Author Topic: Another Labelle Story - Announcement - Graveyard  (Read 31793 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 8, Part 2 - On My Own Terms
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2016, 11:28:56 PM »
Thanks for the shoutout! You did most of the legwork though. :D

I love that Maleficent has risen finally. Now she can go have arguments with Agnes about those tombs of hers. ::)
Good to see my dearest god of lunacy has landed where he needs to. Fate better be careful how she talks to him though! She got lucky that he's out of it. ;)

Beautifully written mpart! I can't wait to see what you have in store for everyone (myself included).

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 8, Part 2 - On My Own Terms
« Reply #31 on: March 20, 2016, 07:23:25 PM »
Thanks for the shoutout! You did most of the legwork though. :D

I love that Maleficent has risen finally. Now she can go have arguments with Agnes about those tombs of hers. ::)
Good to see my dearest god of lunacy has landed where he needs to. Fate better be careful how she talks to him though! She got lucky that he's out of it. ;)

Beautifully written mpart! I can't wait to see what you have in store for everyone (myself included).

Maleficent will be fighting with every Reaper she can about keeping her tomb system. Where else is she going to put the annoying relatives? Glad to hear you liked the chapter. :D

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 9 - Stay
« Reply #32 on: March 20, 2016, 07:24:41 PM »
Clarissa stood up and dusted off the snow. This wasn’t helping her. Self pity wouldn’t make her chances of surviving better. What was she suppose to do now? What now? Her pathetic excuse of a career was finally getting better and she was due for a promotion soon enough. She had a house with bare necessities even if it wasn’t the most beautiful thing, it was hers. She had a steady relationship for once in her life that she didn't want to ruin. She had met her crazy family that was growing on her. Her life was finally coming together and all the sudden it had to shatter into pieces again. What about Liam?

She was almost positive he would not want to be a dad. What was she suppose to do? She wasn’t mother material. Heck, she wouldn’t even be alive to see the kid grow up. Some crazy gut feeling told her that she was wrong. That this was going to work itself out. She decided that some people were worth dying for. She hated the fact she had to make this decision. She stared at the whistle the watcher had given her. It was the obvious choice to use it. Her instinct to her otherwise. Something worse was going to happen and she better save it. Clarissa sighed and called for a taxi.

It was nearly 3:00 a.m when she got home. Liam was pretending to be asleep when Clarissa walked in. She was tempted to whack him with a pillow and start a full out war but just shook her head sadly. She had to put her barriers up and not do anything stupid. She muttered under her breath,”Stupid work. Stupid taser.” She didn’t want to hurt him. She had finally had this little piece of heaven she could call hers. Apart of her wishes she would have made him go back to his family.

Clarissa sighed. She was tempted to punch something. If she would of have ruined her chance for happiness. Maybe she should call Jack on how best to break the news to him? She couldn’t bother Jack right now. He was busy looking for Jupiter. Clarissa stared at the ceiling contemplating her next move. She couldn’t sleep. All she want to do was get a tub of ice cream and watch some sad movies. That would be the least effective move, but it would make her feel better. Clarissa had decided that it was the best move for her at the moment and got up. The moment she got up her stomach lurched. She turned the light on and navigated to the nearest toilet.

After what seemed painfully long she looked into the refrigerator hoping for some happiness in her life. She sighed as she saw that there was no ice cream. She was tempted to whack Liam with a pillow because of that. He deserved it. Didn’t he realize that he needed it more than ever? Didn’t he care? Clarissa sighed and went back to bed. Focusing on her anger, she was finally able to to drift into a restless sleep. Her nightmares returned. This time, she saw Maleficent holding someone’s body, crying. She couldn’t see exactly who. She couldn’t do anything. She was useless. Maleficent didn’t cry when her mother had turned against her. Maleficent didn’t cry, period. Somehow Clarissa knew she was the cause for the stranger’s death.

Clarissa woke up, gasping for air. Her stomach lurched and she rushed to the restroom yet again. Clarissa muttered under her breath,”Stupid morning-” Clarissa shut her mouth before she could get the next word out. She had almost forgotten that Liam had unnatural hearing abilities. She was tempted to find her phone and call Jack. Instead, she laughed bitterly. Stupid werewolf hearing. Something inside of her told her to not mention the fact she was pregnant. She could disappear for a few months and give Liam parenting rights when she gave birth. If he didn’t want the kid would her mother take them? Clarissa wouldn’t her mother so badly to help her. Would it be best to disappear and tell no one she was slowly dying? Could she get away with it? She wouldn’t survive this. She wanted to make sure no one went down with her. She knew how this issue could be solved except it would destroy her. She would never be the same.

She hadn’t even noticed Liam was behind her. She needed to fight about something, anything or she would burst crying. She wasn’t ready to die. She snapped at Liam who was look at her in concern. “You ate all the ice cream.” Liam groggily stared at her. “So?” “Did you even care that I might have wanted some?” Liam smirked. “It is just ice cream.” “No it isn’t. You didn’t even take account of the fact I might have wanted some.” Liam shifted uncomfortably. “You are kidding, right? Is this a female thing? Do you need to talk to someone about it?” Clarissa was about to snap at him.

Clarissa sighed and shakily reached for her phone. Liam glared at her suspiciously. “What is going on?” Clarissa spoke quietly,”Could you leave for a moment and not eavesdrop?” A look of realization came upon Liam’s face. “I don’t want to know, do I?” Clarissa nodded letting him assume whatever he would like. She dialed Jack’s number and took shallow breaths. “Is this Ms.Clarissa?” Jack sounded sick and Clarissa instantly felt guilty for putting yet another burden on Jack. He was already having a bad time. “Hi Jack this is me. Is this a bad time?” Jack instantly knew something was wrong. “Is Liam okay? Did someone die? Have you found Jupiter? Do you need legal help? I have a list of lawyers here somewhere…” Clarissa was tempted to laugh. “It isn’t anything like that. Well, not yet anyways.” This didn’t seem to comfort Jack at all. “Not yet? Is someone dying?” Clarissa noticed she was getting a call from her mother. She ignored it until the fifth phone call. “I’m sorry Jack. I have to answer this call.”

Clarissa angrily answered the phone. “What do you want? Another lecture mother?” The person that answered was not her mother. “Is this Clarissa Kwa?” Clarissa stepped back. “Who is this?” “This is your father’s boss. I’m sorry I’m going to be the one to inform you what happened to your parents.” “What did you do? Where are they?” The man hesitated,”Your parent's home went up in flames. We found your mother’s body but your father is missing. It appeared before that your mother was poisoned.” “What are you saying?” “We think Zane Kwa might be responsible for the murder of Mercy Labelle.” “My mother isn’t dead. My father isn’t a murder.” ‘The evidence is pointing to-” “Shut up! Just shut up! My father isn’t a murder and my mother isn’t dead!” “We would like you to come in.” Clarissa took a deep breath and felt the tears falling down. “How long has she been dead?” “She has been dead a week. Her body was buried three days ago. Didn’t your family tell you this?” Clarissa slammed the phone shut.

