Author Topic: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Completed  (Read 62314 times)

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Romeo takes the reins (01Apr)
« Reply #75 on: April 01, 2016, 07:13:24 AM »
So, Nanny Rose has handed over the reins to me this week, it’s me Romeo – I know you ladies have been waiting to hear from me; I hear I have quite the fanclub!  Well Hello Ladies <smooch>
In case any of you have forgotten me, here’s a quick reminder , ok I was a little younger, but don’t people always post “slightly” younger pics on internet forums?

So, let me tell you what’s been happening with the Garland Family.  Emily and Richard got preggers pretty much straight after the wedding.  She’s been great though and carried on working right up until the nooboo was born.  I think she’s conscious of the fact Richard just can’t hold down a job, and just grows these strange glowing fruits all the time.

Like my sister Sookie, Emily had the baby at home (I’m really pleased I was at work), but Richard took a photo of her pained expression, huffing and puffing:

And so, after a couple of hours of this, my lovely new great-niece Daisy was born.   Apparently “someone” forgot about the carrots, and Nanny Rose has yet another female heir, she is way vute though :

Her daddy of course is besotted, as are we all :

And of course she saved her first real smile (wind) for Nanny Rose :

And so, having little Daisy around reminded me I haven’t added to my little family lately, so I got “back in touch” with June next door and before long, well, this happened :

I won’t bore you with any more baby photos, because it seems really quick, but Daisy grew up into a very cute little girl :

She’s such a friendly little poppet, she’s best friends with my son Jack already and has already fulfilled her wish to be a social butterfly :

Oh, erm, oo-er,  I have loads more to tell you about Daisy, but I don’t feel so good, I’m going to go outside and meet dad from work, it’s raining out but that might freshen me up  – will write more later :

It’s Rose again dears, I hardly know how to tell you this, but those were darling Romeo’s last words.  He collapsed after meeting Barney from work :

And that wretched ghoul came again to the Garland home :

 :'(   :'(   :'( 

I can’t express how sad we all were, but writing this sad blog has picked me up a little.  I’ll leave you for now on a happier note, that darling Emily had her “big” birthday, and celebrated with a little of my youth brownie, ensuring her staying with me, and dodging that wretched reaper :

Sorry I’m in my pyjamas at the party, I just haven’t been myself after losing Romeo.  I’ll be back to normal next time!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Romeo takes the reins [01Apr]
« Reply #76 on: April 01, 2016, 08:01:41 AM »
Daisy is very pretty. What generation is she now?

Congrats to Emily on becoming an immortal!!!
Barney, good luck with the maid!

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Offline tjtemple

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Romeo takes the reins [01Apr]
« Reply #77 on: April 01, 2016, 10:05:42 AM »
Daisy is generation5! More than half way

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Romeo takes the reins [01Apr]
« Reply #78 on: April 01, 2016, 11:23:33 AM »
Nooo *cries a thousand tears* I thought Romeo was giving Daisy space because she was surrounded by boys but it's a disaster T.T Daisy is gorgeous, I do love Sims with red hair and green eyes and congratulations Emily!
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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Romeo takes the reins [01Apr]
« Reply #79 on: April 01, 2016, 02:55:56 PM »
No no no! Not Romeo! How sad! --sniffle--

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Romeo takes the reins [01Apr]
« Reply #80 on: April 01, 2016, 06:01:25 PM »
Congrats on Emily's immortality! RIP Romeo...  :'( And gosh, little Daisy is simply stunning, what a gorgeous selfie.
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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Romeo takes the reins [01Apr]
« Reply #81 on: April 01, 2016, 09:39:37 PM »
Awe, I can't believe Romeo is gone.  Kind of surprising as one moment he was narrating and the next he was on the ground!  But I love nooboo daisy's smile for Rose.  Wow, gen 5 already!
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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Family Tree added (06Apr)
« Reply #82 on: April 06, 2016, 02:20:25 PM »
Watcher's note :  I have the latest chapter photographed and ready to write up, but for now I have just added a family tree in the top post for clarity - even I forget who everyone is!   Please be ready for another snorefest of hatching, matching and dispatching soon!  ;D

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Family Tree added (06Apr)
« Reply #83 on: April 06, 2016, 09:55:47 PM »
Nice!  Family trees are so interesting to look at.
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Well hello readers, it’s me Rose, again.  I hope you enjoyed perusing my family tree.  I’ve finally found time away from all the fishing and meditating to write a post bringing you almost up to date with where our dynasty is at!

So, my great-grandson-in-law Richard; oh my word, should anyone live long enough to have a great-grandson-in-law?  This youth brownie is miraculous!  Anyway, he got OLD!  I was shocked!!

And dear Daisy is now a young woman, she still carries on Richard’s hair colouring, which is lovely now that he’s old and grey :

Almost as soon as Daisy grew up, she started looking for a beau... she’s going to be more like her nanny Rose – excellent!  She has loads of gorgeous boys after her, but I think this chap is her favourite!  He’s a bit of a villain but he has that twinkle in his eyes like my dear departed Jordan did!  Not sure about his work wear!

