Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 154936 times)

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Chapter 44, Part 1 - Stop Underestimating Her
« Reply #150 on: December 19, 2015, 09:08:14 PM »
   I felt that leaving Mercy's end at "Glowing Eyes" wasn't fitting in her character. It was planned that she would die, but lets just say I think this is the more accurate ending. I hope you agree. This is the end of her story officially, unless you guys want to see another chapter of it. You will get what I mean at the end.  :)

Death. That was what she showed Alexander, my death. I was surprised my mother even came and played along with it. I personally think she is still mad at Alexander. He lost control over me along time ago though, when I found him. He was almost dead and I managed to somewhat help him through the crap he has been through and he slowly, but surely, he helped me. I was stubborn in the beginning, but in the end everything turned out okay. I had one unfinished piece of my life though, my daughter. It seems I also had a grudge I didn't let go of. Believe me or not it wasn't my idea, but someone who had to maintain the fragile thing called Fate and my family always seemed to be messing it up. I have to give her a clap on the back for such outstanding mind control and even though I doubted it. The maintainer of Fate said she would. It seems that she also tries to maintain fate herself even though she maybe the exact opposite. In a fit of fury I set the very room I hated ablaze in a sudden fury. It was where he betrayed me after all.

 Suddenly he was there, looking dazed.
"Mercy, are we dead?"
"It was a trick Alexander. Mind control."
He was in my face screaming at me. I have had it with him screaming at me.

"You know it Alexander it was all mind control! Everything from this week! I don't have feelings for you anymore. I'm actually happily married. I have another child. The only reason I came back is for my daughter!"
He stood staring at me in horror, speechless.

"I can't believe you did that, Mercy." That just infuriated me more. He can't believe I did that? He of all people?
No, he didn't get a say in this.
"I went insane because of you! I didn't get to have a life with my daughter because of you! You of all people should know that you don't deserve a say in this! Don't even get me started on all things I could have done!" I had heard that a powerful being at its strongest, most vengeful self, would show all of its power. Unworldly eyes indicating that if the person that had angered this unworldly creature wouldn't run, then something terrible would happen to them. I had never thought I was powerful though, my father barely even had the power to create a simple fire. It suddenly dawned at me that it must be my mother's bloodline that had passed on such power. It finally started making some sense when it came to my family.

All the sudden he kissed me. I was pretty sure that if I thought it would make any real difference, I would have punched him.

Instead I screamed at him until my throat was sore. "What is wrong with you? I'm married! The only reason I kissed you was to show you how it felt to be deceived!"
"Man, you are a crazy ex!" Yep punching him wasn't going to change him, nothing was. He was still going to be a prideful jerk. It felt nice to scream at him though.

"Okay, Alexander." I was tired. I was tired of him. "It totally makes me crazy because I won't randomly kiss you."

"I never should have married you, Mercy."
"You gave me an amazing daughter, other than that you were a terrible husband."

"Good riddance Alexander, I hope I never see you again."

All the sudden Mercy was gone and replaced with another figure. I recognized her instantly, legend calls her Maleficent. If she was here it meant I was in deep trouble with Fate. Not the person named Fate, but Fate itself.

Hopefully it wasn't too confusing. There are two different characters in this story that you guys haven't met yet. Part 2 should be coming out tomorrow.

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I wasn't ready to face whatever sentence I got. There have been legends of Maleficent being left to avenge peoples death while giving the doer the same sentence the person who died had. Usually so much worse than that though. Driving them to the break of insanity while every dark secret they had kept suddenly seemed to come out. It was never a coincidence that these things happened before the person's death. Some say that Maleficent herself was a hybrid that wasn't meant to be born and was stuck with the role of carrying out judgement to those who used their powers incorrectly. It always depended though,if someone themselves had been a victim of incorrect power usage then they were spared. She always seemed to have a soft spot for people like that. It never made any sense until now.

The scar and eyes of course were legendary, but no one told me I was related to this thing!
Which meant that Astra was her mother, of course. The dangerous hybrid, the pity for victims,it all made sense now.
Perhaps even in the near future the thing was going to be born. It also meant that the next generation of Labelles would be living in a much more dangerous world. One without human's ignorance to keep them safe. Where even they had to run and hide. I smiled from the thought. How could I help it? Then suddenly it spoke.

"Alexander Brantley you are here by sentenced by the order of Fate."
I snorted.
It just continued.

"For trying to kill not one, but two powerful magic users."
"Wait what trying? I didn't succeed?"
It sighed.
"Please tell me he isn't that dumb, Watchers?"
No one answered.

