Author Topic: Another Labelle Story - Announcement - Graveyard  (Read 31797 times)

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 5 - The Past Comes Back To Haunt
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2016, 10:50:38 PM »
I'm so in love with this chapter, there aren't even words for it. Oh boy!

Ah, my darling Liam. As I told you mpart, he's the epitome of charm and grace. Clearly.  ::) Barges into a stranger's house on the pursuit of a girl he just met and fell head-over-heels for, eavesdrops on intimate conversation and then inserts himself with a sassy reply that insults the parents of his lady-love. Jack would've died. Just died.
Then he would have risen from the dead and beat some sense into Liam before dying again. Heh. Oh I'm laughing just thinking about it.

For anyone who needs an abridged version thus far (as my legacy is quite a bit of a chunk to read), hold onto your hat! Liam is the grandson of my fourth generation spare (Aurora>Emrin>Atrox>Kaida>Liam), to simplify it as far as I can. He was raised by Jack, my second generation spare's grandson (Raven>Falor>Annie>Jack), after his mother lost her mind and was institutionalized.
Such a cheery childhood.
It made him into such a cheery adult who makes rational decisions. Clearly. Haha.

Beautifully done. I really can't wait to read more, and I really, really can't wait to see their babies. ;D

Thank you! I'm glad I got Liam's character right. Thank you for the information to help others.  :) I hope I'm not confusing anyone. They need to have children! I want adorable toddlers from them!

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 6, Part 1 - Not What You Were Expecting
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2016, 10:51:18 PM »
Clarissa didn’t want to let go of Liam. She was trying to hold onto the fragile dream of him being here. She didn’t ask why he was here. She didn’t care. She just wanted him to stay. She wasn’t going to be the first one to let go. She didn’t care that her father was glaring at him and muttering,”pepper spray.” Heck, she didn’t know him. She didn’t know her parents at all. She had trusted them and they had broke her trust like the fragile thing it was. The moment was interrupted too quickly by a screaming lunatic.

“Took you long enough! Where is my master? These people have had me in this dungeon for weeks!”
Clarissa’s mother rolled her eyes.
“I swear, if you keep calling my house a dungeon I won’t hesitate to lock you in that stupid room again. I don’t care if you are pregnant or not lady, you are getting on my last nerve.”
Clarissa glanced at Liam in confusion who looked temporality unsettled, then he looked like he wanted to burst out laughing. “You kidnapped her? Of all people?”
Mercy sighed. “I didn’t kidnap her. Fate kidnapped her and told me we were all maniacs.”
Clarissa regained her posture.”Another secret mother,” Clarissa spit the words out with as much venom as she could. Mercy glared at her and Liam tensed. Clarissa glanced over at her father giving Liam the death stare. It was the stare he had given all her love interests before that meant one thing. I will find you, I will make you disappear. I have the money to do so. I work in law enforcement and I know how to bend laws and stay out of jail. If it wasn’t such a serious situation Clarissa would have burst out laughing.

Instead she answered back calmly, ”Dad, stop threatening him.” Zane sighed. “I didn’t threaten him. I haven’t said a word to him.” Clarissa rolled her eyes and glanced at Liam. “Is she a nutter?” Liam nodded with a small smile threatening to turn into laughter. The nutter rolled her eyes. “Hello? Have you heard me!? Take me back to my master and away from these lesser beings!” Mercy smiled darkly. “Let me ask you dear Mania-” All the sudden the room was covered in blazing light and a girl with purple hair that Clarissa didn’t notice suddenly walked out of it. “I forget my green friend with the umbrella. I have a small warning for you. You better get better insurance before the crazy immortal blows up your house. Just something to take into consideration. She then turned to Liam. Tell your blue haired friend happy birthday for me tomorrow!” She then yanked at the nervous green person and disappeared in a spiral of magic.

Clarissa was done with them. Liam couldn’t resist the temptation of laughing. “You are pure nutters. Have fun with the ring leader’s wife. It seems the king of the nutters will be getting her soon enough.” Clarissa replied coolly,”When you are willing to tell the truth just call me. I’m done being kept in the dark about magic.” She walked out of the door with Liam following her and she kept walking. “Clarissa wait.” She just kept walking, fuming. “Were you just here to see what a freak show my family is and laugh? I can’t help but wonder what you think of me!” His voice got softer and his smile vanished,”Clarissa, wait.” “No. Stop toying with my mind. One minute you are this nice guy and open to me, another moment I feel you see me as a freak show!” “Clarissa I made a mistake, okay? You really think I came here just to laugh at your family? Do you really think I’m that cold! Have you seen my family? You know about my mother and father!”

Clarissa shook her head trying to hide the tears she was sure were going to make an appearance.“My life has been turned upside down. I am scared of anything that seems good.” Liam just shook his head. “Clarissa I came here for you. I don’t care about your nutter, er, family. I can’t get you out of my head. Heck, I literally left my family to run after you.” Clarissa stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. “I’m sorry Liam about my family. It is just a sensitive subject.” Liam smirked. “You know, you can’t talk to people like that.” Clarissa grinned and rolled her eyes. “You really left your amazing family to come into my hectic life? Of all things you could do?” Liam grinned. “That is if you don’t kick me out.” He leaned forward and kissed Clarissa on the cold, bitter day.

Clarissa leaned forward and kissed him back with as much passion as she could manage on that cold day. She didn’t care about anything or anyone except him at that moment. All she cared about was having to live another day without him at her side.

For a while they just stayed there in an embrace, neither one of them daring to let go.

Finally after what seemed like so little time that had passed they finally let go. Clarissa smiled and Liam had a grin on his face. Clarissa rolled her eyes. “Want to see the box where I live? It has been recently upgraded.” Clarissa shifted uncomfortably. “It is small so I understand if you don’t want to stay there…” Liam just smiled. “You aren’t kicking me out?” Clarissa was baffled. “Why would I do that?” Liam just smiled and shaked his head. Clarissa laughed. “For someone usually so grumpy you do seem happier.” This immediately caused a scowl to appear on Liam’s face and his signature eye roll. It just made Clarissa laugh even more.

“Maybe it is because when I’m around you I’m happier.” Clarissa gave him a small smile and hugged him. “Maybe it is because Jupiter is right and you really are a softie.” Liam was struck with mock horror on his face. “You overheard that? Don’t let my secret out.” Clarissa managed a small chuckle. “Your secret is safe with me.”

Liam began setting up his alchemy set and began making potions. Clarissa just shook her head. “Don’t burn my house down!” Jake was suspicious of him and kept an eye on him to make sure that he indeed, didn’t burn the house down.

Clarissa tried to focus on cooking something edible and ended with burnt macaroni and cheese. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. “How the heck did I burn macaroni and cheese!” Liam just laughed. “It must be a talent.” “Oh shut up.”

In the end she just bought pizza and called it a meal. “I wasn’t cut out for that cooking thing anyways.” She whispered a silent thank you for the ability to have pizza and fast food.

It was one of the best days of her life. She went to bed with a full stomach and not dreading the next day of work. It was a surprising feeling that one person could change it all for her. She woke up in the middle of the night with a throbbing headache and had to keep herself from screaming.

Her hands trembled in the effort to conceal the pain that just kept getting worse everyday. She couldn’t let Liam know. She didn’t want to worry him over something silly. She remembered staring at the alchemy set before collapsing to the ground in agony.

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 6, Part 1 - Not What You Expecting
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2016, 11:58:30 AM »
I'm so worried!
Liam better wake his butt up and get it in gear!  >:( Clarissa went down so fast! I hope the chip isn't malfunctioning!

PS. I love how over dramatic Mania is, "these no-good-awful-dirty-peasants have just kept me in the lowest of the low!"
Everyone else - "yeah, no. What's wrong with you?"

Also, Liam and Clarissa continue to be adorable. <3 Now we just need to see big protective Liam get all huffed up about Clarissa's chip. He'll probably never let her leave the house again.  ::)

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 6, Part 1 - Not What You Expecting
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2016, 11:15:07 AM »
I'm so worried!
Liam better wake his butt up and get it in gear!  >:( Clarissa went down so fast! I hope the chip isn't malfunctioning!

PS. I love how over dramatic Mania is, "these no-good-awful-dirty-peasants have just kept me in the lowest of the low!"
Everyone else - "yeah, no. What's wrong with you?"

