Author Topic: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Completed  (Read 62317 times)

Offline tjtemple

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Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Completed
« on: February 23, 2016, 02:18:58 PM »
Spoiler - Family tree and photos

Chapter 1 - Rose Garland is not a happy Sim

Chapter 2 - A Lady’s privilege is to change her mind

Chapter 3 - Rose gets her man

Chapter 4 - A real boy at last

Chapter 5 - Is this the end?

Chapter 6 - Oh the SHAME!

Chapter 7 - Sweet Dreams are made of this!

Chapter 8 - Sookie's True Love

Chapter 9 - The downs and ups of life

Chapter 10 - Coo-eee, it's meeee, Emily

Chaper 11 - Emily's choice

Chapter 12 - Romeo takes the reins

Chaper 13 - Rose is speechless for once

Chapter 14 - Blue-boo

Chapter 15 - generation 7

Chapter 18 - generation 8 : A watcher despairs

Final Chapter - Eighth Immortal

Chapter 1 : Rose Garland is not a happy Sim. 

Her creator has decided that "less is more" in terms of possessions, and because she shouldn't have to spend all her time fixing stuff, or sleeping on a hard bed, she can only have a very few meagre household furnishings....   

"Are you actually kidding me........... ONE CHAIR?  And you're fooling no-one with that square of cheap carpet pretending to be a rug! "

"Well if there's only one chair, I'm gonna make sure I get it when the welcome wagon comes over... and why have they bought a christmas cake?  No-one in England eats this stuff the rest of the year?  Eugh! "

"Phew, at last they've gone.  Alice seems nice, and she's youngish, so she might be a good friend in the future.... have to think ahead."

"I need to meet some more cool people though, and see if I can get a penpal or two so I can get some vibrant postcards... although who sends actual postcards these days? It's gonna be more old people for sure.  Off to the library I go, seeing as the creator won't let me have a cheap PC cos apparently 'they just break all the time'  :-X"

"Down at the library I get chatting to Warren the librarian; he says he's 'neat' and definitely keeps putting all the books away... a prospect perhaps?"

"Ok, so the bed was comfy, but seriously I could've had a cheap bed and a TELEVISION!  Anyway, off to the gym this morning; there has to be some cool people there surely?  This Paolo bloke seems nice, he's a music lover like me; but what IS that outfit?"

"so, Paulo, can you show me your everyday outfit?  Pretty please?  I wanna check out your hair... hmm, not bad... I'd have that ponytail off and trim up the sideburns but otherwise, mmm, I wonder if it would be really pervy to ask to see him in swimwear.... "

"Why don't we go back to my hovel and chill? "

"Hey look! That cloud is the shape of a frog, do ya see it Paolo? Do ya?"

Ok, so, I don't have time to write more, I have to try and actually achieve something with Rose.  I just wanted to try out the concept of telling a story, and see if it works - shall I carry on?  Does it work with Rose kinda narrating?  Isn't she a stroppy mare?  ;D

Offline Joria

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Re: Rose Garland's Thoroughly Determined Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2016, 02:47:00 PM »
"Stroppy mare?"  Lovely Brit colloquialism.  I like Rose and the way she is telling her story.  More please.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Rose Garland's Thoroughly Determined Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2016, 02:07:02 PM »
Wow, your founder is absolutely stunning!  And hilarious, too! Who isn't a fan of dry, British humor!

I wonder if it would be really pervy to ask to see him in swimwear.... "
Haha, I'm glad my sims aren't the only ones who do that to prospective spouses...

In another save file, Liberty Lee and Pablo were my spare couple. His kids were really lovely.
At the retail store, though, he would start doing push-ups or sit-ups at the drop of a hat. Gotta love the Active trait!