What were her last words to her mother? Her last words. Her mother was dead. She wouldn’t be there to help her up again or tease her father. She was dead. Dead. Her father? All evidence pointed that her father had murdered her. Her father wasn’t to blame. She just knew he wasn’t to blame. If anything Clarissa was the one to blame. She had screamed at her mother not giving her a chance to explain.  Clarissa dropped the phone and ran to the nearest subway. She was screaming inside. She had to run away.

How could you run away from yourself though? She felt as if the guilt was clawing away at her, destroying her piece by piece. She deserved it. She deserved all the guilt. It was her fault her mother was dead. She finally arrived at the desolate graveyard. It was completely empty. People were too busy celebrating Snowflake day to worry about the dead. She stumbled to the newest grave. “Mom? I’m sorry. “ She screamed at nothing in particular. “I’m ready to wake up now!” Clarissa stared at the red flowers dusted in snow. Her father had left them. “This isn’t funny anymore! You can come out now.”

Clarissa sunk to the ground as realization set in. Her mother was dead and Clarissa caused it. How could she have been so cruel? Clarissa had thought she would be the one her mother would be mourning over, not the other way. “I’m so sorry.” Her mother was immune to fire. That much she knew. If she had died that way she had chosen it. Was it because of Clarissa? The guilt was clawing at her, threatening to ruin everything good that life had given her.

Clarissa stood up after what seemed to be hours and finally walked home. She felt numb. Nothing mattered. Clarissa walked into the house to a frantic Liam. “Clarissa? Are you okay?” “My mom is dead and the police think my father murdered her. Thanks for asking.” “Clarissa don’t shut me out.” Clarissa snapped. “What do you want to know Liam? My mom is dead. My dad is a murder. I’m pregnant and it’s yours. I think I’m going to die.” Liam stared at her angrily. “That isn’t funny Clarissa.” Clarissa coldly responded,”I hope the truth isn’t funny Liam. Who do you think I was calling today? I was calling Jack.” “You are kidding, right?” “Congrats Liam.”

“Clarissa stop this. I don’t know what is going on with you today!” “What do you want me to say Liam? I’m pregnant! Do you want me to tell you that I’m jumping up and down with joy? I’m scared Liam. My life is falling apart.” “Are you going to keep it?” “What else would I do Liam! I’m not ready to be a parent but I’m not giving it up!” Liam froze with terror. “I’m sorry Clarissa. I’m so sorry.” “I won’t hold it against you if you don’t want to be a parent. You can just leave if you don’t want to be a parent.” It was terrifying how quickly Liam bolted out of the room and out the door. Out of Clarissa’s life.

Clarissa waited twenty minutes before speaking again. “Couldn’t you have just stayed and told me it was going to be okay?” Clarissa buried her head into her hands. She was going to die. Her kid would never know either of their parents. She had no one she could turn to and ask them to be there for her. Liam was her home. He was her only family. Clarissa had given him a piece of herself. She had let him in and in the end, was it going to destroy her? Clarissa stared at the door. Would it be stupid if she chased after him when he clearly didn’t want to be with her?

Clarissa’s body racked with sobs she hadn’t known she had been keeping. She sunk to the floor drowning in guilt and self-pity. It was pathetic. She had let him in. He had destroyed her or had she done that herself? She seemed to have something self-destructive in her. Everything she touched seemed to break. She wasn’t as unstoppable as she would like to believe. Letting people in had never been one of her talents. Letting them destroy her had. Her best friend had done it. Clarissa’s eyes skirted to the journal hazardly leaning off the edge of the bedtable. Clarissa lunged for the book and carefully laid it on the floor. One touch was all it would take to transport her into a different time, a different world. Clarissa needed to be someone else for a few minutes even if it meant being a psychopathic goddess that had destroyed her family. Clarissa reached for the book and got what she wished.


Fate held her head high as she walked into her family’s nectary. It was a large mansion sitting on a hilltop that had grape vines surrounding the house. It had made her step-father rich in the process of forcing servants to do the work while he laid back and took credit for it. The wisteria was starting to take root and overthrow the house’s simple nature. She had always liked the vines that had threatened to suck the simplicity out of the house. Her mother and stepfather owned it. Well, her step-father’s nectary that her mother had always insisted was hers also. Her mother had tried in vain to have his child. When that didn’t work she told Fate that she was her step-father’s child. She discovered this lie one day when she was feeding the chickens after her mother chased her with a broom across the home.

“Her grandfather found her. That stupid psychopath has finally come for what he claims his. He can have that pathetic thing. I just want another child.”
Her mother was talking to her “father” who was as smart as the common pigeon.
“Make a deal with him.”
Fate watched as her mother glared at him.
“That man is not right in the head.”
Fate frowned. Grandfather? What grandfather? Her mère was acting strange. What was this pathetic thing she spoke of? She finally took a deep breath and walked out of the shadows of the maple tree.
“What grandfather mama?”
Her mother glared at her.
“Your father’s father smart one.” Fate was tempted to roll her eyes.
“What grandfather? Mother, have you lost your mind again today?”
Her mother’s face went red with fury.
“You are a mistake! A curse given from the goddess of Fate herself! Your father was a stupid, foolish man who had gifts that you clearly didn’t inherit.”
She glared at her father.

“Don’t insult my pére. He doesn’t have any sense, but atleast he has a heart. What do you mean by ‘gifts?’”
Her mother glared daggers at her. She always wondered if she had gotten her own temper from her mother, though she would like to believe she was more logical than her.
“Your father isn’t him. Your father is an insane immortal that should have died a long time ago from his stupidity.”
Fate stumbled back. She stared at her “father.”
“Is this true?”
The man nodded his head.
Her mother smirked.

“Run away child. You are useless after all. If your grandpére finds you, you are truly doomed.” Fate stumbled past them and ran to the only place she truly felt safe, the small nectary storage room. She hid between the wisteria vines that were starting to over take the place. It was the best hiding place ever. No one would ever find her there. All the sudden a gaping hole opened in her hiding place. Fate shrugged and went through the hole.

When she came out of the strange hole she saw blinding lights. Witchcraft. Strange pieces of metal  were racing down the road that had strange lines. What was going on? Throughout the days Fate had stolen various articles of cloth that were strange. They seemed to work well enough though for clothing. After gaining information about her grandpére and her real pére she learned the startling truth.

