Author Topic: Another Labelle Story - Announcement - Graveyard  (Read 31791 times)

Offline mpart

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Another Labelle Story - Announcement - Graveyard
« on: January 24, 2016, 07:49:11 PM »
    Okay, okay so I may have an obsession with the Labelles and I fully admit the fact. I wanted to write another story to go along with my main one to explain more in to depth Fate and also have Mercy in it. Some dead relatives may or may not make their way back.  ;) I'm going to be collaborating with LivvieLove. Some of her character's will be seen here and some of my character's will be seen their ect. I'm extremely excited about it because I love the Reaper's! Some character's will be showing up from my main story also. I'm not sure how many generations this will be and if I will stay in the same town because my computer secretly plots against me. I will be using cheats and too much custom content in general.This is set during the 4th generation of Labelle's. Let's get started!

                                            *I'm currently rewriting this story.*

This story is now in full collaboration with @LivvieLove. Please read her amazing stories linked below!
Chapter List

Generation 1
Chapter 1 - Time To Deal With Reality
Chapter 2 - Found The Lunatic
Chapter 3 - Family Meeting
Chapter 4, Part 1 - Maniac
Chapter 4, Part 2 - Maniac
Chapter 5 - The Past Comes Back To Haunt
Chapter 6, Part 1 - Not What You Were Expecting
Chapter 6, Part 2 - Not What You Were Expecting
Chapter 7, Part 1 - An Unexpected Surprise
Chapter 7, Part 2 - An Unexpected Surprise
Chapter 8, Part 1 - On My Own Terms
Chapter 8, Part 2 - On My Own Terms
Chapter 9 - Stay
Chapter 10, Part 1 - Parenthood
Chapter 10, Part 2 - Parenthood
Chapter 11 - She Knows More Than You Think
Chapter 12 - Where Are You?
Chapter 13, Part 1 - More Than Words
Chapter 13, Part 2 - More Than Words
Chapter 14 - Death Flower

Additional Stories By Me:
Labelle's Perfect Genetic Challenge

Amazing Stories By @LivvieLove:
Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment
Risen From The Ashes


Clarissa had nightmares before. She had countless nights where she would roam the hallways of her home because she couldn't sleep. This one was different though. This one was real.


Running from her mother. Running from her father. She couldn't let the mad immortal find her. She was nothing but a pathetic mortal that couldn't even stand up for herself. She didn't even have an ounce of insanity in her. She was an outcast. No one wanted her. Her mother had named her Fate just to remind herself that Fate had indeed, been cruel to her. Fate wanted to collapse to the ground and sob but refused to. There was something here. Something that would change everything. Power. The power to change other's fates. The power to control the cruel thing some many had suffered from. It was calling to her, begging her to control it. Have it. Take it. Her mother had taught her to stay away from witchcraft to avoid it at all costs. She had never mentioned that it would fix her though.

It kept repeatedly screeching her name. It would give her what she needed. What she wanted. All for a small price. Cursing 10 generations of her family. It wasn't even a choice. It was the answer to all her problems. She nodded her head at the book and watched as it transformed into a single sheet of paper. A pen had magically appeared in her hand and all she need to do was sign the line and it would be hers. She had never knew what her true name and was shocked when her hand started writing it for her. Fate Keeper. The book closed and suddenly started showing her family's tragedies. Arsonists. Sirens. The list kept going on and on of how descendants would achieve power. She frowned when she learned that at the end, the last heir would have the power to overthrow her.

 What nobody had told the child was the true price of power. So when the vines started climbing up her legs and sinking into her skin she screeched.

It didn't help her when she started sobbing. She wanted to take it all back. At the same time though, it was the biggest thrill of her life.

When the power finally sank into her eyes only did she stop sobbing and screaming for anyone, anything.
It had became her.
Overtaken her.
Defined her.
It was all her's.

The little girl had never known the simple rule of magic. Magic always comes with a price.

Clarissa could feel the little girls sorrow, her pain and her resentment. She had wanted revenge even if she had to lose herself in the end. Clarissa also knew that whoever this person was, she was related to them. It was a terrifying thought. Sure, her parents were immortal and didn't age but they had never dealt with magic. When she opened her eyes she knew something had changed. It was one glimpse in the mirror that had confirmed it all. She wasn't a werewolf. She had somehow became a magic-user. She wanted to scream in horror, but knew she couldn't. When she noticed the aged journal that had suddenly appeared by her everything became real. This wasn't just a silly nightmare. This was her reality. She wouldn't involve her family in this. Her mother probably never had heard of magic, Clarissa couldn't force this on her family. She grabbed what little money she had, the journal, a sketch book, clothes and took off with a small backpack.

Running in her high heels throughout the house didn't wake her parents. She was glad that something had come out of this nightmare. She skirted to the nearest subway and called a taxi.

Seeing the panicked look in the girl's eyes the women asked no questions. Clarissa just handed her the money and plopped into the taxi.

She came upon a small plot of land and decided that was it. That was where she would deal with this new nightmare. With the city ahead of her and the cool breeze behind her, she screamed.


