Author Topic: Death and Pregnancy  (Read 19825 times)

Offline Playalot

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Death and Pregnancy
« on: January 26, 2016, 02:49:52 PM »
Does anyone know if pregnant sims are supposed to die? There seems to be so many conflicting ideas 'out there' that I don't know whether it is a game mechanic or if it is a bug?
I had thought that pregnant sims were 'immune' to death but maybe not? ! ?

Can Pregnant Sims Die? (bottom of page)
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Re: Death and Pregnancy
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2016, 07:20:21 PM »
Does anyone know if pregnant sims are supposed to die? There seems to be so many conflicting ideas 'out there' that I don't know whether it is a game mechanic or if it is a bug?
I had thought that pregnant sims were 'immune' to death but maybe not? ! ?

I don't know, but I'd thought the only way to get a ghost baby was using a mod. Aren't pregnant sims coded for immunity from death?
Are you planning something deviously nefarious for your Black Widow?  :o

Also, I'd like to briefly hijack your thread to say that I rarely see twins in my games anymore (except when I don't want them, and forget about triplets.
My dynasty populators have been putting in some serious overtime but only one or two sets of twins in like 60+ births. (serious overtime)

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Death and Pregnancy
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2016, 07:51:58 PM »
It actually for a question someone posted on the guide. I thought pregnant sims couldn't die too although people say they can. I just can't get it to happen in my test files so I am unsure.  :-\

Re twins etc:
Sometimes when you try for baby right after the townie shows the thought bubble of building blocks (meaning they are pregnant) and looks like they are throwing up you get twins. So basically trying for baby 2 or 3 times in a row immediately after the townie looks like they are pregnant results in multiples. Not always though but worth a go anyway.
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Re: Death and Pregnancy
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2016, 08:43:45 PM »
That's a great tip--You are such an observant simmer, Play!

Guy: Excuse me, young lady, Pardon me for interrupting you while you hurl but I see your thought bubble shows baby blocks!
Girl: Bleccchhhh
Guy: Uh huh, my thoughts exactly. Would you like to try for baby?

To be serious, you mean that after one or more "Try for Baby" socials, the woman may show the blocks thought bubble while heaving so then our sim must pounce back on the poor woman?
The timing sounds tricky!

Offline Playalot

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Re: Death and Pregnancy
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2016, 11:57:31 PM »
Umm.... *cough* yeah, you just sort of queue up a few 'try for babies' in a row. The townie sort of doesn't really know what's hit them.
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Re: Death and Pregnancy
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2016, 07:05:29 AM »
Hmm, what you call observant, I call devious lol. But delightfully so, and in a totally complimentary way lol

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Re: Death and Pregnancy
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2016, 02:16:58 PM »
Doh!! That explains why poor Ciara Temple the maid now has twins and triplets by my dynasty founder.  Poor girl.  However it's kind of fun as she co-incidentally had my surname, so the whole family tree has my name... no Traceys though; they never have such ordinary names :) 

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Re: Death and Pregnancy
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2016, 02:33:25 PM »
Doh!! That explains why poor Ciara Temple the maid now has twins and triplets by my dynasty founder.  Poor girl.  However it's kind of fun as she co-incidentally had my surname, so the whole family tree has my name... no Traceys though; they never have such ordinary names :) 
That's too funny @tjtemple   Having a maid work in your dynasty home with your own name, though, would have been pretty bizarre.
I'm jealous about the twins and triplets!

Back to your topic @Playalot , I've never deliberately tried to do away with a pregnant sim but have never had one die on me either.
I did look around the web (as I'm sure you've already done) and only found simmers saying that Sims 4 would have no ghost babies.

Out of morbid curiosity, what kind of death methods have you been testing?  And you tried the cheats, too?

Offline Playalot

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Re: Death and Pregnancy
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2016, 04:25:56 PM »
I haven't used cheats as I'm trying to figure out if a pregnant sim dying is part of 'normal' game play. So far I have started fires and used a pool. Each time the pregnant sim either routes to safety or just stands engulfed in flames but nothing happens and with the pool she just kept getting out when an ordinary 'unpregnant' sim would have drowned. I probably could 'force' the issue with cheats/walls/etc but that's not what I want to see.

I have tried for electrocution as well but seeing as I've never managed that on an ordinary sim I'm not having much luck with that either. The whole thing is quite gross but I'm coming to the conclusion that pregnant sims are 'protected' by the game mechanics generally and maybe its just a very, very low chance of death or maybe CC or Mods are interfering with other peoples experiences.

About ghost babies, yeah, that's not possible in TS4. In ts3 a ghost could get pregnant and have their own little ghost baby.

I think most of my game observations occur as I almost never play in any other speed except speed 1. I tend to spend a lot of time setting up scenarios and then sitting back and watching my sims handle it. lol It's quite surprising what they do and the things you find out about the game. I do speed over some general skilling but that's because I've watched it so many times I mostly know what's going on etc.

About the trying for baby 2/3 times in a row. I even 'tested' this out with abductions using a mod that makes abductions/pregnancy 100%. I had my sim abducted twice in a row and he had twins. Then three times in a row and he had triplets. lol But it isn't 100% in a vanilla game with no mods etc but probably high enough a chance that it is worth trying with your sim couples.
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Re: Death and Pregnancy
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2016, 05:00:56 PM »
About the trying for baby 2/3 times in a row. I even 'tested' this out with abductions using a mod that makes abductions/pregnancy 100%. I had my sim abducted twice in a row and he had twins. Then three times in a row and he had triplets. lol But it isn't 100% in a vanilla game with no mods etc but probably high enough a chance that it is worth trying with your sim couples.

I always queue 2-3 Try for Baby interactions but never noticed the Blocks thought bubble or gone back to a sim after the initial 2-3 times.  Still, my dynasty populators have been extremely productive and yet not when it comes to twins. I'm not home right now, but I'd say at least 75 babies across multiple pollinators over six generations but only three sets of ones, one set in my dynasty household (just where and when I hadn't wanted twins). That's why I started the pollinators following up with a fertility massage, which hasn't shown spectacular (consistent) results. Perhaps I've just been unlucky.
Lol, I better get this sorted before the Challenge Tournament hosts a Baby Boomer challenge!