Author Topic: Re: My No Buy, I'm Baaaackk! May 21 First note has link to chapters  (Read 45726 times)

Offline Joria

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Ok, I said I wouldn't post this until I had the go ahead from Miss Trips but I'm reneging on that.  I've had so much fun with it I felt I just had to share, so forgive me but here it is.

Chapters Link


Watcher:  Ok, here you are.  No....don't speak yet.  I know you are a bit dazed and probably confused.  So here's the story.  I have chosen you out of many many others to show the Simiverse the truth.  They can and should have a good life full of everything wonderful without ever entering what is known as "Buy"  with one small exception.  We'll get to that later. 

Now you, my dear were given a certain amount of, don't thank me.  With that cash I took the liberty of buying you this lovely lot in a new town called Windemere.  It  is the largest size available and in a very scenic area.  I think of it as being the best of all choices.  Your job, whether you want it or not, (I am the boss after all), is to build the biggest, best and most beautiful home you can on this lot.  The trick is, you start off with no money.  The cash that was left after purchasing this lot was placed in an escrow fund which comes in the shape of a large statue of a knight.  You may display it but you may never sell it. 

So, how are you going to get money to do this?  First of all, I know you've probably heard mention of stories where folks move in with others and give them all their cash and/or possessions?  Right.  Not allowed.  No moving in anyone.  Now, you are  not doomed to a life of loneliness.  Au contraire, ma chere!  You may marry.  Of course, there is an itsy bitsy but every so crucial catch.  Any money the spouse brings to the marriage must go toward building the house but ONLY with items you can get in Build. Nothing from Buy.  Now here comes that exception I mentioned.  You are allowed to buy a mail box, unless one was provided, and two trash bins, one for outside and one for inside.  Choose wisely.

So now there are two broke people, right?  Well, only if you have not been diligent.  You may sell anything you gather, fish for, or create.  Anything that comes from the work of your hands may be turned into funds.  Just get busy because unless you find a means of obtaining free food you will starve to death and it's all over with.  At least for you.  Your needs must be filled or you die and we don't want that, now do we?

But what about beds and such?  Well, since you are not allowed in Buy mode I have decided anything you can acquire via Build mode, a computer, from the Granite Falls Campground Kiosk,  by building on a workbench, or any other means except Buy mode is game.  You must use your ingenuity.  Here are a few more "rules"

1.  You may sleep anywhere you can
2.  You may eat anywhere you can, even at a neighbor's house.
3.  You may use other people's objects for purposes of cooking or crafting.
4.  You are required to accomplish as many skills as possible with at least two of them "Maxed"
5   You may or may not have a job, your choice.
6.  You are encouraged to acquire and finish as many collections as possible.  You may display them but you do not have to keep them.  Records will be kept in your personal information.
7.  You may only stay on vacation for up to 7 days at a time with at least another 7 days at home before taking another vacation.
8.   You may purchase everything from the Granite Falls kiosk and use these items wherever you choose.  You do not have to keep them in inventory nor do you have to keep them anywhere.  For that matter, should you choose to, you can sell them off. 
9.   You may NOT go on vacation until you have sufficient funds for a two day stay and for the purchase of a tent of any size.  You may extend your vacation days to the maximum amount once you can afford to do so.
10.  And this is IMPORTANT, you may buy ANY rewards you have sufficient points for and use any ploys associated with those rewards.
11.  You may join or create a club.  This might change.
12.  I've set your "Options" at long life, ok to refill empty houses, no aging for unplayed Sims.  This might change.
13.   Be kind to your spouse.  He or she should have the same advantages, skills and opportunities as you as ultimately there will be points awarded for each member of your household.
14.  You may have children but only by natural birth between you and your spouse and not before marriage with you both living together on your home lot.

I'm sure there's more but shall we start?

Ima:  I'm calling the police.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
Joria's Creations on the Gallery

Offline Joria

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Re: My No Buy
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2016, 10:35:07 PM »
Well, that didn't work out as well as I had hoped for.  The very nice detective I spoke with informed me, while laughing, that "Watchers" were a world unto themselves and I was out of luck.  Best just get on with it and maybe he/she will be kind.  So I did.

