Author Topic: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Epilogue, *Please Move To Graveyard*  (Read 8941 times)

Offline mpart

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If you have seen the title you know that sisters is spelled wrong. Yes, I know, it was spelled like that on purpose. I wanted it be unique so I thought I would use a Z to get on peoples nerves to make it unique.  :) I can't go being normal, have you read my dynasty? It would ruin my reputation! Here's the modified rules I will be using. The only rule I will not be following is having children out of wedlock, she will end up having 11 husbands.  :)

Chapter List

Introduction and Our House

* Chapter 1 - Mpart vs. Game
*Chapter 2 - Alien Abductions and Fires
* Chapter 3, part 1
* Chapter 3, part 2
* Epilogue


Fire - Cinderella
Are you confused? Why would I bring sweet Cinderella into this mess? Cinderella means in french"Of the ashes." Disney is dark, I can watch "Scream",movies, but the moment you turn on "Caroline", with that creepy doll, nope not watching that, it haunts me in my dreams. Man, the things kids watch these days. Nope, I have to keep this family friendly.

Cinderella's hair was done in a way to look like a flame, white being the hottest.


Is it just me or does this remind me of Katniss's dress on Catching Fire?




Water - Brizo (water cave goddess)
I have to say she is personally my favorite.







Earth - Artemis(Greek Mythology awesome goddess)







*Instead of her having the vegetarian trait, I used the gather trait from Supernatural.*

Air - Hera( Greek mythology queen, wife of Zeus)

Why do sims have to blink?







The next update you get to see the gorgeous, spectacular, flawless house built by Mrs.Flynn! [/size]  ;D

Offline mpart

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - The Amazing House
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2015, 07:58:44 PM »
Here it is special thanks to Mrs.Flynn for building this gorgeous house! This is one of the most beautiful house I've seen on the sims.




Water's Living Room

Water's Kitchen and Dining Room

Nursery and 1 Bathroom

*Mrs.Flynn added the wooden floors*

Children's Room and another Bathroom

Artemis's space

Hera's space

Cinderella's space

My absolute Favorite Room - The Pool!

*Mrs.Flynn added the Pool walls,Floor and Pool.*

Activity Area

Extra Storage

*The beautiful patterns are from Mrs.Flynn*
I hope I did this house justice Mrs Flynn.  :)

Cinderella - "How many prince charming's will I marry?"



This is going to be a long night!

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Offline Malley

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Introduction
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2015, 02:51:14 PM »
I love the hair colors and styles that you gave the sisters. I think that water is my favorite too.

Offline KRae

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Introduction
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2015, 05:32:30 PM »
This is going to be a visual treat. The sisters and their house are simply gorgeous.

Offline mpart

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Introduction
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2015, 10:03:43 PM »
I love the hair colors and styles that you gave the sisters. I think that water is my favorite too.

Thanks!  ;D

Offline mpart

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Introduction
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2015, 10:04:44 PM »
This is going to be a visual treat. The sisters and their house are simply gorgeous.

The house is gorgeous, Mrs.Flynn did a good job. I tried my best on the sisters, thank you.  ;D

Offline mpart

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Chapter 1 - Mpart vs. Game
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2015, 10:33:15 PM »
I'm having a war with the game. >:( I think it hates me right now.

The minute they arrived I had them put to work, this is my third attempt of this challenge and I want to succeed.

Cinderella was painting.

The other three were reading skill books.

On the first night a bugler came, yay!

Artemis called the police.

I'm glad their so much help! The robber got away with a 5,000 dollar piano.  :(
Okay game, haha, that's funny, I have to admit. The robbers are usually not intelligent.
Cinderella was attempting to be a bird.

Cinderella - "I can fly!"
No, Cinderella, no you can't.
So I forget you weren't allowed to use cheats, sorry guys I forgot, it won't happen again.
I ended up aging up this random vampire dude.

Cinderella did her job.
She kissed him.

They became a couple.

She asked him to marry him.

He said yes. Like he had a choice.
They got married, he didn't move in. LOL!

So throughout the course of a week, I tried to get Cinderella to have a baby, it took 8 times, which meant 8 days!
Of course, I had to buy fertility treatment to add to observant and eye candy.
I also had to get Artemis go to the alchemy shop and buy a procreation elixir.
The marriage ended shortly after.

Meanwhile, Brizo maxed the cooking skill and completed her lifetime wish.

All i had to do is drug her with caffeine, so she never would sleep.
With her lifetime happiness points I bought the collection helper and found 6 special seeds!

