need to get that watcher of ours working! We need a house!
Candy: Agreed.
Alex: Mwhaaa! Come on then, let's go tell her.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline JudesSims

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2016, 07:54:36 AM »
I'm loving this! It's like a great soap opera. lol

Offline KRae

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2016, 08:04:53 AM »
I agree. Mystery, romance, contagion...what else could we ask for?

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2016, 09:22:29 AM »
Oh, I have to catch up with the Hollingsworth Dynasty but in the meanwhile I can read this! I am loving it, good looking founder as usual, Play, and a whole host of interesting housemates ^-^
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2016, 09:46:04 AM »
Yay! Alex is cute, you've added the Behrs, who are adorable, and Brian is going to do some pollinating -- looking forward to more! (Does Alex have the bookworm trait, perchance?)
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2016, 12:59:40 PM »
I love Candy and Alex together! Lol wow, he definitely IS worse than Dude hehehe

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2016, 01:09:11 PM »
Alex is pretty good looking!  Actually he could probably be a model... hehe.  I have a thing for brown eyes.  Good to see him in shape!  Candy is so cute.  Her and Alex will make a gorgeous heir!  What expansion is she from?

What luck to have everyone sick right off the bat, eh?

lol... Alex seems to have a much more stubborn streak in him than Dude did when it comes to his watcher.  Dude seemed a little bitter at first, but came around quick.  Then again, I guess you'd taken him around the block a few times already.
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2016, 01:55:32 PM »
Wow yet another immortal dynasty of yours, wonderfull!

And Alex is so ** hot!