Author Topic: So, I Ran Away A Fond Farewell  (Read 12333 times)

Offline Joria

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So, I Ran Away A Fond Farewell
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:18:00 PM »
Ok, guys I'm gonna give this a shot.  Not too sure about the rules, as in following all of them, but I think it will be fun.  First I need to say I'm putting my Sim, Kyleigh Golightly, in Newcrest.  I have filled the town with a variety of houses built by others such as LariFari2009, Follyfoot, and others I'll mention later.  I've also partly populated it with Sims created by others and myself.  I'm having a hard time setting it all up because I suck at the game mechanics and have a memory so full of holes it's more like a sieve than anything else.  But I'll do my best.  I've chosen to use  Plays "rules" Runaway Teen Challenge but how hard and fast I'll be I don't know.  So far my Sim has a lovely pink tent,  ;D, a portable love seat, a fire pit, a guitar, (pink of course), and a cooler chest.  None of the rules forbade it so I figured it couldn't hurt.  So, here's the start, small but what I got so far.

Chapter One- Independent Beginnings

Chapter Two- Easy Peasy Day One

Chapter Three - Making Friends

Chapter Four- My Town

Chapter Five - Boyzz!!

Chapter Six - Romance?

Chapter Seven - Rescued By A Friend

Chapter Eight - End of the Week

Chapter Nine - Start of Week Two

Chapter Ten - Back At Work

Chapter Eleven - Boyfriend!

A Fond Farewell


Hello there.  This me, Kyleigh Golightly.  Yeah, the rich kid from the famous Golightly family.  So why am I sitting here with not much to my name?  Simple.  I ran away.  I decided I'd had enough of the rules and regs and expectations.  I don't care if we are richer than anyone ever has a right to be, so what!  Sure, I've got everything a kid could want.  I'm not pathetic, I'm not stupid, I'm not lost, I'm not without family.  You can tell by my designer tent, clothes and gear that I'm not helpless or hopeless.  What I am is angry at always being bossed around and made to live up to everyone elses dreams and expectations.  I'm me!  I'm going to prove you don't have to be filthy rich to be hip, clean, happy and able to survive.

Oh, about the designer gear etc.  Like I said, I'm not stupid, and since we had all this good stuff in our storage, I just "borrowed" what I needed to start.  All in the family eh?  I'd get more for my allowance than this stuff is worth anyone, not that they will even miss it.  Oh, and the picture?  I know it's just a closer shot of the first one but I wanted you to actually see my stuff.

I've decided I'm going to be a world class fishergirl for starters.  That's my primary aspiration.  Now, I've been told I'm not supposed to do anything else much except go to school and fish. Wrrrroooongggoo.  I intend to do whatever it will take to do it all as it occurs to me to do it.  Independent much?  So, off I went to find out what's what in this high priced town.  Found a few goodies and started in on achieving my goal.

Only one hitch so far.  While I was away my neighbor, Regina Mills, (spooky lady!), decided to pop in and make herself at home.  I'm hoping she'll be gone before I come home.  Note to self:  put up a fence with a gate you can lock.

Ok, guys.  That's it so far.  I'd better get angling.  Oh, and I already did my homework because I decided to do it.  See ya!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2015, 01:49:48 AM »
Neat start. Can't wait to see how Kyleigh Golightly goes! ;)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline Ferretmania

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2015, 04:34:24 AM »
Nice start. Designer tent and all..
Can't wait to see where this story goes :)
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

Raven's Immortal Dynasty

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Re: So, I Ran Away - Easy Peasy Day One
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2015, 06:16:02 AM »
This is definitely the life!!!  No 'rents telling me what to do where to go what to wear and who to see or hang with.  And NO WATCHER!!  (I hope) Yeah!  No one expecting me to fall all over myself with gratitude and appreciation!  Get a clue!  I'm a teen.  I don't DO appreciation.  Ok, maybe a thank you but what more do you want?  And don't go all "after all we've done for you" baloney!  I didn't ask you, now did I?  (Ok, maybe I DID ask for a new pc, a car, clothes from spendy stores.)