"Due to your lack of intelligence not only have you almost ruined everything, but you have awaken a dead siren. Not only does this mean that she is going to make me have to do more work, but people are going to die. Not that you care."
"People die everyday. What do you mean dead siren, if it is alive?"
"These people aren't meant to die though. A dead siren is someone  who has lost their humanity. They pretty much go insane trying to avenge their deaths. You can't kill a siren though and due to the fact she is the strongest recorded I'm going have to do a lot of work."
"So?" I ignored the siren part, I didn't care.

"Those people weren't meant to die!"
She sound furious like I had personally had slapped her.
I smiled once I figured it out.

"Why does this have to do with me? Let me guess, did someone die? Maybe your mother?"
She winced.

She quietly spoke,"She didn't die, she just abandoned me."
She sounded a lot more deadly not screaming.
"I have offered you a deal, a kindness for you. Mercy must have told you she had seen the poison apple when she was a child. It was meant to be a warning from marrying you and a warning for her mother's safety. You weren't dumb, you know what poison apples meant at that time. A sign, a warning, and you did nothing. So you can eat it or I will leave you in this hole until you die, so be it."

All the sudden she did her thing and she was gone.

Some people just don't change and I never plan on it. So I ate the apple knowing that anyone who did indeed see me should be afraid. I had angered some powerful beings in my time. I smiled at the thought.
I felt nauseous and fell to the ground.

I curled into a fetal position and before I knew it all that was left was the ashes of the place that had been a great memory.

That's Alexander's end, if you guys would like to see Mercy's new family/happy ending I will make a part 3. I had intended for Alexander to be a good guy from the beginning, he just really was a terrible sim/character though.   :(

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 44, Part 3 - The End Of Mercy's Story
« Reply #152 on: December 31, 2015, 05:39:23 PM »
   I have been trying to write this and things keep messing up. Sorry if this is a little late. This will be the end of Mercy's story. You will probably not see her again though you might. I have to start focusing on the current generation.

Palms shaking I entered the password and hoped that it would work. When it didn't I was tempted to fall to the ground and give up. I had been chasing the past for so much I didn't know if I had given up my future. Chasing a hope to have my daughter back. Running into him. Seeing him get the justice he deserved. Seeing Gwen's still body that still haunted me. I counted how long I had been gone. When I could no longer count the months I was gone on my fingertips I went by years.

I sighed and with trembling fingers buzzed in. Of course, he picked it up.
"Hello? Who is this?"
I tried my best to answer back in a confident voice.
"Grace Kwa."
The gate slammed open in mere seconds.

Running like a child through the huge mansion I finally found them. Found my little girl and my husband. If he was willing to accept me back.

I marveled at how much she had grown, how much I had missed. It would never happen again.
Before I knew it I was swooped into a bear hug that I felt would crush me and kissed.

I hadn't even noticed the little dog that seemed to be everywhere these days.

She soon left, perhaps going to annoy more Labelles.

I told him everything and surprisingly he understood. I was bewildered. I had left for so long and didn't deserve it. Maybe he was reflecting on his own havoc past. He was held captive as an experiment to see how much power a werewolf could handle before they died. In the end it made him immortal though not without a heavy price. I guess the same for me. After my mother had talked to me on that stormy night I had found him and he had found me. We knew that our daughter maybe the one who would I have to pay a similar price. We had even legally changed our names and gotten new jobs. Soon we were at the top of them and in very high demand. Being a dynamic DNA profiler and a private eye. I had always wanted to do something in law enforcement.

We decided to take Clarissa to the beach where my life had seemed to finally piece together.

Clarissa looked so much like her father. Though she has my hair and is already showing signs of my personality. Oh, boy.

She loved Zane even when he seemed to be a dangerous monster.

I snuggled my little girl tight, afraid to lose her. I would try never to leave her again.

Before I knew it was night. I was just enjoying the time with my true family. I had missed them so much.

In the end your past doesn't define you. Your family's past doesn't define you. Your future is what truly defines you. For it holds your deepest desires and the knowledge that you thought you would never know. Stop chasing the past. Stop paying the price or the price will become you and threaten to take every piece of you. 

