Author Topic: Divine Deception -- S4E24: Series Finale  (Read 130988 times)

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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Four: Coffin Nail
« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2015, 12:33:58 PM »
It just strikes me as a little weird that the files just happened to be in the skip after Peters told her to go investigate. We all know Nick and Vita are evil so-and-so's but the placement of the "evidence" is just a bit too convenient for my liking... Nothing should ever be taken at face value when talking about murder/revenge...

Loving this!

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Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

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I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Four: Coffin Nail
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2015, 09:53:17 AM »
It just strikes me as a little weird that the files just happened to be in the skip after Peters told her to go investigate. We all know Nick and Vita are evil so-and-so's but the placement of the "evidence" is just a bit too convenient for my liking... Nothing should ever be taken at face value when talking about murder/revenge...

And the plot thickens...

Oh, Vita's child and name will be revealed next episode!

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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Five: Intel
« Reply #32 on: October 25, 2015, 09:27:32 PM »
Divine Deception

Intel, otherwise known as intelligence assessment is and always has been the first step in any of my projects of destruction. Intel is everything. It is the fuel that gets me started and the flame that lights my way. It could be the blade that cuts the deepest and opens a gash that becomes infected, killing everything in its wake. It's the first step for a reason, because without it, I am nothing but a lit candle trying to survive a windy night.

I called Vita the moment I had gotten home from my search at her husband's work. I told her I was just checking up on her to make sure everything with the baby was going well. I had to make sure Gobias wasn't home since I knew all he would do was hound me about where I had been. I haven't seen him for a little while and I am thankful for it. He's been out partying with some woman named Babe Hart. They seem to be taking a liking to one another and I can't say I disapprove. Being out of his sight has only made my living in his house workable. It has also allowed me to set up what I need to, both physically and metaphorically. Nonetheless, Vita said that I should stop by whenever I have a chance.

When my GPS notifies me that we have arrived, I stare blankly up at the house if somebody could actually call this structure such a thing. I've seen satellite photos of the place, but they were nothing in comparison to this. Grand windows, perfectly manicured lawns. I knew I was in the posh part of town, but the Alto residence makes Gobias's place look like some shanty hut built hastily during an epidemic. Vita's is spectacular, somewhere shiny cars frequently park and champagne glasses always glint in the setting sun. Even the house's exterior, while it may look like the inside of a watermelon, I can't say I hate it. I get out of the car and head to the door, pressing the doorbell.

Because of the house's first impression, I expect a maid to answer the door to greet me. It's Vita, though. She greets me with open arms and invites me inside. She seems happy enough. I thought I might have seen exhaustion on her face or even a hint of stress, I am sure she is doing this baby thing on her own while Nick is at work... But I don't see any of it even if I can hear a baby screaming at the top of her lungs inside.

"Alicia, it's all right," Vita tries to coo the little one.
Now, I am no child expert, but perhaps Vita should have tried placing Alicia in her crib, or better yet, in her mother's arms. Heck, anything would be better than laying on the drafty floor. Vita, doesn't do anything of the sort. Instead, she walks past the child, calling for somebody named Holly.
"Sadie, I'll be right back," she tells me before she slips out of sight. I can still hear her yelling, "Holly!" as I stand there looking down at the baby. From what I remember of Nick, she has his eyebrows and his nose. Alicia's eyes and chin are definitely Vita's. Alicia's cute, but babies are babies. They make us their slaves. Feed them. Clean them. I can't stand them. As I listen to her scream and Vita yell for someone named Holly, I decide it's official. I will never have a child.

There is one good thing for Alicia's existence. She's created a perfect scene to allow me to slip into Nick's office. I check for security cameras first. I know it sounds silly, especially since it is the home office, but one can't be too careful. This is going to be my first dent in the Alto's destruction, one that will kick start a plan that will unravel in the upcoming weeks. I'm not about to trip at the beginning of the race. I don't see anything, but I use an app on my phone just to make sure. It was created by a techy friend of mine a few months back and scans the room using the panorama lens. There's nothing. I take to the laptop immediately.

