@PeregrineTook , I have never made a brownie and left it alone. I admire Adabelle's indifference.
@Nettlejuice , Thanks, Down with cribs!
@Alex, I'm not sure how my husband and I have been married for just two weeks shy of 44 years without one single pillow fight.
@Malley , Hi! I'm glad someone's leaning toward Rex, although I'm beginning to prefer Adabelle myself for two reasons: She's awesome and my finger just keeps mistyping the letter x.
Adabelle is now a lovely teen with a very strong jaw. This hair softens it up a bit. Her traits are now Insane, Virtuoso, Couch Potato, and Loner.

Adabelle: Leave me alone. I’m painting.
Well, I’m glad you’re painting, but you’re in your formal wear.
Adabelle: Your point being?

Flip is fishing in the back yard pond. So far he’s stocked it with Alley Catfish and Angel Fish. He’s an elder.
Flip: No close ups, please.

Of course not.

Whatever you say.

Rex: I am Rexius Rex. Bow to my, um, Rexiness.

His Rexiness as a teen. His traits are now Disciplined, Excitable, Adventurous, and Avant Garde. He has an odd face. Many hairstyles make him look like something from Frankenstein’s lab.

Adabelle has reached level seven in painting and can paint her mother’s portrait. That actually is looking pretty good.
Adabelle: Thanks. Go away.

Both teens go to prom.
So now you change from your formal wear, Adabelle.
Rex is feeling overdressed in his tux. Both get babysitters for romantic interests and break up with them ASAP.

Flip has been wanting to go to France. He’s heard they have grapes there not available at the local nectary. He’s off on his trusty jet-ski to check out an island.

Flip’s also heard that France has fruit not available locally.
You know, that’s someone’s yard, right?
Flip: Keep your voice down, they’ll never see me.

This is Evelyn Mullen. She lives in a house and Rex finds her fascinating.
Adabelle: Why did she follow us home? Make her leave. No! Don’t give her cake!

Outside of her household, Adabelle has one friend, Darron Mithrilen. He’s a little older, but still second generation and a vampire. They share the Loner trait. Adabelle admires his ability to blend into the background.

We’ll leave you here with dueling upgrades. Cue the banjo.