The End of Mercy's Story.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 44, part 3 - The End of Mercy's Story
« Reply #153 on: January 01, 2016, 01:49:50 AM »
*happy sobs* I'm so glad she's found peace at last!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 45, Part 1 - Stop Messing With Fate
« Reply #154 on: January 07, 2016, 09:13:12 PM »
The Future....
With trembling fingers Gwen clawed her way out of the Earth.Thats how it had felt when she first had the taste of power some many years ago. How only revenge and power seemed to run through her veins. It had been easy for her to let into it and even easier to revenge her own death. Her body had been randomly been dumped in the cemetery and no one had came. Maybe they didn't even know she was dead.  She closed her eyes shut and remembered her death. How merciless it had been done when the only person there for her was James. She already knew she had been playing with fire for along time. She hadn't realized that she was the fuel though.

Laughing her head off as she went through the Cemetery and spotting three new graves. There was a fourth one randomly placed by them, but she was no fool. When she had spotted the first two she had smiled. Someone had buried Vivian and John. Apparently they had forgotten how to swim and ended up with a watery grave. She wondered how that had happened. Not that she hadn't felt a twinge of guilt because of it, she did. Gwen just learned how to stop feeling. It was for the best.

She then spun around and saw the third grave. She hadn't noticed it before while she had been boasting in her accomplishments. Gwen had been sending Ben and Troy a message. This was theirs. If it was anyone else she wouldn't have cared. She would have just moved on. It wasn't though. It read as clearly as day. James. It had only his first name on it telling how he died. Drowning. What a terrible accident. It even said that he was dearly missed by his father. She stared at the tombstone for what seemed like hours. She couldn't process what it had meant. It meant nothing. He couldn't be, he wouldn't be dead. This was a cruel joke. Gwen started laughing that quickly turned into shrieking that turned into sobbing. It meant nothing. He wasn't dead. He couldn't be dead. Impossible. Some little voice told her he was dead and it wasn't a trick. It was a respond to her message. They were here. They were everywhere. They still had the power to hurt her.

She scooted back as far as possible and between sobs started screaming at it.
"Go away! You mean nothing! This isn't real!"
Her voice had been replaced by a eerie song.
"You mean nothing to me!"
"Just go away!"
She couldn't even finish what she had meant to say as her body broke into another round of sobs.
Sweet kind James. Who stood up to his father for her. Who bought her a Birthday cake. Who had been the light in the endless ocean of darkness. The only person Gwen had ever been sure she had truly loved.

Somethings are worse than death. Somethings you can't erase. They define who you are. Somethings you can't ever come back from.
"I'm so sorry James! I-I-I failed you. I'm a coward."
For the first time in years she had finally felt human. A stupid shriveling thing. James had been the only thing that had ever kept her human. Kept her  good. Without him she felt like nothing. She was nothing. She was a coward for getting revenge. She was a coward for never letting him know she was alive. She was a coward. She had sinked to the ground and stopped saying anything. She hadn't felt like saying anything. Best friend. Gone. Goodness. Gone.  All of it was gone. Suddenly she was that little girl again crawled up in the mausoleum trying to fight off her demons. She had become her own demon.  She had gone to visit Mercy. Trying to get Ben to come out of hiding. She hadn't known an immortal was so difficult to manipulate. Before the room had been set ablaze and Gwen was jumping into the water she remembered something Mercy had said. "
"I know it will take along time for you to wake up. You can change. Don't let this define you."
Why couldn't Gwen bring James back to life like she did? Why? Something about having to pay a much worse price. Apparently Mercy had seen whatever price her family had to pay for it in the future. How? She had said something about a person. Not that Gwen had cared. The message was clear as day when staring at his grave. Stop messing with fate. Somehow she knew John was going to somehow help save the world from itself and now Gwen had ruined it. Gwen had doomed it. She got up and started sobbing again.

Something rustled in the distance as an old cab slowly pulled up to the graveyard. She hadn't dared thought they would show up. She wiped the tears off her face.

"Troy, Ben. Age hasn't been kind to you has it?"
"Gwen, you know why we had to do it."
"No, I don't. Why don't you enlighten me with whatever excuse you have?" They said nothing.
"You stupid fools! You got rid of the only leverage you had over me!"
She started laughing uncontrollably. With a smirk she added,"Now its my turn to show you two how it feels."