Maleficent hated this city with a passion. It was where her father was from after all. One word popped into her brain when she thought of her mother. Traitor. Sometimes the flamingos just had to fly into the Titanic. Maleficent sighed. She was going insane. Quite literally, after using her magic incorrectly to save Jame's she had started losing her sanity. She had a more serious issue to deal with though. They had found her after all these years. Found Fate. She had roughly a week before her father would find her and she would be reunited with those lunatics. When you found Fate you found her descendants. Maleficent's family. This wouldn't do.

With a quick whisp of her hand she transported onto the bridge where Fate was awaiting her.
"Took you long enough child!"
Maleficent stared at her cautiously. She was in her true form. This wasn't good, not at all.

"We have a problem. Majnun sent Sheogorath after you."
Laughter erupted out of Fate. it would have been pleasant if you hadn't known her.
Maleficent knew Fate too well though and knew this was her way of screaming.

"Why are those avocados after me?"
Maleficent just stared at her. At this rate she was going to have more than one lunatic in her life. She was going to have the lunatic. So she answered simply.
"Because the avocado's are just as crazy as you."

"Well maybe if you had invited them over for salsa they wouldn't be!"
Maleficent didn't have time for this. This lunatic was getting on her last nerve.

"Deal with it Fate! You cursed my family! Now let me get back to cleaning up your messes!"

They just stood there in pure stubbornness before Maleficent left. It looked like she would be having more lunatics in her life. Like she didn't have enough issues already.

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 1 - Time To Deal With Reality
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2016, 08:05:34 PM »
     Clarissa woke up with her back aching. Her bed must have broke. That was strange because she could have sworn she had just gotten a new one.... Opening her eyes she faced the truth. The reason why she had such a restless sleep was because she was sleeping on the ground. The ground. Why would she do something something like that? Then she remembered. Great, just great.

     She had disappeared during the night in the city of Bridgeport while her mother and father were well known about their ability to find anyone or anything. Going back to sleep didn't seem like such a bad idea after all. She hadn't remembered falling asleep or putting her pajamas on above her dress to keep warm. In the event of fleeing she must have grabbed a picnic basket. At least she wasn't as dumb as she felt. She  winced away from the journal and kicked it to the side.

    She sighed. This wasn't going to get any easier for her. She set off for a job. The only one that was available was test subject. Was it a strange coincidence the minute her life had shattered she was offered the job as a test subject? She did want to do something that involved Science, but wasn't sure yet what that was. The receptionist nodded her head at her and preceded to lead her to a room. Once there she was offered a contract. She skimmed through it and took not of how they would be willing to hide her identity unless something was life-threatening. Sounded good to her. She had a job that might have been a little strange, but could hide her identity. Deal.

    With a simple needle injected into her arm she was off to work. At the end of the day the team of scientists had eagerly come to greet her.
"We have never had a hybrid of your kind come before! I can't believe he let you come here! Are you aware in your current state you should be blind? You heal very quickly! It's almost as you are a gift to science itself!"
Clarissa stared at them suspiciously. This was news. "He?"
At her confusion they scrambled out of the room. She was given her paycheck and was expected to come in tomorrow.

       Who was he? She was suppose to be blind? She had just inherited her pale eyes from her father and thought nothing of it. Who were those scientists scared of? Who had their iron grip on the city of Bridgeport? She mumbled under her breath. This day was getting better and better.

     She went by the store and bought a mini fridge where she was met with wide eyes and stares. She had been reported missing. This wouldn't do. She skirted out of the shop as quickly as she could while carrying the mini fridge. It felt light to her. Maybe there was something that made her remarkable in some form. The mini fridge didn't require electricity. How was it powered then? Batteries? She just shook her head and headed towards the mini market to buy some seeds. After stumbling home she placed the mini fridge down and started planting the seeds. Good thing the mini fridge was also water-proof. It was always raining in Bridgeport.

It quickly turned night in Bridgeport and with a quick sigh she settled in for the night. She had somehow found a water-proof camera in her pocket that she was going to sell for money.

When she woke up she was pelted with hail. She sighed and went to water  her precious plants. She called for a taxi and took the subway to work. It was eerie quite when she sat down to in that worn out chair again and had various tests done on her. The whole situation just stressed her out. She preferred the chatter to the silence. Silence was a deadly thing that held the truth screaming at bay.

She escaped out the door and decided to take her art supplies out and give them a master piece they would never forget.

She decided that she would find the nearest hot tub available. The only problem was that it was heavily guarded.
"You can't come in."
"Why not?"
"You don't have a celebrity status."
"What if I have the power to take over Bridgeport and with one flick of my hand you could disappear?"
He snickered at this thought. Clarissa's face was turning a deep red. A line randomly showed up in her vision.

Before she knew it she was fighting him. She was mortified by her rash behavior.

She quickly offered him some money and skirted off towards the nearest hot tub. That wasn't worth it for a hot tub and she knew it. She couldn't ignore the sweet taste of victory though.

She stared off into the skies of Bridgeport and wondered what the shadows were hiding.