I sat down and had a long think.  Ok, needs must be met, funds must be acquired, spouse must be had.  I spent a good deal of time at this park in Oasis Springs.  This was good.  No time for pictures but I did acquire a free meal, (good thing I was starving!), gathered a bunch of collectibles, made a lot of friends and even caught a fish.  No place to keep the fish so I sold it along with everything I collected.  Ok!  I actually had enough cash by the end of the day to pay for two nights at the campgrounds and hopefully buy a tent!  Next up, find someone to marry and maybe make some friends.  The club idea sounded good too!  Off I went to the gym close to home, I knew I could eat there, shower up, etc.  Maybe find a potential mate!  Hellooooo handsomeness!

Both of these guys were really cute and buff specimens but I'm more attracted to dark hair so I struck up a conversation with Mr. Tall, Dark, And.....

Yeah, he was Hunkalicious all right, but still, there just was no spark.  Let's just be friends I said.

I was getting a bit peckish and since I had skills to skill up, I went upstairs and whipped up a bite to eat.  This living in a gym was totally do able, even without a bed.

Nice as it was there, it wasn't getting me anywhere.  After I ate I decided to go visit a neighbor who had just moved in.  One look told me he was the one.  C'mon.  Admit it.  Don't we make a handsome couple?

Despite my run in with the Watcher, my luck seemed to be holding out.  He was single!  Even better, he had the romantic trait!  Can we say, "pushover"?  I immediately asked him to Cloudgaze with me.  I was taking no chances and wanted our friendship to be off on a good footing.

Was I worried?  Yeah.  How could I ask a guy who had this adorable house to move in with me, after marriage, to an empty lot?  The house he had was lovely.

Laurent was so surprised to find we had so much in common.  He told me he had been pretty lonely and having me show up on his doorstep was not only a surprise, but a wonderful part of this day for him.

Time to exchange numbers!!

We decided to go on a date and see where things would go from there.

He suggested we stay right here for the date and I definitely couldn't agree more~~!

We moved it inside where we could sit and chat and get to know one another better.  The talking was fine......

but......bit by bit we just started getting closer and closer, staring deeply into each other's eyes...

Of course that led to our first kiss.  I just couldn't help myself.  I'd been staring at his mouth for hours.  It just looked!

Oh, it definitely was kissable!!!  One kiss led to another and all those kisses led to our deciding to be boyfriend and girlfriend!  We took this selfie to commemorate the event.

Well, heck.  Why stop there?

We both decided we wouldn't wait.  The day was moving on, it was late, we were tired.  Both our plumbobs were getting redder.  So we moved inside and tied the knot then and there.

No pictures of the rest of that night!  We needed our privacy.  We spent the night at his house but the next day we moved onto the lot.  With the money he brought, this is what the Watcher created. 

We took the cash I had earned, packed our bags and were off.  See you in Granite Falls!!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
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Offline Joria

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Re: My No Buy Stats
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2016, 10:37:04 PM »
reserved for stats or rule changes.

It's been a few weeks of hard work for Ima and Laurent.  So far here's what they have accomplished.

Ima Cooke:

  • Aspirations:
    Master Chef
    Leader of the Pack
  • Skills:
    Baking 2
    Charisma 5
    Comedy 3
    Cooking 10
    DJ Mixing 1
    Dancing 2
    Fishing 7
    Fitness 4
    Gardening 6
    Gourmet Cooking 10
    Handiness 2
    Herbalism 4
    Logic 3
    Mixology 5
    Painting 2
    Video Gaming 2
    Violin 1

