Author Topic: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Completed  (Read 62312 times)

Offline Playalot

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Congrats on gen 6! And wow... lucky, luck you, an alien pregnancy. I'm seriously jealous! Fantastic screenshot at the end.
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Offline tjtemple

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Congrats on gen 6! And wow... lucky, luck you, an alien pregnancy. I'm seriously jealous! Fantastic screenshot at the end.

Aww thanks @Playalot - It *is* exciting but WHY always at such late generation of an IDC?  It's amost like the Sim gods are against me!   In my last IDC attempt I got alien twins at gen6 :o  Totally threw me and I failed :( 

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I've been trying to catch up on everyone's stories and I just finished yours.   I love Rose and all of the Garlands.  It was sad to see Romeo go but he obviously lived a full and happy life!  You've made me rethink getting someone in the scientist career.  I kept thinking I couldn't clone ambrosia ingredients or museum items but I never thought about cloning all the other potions to abuse around the house.

Congratulations on generation 6!  You're doing absolutely fantastic with the challenge and it's telling.  :)   And yes the last screenshot is epic.  In my head she's just looking at you as if to say "What in the world.."
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Thank you @Ricalynn. The cloning machine is brilliant in a dynasty and the career is the easiest of the GTW ones.  Rose has a basement full of cloned potions, from the cow plant or which the "spares" purchase for all the family to use!  Apart from potion of youth of course. I'm pleased that you're enjoying the story, and yes; that's exactly what Rose was thinking

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Blue-boo (15Apr)
« Reply #94 on: April 15, 2016, 01:43:55 AM »
So, you may remember at the end of my last blog, that my dear son Barney had announced he was “with nooboo”.... his story goes that late one night he went to investigate a strange light, and was ABDUCTED BY ALIENS!!  Well sheesh, a likely story, but frankly, I can’t actually work out how else this might have happened!  They do say truth can be stranger than fiction!  So here he is, what a predicament we find ourselves in!

Let’s just say he did not enjoy his pregnancy, and totally refused to wear any more flattering clothes, and didn't leave the house for the whole term!  Until it was time to go to the hospital (his alleged alien pollinator was nowhere to be seen)  He went through the whole miserable ordeal alone.  A journalist was there, and these photos were splashed all over the news :

Most alarming was this strange one, where it looked like he was going to stay pregnant!

Here’s litte Blueboo :

Well bless dear Barney, he did try to take care of him for a while, even attempting breast-feeding :

Darling Daisy helped out on that first night :

I tried to help but erm, not sure what happened here :

Sadly  ;) the next morning, we came downstairs, and Blue-boo had been returned to his “home planet” ! Sorry but colour me relieved!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Blue-boo (15Apr)
« Reply #95 on: April 15, 2016, 02:29:38 AM »
Poor Barney! He looks so sad and uncomfortable throughout his hospital experience!
That nurse looked like she was laughing at him in front of the hospital. And was his doctor that happy ghost?

Did Rose get to hold her grand-boo before s/he was sent back?
Did Barney grieve?
Just curious--I haven't had a male pregnancy in my games since last summer.  :-(

Offline tjtemple

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Blue-boo (15Apr)
« Reply #96 on: April 15, 2016, 02:53:54 AM »
Poor Barney! He looks so sad and uncomfortable throughout his hospital experience!
That nurse looked like she was laughing at him in front of the hospital. And was his doctor that happy ghost?

Did Rose get to hold her grand-boo before s/he was sent back?
Did Barney grieve?
Just curious--I haven't had a male pregnancy in my games since last summer.  :-(

He really wasn't happy throughout the pregnancy, nor the birth.  Yes, the ghost doctor was very happy to be involved wasn't he :)  Rose did get to cuddle Blue-boo before s/he went home (bad watcher for not remembering the gender!!)  And no-one cared a bit about it being sent home - except for me!!  All relationships disappeared, all we have to show for it is the cool cradle and the funky birth certificate!!  I am so relieved we are allowed to send them home to Sixam - it would have made the IDC really tough to complete at this stage.

I did save the household so I can play with Blue once the IDC is over! 

