Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 154935 times)

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 35 - Monster
« Reply #120 on: September 09, 2015, 08:30:06 PM »
"The greatest monster you may face may not be your enemy, but yourself."

Today started out like a normal day, I was dancing to the old thing and eating my endless amount of chips. James always made sure I had a lot of chips. Never in my worst dreams would I imagine this was the beginning of my worst nightmare.

All the suddenly I saw James peeking down from the ladder.
James - "Come up! Dad's not home!"

I went up the ladder and looked twice when I got up, even though I knew he wasn't home. It was best to stay away from his wrath.
When finally we got to the living room I saw a cheap T.V glowing brightly in the dull living room. I plopped down on the brown sofa. James was microwaving cheap popcorn. I couldn't help but laugh.
Gwen - "No chips today?"
James shrugged his shoulders. James - 'I thought we could try something new."
Gwen - "Nerd."
He grinned like a fool.
Gwen - "Which movie are we watching today?"
James - "Something stupid."
Gwen - "I thought so, you are a boy after all."
James - "Hey, that really hurts my feelings, due to the fact girls have cooties."
I got really red in the face.
Gwen - "That is not true!"
James - "Cooties!"
He was laughing so hard I thought he was going to stop breathing.
Gwen - "Just put the movie in."
We sat there eating cheap popcorn and watching some stupid movie. I almost felt like a normal kid.
Gwen - "Well that was-
James - "-crap."
We started giggling like 5 year olds.
Gwen - "I wish I could go outside and drive a car."
James - "Well, why can't you?"
Gwen - "What?"
James - 'Why can't you go outside?"
I felt dumbfounded. What was going on inside his head?
James - "Dad won't be home until tomorrow night. If you come back than he won't except anything."

I gave him a hug.
Gwen - "I could really go somewhere? Really?" I nearly squealed.
James - "Sure. I'm the boss till he gets back."

Gwen - "Thanks James! I'll be back!"
I carefully walked out of the house because I was scared of the world. Who knew what the real world held, maybe rapid dogs that could bite someone's legs off?

Before I knew it my legs were taking me to a blue brick house. I couldn't figure out why I was here and was about to turn back when I heard shouting. I ducked into the nearest flower bush and stared at the stars.
I gathered my courage to stare into the glass door. A teenage girl was fighting with her father, though he looked strange. Neon hair and eyes that seemed to change colors. He reminded me of someone. I stared at my hair and mad a little yelp with joy. I found dada! I kept staring at that old rocking chair just about to walk into the scene when the girl made a mad dash for the door.
I quickly watched as dada ran after her.

I stared at the house sleepily and before I knew it I fell asleep in the flower bushes. When I finally woke up my hair was caked with dirt and mud. It took me a hour to get the mess out. Once I got out of the flower bush it clearly looked crushed by somebody. Oh, well they probably won't know it was me. I remembered hearing about a beach on T.V and ran around the city before I found it. I was screaming with joy. I loved the ocean. I had never been near water and felt energized. I was deep in thought and I didn't see her. All the suddenly she saw my neon hair and screamed my name.

Not knowing what to do I followed the sound of the voice before I saw a red-headed teenager.
Before I knew it the words were out of my mouth.
Gwen - "Astra?"
I stood there statue like before figuring out my next move.
Gwen - "Astra, you need to leave and not tell anyone you saw me."
Astra - "Why? We can help you-"
Before I knew it I was screaming.
Gwen - "-Stay away! I have people I need to protect and that won't help if you go snooping-"
Astra - "-Gwen we can help you! We can get whatever kid and his father got you-"
She mentioned James and threatened him. I just exploded.
Gwen - "-Leave James alone! Better yet, go drown Astra!"
I hadn't meant the words literally.

The moment I said that she turned into an emotionless robot and started moving towards the water. I watched, gawking.

Maybe this was just a joke? When she went farther out that is when I started screaming.
Gwen - "Astra, no! I didn't mean it, get your butt back here!"

She wasn't listening and kept going down and gasping for breath.
I started sobbing. Gwen - "Astra please stop! I-I didn't mean it!"

She looked at me one more time before she went under and didn't come back.
I stared at her, trying to figure out what just happened. Before I knew it, I was running through a graveyard.
I opened the large door to the dead people place and stared. I curled into a ball hoping it was all a bad dream. I knew it wasn't though, I was a monster.