  • Rewards Earned or Bought

    Natural Leader
    Fresh Chef
    Stoves and Grills Master
    Always Welcome
    Gym Rat
  • Items Earned Or Acquired Via Connections Ploy:
    Corporate Chic Counters 6 Via Connections Ploy  (Known after this as VCP)
    Corporate Chic Counters Islands 3
    Ceiling Mounted Professional Pot Holder
    Ice Box of Steel by Krampf Industries
    Stainless Steel Auto Pot (VCP)
    Umber Kitchen Sink (VCP)
    Professional Pro Magnetic Knife Rack
    The Landlord Whisperer Stereo from Gold Medal House Party
    Easy Breezy Easels 2
    Study of the Human Form 2
    Still Life With Apple and Pitcher and Books and Bottles and Flowers 2
    Picture Perfect Art Lighting 2
    Cold Steel Toilets 2
    Flying Saucer Table Lamps 2
    The Thinker, Comfortable Chairs 2
    Journey to the Stars Poster 2
    Sim Idol Rug 2
    Astro Solar System Lights 2
    The Sentinel Clocks 2
    The Swiveler Desk Chairs 2
    Reconnaissance Work Station 2
    Milton Word Processor 2
    Astro Model Rockets 2
    Chemistry Lab
    The Solitary Sleeper 2
    Rock of Ages Retro Stereo 2
    Stinkman Wall Bench 2
    Hard Times Mirror 2
    Most Modern Cell Towel Rack 2
    Hygenic Decontamination Pod - Shower (Laurent)
    Sims 4 Test Tube Pedestal (Laurent)

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
Joria's Creations on the Gallery

Offline Indira

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Re: My No Buy
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2016, 11:13:14 PM »
She is beautiful Joria. And Laurent is such a hunk. Is he your creation?

Offline MissTrips

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Re: My No Buy
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2016, 02:13:01 AM »
Looks like you're off to a good start!  That is a handsome boy Joria picked out!
We hobbits are plain, quiet creatures. Adventures make one late for dinner.

Offline Joria

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Re: My No Buy
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2016, 02:04:15 PM »
That handsome hunk of a guy is by wondercarlotta8.  She is French and has such a sense of style!  I found her accidentally and am totally amazed by the Sims she creates.  They are all so beautiful and unique.  I think she uses a lot of cc and mods in many of her creations but Laurent Du temps, my guy, was a no cc.  Since this story is a just for fun for me one, I'm pretty lax about things.  Before actual play I added a few venues and modified a few a wee bit.  Didn't want to give a lot of unfair advantage though so kept it minimal.  However, I really did not want to use the "normal" guys for spouses that most of us use repeatedly so I got rid of a few households that had been added by the game to Willow Creek and Oasis Springs, (all had evil as part of their traits and I'm over it!), and added three households of single men.  Each one gorgeous and hard to choose from.  Not just wondercarlotta8's guys either but some from our forum as well.  Laurent just was a good fit with my Sim.  Can't wait to see what they produce in the future if I ever get to that point.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
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Offline JudesSims

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Re: My No Buy
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2016, 11:41:59 AM »
I love this, @Joria! I'll be following it for sure!

Offline Joria

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Re: My No Buy Episode 2 Camping
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2016, 04:03:34 PM »
I really must have been born under a lucky star or something because life was just going on so smoothly and happily for me.  Laurent is the most romantic, tolerant, loving and giving man ever.  After we got our basic shell of a house done, he didn't even blink an eye when I told him that now we were going off to the piney woods to camp out!  I think he was a city boy at heart but he was game to try new things.  Here we are with our first real meal together, roast potatoes!  It was all we could afford at the time but he didn't seem to mind at all.

Like I said, lucky star because the usual swarms of mosquitos didn't even come around.  However, when I mentioned we might wind up having to try a couple of plates of toasted beetles he got this really funny look on his face.

Laurent:  B...b...beetles?  You're joking, right?

Ima:  Nope.  They actually are quite good you know.  Crunchy with a bit of a tang to them.  Not slimy at all.

City boys!  Haha.  We explored base camp a bit, bought our tent, and after gathering what could be gathered and fishing for a few minutes, we went off to the Deep Woods.  No time to hang there really.  Laurent tried his hand at fishing while I searched for the entrance to the Hermit's home.  Found it almost right away so off we went.