So, she’s also very keen on young Jack from next door, and another fella, can’t remember his name!

And, she got a big promotion at work, and was THIS happy :

Anyhow, after all this courting and prevarication, she fell for Zion; he’s a bit older, but delightful :

And after a whirlwind romance – Watchers note - can you tell I’m keen to complete this dynasty Zion proposed :

And we did another wedding; this time at the park for a change :

It was lovely of course!

So, racing right along,  Daisy’s daddy (Emily’s husband) Richard, passed away, very quickly after a short illness, down at his favourite fishing spot. 

I’m awfully embarrassed to tell you that with such a big, busy household that none of us even realised until Emily went all sad.  Anyway, before we had a chance to miss him, he was popping back to enjoy Daisy’s pregnancy, dance with her, and even do massages:

Gosh, we do seem to be racing along here don’t we, but even before Daisy had the baby, her handsome husband also died, alone in his room.  Again, because none of us saw him die - *someone*  locked the bedroom door, only Daisy was sad. 

BUT, she didn’t stay sad very long when young Jack came over from next door, suddenly she perked right up (did someone say “distasteful”?)

 Jack even went to the hospital with her to have the nooboo; but then he ran away!

Daisy gave birth to Cooper, the 6th generation of Garlands without any of use there, but she did brilliantly and he’s gorgeous (naturally!)

I have one more incredibly thing to tell you about before I sign off from this post; SO, as if the home isn’t bursting at the seams already....  We have myself, my son Barney, granddaughter Sookie,  great-granddaughter Emily, great-great granddaughter Daisy, and great-great-great grandson Cooper, and now, Barney has sprung THIS on me... honestly, you can see by my face, I was speechless  :o  :o  :o  I just don’t know whether to laugh or cry!!

More soon dear readers.... this is getting ridiculous now!

Offline oshizu

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Oooooh no, Barney! What happened!? Did he get abducted? Lol
And omg, that expression on Rose's face is absolutely priceless!
I wish male sims could still get pregnant by female aliens...

Wow, your chapter covered so many events! First off, Daisy's wedding to Zion at the park--what a lovely bride Daisy makes!
And who is Jack? He's quite attractive but I can see why the spouse was the elderly Zion. The dynasty must march on!
Well, maybe she can be a merry widow?

I like your giving Daisy the same hairdo as Rose--it helps me see the resemblance better!
And now I can't wait to see Cooper as a child. Don't keep us waiting!

Does that make a full house with Barney's baby?

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LOL! Oh that last shot is just amazing!  You really are flying through!  Congrats on  Gen 6 ^^

Offline Nettlejuice

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Oh, dear, poor Richard and Zion! It was hilarious how no one else mourned but their wives  ;D Gen 6 already, and what have you been up to Barney?  ;)
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Daisy grew up lovely!  Poor Richard.  I'm kind of afraid that will happen to me - I won't notice when somebody dies because I'm too distracted with other things.  Well, glad he's back for visits already!  I think Zion's cute!  But the poor fellow died!  What the heck, who locked the door??  Rofl.  That is an idea I'm going to have to remember.  Sheesh, glad Daisy seemed to move on rather quickly.  Congrats on the heir... and the other nooboo? 
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Offline tjtemple

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And who is Jack?

Does that make a full house with Barney's baby?

Thanks for the comments @oshizu ,  Jack is Romeo's son with June Kay next door - he is gorgeous but I didn't want to risk any interbreeding at this stage!!  He's very handsome and Daisy is now enjoying her time with him as a merry widow  ;D  It will be much too crowded with Barney's baby; so I doubt he will be able to stay on this planet!!

Oh, dear, poor Richard and Zion! It was hilarious how no one else mourned but their wives  ;D Gen 6 already, and what have you been up to Barney?  ;)

They are a callous lot aren't they @Nettlejuice , they don't care as long as they don't witness it!! And poor Barney wasn't complicit in his condition, it was an accident :D

Daisy grew up lovely!  Poor Richard.  I'm kind of afraid that will happen to me - I won't notice when somebody dies because I'm too distracted with other things.  Well, glad he's back for visits already!  I think Zion's cute!  But the poor fellow died!  What the heck, who locked the door??  Rofl.  That is an idea I'm going to have to remember.  Sheesh, glad Daisy seemed to move on rather quickly.  Congrats on the heir... and the other nooboo? 

Aww, thank you @wfgodot I'm glad you think Daisy is lovely, I do too!  I have found it quite a good idea to let these poor spouses die alone ; I find it quite stressful when the whole family is sad - even with a cloning machine it's a lot of moodlet solver with a big house.  I was lucky with Zion, as soon as the camera panned to him in his bedroom and grim arrived I quickly locked the door.

Next chapter will give the story of the other nooboo :)

LOL! Oh that last shot is just amazing!  You really are flying through!  Congrats on  Gen 6 ^^

Thank you @Shewolf13 I love Rose's face in that shot; poor thing, what a shock!  I am going a bit quick aren't I, but I have little imagination for story telling, I just want to NOT FAIL this time so I'm pressing on while the going is good! :)

