Author Topic: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)  (Read 39408 times)

Offline officialghosts

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The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« on: January 24, 2016, 09:33:41 PM »
Date: January 1st 20XX

Location: *Classified*

Program: The Wonder Child Project

Project: RRR (Phase 1)



Greetings Citizen. You have been randomly selected to participate in the Wonder Child Project. The government has noted your unmarried status and desire for children. We are here to remedy both.

Piaget's Theory of Child Development- A Wonder Child Challenge

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Wonder Child Challenge! I know it's been mentioned on the forum once or twice before, but I don't think I've seen any stories on it. I'm here to change that! Now, I actually completed a run of this challenge back in December of 2014, when it first came out. Back then, I got a score of 544, which is respectable enough and still pretty high. But I knew I could do better. I had two major attempts between my first and this one, the first which failed because of the tournament challenges completely rethinking my approach to these kinds of things, and the second due to a combination of no time and the introduction of Get Together and clubs.

Seeing the completely overpowered nature of clubs reignited my desire to complete this challenge, especially since Pinstar gave the go ahead to use them. With the forum giving me a free copy of Get Together (thanks again, Carl and Mrs. Flynn!) and two weeks of winter break ahead of me, I was ready to go.

Now, even with all this explanation, I haven't gotten around to explaining the challenge! Basically, you start off with two cas-fresh adult sims (must be adult, not young adult). Their goal is to raise the most successful kid possible through their child and teen years; the Wonder Child. Your score is based off the skills and traits the child has acquired at the end of the challenge, along with some other goals. For the full rules and scoring guides, you can go here:

Oh, and the name: the family's last name is Piaget, named after Jean Piaget, a pioneering developmental psychologist who theorized on how people developed through childhood. All of the chapters will have names based off of developmental psychology, because I'm a nerd.

Chapters List:
Chapter 1: Developmental Psychology
Chapter 2: Social Clock
Chapter 3: Industry vs. Inferiority
Chapter 4: Critical Period
Chapter 5: Formal Operational Stage
Chapter 6: Crystallized Intelligence
Chapter 7: Emerging Adulthood
The Final Score, Reflections, and Hindsight Bias
An Epilogue, of Sorts

Offline oshizu

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Re: Piaget's Theory of Child Development- A Wonder Child Challenge
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2016, 03:43:46 PM »

Last spring, I completed this with the thought of using my Wonder Child for the Apocalypse Challenge but that challenge still scares me.
I'm looking forward to reading about your your Wonder Child Challenge and watching your little Piaget child grow up!

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Offline officialghosts

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge- Chapter 1: Developmental Psychology
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2016, 10:10:13 PM »
@oshizu Thanks! I've also considered doing the Apocalypse Challenge, but it scares me too.  ::)

Now, finally on with the story!

Chapter 1: Developmental Psychology

Meet Paisley and Petre Piaget, the parents of our future Wonder Child. Who knew woohooing in a bush could be so adorable? Even if Petre is being impaled in multiple places by branches. This was just regular woohoo, by the way. There are some goals these two need to accomplish before the Wonder Child can be conceived. While this was on the first day, this isn't where they started. Let's rewind a bit.

(Another thing of note about Paisley and Petre, and something that will come up quite often in this challenge. I reuse/alter a lot of my older sims, and these two are no exception. Petre is a male adult version of the third generation heir of my now defunct Immortal Dynasty challenge, and Paisley is actually the mother of my first Wonder Child with different facial features. Same name, though. Ironically, this Paisley would learn none of the skills the old one did.)

Paisley and Petre met on Oak Alcove, a 20x15 lot in Newcrest. The size might be concerning for a normal growing family, but the Piagets wont have to worry about luxury items like walls or fridges. 

As they got to know each other, they quickly discovered how much they have in common; both Loved the Outdoors, were Good, and were Family Oriented. They were also Quick Learners. They were so similar, it was almost like they were made for each other! Thanks to their similarities, they soon became best friends...

...and more. This is where the bush came in, because we've gotta get those gold dates. The first day of the challenge was spent completing the Soulmate aspiration, for a good source of easy early points, and the "Share Burden" social helping with keeping the two on the same page, needs wise. One mistake I made in my original challenge was allowing the parents to do things like eat or sleep. Nonsense! At least for the beginning of the challenge. Later, once they've outlived their usefulness, I'll let them roam a little more to focus on the Wonder Child themselves. But for now, they're chained to an IV of moodlet solvers.

