Author Topic: The Woods' Legacy (Updated 8/6/16)  (Read 14146 times)

Offline Jase~

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2015, 02:02:50 PM »
Thanks, Playalot...
Luckily, you won't have to wait much longer to find out. I'm resizing and uploading the pictures, along with writing chapter six right now! :)

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Offline Jase~

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2015, 02:21:53 PM »
Chapter Six: One + One = Three?

Justin and I really enjoyed our outing to Desert Bloom Park, by enjoying fruit smoothies in the clubhouse.

We also enjoyed a couple relaxing rounds of chess.

Justin called it a night shortly after the sun went down; however, I decided to stay a bit longer. I enjoyed some quiet time fishing. Even caught a some new fish for our collection, along with a few extras that I sold for some extra income.

By the time I got home, Justin was already fast asleep. So, I slipped into bed as quiet as possible not to wake him. Since I'm not sure how many restful nights' sleep we'll have once the baby is here.

The next morning, I tried to wake him up for breakfast, but he's been so tired lately. I just left his breakfast for him and gave him a kiss on the cheek as I left for work.

I was surprised to see Justin so energized when I got home. He had cleaned the whole house, painted a couple new paintings, practiced writing, and was cooking dinner!

Since I was covered in paint, I took a quick shower before we sat down to a nice quiet dinner together.

Justin couldn't sleep since the baby was a bit restless and woke up while I was painting on the patio. This little sim is going to be quite the handful.

Suddenly, Justin looked at me with an urgent expression and said “It's time!”. Panicked, we rushed to the hospital in Magnolia Promenade.

I tried my best to stay cool, calm, and collected for Justin. I failed miserably.

I'm sure it wasn't, but it felt like forever before they finally took us to the delivery room.

The delivery went very smoothly, and before we knew it… we were parents to a lovely baby, girl.

Welcome to the family, Cora Woods!

To be continued…

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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2015, 05:24:35 PM »
Ahh, well welcome nooboo Cora. I'm sure you won't feel too left out despite not being the heir. :)
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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2015, 05:19:48 PM »
Thanks for commenting, Payalot...
I'll definitely have to take some action to influence the next baby's gender with food/music. :)

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2015, 05:58:18 PM »
I know, right. I always forget about that too and then end up a bit bummed that I got a girl... only because I love to play with male sims the most. I have to confess that in casual games I *cough* sometimes delete female nooboos...  8) I know I could change them in CAS...
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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2016, 02:57:29 AM »
LOL... Playalot. I haven't gone as far as deleting them, but I have gender swapped a few sims via CAS though. :)

I just wanted to check in and apologize for the hiatus in my legacy. Luckily, both of Aren's mods have been updated for both Get Together and Movie Hangout Stuff. So, I should be able to continue with my legacy when I get some free time in the pending week. Woohoo!!

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Offline Jase~

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2016, 04:34:55 AM »
Chapter Seven: Growing Up Fast

After having Cora, things were pretty hectic around the house. Justin and I had very little time to spend together along, other than a quick meal here and there.

In between taking care of our new little bundle of joy, we also had to...

...completing our household repairs...

...still going to work and preforming all work related tasks.

Rinse and...


When possible, I also tried to collect when I could. We could use all the extra simoleons!

Before we knew it. It was time for our little baby to grow into a full-sized little girl.

Ta Dah!!!

Transitioning the nursery into a bedroom was pretty easy.

We also made sure that she had plenty of toys to keep herself occupied.

It turns out that Cora is quite the artist. She spends a few hours everyday at her new drawing table.

While I'm glad she's bonded so closely with her "Uni". We'll be glad when she starts school and can make a couple of real friends to play with instead of just this imaginary one.

Plus, it'll be better for her to spend time with kids of her own age. There's only so many cartoons that a parent can discuss before going a little bit wonky!

Luckily, now that Cora's older. Justin and I can have some much needed alone time.

Did I stress how badly we needed this time?

*muffled sounds of passion*

To be continued...

