Author Topic: Dear Diary  (Read 39333 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #45 on: February 09, 2016, 03:34:34 PM »
R.I.P. Jazmin!  You were a wonderful mother and a dearly beloved wife.

I only realized today that you are doing a career challenge and not an immortal dynasty...
How did Janine decide among her various beaux and choose Lex?

Offline Indira

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #46 on: February 09, 2016, 03:40:33 PM »
Note 17 Beware the Moo

Sunday, 8AM

Dear Diary,

I'm glad Dad is feeling a bit better. Surrounded by his plants, he seemed more at peace somehow. I'm sure deep inside he still longs for Mom. But for now, it's picture time!

Dad has become addicted to video gaming! I wish I could play, but it's dizzying, especially with my condition. Right now, I'm munching strawberries like there is no tomorrow!

Sometime last night, Dad's strange plant finally reached maturity and he finished his aspiration and became fireproof! Lucky him. I couldn't get near the plant as the Oldies Club members were hogging it to themselves. I went to bed hoping the plant will be free to play with in the morning.

I woke up the next day and saw what the plant really looks like! Wow! It moves and it moos! It's like a pet. It was quite docile with me. :D Then I noticed it's udders were full, I thought maybe I could milk it. So cool! We can have milk everyday! Fresh too! Lex was excited as well! He might make pudding tonight.

I look at the ground and saw a new cowplant shoot poke its head out of the ground. For some reason I felt my hair stand on end. The weather is getting chilly, might be a good idea to shop for warmer clothes soon.

Till later Daaaiirry, oops, I mean diary.  ;)


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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #47 on: February 09, 2016, 03:52:57 PM »
@Magpie2012 I'm embarrassed to say that I actually cried while writing about Jaz' passing. She's the first non-Townie Sim that died. The death hit me in the gut and I just felt tears pouring out of my eyes.

I told my husband later that evening, and he said, "You should stop playing Sims 4. You're supposed to enjoy your games and not cry over them. Sims 4 is bad for you."

"Tsk!" I say. lol

@oshizu It'll be quite a long time before I dare to challenge immortality. There's just too many things to take note of, too many things to list down and too many requirements. haha, I'm not the best at record keeping. Lex was chosen because he has the more acceptable negative trait and because of the creative trait. Needed that trait for the next random career, which is Culinary-chef. I already had a random list of careers at hand for reference.

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #48 on: February 09, 2016, 04:32:46 PM »
Note 18 The Cows Have To Go

Tuesday, 6PM

Dear Diary,

I helped with Dad's garden today. I have to, otherwise I wouldn't b able to enjoy those succulent strawberries. Dad is getting a little older each day, and his back has been bothering him a lot lately. He said something cryptic about finding gold in the garden. Does he mean gold underneath? I don't know if I'm up to digging around looking for gold. For now, I'll water and weed while Dad enjoys painting flowers.

The Oldies Club members have been in uproar lately, it seems like a couple of people disappeared. Then Grim showed up complaining about a few untimely demise. Then later that night, Bella Goth and Nina Caliente passed away.

Does Grim have something to do with it? In some books, he was called the harbinger of death and destruction! In some, he is merely the reaper of souls. But I bet his appearance is what triggered the the deaths of both Bella and Nina. I distrust that hooded being!



Wednesday, 5PM

Dear Diary,

Things are getting worse! Not just people, even plants are dying! I'm so furious, and I took it out on the poor, hapless mailbox! I'm so sorry Mally. :'( I have these mood swings ever since the start of my pregnancy.

**Just like your Mom. It amazes me how you two are so alike. -Gonk**
**I looked at Gonk who is standing still on the table.**

It's still eerie how I can hear an inanimate object's thoughts. No wonder some of the old residents in Newcrest called my family insane.

The mystery of the disappearing people are still unsolved. I looked at old pictures we had on the wall, and I couldn't find a clue. What's missing here? I can only scratch my head.



Thursday, 6PM

Dear Diary,

Grim came back today when a tombstone suddenly appeared in the garden, right in front of the cowplants. There were no witnesses, no cries of alarm, and no sign of abuse. Grim just walked in front of the cowplants and one of them held out a scrumptious looking cake that made my mouth water! After a few seconds of contemplating, Grim announced that the cowplants are the culprits!


Everyone was baffled. Voices were raised in protest! But Grim was adamant and demanded that the cows have to go! His main concern was the overtime he has been putting in.

I still can't believe it. Is it really the cows? Well, better be safe than sorry. The cows have to go.


Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2016, 08:40:53 PM »
Twice you signed off as Jazmin and not Janine lol subconsciously missing your founder?