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 1 - Time To Deal With Reality
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2016, 10:34:04 AM »
Oh wow! Can't wait to see where this goes! And a Reaper-Labelle mash-up O_O awesim!!!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 1 - Time To Deal With Reality
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2016, 12:47:49 AM »
Aw, sweet! It's begun! I'm super excited!  8)  8)  8)

Everyone better buckle up, 'cause we're about to take this to a new level of madness. ;)

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 1 - Time To Deal With Reality
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2016, 03:05:49 PM »

Oh wow! Can't wait to see where this goes! And a Reaper-Labelle mash-up O_O awesim!!!

I'm extremely excited to see where this goes to.  :)

Aw, sweet! It's begun! I'm super excited!  8)  8)  8)

Everyone better buckle up, 'cause we're about to take this to a new level of madness. ;)

This story is definitely going to be insane!

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 2 - Found The Lunatic
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2016, 07:36:20 PM »
         Clarissa wasn't one to complain if there was no need. She just couldn't see the need in being blindfolded and tossed into a trunk. This was definitely the strangest dream she ever had with the glowing, red, eyes haunting her. She had no money. No power. So instead of sobbing, she just laughed. This guy really was an idiot, wasn't he? Maybe he was even the one who controlled the city. Great, she had found the lunatic. If she got back from this then she would be having a word with those pesky scientists. When she woke up tomorrow from this crazy dream she would never allow them to inject another needle into her body. This nightmare would stay with her. No one would see her DNA again unless she was dying. Even then she would be mad. She couldn't help but ask herself if this was a dangerous reality or an absurd nightmare. So what happened before this crazy dream started you may ask?  Just another unusual day.

    She had been trying to get a pet for so long she had forgotten to count the days. Finally, she went to a neighbor who had pet for sale. Of course, he recognized her and instantly decided to call her family, so she had to make a break for it before anyone else saw her.

Work was, work. Luckily she got a promotion.

She decided to treat herself and go relax in a hot tub. When she got there the guard sneered.
"Your kind."
"Yeah, my kind. I have $10 in change, let me through."

She decided then to find the local diner and get dinner. She held her breath when she saw a local detective at the diner talking to a women.
"I saw her-wait, there she is!"

Not thinking she rushed and called for the nearest taxi while bumping into her father. Her eyes widened.
Before he could finish her name she locked the door and got stuck in traffic.

Once out of sight she sighed with relief and called the local animal shelter. She got home she brought the kitten inside. She had chosen him because he had a mustache and she just couldn't get over the cuteness of it.

The cat snored like no other unearthly creature. She was suddenly rethinking the idea of allowing him to sleep in the "house."

Once he became older he was quite.

Clarissa woke up to the sound of her phone ringing nonstop. With a dramatic sigh she got up, turned on the lights, and answered the phone.
"Who is this?"
"Your mother."
"Mom, please tell dad to stop stalking me."
"Where are? What are you doing?"
Clarissa couldn't think of anything so she blurted out the first name to come to her mind.
"I'm look for Astra."
Her mother then hanged up the phone. Clarissa stared at it wondering what had just happened.

While she was watering her plants her cat was already thinking of the future.

She finally had the-
Clarissa banged her head against the car. Her stupid kidnapper had turned up the music extremely loud. He allowed her the ability to talk, thinking that if she was smart she wouldn't say something. Big mistake.
"Turn off the music, moron! I'm trying to take a nap back here!"
In response, he only turned on the music louder.
"You are truly evil."

Anyways, where were we? Lets just skip to the point where she got herself into this mess. Walking home from an exhausting day in the city Clarissa all the sudden noticed a stranger following her. She silently asked herself why she had forgotten her pepper spray today. She turned around to face him. His grey skin and his red eyes standing out as clear as day suddenly made Clarissa very scared for her safety.
"Can I help you?!"
"Get in the car."

"Why would I get in the car with a random stranger? I'm not that stupid."
The stranger's eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm not risking the wrath of master. Get in the car."
Master? Who was master?

The stranger sighed.
"Fine then."
Suddenly the world bursted into millions of tiny stars.

While the lunatic jumped into a taxi with Clarissa stuck in the back of it.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 2 - Found The Lunatic
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2016, 09:02:03 PM »
Oh wow, what a true lunatic you have on your hands there.
Hey, that idiot lunatic looks familiar!

No, but I seriously laughed really loud throughout this chapter. He would turn the music up just to annoy someone. Bahaha, this was great. I wonder where poor Clarissa will end up?  ::)  :-X

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 2 - Found The Lunatic
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2016, 06:47:36 PM »
Oh wow, what a true lunatic you have on your hands there.
Hey, that idiot lunatic looks familiar!

No, but I seriously laughed really loud throughout this chapter. He would turn the music up just to annoy someone. Bahaha, this was great. I wonder where poor Clarissa will end up?  ::)  :-X

I loved writing this. I though that was something he would do. Hmm, where will she end up?   :-X

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 3 - Family Meeting
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2016, 06:47:57 PM »
Mercy sighed as she pulled up another one of the tapes from Bridgeport's surveillance cameras.
"You know Mercy, maybe if we stop stalking our daughter than she won't avoid us."
Mercy ignored him and looked at the Scientists latest "test subject" notes.

I can't believe it he allowed us to see her DNA!

He? Who was this he?