It was pretty late at night when we got there.  The hermit allowed us to pitch our tent on her lot near her house and we toddled off to catch a few fish.  I figured I'd spare him from having to eat beetles his first night there. 

We caught quite a few lovely fish, enough to eat, sell and mount so it was a very satisfactory time spent together fishing.  Back at the hermits, we found she really had missed having some meals cooked by someone other than herself, so I set to work and whipped up some fish tacos for us all.  She really seemed friendly and not at all as insane as I'd been told.  I was pretty happy about this as it meant I could spend some of my time building up my cooking skills.  After all, when you're going to be a chef being able to cook is rather important, right?  She was perfectly willing to be my culinary guinea pig.

The only strange thing was she insisted on sleeping in our tent!  We didn't mind at all because it gave us a chance to finally....... know, and yes, I'm wearing a really big smile right now~~!

The next few days and nights seemed to go by both too slow and too fast.  Too slow as we slogged away trying to catch a shower from the lake, and too slow as poor Laurent got tons of blisters making things to sell and use in our house.  Too fast as we spent time together getting to know one another and realizing we weren't really meeting our goal.  Finally, one morning over breakfast, we decided we just had to give it up.  Five days and no shower to bring home and things we still wanted to do and things we had to buy at the kiosk with the money we had earned selling off our fish, produce and sculptures.  We had come there with barely any money left and were going to be going back to base camp with over a thousand simoleons.  It was a scary decision but our time was almost up.  Our friend, the hermit, took this picture of us on our last day in her house.

Back at base camp I tried to convince Laurent that maybe we should spend a bit more time there.  We were doing ok with fishing and gathering and maybe we should just hang in and see how much more we could do.  However, my city boy was feeling very deprived and homesick.  He was starting to get sad and I just couldn't have that. 

Of course, our camping out wasn't quite done.  First of all we REALLY needed a shower so off we went to the gym.  We showered up and decided since we were there, why not take advantage of the equipment.  Laurent did very well.  He is so strong!

I, on the other hand.....not so much!  Laurent about fell over laughing at this.

Now, about that camping not being done.  Laurent had decided to keep the tent in his personal inventory.  He figured if we were really busy getting our skills up we might wind up really exhausted and no place to sleep comfortably.  With the tent, we could set it up and snooze anywhere pretty much.  He was right!  Our efforts at the gym did wear us out so he set our tent up and we crawled in to go to sleep.

Ok, so now you are wondering about that young lady asleep on the bench.  It so happened that while we were at the gym we had made friends with Eliza Pancake.  We had formed a club while in the woods, (by the way, clubs do NOT work in the woods!), so when we met Liz, we invited her to join our club.  Before we went to bed I set "sleep" as one of the club activities, and since we were in a gathering, Liz wound up sleeping as well!  Poor thing!  This led me to thinking about what else club members might wind up doing.  Hmmmm......

The next morning we all headed over to the Pancakes' house.  I fixed breakfast in a really nice kitchen while Liz explained things to Bob.  (We invited him into the club too!) 

Meanwhile Laurent too advantage of Bob's work bench.

I think we're going to wind up spending a LOT of time at their house for sure!  A real kitchen!  Showers!  A workbench!  And best of all, good friends.

We still needed a lot of things to make our house live able and we both needed a job.  It was time to get connected with a "skill reward" known as Connections.  It was gold date and Soul Mate time for sure.  No problem, the things we loved to do best was go on dates with each other.  Like this......

Laurent:  Ma cheri, amour, you are lovely as a summer's day..

Ima:  Oh, Laurent......, I love it when you go all French!  Tell me more.....

Laurent:  Oh, mon ange, there are so many ways to say je t'adore that I would spend all day talking when I'd rather spend all day kissing!

And so we did.

Later that day, after a lovely, steamy,....well, sauna's are good for more than just relaxing you know.....anyway, it was time for some spa treatments.  Who knew mud could feel this good?

Later that night we celebrated our newly acquired items, (by using the Connections ploy we had LOTS of furnishings and cash left over), with a backyard cookout.  I wasn't due for my work for several days but Laurent would start his career as a Scientist tomorrow.  It was fun having the gang over to eat and with plenty of facilities, (love those bushes!), they could even spend the night in relative comfort.