Her mother was right. Her stupid, foolish mother was right. Fate started running through the city of witchcraft and tall castles and floating metal until she stumbled upon a book that changed her life. Some might have said she had “stolen” or “borrowed” the book but Fate believed none of this. Her grandfather wasn’t the type to just leave powerful things around for his granddaughter to find. One day, she hoped to meet him. If she met her father who was stupid enough to get a woman like her mother pregnant, then she never wanted to meet him. He was the stupidest idiot in the world and she hated him for it. She didn’t know him to already tell his lack of intelligence from the woman he had gotten pregnant.

She sighed as she entered the portal and whispered a few words she wasn’t sure anyone could hear. “Thanks grandpére. I won’t fail. I will make them all pay.” That had lead her to the current point in her life. The house was fairly large and her calico cat greeted her with love. She smiled at the small cat. She had named her Bell because she had found her near a bell. Her mother had always insisted her name was meant to Belle, but Fate knew that was a lie. She only answered to Fate after all. Fate’s voice was strange, alien like. “Mother! Guess who I met!” Her mother swiftly turned to look at her daughter with anger. “You don’t look different, you pathetic-” Fate smiled. “Wrong.” Fate’s eyes showed exactly what had happened to her. The power, the fates of millions on her fragile shoulders. She opened her book and stared at her mother. “How would you like to die mother?” All the sudden a broomstick whacked her in the head and Fate sank into darkness.

When she woke up she was furious. She reached for her book that was near her at all times even if someone tried to take it and stopped when she saw the strange boy staring at her. His eyes were a deep gray like the night sky and his hair was a strange pink color. “What was that for you moron!” The boy sighed. “She was going to hurt you.” Fate bristled. “I had the situation under control!”

The boy glared at her. “She was a witch! She was about to curse you! Don’t you see?” It dawned on Fate that this boy might be right. “Why does it matter to you then?” The boy ran his hands through his hair. “My mother doesn’t like me either. She cursed me and in doing so gave me this freakish hair color.” Fate frowned. “Its pretty.” The boy huffed. “What is your name?” Fate hestiated, ”Fate.”  The boy smiled. “Hi Fate, I’m Thanatos.” Fate suspiciously shook the boy’s hand while glaring at him. “We will show them. We are gifts to mankind.” Thanatos raised an eyebrow. “Gifts?” Fate smiled. “Curses. Curses because they forgot our power and we shall punish them for it.” The boy said nothing of how the girl’s eyes turned red even though it was for only a second.  From that day there were inseparable until power became more important to the little girl.


Clarissa shaked with anxiety after the vision. It was driving her insane. What happened to Thanatos? All the sudden Liam bolted into the room anxiously looking around for Clarissa. Clarissa stood up and didn’t meet Liam’s eye contact. Somehow his gaze still met her’s. Stupid. He looked embarrassed. “I got someone at  the store to help me find things for the err, baby.” Clarissa was tempted to cover her relief with anger. Instead, she let him in. Again. All she could manage was a simple smile. 

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 9 - Stay
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2016, 12:55:50 PM »
Aw! Poor Clarissa and Liam! I'm so glad Liam came back with baby supplies! He's so sweet, if a little dense.
I can't wait to meet the baby though... but I can because I don't want to lose Clarissa! :(
Why is this so difficult!

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 9 - Stay
« Reply #34 on: March 25, 2016, 08:56:52 PM »
Aw! Poor Clarissa and Liam! I'm so glad Liam came back with baby supplies! He's so sweet, if a little dense.
I can't wait to meet the baby though... but I can because I don't want to lose Clarissa! :(
Why is this so difficult!

I love Liam and her together. I'm torn myself because I will be making the decision whether she lives or dies.

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 10, Part 1 - Parenthood
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2016, 09:04:23 PM »

Clarissa noticed how Liam still flinched at the word “baby.” She had the feeling that he hadn’t fully accepted he was going to be a father. It didn’t help when Jack called panicking because someone had used his premium card to buy baby supplies.
“Liam what happened? Why did I purchase baby supplies? What is wrong with Ms.Clarissa? Who is going to die?”
 Liam winced as each question was fired at him. He tossed the phone to Clarissa. Clarissa tossed the phone back to Liam. Liam sighed and finally answered Jack.
“Isn’t the weather outside great Jack?”
 “No, it isn’t. The weather is terrible. Why did I purchase baby supplies?”
 “I don’t know Jack. It is your card after all.” Liam answered sarcastically.

 “Don’t get sassy with me Liam. I know I didn’t purchase that supplies. It was either you or Jupiter. Jack spoke softly, Have you heard from him?”
 Liam hesitated,”He contacted me to ask how you and Eveline were doing. I’m going to screenshot you the number he contacted me from.”
“What? When? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Jack was in full panic mode and Liam was trying his best not to snap at him.
“I’m not sure Jack. I was transported into a tomb and then I learned some interesting news. How is the bloodsucker’s girlfriend doing?”
“Liam! After everything he has been through you still call him that? Eveline is fine. Apparently she has a dragon now. Who transported you into a tomb? What interesting news?”

“Just a crazy hybrid running through the city that happens to be Clarissa’s niece.” Liam shrugged. He seemed to lose his nerve when Jack waited quietly for Liam’s answer for the baby supplies. Clarissa took the phone from his hand. He instantly clenched his hand in fists, transported to somewhere else. 
“Hello Jack. This is Clarissa.” She answered quietly. 
“What is going on Ms.Clarissa?”
“Well Liam just learned he was going to be a father.” Clarissa laughed nervously and glanced at Liam who was debating if he was going to run out the door or not.
Jack sighed. “So Liam didn’t hit anyone? Thank the watcher. Wait, what? You’re pregnant?”
Clarissa gulped. “Yeah.”

“That is great news! Do you know what gender it is going to be? Do you have all the supplies you two need?” Clarissa was baffled by Jack’s response. He was rambling on about how to take care of a kid and how Clarissa and Liam would be great parents instead of threatening to kill Liam. Suddenly Clarissa missed her parents badly. It was like a hole in her chest that she hadn’t even known was there. She had to get out of the room to scream, to do something. Anything. She couldn’t stay here talking about how great that she was going to die and her kid was going to live while her father would be stuck in prison for something he didn’t do. She knew he didn’t kill her mother. Clarissa inhaled.

“Jack would you like to Liam? I think he isn’t wondering if you are going to kill him anymore.” Clarissa smiled at Liam.
“Of course Ms.Clarissa. Are you and Liam okay?” He knew that she was dying. She shouldn’t have said anything to him. She could deal with this. She would deal with this. Clarissa smiled. “Yes Jack. Here is Liam.” Clarissa handed Liam the phone and gave him a small smile and then exited the room to read a book for “work.” If she could ever go back that is.