She was about to fall asleep on her desk when all the sudden her daughter showed up on the screen.
"I'm not risking the wrath of my master. Get in the car."

She studied the strange man that was threatening her daughter. The grey tinge to his skin, his bright, red, eyes.
"Zane! She was kidnapped!"
"Her having a social life is not that big of a deal Mercy. Let it go."
He said all of this teasingly while playing a game of chess. Mercy's eyebrows furrowed.
"Fine, look at this your self."

Zane's eyes widened.
"Keepers! Don't you recognize him? Wasn't he the son of Majnun? Aren't they a myth though? I know I learned about it somewhere in school..."
"Yeah Zane. I remember that lesson too. It must have been the one I fell asleep during. Wait, was that Calculus? That must have been Calculus. This doesn't matter! The Keepers are only stories for children!"

All the sudden Maleficent barged into the room.
"We got a problem! I was gone for maybe, 10 minutes and she got kidnapped!"
Mercy just stared at her granddaughter. The word still felt strange to her even after all this time.
"What happened to your face?"
Her expression turned dark.
"Nothing that should be worried about."

"Do you know where she is?"

Maleficent started laughing and showed the fangs she usually hid.
"This sucks."

Something was brewing.
"And check- Oh, come on! Wait, why are we alive, Brad?"
"I was about to ask you the same question."
"Ugh, of all the cities we had to go to."
"I like Bridgeport."
"My mother past down the deep hatred for this city to me."

"Lets look on the bright side of this."
"Which would be?"
"This is a great outfit."

All the sudden they were transported.
"So, Mercy are you sure that is a Keeper?"
"Of course-"
"This is a nice house."

"Mom? Dad? What kind of dream is this?"

"Hello Mercy. I'm glad to see your husband isn't a butthole. I have no idea why we are alive either."
Zane frowned.

Mercy exhaled. This was insane.
"Okay, what do you think is going on?"
"I think my mother is having a problem and thinks I will actually help her."


Mercy's ears perked up.
"I haven't heard about your family mom."
Megan's brows furrowed in concentration.
"How am I going to word this? She is responsible for all the crap that has happened."
"Is that the reason I had set the fire that killed you?"
"Good, you can't use it against me when we play chess anymore. Wait, I mean that isn't good."

"So, this is strange. I basically look the same age as you."
"Don't say that. You have no idea how much that is beginning to creep me out."

"Thats enough chit-chat. I have all brought you here to save my-"
"You mean my daughter?"
"My mother in law is freakin insane!'
"Like you care about Clarissa, you are just mad that if the Reapers like her you won't be able to torture her like the rest of us."
"Silence! All of you! Let me speak to her!"
It was the first time Mercy had ever heard her mother's voice so powerful and was suddenly terrified.

Her mother's voice was quite.
"I suggest you come back to wherever you came from. After cursing my family I wouldn't come back here asking for favors."
"Oh dear, Tragedy-"
"If you call me that again I will not hesitate to raise my father from the grave."
Mercy raised an eyebrow. This was all new.

"So what is wrong, mother?"
"I thought it would be hilarious if your grandfather got the wrong person."
"Mom, grandfather?! We are related to those lunatics!"
"Shh, Mercy."
"I realized that Clarissa might bump into a Reaper or two."
"The Reapers are only tales for children."
"No they aren't Mercy. They are in the same dimension as you and I."

"Thats it! You raised me from the dead for this!"
"We can't allow them to get to her."
"I see no issue with that."

"What happens if they are going to snoop around the rest of my descendants then!"
"Good! Then you can finally stop messing with our lifes or in some cases, deaths!"

Maleficent mumbled something under her breath.
"Let's be truthful. With our luck she will be trained by them."
"I was trying to keep her out of all this magic crap!"

"Lets all calm down. We need to make sure my daughter doesn't get caught up in this."
"You know what Tragedy? What about you show them your true form."

With a sudden gesture of her hand Megan was encircled with power.

"Why did you have to do that? I liked that dress!"
Mercy wasn't sure to make of all this new information.
Her father didn't even blink at the thought of it.
"Mom, did you always know you were a magic-user?"
Megan's eyebrows furrowed.
"Not when my mother erased my mind and my knowledge of all magic. She also made me extremely petty."
Fate smirked.

Mercy than showed them the tape.
"Yep, thats my father."
"He's a lunatic."
"It runs in the family. You get use to it."

"So, what are we going to do?"
"Not sure, find this lunatic and deliver Fate to him?
"Over my dead body."
"That can be arranged."

"I love you mom. Even if you are an insane lunatic that wants to rule the world."
"You were always my favorite. Always seeing the big picture."
"I don't agree with you though."

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 4, Part 1 - Maniac
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2016, 12:25:34 PM »
This is a short part. Also more Labelles and Reapers be mentioned in this. So, if you are confused I'm sorry. For anyone reading my Perfect Genetic's challenge this is foreshadowing somethings that will happen in Generation 4.  :-X
   Mercy stared at the board. Stupid, stupid. She had pulled up every single file about these "Reapers." There were way to many of them. She had to narrow it down one at a time from the deceased to the living. She knew that if these "Keepers" were as powerful as they seemed, then she wouldn't be able to find any useful information about them. What had become an interest of her was one specific Reaper. Kaida Reaper. She was currently in a mental institution due to the fact she had lost two children. Mercy couldn't help but sympathize with this woman, she had understood her pain. Mercy had lost her first born, Astra, until she had been raised from the dead. She was finding that she was more and more like this woman and it terrified her.