Also, Liam and Clarissa continue to be adorable. <3 Now we just need to see big protective Liam get all huffed up about Clarissa's chip. He'll probably never let her leave the house again.  ::)

Clarissa would probably have a cow and leave the house anyways. I love Mania. She is just so hilarious in game.  :D

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 6, Part 2 - Not What You Were Expecting
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2016, 11:19:15 AM »
I fixed the chapter title. Sorry about that. Some of this is a summary of what happened to Mercy for all of you who haven't read my Perfect Genetics Challenge.  :)
Clarissa awoke not knowing where she was. She shook her head willing herself to wake up. Her body full of adrenaline, she called for a taxi and walked into her house acting as if nothing had happened. She looked at the clock seeing that she had been out for several hours. She shook her head and knew she hadn’t slept. She had fainted and the thought terrified her. She grabbed the watering can by Liam’s alchemy set and started watering the plants. No one need to know about her blackout.

He came in the kitchen and stared suspiciously at a box of cereal. “You are awfully cheerful today.” Clarissa rolled her eyes and finally asked one of the questions that were eating at her. “How does it feel to be a werewolf?” He stopped for a moment and placed the cereal box down. “Took you long enough to notice.” Clarissa rolled her eyes. “Believe it not before I was a magic user I was one too. I kind of noticed by the glowing eyes.” Liam scolded at the cereal box. “I knew you were a hybrid, but weren’t you always a magic user?” “No. Found a journal from a crazy ancestor that kind of changed me. Strange huh?” Liam slammed the cereal box down. “Oops.” Clarissa grinned at him though she was tempted to just fall asleep on the floor. “Is there anything bothering you Clarissa?” Those six words meant the whole world’s difference to her. She focused on watering the plants. “Yeah. I’m going into work today. I got demoted to, uh, test subject.” Clarissa was tempted to continue but she suddenly noticed the bowl in Liam’s hands that had been shattered to pieces. “I’m just going to give them memory charms and force them to give me a promotion.”  Clarissa managed a nervous chuckle. “I’m glad you are happy Liam. I mean, you are awesome either way-” All the sudden his phone started ringing. Clarissa grinned at him. “That must be Jack. See you after I scream at a bunch of scientists. Don’t kill anyone today Liam!” Liam muttered under his breath,”No promises.” He picked up the phone and tried his best not to crush it.

“Hellooo Jack.”
“I’m guessing Ms.Clarissa didn’t kick you out?”
Liam grinned mischievously.
“Not after dealing with her nutter, ur, parents.”
Clarissa was tempted to grab the phone from Liam. Instead she just screamed loud enough for Jack to hear.
“He was terrible Jack!”
One glance from Liam and she knew he was a goner.
“What did you do Liam? Have you forgotten ‘our business’ versus ‘their business conversation?’”
Liam just scowled.
“Last time you said that Clarissa had been kidnapped by the ring leader, Liam was eager to change the subject. You see happy old man. What is the occasion?”
“Don’t tell me you forgot?”
Liam had a look of recognition on his face.
“Tell the bloodsucker happy birthday! Also um, how do I say this? A hybrid randomly teleported into a room and told me to say she said happy birthday? Did his girlfriend wait to give him his present?”
Clarissa could hear an audible chuckle.
“Yes. Eveline waited like she was suppose to.”
Liam rolled his eyes.
“That is an understatement. Do you know how many times we had to talk her out of it?”
“I am aware Liam. What did you do to Ms.Clarissa’s parents?”
Liam cleared his throat. “Old man, why are you really happy?”
“Jupiter said yes to me legally adopting him.”
Liam raised an eyebrow. “Majnun finally came through?”
“Yes he did.”
“Good. I couldn’t stand that woman anyways. What did you really say to her old man?”
Jack cleared his throat. “It wasn’t my best moment. I’m getting a call from the school. Oh Watcher, this better not be something wrong with the adoption.”
“Bye old man! Make sure the bloodsucker doesn’t get into too much trouble!”
“Liam!” Liam could already see Jack visibly scowling in his mind. He sighed until he noticed Clarissa staring at him with sadness in her face.
“If you want you can go back to them. I know you miss them.”
Liam’s smile faltered.
“I’m staying here until you kick me out Clarissa.”
Clarissa laughed and gave him a small smile.
“I have to really get to work now. Ugh.”
Liam scolded. “I thought we already agreed you had the job of my personal nuisance?”
Clarissa grinned and sighed dramatically. “I don’t think I am up to the challenge. Bye Liam, again, her voice softened. Thank you for coming here.” She then walked out of the door with the smile still plastered on her face. Liam knew something else was up. He wasn’t stupid. So when the girl with purple hair walked through the door with snow covering her face and her bright, green, eyes alert he wasn’t surprised.

“Another one? How am I going to nickname you all?”
The girl huffed indignantly.
“For someone with a green flamingo you sure have no manners.”
“Great. You are all insane.” The girl appeared to be focusing and Liam’s eyes spotted the mark of a vampire.
“I’m just looking for Clarissa, Liam. I have no interest in having to curse you into a doll or lock you in a tomb. In fact, I would rather not do either of those things. I’m not sure how much of a sense of humor your Watcher has. I just want to tell Clarissa the whole truth about her family.”
Liam snorted. “You all say the same thing.”
“I swear it on my father’s life.”
“How do you I know he isn’t dead or you don’t care?”
She rolled her eyes.
“My father status in life and death has changed recently. Trust me, if it was my mother’s life then you would know something was up.”
Liam glared at her suspiciously.

“What is your name anyways?”
“Maleficent Labelle.”
“You curse people into dolls?”
“Not always. Sometimes I give them lethal poison apples, have them fall asleep for a century or two, drive them to insanity, it all depends on the day. I’m always thinking of new ideas of how to curse people. The same old curses get boring after awhile.”
Liam rolled his eyes.
“You really expect me to believe that you are a character from a fairytale?”
“Those stories are overexaggerated. I did curse Aurora Legend  into a doll that caused her to stay in that form for a century or two but I haven’t turned into a dragon. Where do you mortals find these things?”

“Fine. I just wanted to tell her why her mother is a pyromaniac and why our family is cursed except her. Then I wanted to explain to her who created the chip that is causing her to black out in pain and terrorize the neighborhood. It wasn’t like I was going to mention the truth or anything in that. Oh gosh no, I love being half a vampire and half a magic user and I wanted her crazy boyfriend to turn me into a werewolf on top of that!”
“Use that brain of yours. I bet she was going to tell you and you freaked out?” Maleficent’s eyes glanced at the broken bowl. “I can sit on the couch and wait if you want. I honestly don’t hate her which is surprising since I hate almost everyone. I promise I won’t curse her into a doll or drive her to insanity. That Watcher of yours likes her to much anyways for me to do such a silly thing.”

“What chip?”
“You know, the one in the alpha stage that can control other people’s magic reserves. Known side effects are: Insanity, death, painful headaches. The scientists in her work must have tampered with her brain. She must have been having painful headaches and blackouts by now.”
Liam’s phone shattered into pieces. Maleficent winced. “You were going to need that. You are going to need a back up one. I’m just going to sit on the couch while you go buy a new one. You need that phone unless you plan on making a trip.”
Liam looked at her quizzically. “That was Clarissa’s phone. I’m dead.”
Maleficent sighed with relief. “Oh good. You will need your phone.”
Liam stared at her with distrust. “What do you know?”
Maleficent started humming and staring at the t.v blankly.

Clarissa finally walked through the door looking very agitated. “Those stupid scientists. I had to use all my magic reserve. I had to duck tape this one guy’s mouth shut-”

She glared suspiciously at Maleficent and looked back to Liam. “Is this another-?”
Liam scowled at her. “I wouldn’t know.”
Maleficent then sighed. “She isn’t aware of the chip installed in her head, Reaper. She probably has just been having random blackouts and headaches. Yes I’m another insane relative.”
Liam smirked.
Clarissa frowned. “At least you are honest. Why are you here?”
“Because I wanted to sit on this couch, Maleficent rolled her eyes, I’m here because I think you deserve the cold, hard, facts like the rest of us have to deal with. You only got two of your many questions answered by Majnun, yes?”
Clarissa nodded.
“Why are you going to tell me?”