Liam took the phone from Clarissa who smiled reassuringly at Liam. The smile didn’t reach her eyes. He didn’t know what was going on with her. He took a deep breath. He was Liam Reaper. Liam smirked.
“Yes old man?”
It took a while before Jack answered back.
“Have you seen your mother lately Liam?” Jack asked Liam quitely.
Liam tensed staring at the doorway. He could do this. He would do this.
“No.” Liam answered simply without emotion.
“Jack I’m fine.”

“You won’t end up like your father Liam.” Liam closed his eyes and clenched his fist that was not holding the phone. He would not break another phone.
“Jack, what if I do?” Liam’s voice came out weak.
“You won’t. You aren’t the people before you.” Jack answered back Liam firmly. Liam sighed.
“I ran out the house because I didn’t want to be a father until I turned back to get supplies for the, you know.”
“Baby Liam. You went to get supplies for your child. I’m sure you reacted in the usual manner. You will be a great father.” Jack answered back gently.
“You really think so Jack?”
“I do.”
“Thanks, for everything Jack. I will tell you if Jupiter tries to contact me again.” Liam’s voice was thick with emotion.
“Tell him I miss my son.”

With that the conversation ended. Liam texted the random number Jupiter had seem to respond to.
Congrats Jupiter. This better be you. Your psychotic girlfriend now has a dragon to do her bidding. Liam waited impatiently glancing at Clarissa trying to figure out what was wrong with her. Liam sighed. Jack misses his son. We all miss you. Liam hesitated before adding what was on his mind. I’m going to be a father. This seemed to peak Jupiter’s interest enough for him to answer back. The universe can’t handle another Liam. Liam shrugged. I don’t think the universe gets a choice in this matter. Come home. Liam sighed as he stared at the phone. Jupiter wasn’t going to reply back and Liam knew it.

Clarissa gingerly walked into the room smiling at Liam. “Thank you.” Liam stared at her suspiciously. “For what?” “For being here.” Liam rolled his eyes. “You have high standards if you are asking just for my presence.” Clarissa frowned at him. “Stop making faces. You are going to be a great father and you already know it.”  Before Liam could even respond Clarissa kissed him.


Clarissa tossed and turned that night, dreaming about the day when Liam found out when she knew she was going to die. How long was she able to keep it a secret? Could she keep it a secret all the way to her grave? It was tearing her apart. She should just tell him but she couldn’t. She wasn’t ready to give up. If she told him it would feel like a death sentence. Clarissa woke up feeling more drained than ever. She gave Liam a weary smile. She was tempted to collapse to the ground and stay there but didn’t for Liam. It didn’t matter what happened to her, it mattered what happened to him. In the following days Clarissa and Liam attempted to decorate a nursery. When they were done they bursted out laughing. “I can’t believe this is happening.” Liam rolled his eyes.

Clarissa stopped laughing for a moment. “I wanted your opinion on the name for the baby.” Liam stopped laughing and smirked. “We aren’t naming it Mercy if it is a girl and Liam Jr. if it boy, right?” Clarissa rolled her eyes. “I was thinking if it was a boy we could name him Zack and if it is a girl we could name her after your mother.” Clarissa couldn’t meet Liam’s eyes. She knew how Liam’s mother was a sensitive subject. Liam smiled. “That would be perfect.” Clarissa smiled at him. “I bet the kid’s first word will be nutter.” Liam rolled his eyes.

Clarissa had never thought that her life could be so good. She hated that she was doing this to Liam, giving him false hope in what seemed to be the midst of destruction. She just kept getting weaker and weaker until one day she didn’t even want to open her eyes. She did though. Everyday she waked up and was determined to stay. She wasn’t done yet. Liam was perfect. His imperfections just made him better in her eyes. “I’m getting fat.” Liam frowned at her. “Do not insult my child.” Clarissa scowled at him.

She couldn’t be mad at him for long though. It had taken him forever to finally say that it was his child. Clarissa knew that he wasn’t sure about his ability to be a parent. To be truthful, she wasn’t either. She had talked back to her parents and made them feel guilt for what they did at every turn. Looking back it all she wanted was another second, another minute with her parents.

Apart of Clarissa wondered how her dad reacted when her mom found out she was pregnant. Clarissa shrugged. Something inside of her said he panicked. Her calm father panicking at the thought of a child. Seeing that would be priceless.

She didn’t know what the future held for her. Clarissa stared at the strange journal. Liam hadn’t said anything about it. Clarissa traced the strange crescent shape that was barely visible. What did it mean? Clarissa stared at the picture with her and Liam. She debated using the whistle the Watcher gave her. It would save all this trouble. Why wasn’t she? Clarissa sighed as she put the journal down. Worrying wasn’t going to help her.

A sudden jolt of pain brought Clarissa back to reality. She started panicking. The baby decided that it wanted to make an early appearance. She couldn’t drive to the hospital and Liam was out of the house. Maleficent walked into the room humming about oranges. She stopped in her tracks. “You’re pregnant! Oh my watcher you are pregnant!” Clarissa snapped at Maleficent,”Get me to the hospital.” Maleficent stared at her. “This the opposite of my job.” “I don’t care what your job is. Get me to the hospital or you are helping me deliver a baby here.” Maleficent flinched and shuddered. “Fine.”


Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 10, Part 1 - Parenthood
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2016, 10:59:42 PM »
Ah, I love Maleficent. She always brightens up a chapter. You had to leave us on a cliff hanger though? I'm so nervous about what's going to happen to Clarissa!

I love the conversation between Jack and Liam. Thank goodness Liam CAN be just like his father.
Because the only father that's ever counted is Jack.. :3 Clarissa just needs to hold on a little longer! She can totally pull through this! I know it! She HAS to! Liam as a single dad? That would break my heart. :(

Beautiful job with the chapter mpart! I can't wait to see what happens to my dearest Clarissa.

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 10, Part 1 - Parenthood
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2016, 03:40:06 AM »
Well, Clarissa has the Goddess of Death taking her to the hospital, so Milicent could just order her minions not to take Clary!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 10, Part 1 - Parenthood
« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2016, 09:33:37 PM »
Ah, I love Maleficent. She always brightens up a chapter. You had to leave us on a cliff hanger though? I'm so nervous about what's going to happen to Clarissa!

I love the conversation between Jack and Liam. Thank goodness Liam CAN be just like his father.
Because the only father that's ever counted is Jack.. :3 Clarissa just needs to hold on a little longer! She can totally pull through this! I know it! She HAS to! Liam as a single dad? That would break my heart. :(

Beautiful job with the chapter mpart! I can't wait to see what happens to my dearest Clarissa.

Jack is awesome. He is a great character. The next chapter too forever to write though I think it is okay.

Well, Clarissa has the Goddess of Death taking her to the hospital, so Milicent could just order her minions not to take Clary!

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Sadly Maleficent has to follow orders or she will end up in court. (The gods would judge her and she could potentially die if she messed up the order of things now that she is a goddess.)