   She hadn't slept. She barely ate. She hadn't gone into work. She was working herself to death. She had considered taking a trip to Sunset Valley but had realized that both of her brother's families were there. She wanted them to let her go, she needed them to. Its not everyday your sister who is suppose to be an elder goes to your house and explains to you she's immortal. Her brother, Ben, was worse than her father. "No wonder my daughter is convinced I'm just a creepy stalker." Mercy laughed under her breath. She was definitely losing her mind, again.

 Zane stood by her, evaluating the information she had gotten. "Mercy, you need to stop this." She didn't listen to him. "It isn't going to help her."
Mercy spun around with fire in her eyes. "You can't tell me that in one night are daughter suddenly became a magic user and ran from home. Then a week later she is kidnapped by lunatics and that is completely normal!" Zane stood his ground. "She isn't going to make the same mistakes you did." A bang of guilt hit Mercy. "You mean learn she is magic user when her ex-husband tries to set the room she is in ablaze? Then learn that she is not only gifted, but she is immune to fire?" She was shouting now. Every once of her body was pulsing adrenaline. "I can't let her know about magic! It will destroy her like it has every member of my family!"

   Zane's voice got quite. "The only reason it destroyed them is because they didn't know about it." He then turned and left the room. Mercy sighed. He was wrong. No, he was right. Mercy shouted, "when you see your mother die before your very eyes because of the fire your father set, it isn't something you forget!" She hated magic. She loved magic. It was black and white. Some of it was good, some of it was bad. She loved the pulsing of it in her veins, encouraging her to use it. To be it. No one had told her that it came with a price though. Her hair was pulled in a messy bun and she was wearing a worn out dress. Zane could think whatever he wanted to.

    Zane hurried into the room with a sorry expression. "Sorry about that Zane, I just want her to be safe." He nodded his head. "We got company. Apparently a old friend of hers." The small man scurried into the room with wide eyes. "Are you her parents? I mean you kind of look our age..."
Mercy grimaced. "Shut up. Anything from our daughter?" Zane had said nothing and stared at the man wide eyed. He was usually so calm. Maybe the stress about Clarissa was getting to him? No, the only thing he got worried about was. Mercy stared at the man. Of course.

   Noticing her sudden coldness the man squirmed under her gaze. "Clarissa sent me a text along the lines. 'Feed my cat and water my plants. Dealing with Nutters.'" "Nutters?" The man looked like he was about to laugh. "Yes, nutters. Nothing I have ever heard before. She seems to be doing okay though." Then a look of disbelief came over his face as he stared at Zane. "She also mentioned Liam? Something along the lines 'tell my parents not to freak out'?" Mercy stared at the board. "Jack and Liam Reaper?" The man kept staring at Zane. "Perhaps." Zane finally spoke, "How do you know my daughter?" "She helped me with Biology in high school." "Did you mention the fact that you are Gladys's apprentice?" The man held Zane's gaze. "You mean the fact my life was committed to exposing the Labelles? I'm not sure that has come up. What do you have to do with it anyways? Unless you were Gladys's master's first test subject? Did I get that right? She will find that interesting, won't she?" The man started laughing. "Glad we found Mercy Labelle! I'm sure Clarissa would be willing to be a test subject, immortality does have its perks." "Shut up."

Mercy was shaking. Every once of her body was quivering with excitement. Just a little fire could solve this issue. No one would notice. Mercy frantically scribbled. Don't do anything stupid. She shared a knowing look with her husband.

"Actually. She already was a test subject. I'm sure she may be experiencing a few symptoms. Are you aware she is a magic user now? Fascinating. She of course isn't immortal, but she has a chip installed that allows us to use her magic reserves. Controlling her to start random fires ect. It's in the alpha stage, she will probably just end up going insane and dying sooner then later. Only if she uses her magic reserves first though."

    Zane eyes widened. This man wasn't going to win this game. Zane's hands turned into fists. "My boss is powerful and advices you not to do anything stupid. Good bye." The man had a stare off with Zane. Mercy was getting a headache and her hands were reaching for her wand-
Fate teleported into the middle of the room. She stared at the new person. "How do I not know you? Get out before I lock you in a cage and laugh." The man didn't need to be told twice, he skirted out the door glancing back.

Mercy didn't even wait for Fate to insult her.
"Where is my parents?"
Fate sighed.
"I sent them to babysit some brats."
Mercy just nodded her head. She didn't get it. She didn't want to get it.
"Is Majnun developing a chip that can control another person's magic reserves?"

She genuinely looked shocked. "That isn't possible. Majnun would never do something that stupid."
Mercy was shaking. "Then who would?!"

Mercy was yelling at the top of her lungs. "Someone created a chip that is going to kill my daughter! Fix it!"

