Author Topic: How To: Edit Photos - Basics Using Windows Paint  (Read 6205 times)

Offline MrsFlynn

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How To: Edit Photos - Basics Using Windows Paint
« on: January 12, 2016, 01:03:40 AM »
How To: Edit Photos - Basics Using Windows Paint

Windows Paint is a free basic photo editor that comes with Windows.

To search for Paint - click Start and in the search box type Paint. The editor should show up under Programs (Top) in the search window.

Please copy your screenshots folder to the desktop, external hard drive, flash drive or or some other place than your Sims 4 folder. - This is so they can be edited without messing up the original photos.

This covers how to crop, resize and save a photo. - Click on images to see larger view

1. There are two ways to open a photo in Paint.

A: Double-click on a photo and Select Open With and choose Paint.

B: Open Paint and Click File > Open - Browse to where you have your photos stored. Double click on the photo you want to edit.

2. To crop a photo, click Select up in the Menu and draw a box over the part you want to keep. - Click the word Crop up in the menu, by the Select option. - The crop line is faint when drawing out the box.





3. To resize the photo, Click on word Resize up in the menu. Select Pixels and make sure Maintain aspect Ratio is checked. Type in 800 in the Horizontal box. If number is lower than 800, you can skip resizing the photo.



4. Saving the photo as a .jpg file. - Select File > Save As > JEPG Picture. This saves it as a .jpg file.

Upload photos to your choice of image hosting sites. How to upload photos to image hosting sites, links below

How To: Edit Photos - Using Print Screen (PrtSc) and Paint

1. Press the PrtSc key to get the photo you want.
2. Open Paint Select Paste.
-- Then follow same steps as above.

To Crop: Use the Select tool to draw a box around the part you want to keep. 
Click the word Crop up in the menu. - The crop line is faint when drawing out the box.

To Resize: Click on word Resize up in the menu. Select Pixels and make sure Maintain aspect Ratio is checked. Type in 800 in the Horizontal box.

3. Select File > Save As > Jpeg.

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Preferred Photo Size to Share with Forum:

800 wide in .jpg or .jpeg format is the preferred size and format for sharing photos in the forum and pms. .jpg or .jpeg format is overall a smaller format than .png and .jpg or .jpeg files are much kinder to mobile users and is easier to share via the web. It also takes up less bandwidth to upload and view.

By default Sims 3 photos are saved as .jpg file format and Sims 4 files are .png file format.

Photo hosting sites do not change your image file format for you. You have to edit the photos and then save them as a .jpg or .jpeg and then upload them to a photo hosting site of your choice. You can use IrfanView to convert your .png files to .jpg or .jpeg files.

How To: Use IrfanView Batch Conversion and Resize Images

Download IrfanView from

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How To: Create Links on the Forum and with text,1318.0.html

Sharing Photos on the Forum,22892.0.html

Photo Sharing, Blog Sites, Webhosting and Online Storage Link Suggestions,19426.0.html

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How to Use photos editors and upload photos to hosting sites and blogs

The links below are links to different how-to articles for using various hosting sites, blogs and editors.

How To: Use IrfanView Batch Conversion and Resize Images

How to Edit Photos

How to Upload Photos to Photobucket

How to Upload Images Using Imgur

How to Create an Online Photo Album on Flickr

How to Add Pictures in WordPress

How to start a Wordpress Blog

How to Add Pictures in Blogspot
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