Another mistake I made in the first challenge was getting them jobs. Well, OK, back then it wasn't a mistake. You see, I played my challenge in such a way that I started the challenge and got through my WC's child stage before the patch that "fixed" careers, and then finished out the teen stage of the challenge afterwords. Back then, careers were easy to get through, and thus a legitimate strategy!

The patch honestly helped my challenge in the end, as it made the teen aspirations easier and the parent's careers weren't really important anymore. And even if careers were still the same, I probably wouldn't use them now, as they take up too much time for too little gain. This is where my second attempt at the challenge fell apart, as my parents were too busy with their careers to help the child. So the only career joining done in this challenge (by the parents, at least) was Paisley, who purchased Connections using her Soulmate points and got some easy money and mood aura objects, which will be needed since plumbob lamps aren't allowed.

Soulmate was completed early Monday morning. What followed was a journey to the gym, and a scramble to find people who could train both Paisley and Petre in Fitness. I started off with the Windenburg gym, but there didn't seem to be any gym trainers there. Both the Oasis Springs and Willow Creek gyms had one trainer each, and none of them appreciated being asked to leave during work hours to train at another gym or home. What followed was a tedious scramble that I'll save you from having to hear about, but I eventually worked it out. One thing I tried is using clubs to get them to my lot. I don't remember it really helping. This is one strategy I'll try multiple times throughout the challenge, and I don't remember it really working for any of them.

"Woah," you might be thinking, "isn't this challenge about the Wonder Child? Why are you focusing so much on the parents?" Well, dear reader, just because the parents can't earn points for this challenge, it doesn't mean you should ignore them. In fact, the success of the parents was a key point of my strategy. You know the goals I mentioned they had to complete before they could have the Wonder Child? Well, I wanted Paisley and Petre to max as many of the mentorable skills as they could, so by the time the Wonder Child is born they could mentor them, speeding up the skilling process exponentially.   

For these skills, I planned on dividing and conquering between the two. So why were they both learning Fitness? Well, Bodybuilder provides some easy points, and Fitness is an easy skill to learn thanks to the presence of gym trainers. Completing Bodybuilder also gave them a better chance of living through the entirety of the challenge, because at this point I wasn't sure how long it would take for them to learn and mentor the Wonder Child through all the skills.

A day or two later, both Paisley and Petre maxed Fitness and completed Bodybuilder. I haven't discussed the use of clubs too much yet, mostly because everything that can be said about them has been covered better somewhere else on the forum. But just know that they've already shown how powerful they are, and it only gets crazier from here. But that's it for now. Hopefully we can zoom through the rest of Paisley and Petre's skilling in the next update or two, and get to the main event soon enough. Thanks for reading, and see you next time!  :)

Offline oshizu

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I especially love your first image of your couple popping out of a bush.  The picture is so perfectly balanced and framed, while the happy couple look so dynamic.

Next chapter, please!  ;D  (I can't wait to see the nooboo of such a great-looking couple!)

Offline Joria

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This is fabulous!!  I love your couple and your strategy looks really great.  Can hardly wait to see what you do with this.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Playalot

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Ooo interesting! I've never really considered doing a Wonder Child challenge before but you're changing my mind!
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Offline officialghosts

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge- Chapter 2: Social Clock
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2016, 12:31:56 PM »
Thanks everyone!

Oshizu and Joria, I'm glad you like my couple so much! I spent quite a few hours in CAS trying to get my sims right before I started, making sure they would produce a good looking child no matter what combination of genes occurred. And I do quite like how my Wonder Child turns out.  ;)

And Playalot, I would definitely recommend the challenge- I personally had a lot of fun with it.

Now, on to the next chapter!

Chapter 2: Social Clock

Hello, and welcome to the Piaget Wonder Child challenge! This chapter is mostly going to cover the events before the birth of the Wonder Child, but make sure to stick around till the end!

After maxing Fitness, Paisley and Petre got to work on maxing the mentorable skills. Beforehand I did a test to find out what skills you can actually mentor someone (specifically a teen) in. Mentor doesn't seem to have an effect on what can be taught, although it may have an affect on whether you can mentor without maxing a skill. Oh well! Clubs make maxing skills so easy that it doesn't matter. Again, I haven't talked much about clubs, because there isn't much that hasn't been said. Just know that they're always in use in the background, and throughout the challenge pretty much every helpful boost (skill boosts, networked club, rally the troops, the emotional boosts, renowned club, and all the social interaction boosts) is purchased.

So, what skills can be mentored? The ones I've found are Fitness, Painting, Logic (when using the chess board), Writing, Piano, Guitar, Violin, (but not DJing), and Handiness. Since all these skills except Fitness require Inspired or Focused, I created two "rooms" to account for each. This is a strategy I've used for pretty much every challenge set up, using half shells of rooms with three walls and no roofs to guarantee environmental boost, get the outdoor bonus, and ensure the emotional aura of one room doesn't seep into another.