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 10, Part 2 - Parenthood
« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2016, 09:41:07 PM »
This chapter took forever to write. Just for some new readers, Amelie and Megan are Clarissa's cousins. Megan was named after Clarissa's grandmother. Megan and Maleficent are very close and Amelie has been known in the past to be psychopathic. If you have any questions about the characters PM me! (This excludes future spoilers. Sorry.) This chapter has a lack of pictures do to the fact it has so much going on in it.
Amelie sighed as she stared at the hospital her cousin would be arriving at any moment. She had never understood why Fate had allowed Gladys and Stephen to be running the lab. The only thing actually keeping things productive there was Astra and she was always complaining about her dead husband.  Amelie didn’t care. They were all fools. Amelie was a highly manipulative person that enjoyed destroying other’s lives, but she wasn’t a fool. When Fate finally wanted her descendants to start having true power, Amelie would step up to teach them.

Her sister was an excuse to sirens everywhere anyways. She had never truly learned how to use her powers. It was pathetic. Amelie stare thoughtfully at the hospital. There was an old saying that you died a hero or you lived long enough to see yourself become the villain. When Gladys and Stephen messed up Amelie would gladly put the organization back together again instead of killing off distant relatives.

She had contemplated if her brother John would have become the villain if he had lived long enough. He was the one who created the first version of the chip. It was suppose to give him immunity from a siren’s voice, but in the end it failed. Failure was not an option. Amelie stared at the empty vial of vampire venom in her hand. The needle was safely hidden away needed to insert the venom into the body.  Failure was indeed, not an option.


Maleficent almost fell asleep driving until Clarissa started screaming. That woke her up. Maleficent knew what death’s mark was and Clarissa seemed to have it. Maleficent gritted her teeth. Clarissa wasn’t going to die. Maleficent almost ran over someone. She sighed and stared at the stop sign she ran over. “I think it is just a vampire.” Clarissa took a moment to stop screaming in pain. “Wha-at vampire?” All the color drained from Clarissa’s face.

Maleficent frowned. “Someone who had recently been bitten.” Maleficent peered at the person and the color drained from her face. “Megan!” Maleficent screamed. Maleficent stared at Clarissa who had passed out. Maleficent wasn’t even sure she was breathing. Maleficent steered the car around her best friend and headed to the hospital. She let out a silent sob. Her best friend wouldn’t survive. She was already a magic user and it was nearly impossible for someone to survive being a hybrid.

Liam stared at the strange woman. “What ring would you like?” The woman asked impatiently. Liam rolled his eyes. “An engagement ring.” The woman sighed and shook her head. “I’m aware of that. That is the fourth time you have told me that. What kind of ring?” Liam pointed at a ring. “That one.” The woman huffed with relief. “Is that all for you today?”

 Liam hid a mischievous smile. “Actually I was thinking of buying a bracelet to go along with it.” The woman’s face dropped for a second until she disguised it to be emotionless. Liam’s phone started ringing. He looked to see who was calling and realized it was Clarissa. He turned the phone on mute. Was it necessary to call him ten times in a row? Liam sighed. Sometimes he wished he could one more moment of peace. Liam certainly didn’t know Clarissa had died and Maleficent was calling him to tell him.

Clarissa barely remembered getting in the car. She saw glimpses of Maleficent screaming at the doctor and everyone telling her she would be okay. She saw glimpses of blonde hair but she didn’t see him. She had to stay alive for him. Who was he? She had to keep breathing in this cruel world for him. Nothing matter except that. She couldn’t leave him. Could she? She heard the doctors around her encouraging her to stay awake long enough for her child to survive. What child? Clarissa was tempted to laugh. She wasn’t a mother. The blurred shapes didn’t know what they were talking about.

Why was that purple shape screaming on the phone? Clarissa was tempted to wave at the shape. Would the shape wave back at her? That was crazy. Shapes didn’t wave. Just like Clarissa wasn’t a mother. Who was she staying awake for? The shapes were disappearing now. All the sudden out of the chaotic glimpse out reality a baby started crying. It was adorable really. It had fiery, red hair and these bright, bold, green eyes. The eyes were stunning. All the sudden Clarissa was crying uncontrollably while she was holding the child. Everything was coming back into focus. Her name was Kaida. That was a strange name. The shapes nodded in agreement.

The purple shape was crying now. Maybe the shape had always been crying. Did shapes cry? The baby seemed to memorize Clarissa’s face and stared at her in awe. Clarissa held the baby tightly next to her. If she could just keep the baby close everything would be fine. She wouldn’t sleep. All the sudden something was beeping and the baby was taken away from her. Why were the shapes taking the baby away from her? Clarissa reached for the baby. She couldn’t move though. The shapes were blurring again and everything kept spinning. She just wanted to see his face one last time. Maybe this was for the best that he didn’t see her this way.

The purple shape was clutching the phone tightly to it’s chest. It was acting strangely for a shape. Clarissa didn’t want to stay. The beeping wouldn’t stop and all she wanted to do was take a nap. The purple shape was talking to someone named Jack. Jack? Why did that name seem so familiar. All she wanted to do was hold the baby. Why did the shapes take the baby away from her? The baby seemed to be fine. She remembered the purple shape throwing the phone down. Clarissa tried to frown. That phone was expensive. He broke phones too. Where was he?

The shapes were black and white now. She couldn’t tell which one was the purple one anymore. Another shape seemed to join in though. It was calming down another shape. The world was still spinning. Had the world always spinned? She couldn’t remember. All she could remember were those green eyes that kept her awake. She just needed to see them again. Why wasn’t he coming? Didn’t he care? Maybe he didn’t like the shapes or the baby that stared at Clarissa in awe. Clarissa didn’t like the dark because it brought nightmares along with it. All the sudden she was in the snow practicing martial arts. “That's part of it. No pain no gain sweetheart.” She acted aggravated when he had called her sweetheart. She actually loved when he called her that. He had meant it to taunt her at first but she had hoped it meant something more. Then she was dancing with him. “Thank you for the dance.”

She wanted to smile at him. Kiss him. Why wasn’t he here? Could she dance with him one more time? “So bossy.” “You love it.” Suddenly she remember the few words he had said quietly. “Indeed, it seems I do.” She couldn’t remember what his face looked like. What was keeping her here? She remembered when she had met him. She had slapped him. He wasn’t any prince in shining armor, but he was hers. He had always wanted to be a magic user, to be accepted. He hadn’t realized he was perfect because of his imperfections.

Could she tell him she loved him one last time? Would he listen to her? The world suddenly came back into focus for Clarissa. The blonde smirked. “Hey cousin. I’m your long lost relative. What a shame you survived childbirth.” The blond leaned down. “It is a shame nobody will know and your little friend will think the ‘unstable’ pregnancy killed you.” “His name is Liam.” Clarissa managed to say weakly.

