Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 154945 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 48 - An Unexpected Guest
« Reply #165 on: January 28, 2016, 12:42:05 AM »
Thanks LivvieLove! You wrote a wonderful story, you deserve the mention.  ;D  Why would you think anything would happen to Astra's vampire love?  :-X  Just going to be truthful here, almost every vampire I have ever had died from thirst..... 

Oh man, isn't that the truth though. Silly vampires can't figure out how to gain access to the FREE PLASMA JUICE IN THE FRIDGE. Put a lockdown on that vampire. I repeat. Lock it down and keep 20 plasma fruits on hand for emergencies!!! (Haha, just kidding, you probably already have him in your household, I know I would've with genetics like that!  ::) )

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 48 - An Unexpected Guest
« Reply #166 on: January 28, 2016, 05:49:59 PM »

Oh man, isn't that the truth though. Silly vampires can't figure out how to gain access to the FREE PLASMA JUICE IN THE FRIDGE. Put a lockdown on that vampire. I repeat. Lock it down and keep 20 plasma fruits on hand for emergencies!!! (Haha, just kidding, you probably already have him in your household, I know I would've with genetics like that!  ::) )

I still somehow find a way to get them killed even if they are in my household. They somehow stay out in the sun too long and then I can't get them to fridge.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 49 - A New Generation Is Born
« Reply #167 on: January 28, 2016, 05:50:20 PM »
Amelie was gone. Gone. She hadn't even left a note. Not a single response at all. It was worse this time. When John had left and never returned any phone calls and never went to University in the first place, Astra had hope that he was somewhere creating a life for himself. Eveline had gotten married. Kaleb was staying with Charlie. John...who knows where John is? Amelie though? She had left so soon, so early? It didn't make sense. Astra's mother and Alexander had left too, everyone was always leaving and never telling where they were going. It was terrible. It made Astra realize that life was to short too waste, so she got married. Astra was surprised that Christian didn't say anything about it. When she told him all he did was sigh with relief and mumble something under his breath. "Finally, no more crazy wedding plans." Astra and Christian got married in the middle of nowhere and had strange people staring at them. It's not everyday a vampire risks his life to get married.

Lakia met her double. They had also adopted a stray dog.The world can't handle another Lakia.

Lakia and Astra were both feeling nauseous.

Astra though it wasn't possible. When she found out her eyes widened. Astra didn't think hybrids could exist. It was rumored in the magic world that they were unnatural in nature itself. If anything her family is unnatural.
When she told Christian his eyes widened in surprise. "Impossible. It can't be her."
Astra was surprised that he already could find out the gender of the baby. After that he was quiet.

Before Astra knew it suddenly had more dogs joining her. When Lakia was in birth she spent the whole time glaring at Christian.

Only when her minions puppies were born did she look up and smirk at Christian.

She suddenly realized what she had gotten into. She had to raise two perfect minions puppies and hope they were up to the task of harassing the Labelle's.

She begun teaching them right away. One of them was already harassing Christian.


Christian wasn't ready for fatherhood. If his child was who he expected they were then he was even less than ready. Rumor had it around Bridgeport that a hybrid would go around dealing with immortals to keep her family safe. Her father had died on her birthday and her mother had abandoned her, ever since then she had a special hatred for both of her kinds. She wasn't something natural in nature. So he freaked out. When Astra had waddled away he couldn't help, but be glad.

When Astra later came in the room she was cradling a small child in her arms. The child waved her arms up in the air. Christian knew right then and there he was a goner. This was his child, something he thought he would never be able to have. When he asked for her name all his fear's were confirmed.

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 49 - A New Generation Is Born
« Reply #168 on: January 28, 2016, 07:01:05 PM »
Thank you all for 4,000 views! Whether you randomly clicked on this or were reading the latest chapters, thank you!  :D

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 49 - A New Generation Is Born
« Reply #169 on: January 29, 2016, 12:02:59 AM »
Oh. Oh... Ooooh! I see where this is going! I'm fully caught up now! Ahh! This is so awesome! Little Maleficent! I'm sure she'll grow up to be a well adjusted member of society! ;D

 :-X  :-X  :-X

I can't wait to read more.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 49 - A New Generation Is Born
« Reply #170 on: January 29, 2016, 08:15:13 PM »
Oh. Oh... Ooooh! I see where this is going! I'm fully caught up now! Ahh! This is so awesome! Little Maleficent! I'm sure she'll grow up to be a well adjusted member of society! ;D

 :-X  :-X  :-X

I can't wait to read more.

