Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 154966 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 58, Part 1 - Champs Les Sims
« Reply #195 on: February 24, 2016, 11:52:00 PM »
I love those two together! Yay for happy endings!
Oh mpart dear, you always crack me up. I think Majnun's sides are splitting at the moment with laughter.  ::) Your poor simmies... ;) they have no idea what crazy means!

Anyways, Gwen is looking gorgeous, and I love how dad-mode already kicks in for James before he even really gets to spend time with Solstice. Ah, it's just male instinct.
Are we in France? Why yes, it appears we are! How beautiful, and romantic!

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 58, Part 1 - Champs Les Sims
« Reply #196 on: February 27, 2016, 08:19:39 PM »
I love those two together! Yay for happy endings!
Oh mpart dear, you always crack me up. I think Majnun's sides are splitting at the moment with laughter.  ::) Your poor simmies... ;) they have no idea what crazy means!

Anyways, Gwen is looking gorgeous, and I love how dad-mode already kicks in for James before he even really gets to spend time with Solstice. Ah, it's just male instinct.
Are we in France? Why yes, it appears we are! How beautiful, and romantic!

I love adding some hilarious irony in. They have no idea. James is going to have to be protective, Solstice is absolutely stunning. Someone might have lead them to her hometown on purpose. ;)

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Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 58, Part 2 - Champs Les Sims
« Reply #197 on: February 27, 2016, 08:22:22 PM »
This is a short part but it was fun writing it!

Gwen was counting down the minutes. He was late. What the heck was he doing? She rolled her eyes, she could never understand James. She had finally gotten a decent top and some proper pants. She could have cried with relief. Gwen stared at the view ahead of her. The fountain that was gurgling out water and the beauty of the village they were in. She shook her head. Somethings she felt were too good to be true because under every place hold centuries worth of secrets waiting to be unleashed. She stared at the large clock in the center of the village and sighed. If his idea of a surprise was leaving her in Champs Les Sims she would never let him hear the end of it.

James finally showed up in view not wearing his sweatshirt which was a huge improvement for him. She couldn’t help, but manage a small chuckle. James grinned. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him. “Decided to show up, James?”
James was confused for a moment. “Oops. Sorry about that.”
Gwen smiled at him. “It wouldn’t be you if you weren’t late.”
James raised an eyebrow at her. “I’m never late.”
“You go with that, James.” “
I bought you something.”
Gwen was flustered. “You didn’t have to do that, James.”
“Yeah, I did.”
Gwen sighed. “I’m sorry for ruining your life.”
 James smile faltered. “You didn't ruin it, you made it whole.”  James pulled out some flowers behind his back. Gwen stared at them. They were an exact replica of the flowers James had given her when she was trying to find out who she was.
“Are these?” J
ames nodded. “I didn’t know it was you, but you still found me.” Gwen looked at the slightly wilted flowers. “Maleficent has somehow been keeping them alive for years.”
Gwen shook her head trying to stop tears from spilling out. “You deserve better.”
James shook his head. “You have been my best friend since I could remember. You faced my father. You were the only person that kept me sane Gwen.”

Gwen could only remember feeling like she was drowning and no one was there to help her. She hadn’t realized that he had been their for her all along. He had helped her with her father. He had helped her pick the pieces of herself up. Somehow in the midst of trouble he was always at her side. “I love you James.”   

James leaned forward and kissed her with as much passion as he possible could. Taken back, Gwen didn’t know what to do. All she knew she wanted to be at his side forever.

When James got down on one knee Gwen was baffled. This felt like an absurd dream. She took a step back not sure what to think of the situation. She stared at him with her eyes wide and her the smile fading from her face.

He still had a goofy smile on his face when he opened the box containing the diamond ring. Gwen wasn’t sure how to respond. Her mouth dropped in surprise and terror. She didn’t want to a burden to him. She didn’t want to ruin his chance at happiness. Her life was one mistake after another. Everyone that seemed to stand at her side died. She didn’t want him to get suck up in this mess of her life. Maybe in another time she could allow herself some happiness. The truth was, she didn’t deserve it. Any of it. Gwen took a deep breath. All those people that had died because of her. She would never deserve happiness. Ever.

“You are the only thing that keeps me sane in this world Gwen. Even through all the crap I have done you have stayed.  Will you marry me?” That escalated quickly. Gwen’s first instinct was to look for an escape, to protect him. She realized that was the problem. He was strong enough to stay in her hectic world. She wasn’t exactly sure what he meant about the crap he had done. Gwen had done a number of awful things herself. To be honest, she wasn't sure what she would be able to do without him.

She was speechless. She wasn’t sure what her answer was going to be until it happened. “Yes.”

His smile was priceless as he slipped the diamond ring onto her finger. Gwen had known she had made the right decision. No matter what, she would stay at his side and he would stay at hers.

Gwen ran into his arms and didn’t let go. She cried and let years of bitterness, anger, and loneliness out. It was one of the happiest moments of her life. All she had ever wanted was someone to fully accept her.

Gwen couldn’t stop smiling and for awhile they just sat on a park bench admiring the beauty of France.
James finally brought the subject up. “We can just have a private wedding in France.”
Gwen nodded. “That would be nice.”

Someone had other plans though. James got up to see why his phone was acting hectic. He got his answer soon after.

You think we wouldn’t know James! I TALK to dead people! You aren’t marrying her in France! She is getting married HERE! Imagination and I are already planning it. Don’t you dare try to get your way out of this! Solstice and Eric are doing well. They are teenagers already. Gwen’s/My crazy grandmother is back from the dead.
P.S don’t try anything! I swear I will never let you forget if you do!


James sighed. “Gwen. I have bad news. The dead gossip apparently. We are going to be suck into a public wedding in Sunset Valley.” They both groaned.

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 59, Part 1 - Chaos
« Reply #198 on: March 05, 2016, 12:50:14 PM »
Some characters from my "Another Labelle Story" will be showing up here. Liam Reaper from Reaper's Genetic Legacy Experiment. Also, thank you for everyone that has read this. I really appreciate it!

Eveline’s fourth daughter and her first daughter. Her fourth daughter was just adopted. Adorable. Eveline’s husband has the wish for 5 children….

Her pregnancies kept crashing my game. She will be adopting again soon. I wonder if she will get another girl. ;D

Solstice was tired of everyone. Tired of having people talk behind her back because she was so “beautiful.” Tired of everyone staring at her because she was the “heir.” The more she read people’s minds the more she was starting to hate humanity, yet loved it even more. Something inside of her wanted to break, but refused to. She wouldn’t give up. Every instinct in her body screamed for survival. Solstice knew she was different from the previous generations. Instead of running from her destiny, she embraced it. She had decided a long time ago that her powers were apart of her, not a intruder that would go away. Instead of flinching away from her powers in fear, she learned to embrace them. No matter how dark they could get.  Solstice gaze quickly came back into focus as she almost ran over a stop sign. She winced.
“You’re doing fine Solstice.”
Just be nice to your niece, Kaleb. Make sure she doesn’t get herself killed, Kaleb. She might be the worse driver I have ever known. Glad she is driving in the “test car.”
Solstice was tempted to just pull over and give up. She had a ridiculous fear of cars since she was a child and could never remember why. Instead she took a deep breath and focused on driving the car. Suddenly her thoughts traced back to early this morning.

Everyone had been so scared to talk to Solstice about the curse inflicted upon their family by Fate. They had smiled at her warmly and avoided her. The only people who was being remotely truthful was Maleficent and Megan. Maleficent ran on hatred and anger after that, all she was a broken teenager that had a small talent with magic. At least, that is what she saw herself as. Everyone saw Maleficent as the crazy immortal that had the respects of thousands of people in all different centuries.  Not as the small, frail,  girl she thought she was. Megan was a different story. Every so often Solstice would get a glimpse of her mind just to be shut out again. She spoke fluent French.  Her mother was not the person you messed with. That was it. That was all Megan had accidently let slip through. Solstice wanted to throw her hands up in frustration. Megan was hiding a deadly secret that soon enough, someone was going to unravel. Solstice knew well enough that people weren’t what they appeared to be.

Solstice snapped at Eric before her mother had gotten home from her trip to the unknown. The first thought that had gone in his mind was “pancakes” and Solstice was sick and tired of everyone. She would rather be torn apart by the truth than comforted with lies.
“Just stop it okay! Stop it all of you!”
They all stared at her in concern. No one had said a single word.
Solstice had gotten up and went to the dance studio the only place she truly felt she belonged. She wished people would stop thinking about the negativity in life. It just gave her a headache. She wasn’t sure how long she could continue being around people. How was it that Megan was the only one that had figured that she could read people’s minds? The power had only gotten stronger as she had aged. She decided to focus on driving and use the other part of her brain to figure out another way to solve her issue. She loved her family. The only thing she hadn’t known was the issue was going to be solved for her without her consent.


“No. Absolutely not. If you want me to get married in front of a bunch of lunatics I will not being wearing a dress.”
Gwen’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration. James and her had just gotten here and they were already being forced into a “public” wedding. She was not wearing a dress no matter how much Imagination pleaded and begged. “Imagination I have to call my work to tell them I won’t be in.” Imagination had nodded her head vigorously. Gwen had thought she was taken this “public” wedding thing too seriously but decided to keep her opinion to herself.

“This is Gwen Labelle. I won’t be into work today it appears.”
Imagination decided it was a smart idea to scream why she isn’t going to be in work today.
“She is getting married!”
Gwen groaned. The woman on the phone decided to ask a bunch of questions on stuff like “flower arrangements” and “dresses.” Gwen sent Imagination a withering look. Gwen finally had gotten out of the conversation after an hour. She sighed.