Maleficent shifted uneasily under Liam’s watchful eye.
“I can’t be in another person’s debt.”
“Huh? I didn’t do anything for you.”
“You did. You aggravated Fate long enough to let my family have some peace in their lives and for her not to notice my father’s sudden reappearance. You will probably continue to annoy her. I can’t be in your debt.”
“If I’m in your debt and if Liam Reaper here does something stupid than I have to help. What if one day he gets on my nerves and I want to transport him into a tomb? I won’t be able to. It will annoy me.”
Liam scowled. “What about family?”
“You haven’t met my family. Self-preservation first. We have some loyal to each other, but loyalty can only go so far for some people.” Clarissa noticed how Maleficent’s eyes got dark with what seemed the need for vengeance.
“Sounds like nutters.” He then glanced at Clarissa to make sure she was okay with it. She shrugged.

“Anyways let's get to the reason the Reaper hasn’t grown fur yet. What are those two questions you asked anyways? I don’t want to have to cover anything that Majnun already covered. I would tell Liam to get out but I have a feeling you would want him here anyways.” Maleficent rolled her eyes.

“For someone so young how did you become so-?”
“Bitter, cruel, power-hungry, insane? I’m a hybrid. You should assume the worst of me. That comes later in the story. Answer the first question.”
Liam’s face was unreadable.
“I asked why my family fears magic and how my mother became an immortal.”
Clarissa shifted uneasily in the chair.
“How did he respond?”
“He laughed and said my family fears magic because of Fate. My mother became an immortal because of Megan Labelle.”
Maleficent stared at her quizzically.
“She didn't tell you anything, did she?”
“Mercy didn’t.”
“Okay then. Long version or short version? Both of them long.”
“Which one is better?”

“Okay. Neither of them are great. I’m not going to try to soften them. You asked for the truth, here it is.

Tragedy Nicoli was cursed into a different realm under belief of a false identity because her mother believed she was a threat to her power. She assumed a fake identity, and became a different person. She didn’t know she was a magic user and had as much common sense as the common 5 year old. So blah, blah, after a couple years your mother was born along with two brothers. Ben and Charlie Labelle. Perfect family. Of course Fate Nicoli had to have 10 generations full of powerful descendants and tragedy. Brad, a magic user got a call to set a fire that didn’t end well. Of course it was a little complicated because he was currently married to Megan. He is your grandfather. In the end Megan found herself stuck in a room ablaze and died while Mercy watched unable to do anything. It really messed her up. That was when her obsession started with fire. She knew who the real murder was and her best friend was imprisoned in the world’s ugliest jail. In the end her father died from the magic driving him to absolute insanity.”

Maleficent cleared her throat. “I may of, uh, cursed him when I was roughly seven years old.”
Liam’s face was still unreadable and Clarissa had to put her head in her hands.
“That would explain it.”

“ The police figured it was a magic issue and usually turn their eyes when magic is involved. Her friend got out of jail. That even isn’t the worse. I’m not done. In the end her brothers and her ran away from home with her best friend.  They came home after they learned of their father’s death. Mercy decided to challenge death and may of apologized to her for her terrible life that was surely to come. She learned she was cursed. She married her best friend, Alexander Brantley.”

Clarissa’s head shot up in confusion. “What? Does my dad have another name.?”
“No. This was her first marriage. In the end he found about the curse when Fate had twisted the words around to make it seem like it was his fault. He tried to set a fire to kill her and he learned that she was a magic user immune to fire. The tables turned and suddenly he was the dead one and she was the one who just learned she was a magic user. Fate thought it was funny and raised him back from the dead while your mother went insane from the guilt of killing him. She had her first born and gave her to Ben. Astra died in an unpleasant accident. Alexander showed up to taunt your mother and well, Megan got some sense in her to stop letting magic kill her. Boom. Immortal Mercy. Met your father and she gradually became saner.”

Maleficent glanced at Liam to make sure he was okay. His phone vibrated but no one got up to answer it. He was looking at Clarissa with concern.

“I thought Megan was dead?”
“The dead can come to visit. Most people don’t see them until they are almost dead. Astra was raised from the dead with some help from the future and Mercy got revenge on Alexander which resulted in his death from a lethal poison apple. That is the end of what happened to Mercy. Would you like to know about Astra now?”

Clarissa was starting to see stars and decided that was not normal. “Just tell me who she is and what happened to her and you. I want to hear about this “chip” and then that's all I think I can take today.” Clarissa massaged her forehead. She didn’t want to pass out in the middle of it. All this time she had been hating her mother for not telling her. Why would you tell your daughter your deepest secrets that still haunted you? Her mother was protecting her in a fragile illusion and she suddenly understood. She was no child any longer that needed to be protected from harsh words. She was an adult.

Maleficent bit her lip. She was already sharing more than she wanted to about her past. “Astra ended up like her father. Selfish, prideful, arrogant, calculating. She married my father who was a vampire and they had me. My father died on my fifth birthday and she blamed me for it. She was right. I came to Mercy and told her she was going to have to pay a price if she wanted her daughter back. She abandoned me and left me for dead. I grew up to take care of myself. My 2nd cousin’s friend found me and took me in. His daughter decided to raise my father from the dead. Astra, with the help of her newly found family, decided to commit her life to destroying magic user’s even though she was one herself and created a chip that could control someone’s magic reserves. The only issue is she has a crazy hybrid daughter running around fixing her messes. There. We are even. Anything else you want to know at the moment? A simple alchemy potion should disable the chip since it is in the Alpha stage. I will destroy the files connecting the chip and they should be held back on recreating the chip.”

Clarissa wasn’t sure if she should hug the girl or cry. It was pure madness.
“Is all of your family like that?”
“No. Some of them are actually good people who got sucked into this. That is the truth. I dumped a lot of information you.” Maleficent shifted uneasily and broke eye contact. “You can come and meet my sane relatives if you want. You should call Jack back and deal with the situation at hand first.” Maleficent looked aggravated. “Ugh. Have fun. Make sure your friends bury him deep enough.”


They watched as she got up and teleported in a haze of light. Clarissa couldn’t move and knew Liam was staring at her.

“I got my wish, didn’t I?”
Even Liam didn’t have anything to say.
“You need to call Jack back.”
Liam got up and dialed Jack’s phone number.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 6, Part 2 - Not What You Were Expecting
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2016, 03:26:03 PM »
Clarissa finally walked through the door looking very agitated. “Those stupid scientists. I had to use all my magic reserve. I had to duck tape this one guy’s mouth shut-”
I desperately want to hear the rest of this story!  ;D  ;D

“If I’m in your debt and if Liam Reaper here does something stupid than I have to help. What if one day he gets on my nerves and I want to transport him into a tomb? I won’t be able to. It will annoy me.”
Oh Maleficent. I love her so much.

Actually I just love this story so much! Clarissa and Liam are adorable and I'm glad Liam can fix her current chipped-state. :D Astra better watch out! (It's a shame because I LOVED Astra) How could she do that?! :'(

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 6, Part 2 - Not What You Were Expecting
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2016, 12:27:34 AM »
Clarissa finally walked through the door looking very agitated. “Those stupid scientists. I had to use all my magic reserve. I had to duck tape this one guy’s mouth shut-”
I desperately want to hear the rest of this story!  ;D  ;D

“If I’m in your debt and if Liam Reaper here does something stupid than I have to help. What if one day he gets on my nerves and I want to transport him into a tomb? I won’t be able to. It will annoy me.”
Oh Maleficent. I love her so much.

Actually I just love this story so much! Clarissa and Liam are adorable and I'm glad Liam can fix her current chipped-state. :D Astra better watch out! (It's a shame because I LOVED Astra) How could she do that?! :'(

It continues on a day to day basis for Clarissa. The story of the terrible job conditions will not end until she is the boss! Maleficent is a very special sim. Astra has her reasons....... :-X

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 7, Part 1 - An Unexpected Surprise
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2016, 12:30:40 AM »
LivvieLove gets full credit for the amazing conversation between Jack and Liam. Check out the chapter
where it is mentioned from Jack’s point of view.

Liam’s hands shaked has he reached for his phone. He glanced at Clarissa with concern. She had her face in her hands and she was trembling. Liam knew that whatever was happening at home, that his number one priority was take care of Clarissa. He was outraged. He couldn’t believe Clarissa didn’t tell him. He couldn’t stand that hybrid freak coming and going as she pleased like she owned the world. Liam carefully dialed Jack’s number and made sure he didn’t crush the phone. It was a while before Jack answered. Please be okay Jack.
“Jack? What’s wrong? Are you crying? What happened?!”
Jack always approached everything with a level head. Jack didn’t cry. Liam knew this was bad, really bad.
It's a long story, Liam, do you have a minute? Jupiter's missing and I... it's all my fault."
Liam clenched his hands into fists. What happened to the bloodsucker? He would kill the person who had caused this.
Liam had to be very careful not to crush the phone into pieces. He glanced back at Clarissa to make sure was okay.

