Author Topic: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY COMPLETE  (Read 20902 times)

Offline christinal3106

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Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY COMPLETE
« on: November 23, 2015, 09:35:24 AM »
I took all the mods out of my folder to attempt a Hall of Fame worthy DecaDynasty.  I will just update this as the heirs finish their requirements.  I am only using Ambitions, Late Night, Supernatural, and University expansions. 

This is Buzz Dolan.  He is the son of Finn and Sarah Dolan.  Finn and Sarah tried for baby on day one, and he was born 3 days after.  Their address was 24 Clover Drive, and Finn and Sarah lived together until death. 

Buzz was an excellent student and received honor roll in grade school and high school.

Buzz's NPC friends:
1. Gail McGraw - Babysitter
2. Kenisha Altman - Newspaper Deliverer
3. Latarsha Kimble - Pizza Deliverer
4. Kirsten Fritz - Mixologist
5. Sha Sha Houser - Bouncer
6. Myra Michael - Repair Technician
7. Nina Cortes - Mail Carrier
8. Sierra Bray - Firefighter
9. Tabatha Barkley - Maid
10. Ashlee Chairs - Policewoman

Buzz's Best Friends
1. Gail McGraw
2. Kenisha Altman
3. Latarsha Kimble
4. Cara Gallgher
5. Kirsten Fritz
6. Sha Sha Houser
7. Myra Michael
8. Sierra Bray
9. Tabatha Barkley
10. Ashlee Chairs

Buzz completed 10 opportunities no other heir can complete:
1. A History of One
2. Bring Back the Jams
3. Finding New Recruits
4. Jog Everywhere
5. Allow Me to Introduce Myself
6. Master Invention
7. A Retreat to Inspiration
8. Teching Up the Spa
9. Construction Equipment Needed
10. To Boldly Go

Buzz reached level 10 of the Military Career

Buzz supermaxed Inventing, and he also maxed handiness and science.

Buzz purchased Garda Police and Military, and he also purchased Bridgeport Sports Zone.  That property was fully upgraded when purchased.

Finn Dolan's medium sized tombstone has been left on the lot.

Buzz made 10 masterful time machines that were worth $2,024/time machine.  The total value is $20,240.

Here is Buzz showing off his time machines

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Offline christinal3106

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2015, 09:49:30 AM »
Dragon Valley is my favorite, and I figured out how to fix the pictures.

Offline christinal3106

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2015, 01:53:46 PM »
Buzz married Marian Hooley and moved into her residence at 26 Clover Drive.  She quickly became pregnant.  A few days later, Marian gave birth to a baby boy, and they named him Michelangelo.  Living together until they both died of old age, Marian and Buzz raised a successful child who was on honor roll in both grade school and high school.  Before they knew it, he was grown, and he was just as handsome as his father.

Michelangelo's NPC friends:
1. Kory Dockery - Newspaper Deliverer
2. Quinton Maroof - Babysitter
3. Becky Sears - Burgler
4. Martha Simpson - Barista Bartender
5. Jody Belcher - Bouncer
6. Benjamen Bermudez - Pizza Deliverer
7. Lashanda Wilcox - Mixologist
8. Liana Dorman - Mail Carrier
9. Marta Funk - Maid
10. Leland Corbin - Repair Technician

Michelangelo's Best Friends:
1. Kory Dockery
2. Quinton Maroof
3. Becky Sears
4. Jody Belcher
5. Benjamen Bermudez
6. Lashanda Wilcox
7. Liana Dorman
8. Marta Funk
9. Leland Corbin
10. Jevon McClain

Michelangelo complete 10 opportunities no other heir can complete:
1. The Case of a Little Dirt
2. The Mystery of the Backwashed Toothbrush
3. The Case of the Rumor Mill
4. The Case of the Unsure Heart
5. The Case of the Enthusiastic Fans
6. Hacked!
7. The Mystery of the Missing Mate
8. The Mystery of the Naked Ring Finger
9. The Case of the Price Gouged Produce
10. The Case of the Snail Mail Jam

Michelangelo reached level 10 in the Investigator Profession.

Michelangelo supermaxed Sculpting and also mastered Science.

Michelangelo purchased Mithrilen's Madmen Hideaway and Playful Park.  Playful Park is fully upgraded.

Buzz Dolan's large tombstone is left on the lot.

Michelangelo made 10 masterpiece Felix the Giraffes totaling $39,134. 

