Author Topic: The Does of Dragon Valley  (Read 79723 times)

Offline KRae

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The Does of Dragon Valley
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:28:35 AM »
Since I’ve completed all the dynasties, I decided why not try something a little more laid back – a Legacy!
I’m following Pinstar’s rules, mostly. I will be allowing my heirs to wed long-lived supernaturals, but they will be cured before bringing in the next generation.
I pulled my favorite Doe from my 4x4 out of the sim bin to found this legacy.  Flip will be moving to Dragon Valley. He preceded the family’s residence there so has no DV genetics.
Flip has changed a bit. His traits are now Loves the Outdoors, Gatherer, Green Thumb, Handy, and Ambitious. These are the last traits that I will be choosing in this legacy. He wants to Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder.
To make things a little more interesting, I duplicated Flip’s skin tone on the rainbow slider. He’s maybe even more Fliptastic.

Sorry about the darkness, but Flip doesn’t own any lights. In fact, all he owns is a rocking chair and four sunflowers.

Flip bought a Quick Grow Station before buying a bed, and he’s pretty excited about his decision.

Thanks to his job, his sunflowers, and his red berry beans, Flip has built a little house. It will never be huge, or terribly interesting, but it’s all his. His first guest is a young woman he met in the park when she was still a teen, Sophie Dwyer. They became friends and Flip learned that Sophie is a Hopeless Romantic.
They decide to solidify their friendship with a pillow fight.

Well, of course, the next step is marriage.

Sophie, go to the mirror. I want to see more of that glorious hair. Sophie’s traits are Genius, Bookworm, Hopeless Romantic, Computer Whiz, and Friendly. Wow. Her lifetime wish is the very doable the Tinkerer. Once children are produced, Sophie becomes bloodline and her accomplishments count toward the legacy score.

Sophie has been learning to paint along with logic and handiness. She’s very pregnant and working on Flip’s portrait for the legacy gallery.

She’ll need to finish that portrait later. Something else is produced instead. How sweet, you match your mother’s hair.

Each generation will have at least two children. The heir will be whoever seems most interesting and isn’t mean-spirited. Children will be named after several of my long gone relatives, many who were born from 1890-1915, so the names may be old-style.
Here we have Adabelle, an Insane Virtuoso. Child two will be pressed to be more interesting than this.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2015, 12:14:43 PM »
Great to see another story from you! Who better to be a founder than our Flip? =D I love your idea of name choosing, can't wait for the next update.
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2015, 07:23:11 PM »
Some day I hope to follow you into dynasty royalty...or at least make it there for the first time. 
Meantime, I'm glad we have more of your stories to enjoy!  Adabelle is a very interesting name and I loved your choice to put her is yellow as it compliments her skin tone quite nicely.  I would never have picked it myself, but seeing it, how could you not put her in yellow?  And an insane virtuoso?  She's already got my vote for heir.  Kudos.

Offline KRae

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2015, 08:33:54 PM »
@Nettlejuice , I'm happy to have Flip back too. It's funny but the first relative's name I used is not from a deceased relative at all but from my aunt who is 97 years old.
@PeregrineTook , You're giving me too much credit for selecting the yellow. It's her favorite color so I used it, but it turned out well. I will be listening to input on heir selection. No actual vote or anything though.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2015, 10:01:50 PM »
Adabelle has such a wonderful skin colour and eye colour (and I love her name as well). Green and Gold (yellow) makes me think Aussie (as does the insane trait). And that is a good thing to me. I will definitely enjoy reading your legacy.

From my own recent experiences of birthing random traited nooboos, the RTG (Random Trait Generator) seems to love insane virtuosos.

Offline KRae

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2015, 11:58:13 AM »
@Deklitch , Thanks! I've noticed that about the trait generator as well. The only traits I have a dislike for are Mean-Spirited and Absent-Minded. Flirty can be a problem when you have to keep multiple generations alive for an extended period, but would be fine in a legacy. I know someone who lived in Australia for just two years and came back a little insane (she picked up the accent and 30 years later still has it).

Sophie, pregnant again, is teaching Adabelle everything she can. You never know what will come in handy. They read all the toddler skill books. I have overwatch and error trap installed so Sophie reset once when she got stuck leaving Adabelle all alone at the library. They live close so Sophie literally ran back to her.

Flip is very busy with his job and garden, but always finds family time.

A tiny green boy has joined the family.

Obligatory floorboo shot.

Rex Doe is the latest family addition. He is Disciplined and Excitable and looks a lot like his mother.

Rex is also taught everything. He’s adorable and is in the running for heir.

Adabelle had her birthday and is now an Insane, Virtuoso Couch Potato. I’m liking her more and more.