"Mercy it isn't possible! Be quite! Our guest could be overhearing these things!"
Fate smirked. "I thought we could use some leverage. I didn't realize that it was useless."
"Who is it?"
"Oh, just Mania Keeper."

"We will all soon become maniacs."
"You know, suffering from Mania."

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 4, Part 2 - Maniac
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2016, 03:50:12 PM »
    Mania had her ear to the door listening in on the strange conversation. Her Master would be pleased at all the information she had found. She rubbed her neck. She was still not over the fact that Master let the vampire drink for her. She would prove her worth.

"You did not."
"I did. I tossed her in a trunk and blared my music. That is what they get for kidnapping my descendants. The only one who is allowed to torture them is me."
"Can you research this chip, please?"
"Fine. Don't say I didn't do anything for you. I guess this will be my gift for raising Alexander back from the dead the first time. He was just too funny to keep dead."
"Nothing darling. Don't worry."

       Mania massaged her neck, still remembering the blaring music. Her headache was just getting worse. Master wouldn't be pleased to hear someone was interfering with the balance of magic, she wouldn't want to be the one to deliver the news. Perhaps she would send the strange red head. Or Sheo's daughter. Daughter. The word still got under her skin. She had been wanting children for so long and all the sudden his daughter shows up with a line of powerful descendants? Mania would not feel one twinge of guilt of the whole line of them was destroyed. She would sit back  and only interfere if her master wanted her to. When she heard the door creak open she quickly found a chair and plopped down in it with all the grace she could manage.

A young woman with wild eyes and messy hair came in the room. Mania would add that to the list of things to tell Master. Crazy lunatics, with no personal hygiene values. "Is your Master developing any sort of technology that can control other magic-users?" Mania smirked. She would tell them nothing, she would prove her worth to her Master. When the silence stretched the women smiled pleasantly that unhinged Mania.
"Next question then. Where is he keeping my daughter?" Mania was furious. "Maybe he finally got rid of the pathetic moron. She is after all, a useless mortal to him. I bet she doesn't have any power."

Mania could see fire dancing in the woman's eyes. She suddenly realized she was playing with fire. "Mania Keeper, I could care less about him. He has my daughter who currently has a chip installed in her head that could kill her at any second. I don't care if I have to talk to Majnun himself while being attacked by all the world has to offer. I will get an answer."

Mania was not going to give up that easily. If she was playing with fire then she was playing with something easily extinguished. "Master would never talk to a pathetic mortal like you."
"Well isn't it good I'm an immortal person then."
Mania was not going to give up that easily.
"You should have never had his child."
The women looked briefly confused and then laughed.
"Oh you mean Fate, his daughter? They kidnapped the wrong person.

A cruel laugh came out of the woman. "How did you not know your husband had a child with an another woman?"

Mania gritted her teeth. Yes, she would be rooting for whoever would cause their destruction. The door was opened and in glided the unspoken one. She didn't have any of his facial features, but yet still carried that unspoken pride he had in every step.
"Mercy stop screaming at our guest."
"You mean the person you kidnapped?"
"What does it mean to you? We are all aware the police purposely turn a blind eye to magic affairs."
Mercy scowled.
"That would explain the unexplained deaths."
Mania snickered.
"Your father knew you existed. He just didn't want the disgrace of having such a weak child."
Fate's eyes narrowed and her mouth was threatening to turn into a grin.
"Perhaps that is the reason you can't have any children."

Mania whimpered.
"Thats what I expected."
Mercy glared at "Fate."
"Are you trying to get her to hate us?"
Fate grinned.
"She already does."

"Report to your master that someone or something is tampering with my magic reserves er, descendants power and it better not be him."

Mania raised an eyebrow. "If it is Master's doing?"

Fate's eyes glistened as she walked out the door. "Oh dear Mania, who do you think gave me the power to curse 10 generations of my family in the first place?"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 4 - Maniac
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2016, 03:55:51 PM »
"We will all soon become maniacs."
"You know, suffering from Mania."

^^ I was laughing far too hard at this. I really needed these updates, I had such a horrible day! They really brightened it up!

Uh oh... someone's looking into Liam's mother, he's not going to be happy.  :-X  XD

I think I loved everything about this chapter. Mercy really has been put through a lot, the poor dear. If only she knew what trouble her daughter was up to,  ::) Reapers and Magic and Martial Arts, Oh My! ;)

This was amazing!

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 4 - Maniac
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2016, 09:58:31 PM »
"We will all soon become maniacs."
"You know, suffering from Mania."

^^ I was laughing far too hard at this. I really needed these updates, I had such a horrible day! They really brightened it up!

Uh oh... someone's looking into Liam's mother, he's not going to be happy.  :-X  XD

I think I loved everything about this chapter. Mercy really has been put through a lot, the poor dear. If only she knew what trouble her daughter was up to,  ::) Reapers and Magic and Martial Arts, Oh My! ;)

This was amazing!

I'm glad you liked it! Sorry to hear about the bad day. I'm sure he will understand, Mercy didn't just research her. She researched the whole family tree. Mercy has been put through a lot. One day Clarissa will (hopefully) understand.