I think they figured I'd fail because I've always had the best of everything and now I've decided I don't need all that and can basically do it all with pretty much nothing.  At least nothing like I've been used to.  So,  as you saw, I got my cute tent, and guitar and "stuff" and started in.  I knew I needed some sort of bed, (tent), and a place to pee and shower, and a way to be warm and eat. Minimal but mine.  So how am I going to live?  I don't have bills, right?  (They always complain about BILLS.)  But I also don't have any cash.  As in zero.  I figure if I catch fish I can eat them AND I can sell them, well, after I have the second one of whatever.  So that will give me food and cash and voila!  Golden!  The only bad thing is I still have to go to school.  Well, I'm not stupid you know!  I know someday I might need that stuff.  Heh, no worries I'll fit it all in. 

First up, FISHING!!!  (Ok, I never fished before but how hard can it be?)

Ok, and ignoring the creepy, angry man who's stomping around behind me.  Not talking to adults is going to be soooo nice, especially when they are like Mr. Creepazoid.

And in Box Number One we have.........drum roll please......

Hey, it doesn't matter what it was, I caught it all by myself.  Fish will happen!  See?!  Nice one!!

Oh, this is SO going to be a piece of cake!

And while we're at it let's dig up these shiny rocks!  I bet they are worth a fortune!  Ummm, yeah.  But I need two of whatever before I can sell one.  Hmmm. 

Oh well, moving right along!  Time to meet and greet.  Don't want to be a social slug.

Alexander:  YIKES!!!  Sheesh don't come creepin' up on me like that.

Kyleigh:  Sorry, Alex.  You remember me, right?  I baby sat for your mom and dad.

Alex:  Oh!  Right!!  You were cool!  Let me stay up later and eat candy and stuff.

Kyleigh:  Yep, that's me!  And YOU always beat me at chess.  And remember that.......

Alex:  Uh, yeah.  I don't talk about it much.  I got in such trouble!  Say, you wanna cloud gaze with me?

Kyleigh:  Sure.  Let's see......I see a dragon.......chasing a rabbit....

Alex:  The Flash!  And Superman!

Kyleigh:  You got some imagination kiddo.

Alex:  And you're the one seeing dragons......just sayin'

Kyleigh:  Wonder Woman and Captain America have saved the day.......and you've got to go home and do your homework....  See ya.

Alex:  See ya, "Wonder Woman".

He's a pretty good kid.  Smart and easy to talk too.  Cute in a sort of nerdy way.  Soooooo, I'm guessing I don't have a fridge I can just go grab some food from, right?  Right.  Guess I'd better check out all the picnic places and hope like crazy someone left some edible food out.  I'd hate to go fish something out of the trash.  Homeless folks do that I know.  Hmmmm.......

And my friends and neighbors didn't even let me down!  Burgers!

Mmmmphhhffff......Pretty good.  Still warm even.  Could use more ketchup but hey.

I am SO acing this!!  I don't know what grownups complain about all the time.  This is easy peasy.  I am a success at living on my own like a grownup!!  YAY me!

And now for the necessary!  So smart of me to buy the lot right next to a park with a loo and right next to one with everything else on the other side!!  I've got it made!

A quick shower and change of clothes and time for some fun and relaxation.  Oh yeah,  I turned in the cooler for a portable shower.  I figured the cooler was cheatin'.  Not too bad of a shower either, plus it will fit right in with my "evil plans".

This is going to be so easy it's almost sinful. The wonderfulness of me.  *giggles*  Time for sleep.  I'll be fine.  It's not really way dark and the gate is locked.  I'll be just fine......*should have brought my bear*.....

The next morning.

*grr....grumble....moan..*  No!  It is NOT a good morning!  Had to go to the gym to get a quick meal.  No one made breakfast!!!  C'mon people!  You're supposed to feed the homeless you know!  Worse, school in five minutes!.........See ya....

