Author Topic: A Bunch of Flowers (A ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ Project)  (Read 93631 times)

Offline hazelnut

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That was a close call with Billy *big sigh of relief*.

In fact, when I thought about it afterwards, he should have been OK anyway: he had two or three deathflowers in inventory - which still doesn't make me feel any better.  The poor man deserves so much better than narrow escapes from meteor strikes.

Most of my Sims are good enough meteor magnets on their own, without help from advanced technology.

Having read some of your other stories, I concur  ;D

:D.  In fact, the mother in one of the false starts to this project was another one on my scoresheet.  She got thoroughly crisped on day 2 but survived - at least, until I abandoned the game :(.

The random horse omg...can't stop laughing!  Maybe the horse thought he might be the father?  Oh dear :/

Really don't want to think about that.  Even Ally has her standards :P.

Out of interest, are their descendents descended from Billy as well as Ally?

About half seem to be descended from both of them - the ones with the surname Flower.  There are also a lot of families of descendants with assorted other Hidden Springs surnames (Carlisle, Vanderburg, Preston etc.) who seem to be descended only from Ally.  The pop-ups about changing the future would seem to be a clue to which child is the ancestor of which family - I haven't checked all that thoroughly but am pretty sure it doesn't all hang together.  I have noticed that the ones called Flower get a bigger relationship hit from her infidelities, though.

Maybe Pony's a doula?

Maybe  :-\

Oh dear, I was almost expecting Billy to continue painting while his wife was busy :P . Surely he's used to such things by now.

So was I.  Maybe he would have done if I hadn't intervened and sent him downstairs.

Glad the meteor didn't squish him!

Me too :)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Bunch of Flowers (A ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ Project)
« Reply #121 on: September 16, 2015, 03:55:27 PM »
Even More Birthdays – and More Messing With the Future

Before we get on to the excessive number of birthdays in this chapter, here is Bluebell going to Prom.  I think it’s the first time in this story I’ve manged to snap someone heading for the limo.

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While she was away, getting into fights and rejected for dances but somehow being crowned Queen anyway, there was a double birthday celebration going on at home.

First Herbie Bob blew out his candles, with a lot of help from Ally…

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…and then it was Nightshade’s turn.  He seemed disconcerted to see his little brother growing up…

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“Hey, you’re supposed to be smaller than me!”

Herbie was unfazed.  Maybe he couldn’t see well enough to realise he’d just antagonised an evil vampire.  Not a good idea, Herbs.

When they’d finished growing taller, they both headed for the mirrors and dressers for makeovers…

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…which were followed by the inevitable night of tutoring in slightly odd locations.

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Nightshade was disgruntled.  There he was, rolling wishes to read minds, hypnotise Sims and hunt – but apparently his supernatural powers were still another birthday away  :(.  Humanity was such a pain.  Not to mention his own mother photobombing his birthday pics  >:(.

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And then that weird Time Traveller reappeared and started scanning stuff around their home again as though he owned it.  Nightshade couldn’t even be as rude as he’d like, thanks to his new ‘proper’ trait.  Now he had to be polite.  Well, really!  It was enough to send his blood pressure (do vampires even have one?) into the stratosphere.

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At least he could steal candy from the Future Babies.  That helped a bit.

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The following day, Bluebell had another cakeless birthday at the barre.

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Since ‘dancer’ wasn’t a career option, she rushed over to Flying V’s and registered as a professional acrobat.

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(I have absolutely no idea why she was talking about fishing.  Maybe it was a new act she was working on.)

She moved out that night, leaving behind her school souvenirs and the statuette that had been her lifelong inspiration.

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(She ought to have had stuff from Ballet Club as well.  I know she was registered for it but either the game forgot or it crashed soon afterwards and I didn’t remember to sign her up again when replaying that part.  She’d probably have done well – she maxed the child dancing skill in about five minutes.)

Then there was a quadruple birthday.  The Not-Exactly-Twins became toddlers…

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…and Thyme was suddenly a lot easier to keep track of, thanks to her glowing yellow hair.  You’ll notice that I kept changing my mind about her hairstyle – the one she aged up with made her more visible but I’d used that one rather a lot recently.  Nobody had had the wispy one since Primrose.

Talking of poor Prim: this time. Ally wasn’t playing favourites.  The wishes to teach toddler skills were piling up as fast as I could promise them.

An hour or so later, Tiger Lily aged up in front of the TV – and Billy reached middle age yet again while she was picking out her new wardrobe.

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TL has an astonishingly arched browline – those are the straightest eyebrows available for female Sims and yet she still looks surprised  :o.