Looking forward to the next chapter.   *Bookmarks

Offline tjtemple

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A lady's privilege is to change her mind
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2016, 03:52:28 AM »
“So, Paolo just didn’t SEE the same things I did watching the clouds?  And he looked a bit skinny and somewhat like a pale monkey in his swimmers...  And that gym outfit!!  I swear, what was he thinking?  I know I can throw it in the bin if he moves in, but I just have doubts about his lack of taste to have worn that in public.”

“I’m going down to town to have some cocktails and a think about it. I have work tomorrow and I know I shouldn’t but I’m a big girl, I have a cruddy little house, and I’m not going to sit here all night and listen to music; which the creator seems to think is enough for me to have fun!  “

“WHO IS HE????  Who’s that hotty?  No, I don’t mean the weirdo sitting beside me in the scarf thing, I mean the bloke making the drinks, NOW WE’RE TALKING GOOD GENES”. 

“After a few more drinks and a chat, I ask him down to The Bluffs on a date, which goes brilliantly, but suddenly, seemingly because he’s in swimwear, he runs off and dives in this cruddy looking pool – a bit strange but I think he was just trying to impress me.”

“At the end of the date he gives me a medal and a bucket???   You what??? A bucket?  But when I get the bucket out at home it really seals the deal – it’s got booze in it, and makes me feel really frisky; I get Jordan back over and ask him to move in....

Turns out he wants his whole flipping HUGE family to move in as well, and I’m tempted cos they’d have bought 20K with them, but I decide NO FAMILY, just Jordan, and he’s totally skint!  Sheesh, I still can't afford a television :-\

Oh well, he looks great without that tache and ponytail! Although all these moody, pouty selfies after work at the lab are a little offputting..."

He’s a bit of an artist though, which is helping with the household funds.  I think things over while polishing up my cooking skills,  hmmm, nice buns too

"I’m going in for seduction, he’s handsome, creative, family oriented and we’re getting on just great.  He’s going to make beautiful children - once I've got some more money and a few promotions at work; I can't afford kids right now, don't want to have to rely on charity"

I'm way behind getting everything I need to make this strange pudding the creator seems determined I must make.  I'm off to the park tomorrow to catch myself a housemate that has more useful skills than taking selfies!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Rose Garland's Thoroughly Determined Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 2 added
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2016, 01:33:01 PM »
Yay, good luck with finding Jordan!
And he's got great traits as the founder's spouse!

Just wondering, do all bartenders come with the Master Mixologist aspiration?  Or, at least, did Jordan?
Looking forward to meeting the rest of your household!

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Re: Rose Garland's Thoroughly Determined Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 2 added
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2016, 01:53:23 PM »
Thanks Oshizu :)  He's a great spouse so far, but his brown eyes are a stronger gene strain than Rose's green ones...shame  :( as you will see in the next chapter :D

Nope, Jordan came with the family aspiration, which was nice but useless!  He's just completed the painter aspiration which will be helpful for creating some moody paintings so I don't muck up the whims again.

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Re: Rose Garland's Thoroughly Determined Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 2 added
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2016, 02:01:01 PM »
I thought (correct me if I'm wrong) that a sim with the Family-Oriented trait can learn Charisma quickly by spamming the Talk about Family social?
Wouldn't it also mean that your Founder could focus on work and skilling because Dad would be so good about taking care of baby's needs, helping with homework, and so on?

Oh, oh, oh, a nooboo in the next chapter! Can't wait!

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Re: Rose Garland's Thoroughly Determined Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 2 added
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2016, 02:25:56 PM »
Ah, so maybe the family trait isn't so useless, thank you, I'll give that a try! 

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Re: Rose Garland's Thoroughly Determined Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 2 added
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2016, 02:34:21 PM »
 I've actually never tried boosting Charisma with a family-oriented Sim. It was something I read one of the Tournament winners' mention last year.
I'll be interested in hearing if Jordan raises Charisma quickly or not.

Offline Shewolf13

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Loving story!  Love Rose ^^  And family-oriented is good for taking care of the kiddos and just interacting with their family gives them good moodlets.  I happen to love family-oriented lol  And spamming boast about family does give a bit of a boost.

