This is my attempt at creating Regina Mills, the Evil Queen and Mayor in the tv show, Once Upon a Time. She is a dastardly, pulic enemy with the evil, genius and loves the outdoors traits. For some reason EA shows her as Thyme and I'm not sure how to fix this. I love playing her. She is often my house tester.
This is my one and only male founder, Johnny Deep. He made it till just one day before final promotion and ambrosia then died! Johnny was a great founder and I'd love to give him another try, now that I know more about how to make it happen. He is a creative, outgoing, perfectionist with the ambition to be a best selling author.
Ima Cooke was created for a challenge, became another founder, (failed again), but is a gal I love. She's cute and boy can Ms. Cooke, cook. She is a creative, foodie who loves the outdoors with becoming a Master Chef her main aspiration.
I'm working on a rotational play, post apocalyptical challenge and have begun creating the "players". They are not up on the gallery yet, but here is my first one.
Her name is Angelina Croft. (wink, wink)

If you've read Terry Pratchett's Disc World series, you'll know who she is.
Esmeralda Weatherwax
Ourdoor Enthusiast, Collector, Loves the Outdoors, Self Assured, Perfectionist
This is the first child I ever made from when the demo came out. I really should finish making his family!
Hi! My name is Donnie Winklecheeks. I'm your friendly neighborhood most annoying kid because I'm a genius and I know it! Go ahead. Ask me anything. I aspire to be a Whiz Kid and I have the Genius trait.
Here's Donnie's sister, Donalda. His parents weren't very creative with names.
Hi, I'm Donalda Winklecheeks and I'm a perky know it all who plans on discovering all the mysteries of the Simiverse and then changing it all. I'm a Perfectionist Whiz Kid.