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Ferretmania

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2015, 10:16:29 AM »
Yeah shame on those that doesn't make sure breakfast is ready eh.. ;)

Looks like it's going great for Kyleigh at the moment.
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

Raven's Immortal Dynasty

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2015, 06:00:37 PM »
Yeah shame on those that doesn't make sure breakfast is ready eh.. ;)

Looks like it's going great for Kyleigh at the moment.

If she had not gone to the gym she would have starved.  No money, no food, no clue!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2015, 07:12:11 PM »
Reserved for stats and info.  Thank you one and all for reading.

Houses used in my Newcrest Town:


Country Cottage by Sekyria
Thyme Cottage by FOLLYFOOT (had to have this one!  ;))
Morning Teas Victorian by FOLLYFOOT
Castlefinklestein by Larifari2009
Shared Apartment Living by Larifari2009
Le Petit Chateau by Larifari2009
Highview Tudor Manor by alisonb20


Laris Magnolia Blossom Park by Larifari2009
The Bakery by Larifari2009
Steamboat Nightclub by amitaliri

Spa, Massage and Bar by Maxis


Boyfriends by iagiopop 020  Four handsome teens  (who to choose?)
Malesy by 800724  Single mom with 2 daughters
Malone family by me   two teen sisters and a mom

Week One Stats/Info

Kyleigh Golightly, Cheerful, Loves the Outdoors, Collector
Items:  Large tent, shower, fire pit, love seat, guitar

Income end week one:  $779

Whims completed  67

Rewards:  Steel Bladder

Skills, (I'll only mention those level3 and above)

Charisma 3
Cooking 3
Fishing 4
Gardening 3
Guitar 3

Collections: (/ stands for "out of ......number")

Crystals 3/20
Fossils 2/15
Frogs 11/24
Metals 2/20
My Sims Trophys 4/20
Plants 8/32

Doubles of anything were sold as was all but one of each plant
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: So, I Ran Away - Making Friends
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2015, 10:05:38 PM »
Sigh.  Ok, so waking up with no food, having to cadge a quick meal at the gym, was not my idea of great.  Going to school, not really my idea.  So after that I decided I would take as many vacation days as I could right off the bat.  I had things to do, people to meet, yada yada. You get the drift.  I started off by meeting kids since they were safe, (no adults, young adults or elders), and really, I already knew most of them by having done the baby sitting thing.  You know, when the parents wanted me to learn how to be responsible for others and with money I earned? 

Kyleigh:  Sul sul random town kid.

TK:  Sul sul back atcha.  So, Kyleigh, I guess we're playing a game, right?  Either that or you're weirder than I always thought.

Kyleigh:  No, Olivia it's not a game.  I gotta pretend to meet new people for this story thing I'm doin'.  Like a school project.

Olivia:  Oh, so the whole homeless bit?  Like you really ran away from home and are making a new life for yourself thing? 

Kyleigh:  Yeah.  That.

Olivia:  So, you aren't REALLY homeless then?

Kyleigh:  Ummmm, technically, since I do have parents I COULD go back to, I suppose not.  But in real life, I am.  Got a lot with a tent on it and all and I have to find my own food, gather stuff, sell it, whatever it takes.

Olivia:  Ohhhh!  So you must have a Watcher, right?

Kyleigh:  *looks around nervously*  Noooo, I don't think I have a Watcher.  They aren't real you know.

Olivia:  Not the way I heard it!

Kyleigh:  You be careful here in the park, Livie.  There are some really sad, angry, homeless guys in here who do not have a place to go home to.  They are lucky to have this park to hang out in but that's not always the case.  People just don't know what it's really like to live on the streets.  Not fun like it is for me. 

Olvia:  I will Kyleigh I promise.  So, you wanna play Pirates with me?

Kyleigh:  Sure!  Do I get to be the Pirate Queen this time?  Hey!  You in the crow's nest.  You wanna play too?

Random TK:  Uhhh, do I know you?  I think my Mom's calling.