“This is not helping your case Imagination.” Megan rolled her eyes and waited for Gwen to see sense. Imagination just gritted her teeth in frustration.

“Gwen we are getting you into a wedding dress whether you like it or not.” Gwen flinched at the word “wedding.” As much as she loved James the whole ordeal just scared her. In her family, weddings were synonyms for lies made under pretty scenery. Was it so bad she didn’t want her relationship to end up like so many others in her family have? Gwen stumbled back in confusion.

“Fine Imagination. Since you have been trapped in a doll for so long.”
Imagination huffed with relief. “Good. I have waited decades to be able to actually have a life again. I’m planning your wedding whether you like it or not.”
Gwen smiled and muttered under her breath,”No one better die at this wedding thing.”

Gwen regretted agreeing to wearing a wedding dress. It had taken 5 hours just to get ready for the wedding. She was tempted to stop it and just go to city hall and make it official there. She hadn’t because she had seen the determination in Imagination’s eyes to get this done, to get this done for her. Gwen didn’t even know Imagination well, but she had gone out of her way to help make Gwen have the perfect wedding. When it was said and done everyone stood back to admire there work. Gwen didn’t see herself in the mirror and decided maybe it was best she didn’t. She didn’t know how she looked anyways. She had decided that she was going to wear her mother’s necklace to this. She would always have a piece of her mother with her. Gwen shifted uneasily and hoped she looked at least decent. She was met with gasps. Imagination smiled proudly and Megan was looking at Gwen in awe. The whole ordeal was uncomfortable. All the sudden a neon haired woman walked through the door and smiled.

“Gwen you look beautiful. Have you seen yourself in the mirror?”
“No.” Megan turned Gwen around and Gwen stared at the stranger in the mirror. The woman was exceptionally beautiful and was looking madly all over the room making sure her gaze didn’t settle upon the woman in the mirror. Gwen smiled. “Imagination you can do magic.” They all snickered.
Imagination rolled her eyes. “I hope so! I was stuck in a doll for decades dealing with pitiful, whiny, spoiled brats.”

Gwen stared at the neon woman. “Are you?”
‘Yes, I am your grandmother. Strange, huh?”
“Sorry to be rude but aren’t you?”
“Dead? That term is used too broadly dear. Fate hasn’t explained immortality yet?”
“Of course. Mercy was given it after Ben rejected his powers. I assumed she would have told you by now. Oh well, she will explain it to you later.”
Imagination glared at Megan.
With as much venom as she possible could Imagination spitted out the few words that still haunted Gwen, ”She will become one of your kind?”
Megan smiled darkly. “I promise you Aurora, your ignorance about us is misdirected.”
“I know enough.”
“Do you or would you like me to shatter the small fantasy you live in with a brief explanation on my kind?”

 Imagination glared at her. Megan’s voice had turned cold, unworldly. It wasn’t the cheerful Megan they had learned to know and love. Every person had a deadly secret waiting to be unleashed onto the world, some had secrets that could destroy the world.

All the sudden a red-head walked through the door with fire in her eyes. Gwen smiled at the strange woman. “Gwen?”
Megan rolled her eyes. “Mercy, the last time you saw her she was dead.” Imagination stared at her curiously. Mercy smiled. “Glad to see that you are alive again. You look beautiful. I’m glad that moron is dead.”
Gwen stumbled back. “How did you know?”
Mercy chuckled. “I’m in charge of magical affairs at Bridgeport. Being immortal does have its perks you know.” Megan sighed. “I miss Dragon Falls.”
Mercy frowned. “I don’t. Everything and everyone smelled like cow manure. Good riddance.”
Mercy hugged Megan. “It is so weird seeing you alive.”

Megan sighed. “I feel offended. I wasn’t dead that long.”
Mercy shaked her head. “You were. I don’t even want to try to understand this whole thing Fate is going to force us into.”
“I’m going back after Gwen’s wedding. I have to make sure my mother doesn’t try to kill everyone.” 
Mercy rolled her eyes. “She kidnapped someone and left them at my house.”
Gwen looked up, startled. “Kidnapped?”
Mercy sighed. “Long story.”  Mercy stared at Gwen. “If your father wasn’t a complete lunatic and was in his right mind, he would be proud of you Gwen.” Instead of tasting bitterness and hatred for her father, all she felt was emptiness. The only person she wished was here was her mother. They had grown close when she was pregnant with the twins and Gwen had learned she just died. Instead of facing this with bitterness, she faced with acceptance. Gwen toyed with her mother’s necklace she was wearing.
“I wish my mother was here.”
Megan and Mercy looked at each other and grinned. “Who says that can’t be arranged. She is one of the fae, correct?”
Megan nodded. “It shouldn’t be that hard to bring her here. She lost her wings after she married Ben. She will probably have them again since she is dead.”
Megan shrugged. “Just a rough guess.”

All the sudden Maleficent barged in. “Megan, the green one, did you invite my mother?”
Megan shifted uneasily. “Yes.”
 Maleficent smiled and her eyes turned dark. “Good. I was busy instructing a wolf on the most efficient way to bury a body.”
Imagination rolled her eyes. “For someone so obsessed with keeping things in order, you sure like to cause chaos.”
Maleficent looked like she was going to burst out laughing. “Maybe I won’t curse you into a mirror. That would be boring anyways.” They all stared at her curiously. “Oh! That hasn’t happened yet! Oops. I have to go get some guests.”
Imagination murmured under her breath,”You mean people you need to curse?”
Maleficent didn’t even blink. “Just a wolf I need to get out of a tomb and a bomb that I need to retrieve.”
“You are insane.”
“Thank you, I was a little worried about the state of my mind. I’m glad that has been cleared up.” Maleficent rolled her eyes and transported out of the room.
They all stared at each other. “How did she get so?”
Mercy shaked her head sadly. “I don’t know.”
Mercy hugged Gwen and held her tightly. “I’m glad that you didn’t let your magic define you. Use it when you must or it will be the death of you.” Mercy smirked. “Don’t set anyone on fire.”
Gwen smiled. “Thanks. Lets hope no one dies!”
Both Megans frowned and then grinned. “I can’t believe Charlie named you after me.”
The green Megan rolled her eyes. Gwen sighed. “Let's get this over with. If we are lucky no one will get hurt to badly.”


Solstice scanned her surroundings. A beach with many people. Her head was pounding with all the knowledge flooding her at once. So many magic users. She barely noticed the power surround a woman and man.

The woman clenched her fists. “I swear Maleficent, if this your idea of a practical joke-”
“-I’m using you as bait. Duh. Reaper over here would kill me if I did anything stupid.”
“All nutters are stupid.”
The woman chimed in,”Good point.”
“Don’t be so mad Reaper. Just because I locked you in a tomb for an hour doesn’t mean you need to scowl at everyone.”
The man frowned and rolled his eyes. “You brought us to a nutter’s wedding?”
“I brought you here for bait. You can leave as soon as I get her.”
Solstice studied the strange trio. The woman was related to them and looked almost identical to Mercy accept her strange blue hair and her eyes. Her name was Clarissa Kwa and she was just learning how to use her powers. The man was a different story. The harder she looked for information the more she wanted to stop. Liam Reaper.

All the sudden Astra Brantley whipped around and stared at Maleficent wide eyed.
“Hello Mother. Enjoying the wedding? Are you taking a break from installing chips in people’s brain and destroying their sanity? It would be ashame if you were stopping your ‘precious’ work. We all need another Alexander, don’t we?” Solstice looked around, confused. She worked her way into Astra’s brain. She had abandoned Maleficent and left her for dead.  Astra had found the other half of her family and decided to dedicate her life to destroy magic users, even if it meant be one herself. She was one of the creators that created a chip to control other’s magic users.
Solstice hissed under her breath,”Traitor.”  Solstice suddenly noticed her dad standing there, looking extremely awkward.
She grinned at him and mouthed “Maleficent is insane.”
Maleficent snapped her fingers. “I need your help Solstice. Read her mind to the information I need and then I would like to put a spell on her to later transfer her into a tomb.”
Solstice nodded and spoke a couple words. “She was here to warn you for something she didn’t know about. The chip is officially fully developed though that one has not been installed into Clarissa’s head. A simple alchemy potion should disable the one in Clarissa’s head. Man, these people have really been keeping information from her. I assume you know the rest Maleficent.” 

Maleficent smiled. “Good. I know you helping me with getting rid of Alexander wasn’t the end of it. Wait, I’m supposed to do that in the future and get Solstice from this time.” Astra scanned the beach just to land on Liam’s face that had turned into a scowl. “What do you mean she got rid of him?” Maleficent sighed. “I took her back in time and she somehow raised you from the dead while everyone was looking the other way. I gave Alexander a poison apple that killed him. There.”
Astra’s eyes were desperate, pleading. “I only joined them to get your father back.”
Maleficent turned towards the beach. “Say hi dad!” The man looked confused and then suddenly came running forward.
Maleficent rolled her eyes. “Glad we got that cheerful introduction out of the way. He is alive again. Reaper stop scowling at him.” This was all giving Solstice a headache. Maleficent  scanned the beach. “Mercy! Don’t try anything stupid! I’m locking Astra in a tomb!”
Mercy glanced over, her eyes wide. “I don’t want to know, do I?”
“Pretty much.”
Astra spit the words out with venom,”I can’t you of all people would do this.” Maleficent shrugged. She wouldn’t lose her cool. That was the thought that raced through Maleficent’s mind.
“I’m just taking after some relatives. I prefer the term ‘mad genius’ thank you very much.” Maleficent snapped her fingers and a strange, yellow, cloud surrounded Astra.