Offline mpart

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 5 - The Past Comes Back To Haunt
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2016, 10:07:35 PM »
For what has happened please read LivvieLove's Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment. Some characters from my other story, Labelle's Perfect Genetics Challenge also make an appearance.  :)


Clarissa wasn't sure who she was anymore. He had turned her life upside down. He had gotten under her skin and found all her deep, dark secrets. He was infuriating. He was the most arrogant person she had ever known. Clarissa smiled. He was also the most kind person that could change a person's day with a smile. She couldn't believe she had let him go. She let him go for this. She sighed and was tempted to scream at the driver to go back. She wanted to so badly. He would think she was insane. She felt like she was. Her perfect family were power hungry lunatics. Maybe if she had just told Liam it would have ended better. That she couldn't stand to be away from him. That his smile made her day a little easier.

The driver looked over his shoulder,"Is this your stop?"
Clarissa just rolled her eyes."Why are you driving people around for that lunatic?"
The man didn't answer. Clarissa got out of the car and stared at her house.
The builder's had finally got it done and she had never felt more miserable. This was suppose to be what she wanted.
To have a fresh start and not drag her family into her magic problems. The only issue was, they were already deeper into it then she was.
The journal was right where it was suppose to be and her cat came up to her, noticing her distress. She smiled at him.
"You may be the only thing I missed from here." Clarissa looked around the house she had earned and felt no joy in it.
"Good enough."

She turned around and called for a taxi. She had one thing to do. Get the truth. Walking up to her childhood home only made her lonelier. Every memory she had in this house was a lie. She felt she was caring a burden no one else could see and no one else was allowed to bear. Her whole life was a lie. She was sick and tired of everyone lying to her. He didn't. He was honest. She didn't know what she would do without him. Maybe find out more about magic. She needed a distraction. Clarissa focused on her blinding anger and pushed open the door.

Mercy was tired of worrying about her daughter. She was tired of being related to a powerful immortal that had kidnapped a nymph. Every day seemed to take more and more away from her. The unstable ground on which she had build her life here upon was giving away. Mercy closed her eyes. She still saw him everyday haunting her from the grave. This was just another reminder of how everything she touched turned into ashes. She cleaned off the board and finally ate something. When Zane went to check on her she gave him a weak smile. "You won. I give up. She clearly hates us." He smiled at her. "Hatred and anger are two different things." Mercy was dying to ask him the question that had been eating at her. "Do you think they told her about our pasts?" Zane took a deep breath. "Yes. I think we also have the decision to tell her or not." Mercy wouldn't meet his eyes. "Who is Gladys?" Zane took a deep breath. "She is-" All the sudden the room was filled with electrifying power.

"Sorry to interrupt you. Megan told me to bring her to you. I was just counting the green umbrellas on the plane when all the sudden poof, I was needed." Maleficent started to hum. Mercy looked at Megan (the second).
Megan just shook her head.
"I'm looking for a nymph named Saoirse."
They heard a whimper behind the closed door.
"Fate kidnapp-"
Megan snapped.
"I don't care what Fate did! You don't go housing Keepers! Most of all, you don't go kidnapping a pregnant one either!"
Mercy's eyes widened. "Pregnant? Pregnant!?"

"That is what the dead are saying! She shouldn't have been able to have children, Megan's eyes widened, unless. This is bad, this is really bad. If you would like to not be on the run from a powerful lunatic for the rest of your immortal life I suggest you release her."
Mercy shut her eyes shut. "I can't believe Fate."
Zane looked confused and Maleficent was humming silently to herself about pineapples.
Mercy phone was buzzing, but they all ignored it.

Maleficent stopped humming. "We have bigger issues."
Mercy shared a look with her husband. "What do you mean bigger issues?"
"My aunt is causing trouble." Maleficent winced at the words "aunt."
Mercy laughed. "I hope Clarissa isn't doing anything too stupid."
Maleficent stared at her. "Define stupid."
Mercy stopped for a minute. "Just tell us."
"I may or may not have tried to teleport a Reaper into a remote tomb. It didn't work. I'm pretty sure he was trying to find Clarissa. He had this sort of look on his face that James had when Gwen was missing-"
Mercy interrupted her. "This is such a big deal because?"
Zane had a look on his face that Mercy knew he was making a list of things he could turn into weapons.
"He will be here in roughly 5 minutes. Clarissa is downstairs listening to our discussion."
Maleficent screamed down the stairs. "Nice try Clarissa! Megan, are you done screaming at them for housing a Keeper?"
Megan was fuming. "I called you 20 times to warn you! 20 times!"
Zane peered over Megan's shoulder. "Have you seen my bottle of pepper spray?"

Mercy finally snapped. "I was trying to find my daughter! Is it so bad I didn't want her to know about her psychotic family!"
"You are one of the most psychotic out of all of us! I didn't set my ex-husband on fire!"
"You have barely any power! All you can talk to is the dead that by the way, were stupid enough to get killed!"
"At least I didn't go insane from it!"
Zane was mumbling. "That is where my pepper spray is!"

Megan and Mercy glared at each other.
Megan spoke quietly,"If you excuse me I don't want nature to turn against me. I am going to go release Mania Keeper."
Megan held her head high and Mercy smirked when the door was locked. Maleficent just blasted the door down. Mercy glared at her.
"What? I have enough madness in my life. I am not adding this. Plus, it is my job to keep us all from going insane. I have a nagging suspicion I am not doing well though."
Mercy rolled her eyes.
"No kidding."