She is an interesting character. I hope photo bucket it working again, though since I also have an Imjur account, another update!

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 50 - Is This The End?
« Reply #171 on: January 29, 2016, 08:17:26 PM »
Photobucket isn't working at all. I can't see any of my photos though I can see others, is any one else having this issue? If they all get deleted I guess I will just have to redo all of them. I'm not giving this up. No the title is not about my current issue, but Gwens. You will see what I mean.

Gwen was staring at the house of my demons. Quite literally. There unraveled everything that directed the direction of her life. So why did she come back? Did she come back for old times sake? She shook her head. This wasn't the best situation at all. The difference between when she was last here and now was that she was no longer a cowering girl hiding. She had the power to destroy all of them with one sentence. So she held her head higher knowing that the game had changed and she had changed the rules. The weak became the powerful and the strong became the cowards. For once in her life, the game didn't matter. It wasn't why she had come. Why she was here coming back to the heart of her demons. She couldn't form the word, she would never get use to it. She wouldn't fail, she couldn't fail. She finally found something that would love her unconditionally. She had finally grownup, graduated college, and did everything no one said she could. A small dog had followed her the whole trip with a sad expression on their face. She hadn't known why, this was the day it was finally going to happen. It was going to happen.

So with a quick shoo the dog cleared out of her way. She couldn't figure out why the dog had followed her at all. It looked well fed after all. This was the day. She had money, they could do everything they ever wanted to do. All she had to do was knock. Knock and go back into the house she despised.

So she did and no one answered. She grabbed the key that after all these years was still under the mat and barged in all within the careful watch of the dog.
"Hello? James?"
No one answered.

"So thats where my glasses went."
She was tempted to hide in a corner after all these years, but stood straighter.
"Where is he, Troy? I can see time hasn't been kind to you."
He sighed. "Are you expecting me to be surprised you are alive after all these years? Of course I'm not surprised, you stupid monsters always come back."
"Call me that again and I promise I will lock you in a cage."
That silenced him. "He left something in his room for you, don't ask me what. He just did."

Then the dog walked in.
"Ugh, you brought that in?"
"I think she doesn't like you."
He smirked. "Then the stupid creature doesn't have taste."
"Or she doesn't like psychopaths that kidnap small children."

"Listen you-"
"-no, you listen. If you haven't notice I have become more familiar with my 'gifts.' I don't think it would be wise to mess with me."
He sulked in defeat. "Well fair game er, Gwen."

Something was wrong. She had expected a little resistance.
"What happened?"
"See for yourself, he-"

Thats all it took for Gwen to run into his room. He better not be dead. He can't be dead. She opened his journal and out fell a piece of paper and a ticket to "Sunlit Tides." She just stared at the ticket before my eyes settled on the piece of paper.

Dear RavenGwen,     

This isn't what I hoped would happen, but it has. This isn't what I wanted to happen. You have to understand that. I don't know how to say why I can't find you or why you won't find me, but if you do find this then you found it. You found the reason I will never see you again. I can't explain how I know or why I know, I just do. It doesn't make sense. Understand that. This little freak stopped me - that doesn't matter. The future is a deadly world full of hidden secrets, and mine contained a lot about you. It does. It did. How do I say this? You will be the death of me. I will end up dying at your hands. I'm sure you won't know that you did it, it just happens. I have seen it. Ame- You are worse then both of them. I never wanted to believe my father, but he was right. He was absolutely right Gwen, or whatever you call yourself these days. Don't look for me. I have a life ahead of me, don't look for me. It's for your safe- don't look for me. She's insa- Goodbye. I'm sorry it had to end this way. You are a monster.


Before Gwen knew it she was sobbing. She was worse then them. She would be. She was. Didn't he know how hard she was trying? Didn't he care? Of all the people she had trusted with her secrets, her heart, he betrayed her. She was so tired of trying to be good. The journal fell with a thunk.

He had made her feel like everything. In reality, he thought she was nothing. Nothing. She was done being his shadow.
"I hate you James!"

He could have killed her. Locked me up in a prison for all she had done. Insulted her. This, this was worse.
"Of everything we have been through!"

"I hate you more than him!" This wasn't happening. It was worse than death. This was something much worse.

It felt like dying, but it was worse. Then a hysterical laugh came out of her. The next heir had already been born. James would never meet them  Sometime tragedy just runs in a person's blood.

The small dog was having a fit.

Before Gwen knew it every pump in the house exploded, gushing water.

Was this the end? Would dir ever see him again? What scared her more, that if she ever did, she wasn't sure if he would be alive at the end of it. So Gwen just stayed there for hours, not speaking, barely breathing.  He would never meet his daughter. He would never meet his son. Fate is cruel.