“Are you leaving, Clarissa?”
 Clarissa shrugged. “I want to see my cousin’s wedding. You promised me sane relatives Maleficent.”
Maleficent sighed. “Saner.”


 Gwen gracefully walked to the altar. What she really was tempted to do was stumble and hope no one judged her. Her palms were sweaty and she was trying her best not to step on her dress. The dress and the flimsy veil were a bad idea. It didn’t matter once she saw him though. She had no idea how Imagination had gotten him to wear a tuxedo. She grinned at him and was tempted to laugh. He had the same amused expression on his face. Gwen finally got to the altar and was tempted to breath with relief. Crap. She had forgotten about the vows. She was glad James had to go first. It made everything easier. “I, James Lake, take Gwen Labelle to be my wife. For better or worse. You have always been there for me. You have stayed even after dealing with my father and I couldn’t imagine living without being at your side. Even if it means I have to deal with your crazy family.”

Some people were close to laughing. It was the truth and Gwen was already feeling lighter. Suddenly the dress, the veil and her family surrounding her just made the moment even more perfect. He slid the ring onto her finger and Gwen knew this was the best moment of her life. Her family was together and she had what she always had wanted, to be loved. She was still surprised when the ring was on her finger.

It was her turn to say her vows. Everything inside her screamed to keep her barriers up, but for once she ignored that instinct. Spilling out all her feeling was not something she was excited to do, but she did. “I, Gwen Labelle, take James Lake, to be my husband. For better or worse. Even after everything that has been said and done I know you will be there by my side. You have always been my rock keeping me here. I would never imagine it any other way. ” They had somehow become husband and wife even through all the trails life had thrown at them. Everything was going to be okay.

The first one to dance was Solstice and she dragged James onto the dance floor. “You have a lot of questions. No, I don’t hate you. That would be illogical. You are my father. I love to dance. My best friends are Eric and Imagination. My favorite color is blue. I can read people’s minds. Guess you already noticed that. I don’t talk much, or at least I haven’t before today. I know how to drive. Don’t worry, you still have time to harass the boys stalking me. I can give you their numbers if you want. Thank you for being my father. Even if you haven’t a lot of time with me, I love you.”  Then she released him and walked towards Eric and Imagination.
“Give me the car keys Eric.”
“I won the bet. We are related to a mad immortal and the Reapers exist.”
Solstice pointed to a strange man. “There. Reaper. My turn to drive. Imagination you owe me money.”
Eric took his car keys out of his pocket. “There. You can drive the crap car.” Solstice sighed and walked towards Mercy’s second daughter.

Gwen looked around and spotted her mother. She smiled at her and Gwen was tempted to run to her. “Mom?”
“Hello sweetie. I officially think your father has lost his mind.”
Gwen rolled her eyes. “We already knew that.”
Ann smiled. “I’m so happy I was able to see you happy, Gwen. If he does anything stupid I will haunt him for the rest of his life and have Fate change the situation somehow. I love you Gwen.  Even if your childhood was stolen away from you and I wasn’t able to be your mother for a long time.”
Gwen was tempted to sob into her arms. “Thank you. I love you too mom.” Gwen went back to dancing with James. She finally allowed herself to sigh with relief. “This hasn’t been that bad. Did anyone die?”
“No, Astra is just going to get locked into a tomb.”
“Do I want to know about this today?”
James looked thoughtful. “Not right now.” Gwen could have stayed in the moment forever. It was truly the happiest day of her life. Even through all the trails she had somehow gotten the things she hadn’t deserved. She had gotten more than she bargained for and she couldn’t be happier.

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 59, Part 2 - Chaos
« Reply #199 on: March 05, 2016, 01:29:16 PM »
Once the vows were over the fun began. Her family started joking about things that would be absurd if you didn’t know the full story, Solstice was able to read everyone’s minds and it was fascinating that she knew the whole story.  She found it intriguing how relaxed they were about the situation. “Mercy don’t set anyone on fire or Gwen will have to come and convince them to keep their head under the water for a few minutes.” Both of them grinned at each other. “That is one way to put it.”

Solstice watched carefully for any absurd movements made by Maleficent Maleficent went over to congratulate Gwen. “I’m glad you weren’t trap in a tomb for a century.”
Solstice’s mother smiled at her. “Sorry about the scar.”
“Don’t worry. It just makes me even more awesome.” Mom rolled her eyes. Maleficent was proud of the scar. Solstice didn’t understand it, but it was something she was willing to have for her family. Solstice pried deeper into her mind until she stumbled upon something she didn’t want to know. Solstice’s dad wasn’t suppose to have lived. Her mother was suppose to have killed him. Solstice stumbled back, not knowing what to do with this new information.

Instead Solstice preceded to keep her eye on the current threat. Some people she hadn’t learned about. Clarissa glanced back at Liam. “Liam? What are you doing?” Solstice didn’t trust people who didn’t announce their emotions out loud because she was a person who didn’t do that herself. Solstice was able to hide her emotions and tell what a person was thinking just by their body language, not that mattered since she could just do that with her mind.
“I’m having a staring contest with your father.” Clarissa glanced at Zane who was sending threatening looks Liam’s direction. “I win.”
 “Liam, you are starting to sound like Maleficent.”

Liam rolled his eyes. “When will I ever get to tease your father without the risk of dying again, Clarissa?”
Clarissa rolled her eyes. “Come on. I want to dance with you before my father kills you.”
“I’m flattered.” Liam frowned. “What happened to my hat?”
Maleficent snickered. “When teleporting you it must have gotten messed up, it will return to normal after you get back to Bridgeport.” Solstice ignored everything around her and focused on figuring out who Liam Reaper was. She didn’t trust anything she didn’t understand. Suddenly the details came to her, paralyzing her with fear. She didn’t want to know. Take it back. Take it back.

Solstice stored the information in a crate in the back of her mind that she never wanted to open again. Her head was pounding with information and the constant thought that was echoing in her head that she had been able to ignore. Get in the car and start driving. She focused on Zane and found out different techniques on how to get away with murder and who to call in the time of need. She was gradually starting to relax around Clarissa and Liam know that she understood them. 
She walked up to Zane. “Please stop thinking about how to kill Liam and get away with it. It is giving me a headache.” Clarissa glanced at her.
Zane frowned. “Don’t go reading my mind.”
Solstice chuckled. “I think you should go with poison.”

Liam spoke 5.64777 seconds later,“The baby doesn’t like when you insult me Zane! We were thinking maybe Mercy if its a girl and maybe Liam Jr. if its boy. Any suggestions?” Solstice usually masked features were revealed for promptly 1.955 seconds. The only person who had noticed it were Eric and Maleficent. Maleficent had told her she didn’t know she was pregnant at this time? Solstice had met a significantly different version of Maleficent though. This one complained about paperwork and meetings, but had acceptance in her eyes that replaced the revenge that fueled Maleficent to date. 
Clarissa rolled her eyes. “I’m pregnant now? Are you wishing for a death sentence?” No, but Clarissa is. She wasn’t aware. It was just misplaced irony. She was tempted to laugh at how Fate had known what was to happen to Clarissa and didn’t warn her. She didn’t know what to think of that woman.

“With my luck death is probably a nutter.” He had no idea who death was. He had no idea.
“Most likely.” Clarissa glanced at Megan who had an amused expression on her face. Acceptance slowly dawned onto her face. She knew that death was someone that would be referred to the title “nutter.”
“Thank you for coming with me Liam.”
 Liam replied arrogantly to mask how nervous he was. He couldn’t fool Solstice though and that is why he didn’t like her.”How else was I going to harass your father and not die?”

Mercy smiled at Zane. “If you kill him in front of my family I promise I will turn you in myself. Kill him later.”
Solstice snicked. “I don’t think he cares at this point.” Solstice patted him on the shoulder. “You will get your revenge. He will join your ranks once the time is right.” She knew it was the truth and Zane had gotten the message. He just didn’t realize it might be in the near future.
Zane started laughing.”Dad you don’t laugh. Is everything okay?”
Mercy frowned. “We weren’t aware Maleficent invited you, Clarissa.” Mercy was uneasy about the whole situation, Solstice could tell. She was worried her daughter would become like her.
Clarissa replied cooly to her mother in roughly 2.403 seconds. “She informed me on everything I need to know.” Maleficent had told her more than she needed to know. Maleficent had told her things that wasn’t hers to tell. Mercy was a master at disguising her emotions and part of Solstice respected her for that. On the outside, she was fine. On the inside, she was trembling with fear.
“Good for her.” Mercy covered it up smoothly with a lie.

Solstice eavesdropped on Clarissa’s and Liam’s conservation. She wanted to find the best option on preparing them for the future without breaking her promise to Maleficent.
Clarissa turned towards Liam, trying to block her parents out.
“I’m never having children.”
You will.
Liam rolled his eyes.
“Me either.”
You go with that Liam.
Clarissa’s expression turned thoughtful. “I have this perfect plan in my head, you know? I’m going to reach the top of my career and change science in Bridgeport. Then learn all I can about magic and gardening. Kids have never been part of it.”
Kids will have to be part of it.
Liam frowned. “Am I in this perfect plan of yours?”
“I’m pretty positive my dad is going to kill you.”
That sounds accurate. He wishes he would have been killed by your father.
“What if you have one of those families that want you to continue the line?”
The line will continue the line.
“Already covered that.” Clarissa pointed at Maleficent who was complaining about Agnes.
“She can continue it.”
Maleficent already has a different destiny.
Clarissa glanced at Solstice’s mother who was dancing with her father. “She seems young to have teenagers.”
Solstice was dazed and it took her long than usual to answer back.
Solstice mouthed to her, ”Long story.”