Liam wasn't sure where had arrived when he first saw it. All he knew was that she was in there. The girl that had literally turned his life upside down and changed everything for him. She was the one of the most aggravating people that had ever existed. When the house finally appeared into view he was dumbfounded to hear the nutter ring-leader's wife. That was what Majnun had meant they took? Liam had to control himself from bursting out laughing. Bet they regretted that decision.

"Master won't be pleased. I suggest you beg for your despicable life. It would make it even more hilarious when you all met your pathetic ends."
The next voice wasn't as aggravating. "I'm sorry you are in this situation-"
"I have been tortured!"
The next person that shouted made Liam go blind with fury. Clarissa's mother. "She has had 3 meals everyday from Bridgeport's best restaurant!" He decided he had a special hatred for that woman.
The nutter tried a different tactic.
He heard her sneer. "I have been held against my will!"
The first person replied back. "Fine! We can just ship you back in a car! Then you can explain to your master about your current situation!"
He heard Mania slump to the floor. "I can't be in her debt!"
"You are in the same boat as the rest of us! Deal with it!"

The next voice he picked up was Clarissa's and he barged into the house. Clarissa didn't even bother to glance at him. Liam suddenly realized this was a terrible idea. What did Jack say about the nutters? Mind his own business? It was just giving him a migraine thinking about it.

"At what point were you going to mention mom was a magic user? Or the fact that we are cursed by a crazy ancestor!"
Cursed? Clarissa was cursed? All Liam could see was his mother asking why her other two children didn't visit. He had to close his eyes and will the memory away. It. Didn't. Matter.
"I think Fate is the sanest ancestor your mother has."
Liam was tempted to punch Clarissa's father. Liam was about to be scared off by this man, no matter his size or the fact that he had a scar on his face indicating he had been in at least one fight in his life.
"You made me feel like a freak! Why didn't you just tell me?!
 "I think your mother would do a better job at explaining that to you."

"I can't trust either of you!"
"We were trying to protect you!"
"From what? The truth? It wasn't about me. It was about both of you keeping this ridiculous fantasy that we were the perfect family! That we were somewhat normal!"

All the sudden Liam tore his gaze from Clarissa and saw something that made his blood run cold. A hybrid girl was staring right at him. She mouthed the words to him,"Good luck Reaper." She then teleported in a haze of light.

All the sudden they all turned to face Mercy Labelle. For a psychopath she appeared to be calm. Liam smirked. The nutter ring-leader would have been proud of her. His fists were clenched and everything in Liam wanted to protect her. The thing they didn't realize that he did, she didn't need their protection.

"When you are ready to actually tell me the whole truth I'm here. You both are insane."
Liam grinned. "I have to agree with Clarissa. You would have both made the nutters proud."
They both turned to glare at him and Clarissa's mouth dropped.

He smirked. Outside he was sure he appeared confident, but inside he was breaking.
"There isn't another one sweetheart. Took you long enough."
She scowled. "I'm sure someone else has the same name."
Liam rolled his eyes.
Clarissa pulled him into embrace not caring what her parents thought or anyone else. She never wanted to let go of him. He smiled at her and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Whatever happened next didn't matter. He was her steady ground and she was the same for him.

Zane does not like Liam. He was glaring RIGHT AT Liam. I'm pretty positive Alec is causing this negative influence on him.

Here is Mercy laughing at Zane. This is why Zane and Mercy are the perfect couple.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Another Labelle Story - Chapter 5 - The Past Comes Back To Haunt
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2016, 11:42:05 PM »
I'm so in love with this chapter, there aren't even words for it. Oh boy!
Liam grinned. "I have to agree with Clarissa. You would have both made the nutters proud."
They both turned to glare at him and Clarissa's mouth dropped.
He smirked. Outside he was sure he appeared confident, but inside he was breaking.
"There isn't another one sweetheart. Took you long enough."
She scowled. "I'm sure someone else has the same name."
Liam rolled his eyes.
Ah, my darling Liam. As I told you mpart, he's the epitome of charm and grace. Clearly.  ::) Barges into a stranger's house on the pursuit of a girl he just met and fell head-over-heels for, eavesdrops on intimate conversation and then inserts himself with a sassy reply that insults the parents of his lady-love. Jack would've died. Just died.
Then he would have risen from the dead and beat some sense into Liam before dying again. Heh. Oh I'm laughing just thinking about it.

For anyone who needs an abridged version thus far (as my legacy is quite a bit of a chunk to read), hold onto your hat! Liam is the grandson of my fourth generation spare (Aurora>Emrin>Atrox>Kaida>Liam), to simplify it as far as I can. He was raised by Jack, my second generation spare's grandson (Raven>Falor>Annie>Jack), after his mother lost her mind and was institutionalized.
Such a cheery childhood.
It made him into such a cheery adult who makes rational decisions. Clearly. Haha.

Beautifully done. I really can't wait to read more, and I really, really can't wait to see their babies. ;D