Maleficent stared at the graveyard. What had happened moments ago had felt like a vivid dream. The future . She was also very determined to change it. Even though it hadn't happened yet in current time it would on the path Gwen was taking. That wouldn't do. Which mean she would have to mess with fate. She sighed heavily. She would not let the person who made her macaroni and cheese, who had been the father she had never known, die. Each price was inflicted onto a child of the 4th generation. The curse was for everyone born in the family though. She would be giving someone a much harder life by doing this, but she had been forced to carry the burden too. If she didn't fix this James would die. What Gwen had done after that would be recorded in history books while every member of her family was trapped until the 10th heir would be born. Maleficent sighed. She watched a child that looked about her age fish in the graveyard. Maleficent was definitely a strange child. Sometimes others saw her as an young adult, other times as a child. It really depended on what time of the life she was doing the job. She had the power to see everyones future, but her own. It was infuriating.

She had heard a rustle in the bushes nearby.
"Ben Brandon Labelle! How dare he do such a thing!"
"You never do that to anyone. Especially your own family!"
"You guys can come out of the bushes." Slowly, but surely Megan came out and sat by Maleficent.

"Is Brad still scared of me?"
Maleficent stared at the stone. Unbreakable. She had already seen so many things and people break.

Brad came up to them, chest puffed up. "I am not afraid of her!"
Maleficent smiled. "I guess you guys can stay. I have to focus on whats going on right now. I will also being seeing another Labelle's ruling that was in the past. You have been warned."
Brad winced at the mention of her ruling. She may be small, but she was dangerous and she was going to fix Gwen's mess for her.
Sorry for doing parts, its just easier on me and helps me to get these out faster. :)

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 44, part 3 - The End of Mercy's Story
« Reply #155 on: January 07, 2016, 09:14:20 PM »
*happy sobs* I'm so glad she's found peace at last!

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Glad to hear you liked the end of Mercy's story. The next chapter is depressing, but I promise you it will get better for Gwen and James. :)

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 45, Part 2 - Stop Messing With Fate
« Reply #156 on: January 10, 2016, 08:27:35 PM »
What has been happening with Gwen.........

One moment everything was still in the graveyard. A tiny grave dumped in the shadows of the grave had nothing written on it. No name, no family. Only the death date and the cause for death. No one expected flowers to grow around the grave, perhaps mourning the person who had been lost to this world. When the ground started rumbling with tremendous power the graveyard could no longer be counted on to be still. A trembling hand reached out of the grave and clawed at the Earth. What came of that grave was baffling. A decaying being making its way back to this world. Before the World could tremble at its reappearance the body quickly healed itself into something that was unworldly.

Indulging in the dangerous power that had somehow healed the creature, things turned for the worst. Sirens. Dangerous creatures that seemed power and revenge above anything else. Creatures that always caused death. Once gentle creatures abandoned to die.  They were slowly one by one killed. Staying true to their nature even after death they found a way to keep their nature going. Tempting a girl to reach for a book that wasn't hers, that couldn't be hers. In doing so the girl lost herself and doomed her whole family in the process. Who was this girl you may ask? Another tale for another time.

Gwen closed her eyes shut. No, this can't be happening. She was dead. She was suppose to be dead. Everything would have been easier if she was dead. No, she made a deal with a monster just to get back to the land of living. She was promise a new start. Apparently she would turn into a monster and seek only revenge and power above everything else at night. Gwen stared at her hands. Unnatural. Extremely Pale. No one had prepared her for her eyes though. Her hazel eyes were still there, but the creature standing before her was unworldly. With eyes that seem to hold thousands of oceans and seethed power. They also promised revenge for anyone or anything that dared to mess with this creature. Gwen had never trusted people. Her "guardian" set her standards for people pretty low. She couldn't figure out who she was thinking about or his name, but knew that something terrible had happened. She was done fighting the power that had threatened to consume her and let it just become her. The anger, the power, the promise of revenge. She was tired of letting her enemies win and tired of being a coward. She was ready to get revenge in any form necessary and was determined to start playing by her own rules. A smile slowly creeped up to her face. Oh, how the tables would turn tonight. When the dead girl suddenly had the power over her torturers.

It took forever for him to show up. Gwen had acted as a receptionist and told him that his father had died and they were burying him. Gwen regretted nothing. Something she hadn't noticed was how she could change her voice and change her appearance. Something new to learn everyday. A little voice in her head told me this wasn't her talking, this wasn't her at all. A trembling, weak, cowardly girl that still lived inside her reminded her of that. What was his name? She couldn't remember who her mind kept bring up and she didn't want to. He stopped by the wild flowers and took a moment to stare. Maybe he even knew his sister was buried there.

"Hello, John." She was taken back how eerie her voice sounded. It seemed like a warning for those who dared came to close to this unworldly creature. It sounded beautiful, it was beautiful, but in the end it should be avoided at all times. It was lethal, like a deadly poison that slowly killed.