I love how you wrote in the cowplant nature ;-D those things are so cute but geez, they creep me out! Although, all those Essences of Life would be really cool :-D

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Indira

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #50 on: February 09, 2016, 09:40:11 PM »
Thanks for catching that @Magpie2012 :D It's my bad for making similar names. I initially thought to have all progeny names start with J, then I realized it was hard keeping the names correct during storytelling. But it was already too late to change Janine's name. The issue is rectified in the 3rd gen though. :) I hope I made the right choice. Thanks for lifting my spirits every time you comment. :D

I love the cowplants when they are young and cute and don't bite! haha
I got a couple of Life essences, one from Malcolm Landgraab, evil extraordinaire. One of my sims was enemies with him, and that particular sim laughs at his tombstone. tsk tsk. I didn't write Malcolm into the story though. ;) I'm trying to limit one gen to only 12 max chapters each, or less if I can manage it.

I can't wait to post the next chapters. Perhaps tonight I can add a chapter or two. I still haven't caught up with my game, so I want to get the stories out before the ideas are totally gone!

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #51 on: February 10, 2016, 07:37:18 AM »
Note 19 Getting Bigger

Wednesday, 5PM

Dear Diary,

I don't know which is worse, grim calling me Fatty, or the workout machine giving me dieting tips! I don't understand how I'm getting bigger and bigger by the second. People keep saying I need to tone down on the food intake. Hello?! I'm eating for two!  ::)

When you have a husband cooking the best food in town? You can't help wolf them down either! I think Lex has been hiding food in the bathroom. Lately, I've caught him eating while in the toilet! But it's okay. He is sweet to me and the baby in my belly. Every morning, he'd do a one-sided conversation with the baby and he has this happy, foolish smile on his face. He's so cute.

**Ugh! enough with the sweetness hunny, the ants are coming! -Gonk**
**If you want a peaceful life Gonk, you better shut your trap! -Janine**

It's official, I'm truly insane. Oh well, we can't all perfect. What's a little insanity anyway?   ;)

We had friends over today, looking to see how I'm doing with the pregnancy. I'm not so sure about the boots in the pool though. Must tell him he looks horrible. And I farted in secret, it was hard to keep it in. I tried, you know, really!

**Snicker! -Gonk**

Lex went off to practice mixing drinks. We simply couldn't afford to buy a bar right now, not even the cheapest one. We are saving up for a really nice house. It's actually my Mom and Dad's dream. So for now, we have to try and be patient with all our easily-broken stuff in the house.

I can't think of anything else to say right now. I'm too tired and sleepy. I feel the baby kicking! See you later diary.


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Offline oshizu

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #52 on: February 10, 2016, 02:33:15 PM »
Lex went off to practice mixing drinks. We simply couldn't afford to buy one right now. We are saving up for a really nice house. It's actually my Mom and Dad's dream. So for now, we have to try and be patient with all our easily-broken stuff in the house.

Buy one what?  Do you mean a bar?
Just as an aside, I love the new (for me) portable bars!  If a household has a permanent bar, the whole family is constantly mixing drinks, but I can put a portable bar in the personal inventory of the sim who is leveling mixology and just sneak in a little mixing here and there.  So convenient!

So great that Lex is not being mean at all.  I see Lex eating on the john in one image--is he multi-tasking or did you run out of seats? lol
Can't wait to see their nooboo! 

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #53 on: February 10, 2016, 03:55:19 PM »
Aaw I lift your spirits? *blushes* that's so cool because your story does the same for me *hug*

It would have been funny to make a game out of "how many times can Indira mix up all the J names in her story" lol the family friendly version of Miami shots lol I even have difficulty remembering the names of some of my sims too, especially when I've just been concentrating on one specific sim for a while and then have to switch "allegiances" for some reason!

I really love Gronk's "voice" he's such a sarcastic little cretin!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Indira

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #54 on: February 10, 2016, 06:04:38 PM »
Note 20 Life and Death

Friday, 10AM

Dear Diary,

It happened so fast last night, there wasn't even time to react! I was snoring soundly and Lex was in the kitchen with the last minute cooking for work when there was a loud sound of something or someone falling upstairs. I was awaken by it and was trying to get up and see what it was, though in my heart I was already uneasy.

I heard people arguing, must have been Lex and someone else, Grim? And there was banging on the door that leads to the second floor. While this was happening, I was still trying to find my slippers. My stomach has become so big, I can't see my toes!

I went out of the bedroom only to see Grim disappearing in black smoke, then later heard him upstairs screaming. What could scare him so bad that he shrilled like a girl?