Client lists and Nick's company timetable. There's also Vita's personal one. I plug a USB stick into the side of the laptop and copy them to it. There's also a program my techy friend created on the stick as well. I run it. It's a virus that will copy anything typed into online boxes and send it to my computer at home. This could be as useful as usernames and password or as useless as love letters sent to a side girl, though I am hoping for the former. It finishes its installation within seconds and once the notification tells me as such, the program is as silent and sly as it is undetectable.

I hear a car door close outside and when I look over my shoulder, I see him. He's staring at something on one of the pillars out front and I take that as my cue to leave. I pull the USB out from the side of the laptop and rush out of the office as fast as I can. I've already heard the front door open and his black, dressy shoes slap against the shiny floor. He's coming my way. I toss myself into a nearby chair and pretend that I am watching whatever is on.

My heart is racing, blooding pumping through my veins. I can't decide if it is because of my hasty departure from the office or because when I look up, Nick's looking down at me with his dark eyes, as if scrutinizing my every flaw. I keep all my emotion from expressing itself on my face. I turn back to the tv and watch Nick in the corner of my eye as he takes a seat on the sofa.

So this is the man, I think, remembering the files I found in his company's dumpster. Anger immediately boils to my cheeks. My mother's file was among them and he was a part of her disappearance. I hate him. I truly hate him more than anything I have before. My breathing has become tense and I no longer care if he hears it.  I hate him, but there is only one thing I can do about it today.

I stand up and leave.

Before I can get back to the door, to leave, to get away from the monsters who made my life what it is, I am stopped by a young woman. She can't be any more than eighteen years old. She greets me with a  smile and gives me a wave.

"Hi there!"

"Hi..." I don't know what else to say. Speechlessness seems to be getting the better of me lately.

"I'm Holly. I'm Nick and Vita's daughter." She holds out a hand for me to shake and I take it. "My mom wanted me to apologize for her. She just got Alicia to sleep and--"

I lift my hand to stop her. "Don't worry about it. Bad timing. I should be going anyway."

"I'm sorry," she repeats.

"I said, don't worry about it. I'll come back another day." I give her a smile and before I can, she opens the door for me.

"Are you coming to the Spooky Day party next Saturday?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"Come, my mom and I would love for you to."

"How can I say no to that?" I chuckle. "I'll see you next weekend."   

As the door closes behind me, I see Holly wave me goodbye. The stomach drops and all I can see is Holly's face at the back of my eyes. Her crying face. I'm going to shatter this girl's home and she's not going to know what hit her. I run my hand through my hair as I make my way back to my car. All she's going to be left with is a mansion full of broken pieces. By the end, she will be another pawn is a broken home and that doesn't make me happy either. 

Offline Katala

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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Five: Intel
« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2015, 10:27:40 AM »
If Sadie's plan succeeds( which I hope it doesn't) she will probably become a serial killer or an assassin, neither of which are desirable career choices.
"Two paths diverged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled...And it hurt man! Rocks! Thorns! Glass! Not cool Robert Frost, not cool."
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    • Nolan M Cruz
Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Five: Intel
« Reply #34 on: October 30, 2015, 08:59:07 AM »
I guess we'll just have to see how far she's willing to go. I hope to have the next episode up tonight!

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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Six: Devil's Night
« Reply #35 on: October 30, 2015, 10:15:45 PM »
Divine Deception
"Devil's Night"

It's the night before Halloween, but the same amount of threats linger in the darkness. This is the adults' night to play and not have to worry about children coming to their door. When men can dress up like idiots and women and slip on something sexy without being ridiculed. It's the day everyone can slip on a mask and I'm not the only person in the room wearing one. This is Devil's Night.

I walk along the stone path like I had done just a week ago. It's different this time, though. The bass of what I believe to be the song Thriller thunders through the open windows and the lights inside flicker. Gravestones line the garden with names of characters from stories: Frankenstein, Beetlejuice and Dracula. The last one catches my attention for a moment. Would Dracula really be in the ground? It shrug the thought off. Sometimes I can overthink things. My face is painted, my lips are glossed. I'm wearing a dress that costed me a hundred bucks for just a day rental. If all else fails, I have decided to get into the costume design business.