His voice was thick with emotion. "Where is my father?"
Gwen just shrugged. "Not sure. I was hoping you could help me figure out."
He had a bewildered look in his eyes. "Aren't you dead?"
A pang of guilt hit Gwen. She wasn't sure why though. "Tell me where he is."
Gwen smirked as John spilled out everything he knew. She was glad her powers still worked. "I'm not sure where he is. One moment he was with Alexander and then he was gone."
Gwen sighed. "I guess you are only useful for one thing now. Follow me." John started following her in quick, robotic movements.

Before she knew they were at the ocean. "Okay John, jump into the water."
"What? Gwen, why are you doing this?"
Something erupted into her. Some part of her that was still there. "Do you even know what happened to me! I can't trust myself or anyone! I feel weak, I feel helpless, every waking moment! I couldn't even go back to my family! The one person I had relied on to save me from the nightmare called my life betrayed me!"
"Aren't you being a little melodramatic?" Johns eyes widen as surprised as the words left his lips. He never had meant to say them. Something else had made him say them. He couldn't even hear anything after that. His body became uncontrollable has he jumped into the water.

As he stared at Gwen with no emotion on her face, a question haunted him in his dying moments. What or who, is manipulating her?

Gwen should have been happy, she had gotten her revenge. All she felt was a strange hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach. She quickly ignored it. Next was Vivian.

"Hello, Vivian."
"She's manipulating you. I can see it in your eyes. My mother is using you as a pawn." Gwen could only sigh. She didn't care.

Gwen followed the same routine and at the of the day she had her revenge. It wasn't enough though. She wanted to get revenge not only on Vivian and send a message to Ben. She wanted to get revenge on Troy and Ben.

Some may ask what happened to Brad that made him go insane? Thats an excellent question. All that power? Only if he was cursed somehow by something or someone.

"Brad Labelle. Why did you kill Megan Labelle?"
Brad stared as the power disappeared from him. One moment he was in the room where Megan was dying and the next he was with this child.
He puffed his chest up. "I don't answer to children. That is my business."

"Your business? You have taken away a mother from her children! You have abused magic! For the sake of what? You had no purpose at all to do so!" Brad finally stared at the child and saw who they truly were. She was Maleficent. Only dealing with major cases in magic and a rare hybrid that at times was merciless. He had heard tales of her as a child, meeting her was one of his greatest fears. His eyes narrowed, she looked like that exchange student. Yet he saw Mercy's attitude in the small child. His eyes widened.
"Are you from the future?"

"I don't have to answer to you! To anyone!"
The child was deathly silent.
"Your power will be the death of you, Brad Labelle. You have killed a powerful magic user and in doing so have destroyed two of your children's life's beyond repair. One will get their happy ending, one may not. You better start changing Brad Labelle, death is not as kind to arrogant people as life is." With a whisk of the small child's hand he was gone.


Sorry for all the information I have thrown at you guys. I hope I haven't confused you guys too much. I know the updates aren't as frequent anymore, I just want to make sure the updates are the best. I'm also planning on trying to go on a stricter schedule so you guys can know when my updates come out. I have to save generation 1-4 to the exchange, and cycle out some of my old custom content. Also designing a new world for the next generation. I may or may not be starting another story with a different Labelle.  ;)

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 46 - Nightmare
« Reply #157 on: January 17, 2016, 08:45:49 PM »
I have been jumping back and forth in this story. So, in this chapter we will actually be hearing from James and another character in the present! (Throws confetti)  I think this was suppose to be after chapter 40.  I can't believe this story started off as a simple challenge and then became, well I'm not sure what to call it anymore. This has made the Sims so much more enjoyable for me though. Enough rambling!  :D

With an exasperated sigh I started writing. I wasn’t sure how in the end this was going to help or not drive me to insanity. I wasn’t sure I hadn’t reached that point anyways. The board was almost jammed-packed with information spilling out. It seemed like so little, but yet it was so much. It was the clues to finding him, and trying to figure out who the heck I was. Who was I? A foolish girl falling for a broken boy. I closed my eyes. No, it was never going to happen. I wasn’t stupid, I knew when someone was going to try to destroy me. The guilty looks, the half-smiles, and the reason. The reason was always good. “In the end we all get crushed by it.” I started laughing and quickly glanced around to see if anyone heard me.

I took a quick look at the information I had just written. Of course none of it made sense. I knew I was insane or at least I felt like I was. Does that count for something? I quickly started erasing, but then noticed an orange hair. I shook my head silently and thought nothing of it.