I've got to go now friends.  Here's one last picture of Laurent proudly working away at his new job!  See ya soon!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Indira

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Re: My No Buy, Update Feb. 4
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2016, 06:37:29 PM »
I love this update @Joria :D

It is a pretty neat idea to bring your camping gear and set up anywhere to sleep. My only problem with tents is how slow it is in replenishing sleep needs.

Is there some secret in 'connections' reward trait? I often have it on my sims. Does it only do something for work promotion or does it offer something more?

I can't wait for your next update!

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Re: My No Buy, Update Feb. 4
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2016, 08:37:50 PM »
@Indira The connections reward starts your sim at level 4 of any career, and gives you the promotion rewards/cash for the levels that you have already passed.  So Joria had her sim join every career and quit, just to get all of the rewards and money from each career option.

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Re: My No Buy, Update Feb. 4
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2016, 08:44:42 PM »
Oh! So that's what it does. I'll have to rethink my strategy on my current game then. Thanks @simfulicious for the explanation! I'm still a noobie on live game. I was mostly just building stuff.

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Re: My No Buy, Update Feb. 4
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2016, 12:47:15 AM »
The connections reward starts your sim at level 4 of any career, and gives you the promotion rewards/cash for the levels that you have already passed.  So Joria had her sim join every career and quit, just to get all of the rewards and money from each career option.

You can actually do that with every member of your household that is a YA.  You can get the reward for a teen as well but no sense in using it till they are able to get a full time job.  It's how I got the cash to build such big houses and obtain a nice store in my RD.  Once you have a job you want to keep, get Entrepreneurial as well for faster promotions.  I have to give credit to Playalot and NJ for this.  They taught me.

I'm having so much fun playing this.  I'm really happy so many are enjoying it as well.  What is cool is Miss Trips and I are playing very differently so it should be fun to see where each of us is.  Eventually I think she's going to write official rules to it.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Joria

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Re: My No Buy, Update Feb. 4
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2016, 02:27:18 PM »
Getting high skill levels can be such hard work, but it can also be fun and well worth it in the long run.  Both Laurent and I were able to acquire the Connections thing and along with the Reward, we garnered a tidy sum of cash and some much needed items for our home.  Here are some pictures I took of how our home is progressing.

The first floor has only four rooms plus a foyer.  The room to the rear left is our "inspired" room.  Here's where most of the painting will be done and music too.  We were able to obtain a guitar from the camping kiosk so that will be our source for playing music.  Our easels, 2 of them, came with ditching the painter career.  The room in front of that is our "kitchen/dining" area.  I'm going into culinary for the refrigerator we so desperately need. 

The room to the rear, right is our "focused" room.  Scientific equipment, desk and computers and for now an easel for focused paintings find a home here.  The room in front of it is our lounge area.  Not sure what else we'll put there but those comfy chairs sure came in handy!  With obtaining the computers we not only could acquire more skills but we could also buy books to read including more skill books!!  We may not be able to buy a piano but we sure will know how to play one with the help of those books. 

Upstairs is where our bedrooms are.  We kept the beds and toilets from the detective career so we now have a place for guests to sleep and pee without having to use a bush!

One of the best things with our club is having so many friends around us whenever we wish.  We can go to their houses and use their stuff, like in this picture.  We're at the Pancake residence at the time this was taken.  I was probably at work or in the kitchen cooking up my skills.

No, wait!  That's me in the background in the shower!  It's so nice to be able to have a hot shower.  Can't wait till we get one for ourselves!  I'm really grateful that our friends let us use theirs for now.

Another great thing with our friends is they are always willing to help!  I think sometimes they like increasing their skill levels as well, and lots of times it can be a lot of fun.  Like this night when we all went fishing for our supper.  Bob wasn't really into it, but that's ok.

Here's our backyard.  Laurent and I laid out a garden in the back with the planters he made.  We could have obtained them in build mode but since he needed to increase his handiness skill anyway, and since it's a LOT cheaper to make them, that's what he did.