I can't say the Alto's don't know how to put on a good show. The place looks magnificent. Decorations hang from the ceiling, cobwebs, fake of course, clutter the corners of the mansion and pumpkins have been carved so meticulously, it's hard not to see that the artist has a flair for detail. How different this place is to Marlie and Charlie's.

Earlier today I was invited to Marlie's house for another party. While I mentioned to her that I had prior engagements, I did tell her I could stop by for a few hours. Ever since she let me stay at her place while Gobias was on my back, I have decided that she is the closest thing I have ever had to a real friend. I've stayed over quite a few times since then because of Gobias's breakup with his girlfriend. He's been rather moody and lately I have been his target to his arrow.

But when I got to Marlie's, the only word I had for the party was a disaster. Three women, four if I added myself, grouped inside a bathroom while they talked about shoes and dresses. It's not my thing. Actually, to be completely honest, it didn't seem like the blonde's thing either. She seemed more entertained by her reflection and playing with it than partaking in the festivities in the bathroom. After an hour, I said goodbye and got as far away as I could.

"Helloooooo, princess!"
I glance next to me to see some young thing looking me up and down. "And what are you supposed to be?" I ask as I press the doorbell. "A clown?"
He nods. "Looking for a night full of amusement?"
"You've given me plenty already."
Right then, Holly opens the door and lets everybody outside in. She's dressed as a firefighter. It looks so real I know it costed her a fortune. It's okay. I'm sure she can afford it. A smile dances along my lips as Cornelia Goth steps into view.

I did say that Halloween was a time for women to dress in a sexy costume without being scrutinized. Cornelia seems to have taken it to a whole other level. I guess I should look up to her for her courage, though. Somebody her age wearing that? Good for her!

Although, the pumpkin seems to be expressing everybody's thoughts.

"Oh, you made it!" Vita says as she pulls me into a big hug. "I was worried that you'd bail."
I shake my head with dismissal. "Never. After my Leisure Day party, I thought I owed you one." I chuckle. "No pregnancies this time, got it?"
We both laugh.
"I can promise you that."

I take a peek over her shoulder and spot Nick. He's dressed up, that's for sure. Reminds me a bit of the Phantom of the Opera, without the mask. We lock eyes for a moment and I feel my heart jump, hit the insides of my ribs and I can't keep the eye contact anymore. I pull them away, returning to Vita as she talks about how sorry she was for what happened last week.
"Hey, don't worry about it," I tell her. "Things happen."

"Come around, everyone!" Nick calls out. He holds an unwavering gaze on me for what feels like hours before he continues. "I have a story for everyone."
Everybody gathers around him like children at the park. I decide to follow suit. He tells us the legend Bride's Head Bridge.

There's a bridge near Hanover in Germany called 'Der Kopf der Braut', which means bride's head.  A 15th century legend has it that Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt and his bride Gretchen were approaching the bridge in their horse and carriage when their way was blocked by an elderly crone.

The Reichsgraf or 'Count' ordered the old lady to get off the bridge instantly and make way for their carriage.  But it was dark, and the old lady had difficulty in herding her sheep off the bridge.

Because the old witch was moving none to fast, Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt took his whip and have her a sound thrashing.  Bleeding, and cowering in a ditch, the old witch put a curse on the carriage.  Consequently when the bridal party eventually crossed the bridge, one of the horses shied and the other reared up.  The upshot was that Gretchen was thrown from the carriage into the river below.

It seems certain that she drowned as the river was in torrent and Gretchen was never seen again. However, it is said by Hanoverian wicca that at Halloween you can see a headless bride standing on rocks in the middle of the river.  Some say she is looking for her lost head, while other say she is looking for her beloved Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt.

Then there's always that one person who ruins a good story. Why is it always Agnes?

The night wears on and the house starts clearing out. For the past few hours I have stationed myself in front of the bartender, guzzling down drink after drink. I know Nick has been watching me. Heck, he's pretty much been doing it all night. Staring at me, inspecting my every move. There's something going on in that head of his and I am going to get to the middle of it, one way or another.

