Author Topic: Big Brother Los Aniegos, The Exciting Conclusion!  (Read 38750 times)

Offline Ausette

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Big Brother Los Aniegos, The Exciting Conclusion!
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:38:29 AM »
~ Big Brother - Los Aniegos ~

Hey everyone, long time no see! I'm all done with my postgrad and SO excited to be back on the forum! Sadly I can't work on my town jump because my computer won't run the game, but luckily for you I once played an entire Big Brother Challenge without posting it. Yeah, I don't know how I managed to put this off for four years either, but it means I can do some writing while I work on getting my game running. Hooray!  :D

This story is set in Los Aniegos (Late Night Edition) by Coasterboi, used with permission. The gameplay is based on AnnBeiFong’s Big Brother Challenge. The following additions have been made to the rules:
  • The contestants’ appearances have been customised, but their traits are still random.
  • Housemates are allowed one flirt at the start of the challenge to encourage romance.
  • Sims can be controlled if they’re stuck or in the way of something.
  • Broken appliances are replaced in Buy Mode rather than being repaired by housemates.
  • Free will is temporarily disabled during elimination to facilitate posing.
  • The Newspaper Service is cancelled at the start of the challenge.


Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother - Los Aniegos
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2015, 02:38:40 AM »

Hi everyone, thanks for tuning in to this season of Big Brother. I’m Ausette, and I’m coming to you live from 2011 the beautiful city of Los Aneigos. Soon we’ll be off to the airport to meet our eight contestants, but first let’s take a look around the house they’ll be staying in for the next few weeks.

Our Big Brother mansion is situated high up on Hillwood Court and has a glorious view of the city lights and consignment store parking lot. It comes with four twin bedrooms, one uncomfortably cramped bathroom that I regret building, a fancy suite for the Head of Household, a task/gnubb room, a (fenced off) swimming pool, and the ubiquitous hot tub. Plus a nice big gate, we don’t want them escaping. Ok, tour is over now. We’ll be seeing a lot more of the house in the upcoming weeks anyway, and I’m sure you’re all itching to meet the housemates. And here they are!

Eight different Sims, with eight different personalities, from eight different walks of life. All young, eager, single, and stupid. Over the next few weeks, they’ll need to learn new skills and really get to know each other’s thoughts if they want to take home the $100,000 cash prize. Let’s get to know them now then, shall we?

Alexa, a Twinbrook Stylist, has the Flirty, Star Quality, Family-Orientated, Party Animal, and Childish traits. She’s absolutely thrilled to be on TV and hopes to pick up a few fans.

Daisy has the traits Great Kisser, Dramatic, Inappropriate, Daredevil, and Mean Spirited. She’s a Sunset Valley girl who just lost her job as a Spa Specialist and wants to earn an easy buck.

Jacob is an unemployed Sim who lives in Union Cove. He doesn’t get to enjoy the beaches though, because on top of being a Clumsy, Family Orientated, Bookwormy Couch Potato, he’s also Hydrophobic. Let’s hope he gets by without the hot tub sessions, then.

Koala  is a Flirty, Vegetarian, Athletic Mooch with Commitment Issues. She loves meeting new people and would like a career in Sports.

Luca, a Barnacle Bay boy, has the traits Flirty, Disciplined, Vehicle Enthusiast, Good and Charismatic. He has a part-time job as a yoga instructor and came on the show to meet new people.

Simon was originally an understudy for the show, but he managed to get in after five prospective contestants suffered mysterious accidents. He works in a warehouse in Riverview, and we’re told by his psychiatrist that he has the Mooch, Evil, Handy, Over Emotional, and Genius traits.

Susan is an up-an-coming profession chef who owns a diner in Barnacle Bay. She’s a Great Kisser, a Technophobe, a Natural Cook, a Vehicle Enthusiast, and very Ambitious. She hopes getting on the show will earn some publicity for her restaurant.

Finally, Tommy is a fifth-generation Twinbrook resident who came on the show to get away from his parents. He’s a professional bouncer who has the Hot-Headed, Loves the Outdoors, Vegetarian, Heavy Sleeper, and Athletic Traits.

Well, that’s all for now, folks. Make sure you tune in after the break for some mediocre skilling, half-hearted bonding, and lots of gratuitous skinny dipping!