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 34 - Allies
« Reply #121 on: September 09, 2015, 08:34:11 PM »
I just wanted to say thanks for over two thousand views! I know I have had lots of grammar mistakes here and there and my writing hasn't always been extremely good. I have also annoyed some watchers and moderators with my questions, I admit it.  ;D  Special thanks to everyone who has viewed this and commented, I really do appreciate it.  :D

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 35 - Monster
« Reply #123 on: September 13, 2015, 05:49:10 PM »
Gwen is a survivor.  :)

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 36 - Awkward Teenager Stuff
« Reply #124 on: September 13, 2015, 09:14:09 PM »
After debating whether I was sane or not I went back "home." James was about to say something, but when he saw my face it stopped him.
Gwen - "Don't ask."       
Right then Jame's dad burst into the room griping a broken phone. He looked angry and shocked.
James's dad - "Get in the car you two."
It wasn't his usual snobby voice. It was the sound of a scared boy.
James and I stared quizzically at him before James spoke.
James - "Okay."
We all hopped in the car right when we saw a glimpse of someone, a blonde female being escorted by a red-head.
James's dad ordered James to pull out a map. Apparently we were going somewhere called "Moonlight Falls."
We arrived at a small log cabin with huge trees surrounding us. It didn't have that tropical feel that Dragon Falls had though. I felt claustrophobic without seeing the beautiful ocean. James's dad lurched me quickly out of my thoughts.
"Get inside. Both of you. Quickly."

We plopped down on an ugly couch. My braid was all messed up and I wasn't happy. James's dad following quickly behind us and sat on a chair.

Jame's dad - "I don't know what happened you two and I have a feeling I don't want to know. Gwen, you are a foreign exchange student staying with us. Do both of you understand me? Gwen stay here. James go do something useful with your life."
I almost thought he was maybe a decent person.

When James had cleared out the room that's when Jame's dad started talking.
I barely heard his question.
"Did you accidentally kill someone, Gwen?"
I didn't meet his gaze.
He sighed deeply. "I thought so, I just hoped you didn't. We all seem to make stupid mistakes. How you let you them define you is your choice. Don't be stupid Gwen. Don't end up like me."
I felt sorry for him then, I knew their was more to him that met the eye.
"We better get your hair cut, dyed and get you some contacts. Don't worry, it's not that hard to make someone look different."
Gwen - "What happened to you?"
It was such a simple question, though it seem to anger him.

"Megan, she messed up my life!"
I looked quizzically at him not knowing what he was talking about.

"Stop asking stupid questions you monster!"
Once my hair was cut and dyed and I had contacts on, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked average, and it was not something I liked. My hair made my nose look bigger.

"You look way too much like her you stupid savage, get out of my sight!"
I scattered away as quickly as my legs could take me.
Later thinking about it I smiled. I was going to go to school and most importantly I could have a new beginning here!

I walked up to James and hugged him. He was only a year older then me, though he seemed so tall! At school they ask me if we're related I usually snapped at them and told them no. I couldn't figure out why it bothers me so much.

James - "Happy birthday Gwen!"
Gwen - "Thanks James, I'm worried about the homework though."

James - "Gwen, it really isn't that bad."
Gwen - "Whatever, you are a straight A student."

James - "I don't think anyone could be better then Amelie!"
We both snickered, Amelie is, well, this girl who doesn't try in school and is proud of it.

Gwen - "So, are we having chips?"

James - "Not this time Gwen. Cake. Real cake, I saved up money to buy it for you."
Gwen - "Thanks, James!"

I was so happy. I quickly ran up to the cake and blew out my candles.

I looked up at my hair.

Gwen - "Darn it! I wanted to have blonde hair!"
James of course, laughed at me.

I was happy that my nose wasn't so big anymore! Yes!
James and I grabbed a piece of cake. When we were half way through gobbling it down, he spoke something unintelligible.

Gwen - "What?" I somehow managed to speak through a mouth full of cake.

James - "Manners, Gwen!" He smiled so I knew he was kidding.
He pulled out two tickets to "Sunlit Tides."
I was so shocked that my hand went through the table.

I then pulled him in for a hug.

Gwen - "I love you James! You are the best person ever. We can go to the spa or explore volcanoes!"
James - "That's nice Gwen, but please let me breath."
Gwen - "Oops. Sorry, James!"
Jame - So, let's leave today!"
I seemed to remember something that was happening tonight.
Gwen - "I can't sorry. I have to go to. I think her name is, Astra's, funeral.The Labelle's buried her today."
James - "Why, Gwen?"
Because I killed her I added silently.
Gwen - "I just need to."
James - "Okay."
That's what I liked about James, he didn't question me about things. I suddenly released how awkward it was when I said I loved him. Crap! I'm turning into those weird awkward teenagers! No!

Gwen - "Bye, James."
James - "Bye."
I ran out the door quickly trying not to think of how weird life is.

Neither did James nor I release how messed up our fragile worlds were going to become.