To keep things simple, I also assigned skills along the emotion line, although they both worked in the Inspired room some since there are more skills there. But Petre started out working on Inspired skills, and would end up learning Painting, Writing, Violin, and Guitar. Meanwhile, Paisley got the Focused skills, and learned Logic, Handiness, and Piano. These took a little longer to learn, specifically since Paisley learned Logic by making Mathematical Diagrams to power her Focused room. Petre took a similar approach with Painting to get a 3+ Happy environmental boost for the Inspired room. At this point we only had low level career rewards to work with, so I had to do some extra work to try and get the strongest moodlets. I don't really understand how the environment boost works, but I have a theory that it's impossible to break into a 3+ emotional boost with low environment items. I didn't get 3+ in the Inspired room until I switched from 2+ to 4+ items, no matter how many I put in there, and Paisley's 2+ Diagrams never got her to 3+.

Friday morning, Paisley maxed Handiness. Petre is almost finished with Writing, and they both only had one skill left to max, both of which were relatively fast to learn instruments. If I waited any longer into the week, the Wonder Child might not have had enough school days to get an A that week. (You get more points the faster the Wonder Child gets an A before aging up.) I decided that there's no better time than now, so a closet magically appeared at the backside of the house, and Paisley and Petre are allowed to see each other for the first time in days.

...And a Wonder Child is conceived.

Now, I could leave the post off here, but this isn't really the exciting part, is it? And the next few days are spent pretty much the same way as the ones before them, skilling their butts off. Paisley finished Piano, and Petre finished Writing and Guitar. Afterwards, they both started going back to other skills, to make money, complete some unfinished aspirations, or both! Paisley made bathtubs using the sculpture table (at this point I wasn't sure I wanted to deal with Granite Falls), and Petre painted and struggled to complete Bestselling Author. They also built a rocket at this time, to help the future Wonder Child build their Rocket Science skill and complete Nerd Brain. Speaking of that future Wonder Child...

Monday afternoon, Paisley laid down her hammer and saw and went into labor. A crib magically appeared on the other side of the room so Paisley could immediately give birth. We don't have time for that "waiting" or "hospital" nonsense here.

So in the comfort of her own Focused room, Paisley gave birth to a little girl. Meet Philappa Piaget, our Wonder Child.

Next chapter, Philappa will age up, and the challenge will begin for real. Thing'll get a little crazy from here on out, so get excited! Thanks for reading, and see you next time!  :)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge- Chapter 2: Social Clock (1/30/16)
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2016, 12:52:06 PM »
Thanks for sharing your two-room setup. It's such a treat to read about and see how you play!
I'm a big fan of the Focus +7 and +9 prints from the observatory/microscope.

Looking forward to meeting the little one!  ;D

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge- Chapter 2: Social Clock (1/30/16)
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2016, 05:40:18 AM »
You can learn the schematic for the mascot without going to Granite Falls. The statue is purchasable in Buy Mode. I read somewhere that it allows you to learn the schematic even if it's one you bought and not the original GF one.
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Offline Indira

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge- Chapter 2: Social Clock (1/30/16)
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2016, 10:28:55 AM »
Interesting set-up you got going there. It would be fun to read how you go about mentoring the Wonder Child.

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge- Chapter 2: Social Clock (1/30/16)
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2016, 07:55:09 PM »
Wow!  Are you sure this isn't "Wonder Parents"?  Those two are terrific and I'm sure little Philaapa will be a Wonder Child par none.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline JudesSims

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge- Chapter 2: Social Clock (1/30/16)
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2016, 08:35:36 PM »
Umm...@officialghosts, I'm using your #wonderchild, Philippa, for my Piaget Apocalypse Challenge. I downloaded her from the Gallery. I've just posted the first chapter on my blog. Would you rather I didn't? I can remove it if you want. I didn't realize you had a story going :(

Offline officialghosts

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge- Chapter 2: Social Clock (1/30/16)
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2016, 09:35:41 PM »
@JudesSims It's more than fine if you use my Wonder Child! I'm actually rather excited to see what you do with her! The only thing I request is possibly linking back to my story.

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge- Chapter 2: Social Clock (1/30/16)
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2016, 09:36:47 PM »
Okay. Whew! She had triplets and I would have hated to lose them!

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge- Chapter 2: Social Clock (1/30/16)
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2016, 09:37:17 PM »
I will post on Carl's in the morning.