Michelangelo and his many giraffes

Offline christinal3106

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2015, 04:21:23 PM »
Michelangelo met and wooed the lovely Ava Kelly, and moved to her residence at 54 Brighed Bend.  The next day, Ava was pregnant.  She gave birth to a baby girl and named her Sylvia.  Sylvia received honor roll at the grade and high school level.  Every heir is ambitious, but she was even more topping the alchemist career and supermaxing the skill while in high school.  Michelangelo and Ava lived with Sylvia until they both died of old age.

Sylvia's NPC friends:
1. Levar Quigley - Newspaper Deliverer
2. Salina Pritchard - Babysitter
3. Tori Bernier - Barista Bartender
4. Nadia Rendor - Bouncer
5. Justin Cartwright - Pizza Deliverer
6. Raul Talbot - Repair Technician
7. Nick Childs - Mixologist
8. Daisy Koenig - Maid
9. Shellie Bunn - Firefighter
10. Kyra Hurtado - Policewoman

Sylvia's Best Friends:
1. Levar Quigley
2. Salina Pritchard
3. Tori Bernier
4. Nadia Rendon
5. Justin Cartwright
6. Raul Talbot
7. Nick Childs
8. Daisy Koenig
9. Jamison Greenwood
10. Kari Cowan

Sylvia completed 10 opportunities no other heir can complete:
1. Alchemic Mastery
2. Riddle Away
3. The Drumline
4. The Fortunes of Fortune Telling
5. Fresh Fish
6. Practice Makes Better
7. Fixing the Celestial Stump
8. Give Private Reading
9. Fresh Cookies For Sale!
10. Drum Roll, Please!

Sylvia reached level 10 in the Fortune Teller career, mystic branch.

Sylvia supermaxed Alchemy and also mastered Science.

Sylvia purchased Gypsy Wagon and Aleister's Elixirs and Sundries, and it is fully upgraded.

Michelangelo's large tombstone has been left on the lot.

Sylvia crafted 10 Bottled Blessing of the Fae elixirs and left them on the lot totaling $21,140.

Sylvia and her elixirs

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2015, 04:42:15 AM »
I must say, Sylvia looks very pretty.

You're making good progress on your dynasty, keep up the great work!

Offline christinal3106

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2015, 10:54:58 AM »
Thanks, Sylvia had a daughter, and she looks a lot like her.  She is teen right now.  I should finish up her generation tomorrow or the next day.  I am very determined to finish.  I have finished I don't know how many dynasties, but they weren't hall of fame.  I bought a new computer, and the game is running so much better for me.  I am not having crashes like I did on my old computer, which is why I had to use mods.

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Offline christinal3106

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2015, 08:53:52 AM »
Sylvia married Breandan O'Shea, and she moved into his residence at 85 Deidre Drive.  She became pregnant that very day, and they had a daughter named Amy.  Of course, Amy was on the honor roll in grade school and high school, and she also supermaxed Street Art during that time.  Sylvia and Kearney both died a natural death in the family home. 

Amy's NPC friends:
1. Latisha Coleman - Newspaper Deliverer
2. Marian Lange - Babysitter
3. Simone Moon - Barista Bartender
4. Nikole Lockwood - Pizza Deliverer
5. Augustine Stockton - Mixologist
6. Otis Edmund - Repair Technician
7. Robin Holland - Maid
8. Everett Stones - Bouncer
9. Shannan Humble - Policewoman
10. Fabian Ho - Firefighter

Amy's Best Friends:
1. Marian Lange
2. Nikole Lockwood
3. Augustine Stockton
4. Otis Edmund
5. Robin Holland
6. Marci Gagnon
7. Thelma Baggett
8. Latisha Coleman
9. Fabian Ho
10. Shannan Humble

Amy completed 10 opportunities no other heir can complete:
1. Handiness How-To
2. Filing the Application
3. Smooth, Like Verbal Butter
4. In the End
5. Local Artists Gallery
6. It's a Living
7. Commissioned Street Art
8. The Case of the Hacked Off Client
9. The Case of the Gnome Footsy
10. Bye Bye Flamingo

Amy reached level 10 of the Music career, Rock branch.

Amy supermaxed Street Art and also maxed Guitar and Science

Amy purchased World's Theatre and The Grind, and it is fully upgraded.

Sylvia's large tombstone was left on the lot.