Her long-lost relative sighed. “I really don’t care.” The blonde grabbed a pillow and the world went black. The shapes were gone even. All Clarissa could see were the stars. She just wanted to make sure everything was alright. Clarissa struggled against the blonde, trying to stay awake for him. It didn’t work. The world plummeted into darkness again and all Clarissa could see were the stars. She just wanted him to stay with her. She couldn’t stay with him even though she struggled to. All that was the blinding light.

Liam stared the ring he bought. He checked his phone. Fifty phone calls? Seriously Clarissa?  He loved that crazy woman though he didn’t understand sometimes why she did things. Liam dialed her phone number. Liam shrugged. Her phone was dead. Liam attempted to call Jupiter again. No luck. He called Jack.
Jack answered, his voice thick with emotion. “Liam where are you? Why haven’t you answered your phone?”
Liam was caught off guard by Jack’s voice. “What happened? Is Clarissa alright?”

“Let me talk to him! Let me talk to-”
“Maleficent I don’t think he should take this news from you.”
“She asked for him in her final moments! He isn’t allowed to escape this! Answer your stupid phone! You should have answered your stupid phone!”
The stupid hybrid was screeching on the other side of the phone. Liam was shaking. Whose final moments?

“Jack what is going on? What is that stupid hybrid talking about?” Liam’s voice dropped into a whisper.
“Liam, this isn’t something I can tell you over the phone.”
“What is it?” Liam was screaming at the phone. All the sudden it dawned on him as he stared the phone.“She is dead. She is dead.”
“Lia-” Liam hanged up and clutched the phone in one hand. He collapsed to the ground, silent tears streaming down his face. He shakily called Jupiter who didn’t answer. “Jupiter, just come home! Stop avoiding us all because of your girlfriend! She isn’t dead so stop acting like she is!” That would be a pleasant voicemail to listen to. Liam didn’t care. He didn’t care about anything.

The phone kept ringing. That stupid thing kept ringing. He didn’t know what he had until he had lost it. He lost everything. It was his own fault in the end though. It was those stupid nutters fault. It was everyone's fault. He didn’t care about the details or the speculations. He had made a mistake and was paying for it. He deserved it. He had left her. Liam got up and finally realized he was soaked.

It would be easy to just turn into a werewolf right now. Disappear for a couple days. Keep everyone out of his head. Could he do that though? “Some people are worth opening up to.” Even when she was dead she was haunting him. He shook his head. He had open up to her and she had ended up dead. People would mourn over her but he would be frozen in time, trying to grasp at the memory of her. He would be chasing the past like his mother. His mother. He would end up like her. No, he was his father. The man that had destroyed his mother until nothing remained but the ashes of who she once was. He had ignored her. Just like Liam had ignored Clarissa.

Liam picked himself up and called Jack. He had to see her. One more time. Just one more time. Even if it killed him.
“Can I see her Jack?”
Liam could hear Jack pacing.
“Can I see her?”
“I don’t think that would be the best thing for you right now.” Jack said gently.
Liam sighed and tensed in frustration. He need to disappear for a few days.
“Tell me what happened to her. What happened to the baby?” Liam looked around, looking for a fight.
“Liam I’m coming to you.”
 “You shouldn’t be alone.”
“She is dead because of me Jack.”
“What happened to her and the baby?” Liam was trying to keep his voice steady. He needed to get out of this city. He just need to know.
“Jack just tell me.”
“Liam I am not going to tell you over the phone.” Jack said firmly.
“I need to know Jack. I need to know before-”
“You have a daughter Liam. Think wisely before you do anything.”

Maleficent looked around the city, scrambling for her friend. Maybe she could save her if she came soon enough. Maybe, just maybe, she could do something right for once. She was a freak. Maleficent found Megan’s body, haphazardly dumped by the road. Someone had moved her. Maleficent peered into the darkness. She held her dead friend’s body and started sobbing. She was alone. Again. Her friend wasn’t even her usual tint of green. She was a pale pastel color. It didn’t matter what Maleficent did. She couldn’t save anyone from death or she would be forced into a long trial by the gods. This was all an idiotic dream. Maleficent examined her friends corpse. Where was the vampire bite? Where was the stupid vampire bite? Maleficent shaked her head. It was impossible.

She didn’t even know he was behind her until it was too late to do anything.  She grinned like the maniac she was. “Hello there. Happy Yeti day!” Maleficent bursted out laughing as the stranger stared at her in bewilderment. She ruined his plans. Maleficent frowned. “What do you want? Do I know you? Did you kill her?” She suddenly noticed his blue hair and bursted out laughing. “Did you bury the body deep enough?” Jupiter released her. “Are you insane?” Maleficent smirked. “You should treat the goddess of Death with more respect! Phil would be ashamed!”

Jupiter’s eyes never wavered from Megan’s dead body. “What did you do to her?” Jupiter spat out angrily. Maleficent met Jupiter’s cold stare. “I did nothing. I found her while I was taking a pregnant lady to the hospital.” “What is she to you?” Maleficent flinched. “She is, was, my best friend that I just found dead because her body rejected the venom injected into her system. She was already a powerful magic user.”
 Jupiter flinched and Maleficent knew she had found a sore spot for him. He lowered his voice. “What are you?” Maleficent rolled her eyes. “Lunatic. Goddess. Hybrid.” Jupiter stared at her quizzically. “Hybrid?” Maleficent sighed. “Half vampire, half magic user. Go away. Run to Reaper or something. Clarissa died.” Jupiter hesitantly got up and stared at the strange woman. “Sorry about your friend.” Maleficent sighed. She slumped back to the ground, defeated.


Liam arrived at the hospital too late to do any good. He arrived defeated and all his arrogance gone from his features. Just pain. He didn’t even notice the blue-haired vampire staring at the hospital entrance until he taped Liam on the shoulder. Liam snapped and turned around ready to scream at the intruder until he was met with a humorless face. Always proper. Always trying to be like Jack. Liam couldn’t find words to say. For once in his life he was speechless. He soon recovered and sighed. “Welcome back.”

Liam walked into the hospital ignoring the hostile stares he had gotten. He returned many of them. He walked over to Jack dozing quietly in a chair and shook him. Jack launched up and stared at Jupiter who wasn’t meeting his eyes. “Where is Clarissa?” Jack was at a lost for words. “Jupiter-” Liam ventured past them and pushed open some random doors. He could hear Jack and Jupiter hugging it out. Jack had forgiven Jupiter. Jack always forgave Jupiter. His son. Jack would probably never leave Jupiter alone again though. Liam allowed himself a small moment of happiness he didn’t deserve. Jupiter was back with Jack because of that stupid voicemail. At least he had done something right today.