I must have passed out at some point, because when I come to, I see Nick standing over her, shaking me awake and telling me that it's probably best if I head home.
He shakes his head. "Forget that," he mutters. "You probably can't even get to your car."
"I can too!" I push him away and stumble to my feet. "Where is my car anyway?"
"Come on, I'll drive you home."

The drive back to Gobias's is rather eventful. I try to think of something to say, but nothing comes to mind. Nick is as quiet as a puppet with no master.
"This is it," I finally say once the house comes into view. I grab my wallet from my purse and try to tip him with a handful of used gift cards from Macy's and I think it's about that time that Nick tells me he better make sure I make it inside.

I stagger to the door with the help from Nick and right as he straightens me up, I don't hold back. I throw my lips at him, locking his with mine. He can't get away, but the more I explore him, the more I realize he doesn't want to depart. I smell his aftershave. I taste his last drink with a hint of mint. I peek through the slits of my eyes. There's a confused look on his face. A dazzled one with no understanding. I push into him a bit more and that's when he finally pulls away. He doesn't say anything. He just walks back to his car, leaving my tipsy body dangling there at the doorstep.

He gets into his car, starts it up again and before I know it, he's driving down the road without another look. Once I know he's out of sight, I straight my posture with no effort at all and take a deep breath, sticking my keys into the locked door of my house. "They can be so simple," I whisper to myself. I take a glimpse into the garage where I know my car has been all night, I'd taken a taxi to the party, and head inside. In those few seconds I was linked to Nick, I could feel that mask he'd put on earlier slowing being torn down. That invisible mask that everybody was wearing on the Devil's night. It was nothing in comparison to mine. I know, because mine very rarely comes off. 


((Legend of Bride's Head Bridge can be found HERE.))

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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Six: Devil's Night
« Reply #36 on: October 30, 2015, 11:55:59 PM »
And so the plot thickens...

Was it just coincidence that the party the night before Halloween was posted the day before Halloween
"Two paths diverged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled...And it hurt man! Rocks! Thorns! Glass! Not cool Robert Frost, not cool."
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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Six: Devil's Night
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2015, 06:04:57 PM »
Actually, I had a party last night so I wanted to get the episode up before then :D

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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Six: Devil's Night
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2015, 01:49:17 AM »
Somehow I feel there are plots within plots here.  I doubt the whole thing with the Alto's can be so simple.  Can hardly wait to see where this goes.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Six: Devil's Night
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2015, 03:16:03 PM »
I should have the next episode up in a day or so! :D

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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Seven: Done
« Reply #40 on: November 14, 2015, 08:44:58 PM »
Divine Deception

The night had gone off without a hitch. I had grown close to the Altos and even closer to the man who destroyed my family, tearing my parents from my youthful hands. I thought I was unstoppable. When I returned home, I had been pulled into the arms of the man that I would kill in an attempt at avenging my family. I had kissed him passionately the moment he dropped me off at Gobias's house. I didn't think I had a problem until I tried to get inside the house and found all doors locked. I didn't have my keys on me, I didn't think I would need them after I specifically told the jerk that I would be coming home late. Gobias never disappoints when it comes to him being somebody I have grown to despise. It's not completely bad. I remember I had left my sleeping bag in my car the last time I went and slept over at Marnie's. I retrieve it and lay it out.

The night is long and unforgiving. By three in the morning I am pelleted with hail and soaked by rain. The sleeping bags tears, leaving my feet hanging out and by four o'clock I decide that I don't care anymore and leave them out to freeze. By five o'clock I come to the realization that maybe sleeping in the garage would have been a smart idea, but I push the thought away. With how my luck has been going tonight, Gobias would decide to go for a morning drive and not do a look around the car before backing right on over my frozen body.

Once sunrise comes and I see Gobias through the window open the back door, I get up, leave what is left of my sleeping bag on the patio and stomp inside, searching for my prey. He's on the couch watching some soap opera and I come to a halt right in front of him.