Before she knew it she was sobbing into Troy's arms. Troy?! Troy?! Of all people, yes him. Gwen was apparently worse than him.
"Stop crying, you are getting crap on my shirt. Are you sure he wrote it?"
My head throbbed. "Yes."
Troy sighed. "She must have found a loop hole through his immunity."
"You do realize another siren's work when you see one, don't you?"
"Siren?" He began to grin.

"You do know your sister's own work, don't you?"

"What do you mean, my own sister's work?"
"She isn't as powerful as you, but she knows the game."
Gwen silently mumbled under my breath. "Amelie."
"That one really is a genius, isn't she? She has after all, been deceiving you for years. Who do you think left you outside to get kidnapped, Gwen? Who was suppose to be keeping an eye on you? That Maleficent played right into our hands. I'm sure James didn't want to write that, but he has the ability to resist magic if he wants to. At least, I thought he did. That little girl of yours, we will find-"
"-shut up."

"I have the upper hand now-"
She slapped him.

Then she preceded out the door.

Not able to hold her emotions in, she sobbed.

If they all wanted a monster, they would get one.


I can't take all the credit for the great quotes, the internet did help me with my research on how Gwen should react. So, Gwen was pregnant! Good job, catching that Mrs.Flynn and everyone else too!  :)

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Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 51, Part 1 - You Fool (End of Generation 3)
« Reply #172 on: January 30, 2016, 08:46:15 PM »
James was furious. No, he was beyond that. He had never thought his own body and mind would be used against him. He had never thought that he would allow it. He closed his eyes and the vision played over and over again. Maleficent was right, though he was sure this isn't what was suppose to happen. He was suppose to help her, instead he abandoned her in her hour of need. Stupid, stupid. He was done beating around the bush with these people. He was done being nice to them.

"Why am I here?"
Amelie acted like she took a considerable amount of time to consider this.
"There is no logical answer that will make you feel good. So do you want the truth or do you want a lie?"
"What happened to you?"
"Nothing happened to me. I was done of hiding. I was done manipulating people to make myself look stupid. Hacking into the school network to make my grades reasonable. Now, that the time has come I can finally be myself. I can solve mathematical problems while laughing as people are locked up."

James said nothing in response. This wasn't Amelie that he knew. It isn't often you see the person behind the mask, and when you do its terrifying. Just like Gwen.

"You asked a simple question James and I gave you a simple answer. So now you have to answer my question."
"Depends on the question."
"How long have you known you aren't immune to magic if you wish not to be?"
"It doesn't take a genius to figure out that. Of course, I was glad I had figured a loop-hole through your 'gift.' What did she do?"

"Why would I answer that question?"
"I can literally lock you up in the basement and watch as you die from dehydration."
James raised an eyebrow at her.
"I had a chip installed inside your brain while you were knocked out that can disable you for a short period of time."
"Incorrect. Very possible. Would you like to see the remote? I will show you the remote. Now answer the question."
"Then why just set a fire while I'm knocked out in the room?"
"You would have three days to think of your pathetic decision to cross me. Lets stop talking about this theoretical situation before it becomes a real one. Answer the question."
"She ends up being the death of me."

"Wow. Didn't see that one coming? How do you die? Do you drown? Does she watch as the life goes out of your eyes while laughing?"
"You are insane."

"Normal is a 6 letter word for people that don't have the thinking capacity to do something with their life. Insane is a word about people that defy society and do something."
They just sat in silence for awhile.

"Why do you hate Gwen so much?"
"She is the heir. She is the most powerful. She is blah, blah. Poor Gwen, she got kidnapped. Poor Gwen, she is dead. Blah, blah, blah."
"So this is just some petty jealously thing?"
"No, this is a deep hatred rooted in the fact that she will always be considered more powerful then me."
"So, some petty jealously thing." Amelie frowned.

"Whatever, I don't understand women."
"There! That's your issue! You don't understand women! If you did then you wouldn't be in this situation!"
"Maybe if I wasn't born into a family that was lunatics then I wouldn't be in this situation either!"

"Really mature James! Grow up!"

It didn't matter if he didn't like this situation. She didn't like the situation where her mother had to die because she knew too much.  He was going to have to deal with it. She did. 