"What happened Jack? Was it the potion? Please don't keep me in the dark about this? What do you mean 'missing?'"
Liam was tired of being kept in the dark about things. A part of him was afraid that he was the reason that Jupiter didn’t get to be human because of Liam. It was killing him. He wanted to scream. Throw something. Instead, he kept his cool.
"The potion... worked. But not for Jupiter."
Liam’s vision went white with fury. He took a deep breath and counted to five.

"What? What do you mean not for Jupiter? That was HIS potion!"
This phone wasn’t going to last long. Liam glanced back at his replacement alchemy set. Could he recreate the cure if he tried? Liam knew the answer but wouldn’t give up.
"Eveline was attacked last night by Lucien. He bit her and her body started to reject the virus. She would have died but..."
Liam already knew what Jupiter did. Stupid, selfless, Jupiter. 
"Jupiter gave up the potion to her." Liam filled in.
Jupiter was always shattering his dreams for others. Didn’t he realize that he was the best of them? Liam let out a long breath. This wasn’t going as planned.
"Oh man Jack... I'm so sorry. Jupiter ran off after that? Was that when you called?"
"I called when Jupiter ran off the first time. After he gave Eveline the cure she started to cough blood up, which... set off Jupiter's bloodlust, so he ran. I found him back at the old place. He had... torn through all the bags I kept in the fridge. He wasn't in a good shape, Liam... I should have been more careful with what I said. I should have insisted more that everything was ok. I just thought that maybe if I got him back to see Eveline that he would get his ground again... I just wanted him to see that we all supported him and that he didn't do anything wrong..." Jack started to sob.
Liam wasn’t sure what to do. He felt terrible for Jack. He had been the father Liam had never had. Jupiter had become the very thing he hated. Liam should have done more. He should have stayed. Liam sighed. All he could do was help Jack now.
"Everything will be ok Jack. This isn't your fault." 
Liam said the words but didn’t believe them. Everything wasn’t ok. Jack didn’t do anything. He was the best father anyone could have.
"Alec and I went to dispose of Lucien's body and when I came back he was... gone. He left two notes, one for Eveline and one for me."
Liam raised an eyebrow. That's what the crazy hybrid meant. If she knew about it why didn’t she warn him? If Liam ever saw that thing again it would not go over well. He wasn’t sure what to do.
"Did he say where he went? Do you want me to come over? What do you want to do?"
"I'm going to find him, Liam. I'm going to find my son."
That was the last words that Liam heard before the phone shattered into pieces in his hand. Jupiter was Jack’s son. Why didn't Jupiter realize that it didn’t matter if he was a vampire? Liam didn’t even notice that Clarissa was behind him. “How is Jack holding up?” Liam dropped the shattered remains of his phone. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Clarissa shifted uneasily. “I thought it was all in my head.” Liam chuckled. “Random blackouts in your head? Really Clarissa!” Clarissa stepped back, her head high in determination. “I didn’t want to worry you.” “You did a great job at that, didn’t you?” Hurt flashed through Clarissa’s eyes. “What happened to Jack?” “I’m not sure you can handle it.” Clarissa’s hands clenched into fists. “Stop playing mind games Liam. Tell me what happened.” “Now I’m like your mother? What a surprise! Have you ever thought the issue was you and not everyone else?” Liam regretted the words the minute they came out of his mouth. Liam could see the hurt on Clarissa’s face before it was set into a hard mask. “My mother is a lot stronger than I realized. She recovered from going insane. Something it appears your mother and my mother don’t have in common.” Liam balled his hands into tight fists. “How dare you.” Clarissa still had her mask on. “If you just intend to insult me every time I don’t tell you every little detail of my life-” “I care Clarissa! I care about you! That is why I want to know!” Clarissa’s face fell. “I can’t believe I insulted your mother. I’m so sorry. I don-don’t know what has been going on with me.” She buried her head in her hands. “I feel my world is falling apart. I’m going to end up like my sister. That is what is going to happen.” Liam stared at her. “You won’t.” “Something is wrong with me.”  “It is that stupid chip and your nutter family. That's what is wrong.” Clarissa buried her head in her hands again. “I always end up hurting everyone I love.” Liam smiled at her, still not fully over the fact she had hit him where it hurt. “You know what they say, us hot headed people have a temper.” Clarissa smiled back which faded from her face the moment it showed up. “Does that chip make people nauseous?” Liam shrugged. “Most likely.” Clarissa slowly began to relax. Clarissa hugged Liam. “I’m such a moron. I am so sorry.”

Liam grinned at her. “I’m sorry for insulting your mother. I know that must be hard to find out at once.” Clarissa ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m use to dealing with everything by myself. I don’t know when you should tell people things. The scary thing, that is where I’m EXACTLY like my mother. I understand why she didn’t tell me. She was afraid I would end up like her.” Liam shifted uneasily and spoke quietly,”Every time I see my mother she says I’m like my father. I have this feeling she is right.” Clarissa frowned. “Unless your father was extraordinary, honest, and awesome then I assume she is wrong.” Liam grinned. Clarissa rolled her eyes. “You can let that go to your head. Your confidence is already as big as the moon. Speaking of the moon, aren’t you a werewolf? Don’t you change during the full moon?” “The Watcher gave me the gift so I can turn at will whenever I want.” Liam shrugged. Clarissa smiled at him. “I love you Liam.”

Liam’s grin got bigger. “I know. I’m irresistible.” Clarissa rolled her eyes. “Tell me what happened.” Liam’s smile turned into a frown. “A vampire decided to try to kill Eveline. Jupiter killed him. Eveline lived because Jupiter gave her the cure. Jupiter freaked out and drank the blood bags Jack kept in the fridge just incase something ever happened to him. He ran away because he believes he is threat. He is wrong.” Clarissa sighed. “Poor Jupiter.”

“He better come to his senses or the nutters will start looking sane compared to him. I feel sorry for him. He gave up his dream for a girl.”
Clarissa looked thoughtful.
“I know someone who also did that.”
Liam grinned. “Tell me when you meet him.”
Clarissa rolled her eyes.
“I’m going to read some stuff for work.”
“I will make that alchemy potion so you don’t randomly blackout and destroy the world with your nutter sister..”
Clarissa grinned at him.


Liam had finally gotten his original alchemy set back. He couldn’t stand the dull, unhardy one he tried to use to replace it.  He finally felt like he was home. He glanced back at Clarissa who was reading a book. After throwing some stuff in and almost burning the curtains he finally got the potion. When he finally handed the potion to Clarissa she stared at it hesitantly. “Are you sure this will work?” He rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m sure it will work Clarissa.” Clarissa raised an eyebrow teasingly. “Swear it on your life?” Clarissa didn’t realize that she was his life. “I swear it on my life.” “Fine.” She raised the potion to her lips. Suddenly, her headache stopped. She sighed with relief and she looked around. “Liam? Liam!” All she was met with was Maleficent and her mischievous smile. “Liam is in a tomb. He was annoying me.” “What?” “Do you want to meet your sane relatives?”

“What does this have to do with Liam? Why is he in a tomb?”  Maleficent sighed. “His presence is annoying. He reminds me of Agnes. ‘Maleficent, you can’t curse the locals! Maleficent, you can’t blow up a restaurant! Maleficent, I have had six children and they were all more well behaved then you! Maleficent, you can’t build a tomb there! She is so annoying! It's good Eveline isn’t dead or she would have destroyed my tomb system. I’m so happy she is alive. I can’t stand another Agnes.” Clarissa stared at her, speechless. “I need to use you as bait so I can find my mother and lock her in a tomb. If I bring Reaper, maybe Agnes will let me do my job. One can hope.”

“Who the heck is Agnes?”
Maleficent rolled her eyes. “Agnes Reaper. Her last name isn’t as cool as it sounds. She isn’t a Reaper who finds souls. All she does is protect people from fun things. Bleh.”
“Let me get this straight. You want me to meet my long distance family so you can find your mother who installed the chip in my head. You want to bring Liam so Agnes will allow you to curse your mother?”
“That is idiotic.”
“Yep. Idiotic things tend to work though. Plus, you get to see a wedding.”