"You didn't leave the door open last night," I explain, holding back as much of my anger as I possibly can. The image of me throttling his dopey-looking head with my fist continues on a loop at the back of my skull. "I asked you to keep the door unlocked before I... LEFT!"

Gobias's tired eyes scrutinize my body, scanning my soaked pajamas and hair. "Well, I thought about it and I really didn't think it was a good idea to keep any of the doors unlocked. I don't like it when I am going to bed."

"You... You don't like it?" I can't take it anymore. His idiot face and the stupid ducky pjs he thinks are cool. Heck, even the way he speaks so nonchalantly as if nothing bad has happened. Forget about the Altos for a minute. Somebody call the police because I am about to take this man out completely. "I spent the whole night in the pouring rain! The whole night, Gobias!" I pause, just long enough to catch my breath before I go off again. "Do you even think before you do something? No, everything is always about you! No wonder you're alone."

"I was worried about my well being." Gobias has jumped to him feet in attempt to hold his ground, throwing his hands around like some puppeteer. "Non stop! 'Keep the door open, don't wait up, blah, blah, blah!' You always want me to bend over backwards for you, Sadie."

"One night, that's all I asked for. Don't make it out like I ask for so much," I tell him. "Might I remind you that I sleep on the floor in a bargain deal sleeping bag?"

Gobias crosses his arms. "If you don't like it, maybe it's best if you find somewhere else to stay. I'll give you two weeks."

"Don't bother," I growl. I walk off to the washroom where I have a quick shower, get the little I have together and head out.

I drive out of anger. I don't know where I am going, where I have gone. I head over to Marlie's, although she isn't home so I keep moving. To be completely honest, I don't know what I am going to do. The place where I have gotten my best work done was Gobias's. Maybe not his house exactly, but whenever he was out, it was just me there and it gave me time to plan what I was going to do with the Altos. Now I am homeless and I doubt I can get enough done inside my old, beat up car. There isn't enough room to plan a party with the boxes of my clothing and personals I have inside. To organize a mission to tear a family apart from the roots seems like a rather large pile of work within the car's limits.

By four o'clock in the afternoon I stop by at the autumn festival at the park. I spot Marlie right away. She's reading a book at one of the campfires.
"Hi, Marlie," I say as I walk up to her. She's too focused in her book to notice me so I say, "Marlie," when I get close enough.
"Oh, Sadie, how are you?" She asks, looking up.
"Not the best." I take a deep breath. "Gobias is being a jerk."
"Yes," I say. "He kicked me out and I was wondering if you would mind letting me stay a few nights... Until I got back on my feet again."

From just Marlie's expression alone, I know something is wrong. "What?" I ask.
"I can't. I don't have the room right now." Something buzzes behind me and she looks over at it. "I met somebody a little while ago and he moved in... Maybe I can try and find somewhere--"
"No, don't. It's all right. I'll find somewhere else." I can tell something else is on her mind because she gets up in a rush, hugs me tight and tells me that she'll be right back to talk. Then she runs faster than I have ever seen her move before. When I look over my shoulder, I know why.

Some things never change. I take her seat and poke the fire.
Maybe I shouldn't have left my ripped sleeping bag at Gobias's. From how things are looking, it would seem that I just might be sleeping in the park tonight. On the bright side of things, I'll have lots of room to organize this mission. The fountain. The grass. Even some of these booths I can use to make my crime board of connections. I smirk at myself sourly. Even if that was possible, I'd need everything down by sunrise, before everybody woke up or else mission blown.

"Hello, Sadie." I look up. Vita has taken a chair on the other side of the campfire. "What are you doing here?"
"Don't ask."

She doesn't listen. Instead, Vita urges me to tell her what is ailing me like the good friend she seems to be. So I do. I tell her about everything since the moment I became Gobias's roommate and how hard he had made it to live with him. "I shouldn't have lost my head," I say finally. "I was just so furious."