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Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 51, Part 2 - You Fool (End Of Generation 3)
« Reply #173 on: January 31, 2016, 04:55:03 PM »
Maleficent wanted to sob. She had ruined everything. She wanted to spare James's life. She need to save Jame's life. Instead she helped create a monster. She hated her job. She hated her job so much. This time though, it was personal. Gwen had randomly made 10 people drown themselves. She had no motive. She had just done it for the pleasure of seeing their final moments. She was hurt and Maleficent was scared she would never be the same. She was a broken record stuck on the same tune. It was terrible. Maleficent wasn't go to scream. She wasn't going to cry. She was going to take care of this. She would take of this. She would find a way to bypass the stupid curse and get these two together. It was personal.

"What have you done?"
Gwen appeared to smirk. What she didn't know is that Maleficent could see her trembling in fear. She was the kind of person that put on a good show, but in the end was broken. She could smile, but there would be fear behind it. She could laugh, but she would always look over her shoulder. She could love, but could never trust. She was broken.
"I got rid of 10 civilians. I'm about to get rid of 11 civilians if you don't get out of my way."
She didn't know that Maleficent could see that she was having an emotional breakdown for doing that.
"Look, Gwen I'm sorry-"
"-If you pity me I promise you won't be alive to hear it."

Maleficent's eyes softened.
"Gwen, I don't pity you. I feel disappointed in you. You are one of the strongest people I knew. Now your reduced to, this."
"No, stop. I'm weak. I don't know you. Please, you need to leave."
"Gwen, I'm taking you to James."

Thats when she exploded. Her voice turned into venom. "Have fun doing that while clawing your own eyes out."
Her hands betrayed her every will. She listened to Gwen's pulse and the blood rushing through her veins. It was terrible. "You fool!"
Her heartbeat was abnormal. Like someone beating at a drum too much. It was worn out. Hard. Dark as the night. She hated this part of herself. She couldn't stand it. She started counting her heartbeats. One. Three. Ten. Twenty. It was helping the torture surely to follow. Right when her fingers were digging into one of her eyes it snapped. She had blood dripping down her eye that would cause a permanent scar. She hadn't noticed it, but she was at full power. She was a hybrid. You didn't mess with her kind. "I am the wrong person to mess with."

Suddenly they were in a crypt. Maleficent took a step back and let her natural instincts kick in. Another three heartbeats. Four. Five.
"Gwen Labelle. You have left me no choice. I can't have you killed. I can curse you though. You will sleep for eternity until someone can love you even through all you have done. Someone that can break the curse. In your state you can't harm anyone or anything. It will be like you are dead."
"Then I guess I'm already dead."

"You will have one hundred years or you will be reduced into ash and be a fair warning for the rest of your species. You may be stronger than me, but I can curse you. The person will also have to find your body. You will have no powers until then. If they do not succeed you won't be brought back to life for 500 years."

Creating the poison apple wasn't to difficult. It was easy, simple. Forcing her to eat it though was something else. She added something softly. "You will also be able to recover from your past during those years. I have faith in you Gwen. Be strong."
Using her mind and body against her was difficult. Gwen's daughter had excelled in manipulation. Her gift even surpassed immunities. The only time Maleficent was allowed to manipulate people was when she was doing her job.

Suddenly Gwen was unconscious before her feet. Her heartbeat got slower. Ten. Five. Four. Three. One. Zero. In that time Maleficent had reduced her basically to a corpse, a vampire. She wouldn't stay in that state forever. It would just be to preserve her body and power.

With a small gesture of her hand her body was protected and placed on the stone slab.

She had forgotten to add the fact that whoever broke the curse would also become younger. Oops. Just small details that were forgotten to be mentioned to Gwen. Oh well. With a quick whisp of her hand Maleficent transported of there. With the scar still fresh on her face and the power brewing in her veins she left. What had she done? A little girl that had only wanted freedom to escape the monsters of her life had become one. This was not the end for Gwen though, she knew it. If she somehow broke the curse before it was fulfilled, the world would be in trouble.


I have been going back and forth about how to end generation 3. I really couldn't decide. I hope you are all happy with it. Generation 4 is coming your way.

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Offline LivvieLove

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I loved it! Gwen and Maleficent are beautiful sims. I'm really excited to see where things go next! :)

Offline Magpie2012

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I love this! I don't want it to ever end, but at the same time I do want it to so I can binge read it all at once lol

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline mpart

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I loved it! Gwen and Maleficent are beautiful sims. I'm really excited to see where things go next! :)

They are gorgeous sims. I'm not sure where this is going next, though I do have some ideas.  :)

I love this! I don't want it to ever end, but at the same time I do want it to so I can binge read it all at once lol

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Oh gosh, I love binge reading. I'm glad this is good enough to. When I read older generations I just find myself correcting my grammar. I had terrible grammar!  ;D

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 52 - Traitor
« Reply #177 on: February 03, 2016, 09:50:06 PM »
Maleficent was a pure daddy's girl. She would cry for him if he was gone to long and stared at him in awe when he came home. Of course the only thing that could entertain her is her lessons's with Dude, their new dog.