Olivia:  Avast me hearties!!!  I spy a kraken off the starboard bow!  Man the mains'ls.  Get the canons ready!

Kyleigh: *growls menacingly*  Hehehe.  A lovely ship full of yummy pirates to sink!  I'll get 'em this time!

Kyleigh:  ROAAAARRRR!  I'll grind your bones to make my bread!

Olivia:  *sigh*  That's giants Kyleigh, giants!  Krakens drag you down to Davy Jones Locker.

Kyleigh:  Oh, right.  ROAAAARRRRR!  I'll drag you down, down, down.......

Olvia:  *giggles*

Olivia:  That was fun Kyleigh.  You always were a fun sitter.  Wish you still were.

Kyleigh:  Me too.  No job allowed though.  Hey, look, there's a pirate ship in the sky!

Olivia:  Maybe it's Hook!

Kyleigh:  Or maybe just a boat full of sweet things for little girls like you.  Ok, one more cloud then I gotta go.

My day of making friends was going really well.  I really like kids and someday I'll have a whole bunch of my own.  Do the whole marriage, mortgage, monsters thing.  Like Mom and Dad.  *sniffs, miss my Mom*    Kids were great but there were other people I needed to know.  You know like kids my age to hang with and the all important boy friend and besties.  First off Mr. Tall Dark and Gorgeous strolled by and sat down for a chat:

TB:  Hi, there.  Name's Thomas Biurns.  Haven't seen you around school.  New here?

Kyleigh:  Hello.  *heavens he's gorgeous*  Kyleigh Golightly.  Yeah, new in the neighborhood.  Be starting school again soon.

TB:  Oh, wait!  Are you that homeless chic everyone is talking about?  Lives in a tent, no cash, nothing?  You don't look it with those cool threads.  I mean, do I see Abercrombie and Fitch there? 

Kyleigh:  Uh, yeah.  So like everyone knows about this?

TB:  Oh, heck yeah!  So, your parents kick you out or what?

Kyleigh:  Look, this was my decision.  I want to be my own person.  No rules from parents.  Survive and make it to the top on my own.  Ya know?  I'm not desperate or anything, or stupid, or smelly.  I have a really cool place to live.  Maybe I'll invite you over some time.

TB:  Yeah.  I see.  Well, I guess it would be cool.  I mean, doing this thing on your own is words.....brave and kinda kooky.

W: *to him only*  And if you're thinking of taking advantage of her you'll answer to me and I'm definitely not nice.

TB:  I'm sure you'll do just fine. 

TB:  Soooo, cloud gaze?

Kyleigh:  Yep, cloud gaze.  I think I'm gonna wind up doing a lot of this.

Kyleigh:  So like you're kind of a snob aren't you?  And jealous?  'S ok.  You're cool.  Umm, and I'm outie.  Gotta find some grub.  C'ya.

So, he was cute but euw,  the jealousie thing?  Not my type AT all.  Still, could be friends so long as he doesn't pull any snob stuff with me. 

Cassandra:  Hi, there.  You're Kyleigh, right?  I heard all about you.  WAAAAY cool, dude.  I'd never have the nerve.  Oh, I'm Cassandra Goth, by the way.  You know my little brother Alexander.  You baby sat him but I was out so we didn't actually meet.

Kyleigh:  Oh, hi!  Nice to know you.  Heard a lot about you from Alex.

Cassandra:  I'll bet!  Brat can't stop yakking about you so I guess he does the same for everyone.  Nothing embarrassing I hope?

Kyleigh:  Not at all.  Cloud gaze?

Cassandra:  'K.

I don't know how I could spend as much time laying down as I did today and still be worn out.  Guess cloud gazing is as much work as anything.  All that getting up and down I guess.  Anyway, next in line was another very handsome young man.  Like as in, drop dead gorgeous young man.  Teen actually.  Be still my heart!!

Van:  Hello.  My name is Van Biurns.  I saw you talking to my stuck up bro, Tom over there.  Thought I'd stop by and let you meet the nice brother.  Or one of them at least.