Nightshade immediately started initiating Tiger Lily into the mysteries of high school life.  Billy looked on in mild fascination but then apparently decided that toddlers were a lot less complicated.

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Bunch of Flowers (A ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ Project)
« Reply #122 on: September 16, 2015, 04:01:54 PM »
It had been nearly a week since Billy had meddled with the future.  Some kind of interference was clearly long overdue.   After consulting with Emit, he measured the family’s happiness repeatedly and then started throwing funny dew stuff around.

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Hidden Springs was becoming a much more colourful place…

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…but at least he did have the decency to turn Bluebell blue.  Bluer.

(Incidentally, what is going on with the utopian future?  Meteor strikes and pollution producing dystopia is all perfectly fine and sensible but a kind of Holi-gone-mad leading to utopia?!  Nope, still don’t get it.)

At home, the Twins That Weren’t were learning to walk and talk.

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Thistle didn’t seem all that impressed by Ally’s choice of conversational topics.

He also seems to be on to watchers: “You’re not seriously going to watch me learning to use the potty, are you?”

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“You are!  That’s sick, that is…”

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“Eeargh!  Is this thing full yet…?

“Well, I’m off to read a book.  I’m told they can really help your development.  Why don’t you hang around here and watch that smelly potty while I go and do something more interesting instead?”

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I thought it was only evil toddlers that were so aware of being in a game.  Apparently, grumpy and neurotic ones are just as bad.

And then, out of the blue, Nightshade had another birthday.  What was going on?

I thought for a moment that it was something to do with his vampire heritage but it appears that Tiger Lily has also been affected.  After having their childhoods prolonged by an inherited genie wish, they were both back to the basic medium lifespan as teenagers.  I think the poor game is a bit overstretched.

A somewhat fragrant Nightshade aged up by the treadmill, came into his full vampire powers and sorted out a suitably threatening new wardrobe.

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Then, while he was still in the twelve-hour grace period before having to move out, Alison and Billy went out into the garden to investigate the new, improved, rainbow-hued time vortex.

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Offline Roxanne07

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Lots of birthdays! Love Thistle's look! He seems a lot more aware than Nightshade ever was!  :P

Thyme doesn't look any less see-through to me, but her hair definitely helps! Still a cute (?!) ghostboo though!

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Bunch of Flowers (A ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ Project)
« Reply #124 on: September 20, 2015, 12:34:05 PM »
Lots of birthdays! Love Thistle's look! He seems a lot more aware than Nightshade ever was!  :P

He does  ::).

Thyme doesn't look any less see-through to me, but her hair definitely helps! Still a cute (?!) ghostboo though!

Ghost toddlers and babies are mostly awful to keep track of in bright lighting, particularly outdoors.  Thyme's hair is definitely a big help.

Back to the Future Part II – The One That Wasn’t

Except it didn’t quite work out quite like that.

Before this game, I’d only played briefly with ITF and had only sent Sims into the normal future.  I knew travelling through time had a reputation for being at least as buggy as the spatial variety but hadn’t hit any problems, probably because I was playing simple games with a single Sim.

Alison and Billy also had a bug-free visit to the normal future but Dystopia was painful, even before Billy’s brush with death.  It took something like eight attempts to get as far as conceiving the baby because of a variety of glitches, generally one or both of them being unable to interact with other Sims or, even more frustratingly, potential fathers disappearing from the relationship panel just after they were invited over (including a purple-haired one who would have been perfect as Thistle’s dad).  Maybe they’d been hit by meteorites…

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To start with, the Utopian future looked as though it was going to be fine.  (And very pretty in a sugar-overdose kind of way.)  The only slight irritation was that astronomy is a Monday-to-Friday job and they arrived back in the future on a Friday, meaning that Ally’s new career and serious father-hunting would have to wait a few days.  Billy, who’d been holding a wish to become a business partner, bought the Observatory and confirmed, though the ‘Fire Sim’ option, that Ally’s only human colleague was male.  He fired two of the plumbots, in the hope it that would encourage more humans to join the career (in fact, they weren’t replaced, at least in the few days before Ally resigned).

Since they’d been forced to have a holiday, Alison and Billy made the most of it.  It was almost like a much-delayed honeymoon.

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They explored the town and met more descendants.  Ally was delighted to find that some were fairies, although they also seemed to have imaginary friend genes (from Bluebell, perhaps?) 

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Alison again proved irresistible to the equine population of Oasis Landing.

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That particular horse followed her around for half a day, while she was shaking Ridiculously Delightfully Oversized Flowers and meeting famous residents.

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She met quite a few people with familiar names, although they mostly seemed to be at least as excited to meet her as she was to meet them.