He walked straight into a room that was covered with Clarissa’s scent and the reek of death. It had a scent too sweet covered in it also. Liam froze. Clarissa looked very tired, almost peaceful. Someone else had been in here when she had died though. Someone had murdered her. She was dead because someone had murdered her. If only he had been there then she would have still been alive. He walked right into the scene of Jack and Jupiter staring worriedly at him. “Liam-” Laim didn’t realize he had clenched his hands into fists and he had murder in his eyes. “Someone killed her.” Jack sighed, weary from the situation. “We all loved Ms.Clarissa and she knew what she was doing. Liam, she died from an unstable pregnancy. She had known if she carried through the pregnancy the chances of her surviving were slim.” Jack said as gently as he could.

“She wouldn’t leave me like that. I know her Jack. She wouldn’t leave me like that.” Liam was trembling, already staring at the door. He knew her though. She wouldn’t tell him if she didn’t think he could handle it. He felt betrayed. He felt angry, but more than ever hurt. She hadn’t trusted him enough to tell him. Liam sunk into a chair, no longer staring at anything or anyone. “I should have known. I should have done more.” “It wasn’t your fault.” Jack hesitated. “If you need me to watch Kaida for a while-” Liam interrupted him. “I need to see her.”

Liam lunged past the doctors and nurse and went to where Kaida was located. A small baby was crying noisily. Liam held the baby awkwardly until it stopped screaming. The baby appeared to look at him in awe with a look of bewilderment. She had Liam’s eyes though she already had Clarissa’s hair. “I won’t leave you. Ever.” Kaida reached to tug on Liam’s hair and Liam finally smiled.
Most of you are going to hate me. I was crying while writing this chapter. It was a tough decision. :-\ Jupiter is here though! (Throws confetti.)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 10, Part 2 - Parenthood
« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2016, 09:53:33 PM »
(Wailing loudly) CLARISSA! Noooo! Why?! (Horrifying sobbing noises).
LIAM WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE?! Wahhhh! (Shaky breathing)

The flashbacks! (Sobs)
The "No pain no gain sweetheart!" WAHHHH!
(garbled crying sounds)
And... and... Jupiter? (Tries throwing confetti) You're alive! Jack is so happy to see you! I'm so happy to see you!
(Sobs again).

I think I need a moment.
(tries to straighten face).

(Beautifully done, mpart, now don't mind me, I need to go dispose of all these tissues from when I was sobbing my eyes out cutting onions, of course.)

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 10, Part 2 - Parenthood
« Reply #41 on: April 03, 2016, 02:01:15 AM »
*pain-filled silence* *no words* *sobbing*

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 10, Part 2 - Parenthood
« Reply #42 on: April 12, 2016, 04:27:30 PM »
(Wailing loudly) CLARISSA! Noooo! Why?! (Horrifying sobbing noises).
LIAM WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE?! Wahhhh! (Shaky breathing)

The flashbacks! (Sobs)
The "No pain no gain sweetheart!" WAHHHH!
(garbled crying sounds)
And... and... Jupiter? (Tries throwing confetti) You're alive! Jack is so happy to see you! I'm so happy to see you!
(Sobs again).

I think I need a moment.
(tries to straighten face).

(Beautifully done, mpart, now don't mind me, I need to go dispose of all these tissues from when I was sobbing my eyes out cutting onions, of course.)

*pain-filled silence* *no words* *sobbing*

Sent from my BlackBerry 9720 using Tapatalk

I'm really glad I was able to capture the right emotions when writing that chapter. It was difficult for me to write. I promise some happier chapters are doomed to show up! (That or I will lose my mind.)

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 11 - She Knows More Than You Think
« Reply #43 on: April 12, 2016, 04:31:39 PM »
Kaida wasn’t sure of everything. She just knew a couple of things. Uncle Jupiter talked too much about a blonde lady. Grandpa Jack was the nicest person ever. Daddy was the best person in the whole wide world. Daddy didn’t react well to everything. He kept drinking potions and muttering about keeping it together.

 Kaida was tempted to give him duct tape. It fixed everything and irritated uncle Jupiter. It was beautiful. Kaida enjoyed torturing uncle Jupiter. It made daddy laugh occasionally. He smiled sadly at Kaida.
“What are you thinking about you crazy nutter?”
Kaida giggled. She wasn’t a nutter. Uncle Jupiter was. Clearly.

Daddy always had a smile for Kaida. She was almost positive it was the only thing he smiled about. Kaida didn’t like the fact he stopped smiling. He made funny faces. He was a weirdo, she loved him though. He didn’t say much. He wasn’t like uncle Jupiter. All uncle Jupiter talked about was this blonde lady. Kaida could dimly remember one time where he was more chatty than usual.

“I messed up Kaida. She was perfect. She never really understood how perfect she was. She was gorgeous. She didn’t care about what I was.”
Kaida nodded her head. Uncle Jupiter was an idiot. He need to bring her flowers and duct tape.
“Her name is Eveline. I can’t believe I messed up so badly.”
Kaida was tempted to sigh. Uncle Jupiter was an idiot, again. He was going to need even more duct tape.
Uncle Jupiter laughed. “I can’t believe I’m telling this to a child. I’m glad you don’t understand.”
Kaida was tempted to scowl at uncle Jupiter. She understood perfectly. Eveline was a genius, uncle Jupiter was an idiot. It took her a long time to realize that in order for geniuses to exist, idiots must to.

Daddy glanced over at Kaida who was pretending to be asleep. It was hard making sure daddy smiled at least once a day. Kaida knew why he didn’t smile much and she knew how to fix it. She was just waiting to tell the right person. Daddy was in a hurry to make his potions that kept him from feeling. Uncle Jupiter and grandpa Jack would be back soon. She wanted daddy to understand that he didn’t have to hide. A lot of duct tape is needed to make a hiding place. You can’t waste your duct tape.

Daddy sighed and flipped open the pages of his book, mesmerized by it’s contents. He murmured under his breath,”I promise I will be there for her Clarissa.” Kaida was tempted to cry for daddy to pick her up. Jake was staring at her curiously again. He was her partner in crime. Partners didn’t tattle on each other. She was tempted to glare at him. He better keep his end of the deal.

Kaida fell asleep on watch and before she knew it daddy was triumphantly holding a potion. No! This wasn’t suppose to happen! No potions! Potions were bad! She knew they weren’t good for daddy. The woman had so said so. Everyone thinks Kaida doesn’t understand or can’t see them. Silly adults.

Liam stared at Kaida who peered at him. “I’m glad you don’t understand everything that is happening around you Kaida.” Daddy seemed to lose it everytime he said Kaida’s name. She just needed her plan to work. Daddy tried to have her speak. Kaida didn’t want to. She was waiting for the right moment and the right words. She couldn’t waste the opportunity. You only got to speak once. She wasn’t going to waste her first words. That would be silly. Daddy lifted her up out of the suffocating seat and tossed her in the hair. Grandpa Jack wouldn’t have liked it, but Kaida loved being tossed into the air.

