Author Topic: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Completed  (Read 62320 times)

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Is this the end? (04Mar)
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2016, 01:12:30 PM »
@Chickwit Poor Rose indeed, just wait and see the shock she has coming!   @Artsygirl Glad you're reading, thank you :)

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Oh the SHAME.... (05Mar)
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2016, 01:26:05 PM »
So, here I still am, I did not die.  Apparently that youth brownie has some sort of curative powers because the rash went, and I live to tell the tale,  As I do, a lot, down at the bar.  I took to hard liquor for a while, to numb the pain over Jordan....

But I realised that I won’t find happiness at the bottom of a “Granny Smash” glass (although the empty glasses do sell for $489, which is frankly ludicrous and somewhat encourages me to drink more)!!
Anyway, I have cut back a lot, and taken up yoga, which is quite honestly not as much fun, but I do have to think of my figure and the influence on Barney.  So, it’s going great and I’ve even started having friends over to practice with me :

Shocking news, which almost sent me running back to the “granny smash”, I heard strange fumblings coming from Barney’s room, and, having knocked (gently, obviously) I stormed in, to be greeted by THIS SCENE :

OH GOOD HEAVENS!!!!  I thought I was preventing all mishaps by only allowing him a single bed, and locking my door, and keeping the spaceship (don’t ask, it was Jordan’s) in an enclosure, but he still appears to have begot an heir!  In the CLOSET  :o  :o  :o  :o And with Linda from next door?  :o  :o  :o  Oh the shame!  :-[  :-[  :-[

Barney seemed totally in denial, but I had a strong word, and now he seems to have got the message at last:

He confronted Linda and she initially suggested that it was “carb bloat”, hmmm :

But eventually she admitted she was preggers, and of course, being an honourable man, and he assures me that he truly loves her, he popped the question and she said yes (no kidding!) :

With no time to lose, I laid on a bit of a spread and shot gunned them straight up the aisle.  I suggested she might like to go for a princess line dress, but not our Linda – she pouted that she was proud of her bump :

So, the ceremony went off without a hitch, Barney insisted on inviting all the old fogey neighbours, I tried hard to smile through it all :

It seemed like only hours  later, I think they might be telling fibs about their dates, but Linda was whisked off to the hospital, Barney took family leave from his job as a computer boffin, and was with her all the time :

The third generation of our family, an adorable little girl was born at 7.02pm on a Tuesday.  Barney was photographed running away, shame on him!!


Of course though, no son of mine would shirk his responsibilities, and soon enough he was back and cooing at his daughter.  Only a mother would notice the look of regret and lost opportunities that flashed across his face:

They brought her home and.... oh my goodness, being a mother is great, but being a grandmother... well, words can’t describe how wonderful it is, perhaps this photo will show my feelings, forget shame, there's only joy :

Welcome to the family darling “Sookie Garland” generation 3 of my ever growing family.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Is this the end? (04Mar)
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2016, 01:32:53 PM »
Awww, Rose!  I'm so glad you found your way back to love and happiness!
Was the Grannie Smash a forewarning hat little Sookie would take over your life?

Congratulations on your third heir, tj! What a handsome family the Garlands are!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Oh the SHAME! (05Mar)
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2016, 01:54:32 PM »
Oh my!  Hehehe, quite the "shame" indeed hehehe Loved the update!

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Oh the SHAME! (05Mar)
« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2016, 03:12:30 PM »
LOL I thought I was preventing all mishaps by only allowing him a single bed  ;D Congrats on gen3.
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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Oh the SHAME! (05Mar)
« Reply #35 on: March 05, 2016, 04:02:08 PM »
aww, congrats!  I was shocked to see Barney standing with a very pregnant girl!  Last thing I expected.  I like that you noted the date and time of Sookie's birth!  I never thought to do that.
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Offline tjtemple

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Oh the SHAME! (05Mar)
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2016, 07:45:37 AM »
Thanks for all the lovely comments :)  Rose has a few more shocks to tell you about, but I'll leave it a few days.  It's quite hard to judge how quickly to tell her story?  I'm kind of writing chapters as it goes along but then I lose track! 

It's quite a crowded house right now (though no alien triplets - phew), and getting a bit laggy.  Off to clear some cache and put the inventories in the basement!

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Sweet Dreams are made of this (08Mar)
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2016, 03:24:02 AM »
I must tell you; I’ve been having some wonderful dreams…  in the afterlife Jordan seems to have become quite the masseur, and on several occasions I’ve had these most wonderful dreams that he’s here (albeit looking a bit weird), and giving me a variety of lovely massages!  It’s so nice to “see” him again, even if it’s only a dream. 

One night I even dreamt that I gave him a massage too,  I wonder how far I can take these dreams ;)

Anyway, I thought I would feel sad after these dreams, but life is going along at such a pace here that I don’t have time to feel sad.  I’m still working three evenings a week at the cocktail bar; I could retire but the creator feels it’s good for me to keep busy.

Sookie had a birthday, we took loads of photos but the memory chip in the camera failed; the only one that turned out was the customary “selfie”:

She is doing wonderfully well, she’s quite creative and musical, but loves spending time with us all doing the more educational stuff too:

She loves coming down to Sylvan Glade with us, but bless her, she’s not interested in fishing or collecting, she just sits under the big old tree and does her homework.