Adabelle: Why am I painting? I’m missing important TV time.
Hey, you’re the one who wanted to learn painting. Besides, someone needs to paint your mother’s portrait.

Rex: Is she still there? She’s fascinating, but a little freaky.

Soon Rex had his birthday. He is now Disciplined, Excitable, and Adventurous. Not bad.

Rex wished to learn to write and seems to enjoy it well enough.

Flip seems to be surprised to see Adabelle autonomously baking a chocolate brownie. Frankly, I’m surprised too. She wasn’t hungry and didn’t eat it. I’ve always had to tell kids to bake.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2015, 10:19:53 PM »
Still Team Adabelle.  The insane child bakes brownies for no reason and then leaves them alone.  Wait, she deserts the desserts!  She's making a pun!
Both kiddos are adorable, I just like her combo of traits, how you write her thus far, and I think her face shape looks better than his (though who knows how that will work out as they age).

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2015, 08:36:23 AM »
Floorboos return xD I also am team Adabelle, the baking won me over.
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Offline Alex

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2015, 05:12:47 AM »
They decide to solidify their friendship with a pillow fight.

Well, of course, the next step is marriage.

:D :D :D

Really enjoying this. I think I'm also Team Adabelle - what a gorgeous skin colour.

Offline Malley

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2015, 10:24:44 AM »
So happy to see that Flip has come out of Witness Protection to start his own life!! I'm torn between the two kids, but I'm leaning more toward Rex...but that may change as they grow up. Looking forward to more, KRae  ;D

Offline KRae

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2015, 11:57:01 AM »
@PeregrineTook , I have never made a brownie and left it alone. I admire Adabelle's indifference.
@Nettlejuice , Thanks, Down with cribs!
@Alex, I'm not sure how my husband and I have been married for just two weeks shy of 44 years without one single pillow fight.
@Malley , Hi! I'm glad someone's leaning toward Rex, although I'm beginning to prefer Adabelle myself for two reasons: She's awesome and my finger just keeps mistyping the letter x.

Adabelle is now a lovely teen with a very strong jaw. This hair softens it up a bit. Her traits are now Insane, Virtuoso, Couch Potato, and Loner.

Adabelle: Leave me alone. I’m painting.
Well, I’m glad you’re painting, but you’re in your formal wear.
Adabelle: Your point being?

Flip is fishing in the back yard pond. So far he’s stocked it with Alley  Catfish and Angel Fish. He’s an elder.
Flip: No close ups, please.

Of course not.

Whatever you say.

Rex: I am Rexius Rex. Bow to my, um, Rexiness.

His Rexiness as a teen. His traits are now Disciplined, Excitable, Adventurous, and Avant Garde. He has an odd face. Many hairstyles make him look like something from Frankenstein’s lab.

Adabelle has reached level seven in painting and can paint her mother’s portrait. That actually is looking pretty good.
Adabelle: Thanks. Go away.

Both teens go to prom.
So now you change from your formal wear, Adabelle.
Rex is feeling overdressed in his tux. Both get babysitters for romantic interests and break up with them ASAP.

Flip has been wanting to go to France. He’s heard they have grapes there not available at the local nectary. He’s off on his trusty jet-ski to check out an island.

Flip’s also heard that France has fruit not available locally.
You know, that’s someone’s yard, right?
Flip: Keep your voice down, they’ll never see me.

This is Evelyn Mullen. She lives in a house and Rex finds her fascinating.
Adabelle: Why did she follow us home? Make her leave. No! Don’t give her cake!

Outside of her household, Adabelle has one friend, Darron Mithrilen. He’s a little older, but still second generation and a vampire. They share the Loner trait. Adabelle admires his ability to blend into the background.

We’ll leave you here with dueling upgrades. Cue the banjo.

Offline Malley

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2015, 12:12:09 PM »
Okay, if Nathan Darron can be Adabelle's spouse, I change my vote!!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2015, 12:15:46 PM »
So loving how you're writing Adabelle's loner trait into this.  And her (boy)friend being stuck in the wall was glorious.  I always enjoy the glitch pictures more than I should.
As soon as I saw teen Rex, I thought I might make a Frankenstein comment, then you beat me to it.  Great minds think alike, right?
Team Adabelle!

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2015, 01:14:45 PM »
So glad to see more Fliptasticness!!!
@Deklitch you say Green and Gold reminds you of Aussies but did you know that's actually the South African Rugby Team colours, The Springboks put on the green and gold! And for that patriotic reason I am Team Adabelle! ;) well, that, and insane sims are just so much fun to read about!

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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Does of Dragon Valley
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2015, 04:35:00 PM »
Oh yay! Team Fliptastic! So pleased to have another story of yours to read along. I can't choose between the kids...still have to calm down after seeing Flip again!  ::)
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