Imagination walked up to Maleficent. “Did you purposely make me deal with all those brats?”
“Yes.” Liam questioned the fact that Imagination’s eye color was similar to one of his relatives. It took 5.787 seconds to gather the information necessary to answer his question from her brain. Liam stared at Imagination  as Solstice gently tapped Liam on the shoulder.
“I want to answer your question.” Liam frowned. “She was cursed into a doll and in doing so developed a strange eye color that shows her power. Imaginary friends or Imaginary friend descendants are more likely to be able to manipulate others with what you call ‘voodoo dolls.’ I thought Jack would be interesting in knowing that. He seems like a nice person.”

Liam had a general distrust for people and he instantly disliked Solstice because she had been able to gather the proper information to answer his question that he had not voiced out loud. “Stay out of my mind.”
Solstice sighed. “I can’t.” She couldn’t. If she could she would have by now. Sometimes she couldn’t stand it anymore. This as one of the times. The thought was repeating itself now. Get in the car and start driving. Get in the car and start driving. She wasn’t sure what to do. Solstice decided to take a calculated risk and warn Maleficent. Hopefully she would get the message. 
Solstice walked towards Maleficent. “Thanks for getting me yesterday. I’m glad I could help.”
Maleficent froze. “I didn’t get you.”
Solstice’s expression pretended to fall.“You told me not to mention anything. You did appear to be older. Sorry about that.”

Clarissa was getting ready to leave when Solstice gave her a hug and in doing so Solstice transferred some of her power to her. If she was able to, she would be able to heal her. Solstice was prepared to pay the price. She was aware that the price of magic did exist though she hadn’t had any trouble with the many prices she already owed. She decided to tempt Fate once again. Clarissa questioned the hug and Solstice gave her 30.577% of the truth. “What was that for?”
“Tell Reaper thanks for existing. I get to drive the crap car and get money from Imagination now. Also, Solstice hesitated, that is a hug because you are apart of my family.”
Clarissa smiled at her. “Thanks.”

Little did Solstice know was that she wouldn’t be able to help her. She would be busy fighting for her own life.

Imagination had to drive the car she was randomly ordered to steal. She had to. The voices were leading her to great treasures if she did this for them. She couldn’t help but question why she was doing this. That quickly disappeared though. The voices wanted her to do this. She had to do this. They weren’t happy that Solstice wasn’t listening to the voices orders. Imagination wanted to cry. She needed to please them. Why didn’t Solstice want to please them too? Why didn’t she just get in the car like she was suppose to? The voices talked loudly.
“This is going to be messy.”
“Mother would not like it any other way.”
“There are a thousands ways this could go better Astridr.”
“It isn’t our job to make it go well Callistus. It is our job to replace them.”
“Focus on the current situation.”

That was all Imagination heard before she crashed into a car.

Solstice reached for the car keys, her hands trembling. She had to get out of here. She couldn’t stand being able to read other’s minds. She didn’t want to know what their biggest fear was anymore. She didn’t want to carry the burden of others. She wasn’t ready to watch her family die from her mistakes. She loved her powers, she loved them too much. Solstice wasn’t ready to watch their nightmares become a reality. She unlocked the car and drove to the nearest parking lot. She hadn’t even noticed it was the Winter Solstice. It was strange that she had forgotten the very thing she had been named after. She collapsed to the ground in agony. Her thoughts were jumbled together and she wasn’t sure what was right and what was wrong. Her mind was fighting a battle against the constant thought get in the car. Solstice wasn’t sure her mind was winning. She stared at the parking lot that had been conventionally placed at the edge of a cliff. It was strange that she would go there. Solstice head snapped up as the thought came to her. Sirens.

Solstice got her in car and started driving away from the parking lot. That was where they wanted to go. All the sudden she saw Imagination rushing towards her in full speed. Her face was full of emotion and her hands were trembling. She didn’t know what was happening. All she had was a sense that she was being controlled. She looked at Solstice with a look full of venom and betrayal. She had assumed that Solstice was the one controlling her. Solstice wasn’t. Not thinking straight Solstice swerved the car to make sure she didn‘t hit her head on. The car headed straight for her without mercy.  Solstice was thrown out the windshield and tumbled down a cliff. She had a sudden idea that she was on fire. Something was wrong with her eyesight and she couldn’t move her arms. She was able to catch glimpses of the destruction.

She was in agonizing pain. The thing that scared her most was that she couldn’t feel her arms, at all. She used the rest of her energy to try to help Imagination survive a little longer. It was cruel to keep her here, but Solstice didn’t want to be alone. She was selfish.

With one final glance at the destruction that was no longer surrounded by flames she blacked out. She was only beginning to pay the price. This was the beginning of a nightmare that she thought would never end. Someone else had plans for her. Someone was going to use her to start a war. All it would take was a small piece of metal installed into her spine. When they arrived they found what they thought were two young girls, or what they thought they were.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 59 - Chaos
« Reply #200 on: March 05, 2016, 05:53:17 PM »
Holy crap!
A wedding, a pregnancy, a car crash - oh my! Solstice! Oh no! I hope she's ok!
This chapter was fantastic! Solstice has so much information, and I love, love, LOVE how calculated she is! All the numbers and thoughts and timing. It must really suck having to see into everything that isn't yours all the time. I love her thoughts into my dearest Liam and Clarissa. She'll have to overcome this! Both of them will!
Such a cliff hanger! I can't wait to see where everything goes from here.
I'm rooting for you Solstice!

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 59 - Chaos
« Reply #201 on: March 09, 2016, 07:56:18 PM »
Holy crap!
A wedding, a pregnancy, a car crash - oh my! Solstice! Oh no! I hope she's ok!
This chapter was fantastic! Solstice has so much information, and I love, love, LOVE how calculated she is! All the numbers and thoughts and timing. It must really suck having to see into everything that isn't yours all the time. I love her thoughts into my dearest Liam and Clarissa. She'll have to overcome this! Both of them will!
Such a cliff hanger! I can't wait to see where everything goes from here.
I'm rooting for you Solstice!

I love writing from her perspective. It is going to be a little difficult writing the next chapters because I have to make sure I say things that are factual. This generations very fun to write.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 60 - Torn
« Reply #202 on: March 09, 2016, 07:57:09 PM »
“Those two don’t know how to do their job. Come on Solstice, stay with us. We have plans for you.”
“You aren’t allow to die yet. You have too much to do.”
“Your family is counting on you even if they don’t know it. If you survive we won’t go after them. If you don’t, we'll just find a new replacement and it will have to be one of them.”
Solstice was tired of listening to these people. She was so tired. The pain was unbearable. She couldn’t stand it. She didn’t want to be here.
“Come on Solstice!”
She was tempted to let the darkness drift her into a state of rest, but one thought came resurfacing.
“I will destroy you. I will destroy you all.”
It was the only thing keeping her there.


“I’m so sorry Solstice.”
“Get out of the room Aurora.”
“How do you think she will feel when she wakes up?”
“Like a million dollars. We spent more than that on this project anyways.”
“How are you going to explain it to her? She has a chip installed into her head and parts of her body have been replaced with various metal. Her eyes are replaced and her brain now has a computer in it and a chip that can control her. Try to explain that to her.”
“Do you want us to tell her that the only reason she survived the car crash is because she is a freak Aurora? She is a miracle from science.”
“Science wasn’t created to destroy people’s lives.”
“We have no reason to destroy her Aurora. We only want her to help start a war.”

“Her vitals are good.”
“They better be.”
“Is she still paralyzed?”
“No, we finally have the right material to replace her spinal cord.”
“At what point should we wake her up?”
“You do realize that it is a miracle she has even reached this point? Give the girl a break.”
“We don’t have time for that. When will you be getting the proper materials to make sure she can see again?”
“Wait let me understand this, you are telling me that we had just replaced her spinal cord and provided a chip that controls her motility and her vision? Not only that, but it will also enable us to control her by sending random shocks and confusing signs to her brain and you want her to be awake soon?”
“Why don’t you just throw a clock in her head while you are at it?”
(Stranger sighs)

“Can she hear us yet?”
“I’m not sure. The chip is almost ready.”
“We need to replace her arm.”
“What do you suggest?”
“Go with the original plan.”
“Completely replace her arm and use a more advanced model of the powered exoskeleton?”
“Yes. Lets hope her body doesn’t reject them or this would have been a waste of money and time.”

“The exoskeleton works. It acts as an extra layer of protection. It is only covering up half of her body where it is needed most. The rest of the scar tissue has healed except some around her eye.”
“Her eyes? The limb?”
“Her body has accepted both of them. It is fascinating. She heals 17 times faster than the average person.”
“She isn’t an average person though. When will we wake her up?”
“Any minute now.”
“Should we tie her up?”
“She has super speed and super strength right now.”
“We can just disable it using the chip.”
“We could disable a lot of things. Let's not risk trying anything. Her powers are fighting against the chip and they have been currently disabled.”
“I want them enabled again. This girl has to trust us.”
“We don’t need her trust.”
“We gain her trust or she kills us. It is as simple as that.”
“Are we tying her up?”
“Yes. Safety first, then trust comes later.”

