This will, as usual, not be a story so much as a commentary of what’s going on in my game.
I will be following the Random Town Jump rules as devised by
@JudesSims. All traits will be random. Lifetime wishes will be chosen from those offered at becoming a young adult. I’ve decided to keep gender random as well. A variation I will be using is to have the next generation born in the old town before moving to keep the child more on a par age-wise with the kids in the new town.
A couple has been chosen to participate in an experiment in genetics. They live in this mid-century modern home in Starlight Shores. The household consists of Mithun Khan, Ariella Chen who is his romantic interest, and Ernesto Gonzalez who is Mithun’s best friend and Ariella’s hated enemy.
First of all, everyone wave goodbye to Ernesto. Among his traits are Mean-Spirited, Mooch, and Childish. May Ariella never have to glare at your face again.

The Khan-Chen’s are house poor. They have $4,700 but their first bills were over $2,000. Time to sell two out of three huge flat-screen TVs. This is the first floor of their house. I may need to sell the sim-life goggles as well. Upstairs they have another bedroom, an office, and a full bath.

Mithun’s traits are Good Sense of Humor, Workaholic, Good, Athletic, and Childish. He wants to Become a Superstar Athlete. Off to the gym with you then. You’re at a level four in your job, but your athletic skill is really low. You’ve only 17 days until your elder birthday.
Mithun: This is hard!
I know, but when you get promoted, I promise to buy you a toy box.
Mithun: I got this.

Meanwhile, Ariella went to Verde Park on a friend finding mission. Her traits are Flirty, Neat, Good, Easily Impressed, and Charismatic. She wants to be the Leader of the Free World, but is only at level one in her political career and has no skills what so ever. She’s here meeting part of the huge Best clan. The mom’s looking pregnant.

Mrs. Best won’t be the only one. On their first night, Ariella and Mithun heard chimes.

Before long, Ariella went into labor.
Ariella: Must…clean…something.
Just relax. That’s a perfectly normal reaction to labor (well, assuming I’m perfectly normal).

It’s amazing what a little kids’ music can do.

Our first born is Suzie who is Eccentric and Loves the Outdoors. Ah, the mystery blond hair makes an appearance.

Next we have Sherman, Artistic and Brave. Now that’s more what I expected.

Finally, after the twins are toddlers, their parents wished to get married and to get married to each other.

Let the toddler training begin.
Mithun: We’ll have you on the treadmill in no time.

Sherman: Choking hazard, Mom!

Well, I suppose that could have gone better.

Sherman: Someday I want to paint masterpieces.

Suzie: Well, maybe someday they’ll let you have paint.

Back to the park to make friends! This is Old Guy Best. So those were golf clothes! That explains a lot.

We’ll leave you with flirting, Sims-style.
Ariella: Oh Mithun, you’re such a gem.
Mithun: Yes, I am.