Maleficent grinned.
“I will go get Reaper!”

Liam wasn’t sure where he was. One moment he with Clarissa, the next moment he was surrounded by stone walls. The magic surrounding him was finally disappearing.

Liam turned around and was faced with the hybrid.
“What am I doing here Maleficent?!”
“Your presence annoyed me.”
Liam rolled his eyes.
“Answer the question.”
“Agnes is rude. I have to bring you and Clarissa to Sunset Valley so I can find my mother and lock her in a tomb and curse her. Clarissa agreed.”

“Why do you need us?”
“So I can use you as bait and Agnes won’t kill me. Duh.”
“Enjoy the wedding Reaper! I here Sunset Valley is beautiful during the Winter.”
He was then transported in a haze of light, again.

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 7, Part 2 - An Unexpected Surprise
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2016, 01:21:16 PM »
Spoilers for Reaper's Genetic Legacy!
Clarissa clenched her fists. “I swear Maleficent, if this your idea of a practical joke-”
“I’m using you as bait. Duh. Reaper over here would kill me if I did anything stupid.”
“All nutters are stupid.”
Clarissa chimed in,”Good point.”
“Don’t be so mad Reaper. Just because I locked you in a tomb for an hour doesn’t mean you need to scowl at everyone.”
Liam frowned and rolled his eyes. “You brought us to a nutter’s wedding?”
“I brought you here for bait. You can leave as soon as I get her.”
“Why did you transport us? Why couldn’t we have just arrived in a plane?”
Maleficent frowned. “You would have been late then and useless.”
Clarissa frowned. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Clarissa looked around the beach they had arrived. It was different from the Reaper’s magic. These people didn’t radiate magic, they seem to become it. Her mother seemed to be one of the most powerful, her power came off in waves of heat and fury. The power revolved around a stunning teenager that had an emotionless look on her face. She must have been good at disguising her emotions. Clarissa suddenly stared down at her outfit. She felt underdressed.

All the sudden a strange woman whipped around and stared at Maleficent wide eyed. She looked almost nothing like her mother, expect the fury in her eyes. “Hello Mother. Enjoying the wedding? Are you taking a break from installing chips in people’s brain and destroying their sanity? It would be ashame if you were stopping your ‘precious’ work. We all need another Alexander, don’t we?” Liam’s hands were balled into fists. Clarissa wasn’t sure who this Alexander was. She assumed it was her mother’s ex-husband. The neon haired girl hissed under her breath,”Traitor.” The girl then glanced at a very awkward look groom caught in the middle of the argument.  The girl grinned at him and Clarissa though she mouthed “Maleficent is insane.”

Maleficent snapped her fingers. “I need your help Solstice. Read her mind to the information I need and then I would like to put a spell on her to later transfer her into a tomb.” Clarissa managed a small chuckle. That wasn’t possible.  Solstice nodded and spoke a couple words. “She was here to warn you for something she didn’t know about. The chip is officially fully developed though that one has not been installed into Clarissa’s head. A simple alchemy potion should disable the one in Clarissa’s head. Man, these people have really been keeping information from her. I assume you know the rest Maleficent.” Clarissa’s eyes went wide. How was that possible? She glanced back at Liam and he looked as she shocked as she did. He shrugged. “Nutters are nutters. You can’t explain them.”

Maleficent smiled. “Good. I know you helping me with getting rid of Alexander wasn’t the end of it. Wait, I’m supposed to do that in the future and get Solstice from this time.” Maleficent’s mother scanned the beach just to land on Liam’s face that had turned into a scowl. “What do you mean she got rid of him?” Maleficent sighed. “I took her back in time and she somehow raised you from the dead while everyone was looking the other way. I gave Alexander a poison apple that killed him. There.” Astra’s eyes were desperate, pleading. “I only joined them to get your father back.” Clarissa shifted uneasily. If she was right Maleficent’s father was a vampire and quite frankly, Maleficent made her nervous enough. She wasn’t ready to deal with a vampire just yet.

Maleficent turned towards the beach. “Say hi dad!” The man looked confused and then suddenly came running forward. “Astra?” Maleficent rolled her eyes. “Glad we got that cheerful introduction out of the way. He is alive again. Reaper stop scowling at him.” Clarissa grinned at Liam who smirked at her. Maleficent  scanned the beach. “Mercy! Don’t try anything stupid! I’m locking Astra in a tomb!” Mercy glanced over, her eyes wide. “I don’t want to know, do I?” “Pretty much.” Astra spit the words out with venom,”I can’t you of all people would do this.” Maleficent shrugged. “I’m just taking after some relatives. I prefer the term ‘mad genius’ thank you very much.” Liam snorted and Clarissa punched him in the gut. He mouthed the words,”Ow.” Maleficent snapped her fingers and a strange, yellow, cloud surrounded Astra.

“Are you leaving Clarissa?” Clarissa shrugged and glanced back at Liam.“I want to see my cousin’s wedding. You promised me sane relatives Maleficent.” Maleficent sighed. “Saner.”
The wedding was beautiful in Clarissa’s mind. The groom and bride even seemed to be sane. Clarissa glanced at Maleficent who was standing near a green person and her father. She seemed to be sending threatening glances towards Clarissa’s sister. The thought was strange to her. She was always used to the idea of being an only child. Clarissa mouthed a few words to Maleficent,”What happened to Gwen?” She was sure that was her name. Clarissa wasn’t sure that anything happened except the way Gwen carried herself. It was similar to the way her mother carried herself. The strange thing was her father was smiling between glaring at Liam. Clarissa’s father didn’t smile. She wasn’t even sure that was possible.

Her mother was smiling at Gwen and Clarissa was sure something had happened to Gwen. She glanced away from the couple and her gaze landed on a strange neon hair woman. Suddenly Clarissa knew this woman was her grandmother. How the heck was she alive? Clarissa shook her head. She didn’t understand. She gazed at the strange woman and the woman met her stare. She had this hidden confidence in herself that automatically tied her to Majnun in Clarissa’s mind. He was always so sure of himself. She glanced around and saw that so many of her “family” had this trait in common. She noticed that Solstice was staring at her, quizzically. Some of her family were also green. It was strange yet, fascinating.

Once the vows were over the fun began. Her family started joking about things that would be absurd if you didn’t know the full story, Clarissa didn’t know the full story. Maleficent went over to congratulate Gwen. “I’m glad you weren’t trap in a tomb for a century.” Gwen smiled at her. “Sorry about the scar.” “Don’t worry. It just makes me even more awesome.” Gwen rolled her eyes. Clarissa glanced back at Liam. “Liam? What are you doing?” “I’m having a staring contest with your father.” Clarissa glanced at her father who was sending threatening looks Liam’s direction. “I win.” “Liam, you are starting to sound like Maleficent.” Liam rolled his eyes. “When will I ever get to tease your father without the risk of dying again, Clarissa?” Clarissa rolled her eyes. “Come on. I want to dance with you before my father kills you.” “I’m flattered.” Liam frowned. “What happened to my hat?” Maleficent snickered. “When teleporting you it must have gotten messed up, it will return to normal after you get back to Bridgeport.”

All the sudden Clarissa noticed Solstice talking to her father. “Please stop thinking about how to kill Liam and get away with it. It is giving me a headache.” Clarissa’s father frowned. “Don’t go reading my mind.” Solstice chuckled. “I think you should go with poison.”

Liam responded with an equally calculated response,“The baby doesn’t like when you insult me Zane! We were thinking maybe Mercy if its a girl and maybe Liam Jr. if its boy. Any suggestions?”  Clarissa rolled her eyes. “I’m pregnant now? Are you wishing for a death sentence?” “With my luck death is probably a nutter.” “Most likely.” Clarissa saw her grandmother glance at her with an amused expression on her face. Apparently death was a nutter after all. “Thank you for coming with me Liam.” “How else was I going to harass your father and not die?” Clarissa’s mother smiled at Zane. “If you kill him in front of my family I promise I will turn you in myself. Kill him later.” Solstice snicked. “I don’t think he cares at this point.” Solstice patted him on the shoulder. “You will get your revenge. He will join your ranks once the time is right.” Clarissa’s dad started laughing.”Dad you don’t laugh. Is everything okay?” Clarissa’s mother frowned. “We weren’t aware Maleficent invited you, Clarissa.”
“She informed me on everything I need to know.” Clarissa’s mother was a master at disguising her emotions. “Good for her.”