Solstice woke up to bright, blinding lights blocking her vision.
System 67890.  Loading 1%, 5%, 20%, 50%, 70%, 90%, loading complete. Enable access to data servers? There was a loading screen in her head? What was going on? She quickly swiped away unnecessary information and enabled access to data servers. Her brain quickly calculated how long she was out and how much damage was done to her body. Solstice grimaced at the results. She should have been dead. She hadn’t figured out how she had a computer in her head and access to trillions of bits of information worldwide. The calculator in her head and the clock were neat additions. One part of her brain calculated that she had been conscious for 20.7684321 seconds and the other part process the new information coming in. The other part of her brain was wondering what was going on. No one was currently in the room or she would have been able to detect them and find them in the servers she had accessed to.

Could she still read people’s minds? Her head was having an internal battle between machine and magic. Neither were winning, they were just trying to coexist for the time being. Both of them attempting to work together. It was strange, absurd. Suddenly her memories came back to her in blinding waves. Her parent’s wedding and the car crash. She couldn’t see, she couldn’t hear, something was wrong with her limbs. Solstice gasped as the memory of pain erupted inside of her. Then came panic.  What happened to Imagination? What happened to Eric? Is everyone alright? Who caused the car crash? Did everyone die? Was she in some absurd dimension? For once in her life, she didn’t have answers available to her and it terrified her.

No record of the car crash. No deaths, no injuries, nothing. Solstice opened her eyes and new data streamed in. She was in a hospital. She was wearing a hospital gown. The tiles and the ceiling were almost the same identical shade of white. She was tied up in a chair. Solstice’s mind took only 1.7632 seconds to find the nearest exit and the most efficient way to  get out of the chair. Her brain was not only muddled, but smarter. She had always been what some had saw was genius level, but this was different. This was something else. This wasn’t human. Her gaze skirted to the metal that had replaced scar tissue. Her gaze then quickly found her right arm which was made completely of metal. Strange. What was going on? Her brain detected a life form entering the room. Stephen Sauer. Award winning scientist known for the study of cybernetics. Recently resigned at the science faculty of Bridgeport, claimed the place “didn’t have the right attitude.” Solstice waved the information away and focused on Stephen even though she couldn’t see him.
A gift from science. She will help us. She doesn’t have a choice. If she fights , we can just put her back in her place. Beneath us.

Solstice finally remembered her burning hatred for this man. For turning her into this. For tearing her away from her life. She hated them. She hated all of them. She would destroy them.
“Are you comfortable Solstice?”
“Very. Maybe you will throw me in the ocean next time? Oh, maybe a burning building? You can just fix me again and recreate me in your image, can’t you Stephen?”
“How do you know my name?”
“I have my secrets. Now tell me yours.”
Solstice used all her power to torture his mind into a state where every little secret of his would come out. He smirked. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Why was nothing happening? Luckily, she could still read his mind. The only issue was that she was having an internal battle in her head between good and bad. On one side as long as it benefited her she didn’t care, on the other side she didn’t want to torture the man to insanity no matter who he was. It didn’t matter, she couldn’t hurt people. She couldn’t hurt him at all. Did she lose her powers?

“Solstice all your powers have been disabled until you can calm down. Have you realized how much money we have spent on you? We have saved your life. Even a siren like yourself should be able to understand that.” Solstice had to hide the smile that came upon her face. They thought that she was a siiren and had somehow disabled her powers when she used her voice or tried to manipulate the situation.

They hadn’t known she could read other’s minds. None of her family had known that she used her mind, not her voice. She might have not been able to hurt this man physically, but there is power in information. One piece of information can ruin someone’s whole life. While a part of her brain was processing the current situation and the other parts fighting against each other in a deadly war neither of them would win, she forced them all to work together to navigate this man’s mind. The thing blocking her powers was resistant at first, but Solstice finally coaxed it to work with her mind. It was fascinating, she could tell how much electricity was going in and out of the room and how much it would take to electrocute the enemy sending right in front of her. In giving her more power, they had created a perfect flaw, a deadly secret. Someone had given them defective information. They hadn’t been informed that she could manipulate people physically, but that she could manipulate things mentally. In doing so when they had somehow rewired her brain they had given her the ability to manipulate technology? How though?

After many obstacles and useless information found out Solstice found what she was looking for. The man’s deepest regrets that would be broadcast to the whole world if she had a choice. She couldn’t though. This man had been deceived into helping an insane maniac. He would likely die. Frustrated, she gave up the search for useful information. It would be useful if she could find the maniac’s husband, but other than that she was stuck. She hadn’t even tried to find out why she was here. Her brain wasn’t at its normal state and every time she used her magic it just made her feel more and more worn. She would have to figure her way out of this situation without as much magic as she would like. It took her 5.6978323456531 seconds to reach this conclusion. Was it just her or had her mind gotten faster over the period of time she was fighting for her life? Strange. It was also more calculative. She didn’t know whether to laugh at this or cry.

Her brain suddenly detected another lifeform coming into the room. She waved away all obsolete information and focused on this new subject entering her torture zone. “Stephen isn’t good at explaining your purpose or reason for being here. He is new, the stranger hesitated, if it makes you feel any better he is my husband.”
Solstice snorted and burst out laughing. She didn’t even have time to disguise it. Her voice sounded the same but had a strange, mechanical tone to it.
“Congrats. Has he mentioned his child yet? He of course met the woman before you were married, but forget to mention the fact she was pregnant. He didn’t realize that she had blue hair and startling, golden eyes and that she was married to a powerful immortal, yes? Interesting, did he even know she was pregnant?”
The woman answered coldly,”How would you have obtained this information?”
Solstice tried her best to shrug but the gesture now seemed illogical to her.
“That is my business. Figure it out.”
“My name is Gladys. My father was Alexander Brantley. You are the first human or what some might call magic user to have artificial intelligence coexisting in your body.”
“Artificial intelligence?”
Gladys cleared her throat and smiled. “I will be back in two days to get you ready for the beginning of a new era. I just have to take a quick visit to Bridgeport first.” Solstice’s eyes darted to the small vial hidden beneath Gladys’s pocket. She had clearly meant for Solstice to see that. “Who are you going to be using that for?” Gladys answered simply,”Anyone who gets in my way.”

Gladys snapped her fingers. “Untie her Stephen. Let her get use to her new life. You have a day to process this information.” The moment the man untied Solstice she dashed out the door looking for an escape. She couldn’t find one. Her brain flashed the same warning. Increase levels of adrenaline. Take caution. Will be forced to shut down in approximately 30.456721 minutes if not stabilized. It was strange. All Solstice found was an operating room with a person’s picture on the wall. A person who didn’t look recognizable. She realized she was staring back at herself.

She gasped and held the cold, hard surface of the surgical table. How could of someone survived that? It was impossible. All the sudden an alien was staring back at her. It had her neon hair, but other than that it didn’t look human to her. The strange creature’s eyes were completely artificial and a red light that constantly was blinking. The person’s eyes displayed word text. Increased levels of adrenaline. Approximately 23.4565432345 minutes until forced shut down. A scar was across one of it’s eyes and it appeared to have thin sheets of metal and some sort of technology across its body.  It also had an arm made completely of metal. It was strange. Alien. The most terrifying part of the thing was the dangerous glint in it’s eyes that disguised its obvious fear. It was a dangerous animal. It wasn’t human.”Fascinating, isn’t it? You are the first cyborg that has been created and has survived. We have a chip installed your head that monitors your use of your magic. We can control you if necessary. Your brain has been rewired. You had suffered brain trauma from the fall. If you disable the chip, you die along with it. Would you like-”
“Get out.”
She didn’t care. All she cared about was her survival. She collapsed to the ground in agony. The man responded coolly,”That is what happens when you do things we don’t want to do. It causes a temporary shock to your system overwhelming it with pain. Next time it will shut down your system temporary.” He then walked out of the door.  She didn’t care. All she cared about was her survival.

Solstice forced herself to take deep breaths. She was a mess. She wouldn’t let these people break her. She was already broken. It didn’t matter. She decided to wave the useless information away. She didn’t want to feel. She was a master at disguising her emotions, at knowing everyone’s pains and secrets. She didn’t have them. She was extraordinary, she was exceptional. Why did she have to have them. You are still part human being. Tears silently started falling down Solstice’s face and for once she accepted the fact she wasn’t invincible. All she was was a machine.

She wasn’t a human. She was reduced to this. Her life had been stolen from her. She sighed and a grin crept onto her face. If she wasn’t human that meant she wasn’t bound by the same rules. All the sudden a silent thought crept up into her head. Power. She wanted power. She would get what was rightfully hers and she wouldn’t break from the pressure. She would be a machine for as long as it was in her favor. She would use her newfound power and overthrow whatever power had doomed her to this fate in the first place.

She got up and had a new goal in this new life of her’s. She could feel the power surging in her veins waiting to be unleashed. She walked out of the room and into a new one. She found some clothes and changed. She was tired of being weak. She wanted to be powerful. She wanted to be feared. She leaned down as her eye skirted to the strange egg sitting in the middle of the room. She ripped off the note attached to the egg.

 Solstice, here is my little gift to you. Use it wisely. Don’t let the freaks see it.
Your future accomplice.
P.S Guardia has been waiting for you. She has changed forms to keep herself alive. Strange dog. She is a ghost. Just thought you would want to know.