Amy left 10 of the highest quality of plutonium on the lot totaling $31,500.

Amy with her metals.

Offline christinal3106

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2015, 03:09:14 PM »
Amy married Mason Sackholme and moved to his residence at 75 Shillelagh Street.  She became pregnant that very day and gave birth to another girl!  They named her Faith, and she was a very good student reaching honor roll in grade and high school.  She was a bit rebellious and reached the top status with the group before she turned young adult.  Amy and Mason lived with her until they died of natural causes.

Faith's NPC friends:
1. Starla Arellano - Babysitter
2. Chasity Martinez - Burglar
3. Trever Mize - Policeman
4. Emmett Ulrich - Newspaper Deliverer
5. Kiana Ring - Repair Technician
6. Hillary Hester - Barista Bartender
7. Abram Strange - Bouncer
8. Mellissa McCray - Maid
9. Katy Barakat - Pizza Deliverer
10. Moses Aguirre - Mixologist

Faith's Best Friends:
1. Starla Arellano
2. Chasity Martinez
3. Trever Mize
4. Abram Strange
5. Kiana Ring
6. Mellissa McCray
7. Katy Barakat
8. Moses Aguirre
9. Cheri Huntley
10. Annemarie Machado

Faith completed 10 opportunities no other heir can complete:
1. The Writing Club
2. After School Employment
3. A Fishy Science Project
4. Side Job Delivery
5. Advanced Art Training
6. Skilled Painting
7. A Stimulating Experiment
8. Brilliance
9. Masterpiece
10. The Great Argyle Sinclair

Faith reached the top of the Art Appraiser career, Acquisition branch.

Faith supermaxed Painting and also mastered Science.

Faith purchased Ubiquitous Day Spa and Heart & History Art Museum, and it is fully upgraded.

Amy's large tombstone was left on the lot.

Faith left 10 of the brightest Plasma Bugs on the lot worth $46,000.

Faith with the insects.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2015, 12:14:44 AM »
Wow, your sims are gorgeous! I love seeing how the DV genes play out in the generations!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline christinal3106

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2015, 11:35:14 AM »
Thanks, I was hoping for a bit more variety with hair and skin tones.  For example, Marian Hooley's hair has now been passed down to 3 heirs.  The funniest part of it is her son didn't have her hair, but his daughter and granddaughter does.  My new heir is a red head as well.  I was so hoping we could get some of Breandan's purple skin, but instead, had several generations of turquoise.  Here is a screen shot of the next heir, Gordan.

I think he has his father's skin tone, though.  He is a bit more pale blue.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2015, 04:17:31 PM »
I find Mason gives the blue-boo genes, I have had him have children with 3 of my sims (pink, lavender and orange) and all 3 lots of kids were either turqouise or blue or a weird greenish-blue colour (and there were A LOT of kids, the Purple lady had 4 with him (all boys) and the Orange one had 5 mixed genders)

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2015, 04:25:34 PM »
They're less blue than my nooboos, when I say blue I mean BLUE! Like sky-blue and aqua and turquoise... Your blue-boos are more the weird greenish-blue of the Orange-Mason pairing... (At least from the pics but I am on my BB so that could be messing with the colours!)

Your Simmies are gorgeous though, the genes really paired well together, even if the colouring seems to be remaining relatively static! I would love to know whether simnetics works the same as human genetics with dominant and recessive genes and phenotypes and genotypes! *warning, Steph has now entered the Biology Geek phase, back away slowly and try not to have direct eye contact*

Sent from my BlackBerry 9720 using Tapatalk
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline christinal3106

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2015, 09:13:07 PM »
Well, it sure does seem like red hair is dominant.  By the way, Gordan's father is Liam Eames.  He is a toddler (I think) when the game starts.  He is pale blue with blue hair.  I did check though and both Faith and Liam are on the pale rainbow slider pretty close together, in a different file of course.  I am a bit bummed because a few generations ago, the game moved Siobahn Murphy and Aaron Finnigan together into the original Hooley house, which was my dynasty's second house.  Liam was also moved out of his original house into a smaller house, but that one hadn't been occupied yet, until now anyway.  I still have enough original townies to finish, as long as the game doesn't mess stuff up for me anymore.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Rainbows of Dragon Valley: Dolan DecaDynasty STATS ONLY
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2015, 03:13:13 PM »
Wow Faith is stunning!  Looks like you're off to a really great start (well, almost first half, I guess).