"And rightly so." She inhales deeply, giving the fire a good few pokes at the same time. "I've wanted to tell you for a while, Sadie, but things just came up. Gobias has never been a nice person. He is bad to the core and looks to hurt others. He's always been passive, though."

I snort inwardly. I have to stop myself from questioning the little teakettle in front of me about who she's calling black. She's the one using her power as mayor to finance her husband and his criminal business. I say nothing of the sort, however. Instead I say, "Well, it doesn't matter. I have no clue where I am staying tonight."

"Nonsense, you'll be staying with me."
I don't turn down the offer even though, for some reason unknown to me, something tells me to do it. Before I can answer, Vita is on her feet and tells me that she is going to use the washroom. Once she's done, both of us will head to her place.

I walk over to the nearby bench and take a seat, passing Charlie and Marlie on the way there. We exchange smiles and walk in separate directions. When I finally get a seat, I go over what has just happened.

Over the past twelve hours I have been kicked out of Gobias, driven around aimlessly and found Vita, who should fear me with every ounce in her body but instead offers me a place to stay. There is a feeling inside of me that I can't shake. I can't figure out if it a good one or a bad one. It, for the time being, has no effect other than being present. Excitement or nervousness? Giddiness or anxiety? I can't say.

"I was wondering when I would see you again."
People keep appearing no matter where I go. People I wouldn't think I would ever see again. Victor is one of them. I recognize him from Gobias's pool party immediately. If he's here to tell me off after "hurting" Gobias, he knows what he can do. I know he's not, though. I learned early on how much of a kind guy Vic is. We embark in small talk instead. The weather and what festivals in the past were like.
"I was wondering, if you weren't busy one time, if you'd like to go out or something."

I look at him in those deep blues of his. He is rather cute, like a little boy given a valentine card for the first time. For how much of a looker he is, I find his innocence surprising.
"Look," I say. I pull my eyes away from his because I know my next words are going to feel like a slap to his face and I don't want that. "I've just gotten out of a bad, long-term relationship..."

I may not be looking at him, but I can feel Vic's eyes lowering. His eyebrows knitting together as concern washes over his face.
"You seem like a really nice guy." I stop myself. "No, you are a nice guy, and if times were different, I would say yes a million times, but..." I look up at him with a brief glance of apology.
"Timing's off," he finishes my thoughts.
"A bit."

I notice Vita in the corner of my eye. "It's not a no because of you, Vic. I know how cliché it sounds, but it's the truth. I hate the saying with a passion, but it is the only thing I can think of saying. It isn't you. It is me."

I get up from my seat and place a hand on his shoulder. I can surprise myself sometimes. For how much I hate certain people and how much I show it with what I do, there is still a piece of that little girl inside of me that doesn't want anything to happen to those who play the game of kindness. The pain I feel when I look down at Vic is real. Seeing him just stare off into blank space is like a jab to my ribs or a kick to my shins. It's not nice, especially when I have to push away somebody like Vic, one of the nicest people I have met, for somebody like the Altos.

"I am sorry, Vic."
"Hey, it's all right."

But I know it's not. I can see it in his eyes that it's not, and that is the reason why I say nothing else, find Vita and make my way back to my car.

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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Seven: Done
« Reply #41 on: November 15, 2015, 02:32:21 AM »
This is such a gripping story. Can't help but feel a bit sorry for Victor though.
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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Seven: Done
« Reply #42 on: November 16, 2015, 09:32:25 AM »
Thanks, @Playalot! I am really excited to release the following chapters. The planning is in place and now everybody can sit back. Dun dun dunnnnnn!

Love hearing what everybody thinks! :D

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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Seven: Done
« Reply #43 on: November 16, 2015, 11:53:32 AM »
After finally getting my Internet back up and running, I have finally gotten the chance to read this amazing update :)

Poor Vic, I feel sory for him :(
"Two paths diverged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled...And it hurt man! Rocks! Thorns! Glass! Not cool Robert Frost, not cool."
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Re: Divine Deception -- Episode Seven: Done
« Reply #44 on: November 18, 2015, 06:07:47 PM »
Katala you are so kind. I am so happy that you all are enjoying the story.  :)