I sighed and ended up putting up my head in my hands. With a quick flip of my phone I called James.

He was never this late or was he? I kept twitching and fiddling. I was starting to despise myself though a little thought inside my head had told me I had despised myself longer than I thought. I cleared my thoughts. “My name is Raven and I am-”

I didn’t have time for even a simple answer back before there were beautiful flowers in my face. They were the most beautiful thing I had seen. Must have cost him a fortune. He must be feeling really bad about what was going to happen to me. In the end I suppose he was a good guy making a bad decision. I wasn’t sure exactly what was going to happen it was just always there. I guess you don’t know what I mean by that do you? I guess I could tell people's fear, he didn’t want to disappoint Gwen but seemed to always. I wanted to tell him I think she thought he was doing good and to stop beating himself up about it. He was crazy if he thought I would walk into his trap, though so was I.

I couldn’t help but blush when he twirled me around and kissed me. I got all flustered. I wasn’t sure why though. It wasn’t part of my plan. Love is such a broad term for such little things and I was determined to never waste such a word.

James paused his eyes widening. I finally got the courage to ask him what was bothering him. His simple answer was,”I just-you looked like someone. I don’t know who though.” Fine, he can figure that out while I tried to figure out who the heck I was. I mean that quite literally.Who were my parents? I was tired of fighting. I just wanted to forget my past and look forward to the future.
It seemed like the right choice, wasn’t it? I could stop living in fear, thrashing around in my sleep over dreams that haunted me. I didn’t want to anymore. Maybe I did have a choice after all. If I could just put the past all behind me then maybe he could too. I decided to forget the unmistakable horrors that haunted my every move and just danced along to the music, mesmerized by it.

He almost dropped me once, but that was about it. It was perfect, glorious, unimaginably great. What other words could I use to express it? Maybe I do have a flair for drama, but I hope it will pass. I want to stay out of the spotlight for as long as I can.


I felt extremely guilty. I was turning into my father, even though he never speaks of his past. He never speaks to me anymore. It seems after my only friend’s death he lost his temper for the moment. Good, I want him to stay away from me as far as possible. I stared at the tickets and smiled. After graduation I was getting out of here as quickly as possible. Not that I didn’t have any help from Charlie Labelle himself. He is a good person. I guess he was the only one not corrupted by the Labelles hunger for power. All the sudden she was there looking like she had seen all the evil the world had to offer. Maybe she had.

I did my best to comfort her, but she was inconsolable. It dawned on me that I could have turned on her right then and there, but I pushed the thought away. No. Since my father was gone with that neon-hair traitor, Ben. I ended up letting her stay at my house. I slept on the couch thinking that was something people were suppose to do if they had guests. Not that I knew. I had lived with him and these people who barged into my life. They didn’t get to count.

I had a feeling something bad was going on and I was in the middle of it.


 The eyes of the dead were staring back at me. Vivian’s, John’s it was strange. At least I thought they were dead. I didn’t know them. I didn’t want to. I wanted to blame them, for all that happened to me. I couldn’t though. It was my fault. I was sure I was hallucinating, but I still put on those stupid glasses anyways. If I had to see those eyes again I would screech.

Once I got “home” I stared at the whiteboard and stared. It finally all made sense to me and I was about to hurl the stupid eraser at the whiteboard.

I started laughing an uncontrollably sound so eerie I sure I was in a horror movie. I was going through hundreds, perhaps thousands of memories at that very moment. The laughter just seemed to get louder and louder. Then before I knew it turned into screaming. I sound full of so much sorrow I didn't know how I was still alive. I couldn't feel it at all though it seemed I was far away. Running from the threat. I acted like a robot for the following hours, not feeling, not reacting. If the whole ordeal wasn't so terrible I wouldn't have reacted to her.

"She's here!" I starting laughing again.
"Gwen Labelle, what have you done?"
"Maybe you should ask that question to someone who is well, sane."

She sighed before angrily screaming at me.
'You seem to be the only one around here who has a moral compass. Probably because of that boy."
"Mmhh, yeah I'm such a good person."
"No one said that darling."
"Thanks." I stared at her again how her voice seemed to be a silent promise for power, death, vengeance. Something I had wanted so badly, but now seemed so childish. Some people just need to learn how to grow up. Her unworldly eyes held millions of questions though, what had happened to her that made her the unworldly thing that was standing above me today?