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Okidokey thank you @oshizu and @Shewolf13. Rose is sorry she doubted Jordan's usefullness.... his light will truly shine as the family grows :D  This may be my first dynasty attempt that allows more than one offspring  ;D  I'll be sure to let you know how the trait helps things along!

Thanks for the comments; I'm glad others love Rose too...  things really start to get interesting next chapter, with two new "house members" to tell you about :D 

Offline tjtemple

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Rose gets her man (25Feb)
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2016, 08:05:32 AM »
“Ok, so down at the park I met a chap in groovy yellow chaps, who seemed to be quite the fisherman!  I chatted him up for an hour and before I knew it he agreed to move in AND he bought CASH!  20 THOUSAND CASH!  I got a TV!

Downside was, he was also quite a hit with the girls, and totally romanced my friend Alice, convinced her to break up with her hubby, and got her preggers!   I mean, I guess it will be nice to have more kids in the neighbourhood but really.... and he’s all OVER HER these days... they really need to get a room ; and actually, he only has a tiny cheap single bed, so I am actually thinking they use mine and Jordan’s room to erm, create the neighbourhood! WHAT A CHEEK! “

“Anyway, the good news is, that Jordan proposed and I said YES!!  :D :D :D  We had a beautiful wedding out in the garden, Alice came (obviously, anwhere Titus is, Alice seems to be), but I set a no kids rule, Alice and Titus have a whole tribe of daughters now and Jordan is desperate for us to start trying, so I didn't want him to get even more broody!  I want to concentrate on my career.  I’ve still got about 8 days before I’m even an actual proper adult. 

Here’s a few snaps from the wedding ; we couldn’t afford a proper photographer, so I just let the creator take a few piccies : “

“I made an awesome cake; my cooking skills are epic right now, and this cake was gourmet! “

We had a little bijou wedding breakfast afterwards"

"We got another medal and loads of nice gifts, all of which I sold!  Jordan said that was *really" bad manners but I wanted a new bed that cost 12,000!!  It better be comfy! "

“So,  some promotions and maxed skills later........... Jordan was doing well at the lab, and had made us a machine that cloned all the yummy potions that Titus keep buying for us and somehow producing from the terrifying cow thing in the garden... this took the pressure off me a lot, I could just drink the potions and feel epic!”

“So, I agreed we could start trying for a nooboo... and would you believe it...... ONE TRY, seriously and I was running to the bathroom – eugh”

“Jordan and I were sitting at my new bar, when I told him the news”

“He was quite supportive right through the pregnancy,  even coming to keep me company when I went into early labour and tried for a water birth “

It didn’t work out though, nothing happened for ages, so I got up and walked around a bit and then it really kicked in – I think he got a bit bored of the whole thing then, what a cheek; I was in agony and he just sat on the couch and watched sports”

“Finally, after a long and tiring labour our beautiful son was born; welcome to the family Barney Garland, you’re beautiful, mummy and daddy are besotted with you already”

"Would you believe it though; almost the minute we’d snuggled, fed and changed Barney, that Jordan started getting frisky and talking about the NEXT BABY!

You can just imagine my reaction;  I don’t think I’m allowed to use foul language in front of the nooboo, but I was tempted!! :  "

Offline oshizu

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Rose gets wed, and more (27Feb)
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2016, 10:31:11 AM »
Hilarious chapter! So much has happened!
You brought home a gardening hunk who pollinattes both your garden and your world?
Congratz on your wedding and your new bed.

Welcome to the Garland family, Barney! 

Offline Chickwit

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Re: Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - Rose gets wed, and more (27Feb)
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2016, 05:49:23 PM »
Loving your story.

Ha, ha, no foul language indeed...