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Obi-Wan Bennett Obi even invited her to a party, where she completely upstaged the host by thrashing him at chess (clearly the Force wasn’t with him on that particular evening) and then having a particularly sparkly adult birthday.

Billy and Alison had an epic dew fight on the Sunday.

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Of course, the best thing about fighting is making up afterwards…

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I was almost sorry when Monday rolled around and Ally had to go to work.  Billy filled in the time by investigating a Rainbow Knoll that had appeared across the road from the Observatory.  (Kind of flat for a knoll but hey.)

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He found a rainbow butterfly, which I suppose makes a rainbow-ish kind of sense, although I’m amazed that a butterfly could survive being buried and dug up again.

Ally finished work, having met only plumbots, and topped off an unsatisfying day by narrowly missing a promotion.  She was met outside the building by a little brat of a descendant, who threw some rainbow dew at her.

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Oh!  So the demented-IF walk is just an expression of happiness  ???.

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A weird and rather annoying one, although the mood boost was nice – and Ally, who seems to have a strong stomach when not pregnant, managed to avoid the rainbow-vomiting bit.

When she wasn’t walking oddly or hugging everyone, she danced.

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Does the ‘whimsical waltz’ remind anyone else of the beginning of The Sound of Music:-\

On her second day at work, she met Edwin Archibilt and went into action.

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Oddly, as soon as they Tried for Baby, they both teleported backwards through the wall and found themselves standing on the roof outside.

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Ally seemed to be either upset or embarrassed by the occurrence.  Maybe she was hoping that the paparazzi-bots weren’t looking up.

Edwin, on the other hand, walked calmly downstairs and started talking to his sprite while doing his best to ignore Ally’s plate-licking husband.

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Then he said he had to leave.

Despite the glitch, Ally did turn out to be pregnant.

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It appears that the silly walk continues even during labour.  Billy was waiting outside the hospital for ages while Ally made her whimsical way from the car.  It’s a wonder the baby didn’t pop out before she’d reached the doors.

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At least carrying a baby resets the gait to normal…

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…although Billy still raced off ahead of her on his windcarver.

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They drove straight to base camp and jumped into the portal…

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…but only Ally made it home – and even she just stood there unresponsively, possibly wondering where everyone else (including those who were supposed to be safely at home) had gone.

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Given the rather creepy niceness of the Utopian future, I suppose not being able to escape makes a nasty sort of sense.  Still a game-breaker, though  :(.

I tried going back to earlier and earlier saves, but the same thing happened every time they came home.  After nearly a real-life week of frustration, I decided it was time to do something drastic.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Bunch of Flowers (A ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ Project)
« Reply #125 on: September 20, 2015, 12:36:31 PM »
Back to the Future Part III – A Change of Plan

So I went back (again) to before Alison and Billy had entered the portal and moved Nightshade out.  Then Thyme had a birthday cake…

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…followed by ambrosia.

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I’d been intending to keep her as a ghost until young adulthood but now simplicity seemed more important.  Since Ally’s birthday in the future was also a possible source of errors, she had a cake immediately after her daughter.

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And then everyone moved to Monte Vista.

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They reactivated the time portal but found that it had gone back to the default, normal-future state.  Well, at least it didn’t need repairing again  :-\.

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Billy, who had plenty of spare happiness points by this stage, spent some of them on a Time Remote Control…

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…and the rainbow effects came back.

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Alison and Billy hopped straight into the time vortex – but the ride wasn’t as smooth as they’d been used to…

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…and Ally’s stomach let her down.   At least it wasn’t full-blown Time Sickness.

As before, she went to the Observatory to join the astronomer career and Billy, even though he no longer wished to invest in property, bought the place.  This time, Ally had a human boss and four co-workers, only two of them plumbots.  On the other hand, all of the humans were women.  Billy fired everyone but the boss (and his dear wife, of course) – but experience had shown that that might not be enough to generate Astronomy Dad.  So Billy also signed up as a Space Janitor.

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This time, both were promoted on their first day in the job – and, more importantly, Billy met a male human colleague.  He invited Cadin Hill over after work, then disappeared discreetly upstairs to an easel, leaving Ally to entertain their guest.  She started with a game of pool…

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…but moved on fairly rapidly from there.

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As soon as the chimes had sounded (no odd teleportation this time, thank goodness), she sent Cadin home and social-networked him back to ‘best friend’ status.  Then she and Billy both quit their jobs and hurried back to the portal.

It was another rocky ride…

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…but they made it home safely.  While Ally went indoors to nap in the rocking chair, Billy deactivated the portal…

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…and returned it to inventory.  From now on, they were staying in the present.