I thought the title was good coming from Gwen's perspective, the next chapter may take a bit more time than usual.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 36 - Awkward Teenager Stuff
« Reply #125 on: September 14, 2015, 03:34:07 PM »
Gwen is quite the lovely teenager. She could pull off the black hair look, but I like the multi-colored hair better  ;D

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 36 - Awkward Teenager Stuff
« Reply #126 on: September 16, 2015, 08:49:35 PM »
Gwen is quite the lovely teenager. She could pull off the black hair look, but I like the multi-colored hair better  ;D

She's an awesome sim and I have grown to love Megan's hair. :)

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 37 - Betrayed
« Reply #127 on: September 17, 2015, 08:45:53 PM »
When the taxi dropped me off at the cemetery I hadn't had a clue what to do. Then I saw it. I saw a young women sobbing the loss of Astra. Judging by the scars on her face she's been through a lot of crap. Great. Just great. I had to make Astra drown!

I was so utterly despised by myself that I almost didn't see what happened.

All the suddenly the redhead started saying some sort of spell and then a hand popped out of the ground.
All the suddenly Astra was alive and hugging the redhead.

I started crying because I was so happy someone fixed my mistake. I quickly cleaned my face and walked home. I was dragging my feet. Not wanting to go back to the real world yet.

When I walked into the house I saw several people. I quickly considered running to the bathroom and dyeing my hair like I was suppose to do when James's dad was working. It was to late to do anything. Besides, they had company.
Gwen - "Hi, James's dad. Is this your f-friends?"
He seemed scared. No, terrified. I glanced from one corner to the other.

Before I could register all the people she begin to speak.
Vivian - "She reminds me so much of my sister! With that stupid neon hair, though she got decent eyes from my mother."
I registered the face, not sure who she reminded me of. When I kept staring at her the more I seemed to know. She was here for revenge because of envy.

Vivian - "Great, then you understand my motives."
She jerked me out of my thoughts.
Gwen - "What?"
She sighed as if I asked a stupid question.
Vivian- "I have a unique gift - I can read people's minds."
I turned around to hear where the voice came from.

Ben - "Mom was human though."
The blonde's eyebrows furrowed.
Vivian - "As I was explaining we both had unique gifts."
What! I stared at my father trying to figure out what happened and hoping he wouldn't get hurt.
Vivian - "Thank you Ben for willing to turning in your daughter, who knows who else she could've killed. Though you have most certainty given her a death sentence."
Alexander - "She got away with killing my daughter!"
I seemed to somehow know his motives for being here. He didn't give a crap about his daughter. He just wanted to anger his ex-wife. Stupid.
I got a quick look from the blonde. She ignored the redhead and continued talking to my father.
Vivian - "Though I can't thank you enough for giving me your family's address and leading me to Gwen in my goal to get rid of all Megan's descents. Not very loyal. You reminds of your father, Brad. He was so willing to take my call and get rid of Megan."
Blonde seemed to laugh a little, I still didn't have no clue what was happening. Death sentence? Is she the police or something?
Before I knew it my hands were betraying my thoughts and they started trembling.
I was very confused and I slowly backed up and hid behind James like a five year old.
I whispered to James. "What's happening?"
He quickly answered back. "I have no idea."
Vivian - "Let me explain dear Gwen. My mother is Azure Amazon. My sister was next in line for the throne and had a special gift. She could break the laws of death and life. She suddenly started bring back tribe members from the dead. She never had to pay the price for her power then. One day, she raised someone from the dead that wasn't meant to be alive. Isn't that right, Troy?"
James's dad looked very uncomfortable.
"That seems correct, majesty."
Vivian - "Glad to here you didn't forget how to treat royalty, slave. Anyways she took away something that was mine. In return she ran away from her home and decided to get rid of her gifts." Blonde shivered as though that was the most terrible thing. "In return she cursed her family, it wasn't your fault Alexander. It was my sister's."

"10 Generations full of tragedy.You're family has cheated life itself. The Labelles's now have to pay for what your family has done, only the tenth generation of Labelle's can fix what you have done."

"That's referring to her and anyone else who has gifts and gets rid of life or brings it back and changes fate. I'm assuming, Mercy and you? Thank you for providing that excellent information for me Gwen. You can also stop calling me blonde. I have a name,Vivian."
Vivian - "Anyways, to answer your question we are here to sentence you for Megan's crimes against the tribe. Isn't that what we do with criminals, right Margaret?"
I stared at the lady next to her and quickly looked up at Jame's, his face was full of rage.
James - "Mother, what do you and Vivian plan to do?"
Margaret looked very uncomfortable.
Right then Vivian cut in.

Vivian - "Troy, I can't believe you taught your son to treat royalty like trash!"
I was getting sick of her very quickly. My eyes met dad's, begging him for a real answer to what was going to happen. That's when Vivian turned to me.