Clarissa turned towards Liam, blocking them out.
“I’m never having children.”
Liam rolled his eyes.
“Me either.”
Clarissa’s expression turned thoughtful. “I have this perfect plan in my head, you know? I’m going to reach the top of my career and change science in Bridgeport. Then learn all I can about magic and gardening. Kids have never been part of it.”
Liam frowned. “Am I in this perfect plan of yours?”
“I’m pretty positive my dad is going to kill you.”
“What if you have one of those families that want you to continue the line?”
“Already covered that.” Clarissa pointed at Maleficent who was complaining about Agnes.
“She can continue it.”
Clarissa glanced at Gwen who was dancing with her husband. “She seems young to have teenagers.”
Solstice mouthed to her, ”Long story.”

All the sudden a girl who had Jack’s eyes and dark red hair walked up to Maleficent. “Did you purposely make me deal with all those brats?” “Yes.”
Liam stared at the girl as Solstice gently tapped Liam on the shoulder.
“I want to answer your question.”
Liam frowned.
“She was cursed into a doll and in doing so developed a strange eye color that shows her power. She was the original ‘Imaginary Friend’. Imaginary friends or Imaginary friend descendants are more likely to be able to manipulate others with what you call ‘voodoo dolls.’I thought Jack would be interesting in knowing that. He seems like a nice person.”

“Stay out of my mind.” Solstice sighed. “I can’t.” Solstice walked towards Maleficent. “Thanks for getting me yesterday. I’m glad I could help.” Maleficent froze. “I didn’t get you.” Solstice’s expression fell. “You told me not to mention anything. You did appear to be older. Sorry about that.” Clarissa was getting ready to leave when Solstice gave her a hug. “What was that for?”
“Tell Reaper thanks for existing. I get to drive the crap car and get money from Imagination now. Also, Solstice hesitated, that is a hug because you are apart of my family.” Clarissa smiled at her. “Thanks.”

Liam frowned at her. “Against my best judgement, I’m starting to like some of your nutter family.” Clarissa rolled her eyes. “Thanks.”

 Liam woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing and had noticed that Clarissa had already gone to work. He had bought a new one and couldn’t figure out how to turn the thing on silent. “Liam?”
He answered it grumpily,”What do you want Jupiter? Wait, Jupiter? Where are you Jupiter!?”
“How is Jack and Eveline doing?”
Liam wasn’t one to comfort Jupiter with a lie.
“He is looking for you. Eveline is fine. Stay wherever you are, I’m coming to get you.”
Jupiter hanged the phone up. Liam threw the phone down in frustration and sent a text to the ominous number.
“Go home. Everyone misses you.”
He got a reply shortly after sending the message.
“I can’t.”

Clarissa woke up in the hospital and stared at the bright lights on the ceiling. What was she doing here? She had gone to work and had forgotten everything else that had happened.
“Clarissa Kwa? How are you feeling.”
“Like crap.”
“You fainted shortly after you tasered your boss.”
“I did what?”
Clarissa liked her boss. She couldn’t believe that somehow, the chip was working again.
“He understands the situation. You are under a lot of stress.”
“Err, okay. Why am I here if I just fainted?”
The doctor looked kindly at Clarissa.
“You don’t know?”
“Know what?”
“You do realize you are pregnant?”
Clarissa laughed.
“I’m not pregnant. You must have the wrong person.”
“You haven’t been feeling nauseous, more aggravated than usual, and having sudden cravings?”
“I’m a female. I have all those things on a regular basis except the barfing.”
“Have they increased significantly?”
“Err yes. It doesn’t mean I’m pregnant though.”
The doctor sighed.
“The pregnancy is very fragile. Your chances of survival are extremely slim. Optimistically, you have a 10% chance of survival. Pessimistically, you have a 5% chance of survival.”
“I’m. Not. Pregnant.”
“Ms.Kwa you are indeed, pregnant. The scans have confirmed what we already assumed.”
Clarissa gritted her teeth. “Show me the scans.”
The doctor sighed and pulled the scans from his clipboard.
Clarissa griped them as the color drained from her face.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“The best course of action would be to end the-”
“No. Is there a chance I will last long enough to deliver?”
“Then the decision is made.”
“The next course of action is that you relax the rest of your pregnancy. Stress will only drop your chances of surviving.”
“I’m doomed.”
Clarissa ran out of the hospital and ran back to work to apologize to her boss.
“I a-am so sorry.”
Her boss looked kindly at her,”Don’t worry about it. Take care of yourself.”
Clarissa grabbed his arm. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
“Of course. That is your business, he cleared his throat, are you going to be out for awhile?”
Clarissa’s face fell.
“Yeah. Thank you for being a great boss even when the rest of the employees are lunatics.”
A fellow employee followed her out of the door. “I didn’t think you are motherhood material.”
Clarissa kept walking. “The kid won’t even have a chance to meet you Clarissa!” “Keep your mouth shut.”

Clarissa skirted for the nearest taxi and somehow ended up at the beach where her parents had been married. This was not part of her plan. She wasn’t ready to be a mother, she wasn’t ready to die. What if Liam found out that she wasn’t even going to survive? He would hate her.  She finally allowed herself the privilege that she had been keeping herself. The privilege to finally break from the pressure. She screamed and once she was done she sunk into the snow. No, her life had never gone to plan.

She stared at Bridgeport and wondered when her life had truly begun to fall apart. She didn’t regret finding Liam. She regretted having to put him through this. She didn’t care what happened next, she wasn’t going to get rid of her child.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 7, Part 2 - An Unexpected Surprise
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2016, 05:57:09 PM »
My... poor... Liam.
Everything seems to be falling apart in our world, mpart!  :'(
Clarissa's just going to have to be part of the 5%.
After she tells Liam, of course.
Then they'll ride off into the sunset! Right? Right...? Please!
 :'(  :'(  :'(
There aren't enough frowny faces in the world for that.

That was a gorgeous picture of Bridgeport. You really captured Clarissa's feelings in that last bit. I feel so terrible for her, it must be hard to feel so alone.

Despite the sadness, I still loved everything about this chapter. Liam and Clarissa are so wonderful together - and Liam will forever kick himself and wish he never taunted her father that way!
PS. That bit about Agnes was wonderful. She's such a debbie downer when it comes to fun.  ::)

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 7, Part 2 - An Unexpected Surprise
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2016, 07:41:30 PM »
My... poor... Liam.
Everything seems to be falling apart in our world, mpart!  :'(
Clarissa's just going to have to be part of the 5%.
After she tells Liam, of course.
Then they'll ride off into the sunset! Right? Right...? Please!
 :'(  :'(  :'(
There aren't enough frowny faces in the world for that.

That was a gorgeous picture of Bridgeport. You really captured Clarissa's feelings in that last bit. I feel so terrible for her, it must be hard to feel so alone.

Despite the sadness, I still loved everything about this chapter. Liam and Clarissa are so wonderful together - and Liam will forever kick himself and wish he never taunted her father that way!
PS. That bit about Agnes was wonderful. She's such a debbie downer when it comes to fun.  ::)

If it makes you feel any better someone else dies too. I'm not saying Clarissa dies or does not die, I'm just saying someone dies in the next chapter.  I'm glad I capture her feelings well. She is so use to dealing with everything by herself like her mother. Poor Liam. I'm sure he will join Zane's ranks if/when he has a daughter. Maleficent doesn't like Agnes and will probably continue mentioning it.

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 8, Part 1 - On My Own Terms
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2016, 07:44:47 PM »
Mercy brought the cup of coffee up to her lips and  knew instantly something was wrong with it. Mercy frowned. Perhaps not enough creamer? It tasted bitter, strange. Mercy shrugged and continued drinking it. She hadn’t notice the bitter woman slip out of the shadows.
“You fool.”
Mercy stared at the stranger and it suddenly connected. She spoke softly,”You poisoned it, didn’t you?”
“That was for killing my father.”
Mercy frowned. “You ruined a good cup of coffee! Perhaps it is still salvageable if I add some creamer.”
“You have a hour left to live.”
“I lived a good life.”
Mercy sighed. She had lived a life full of drama, good and bad, and she didn’t regret a moment of it. The only this she regretted was not teaching her daughter a valuable lesson that had taken her years to learn.
“You said I killed your father?”
“My name is Gladys Brantley.”
Mercy felt a pang of remorse hit her. Zane had known that Alexander had another daughter and hadn’t told her. Somehow, the fact it was Alexander’s daughter made her stand straighter.
“That is interesting.”
“You snatched my parents from my life and I intend to do the same thing to your daughter. If she survives long enough.”
Gladys smirked.
Mercy’s smile faltered.
“Oh crap. She’s pregnant, isn’t she?”
“She has a 5% chance at living.”
“She will beat the odds.”
“Stress drastically decreases the chances.”
“You are killing two birds with one stone?”
Mercy already could feel herself growing weaker.