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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2016, 03:17:12 AM »
Little Cora turned out very sweet. Maybe more like Justin than Thomas but we'll see better once she's a teen.
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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2016, 08:03:33 PM »
Thanks, Playalot...
I agree and think that Cora favors Justin more. I'm going to try to influence the next baby(ies) with music and food. Hopefully, they can have an heir soon!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2016, 08:36:59 PM »
Justin and Thomas make a great couple!
Oh, I read your Gender Law and see your heir must be male.
Still, Cora will make a nice playmate for your soon-to-be son growing up. And she can be a dynasty helper!  Helpers are very, um, helpful!

Looking forward to the birth of an heir!

Offline Jase~

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2016, 06:42:52 PM »
Thanks, Oshizu...
I got so caught up with collecting and job performance that I forgot about influencing the pregnancy. So, on the next one, I'll make sure to have Justin eat a lot of carrots and listen to alternative music. :)

Even though she can't be the heir, I enjoy playing Cora. She's a fun sim and inherited Thomas' love of art. Currently, I'm trying to find her a friend. But there's been slim pickings around town.

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Offline Jase~

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2016, 03:58:41 AM »
Chapter Eight: 1 + 1 = 5??

No we didn't move. But the with the recent additions to our house, the layout had become a bit awkward. So, we spent the better half of a sim day rearranging the rooms to not only expand the room size, but create a better flow with a second story.

Just as we finished up the house, Justin realized that he wasn't feeling so hot again. In fact, he felt exactly like the day we discovered about Cora. So, we decided to take another pregnancy test and we received fantastic news. He was expecting again!

Since this was our second round, we were a lot calmer and our daily routine stayed pretty much the same. Justin continued his writing career in our new home office.

Cora started hanging out with some new friends from school, Matt Belanger and Raul Major. We've joked around the house that they're a cute little "club".

Justin has a feeling that Cora and Matt are a bit more than friends. At first I didn't see it, but now I'm starting to see that Matt may have a slight twinkle in his eye for Cora that I just don't see when he's hanging out with Raul.

We still kept up with our family dinners, although the menu may not be as gourmet as usual since I've had to cook the nights that Justin's feeling tired or drained.

Also, since we really want a boy this time. Justin has been reading that eating lots of carrots and listening to alternative music can influence the baby's gender. It sounds like a bunch of hogwash, but it's worth a try I guess?

Keeping with our normal routine, each day after school Cora and does her homework...

... and has some fun. Whether it's playing with her friends, toys, or...

... creating wonderful masterpieces of art!

Plus, she's really excited about the baby and the idea of being a big sister.

Except for the additional household chore, my routine has pretty much remained the same. Whether it's working from home or at the art studio...

... gather more collectibles for additional income...

... or working out, to keep myself in tip-top shape.

But, I always make sure that I spend time with Justin and the baby each evening, so they know just how important they both are to me.

I've also been trying to take Cora out to either the public pool or park each weekend. I think it's really strengthened our friendship and we've become super close!

However, the other day when I just got home from working out, things appeared normal. Cora had just finished her homework and we decided to go out for dinner to a new café in Newcrest; when Justin went into labor!

So we rushed off to the Hospital in Magnolia Promenade, but this time... we were much calmer as a family than when Cora came.

While Justin was calmer, the delivery seemed to take twice as long this time and I began to worry that we were going to receive bad news. However, when the doctor showed she had the best news ever!

Justin had given birth to twin baby boys! Welcome to Newcrest, Dallas and Houstan Woods!

To be continued...

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #27 on: February 25, 2016, 10:54:01 AM »
Wow, when it rains, it pours!

Congrats on your twin nooboos Jase~!
Welcome to the world, Dallas and Houston.  ;D

Offline Jase~

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #28 on: February 25, 2016, 07:27:33 PM »
Thanks, Oshizu...
Not sure if I did anything to influence twins or just hit the jackpot, but I pretty much feed Justin a diet of carrots daily and made sure alternative music played constantly on the family stereo! :)

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Re: The Woods' Legacy
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2016, 12:21:49 PM »
Lucky you!
I wonder if they're identical twins? I can't wait to see them as children!

I've never played a Legacy.  When's the deadline for deciding which one will be the heir? (Sorry for the nosy question, I'm just curious...)