Ally’s pregnancy went smoothly, in a welter of massages from Billy and trips to the day spa for even more pampering.  Tiger Lily was particularly fascinated by her mother’s growing bump, autonomously feeling, talking to or listening to Alison’s tummy whenever she was left to her own devices.

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At last, Ally went into labour – and Billy freaked out yet again.

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Angelica II (Ally rolled a wish to have a girl for both Utopian pregnancies) was born at Dr Simano’s Sanatorium without incident or glitching.  Phew!

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Welcome to the family, Angie:  it’s been hard work getting you here.

I’m not sure whether it’s a side-effect of Utopia or just random variation, but Ally rolled wishes to marry the fathers of both Angelicas during her pregnancies.  That’s not happened with any of her previous children.  She was quite insistent about Edwin – she rolled the wish three times.

Also, does anyone know what these plumbot paparazzi are doing?

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Angelica's birth completes the Travel Cluster:

China: Cheng Yang Chang
Egypt: Hassan Badawi
France: Yves Bernard
University: Ludo Vicco
Normal Future: Erik Wallace
Dystopian Future: Melvin Rainord
Utopian Future: Cadin Hill

Offline Alex

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Urgh - the 'Utopia' just gets creepier and more toothache-inducing the more you see it, doesn't it? And that's twice you've got the Sound of Music soundtrack stuck in my head now >:( ;D

Also, does anyone know what these plumbot paparazzi are doing?

Isn't that their stealing-power-from-electronics (can't remember what it's really called) animation?

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Offline Roxanne07

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Ah, no more ghosty Thyme! It's nice to see what she actually looks like though.

I never got ITF so I don't know about the paparazzi plumbots, but in a different screenshot where Alison and Billy just got out of their workplace, the nearby plumbot's head and waist pattern cracked me up. Is this common among plumbots?  :P

And yes, that is definitely The Sound of Music!

Offline hazelnut

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Urgh - the 'Utopia' just gets creepier and more toothache-inducing the more you see it, doesn't it?

Yes, it does  :-\  Not my idea of Utopia at all.

And that's twice you've got the Sound of Music soundtrack stuck in my head now >:( ;D

Oops, sorry (again)  :P :-[

Also, does anyone know what these plumbot paparazzi are doing?

Isn't that their stealing-power-from-electronics (can't remember what it's really called) animation?

Syphoning power from the outdoor lighting?  That would make a sort of sense.  I told you I hadn't really played with plumbots.

So paparazzi in the future steal your power (and possibly break your appliances) while they're doorstepping you?  ::)

I never got ITF so I don't know about the paparazzi plumbots, but in a different screenshot where Alison and Billy just got out of their workplace, the nearby plumbot's head and waist pattern cracked me up. Is this common among plumbots?  :P

The leopard print?  Not the obvious pattern for a robot, is it?  ;D  I'm pretty sure I've also seen a cow-print one somewhere.

And yes, that is definitely The Sound of Music!

So now we know what Maria was doing before she went up that mountain  ;).

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Holi-gone-mad leading to utopia?!

Lol :) I'm pretty sure my sister and I looked like Holi-gone-mad after we participated in a 5K based on Holi this past summer. We were completely covered in paint from head to toe  :o

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Re: A Bunch of Flowers (A ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ Project)
« Reply #130 on: September 25, 2015, 05:41:33 PM »
Holi-gone-mad leading to utopia?!

Lol :) I'm pretty sure my sister and I looked like Holi-gone-mad after we participated in a 5K based on Holi this past summer. We were completely covered in paint from head to toe  :o

Sounds lovely :P  Running with people throwing paint at you?  :o

The Penultimate Baby

The one positive aspect of having to make that unexpected extra move was that Culinary Dad could now be an original townie.  I’d sent Ally up the hill to make sure of him even before reactivating the portal.

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Now she phoned Gino and invited him over.

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Their relationship rapidly progressed beyond friendship…

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…and soon, the chimes announced that the next baby was on the way.

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(I don’t remember noticing Gino’s muscles when he was living with the Golds.  Of course, he spent most of the time being old and even before then, he was generally fully dressed, either at work or reading cookery books at the library.)

That evening, Tiger Lily had her young adult birthday.

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For some reason, there had been few school trips and no Prom recently.  Tiger Lily left behind no school souvenirs at all, while Nightshade had only collected a police badge.

The next day, there was another double celebration.

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I think Ally’s getting tired of her husband’s behaviour around birthday cakes.

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Herb Robert became a teenager and Thistle, a child.