Whoot! Whoot!
Cinderella found her she was with nooboo!

Man, that face is creepy!
Meanwhile, Artemis was busy being useful.

I promised I would give Brizo a cleaning day once she maxed cooking.
She got to clean the toilet, every girl's dream.

Brizo - "So, she forced me to read and then told me as a reward to clean toilets!"

Hera - "I hear that she is going to force Artemis to garden and find a pet unicorn."
Sims! Always ruining everything!
Cinderella - "So,I know you already see that I'm pregnant, but I'm pregnant!"

Hera - "Um, okay."
Cinderella went into labor.

She was born with the coach potato trait? What, Cinderella was elated, full green bar, no yellow!
Two can play that game, game, it's a bug in my Perfect Genetics Challenge.
The game doesn't allow me to choose the trait, even if the child has a full green bar and an A.
It also happened in my immortal dynasty.
I gave her the genius trait, she's a vampire.  ;D
Her brother, Leroy, was born shortly after.
He was stuck with the easily impressed trait and also gained the genius trait, he's a human.

I reread the rules and found out that you fail if the mother has a bad mood during the pregnancy, since she didn't I'm not calling of this challenge. The cheats thing won't happen again.

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Offline mpart

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Chapter 1 - Mpart vs. Game
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2015, 03:43:15 PM »
Yeah, it can definitely feel like the game hates you at some points. I get it  :o

It definitely seem to hate me,though it makes for an interesting story.  :D

Offline mpart

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Chapter 2 - Alien Abductions & Fires
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2015, 04:06:04 PM »
Brizo was busy being a cute aunt.

Cinderella actually wanted to take care of her kids, thats surprising.

Artemis found two more special seeds! We now have 8 in total.

Four of those plants have the potential to be life fruit. They better start growing fast, the girls age  up in 4 days.

Meanwhile, Brizo was busy being abducted by aliens, you know,the usual.

Back to the books Brizo.

See that face? That face is the face of someone who just maxed handiness and accomplished their lifetime wish!

In more important news, a huge house fire started.

It took not one, but two firefighters to put it out!

It was the twin's birthday before you knew it.

Leroy's Outfits:


*Same as outerwear*



Eclipse's Outfits:





Next time it will be make it or break it for this challenge.

Offline mpart

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Chapter 2 - Alien Abductions and Fires
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2015, 12:46:24 PM »
I failed the challenge, I have 1 long chapter ready and I will write a epilogue for the people who read this.  :)

Offline Malley

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Chapter 2 - Alien Abductions and Fires
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2015, 01:40:44 PM »
I failed the challenge, I have 1 long chapter ready and I will write a epilogue for the people who read this.  :)

Sorry to hear that you failed the challenge :( Are you going to retry or shoot for something new?

Offline mpart

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I uninstalled World Adventures and Late Night, it freaked by game out.

I ended up fixing both Krizo and Leroy.



Skill time!


Leroy and Eclipse were sweet toddlers, as long as they got what they want right away.

The plants weren't growing as fast as they need to.

Artemis - "So, if you don't grow, we fail. Though, I don't know how I feel about failing, it seems like  freedom. I can get a job, maybe get a dog, learn cooking."
The plant was finally growing a little faster.

The girls were trying to cook behind my back.  >:(

Everyone was thinking what they would do with their life if the challenge came to a close.
Krizo - "I want to do a challenge."
Maybe once one of my other stories get completed.

Krizo - "I'm sorry you had to break up with that guy you liked."
Cinderella - "I want no pity from you. I'm going to fix that issue, since the challenge is clearly going to fail."
What would she say? Sorry I dumped you because I had to be trapped in a house and be young forever?
She was not the nervous type. She talked to Tristan at least twice a day, he was her only friend aside her sisters.
Cinderella - "Can you meet me at the fair, please?"

He wasn't mad at her.  :)

Offline mpart

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Re: Four Immortal Sister'z Challenge - Chapter 2 - Alien Abductions and Fires
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2015, 02:37:09 PM »

Sorry to hear that you failed the challenge :( Are you going to retry or shoot for something new?

I think I'm not going to try taking on more than 2 challenges at a time, though I may try a different challenge with Krizo. :)

Offline mpart

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They became a couple, again.

She asked him to move in.

Their were only 2 life fruits and their needs to be at least 3.

Everyone was waiting to see what was going to happen, and reflecting on what they would do with their rest of their life.

The sparkles came!

Everyone was debating if they should celebrate or not, the curtain has closed on this challenge.

*The epilogue will be coming tomorrow.*