“This where your father made the same mistake Gladys. He underestimated my ability to survive. Are you expecting some plea of mercy? Oh, I bet you bought the cure to taunt me, to remind me of how your father didn’t get mercy. Why would I give you that satisfaction? Your father was a miserable coward and died like one.”
“Shut up.”
Mercy wasn’t done.
“He wasn’t that intelligent either. Trying to set a fire to save me from a curse? Please.”
“Didn’t you go insane the first time?”
“Oh yes. It was a hard lesson learning it was okay to defend myself. I’m glad in the end that pathetic moron drove me to the point of insanity. He taught me a valuable lesson. What that lesson was exactly? Stop living in the past. You dear, are living in the past. It will the key to your destruction.”

“This is your last chance Mercy. I made a deal with Fate and this time you will stay dead until she dies.”
Mercy smirked.
“She enjoys torturing her pawns, doesn’t she? Let me guess, she made this deal because she wants Clarissa to die?”
Gladys said nothing.
“I’m dying. At least answer the question. You know she will kill you, right? You did this for no good reason.”
“You have to pay the price for magic.”
Mercy sighed.
“My story isn’t anything special. If anything it is the most simplest thing. I don’t know why you Brantley's won’t learn the lesson. I have been at the edge of death six times. I die by my own terms.”
Mercy finally indulged in the temptation to set the room ablaze. It was simple really. It had always been simple. Fire had been a constant variable her whole life. Mercy was going out with a bang, not a whimper.

“What are you doing?”
Mercy was trembling from the strain of using her power. She smiled.
The room was ablaze.
“I’m deciding how I die.”
“You are immune to fire.”
“Not unless I don’t want to be.”
Gladys lunged for Mercy the moment another fireball hit the wall.

“No! This isn’t how it is suppose to go! You are suppose to suffer!”
“I have stopped being a pawn in other’s game a long time ago.”
“What about your family?”
“I have convinced Zane not to hunt you down for a long time, Gladys. I didn’t know who you exactly were, but I knew that he would make you suffer. I won’t be there to stop him. I am your greatest ally and your greatest enemy. In killing me you have chosen your fate. Clarissa will be fine. If anything, she will be a better mother than I was.”

Mercy stepped in the fire and felt the tingling sensation. It wasn’t agonizing like it was suppose to be for mortals, but it would do its job. She had instructed it to.

The moments were agonizingly long. She was going to be with her mother again. A silent tear fell from her face. She forgave her father in those last moments. She managed a weak smile.

She suddenly saw her body and saw the reaper smile. The reaper doesn’t smile.
“You proved everyone wrong. You will go down a legend. I’m glad Thanatos made me spare you.”
“The god of death.”
“Let me guess, I’m somehow related to him?”
“Your grandfather.”
Mercy sighed. She hesitated, “Will my family be okay?”
Mercy smiled. “Let's get going then. I have some people I need to see again.”
“You realize that you will be part of the most powerful organization in the world once the 10th heir replaces the goddess of fate. You will be part of the council that will help them determine the fate of the world.”
Mercy grinned.
“Can I get another cup of coffee?”
The page’s of the Book of Fate turned a page and thus, the chapter on Mercy’s life had ended. Where the chapter had ended another one readily replaced it.

LivvieLove gave me the idea about the organization. Thank you so much. :) I hope I did Mercy justice, she was one of my favorite characters and taught me a lesson or two. It was a short part, but I wanted it to just be hers.

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 8, Part 1 - On My Own Terms
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2016, 08:02:10 PM »
(Sniffles) So long Mercy! We await to see you on the council!
I'm so excited to see you posted this chapter, and so sad too! Mercy went out with a bang, as she usually does. She will be greatly missed. I hope that Clarissa is ok though...
Liam won't be ok if Clarissa isn't ok, and their babies won't be ok if they aren't ok...
 :'(  :'(  :'(
You're breaking my heart, mpart. I can't wait to read more!

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 8, Part 2 - On My Own Terms
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2016, 10:57:02 PM »
No one would have noticed the small grave that was in the middle of the graveyard. It was simple, boring. It was normal. Ordinary. It was meant to be simple even though it held one of the most powerful beings to ever walk the Earth. It’s cracks held thousands of deaths, thousands of last words to love ones. It was the small things that showed you how extraordinary it was. How the grave held no significant name in its depths. The being it was keeping hidden from the world was far from dead. He was alive waiting, plotting, for the right person to take his place. Death was simply simple though complicated. Being the one holding the temporary burden was not an easy to do. Especially if it wasn’t yours to take. So you waited. You plotted. You kept waiting even if it killed you in the process. Thanatos was not one to be impatient but he wasn’t one to wait for things that appeared to never be coming. He was waiting for the girl to take his place and for him to finally get his revenge on the goddess of Fate that could have saved him from this miserable destiny. Being married to your best friend and worst enemy had never been easy. Especially after she was the one who had killed you in the first place.

Ostriches flew tulips over the stone slab and they never landed. Maleficent sighed. Was this the grave? Did she really have to do this? Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. The grave was so simple, so ordinary. Surely the god of Death would have wanted to be buried somewhere else? The dragon egg that Maleficent had received as a birthday present had said otherwise. This was the grave. How Majnun had managed to put an encrypted code that only Maleficent understood was baffling. It had told her two things. Dragon Valley. Champs Les Sims. It’s time. It would have been absolute insanity if you hadn’t been Maleficent. She happened to know that Champs Les Sims was where Fate was from and where Thanatos had met Fate. She also knew that a certain god of Death had been buried there. How had she known?

 She had been the one to make sure he kept his power even after he died which in the process, made him immortal. The title of death had been passed on from mortal to mortal until the last keeper had been Thanatos Niccoli. The only difference about this keeper of death was that he was a goddesses son. When Maleficent had made him immortal she had unleashed a god. All the sudden he had always been the god of death. She had literally messed with the whole system. The keepers of death disappeared into the fading pages of a book that didn’t exist. The only person that had known these keepers had existed was her and it was terrifying.

Many had tried to replace Thanatos and had failed. They had died inhumane deaths because they couldn’t raise him back to life. They couldn’t replace death. If you succeeded you were forced to take the role. Megan Labelle had always threatened her mother that she would raise him from the dead since it seemed more likely that she could take the role. No one wanted the role though. The burden was too great for most. That wasn’t the cherry on top of the camel shake though. Thanatos would return and bring back the death keepers which weren’t as merciful as everyone wanted them to be.  His replacement would have to kill him again and make sure that the death keepers were never seen. No one could know. If they did they would have the wrath of the gods on all of them. It didn’t help that Thanatos had a grudge against Fate though. She had killed him after all. Ironic that Fate killed Death, isn’t it? No one could ever know the death keepers had existed. There wouldn’t be any would left to know they hadn’t exist. Maleficent chimed,”Magic always comes with a price.” Death keepers were like valkyries in every way except few ways They served themselves and opened the gates of death and life when they pleased. They were also still alive. This didn’t dampen Maleficent’s spirit though.

This had been her best birthday ever. She had gotten a freakin dragon that somehow had a message in it. She hated that she would owe Majnun. As much as she respected insanity she had to draw the line when it came to him. He was your best friend and your worst enemy. One moment he would bless with a long life and the other moment stab you in the back and laugh as the life drained out of your eyes. Maleficent had always tried to approach such creatures with caution. One wrong movement and they would attack. The thing about Thanatos’s grave was that it also had the power to show you how you would die if you lived long enough.  When Maleficent approached the grave it answered her question on whether it was Thanatos’s grave. It had a small poison apple on top of the grave. Insignificant really unless you were Maleficent. Maleficent frowned. She was going out poison apple style.