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Then it was Leisure Day, since I’d changed the seasons to seven days of each after the move.  Ally threw a pool party and invited the extended family, although not all of them turned up.

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It was nice to see them again.  In retrospect, it was especially good to see Sage – he died of old age the following day.

Ally had the baby – and, for the first time, I ignored her wish about the baby’s sex.  Well, what could the chef’s child be called other than Nigella?

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Which meant it was finally time for Billy to father a child.  Of course, as anyone who’s been keeping track of the requirements will have realised, it wasn’t that simple.  There was still a missing member of the occult cluster - and since poor Billy never gets any breaks, he was going to have to make another sacrifice for the sake of the challenge.

Two or three towns ago, he had created a Forbidden Fruit seed and Ally planted it.  Unfortunately, the harvested fruit was of horrific quality.  A little later, Billy cloned it and was skilled (or lucky) enough to get a perfect copy.

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Now it was time for Billy to retrieve the fruit from the storage chest.  It was still perfect.  I could do with a few of those chests ;).

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He thoroughly enjoyed eating it but then, in the early hours of the following morning, woke up feeling a bit odd.

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While Ally was still asleep, he cashed in some happiness points…

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…and accepted a job as a PR Assistant in the Sports Agent career.

Ally seemed to find him as attractive as ever in his new, leafy, form…

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…and soon matters took their usual course.

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I was surprised when the chimes sounded.  Had they somehow avoided the coding and conceived a normal baby anyway?  But Ally’s usual nausea failed to materialise and there was a seed in her inventory.

And then, of course, she was disgraced for woohoo with an occult  ::).

Offline Alex

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Child Thistle is so cute :D

And then, of course, she was disgraced for woohoo with an occult

Of course  ::)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Bunch of Flowers (A ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ Project)
« Reply #132 on: September 27, 2015, 02:57:16 PM »
Child Thistle is so cute :D

He is.  He was a slightly odd-looking toddler - something about his nose made him look quite birdlike.  I'm intrigued to see how his genetics play out as an adult.

The End of the Challenge

It was a few hours before Ally could plant the Forbidden Fruit seed.  The housework and garden never went away and, besides, there were her other children.

Angelica aged up to toddler.

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While she was crawling off to pick out her new hairstyle and clothes, Ally brought a big plantpot indoors.

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With the weather growing steadily colder, she didn’t want the Forbidden Fruit to be out in the garden where it might become dormant.  Where better than a nursery to grow a special seedling?  She fertilised it with sunshine and Billy chatted regularly with his plant baby, encouraging it to grow and develop.

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Ally tried to explain to Angelica about the little brother or sister who was growing in the big pot but wasn’t at all sure the toddler understood.

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Because Ally kept rolling wishes to teach Angelica her toddler skills, the next birthday happened only a day or two later.

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Angelica aged up in this outfit and I thought it suited her, so it just had a recolour:

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The next birthday was Nigella’s.  Ally rolled a wish to throw a party for her and, with the end of the challenge rapidly approaching, I liked the idea of another family reunion.

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I may have to stop granting these wishes for parties, though.  Someone always seems to die soon afterwards :(.  This time, it was Wintergreen.

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Even before her guests had left, Ally was wishing to teach Nigella to walk and talk.

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The final day of the challenge arrived – a very busy day, as it turned out.  It was Thyme’s birthday, so she had a cake shortly after midnight…

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…and then Ally taught her to drive.  As soon as they were home, Nigella’s dirty nappy provoked her mother into wishing to teach her her final skill, using the potty, and to see her age up well.  So they ordered another birthday cake.

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Nigella looked as though she’d rather have had a few days more to play with the pegbox and xylophone :P.

Billy had missed out on the chance to point and laugh at her first birthday, through holding the baby.  He made up for that now, though.  I thought he was never going to stop.

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When he’d finally calmed down, he pulled out the bottle of Super Spice he’d been carrying around since Bridgeport and emptied it over his head.

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Oh dear  :-\.  That’s not quite right.  Maybe that stuff has a use-by date.

"Billy!  Mirror and dresser, stat!"

Nigella, meanwhile, was sorting out her childhood look…

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…and Ally was in the nursery, harvesting her special little plant.

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And, with Kale’s arrival (my first male plantboo :) ), the challenge is officially over.  The game will carry on, though: I want to see how the younger kids grow up and Alison and Billy are still holding wishes to have a child together – the challenge may count Kale as their child but the game doesn’t.  In fact, picking him didn’t even fulfil Ally’s current ‘have a child’ wish, which seems rather odd when adopting a kid would count.

Offline ladydragon76

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Woooo!  Congrats! 
I reject your reality, and substitute my own!