Our friends got into the whole spirit of the thing and decided to pitch in with gardening chores!  Everything got done jiffy quick thanks to them.  I'll admit though, having their help did cut back on our increasing our gardening skill.

It's not all work, work, work either.  We all decided to go to the Bluffs and check out the swimming hole.  The gang jumped right in but I was a little hesitant at first. 

After a lot of encouragement, aka teasing and razzing, I joined them in a swimfest.  We had a great time and a great day.  This might just be something I'd want to have in our backyard!

As the day moved on, both Bob and I had to go off to our jobs.  We're both in culinary.  So I guess I'll just leave you all with the thoughts of the great day we had and get back to you later with where we are now.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Joria

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Re: My No Buy, Update Feb. 8
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2016, 09:53:54 PM »
Sometimes it seems it is all work for us, but that is far from the truth!  Last night we all went to the Bluffs once again, and boy, did we have a great time!  We built a bonfire and Laurent did the honors of lighting it.

So far we haven't seen the mythical Sea Monster, but who can watch for monsters when you're having so much fun dancing?

Of course, the star of the evening was Candy Behr.  We're all so glad she is in our club.  She is more fun than a barrel of monkeys.  She got really good with those fire wands!  She said it was all because of the cheerleading she had done in high school, twirling batons and such.

Of course, Laurent and I have our own, special way of having fun.  We love to cuddle and kiss and just talk with one another.  Like here on a trip to the park.

There are times when we are both grateful we carry a tent with us!

Even on days when we work on skills, we still find ways to have a good time.  Laurent really enjoys working out.  He's already at level 5 fitness.

While he sweats, I have a better, more fun way to get exercise.  See my muscles?  Watch me fly!

 Oh, life can be a LOT of fun with our gang.  Just the other day I needed to do some parties so I could finally obtain my Master Chef's degree.  Here's some of the pictures that were taken at my very first Gold Medal Dinner Party.  See me doing the chef thing?  I'm basting a roasted chicken for our Entre.

One of our members, Rosa, is also a member of Partihaus, so we decided to have the dinner there.  I'm really glad we did because they had everything we needed and then some, although their kitchen is really tight for a cook like me to work in.  Here I am practicing to be a DJ someday.

One of the things we sadly lack at our own house, (one of the many missing things!), is this terrific closet.  Laurent and I took good advantage of it when there was a lull in the party.  We just had a private party of our own.

Now, don't get me wrong.  We are moving right along with filling our house.  Thanks to Laurent's promotions he was able to do a lot of upgrades on his ray gun.  Here he is zapping the many Sims dolls we've found.  Good incentive to get more is the second picture.  REAL toilets!!!

We did sell off several items from our Connections ploy, and now more to sell at very good prices plus some cool items for the house.

Speaking of making money in ways other than our jobs, I took this snapshot while Laurent worked on his first painting.  The other one was done by Candy but she never finished it.  Eventually Laurent's pictures will be worth a small fortune.  For now it's just something he does in his spare time.  Watcher gets annoyed when she sees him painting instead of doing something more "useful".

Somehow she doesn't mind at all when he spends his time playing chess.  She says he needs to increase his logic and gain some fun.

For me, I'd rather we BOTH found fun in other ways.  Like fishing.  We caught a few here in the river in the park, but......

the most profitable and unique ones were found in a Hidden Mine.  It was so beautiful in there!  Unfortunately, you can't have club activities in there so you'd best come prepared with food and a tent.

Have I shown you our remodeled garden plan?  Those trees were lovely but hard to work under so we replaced them with a wall of pool lights.  I like things organized. Laurent says he dreads having to make more planters but he does such a good job of it.

After a hard day's work in the garden, we all just took some time to rock out!  We ladies sure have the moves!

Well, time for me to go to work again, so I'll leave you all with this picture of my handsome husband.  Doesn't he look terrific in his new promotion outfit?  I can hardly wait to see what we'll clone!

Bye for now!  Duty calls.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
Joria's Creations on the Gallery