Daddy was snoring soon enough, exhausted from staying up all night. Kaida finally allowed herself some sleep. Her dreams were plagued with strange people she had never met. The book was even stranger. Weird.

Kaida woke up, stunned. Grandpa Jack and uncle Jupiter were there. How did she not know that? Daddy was holding her still. Kaida wiped her eyes sleepily and tugged on daddy’s hair. He scowled at her and she giggled. Daddy made funny faces. Kaida tugged on daddy’s hair.
“Ow Kaida. Really?” Kaida pointed at uncle Jupiter. Jupiter rolled his eyes.

“I swear she is out to get me.” Kaida scowled at uncle Jupiter. Uncle Jupiter laughed. Laughed. Kaida was very tempted to insult uncle Jupiter. “Liam, she is a mini you. The world doesn’t need more Liams.” Daddy scowled at uncle Jupiter. Kaida smiled. Grandpa Jack just chuckled. Kaida hid her face. She wanted to fall asleep again.

Grandpa Jack glanced at daddy worriedly. Kaida was glad she wasn’t the only one worried about daddy.

Kaida yawned and stared out the window, waiting for the strange woman to arrive. Any day now. She had something important to tell her. Maybe she would even do some paperwork for her when she was older. Nah. She would die before she did that. Daddy held her and pointed something out.
“What is that Kaida?”
A melted snowman.
“Can you tell me what it is?”
You already know. Duh.
Daddy sighed. Kaida glanced back at grandpa Jack and gave him a smile only they shared. He understood stuff daddy didn’t. Kaida didn’t want to stay things like “melted snowman.” That was boring.

Daddy droned on and on about the stupid, melted snowman. Kaida was irritated and just wanted to be put down. Grandpa Jack would understand. Kaida didn’t care about melted snowmen or snow. She just wanted to torture uncle Jupiter and plot with Jake.

“Let me hold her Liam.” Daddy handed her over to grandpa Jack who was delighted to hold her. “Aren’t you adorable!” Grandpa Jack cooed at Kaida and she couldn’t help but look bewildered. Grandpa Jack was strange. She wasn’t a bird. Maybe she got this whole language thing wrong. Jack did meow and occasionally hiss at uncle Jupiter after all. He was the best. Kaida loved her grandpa Jack though.

“I think Kaida wants to be put down.” Grandpa Jack said kindly. Kaida was tempted to sigh with relief. Exactly. Grandpa Jack could read minds it seemed like. Grandpa Jack glanced at daddy. They did their weird adult thing where they talk without talking. Grandpa Jack and daddy went outside leaving Kaida to torture uncle Jupiter. Kaida smiled.

Uncle Jupiter peered at Kaida. “You really don’t know what you lost until you lose it Kaida.” Uncle Jupiter said quietly. Kaida was tempted to smack him. Does this Eveline person even exist? Instead Kaida sighed. Uncle Jupiter glared at her. “What was that for Kaida?” Kaida laughed and pointed at Jupiter.  Uncle Jupiter held her and flipped her over to the point she was she was upside down, kicking her feet in the hair. Kaida smacked Jupiter and giggled.

“Jupiter! What are you doing to Kaida?!”
Uncle Jupiter almost dropped Kaida.
Kaida pretended to cry.
“Look what you have done!”
Jupiter glared at Kaida and she gave him a little smile. She continued her fit.

Grandpa Jack took Kaida carefully. “There, there, Kaida. Don’t let him bother you.”
I don’t. Daddy shook his head mockingly. “What have you done to my child Jupiter? She better not start running away. You better stop teaching her your ways, bloodsucker.”
Uncle Jupiter looked offended.

Kaida hid her head as grandpa Jack somehow managed to get her to fall asleep.

Kaida woke up, startled. The adults were all talking. Very important. Grandpa Jack was giving daddy that weird stare again. Kaida climbed into her walker and started listening to the adults conversation.
“You need to bury her.”
Daddy shook his head.
“I said later.”
Jupiter snickered at Kaida and pointed at her. She had ran into a wall on accident. That was it. She was done being quiet and listening to that idiot. She lifted up her tiny hands.

All the sudden uncle Jupiter was on leaning against the sofa. The chair he was sitting in was tossed to the side. Kaida’s favorite toy, her pet rabbit, was there to comfort him. Kaida crawled over to him and avoided the shell shocked adults. “Stop talking about Eveline. No run away you idiot. Duct tape and flowers solve everything.” Look at what he had done! She didn’t want to say that for her first words! Kaida scowled at uncle Jupiter. Daddy puffed up with pride and grandpa Jack bursted out laughing between glancing concerned looks at uncle Jupiter. Kaida was aggravated. “Does she exist?” This caused daddy to burst out laughing once again.

Uncle Jupiter cleared his throat and got up. “Well I guess I will see you and your mini you tomorrow. If you ever need anything-” Daddy rolled his eyes. “Not you and the old man too? Have fun with the lecture over Eveline. Make sure she actually exists.” Daddy started laughing again.

Uncle Jupiter glanced at Kaida. “Good by devil child.”
Kaida smiled. “Stop inswulting yourself.”
Grandpa Jack gave her a hug and said bye to her.
“I knew you were a genius Kaida.”
“I know.”

Kaida fell asleep once again until she woke up to the sound of her daddy screaming. Kaida climbed over her crib and transported her bunny to him. He had his head in one of his hands.
“I can’t do this Clarissa.” Kaida tilted her head at him. He didn’t acknowledge her. Daddy wasn’t smirking or scowling at someone. He needed a lot of duct tape. Kaida crawled towards him and waited.

She finally spoke. “No potions.” She wasn’t sure who had put the idea in her head in the first place. Daddy sighed. “You don’t understand Kaida.” Kaida was stubborn. “No potions. Potions are bad. I’m not stupwid.” Daddy smiled at her. “You are already so much like your mother.”
Kaida glared at her father. “No potions.”

“No potions.” He agreed hesitantly. He lifted Kaida up and she was left to scream with joy. “As long as you stay with me nutter, I promise.” Kaida hugged daddy. “Deal.”

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 11 - She Knows More Than You Think
« Reply #44 on: April 12, 2016, 06:33:54 PM »
I love this chapter so, so much!
I almost feel bad for poor Uncle Jupiter.

Also, can I say how much I adore the title "grandpa Jack?" That's so perfect for him. He's nothing but a big grandpa at heart. I also love how Jupiter is going to get a nice lecture about Eveline. It'll be great. I can almost hear Jack now.
"Jupiter, let me call her and you can talk to her."
"No, Jack, that's not a good idea."
"I can tell you've been really bothered by this. It's not good to let these things sit inside, and do you know..."

I just love everything about this chapter.