Solstice stared at the strange egg and laughed. Of course, it was a dragon’s egg. She would be having a new companion to help her in this new dangerous world. She smiled at the word “accomplice.” She was glad she already had somehow found one of those. She would need it. She bent down and scooped the egg up and hid it under the hospital bed.

She stared at the strange dog staring happily at her. She smiled. “Guardia, huh? That is a strange name. I wonder where you got it.” The dog’s wagging tail faltered. “Abandoned? Well then I guess you will just have to stick with me.” Solstice skirted to the necessity of toys and food. She knew that someone had cared for the dog, but had not given the love it clearly desired. She bent down and gave the small dog a treat.

Solstice retired to the surgery room. She couldn’t stand it there, but she felt whole there. She didn’t feel torn between magic and science. She felt complete. She stared at the strange technology that was her. Guardia went over to her and whimpered. “I’m fine. Just a lot to process.” Guardia was still restless, but finally hopped onto the surgical table and went to sleep.

Somehow Solstice knew she was in a war of her own making. She was going to have to be adaptable to survive. She would have to stop drowning in self-pity. She thought of Eric, mom and dad. They would be fine without her. She would make sure they would never be in this fight. It was a losing battle.

She was dead. The girl that had hidden from her own shadow because of the whispers of her beauty was dead. She had died in the car crash. Nothing was the same anymore. Her world had been trenched into darkness and didn’t seem to show any signs of coming out. She was going to have to do things she wasn’t going to proud of. Everything that was right was wrong. Everything that was wrong was right. She would rise from the ashes of the fire and become something entirely different. She would become a monster. Solstice stared bitterly at the mirror and repeated the eleven word phase that would haunt her for the rest of her life. “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” She laughed bitterly at the tale told to children. She didn’t realize that the wicked queen was very real and was standing right in front of her.


I’m really excited to write about this generation! Sorry this is late, I had to make sure the facts I were stating were somewhat factual.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 60 - Torn
« Reply #203 on: March 09, 2016, 10:49:40 PM »
Holy crap! Solstice is a cyborg! I love it!

She's still drop-dead gorgeous too, but she's Solstice, so what else could I expect?
This is so great! I feel terrible for her - she's struggled through so much.
Fantastic writing mpart. I'm blown away, and I can't wait to see Solstice take over the world.  8)

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 60 - Torn
« Reply #204 on: March 19, 2016, 05:40:55 PM »
Holy crap! Solstice is a cyborg! I love it!

She's still drop-dead gorgeous too, but she's Solstice, so what else could I expect?
This is so great! I feel terrible for her - she's struggled through so much.
Fantastic writing mpart. I'm blown away, and I can't wait to see Solstice take over the world.  8)

It was difficult finding the right custom content to turn her into a cyborg that still looked human. Some of the poses were off but I'm pleased with it. Thank you! This chapter was difficult to write though I can't wait to see who Solstice falls for. I haven't even planned it that far.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 61 - Something Is Going On
« Reply #205 on: March 19, 2016, 05:47:38 PM »
Back at the wedding…...

Maleficent watched as James and Gwen danced. If Maleficent hadn’t done anything, Gwen’s story would have turned out differently. Maleficent didn’t regret losing her mind. Sometimes you need to lose your mind to save the people you call family. It was the small things that made people your family. Maleficent sighed.
Her father tapped her shoulder and Maleficent swiftly turned around. “Happy Birthday Maleficent.”
Maleficent smirked. “I thought I had gotten rid of this issue. The memory charms didn’t work?”

Her father stared at her quizzically before bursting out laughing. “Don’t tell me you attacked Megan with a memory charm after she threatened to throw you a Birthday party?”
Maleficent shuttered. “She is truly insane.”
Her father grinned at her. “You are insane Maleficent.”
Maleficent smiled. “All the best people are insane dad. The rest are just boring.” He frowned. “Does that make me boring?”
Maleficent smirked. “You married my mother.”

Her father laughed. It was still a wound that hadn’t healed but Maleficent was starting to let go of her mother. Letting her mother hurt her was a mistake.
Maleficent’s father shifted uncomfortably. “I’m sorry I didn’t get you a present-”
Maleficent laughed and gestured around her. “Pure chaos with a hint of order. That is best present ever and the best part is that you are alive again.”
Her father pulled her in for a hug. Maleficent felt the air being sucked out of her. “Vampire strength.” Her father pulled her out of the crushing hug, looking embarrassed. Everyone around her had left hours ago.
Maleficent glanced around the beach. “Have you seen Solstice? I have to ask her about something.”

Maleficent skirted into the house falling into several objects. Megan frowned at her as she skirted to the strange trio’s room. What she found was normal. Strangely normal. Aurora lifted her head to glare at Maleficent. It was a very well played act.
Maleficent stared at Solstice and Aurora suspiciously. “Who are you two?”
Solstice rolled her eyes and continued to dance. It was one of the few things Solstice truly enjoys. “This is more insane than I am.”

Maleficent whisked to the room she shared with her best friend. She untangled the elaborate braid that had always helped her stay calm and found some clothes to wear. The penguins never got to choose what leprechaun was going to give them emeralds. Maleficent shrugged. It made logical sense. Megan barged into the room right when Maleficent was taking a nap. Maleficent scowled. The Reaper virus was affecting her.

“What is it, Megan?”
Megan’s eyes skirted to Maleficent’s hair. “Who died? You don’t change your hair.”
Maleficent sighed. “It depends. Someone might die if you don’t get out.”
Megan bounced up and down like a child. “Someone sent you this. What is it for?”
Maleficent smirked. “My birthday. Today is my birthday.”
Megan’s eyes widened in shock. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Maleficent sighed. “I wanted to take a nap.”
Maleficent glanced at Megan suspiciously. “People don’t send me things.” Megan shrugged. Maleficent carefully opened the package. She knew if the person meant for the package to kill her Megan would have already died. Inside was a strange egg with words written in french on the packaging. Maleficent squealed.
Megan looked at the egg and frowned. “It appears to have a chip in its shell.”
Maleficent glared at Megan with suspicion. “What?” Megan shrugged. “It appears to have a small dent on it. What is it anyways?”

Maleficent frowned at the egg. She knew exactly who had sent it. She read the encrypted words on the shell and stumbled back. Oh yes, she knew exactly who had sent it. Maleficent forgot that Megan was staring at her in curiosity. Maleficent made sure her face was unreadable. “It is a dragon egg.” Maleficent whisked outside which was covered in snow. How could of it snowed so much so quickly? Something was going on. Maleficent smiled and stared at the egg for what felt was eternity. Megan stared suspiciously at Maleficent and was reaching out for her phone to call Maleficent’s father and inform him she was more out of her mind than usual.

Megan checked the clock and yawned. “Maleficent we have been starting at your ‘present’ for three hours.” Megan started madly looking for Maleficent’s father’s phone number on her phone. She was afraid to leave Maleficent alone with her “dragon egg.” All the sudden something strange started happening as Maleficent peered into the distance.

A small tail emerged out of the smoking remains of the egg. Megan stared at the egg, baffled as Maleficent intently waited for the dragon to show itself. The dragon stared at Maleficent with awe.
Megan stumbled back. “Who in their sane mind would give you a dragon?” The dragon perked up and stared at Maleficent hopefully. She smiled at the strange creature.
“Hello Echo.”
“Master? Master has claimed us?” Maleficent nodded at the dragon.
Maleficent grinned. “You are a strange one, aren’t you?” The dragon looked down in shame.
“Master is displeased.”
“Not at all Echo.”

Maleficent picked up the small dragon and whispered a few words to it. The dragon stared at it’s new master happily.

The dragon rested on Maleficent’s shoulder while glaring at Megan suspiciously. “Master is confused.” Maleficent tempted to relax the dragon. “It isn’t her fault Echo. I just have to make a quick trip somewhere.”
The dragon looked up hopefully. “Is Echo coming?”
Maleficent gave the dragon a sad smile. “I have to do this alone Echo. You might get hurt.”

The dragon glared at Maleficent. “If Master gets hurt, Echo gets hurt.”
Maleficent laughed. “You have a temper, don’t you?” The dragon nodded it's head. Maleficent calmed down the flustered dragon. “Stay here and make sure everything is okay.” “Master has commanded. Echo must do.” The dragon hopped off it’s master’s shoulder. Some things people had to do alone. Some things change people forever. It is up to them if it is for the better or the worse.


Eric glared at Imagination. What was her problem all the sudden? She had avoided him for no reason at all. Solstice had been even stranger. He was done. Something was going on. “What is going on with you two?” Imagination’s gaze quickly met Eric’s before she stared again at the food she wasn’t eating. Eric was done playing games. He had put all his cards on the table and she had betrayed him.

He stood up and angrily glared at both of them. “You two aren't the same.” He watched as a flicker of bewilderment came upon Solstice’s face before it disappeared. His sister never showed her emotions. She didn’t have to nor did she want to. Eric’s brain was calculating the exact time his sister had changed and figured it was roughly after she had left the wedding. Which meant that it was possible that he was staring at someone he didn’t know. He kept these small suspicions to himself. Speculations, suspicions, and questions didn’t matter unless they had a logical answer to accompany them.

Eric cleared his throat and disguised his emotions. It was something he had learned from watching his sister a long time ago. “Whatever is going on, you can just tell me.” Eric then got up and proceeded towards the backdoor. Somehow he knew something was out there he was supposed to see. Lakia’s gaze followed him to the backdoor. Eric knew the dog knew something he didn’t. She was an intelligent creature. If she didn’t trust you, you couldn’t be trusted.