"You will still have to pay the price even though you broke the deal."
"The deal is invalid."
"You broke it and now you will have to pay the price."
"What price?"
The creature started laughing.

"The worst thing that could happen for you, and you don't even know it. You should never let your fears take you over, you should become them. Overtake them instead."
"I have already become the thing I have dreaded."
It started laughing once again."You have no idea." Then with a wisp of her hand she was gone in spiraling bits of power.

Leaving me with all my questions still on my lips. It didn't matter though. At the moment I was numb, I was in denial.

One look at my new curly neon hair, made me want to burst into tears.
At that moment of my life I made a decision. I would clean my life up and never put James in my life again. If it happened without my doing then so be it.  I took a quick glance at my hair and instantly bile rises in my throat.

My life was in ruins or perhaps it had always been like that. I was pretty sure I wasn't sane. My life was a nightmare and I was the main diversion.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 46 - Nightmare
« Reply #158 on: January 17, 2016, 09:28:09 PM »
I can't believe this story started off as a simple challenge and then became, well I'm not sure what to call it anymore. This has made the Sims so much more enjoyable for me though.

Absolutely! I've been playing sims since at least 2002 or 2003 and playing the challenges made the game more fun for me, as free play can get dull after a while. Glad you're enjoying yourself too  :)

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 47, Part 1 - Proposals
« Reply #159 on: January 22, 2016, 07:58:24 PM »
After a difficult day of work all Astra wanted to do was go home. Before Astra knew it Christian stopped her.
"Why? I want to go home."
He took a deep breath while Astra tapped her foot impatiently. Before Astra knew it he was on his knee.
"You're going to ruin those pants."
He then pulled out a ring.

"Astra Hope Labelle, will you marry me?"
Astra just stared at him for a moment.
He started fidgeting.

"Of course I will, moron!" A grin crept up onto his face.

"You know you didn't have to insult me."
Astra grinned. "Then it wouldn't have been real."


Eveline decided that it was necessary for her to find a love interest. When Amelie saw him she throughly disapproved. Amelie whisked him away and gave him a proper makeover. She threw her hands up in the hair. "That's the best I can do."

Eveline kept texting him and even though he showed no interest in her.

Amelie decided to invite a potential love interest over. The voice had told her it was the right decision. He needed to be won over. It didn't work when Amelie tried to kiss him.

"No! I'm in a relationship with- His eyes became huge. "-Gwen!"  He then skirted into his car and drove off. Amelie's eyebrows furrowed and a frown crept it's way onto her face. The voice had told her this was not suppose to happen. It didn't matter anymore. It was time for her and Eveline's birthday.

Eveline's Outfits (Some of them did not save because Photobucket was being picky.)




*Sorry that was this was a short update and not much happened except the proposal.*

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 47, Part 1 - The Proposals
« Reply #160 on: January 22, 2016, 08:07:56 PM »

Absolutely! I've been playing sims since at least 2002 or 2003 and playing the challenges made the game more fun for me, as free play can get dull after a while. Glad you're enjoying yourself too  :)

I had to countlessly keep buying new content to keep enjoying the game. Now with challenges I notice I don't have to do that anymore. :)

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 47, Part 2 - The Proposals
« Reply #161 on: January 23, 2016, 12:52:43 PM »
Amelie's Outfits:




With a grin on her face Eveline couldn't help, but brighten everyone's day. Her's had been something amazing after all. She had found the one and he was out of this world. Quite literally.

She was surprised he wanted to date her of all people. She was a nobody after all. She hesitantly agreed.

She didn't know what to say about the ring though.

"Will you marry me?"
With a small smile she nodded her head.

She then ran into his arms.

They were married on the spot.

She then called her mother and told her all about it.
"Wait what? You got married?"
"Yes mom. I got married."

Amelie came stumbling in her pajamas.
"You're married? What!?"

"Ok. I need to go take a shower now. Congrats?"

They moved into a small house next door and started their lives.


She was losing her sanity. Every last bit of it was gone, she was sure of it. In the little time she was gone from reality she had found out some deadly truths about her family's past. Some that were never to be spoken of. She had found out about the origins of the power that ran through her veins and never though that such madness could exist. It did though and she was caught in the middle of it.

With a quick swipe of her phone she called her mother.
"Mom? Can you please help me?"

It would take her a long time to understand what was happening.  Somethings were meant to be kept hidden and never unraveled.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 48 - An Unexpected Guest
« Reply #162 on: January 23, 2016, 07:52:55 PM »
 Astra was never going to be a house wife. That was for sure. She sighed with relief when she hadn't burned the house down making pancakes. That was a first. She had managed to cause a huge mess though.