Her killer wasn’t allowed to do that! That was Maleficent’s thing! Maleficent scowled at the poison apple. “Not fair. Not fair at all.” Maleficent fingers fumbled for her braid, but only found loose strands of her hair. Maleficent had decided to let her hair down and was suddenly regretting it. Fumbling with the braid had been the thing that had kept her calm during times of distress. So she laughed out loud. “Here goes nothing. Either the monkey goes up and attacks the red dot or the purple flamingo loses.” Maleficent chanted a simple spell that was complicated for the average magic user, but easy for her

. She knew death better than anyone because she was half-dead anyways. She had believed that being a vampire was the same as a death sentence. It didn’t matter how you spinned the story they still ended up in a coffin. It was strange, absurd that she had actually wanted to be death. She wanted to prove to everyone that she was more than her mother’s shadow. She was Maleficent the sorceress that was meant to be feared. After today she would be a goddess. It was strange how today she had given Alexander a poison apple, and made Thanatos immortal. It had seemed like a distant memory for so many, but for her it had happened a couple of hours ago. She laughed. Time travel was strange and that was why she loved it. 

The more she chanted the spell the louder her fears that haunted her became. “Mommy don’t leave. I’m sorry daddy died. Mommy don’t leave. I promise I will be good.” Maleficent gritted her teeth and inwardly screamed. It was settled then. The people that had become death had died from their fear from the past. She didn’t care. She was strong enough to deal with it. Her deepest, darkest fears chanted back in her union as she raised Thanatos from the dead. She would never forget it. It was the single worst moment of her life and she had many bad moments in her life. This was the grape on top of the caterpillar.

All the sudden a neon haired man clawed his way out of the Earth’s crust. The voices screaming at Maleficent vanished and what came was a surge of power igniting the power in her veins. She had been born to be a goddess. She laughed. No wonder everyone feared her in the future she was death.

Maleficent chanted a simple blessing that had been commonly used. It was difficult for Maleficent though, she was used to cursing people not blessing them. She hadn’t even known how much time had passed. She didn’t care. What was time in the scheme of things? After a while the blessing finally worked and Thanatos emerged.

Maleficent managed a small smile. He was a hybrid like she was. It was strange because most death keepers were hybrids after all. He had sleek hair and eyes that made her skin crawl. That was why her family had such unwordly eyes. They were the eyes of the cursed.

“You best be off Maleficent. You have paperwork to do.” Maleficent shrugged. “I’m hiring people to do the boring stuff. You realize you are going to have to die again so no new death-keepers show up, right?” Thanatos nodded. Maleficent knew that he wouldn’t forget what he originally was. “We keep this between us. Now go find Fate and get your revenge. I always enjoy family entertainment.” Maleficent smirked as she was surrounded by power that was going to transport her to who knows where. All she knew was that she was someone with power now and no one would ever call her her mother’s shadow.


Fate sighed as she waited for her mother and her ex-husband who had recently been brought back to life to show up. How exhausting. It felt like just yesterday her mother had died. Fate reminisced back to the good old days, where everyone would stay dead when she meant them to. She remembered her mother’s death fondly even though Fate had been cursed with those absurd tattoos that had marked her mother has Nyx’s high priestess. Meh. It was just a show of power that Fate had been able to defeat Nyx’s high priestess and would do it again. Her eyes had also turned back to normal when her ex-husband had been brought back to life. She had been cursed with her eyes show the unworldly power that she had possessed and showing how much she was a danger to everyone that had met her. Again, another badge of power. Fate was baffled by the thought that these people had thought she didn’t want to show her power. Who didn’t want to?

She waited at her old home in Champs Les Sims that used to be a fine nectary until it was abandoned because it was apparently haunted. Fate had bought the house back and had gotten strange looks from the locals who didn’t know how she was. She was the person who apparently “haunted” the house, didn’t they know that? With great happiness she watched as the house decayed into something vivid. It was beautiful. Her mother would have hated it. The door finally opened and her mother entered with a scowl already placed onto her face. Fate was glad she had seen the properties state, she had done it for her mother after all. Fate gracefully walked down the steps and grinned at her mother. “Took you long enough to show up! I have been expecting you mother.”

“What are you doing you stupid child! Cursing your descendants! If you would've just stayed you could have lived a simple life. Married a rich man and had children.”
Fate rolled her eyes. “Still living in that age mother? Aren’t you the one to tell me to run away after all?”
Fate’s mother was temporarily flustered. “Mother you were Nyx’s high priestess. Arrogant, foolish, you were a high priestess. Now just imagined all the wonderful things I have done. I know your pea-sized brain won’t be able to handle it.” Fate’s eyes suddenly dawned in realization. “Who brought you back to life anyways?” Fate’s mother glared at Fate. “You know exactly who brought me back to life.” Fate sighed and repeated a simple curse that would kill her mortal mother. It didn’t work. Fate’s mother grinned. “You can’t kill me darling. He made sure of that.”

Fate finally noticed how her hair was turning red. Her mother continued on,”You are so much like your father.” Fate yawned. “Where is the crazy lunatic anyways? I don’t have all day for this wonderful mother and daughter meeting.” All the sudden a clown walked into the room. Fate frowned. “You look different.” “I'm hiding from the begonias"  Majnun’s eyes steered towards Nyx’s priestess who was glaring at him. “You took what was mine peacock, but I want my high priestess back. My little gift of appreciation will be here soon enough.” Fate sighed. She understood him which was disturbing. She had messed with Fate so Mania had a child, but had kidnapped her and was paying the price. Fate’s insanity was different. She didn’t speak in strange riddles, she just did strange things. “It seems to be a trend for goddesses of Fate to kill priestesses.”

She knew she was trending on dangerous ground. Majnun didn’t take the bait. “These weeks have been very trying for me. Sheogorath failed and kidnapped the wrong person.” Fate peered at him. “What do you need from me?” It dawned on her and she bursted out laughing. “My pawns are doing their job too well?” She could see him glaring at her in utter disinterest. “You will end up like your grandmother if you continue down this road. Reconcile with your father.” He said the four words Fate had dreaded her entire life. Fate raised an eyebrow at the mad god. “Why should I? It isn’t my fault he got someone has stupid as my mother pregnant. If he was stupid enough to get someone like my mother pregnant than I would rather not speak to him.” Fate sneered. Majnun was not someone to give up. "Yes, brightness doesn't run in the family, silly, we're not lightbulbs. Clucking is, unfortunately, genetic I hear which is why you might benefit from a cluck-fest with Sheogorath, my dear, he peered at Fate, how is my favorite swallow’s fate looking?” Fate smiled sweetly at him. She would love to tell him. “It appears the umbrella will soon enough be out when the rain comes. Pawns will rise, pawns will fall. Death shall come, death shall not. Trial and error will be her guide.” “Maleficent!” His voice boomed causing the room to rumble.

All the sudden a figure stepped out of the fireplace that had roared with power. The room gradually became darker and Fate stared at the bright green eyes glowing with power. How dare she replace Death when her allegiance was to Fate and Fate alone. “Man this death this is great and all but the paperwork is going to kill me.” Maleficent turned around swiftly and slapped Fate. “That is for killing my father and destroying my mother.” Majnun watched, amused by the interaction.

Fate smiled at the girl. “There are so many worse things than death for your family, dear Maleficent. I have been too easy on them, haven’t I?  Maleficent glared at Fate. “Your death will be very unpleasant, I assure you. You will be more hated than Alessandra and will die alone at the rate of how things are going.” Maleficent turned and stepped into the fire.

Majnun yawned and was bouncing back and forth. “Even death comes for the immortal.” The funny looking cloud walked out of the door. Fate stared at her mother. “I have turned into you, haven’t I?” A wicked smile appeared onto the woman's face. “It appears you have.”

Fate couldn’t keep the grin off her face as Thanatos walked into view. “What an interesting day.”

Thanatos coolly replied,”Fate.”
Fate smiled. “How are the death keepers doing?”
LivvieLove helped me to write Majnun and deserves credit for what he said.  :)

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 8, Part 1 - On My Own Terms
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2016, 11:00:30 PM »
(Sniffles) So long Mercy! We await to see you on the council!
I'm so excited to see you posted this chapter, and so sad too! Mercy went out with a bang, as she usually does. She will be greatly missed. I hope that Clarissa is ok though...
Liam won't be ok if Clarissa isn't ok, and their babies won't be ok if they aren't ok...
 :'(  :'(  :'(
You're breaking my heart, mpart. I can't wait to read more!

You will see Mercy again even if she is dead. Clarissa will handle the situation the best she can.