Kyleigh:  Hi there.  Nice to meet you.  He's ok, really.  A bit of a snob but ok.  I'm Kyleigh Golightly.  I'm sure we'll see each other in school.  What classes do you have?

Van:  Uh, science, math, you know....the usual.  You?

Ky:  Yeah, the usual.

Van:  You got Mr. Johnson or Ms. Toronto?  Johnson is a royal pain and a stickler for everything just so perfect.  My brother Karl has him.  Lucky for me I've got Toronto.

Ky:  Me too!!  Guess we'll be seeing each other then.  So, you know all about the homeless thing, right?  It's actually a lot of fun so far.  *can he hear my heart beating so fast?  Phew.  He is sooo cute*

Van:  Your choice I hear.  Smart lady.  You'll do just fine, and if you need any help with anything or anyone, just yell.  Be happy to help out such a cool chick.

Ky:  Wow!  Thanks.  That's really awesome of you.

Van:  Any time.  'S all good for neighbors, right?

Ky:  *can I please stop staring at his beautiful eyes?  sigh*  Umm, sorry, you were saying?

Van:  Oh, just I hope we'll get to hang out and get to be friends.  K?  Gotta go.  Dinner time.  Oh!  Do you have food eat?

Ky:  *slightly embarrassed here*  Yep.  Lots of good grub.  Let's hang after school some day.  Cya!

So, today was a pretty decent day.  Met some really nice people and a couple of potential guys.  Who knows?  Maybe some bffs too.  AND, bonus!  Enough money to pay for these lovely potatoes I'm going to grill.  Feed the tummy and do a skill.  Happiness!

Yep.  A good day.  Oh, you'll probably see a lot of me mowing down the edibles.  I do need to keep up my strength!  G'night!

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: So, I Ran Away - My Town
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2015, 05:17:38 PM »
Ok.  So.....before I carry on with my oh so brilliant plan to live homeless and the marvelousness of myself, *grins*, I need to show you my town and my "new" digs.  I was having this problem of getting all romantical and flirty when I was home so I figured it was the pink stuff.  Maybe someone had used it for a honeymoon and left their romance vibes behind or whatever.  Needless to say it had to go.  I couldn't focus on what I had to do when all I could think about was......well, you know.  So here's a shot of the new me grilling one of the fab fish I caught.

Standard tent and my old guitar but a girl's gotta do.  Right?  (It didn't completely work but E for effort.)

Now, I really want to show you my town.  I hope you all don't go getting bored but I think it would be cool to know just what kind of area I came from.  Remember I said something about being really rich?  Even the "low priced neighborhood" is ritzy.

First up, the low priced neighborhood.  Actually, not so low but definitely smaller than most.  The house on the left is Thyme Cottage by Follyfoot and the one on the right is Country Cottage by Sekyria.  The Malesy family live in Country Cottage and the Ken and Barbie Doll family lives in Thyme Cottage.

Next up is Highview Tudor by alisonb20.  This is the house Regina Mills lived in but she moved to Storybrook and hasn't been seen for quite some time.  The house remains empty.  I might buy it one day when I finally make it rich.

Next is Shared Apartment Living by Larifari2009.  My favorite house simply because this is where those drop dead gorgeous Biurni boys live.  Stalker much?  *sigh*  So hard to choose which one I want for my own!  The building to the right is Patchies' Bar.  Of course boys would live next to that!

Here we have the home of some of my friends from school, the Malone girls.  It's called Morning Teas Victorian by FOLLYFOOT and Le Petit Chateau is next to it.  That was built by Larifari2009 and is currently vacant.

This marvelous place is a lounge!!  Now why the builders didn't put it right on the river I don't know but it's way cool.  I figure this is where I will sneak in to play music and learn mixology skills.  Those tips gotta help, right?  It's called Steamboat Lounge and was built by amitaliri.

I'm going to want to learn cookery type skills as well and it's really hard to do gourmet meals and cakes on a grill.  I figure the owners won't mind if I use their basement ovens, (and maybe even the cupcake machine!), as long as I clean up and don't sell my food there.  It's just called "The Bakery" and was built by Larifari2009.  Best of all, it's right across the street!!  YAY!