Eric stared at the snow-covered ground. His eyes searched for a clue, anything. They landed on the shattered remains of an egg. One of the shattered remains seem to have a noticeable chip in it. Eric carefully examined the piece and when he touched the small fragment it glowed. His mind led to many theories at once. Some logical, some illogical. His hands traced the pattern of the fragment piece of the egg and it seemed to spell “Dragon Valley.” A small thought appeared in his head. Something magical has a chip in it in Dragon Valley?

Eric’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration until it dawned on him. A magic user in Dragon Valley has a chip in their head. Why was this important information? Eric slowly picked up the last remains of the eggs and headed to Maleficent’s room. Apparently Maleficent and her friend were moving things around. Eric glanced around to see if anyone was following him. He opened the spellbook that seemed to wake up at his touch and the candles surrounding it lit up. The first paged flipped open. Sirens. Eric didn’t believe in coincidences. Something was going on and he wasn’t going to be fooled by the lies some many others believed. The question was what is it?


I have roughly based Echo’s behavior off of Eveline’s Atris which is in Reaper’s Genetic Legacy Experiment. :) Here are some photos that didn't make into the chapter:

Gwen and James being adorable as usual.

Maleficent HATES aging up.

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 62 - Surprise!
« Reply #206 on: March 26, 2016, 02:06:07 PM »
Gwen was finally at peace. She had gotten everything she had wanted out of life. She had two wonderful children, she had married James, and she had a steady job. For once she thought that maybe Solstice would have it easier than she did. Maybe they could all forget about the magic flowing through their veins and live a normal life. Would that be possible? Gwen knew she had a hard decision to make. Would she become immortal and fulfill what she was meant to do or would she run away from it?

Apart of her would love to become the siren she had always wanted to be. Using her voice for her own personally gain and gaining the power she was meant to have. Could she have the best of both worlds? After years paralyzed by fear Gwen had finally figured out what she feared most in life. She feared her daughter becoming the monster Gwen had always been tempted to be. Another day past and James had his birthday. Gwen frowned. She hadn’t even known, how hadn’t she known? Were they made more for this?

It didn’t matter what plans they had or didn’t have, the universe had other ideas. Gwen’s stomach did somersaults. She knew she would live longer than James. Sirens aged slower than usual. She had a decision to make. Would she become a true mortal or would she and James become immortal? It was either both of them or neither of them. It made her feel nauseous just thinking about it.

Apart of her knew that she wasn’t nauseous because of her anxiety. She knew exactly what it meant. She wasn’t a good mother. She had always felt she had never done right by Eric and Solstice. Somedays she didn’t even know who Solstice was anymore. She wasn’t her daughter. The person standing before her wasn’t her daughter. Gwen was tempted to talk to James about it but she didn’t know if he would understand. She just had this feeling that the girl wasn’t her daughter. If she was given a second chance to be a mother would she do better? Could she?

She knew she would do better. She would be a better mother to Eric, Solstice, and this child. Gwen sighed. What would James think? She knew he wanted more children. She stared at the photos of them on their wedding day. Gwen smiled. Her life was finally coming together.

James turned around. ‘Is there something wrong Gwen?”
Gwen rolled her eyes. “No James. How do I word this without freaking you out?”
James rolled his eyes. “I doubt it is that bad Gwen.”
Gwen smiled. “I’m pregnant moron.” Gwen said teasingly.
“Haha Gwen. Very funny.”
Gwen frowned. “I’m pregnant.”
James stood their for a moment in shock. “Ah.”

Gwen stared worriedly at James. “James? James? Are you okay?”
James stared worriedly at Gwen. “Did you take work off? Do we have room for a nursery?”
James rambled on worriedly. “James you are a wonderful father. You aren’t him. Eric and you are already best friends.” 
James sighed. “The older I get the more I become like him.”
Gwen stared at James. “Don’t say that ever again. You aren’t him.”

James smiled at Gwen. “What do you think it is?”
Gwen smiled. “They are boys.”
James stared at Gwen. “I doubt it is twins, Gwen.”
Gwen rolled her eyes. “We will see who is right."

James held Gwen tightly. “I love you.”
Gwen smiled and rolled her eyes. “I knew it.”


Maleficent glanced at Echo. Her father wouldn’t like her new “job.” She knew he wouldn’t. It wasn’t a job to her though. It was what she was born to do. Even if it involved too much paperwork. She had finally discovered what she was meant to do. The question was, would she have to hide it from her family? Maleficent sighed as the contacts caused her eyes to water. She had them custom made. Her bright eyes gleaming with power only allowed them to last for a couple hours at most. It was strange, absurd having power some killed for. She would know after all what people died for. Maleficent picked up the brush and attempted to paint what was on her mind. She had always enjoyed mixing colors together and creating something new. Echo stared curiously at Maleficent.
Master is afraid.
Maleficent grinned at the dragon. “I’m afraid of paperwork.”
The dragon tilted its head. Master doesn’t like paperwork?
Maleficent sighed. “I’m glad you understand.”

Maleficent walked into the room to see Eric setting the stove on fire. Maleficent stared suspiciously at him. “What are you doing?”
Eric sighed. “Imagination is afraid of fire.”
Eric pointed at Aurora who was reading a book and didn’t even look up to see what is happening. “That isn’t her. I would know if it was her.”
Maleficent sighed. “What do you mean it isn’t her?” All the sudden Maleficent noticed it. She was radiating power. Her kind didn't radiate deadly power.
Maleficent hissed under her breath,”Sirens.” Maleficent stepped back.

Gwen walked into the room staring suspiciously at Aurora. “I had my suspicious. Where is my daughter?”
Aurora closed the book as the stove went ablaze. She smirked. “For being supposedly the most powerful siren in history you are really slow to know about things, aren’t you?”
Gwen talked softly to the girl. “Astridr when I find your mother I will make her claw her own eyes out while her children are watching if you don't tell me where my daughter is.” Gwen smiled pleasantly had the girl.
Eric took a step back. Astridr sighed. “You can’t.”
“You have two days until you die if you don’t reach Siren’s Cove.” Gwen said coldly.
Astridr took a step back and hissed. “You use magic all the time. I can’t be cursed.”
Gwen smiled. “You have no idea, do you?”

The fire was soon put out and everyone was glaring at each other. Lakia walked over to Maleficent tilting her head. If the dog could roll her eyes she would have. Maleficent shook her head. Now was not the time to get a visit from one of her employees.
She hissed at Lakia. “Don’t you dare die on me, Lakia.” Lakia tilted her head. She didn’t care. Lakia waited impatiently for the Grim Reaper to arrive. The Grim Reaper stared at the small dog. “Are you ready to harass more Labelles in the heavens?” The dog leaped into Grim’s arms.

Grim carefully placed the impatient dog down and looked at Maleficent.
“Hey boss! Brad was wondering if you would let him out of that tomb Thanatos placed him in. Can I also get a raise?”
Maleficent’s family stared at her and she just shrugged. “Brad deserves it. You don’t go killing Death’s daughter, well ex-death’s daughter anyways. If you do more paperwork I will give you a raise.” Lakia growled at Astridr.

“Thanks boss. Thanatos never would have never given me a raise. We did research on Fate’s other-” One glance from Maleficent and the reaper shut up.
“Phil those stupid leprechauns are trying to steal all our whales!” Lakia growled at the Reaper, getting aggravated about this hold up.

The reaper pulled Maleficent in for a hug. “Sorry boss. I know being the new goddess of Death must be tough.”
“Let go of me Phil.”

Everyone stared at Maleficent. Astridr was the first one to speak up,”Well this ruins my plans.”
Megan started laughing uncontrollably. “No wonder the dead of all been muttering about how they couldn’t believe she replaced Thanatos.” Eric shook his head.
Maleficent smiled. “I know, right? I was thinking the same thing until I saw the paperwork. Do you know how the Reapers got their last name? They give death so much paperwork. There is a room dedicated to all the paperwork they give me.” Megan and Christian glanced at each other.
Christian cleared his throat. “I knew this was coming.” Christian hugged Maleficent. “Goodbye Maleficent. You have made me proud.”

Megan started crying on Maleficent’s shoulder and all Maleficent could do was stare at her. “Don’t forget me.”
Maleficent shrugged. “How could I? Where you two going anyways?”
Christian and Megan shared a knowing look. “We are going to go avenge someone’s death.”
Maleficent sighed. “Who? Wait, don’t tell me. I will know later. I’m going to go visit Clarissa and Reaper.”


Here is another picture of Maleficent and Grim that I thought was adorable.

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Just A Small Update
« Reply #207 on: April 05, 2016, 11:11:01 PM »
I love this story, but I need a break from it. Whether that be a week or a month. I will continue this story, don't worry. I just thought I would tell you guys. As always, thank you for reading this story.  ;D

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 63, Part 1 - Shutting Down
« Reply #208 on: April 24, 2016, 07:56:40 PM »
In The Past….

Christian sighed as Megan went to knock.
“Are you sure this is okay?”
Megan shook her head and added a bounce to her step.
“Nope. Does it matter?”
“Yes, it does.”
“He cared about his sister, didn’t he?”
Christian rolled his eyes.
“Your family is strange.”
Megan frowned.
“My family is the strangest of the strangest making them extremely and utterly normal.”
Christian stared at her.
“Are you insane?”
Megan frowned.
“Just optimistic.”

Megan frowned as she waited impatiently for someone to answer the door. Her father was forgetful these days. Megan searched for the keys in the flower pot. Success! She unlocked the door, finding her father madly typing on a computer. Megan frowned. Megan skirted over to her father.
“Are you still trying to find about Cocoa Belle or something?”
“Lola Belle.”
Megan waited quietly for her father to speak again.
“I’m sorry aunt Mercy died.”
Dad sighed.