Lex finally found the key to open the door and he rushed up and went to Dad's room, while I waddled as fast as I can. I came inside the room to find Lex sobbing in front of an urn, and in the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of blue that disappeared before I could look fully. It was a second later that I comprehend that the urn is engraved with the name Don Lothario!

The shock numbed me from the inside. I was rooted where I was standing, still unbelieving. I would have stood there for a long time if not for the sudden contractions that racked my body. The pain itself overrode any other emotions. Lex moved into action, fast as lightning, and bundled me into the cab that seem to have magically appeared.

We arrived at the hospital with Lex looking scary while still wearing his cooking outfit. He could've given Grim a run for his money. Anyway, we coincidentally met Grim at the hospital and he was talking mumbo jumbo to my almost bursting tummy.

I found myself alone in the operating room, while Lex was furiously eating a sandwich. Poor guy, his gluttonous trait was making him eat while stressed! And then it was over so soon, welcome home to our family, Millicent, my darling baby.

In my heart, is a deep sadness with the recent passing of Dad, but there is also great happiness at the beginning of a new life. The promise of a brighter future lurks for those who look for them.


Offline Indira

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #55 on: February 10, 2016, 06:28:27 PM »
Thanks @oshizu :D Modified it to correct the oversight. No matter how many times I review, it's still hard to find mistakes. I can see now why good editors are priceless! It's weird how the brain is wired. I personally find it easier to see other people's wrong grammar, but harder to spot in my own writing.  :'(

I can't remember why Lex was eating there too! Usually, when they ran out of seats in the house, the sims would sit and eat at pool side. The 1-tile pool got upgraded into a 4-tile one. lol :D

@Magpie2012 You usually have kind comments (except for those rare rude people in the forum). And I really appreciate that. Not just from you but also from others. :)

I just named the new baby, Millicent. She's a lovely baby and a lovely little girl. Will update the Character profile tonight. I'm still trying to get pictures. I hate that bug with saving a household but doesn't actually save it. I couldn't find copies of the sims in their younger age anymore. I keep forgetting to get them in CAS so I can take screenshots. 'Child-Teen-YA-Adult-Elder' I can only move forward and make do with what I have.

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #56 on: February 10, 2016, 06:35:13 PM »
@Indira I completely agree with you about how hard it is to avoid mistakes when posting. No matter how many times I proof, I'll also discover numerous mistakes (spelling mistakes, missing words, and so on) once I've actually posted.

And by the way, I thought it was quite awesome that Jazmin returned as a ghost at the moment of Don's death.  R.I.P.
And welcome to the world, Millicent!

Offline Indira

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #57 on: February 11, 2016, 05:03:46 AM »
Note 21 The House on the Hill

Saturday, 3PM

Dear Diary,

Between my husband Lex, and my ghostly Mom, Millicent doesn't lack for companions. After Dad passed away, Mom's ghost has been 'haunting' us, especially the baby.

Most of today was pretty exciting! First was the celebration of Millicent's birthday. It was a small family party in the empty front yard. Millicent grew up catapulting from her crib and into the wider world. She looked like a tomboy and has her dad's eyes and nose. Right now she has dark hair but someday, it will also turn pink just like mine did when I turned into a teen. We finished off the birthday cake and made ourselves get ready to move out.

Most of our things have already been packed, ready for the move to our new place. Even the garden plants weren't exempted! With Dad, our main handyman gone, Lex will have to do the honors and make us a couple of planters and pots as our old ones were too worn out to survive the move.

And this is where we will be moving in! It's gonna be a long climb up, if I may say so. While the movers were unloading our meager furniture, we checked out the very tiny inner lagoon. It was awesome! I took the first dive and swam on the cold water below. The falls are amazing and definitely adds a sense of adventure to the place!

I wish Dad and Mom are still alive to witness this wonderful place. But then again, if Mom's ghost is any indication, it won't be long before we see Dad's ghost as well.  ;)


Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #58 on: February 11, 2016, 01:01:04 PM »
Yeah, rude people peeve me! Thankfully we don't have many of them here and I've learnt to "try" bite my tongue on the few that we do have that have been here a while and I know will never change (and probably don't even realise they're being rude, which is sad)

RIP Don, my go-to whoo-hoo buddy for my single sims! He makes such a lovely spouse too, my New Years Resolution sim was really happy that I let them get married after she lost all that weight lol

I love this story, you have a way with words and the picture collages just accentuate that!

Welcome Milli, you are gorgeous and are gonna look great with pink hair!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Dear Diary
« Reply #59 on: February 11, 2016, 05:52:16 PM »
What an absolutely amazing house!