Right next to the gym is Castle Finkelstein.  It's pretty impressive but I think it could be kind of spooky.  Not sure who all lives there.  Newcrest's favorite builder, Larifari2009 built it.

I saved the best for last.  You know to the left of my lot there is a small picnic park, right?  I meet kids there and cook meals there and sometimes make extras for other homeless.  But the best of all is the park next to me on the right.  It has EVERYTHING!  I can take hot showers, cook, play all kinds of games, paint, garden and best of all, meet boys!  Check it out!  Oh, yeah, Larifari2009 built this as well. She says she just modified the one in Willow Brook.  Is this brilliant or what?!

One of the things I've learned my first week as a runaway is you really don't have a whole lot of time to do what you want.  I thought it was rough living at home where I had all these rules to follow, but at least once my homework was done I could just go chill.  Now I spend my after school hours working on those all important skills I'll need to make myself a self made woman!  So one evening I packed up my tent and shower, (thank heavens for portable housing!) and headed to Willow Brook.  I went to the library figuring I'd catch up on reading and stuff, and besides they had a nice back patio that would fit my tent just fine.

I looked around for something to eat but not much available here. I was definitely under-impressed.

Well, nothing for it but to go forage for myself.  I was starving!  Good thing I like potatoes.

I finished up my meal and was about to gather some stuff and maybe fish a bit when I saw this really cute guy running down the sidewalk. 

Kylie:  Hi there!  Aren't you one of the Biurn boys?  I have one of your brothers in some of my classes.  Thomas?  I'm Kylie.  Kylie Golightly.

Karl:  Hello.  I'm Karl Biurns.  Yeah, Tom told me a bit about you.  Homeless?  Lives in a tent?  Not much of a life?  You probably won't be in my classes.  I'm all advanced math, science and so on.  Guess I'm kind of a bookworm.

Kylie: *not to mention full of yourself*  Actually I have some advanced classes too so maybe we'll see each other in school.  Uh, you wanna hang out, maybe stargaze and get to know each other?

Karl:  Ummmm, I'd really like that but the library is going to close soon and I have a few books I need to pick up.  Maybe we can catch up with each other some other time.  I'm sure you have fascinating things to discuss about living in a tent.

And off he ran.  This is my I'm totally not amused face.  I mean, to choose books over all this?  Really?

Ah well, boys.  I spent the next few hours gathering what I could and fishing, (unsuccessfully).  I was getting pretty tired by then but the lure of the next treasure to be found was just too much to resist.  Unfortunately I am learning my actions actually do have consequences.

I managed to make it back to the library finally but not fast enough to put my tent in the courtyard.  That's ok.  I quickly set it up and crashed.  Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

G'night all.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Ferretmania

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2015, 09:53:10 PM »
Lovely buildings you have put in Newcrest. The Steamboat looks awesome.

I loved the shot of her under-impressed expression.
That Karl guy sounds a bit snobbish.
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2015, 10:08:17 PM »
Actually, Karl is just a bit social inept.  He pretty much lives in books and his head and doesn't really understand the word "diplomacy".  The four brothers are pretty interesting.  I don't usually download someone else's Sims but I wanted a possible love interest and a town full of teens and was just too lazy to make my own.  Besides, my guys usually wind up looking too feminine.  So these hunky teens were perfect.  Thanks for reading and posting.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: So, I Ran Away - Boyz!
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2015, 12:48:47 AM »
Boyz!!!  *sigh*  Those horrible, wonderful, can't live with them, don't want to live without them, opposites of our marvelous female selves.  *sigh*  Let's see, let's just list their so called attributes.  They are arrogant, conceited, self-centered, clueless, irrational, unromantic, (most of them), touchy, ego driven, macho idiotic, jealous,impolite, impossible, gung ho sport fanatic, gross,  full of themselves babies who definitely think the world, and especially all females in it, should revolve around them.  Phew!  On the other hand, they can be sweet, adorable, tender, funny, helpful, great eye candy, good kissers and huggers, attentive, (when the mood strikes them), interesting to talk to, intelligent and just the kind of person I'd want in my life.  They make excellent friends, and can be just the kind you want to spill your guts too when needed, and some of them are really "there" for you in a crunch.  What a conundrum!  Most of the time I find myself alternately bemused or amused by them, that is when I'm not completely annoyed, grossed out or swooning over them.  They are good at squashing spiders, *shudders*, and holding hands or providing a shoulder to hide your face in during a scary movie.  So why am I even contemplating getting to know them?  *sigh*