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Re: Big Brother - Los Aniegos
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2015, 05:59:00 AM »
Week One, Part One

Welcome back to Big Brother. Before the break, we met the contestants and saw them arrive in Los Aniegos. After one last look at the outdoors, the housemates grimly file into the mansion that will be their home for the next few weeks, locking the gate behind them.

The teensy bathroom quickly becomes a problem. There’s no room to expand it, so I just have to shepherd Sims out of the way myself.

Luca, the most Charismatic housemate, chooses to break the ice with a bracing daylight ghost story.

Alexa, on the other hand, decides to really scare everyone.

Luca doesn’t seem to mind.

In fact, he jumps right in after her with three other Sims, kick-starting the skinny dipping fad that will plague this household right up to the end of the challenge. I’m not exaggerating; all these Sims do is tell ghost stories and take their clothes off. They’re lucky this isn’t a slasher film or they’d all be dead by the end of the week.

Well, Jacob would probably survive. While the less inhibited housemates sit naked in the hot tub, he hangs around the living room wholesomely admiring the artwork. Luckily for Jacob, at midnight the skilling equipment goes out so he can work on his….

LOGIC skill! This week, the task room has been filled with chess sets for the housemates to skill with.

Jacob, naturally, is the first housemate to earn a Logic point. Look at that smug little face.

The next Sim to earn a point is Simon. Thanks to his Genius trait, he has a natural advantage at this challenge.

The other Sims drift through the task room over the next few days, but Jacob is an almost constant presence. Seriously, go Jacob! He has a solid rival in Simon, but he’s still a strong competitor because he initiates so many chess sessions. He’s the tortoise to Simon’s hare.

Simon and Jacob’s skill levels remain close for the whole competition. By Wednesday night, both have three Logic points. Eventually the challenge draws to a close, and the winner for the week is…

Jacob, by a whisker. He wins the key to the Head of Household suite, immunity from elimination, and the honour of choosing who’s up for elimination this week.

For Jacob, the choice is a no-brainer. He picks the jerks.

Who will go home this week? Will it be brash blonde Daisy Tumbles, or the quietly aggressive Tommy Knack? Find out after the break on Big Brother, Los Aniegos!

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2015, 07:26:38 AM »
Excellent! Bookmarked. (I guess this explains how the Joneses are doing )

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2015, 07:30:42 AM »
Haha, I suppose it does :) . Really glad you like the story so far!

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2015, 10:15:47 AM »
And I'll be posting! Thanks so much for your comment. :)

I should check out your stories while I'm at it, looks like you've been really prolific. Gosh I'm so out of the loop. :P

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2015, 12:07:15 PM »
Forgot if I said this before or not, but congrats on finishing your postgrad!

As unlucky as your game not running is, having screenshots for four years and not losing them is something lucky. :P
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2015, 08:17:40 PM »
Bookmarked, this looks so much fun!  :)
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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2015, 09:16:40 PM »
Forgot if I said this before or not, but congrats on finishing your postgrad!

As unlucky as your game not running is, having screenshots for four years and not losing them is something lucky. :P

Thanks Trip, I'm so glad to be done :) . Hope your own studies are going well. I'd not though of my luck with the screenshots, that's a very good point!

Bookmarked, this looks so much fun!  :)

Thank you, I hope it will be! :)

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2015, 09:37:52 PM »
Week One, Part Two

Welcome back to Big Brother. Earlier in the show, we saw Jacob win this week’s challenge and nominate Tommy and Daisy for elimination. They have until the end of the week to convince the rest of the household not to vote them out.

Tommy reacts to his nomination the way he reacts to everything: with thinly contained rage. Tommy’s Hot-Headed, and it doesn’t take much to set him off. He doesn’t have any friends in the household because he shouts down all their conversations before they begin.

He likes to spend his time alone in the hot tub, which seems to calm him down until someone steals his clothes and ticks him off again.

Daisy at least socialises while she’s hot-tubbing, but I think it’s just an excuse to get naked with people. She’s a bit of a flirt and hasn’t been fully dressed since the day she stepped into the house.

She also enjoys picking fights with female housemates. She charms the boys and mocks the girls, and Alexa simply loathes her.

You’d think the two nominees might bond over their hot-tubbing and antisocial tendencies, but sadly that is not the case. Tommy rejects Daisy’s flirtations, and she promptly slaps him across the face. Things go downhill from there pretty quickly.

Here they are brawling in the kitchen, to the interest of no one.

As revenge, Tommy takes over cooking for the household. Vegetarianism is strictly enforced.