The one time she had tried to do laundry the washing machine overflowed.

Luckily, she was handy enough to fix the bathtub. She had made pancakes, attempted to do laundry, and fixed the bathtub before work. Mission accomplished.

She was distracted at work though.
"So I was thinking, would you like a small wedding or a big wedding? We will have to make sure that it is only family just incase some dead relatives decide to show up....."
"Astra, can you help me extinguish this fire?"
"Yes, of course. Maybe some roses? Roses are always nice..."

The only time Christian could get her to be quite for a few minutes is when she was reading a book for work. He finally could have a few minutes to himself when she was reading.

When the dead started showing up he was worried. Astra calmed him down.
"What some people call a ghost is only a glimpse of someone in the afterlife. It isn't actually them."
"How do you know this?"
"I was dead for awhile."
That shut him up. It had always been simple for him in Bridgeport. Even though a crazy immortal was running around causing havoc, rarely did people communicate with the dead or had been resurrected.

Amelie on the other hand had a gift for cooking. It was a strange thing because while her mother had almost always burned everything, she didn't.

She also had a determination for keeping her garden alive. Luckily, she hadn't killed any of her plants. Yet.

The only thing she couldn't get her head around was why Lakia hated her so much. Some say that dogs can see the true nature of someone though Amelie didn't believe them. The voice after all, had told her it was nonsense.

Lakia acted like she owned everyone and everything.

When Astra came home Amelie was desperate to talk to someone. She rushed up to her and started talking her ear off.
"How was work? Did you enjoy work? How does it feel to work with your fiancee?"
Astra sighed. "I'm going to go to bed. I hear Eveline is having a party, just go to that or something. Get out of the house."

Amelie stared at her curiously. What party? Why wasn't she invited? Amelie scurried out the door and headed for Eveline's house. She finally understood why she wasn't invited. Her father was there.

She approached him slowly but surely. She treated the situation like she was approaching a bomb that could go off at any sudden movement. When she saw the nervous smile on his face though she blew up.
"Why are you in my sister's house? You shouldn't be around any of my family at all!"
"I am your family though, and she invited me."
Amelie sneered at the thought. Her sister had despised him for many years for what he had done to his family and that was before Gwen died.

Ben met her eyes. "Amelie we all have fears. I think you no more than anybody that you are just as responsible for what happened to Gwen as I am." Amelie turned her back on him and lunged for the door. She knew in her heart that he was right. The voice reminded her that you should never let your fears take you over, you should become them. Overtake them instead. Amelie smiled at the thought. She knew what had to be done and wouldn't hestitate to do it.

2 updates in one day! I started rereading the Reaper's and that always makes me want to write more. If you guys are curious about the crazy immortal I mentioned, yes that is Majnun I am referring to. If you haven't read the Reaper's already I advise you too. I warn you though, you will become obsessed.  :)

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 48 - An Unexpected Guest
« Reply #163 on: January 24, 2016, 04:51:49 PM »
I'm finally all caught up here! Phew!
Oh man I'm all a tear-y eyed! I was really feeling poor Mercy's story there for a while. That's a lot to take in and I'm still reeling.

Also, I'm a little emotional that I got more than one mention! Majnun takes full credit, of course. ;) I'm really liking Gwen too, and please don't let anything bad happen to poor Astra - leave her be! Let her have her vampire love (who's busy dealing with the crazy that's running around Bridgeport - whom I have *no* idea who you are talking about >.> <.< heh). I'm super excited to see where this goes from here. I'll be reading! :D

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 48 - An Unexpected Guest
« Reply #164 on: January 27, 2016, 08:59:39 PM »
I'm finally all caught up here! Phew!
Oh man I'm all a tear-y eyed! I was really feeling poor Mercy's story there for a while. That's a lot to take in and I'm still reeling.

Also, I'm a little emotional that I got more than one mention! Majnun takes full credit, of course. ;) I'm really liking Gwen too, and please don't let anything bad happen to poor Astra - leave her be! Let her have her vampire love (who's busy dealing with the crazy that's running around Bridgeport - whom I have *no* idea who you are talking about >.> <.< heh). I'm super excited to see where this goes from here. I'll be reading! :D

Thanks LivvieLove! You wrote a wonderful story, you deserve the mention.  ;D  Why would you think anything would happen to Astra's vampire love?  :-X  Just going to be truthful here, almost every vampire I have ever had died from thirst.....