“She knew it was coming for awhile. Her exact words on the letter she sent me was ‘I have cheated death some many times. I’m going to kick the bucket one of these days. I  intend to laugh when that day comes.’ She left me some instructions about this ‘Lola Belle’ person in Bridgeport?”
Dad sighed again. Megan paced back and forth, unable to stay still.
“Let’s go talk somewhere else.”
He closed the laptop.

“Dad, what is going on?”
Dad glanced at the woman to make sure she wasn’t listening.
“Mercy wants to me finish the last thing she was currently on. She wants to destroy Lola Belles life.”
Megan frowned.
“Something about the fact she researched the woman and blue hair.”
Dad frowned.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Megan rolled her eyes.
“Of course dad. I want to help her find peace. She seems pretty happy though.”
Dad smiled.
“You are gifted.”

Megan smiled.
“I love you dad. Even if you are old and crazy.”
Dad grinned.
“Don’t insult me. You get the crazy from my side of the family.”

Megan walked out of the house, with Christian waiting patiently outside.
“You are going to Bridgeport?”
Megan smiled proudly. ”Yep.”
Christian frowned. “Maleficent won’t like that at all. Please be careful. It isn’t safe there.”
Megan rolled her eyes. “I will be fine. Are you going to-”
Christian nodded. “I’m going to go get Astra out of that tomb. I don’t think Maleficent knows the full story.”
Megan sighed and gave Christian a hug which he hesitantly returned back.
“Don’t do anything stupid.”
Christian smiled. “I’m going to find Astra and risk the wrath of my daughter.”
Megan frowned. “Haha. Take care of yourself.”
“You too.”

Solstice couldn’t breath. Back and forth, back and forth. Live. Die. Did it matter at this point? She was a deadly machine created for destruction. All she wanted to do was survive at this point. No, she wanted to thrive in this new environment. Solstice just focused on the simple dance moves she was determined to perfect.

It took her 5.654321234 seconds to notice Guardia was looking up at her with disinterest. Solstice ignored her. She had only a few minutes to herself since being transported to yet another lab. Rumor had it was under the Legend’s castle.  Solstice sighed. It didn’t matter. She needed to be in perfect shape for whatever they had planned for her. She didn’t care. Just keep dancing. 1,2,3,4,5. Someone dies. 6,7,8. Someone else dies. Don’t react.

Solstice followed her own advice. She stopped feeling. She stopped reacting. She just focused on dancing. She clumsily made her way to one of the rooms in the lab and waited impatiently for Stephen to show. “Stephen? Are you there?” Solstice knew that he was there. She had detected him entering the room at a speed of approximately 2.123452 miles per hour. He was walking slowly. How absurd.

“Yes, Solstice?”
“What do you want me to do?”
Her voice came out as a whisper.
Stephen seemed baffled.
“We can’t do much until you meet the queen. I can explain everything later. We expected you to be-”
“Rebellious?” Solstice laughed bitterly.
“Don’t call me Stephen. Call me Dr.-”
“I will call you Stephen until you stop making stupid decisions and start using logic. Until then, you are Stephen. Not doctor anything.”
Stephen spoke quietly.
“Remember who is in charge Solstice.”
Solstice rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, Fate. Not you.”

Solstice waited for the dragon egg to hatch. She was transported to a room with dog supplies in it and a mini fridge. She also had an all in one bathroom. It was absurd. She didn’t question it though. She use to question everything. What was the person’s motive? What was the estimated time it took for someone to make grilled cheese? How much of that time was wasted? It didn’t matter. Solstice waited patiently for the dragon to emerge from it’s protective egg. It couldn’t go back once it entered this world. It could, but not in the same way. Not until the world destroyed it.
“Master? Master is confused? ”
Solstice smiled.
“Someone is a mind reader.” Solstice chuckled.
“Master wants us to be a mind reader? Master is displeased. We must become mind reader.”
“No, no. It was just a joke.” Solstice said carefully to the dragon.
“Master must name us.” The dragon murmured impatiently.
Solstice couldn’t think of a name that would do the tiny, but deadly creature justice. She finally smiled as her brain scanned the internet for such a name fit for her dragon.

The dragon restlessly skirted around the room.
“Thor. We shall be Thor.”
Solstice masked her emotions once again. How strange to feel something that was present only moments ago and gone the next moment. Filthy creatures. Emotions were illogical. They were used against you. Thor skirted to a stop and waited patiently for his master to pick him up.
“Master is confused.”
Solstice sighed.
“I’m not exactly sure what I am.”

Thor flapped unhappily.
“Master is being enslaved.”
“Something like that.”
Solstice barely had time to react as mere seconds ticked by and Stephen entered the room.
Solstice held her breath for approximately 5.67876543 seconds until she realized it was useless and her brain informed her of this fact. Her brain reported increased levels of adrenaline, high blood pressure, and a faster heartbeat. Solstice calmly petted her dragon and waited for whatever horror awaited her when he turned away and saw the dragon.

Many thoughts raced through Stephen’s mind in those mere moments. Some about the child he never knew about. Other about the monster he referred to as his wife. It was terrifying seeing what went through that man’s mind on a daily basis. The question was, who ruined him? Who turned him into this monster? Solstice looked for a strand of useful information in that useless man’s minds. Blue hair.

 That was all she could figure out in the man’s mind. He was mad. His thoughts were scattered throughout his mind, his morals all but forgotten. She wasn’t just dealing with a genius that had questionable morals. She was dealing with a lunatic.

He peered over at the monitor, analyzing it. Solstice peered over to look at the thing the mad man had been working on for years. She froze. It was the chip installed into her head. Solstice analyzed the diagram, careful to put it in a safe place where she could look over it again.

Stephen swiveled around to face Solstice. “What is that on your shoulder.” He replied calmly.
Thor poised, ready for fight at his master’s commands.
Solstice stepped away from Stephen, ready at a moment’s notice to attack if necessary.
She answered calmly,”A gift.”
Stephen was in her face right before she knew it. Her brain informed her of increased chemicals in her brain and that if she didn’t calm down, it would be forced to temporarily shut down.
Stephen turned around and grabbed a small remote.
“Remember who is really in charge Solstice.”

Solstice gritted her teeth. Her brain was already starting the countdown. Stephen glared at Solstice and entered a code in the remote. Her brain scrawled with random messages until only one was clear. Stephen pushed the button. Solstice fell to the floor grasping at memories that were disappearing.She began to scream and scream. If she thought she was capable of crying she would have. Her mind was in the worst agony. Her mind was craving something, something that Solstice couldn’t place.

Her mind was in a mad frenzy, trying to work with magic and science. She just needed to stay awake. Thor glanced nervously at Solstice, waiting to attack Stephen. Hadn’t she told him not to? She couldn’t remember. It seemed like hours until she was finally allowed to sink into the comforting darkness of her mind. She could give up. That shock could have killed her. It was tempting, so very tempting to drift into the comfortable darkness.  “She does not control how you react to it.” Solstice didn’t care but apart of her was too stubborn to give her the satisfaction in letting Fate know she won. Solstice picked herself up from the tile floor and glared at the door Stephen had walked out of.

Solstice raced past the glass doors and opened one she had not dared to enter. Solstice looked around the room. Her dragon was nowhere in site. He must have gone to get food. Solstice breathed with relief. She didn’t want him to get hurt. Solstice stopped and stared at the newspapers gathering up and the board that showed a diagram of her brain. How odd. A machine she couldn’t name off the top of her head was also in the room. Solstice stopped short of the glass tank sitting in the room, measured by the sundials surrounding it.
In the tank was a beautiful woman huddled in defeat.

Solstice brain automatically went to get information about the strange woman but she wiped the fetal attempt away. Her mind was still recovering from the shock. Solstice stared at the woman. She was wearing a bracelet that seemed to glow every 4.1234567 seconds. The woman was getting weaker by the day, having already enough with these scientists. How did the council even permit Fate permission to trap her? How dare they!

 It dawned on Solstice. This woman was a goddess. Solstice peered at the glass, trying to find a way to help the woman. The woman glanced at her and laughed, sending a shiver down Solstice’s spine.
You can not help me mind reader. You are one of them.
You are one of them. Your mother is one of her’s.
“How can I help you?”

The woman screeched.
“The only reason you are with him is because of the curse! The curse inflicted!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Don’t lie! You know! They all know!”
Solstice stumbled away from the woman. A powerful memory surged ahold of Solstice. She was drowning. She was going to drown. The waves kept pushing her deeper and deeper down into the comfortable darkness and the sirens kept singing their lullaby.

“You don’t fool anyone! You don’t fool anyone! You will not replace me!”
Solstice slammed her eyes shut, still tasting the sea water. They had kept the sea goddess, Calypso here for Solstice to replace her. They were mad. It wasn’t how the system work. It wouldn’t work. With the taste of salt still in her mouth, Solstice stared away from the mad goddess as she helplessly looked for help in between pounding on the glass.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 63, Part 1 - Shutting Down
« Reply #209 on: April 25, 2016, 01:11:42 AM »
Oh! Megan no!

Poor Solstice, I hope she's able to break free soon and find some happiness! Thor and she are so cute! Thor will protect her!

Stephen needs to die. Slowly. Deliberately. And painfully.

What a beautifully written chapter mpart. I really can't wait to see what happens to the dearest Solstice next. :D