Daisy is forced to admit defeat. Since Tommy wasn’t giving her the time of day, she quickly moves onto the other housemates and WHOA WHOA WHOA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

Way to use that Inappropriate trait, Daisy! Luca and Daisy are officially Love Interests now, the first ones in the house.

Daisy may be crazy, but I can’t blame her for chasing Luca. He’s charming, he’s popular, and he’s got all the ladies swooning in his wake.

So it’s unlucky for Daisy that he happens to have a thing for Koala.

Daisy is furious. She screams at Koala until her Hunger motive drops to red, then goes back after breakfast to scream some more. She can’t believe Luca would betray her, especially after such a Great Kiss. So how does she get back at the man who broke her heart?

Why, by trying to seduce Koala, of course! I almost died laughing at this stage. Koala is naturally very creeped out by Daisy’s actions, and she pretty much avoids her for the rest of the week.

On the bright side for Daisy, I think Jacob’s on her side now.

With Daisy humiliated, Luca and Koala are free to be together. They spend almost every waking moment with each other. It’s adorable!

The rest of the week passes without any major drama. The household spends the days skinny dipping, telling spooky stories, and playing with the Gnubb set I give them between challenges, until Elimination Day abruptly dawns.

This morning is the final chance for the nominees to scrape together some allies.

Tommy, yelling at people will not make them like you.

Same to you, Daisy. I love how Koala’s just calmly enjoying Daisy’s social failures.

At five o’clock, everyone is gathered up for elimination.

The housemates cast their votes. The nominees are close, but with five out of eight votes the Sim going home in Week One of the Big Brother challenge is…


Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. Daisy was a saucy Sim who liked to strip, flirt and fight. The house will be less interesting without her. Goodbye, Daisy! Don’t forget to tune into next week’s episode of Big Brother, Los Aniegos!

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1 Part 2
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2015, 02:14:13 AM »
Oh my gosh! LOL I just am in stitches!  ;D  Daisy, you'll be missed.
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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1 Part 2
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2015, 10:21:26 AM »
Ah, too bad. Daisy was so much fun to watch, but, obviously, not so much fun to live with

Offline Ausette

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1 Part 2
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2015, 08:52:16 PM »
Oh my gosh! LOL I just am in stitches!  ;D  Daisy, you'll be missed.

Yay, glad you liked it :) ! I'll miss Daisy too. She was fun.

Ah, too bad. Daisy was so much fun to watch, but, obviously, not so much fun to live with

Yeah, absolutely. If I do the challenge again I'll have to make everyone an awful person. Just like a real reality show! :P

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Re: Big Brother Los Aniegos, Week 1 Part 2
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2015, 09:13:49 PM »
Week Two

Welcome back to Big Brother. Last week, Jacob became Head of the Household and Daisy was voted out of the mansion. Tommy, the other nominee, seems a bit shocked that he actually got to stay.

Now that Elimination is out of the way, the next challenge can begin. The skill of the week is…

SCULPTING! Everyone instantly pops the wish to learn the skill, which is nice. Simon randomly pops a wish to kiss Susan, which is less nice. He’s creepy.

Anyway. Despite that bright start, the Sculpting stations aren’t used at all on the first day. Normally I’d be annoyed at the waste of time, but Luca and Koala were being distractingly adorable together.

Their blossoming love inspires Luca to earn the household’s first Sculpting point, but he runs off back to Koala before he can finish the sculpture.

Luca and Koala aren’t the only ones getting closer. Simon’s developed a bit of a thing for Susan, but being an Evil mastermind he doesn’t know how to show affection like a normal person. He tends to do things like this:

Or this:

Or this:

It may look awkward to you, but they’ve grown quite find of each other and it’s actually rather sweet. Susan’s very patient and well-adjusted, and I trust her to give Simon good life lessons.

It seems she managed to teach him about the value of hard work, because on the last day of the Sculpting challenge, Simon strides into the empty, dusty task room and picks up a chisel.

Voila! Two sculpting points and one glorious eyesore later Simon’s in the lead with no time left to be challenged.

Simon replaces a reluctant Jacob as this week’s Head of the Household. Once he can tear himself away from the computer, he nominates…

Alexa and Tommy! (This is my only pic where they weren’t fighting.) Who will go home this week? Will it be repeat offender Tommy Knack, or the aloof Party Animal, Alexa Washington? Find out after the break on Big Brother, Los Aniegos!