During this second week of my adventure, I find myself trying to write an essay on "The Opposite Sex", and thinking all these hard thoughts.  I've known a few males who epitomize all those differing things I already wrote about.  Case in point, Thomas Biurns.

Tom:  So, Kylie.  How's it goin?

Kylie:  Doin' homework, Tom.  Can't chat.

Tom:  So did you hear about the fabulous play I made today in soccer?  I mean I was really top of my game.

Kylie:  Homework, Thomas.  You know, like due tomorrow?

Tom:  So there's this new, hot chick in school.  She's definitely into me.  We haven't talked or anything but you know....I can tell. 

Kylie:  Umhmm.  Homework was mentioned I believe.

Tom:  You know she like walks that certain way and like drops things for me to pick up.  I don't of course.  Don't want to let her think she's got my attention or anything. captain of the football team I know she and I will be an item very soon.

Kylie:  Uh huh.   *writes rapidly*

Kylie:  *triumphantly*  YES!  Done!

Tom:  Did you catch anything I said?

Kylie:  Sure, soccer aced, hot girl about to be conquered, you had a marvelous day.

Tom:  How do you girls do that?

Kylie:  Can't tell you.  Part of the feminine mystique.

Tom:  Uhhhhhh,  you wanna cloud gaze?

Kylie:  Might as well.  *you won't shut up otherwise*  I do this a lot.

See what I mean?  Definitely on the not so great attributes, but still, not really a bad guy.  And he does consider me a friend and vice versa.  Just wouldn't want to lock lips with this one.  Jealous trait.  On the other hand you've got this guy.......

Kylie:  Soooo,'s it goin'?

Van:  Oh, hey, Ky!  Fine, just fine.  You?

Kylie:  Yeah, fine as well.  Saw your game today.  Pretty cool.  You looked really good out there.

Van:  Oh, thanks.  Yeah, it was a fun game.  The other guys scored a lot of points as well and the opposite team was pretty on their game as well. 

Van:  So the homeless thing is going well?  You know I'm there for you if you need anything. 

Kylie:  Thanks, Van.  Yeah, it's goin' pretty well.  I'm managing to keep up with things, learn my skills and keep up with school.

Van:  Hey, yeah!  I saw you made honor role.  Congrats!

Kylie:  Right alongside you, (handsome.....remember to breathe Kylie, just breathe).  So you trying out for the school play?  I hear they're doin' Simspeare again this year.

Van:  Hey, I will if you will!  I think you'd get the female lead for sure!  I mean, why not?  You're good lookin', smart, got a good memory so lines would be no problem and I heard you can sing.

Kylie:  Oh, I don't know.  Might be too much to fit in.  If you really think I should?.......

Van:  Heck yeah!  Ok, it's a deal!  We both try out. know......?

Kylie:  Oh.  Right.  Clouds.  'k.  (sigh, why is it always cloud gazing and not kissing?)

Van:  (sigh.  Why don't I get up the nerve to ask her out?)

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2015, 05:25:19 PM »
What a great chapter! Boyz, indeed! That really takes me back.

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Offline Joria

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Re: So, I Ran Away
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2015, 11:33:38 PM »
What a great chapter! Boyz, indeed! That really takes me back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

At my age I'd have to have a time machine to go that far back! lol
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
Joria's Creations on the Gallery