There were times when daddy was a scary monster though.

She forgave him in the end though.

When she was done from a stressful day she would snuggle into her mother's arms. Sometimes though she would complain.
"Mama, you smell look Dude."

On the day of her birthday she was unusually crabby. When I woke her up she  refused to get up.
"Mama, I don't wanna get older."
I was surprised by her language, though I suppose she did get that from me.
"It's okay, Maleficent. You will stay be the same person."
"What about daddy?"
It caught me off. How her voice was full of sadness.
"Daddy will always be with you, Maleficent. Nothing bad will happen to him."
"Why do you say that?"
"The price has to be payed."
I almost dropped my little girl. She should have known nothing about prices. She should have known nothing about magic. Suddenly I was seeing her through new eyes.
"Okay, Maleficent. Enough of that. It's time for you to blow out your candles."
With a sudden big huff of her breath it was done and she blew them out.  Her eyes were filled with knowledge beyond her years and a kind of sorrow that couldn't be healed by another person.

She wasn't staring at the cake eagerly anymore. She was staring at her father's dead body. She was screaming at something that couldn't be seen.
"Azure Amazon! Fate Nicolai! Whatever you go a,  bring him back! I don't care if someone else has to die in the place of my mom! Not him! Not him..."
She broke into sobs while I stared in horror.

This wasn't possible. It couldn't be. Disgust creeped into her brain as Astra watched the scene. She is the reason he is dead. Astra couldn't get the disgust out of her brain. Maleficent was the reason he was dead. Then something else occurred to Astra. Maleficent wasn't the one who had died. Maleficent wasn't the one who was raised to the dead. Which meant that Maleficent was something more than that. Astra stared at her daughter and wondered if this was the original Maleficent, a powerful sorceress. It wasn't possible. Sure the Labelles had a little bit of power running in their blood, but it couldn't be that much. They weren't related to anyone who was distinctly powerful unless- they weren't recognized yet. That was a very dangerous thought that Astra did her best to push away. Who was this Fate? Astra couldn't function. She couldn't move. She saw it, but didn't process it. Her husband wasn't dead leaving her withthis. Had he known this all time? How could he love her? She left her daughter to mourn by herself. Astra wasn't ready to process the dreadful days to come. She wasn't ready to be without him.


All it took was one tear. One moment as she saw her mother changed from someone she loved to someone that could barely stand the presence of her. She wanted to draw her into a hug and sob. She wanted her mommy back. She had recognized that look on two people from that moment on. Her and Alexander.

She knew she couldn't help it. Cruelty ran in their blood. On both sides. She was left to sob in her room not knowing what to do. Not knowing who she would be without her daddy. Her mother pulled her in for a high embrace.
"I love you Maleficent. I need to get away though."
"Promise me you will be back?"
Her mother hesitated for a moment.
"I promise."

With that she watched her mother walk out of her room. Maleficent held herself tightly knowing that her mother was walking out of her life. The next time she would see her it wouldn't be the same. With that little moment Maleficent became a justice-seeking, powerful sorceress that at times would be referred to as a villain. Her last words to her mother were "You traitor."

I know, I know, this was a sad chapter. It was really short too. I'm really sorry about that though this provides a firm foundation for Maleficent's character. Next chapter you may meet the next heir. I'm having a lot of fun figuring out the new generation and I'm finding old things I need to tie up. A lot of things about Megan's past will be tied up in Another Labelle Story. You will also see Mercy and some other characters. Perhaps a Reaper or two.  ;)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 52 - Traitor
« Reply #178 on: February 03, 2016, 10:23:55 PM »
Lol you're not the first writer to say that their writing (and grammar etc) got better as the story progressed. Truth be told, I didn't even notice it, and usually I'm a Grammar Nazi lol

I hate that someone has to always die. It's such a cruddy way to live, knowing that your aging up is going to kill someone you love most!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 52 - Traitor
« Reply #179 on: February 04, 2016, 12:11:21 AM »
Well, that was absolutely gut-wrenching. Thanks for that. :P

I'm going to go be sad in my corner and console myself with my Sims. That utterly broke my heart.

I mean. I really liked him. Now he's dead. I should just stop liking characters. Good things never happen to characters I like.  :'(