On another tragic note, we appear to have overworked our maid.  He collapsed and died, in the middle of my studio.  Rude.  We were a bit upset at the time, it’s never nice witnessing the staff departing this mortal coil.

In better news, Barney has become a total whiz at video games, computer programming and logic, and has reached the top of the tree in his chosen career.  He earns a fortune but is still pinching things at work, ; anything from a book, some dirty dishes (go figure?), and then sometimes computers and iPads suddenly appear.  He has this kleptomaniac trait and there’s just no stopping him.  I think he fights it at home, but at the end of a long day at work he can’t help himself.   

He has achieved all his goals now, and so the creator is suggesting all he now needs to do is make a few good friends and he will qualify to join me in eating the “youth brownie” that seems to keep you young (albeit saggy) for eternity.

Sookie has grown up so fast, I wonder if Linda has been fertilising her instead of the plants… I can’t tell you how surprised I was how quickly time seems to pass :

What was she thinking with that outfit at her party?  And Barney?  Come ON family… mind you, I still had on my work uniform!!

Anyway, she’s got changed now, and I’m so unbelievably proud of her, even I got sucked into the selfie club :

And, would you believe it, I have a grandson too, a little brother to Sookie.  His name is Romeo and he’s a total poppet.

Offline oshizu

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Really loved this update!
Sookie is incredibly cute with her yellow glasses!
Oooh and now she's got a little brother!

The nerve of your maid dying in your painting studio!
I've not played ghosts at all and I was wondering why Jordan has no feet. Or are ghosts always like that?

Welcome to the world, Romeo. I'm sure you'll be as gorgeous as the rest of the Garland family!

Edited to add: The Eurythmics!

Offline Playalot

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omg @oshizu now I have that song stuck in my head... sweet dreams are made of this...  ::)
How inconsiderate of the maid to die like that, pftt, staff these days!
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Who am I to disagree?   Yep, so rude of the maid! Rose says if he hadn't died she'd have fired him!

And I can't work out how to get rid of the urn!

Offline oshizu

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Click on the urn and select "Send spirit to Netherworld"
After that, click on the urn again and select "Destroy"

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Sookie’s True Love (13Mar)
« Reply #42 on: March 13, 2016, 06:35:09 AM »

I am certain that every grandmother thinks her grandchildren are the best, but truly, my Sookie is simply beautiful.   And, just like her grandmother before her, she likes the boys!   She’s dated many unlikely candidates, but none of them came up to scratch. 

Until one fateful night down at the bar, there was a bit of trouble with some local aliens, the police chief Jermaine Barlow came down to sort them all out.  Well, that was IT!  Their eyes met, and it was pretty much “love” at first sight :

Although I am not so sure “love” was on their mind when Jermaine bundled her into a cupboard

And before we knew it, he had pretty much moved in, made himself right at home. 

Dear Linda did her best to keep them apart :

But to no avail, because the next thing we knew, they were engaged to be married.  Sweet heaven, she’s only a few days out of being a teen!   I personally feel he’s too old for her, but what’s a grandmother to do?  Break out the wedding cakes again Rose!!

He was grunting and groaning a bit, trying to get her upstairs for a “rest”, and I noticed she’d put on a little weight around the middle :

Oh dear, so yep, Sookie’s expecting ; sorry about the NSFW photo, but she insisted the moment be recorded!!

Jermaine is over the moon and keeps rubbing her tummy and going all gooey about being a daddy, it’s all terribly sweet.  I am worried though, I do think he’s old enough to be her father; or even her grandfather, but I’m trying not to pry.   I simply KNOW he tints his hair!  I found a receipt for botox in the trash, and when he thinks we’re not looking he rubs his back and groans like an old man! 

But they do make a handsome couple!

Anyway, back to the rest of the family please – I managed to get us all together for a bit of a family portrait, I got Jermaine to take the photo; I’m afraid it’s too soon for me to consider him “family”, so from the left here’s: Sookie, Me (obvs.), Linda, Barney and Romeo – will tell you all about Romeo’s exploit’s soon! :

Barney’s getting on in years now, has been having some very strange illnesses, especially this wierd one, with spots and immersing himself in the kitchen counter!!

He has also had the “big” birthday :

And celebrated with some of my “youth brownie”!  I’m so glad he’s bought into its restorative properties, I couldn’t bear to lose him, although he wasn’t terribly keen on the taste:

I’ll have to finish up with this terrible shot, keen watchers will note Sookie’s advanced pregnancy, their total joy following the wedding, but, the foreboding “bubbles” that indicate Jermaine may not live to hold his firstborn :

Only time will tell dear readers, perhaps we can lock all the doors to try and keep that awful grim chap out for a few more days :(

Offline oshizu

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Sookie's True Love (13Mar)
« Reply #43 on: March 13, 2016, 02:10:08 PM »
I got Jermaine to take the photo; I’m afraid it’s too soon for me to consider him “family”
Awwww, poor Jermaine! He won't be spending much more time with the family. 
Grandma Rose will feel differently about Jermaine after the grandchild(ren) arrive, but it will be too late!  :'(

Really? He's an elder already in your photos? And I agree, he and Sookie make a fabulous couple!
(Does he have a younger brother? No no, not for me, for Sookie!)

And congrats on your second immortal!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Sookie's True Love (13Mar)
« Reply #44 on: March 13, 2016, 05:15:21 PM »
Oh my! Sookie likes the older men! Poor thing...