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Blue-boo (15Apr)
« Reply #97 on: April 15, 2016, 04:41:44 AM »
Not a happy bunny at all during that ordeal, ha ha. I'd love to see what Blueboo looks like once the IDC is over =)
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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Blue-boo (15Apr)
« Reply #98 on: April 15, 2016, 04:06:11 PM »
Oh, poor little Blue-boo.  Ripped away from his family and sent to the other world.  I bet he/she grew up to be adorable.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Blue-boo (15Apr)
« Reply #99 on: April 15, 2016, 04:14:16 PM »
Pregnant male sims... hmmmm, something rather nice about the craziness of it all. How rude of the paparazzi to be taking photos of it all though, honestly, is nothing private these days?!  ;)
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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Blue-boo (15Apr)
« Reply #100 on: April 15, 2016, 06:32:30 PM »
Poor Barney! The look on his face... he looks so uncomfortable XD

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Blue-boo (15Apr)
« Reply #101 on: April 16, 2016, 07:47:20 AM »
Weird how Barney still looked pregnant after?  I'm kind of scared to send my sims to Sixam or join the science career or anything.  Not sure I want them pregnant x)  Love the whole "reporter" thing, and the look on Barney's face at the hospital.
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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Generation SEVEN!
« Reply #102 on: April 25, 2016, 12:04:32 PM »
Watcher’s note: This is going to be a fairly brief update, covering a lot of time and events.   I realise from the wealth of brilliant and imaginative stories here that my little dynasty family are somewhat pedestrian, Rose’s blog is more like a “round robin” letter telling you all the highs and lows of each generation ; as we say here in England, it’s hatching, matching and despatching!  I simply don’t have the story-telling capabilities of my most eloquent peers on this forum!   Now I’m getting excitingly close to completing the challenge, after a year of failed attempts, I’m going to concentrate on playing, but grab screenshots of important moments, just in case I make it to H-O-F!!

Anyway, over to Rose to tell you just HOW CLOSE we are!

Well hello folks, it's me again (Rose  ::))  I know it's been a long time; but things have moved along apace, and I have SO much to tell you about.  I trust you'll have all committed this to memory, but in case anyone has forgotten,  there's a link to the family tree in the first post and here : Spoiler - Family tree and photos

So, where did we leave off; Barney's Blueboo, now long forgotten as we have been nurturing dear Cooper, our 6th generation.  At last a boy after a string of girls (sorry Sookie, Emily and Daisy) but we needed more testosterone to stop Barney going off the rails!  Here's our lovely boy :

And here's our even more gorgeous teenager :

And.... I know this is all pretty fast, but *someone* is in a hurry.... here he is getting engaged to the lovely Lauren :

And the customary wedding shot :

And the pregnancy :

And - I'm sorry, I won't bore you with all the inbetween bits, but here's the totally wonderful result of all those shenanigans ; our generation 7 Garland... presenting Scarlett, sitting here with me - I've snuck a photo of myself in as is customary because I was having a good hair day :

Scarlett is amazing, and now we have a house FULL to bursting.  To bring you right up to date, she's now a teenager herself (yes, I know this post started with her dad as a teenager, but time flies when you're on ultra-speed) :

So, as to the rest of us, well to be honest, having them all hanging around the house all day now they have all retired (Barney, Sookie, Emily, Daisy and Lauren all being Elderly), I got them all new jobs!!  Yes, there was some resistance, but it's totally heavenly having them all out all day.  There was a bit of a crime wave around the neighbourhood, so they have all become Police Cadets   ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D :

I wave them off to work each morning; and I spend the day watching the staff do the housework and cooking a few portions of my legendary youth brownie!  Then when Scarlett finishes school I help her with her homework and skills.   She's going to be a curator, so it's tricky keeping track of all her collectables, and then she's thinking of becoming a villain.... hmmm, not likely with all the police around here! 

When they get home, they're all so exhausted bless them; perhaps they won't notice what she's up to!

Bye for now dear readers, until next time!  :-* 


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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Generation 7 (New 25Apr)
« Reply #103 on: April 25, 2016, 12:11:32 PM »
Bwahahahahaha!  Loved the shot of them all dressed in uniform.  And that last shot with them all sleeping is great lol!  And nonsense about your story!  It's been lovely to follow ^^ I like the letter style.

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Generation 7 (New 25Apr)
« Reply #104 on: April 25, 2016, 12:47:22 PM »
Cooper is so sultry, lol. Does he have the cheerful trait, by any chance.

Scarlett is super gorgeous!  Rose must be so proud---the Gen7 heir is a redheaded version of Rose, so lovely!
Congrats on reaching Generation 7.  Are you going to do a Stats page? I'd love to eventually see what all your sims have been up to!

Agreed with @Shewolf13 on the cops image! Sending them all off to a 9-7 job 5 days a week is a stroke of genius!

Great job!!!
Don't fret with comparing your story with anyone else's.  Everyone's dynasty and images are unique--I've enjoyed reading about yours!

