a very nice sim, one that does make an appearance in an upcoming episode.
Divine Deception"Code Twinsr2cute"
When I was a little girl, anger was as simple as not being able to go outside to play if my homework wasn't done. It lasted ten minutes, was gone almost instantly and left the rest of the day to be enjoyed by me. Deep down I would have known had I finished my homework, been proactive so to speak, I could have played for even longer. A boy stealing my eraser in first grade and my parents catching me sneaking back in after curfew are other examples. It was an emotion, a basic one, that I once believed could be eased if given the right attention. Happiness could rid hatred and a smile meant that anger couldn't pose a threat.

That was before I joined this work field. Before I knew what type of people I would have to deal with and be around. Gobias is not a person I can say a smile will make me happy to see him, unless, of course, my smile makes him vanish. He's not a caring person, but he's not an independent person like myself either. He always needs to put his nose where it doesn't belong. Criticizing the way I make waffles. Complaining that the sleeping arrangements are not working in his favour. His favour? Let's talk about the fact that he has a master bedroom upstairs and I am left to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag wherever is convenient for him. Lately, it's been the bathroom downstairs, which gets little traffic.

It doesn't help that I called my contact about meeting Vita Alto a week ago and still haven't heard back from him. He specifically stated that meeting her would kick-start this mission. Yet, here I sit, eating a mediocre batch of waffles, listening to Gobias go on about how I need to get a job because it is obvious that I have no money. When he starts making a show about how I talk to him, I say nothing, get up and leave. The thing is, I have more money that he can even imagine. The only problem with it is that I can't say anything about it. It would raise questions which would inevitably blow my cover.
"Where are you going?" He asks after I come out of the washroom, gathering my sleeping bag from the floor. I sling it over my shoulder as I glance back at him.
"I'm going to get a job," I lie.

A half an hour later, I sit at the doorstep of the Stix household. The Charlie and Marlie twins. I met them last week at the Summer Festival. They'd both participated in that horrid hot dog eating contest Gobias was a part of. It was the sister, Marlie, who won and chatted me up while Gobias took two hours to get his face painted... again. She seems really nice, her brother, nice enough. They moved to Sunset Valley from Bridgeport in search of a more relaxing area. I couldn't help but feel some sort of similarity. I worked in Bridgeport for many years during my start as a Destroyer. I can defend myself, but even I can admit that walking the streets of the city alone at night ran a chill up my spine from time to time. We exchanged numbers, emails and addresses and she told me that we should hang out some time. Well, she offered. I wonder if she expected to get together so soon.

Marlie arrives not long after. She asks me why I was sitting on the bench.
I give her a questionable look. "Because I rang the doorbell and you weren't here."
"But Charlie's home."

And so he is. He must have been too busy in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror and pretending that he was Lara Croft to have heard my arrival.

I can't be upset with him, though. Between playing in puddles...

and scaring his sister...

I can't help but find humour in their actions. The way they talk to one another and play their little games. It reminds me in a strange way of the anger I felt as a kid and how it could be resolved within ten minutes. They ask me to stay for dinner. I tell Marlie my predicament with Gobias and how he is driving me crazy. She just laughs and makes fun of me like one of my childhood friends would if I told them I had a crush on a boy.
"It's not that funny," I say as I try to hold back my laughter.
Marlie palms a cup of coffee for me and brings it over to the table. "It kind of is," she chuckles. She puts a few heaping spoonfuls of sugar into her own cup. "If it really is that bad, though, feel free to stay the night."

It's a good thing I brought my sleeping bag with me. It feels just like home.

The next morning I wake up to the smell of bacon frying. The sizzle of it in the pan is like an alarm that screams for me to get out of bed and onto my feet and it's a good thing too. Both Marlie and Charlie are up and they need me out of the way. I had rolled around last night during my sleep and ended up under the table.

Marlie seems a little uneasy about my choice of sleepwear. I'm guessing that is the reason, I
am in my underwear. I couldn't honestly say, however. That's not to say she's dressed much better.

My departure is rather quick. I give Marlie a big hug and tell her how much I appreciate her hospitality. She is the nicest person I have met in a really long time and her kindness seems genuine. I tell her that as I am heading out the front door.
"Anytime," she says. "You know where to find us."

Right as I am driving back into the driveway of Gobias's house, my phone goes off.
"Hello?" I answer, stepping out of my car and giving the door a good push. It clunks and refuses to close.

"Miss Lawrence, it's Reginald Peters. Is this a bad time?"
It's about time, I think and give my car door a good kick, forcing it closed this time. "Not at all."
"I just got your message about your contact with Vita Alto."
"Good, now what do you want me to do with her?" I am direct. I want him to know that me standing around for a whole week doing absolutely nothing is unacceptable, but my professional side kicks in and keeps me from saying anything of the sort.
"Straight to the point I see."
"I just want to know where we are going," I say clearly. "I think I've been left in the dark for long enough."
"Point taken. Then here it is..."

What Peters says takes me back and I have to remind myself to breathe. "What did you say?"
"I said that I want Vita's husband killed."
I glare at the pavement underneath my feet, trying to absorb Peter's words. Kill a man? Is that really what he just said? "I don't do that," I choke out.
"Sadie, I hired you because you said that you could help me with my situation with the Altos. Was that not what you said?"
"That's right, Mr. Peters, I did say that, but please understand that I destroy people's lives. I make them suffer. I do not kill."
"Then I guess this is a turning point in your career." His voice is forceful, yet at the same time calming and smooth.
"I will not kill--"
"You will do as I asked," he cuts me off. "Might I mention that I have already sent you a handsome amount of money for your services? A cheque that you had no problems cashing, might I add. How about the fact that the Altos have screwed over our community, hurt many families and continue to fund businesses which can only be seen as criminal? Do I need to remind you of that?"
Sweat has started to form at my hairline and I rub my forehead with the back of my hand. "No," I sigh.
"Mrs. Alto
is the mayor, Sadie, and she is your connection to the biggest criminal in Sunset Valley. Get close to her to get close to him."
"This could take a year."
"Then so be it." He pauses and when he returns, I jolt inwardly. "I want her to suffer and him dead."

I stay quiet for a bit. All happiness has drained from my body as it becomes eerily cold around me. I am not angry. I don't know what I feel as the words leave my mouth.
"I'll see what I can do."