Offline tjtemple

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Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty - A real boy at last (1Mar)
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2016, 10:40:13 AM »
Oh-em-gee, having a nooboo is HARD work; no-one warned me it would be like this!   I couldn’t wait to get back to my work as a mixologist (back home we call this a barmaid!).
Jordan is a totally devoted father; even running to change the disgusting nappies without being asked or nagged; I totally chose the right man to father my heir ; note the singular – we’ve definitely agreed that Barney will be an only child. 

Well how time flies when you’ve having fun, and too tired to blog, but some time later Barney has grown into a lovely, gorgeous,green-eyed proper boy; who is quite self-sufficient, weaned off the milk, and toilet trained   Happy days are here again:

And wow, Jordan loves being a dad; he plays games, helps with homework and generally takes care of all the educating and skills, :

Leaving me to enjoy all the fun story time and cuddles. 

Anyhooo, good news/bad news…. The good news is my career is progressing nicely, I’m fully skilled in cooking, both basic and gourmet, and am a total whiz with the cocktails too! 

Bad news though, pregnancy and childbirth seems to have had a mortifying effect on my figure and  I feel certain that Jordan has noticed the breadth of my behind!   It’s getting so bad I’ve been staying in my elasticated waistband pyjamas all day when I’m at home.

Jordan is always on the treadmill and offered to train me, but I simply don’t have the energy to work-out.  So I secretly persuaded our home-help Titus to order me some “insta-lean” diet drink and (after sneakily cloning it for future weight problems in the family), I drank it and WHAT a MIRACLE – I can fit my wedding dress again!   

I purchase myself a sexy little black and white dress in a size 8 ready for Jordan’s birthday; a “Black and White Bash” I have been planning for ages.

The party goes brilliantly and I got another gold medal and Jordan got gifted some fogey old dressing table, which we have in the bedroom as it’s “sentimental”, but I’m definitely painting it to match the bed!

It seems since his birthday though that Jordan has aged almost overnight ; and keeps obsessively taking selfies in the hope it’s just a “trick of the light”.  Erm, it’s not sweetheart, you are looking somewhat ‘distinguished’ and erm, ‘lived in’.

I buy him some hair dye and some firming cream, and he’s soon looking better:

Meanwhile’ I’ve started an art club; which is boosting the household funds a treat; all my girlfriends come round, and we all paint up a storm in my “inspirational studio”, and then, although I don’t want them to know this, I SELL ALL THEIR PAINTINGS!!  I’ve told them I am keeping them for an exhibition!

More news, Titus hadn’t been around much, the garden was getting overgrown, so I went for a wander to see if he was slacking off down at the beach again, and he actually died, right there on the beach.  This horrible dark thing came and grimly reaped him away leaving us with a really ugly urn.  I have put it away in storage; no way was I leaving it on our beach!

Barney is doing great, though I am going to have to restrict his screentime; he’s totally addicted to this mathematics game, but I am certain it’s not healthy to spend so much time playing computer games; he might grow into one of those odd folks who live their lives vicariously through little pixelated characters – I’ve heard some people even write stories about them… that’s got to be a myth though surely? 

Anyway, Barney is now limited to 1 hour screentime after he’s showered and in his jim-jams! 

He’s playing up and getting quite rebellious and insists that he’s ‘almost a teen’ – do they call it a tweenager?   So, he’s decided he would like his birthday party in the museum, with a hamburger instead of a cake – all the cool kids do apparently; seriously?  The museum? 
Anyway, the party went great, and of course the cake was delicious:

And in the inimitable style of his dad, the first thing he did as a teen was…. Yep, a selfie  :

He’s getting really friendly with Linda from next door, I think she’s one of Titus and Alice’s tribe, but with her colouring she could be Eric’s – who knows, anyway she’s a nice girl, but Barney is way too young to get serious at the moment; I don’t think it’s gone further than a snuggle on the sofa, and I will be keeping a close eye on things, just in case she takes after her mother in her moral code.  They do make a sweet couple though.