Vivian - "Gwen, you are a stupid creature. You are a stupid Siren not meant to happen, in the end you killed someone and caused more drama then you are worth."
I felt my eyes tear up for the second time today and saw that Vivian had a smug look on her face. That's when James exploded.
James - "Shut up! Gwen is not a monster. You are! Coming into my father's home and insulting him! I don't care that you think you are royalty!"

He didn't stop even when Vivian tried to interrupt.
James - "Just leave us alone! Gwen, run!"
I didn't have anytime to think why he told me to, I jerked open the door and began running down the street hoping James would be following quickly behind.
Vivian - "Alexander, go get her."

Before I was even out of the house's sight is when my dad caught up to me.

Ben - "Gwen!"

Gwen - "Let me go, if I stay I'm going to die."
Ben - "I know."
The red picked me up and all the suddenly I started screaming random crap I though I didn't know.
Gwen - "Ben! Ann will never forgive you betraying me! Alexander, Mercy will never trust you!"
Alexander - "Shut up!"
Ben just followed silently while I felt hurt, anger and betrayal.
I was thrown into a room. I paced back and forth in till I heard Jame's voice.
Jame - "Gwen! Gwen!"
I wasn't thinking straight.
Gwen - "James, leave!"
I heard someone leave the door. Great, the last thing I'm going to say to him. I'm as good as dead.
I sank on my knees hoping for a way to get out of this mess. Monster! I stifled a scream hoping that whatever my fate was going to be, it would be quick.

I paced a little in till I started sobbing. I was angry and betrayed by one of the people I thought loved me. My family!
I was on the ground screaming my head off. My body went numb and I knew I was dead.

I sighed deeply as Alexander took the body of my daughter.
I thought my dad was bad.

Ann - "Ben you're home! Wait, why aren't you happy?"
I stifled a sob.
Ben - "Ann, I found Gwen."
Ann - "What?"
Ann looked at Alexander.
Ann -"What happened to her Ben?"

That's when the screams started, the exact same one of Gwen's.
Though it was coming from the wrong person, it was coming from Astra.

It was a long chapter though I wanted to do my best, the story gets better. This is needed for the plot.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 37 - Betrayed
« Reply #128 on: September 21, 2015, 04:09:27 PM »
Betrayed doesn't even begin to cover it for poor Gwen! Looking forward to what happens next.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 37 - Betrayed
« Reply #129 on: September 23, 2015, 09:47:49 PM »
Betrayed doesn't even begin to cover it for poor Gwen! Looking forward to what happens next.

I definitely have to say Gwen is a victim in this situation. Glad to hear you're looking forward to what's happening next. :)

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 38 - Tricked
« Reply #130 on: September 24, 2015, 11:35:32 PM »
Sorry for the late update! This is a sad update, just warning you guys ahead.
I could dimly hear John screaming at Mercy and blaming her for what's happening. It's not her fault, that I somehow can see peoples deaths or exactly who killed them for that matter. I hadn't been able to materialize fire anymore and it was only a matter of time before I started having trouble with magic when I stepped into the living realm again. I managed to speak weakly.
Astra - "Both of you be quite, I'm focusing on what I'm suppose to see." That shut them up pretty quickly. I didn't know I could see peoples's deaths, but hey, I did learn a trick or two in the heavens about magic.

All the suddenly my voice changed.
"You didn't have to do this dad! Ann will never forgive you! Alexander, Mercy will never trust you! If you dare lay a finger on James-"
Agonizing screams started coming out of me. "-No! This isn't suppose to be happening! I'm suppose to be dead! Don't let them have me again!"
Sobs started coming out me as I layer in a shriveled ball. When I finally came to conscience I knew there would be a heap of questions waiting for me. Mercy and John stared at me in horror.
Astra - "Both of you, d-don't say a word. Play the game and act like you don't know what happened to Gwen." I knew I had to keep my mouth shut because there was something much more dangerous happening then the betrayal of Ben and Alexander. While I was trying to get a grip on the little sanity I seem to have I listened to the commotion outside.

Ann - "Ben Brandon Labelle! What have you done, you! I was happy, the children were happy and then-"I could tell she was close to sobbing again.

Ann - "My poor, sweet baby."
Alexander frowned.
Alexander - "She was a lot worse when we first found her."
Ann started laughing hysterically.
Ann - "You know what? This is all a crazy dream! I mean, Alexander's dead! Astra didn't get raised from the dead!"
Alexander pushed by Ann and laid Gwen gently on John's bed.

Ann - "She looks s-so peaceful."

I looked at John and saw him staring at her in sorrow.
Ben - "Astra,I heard a young girl screaming. Where is she?"
I knew he was asking how I started screaming in Gwen's voice in a way that wouldn't tip off he was one of the accomplices.
I knew I was not playing the game, but I was tired of it already. My "dad" being there just fueled my anger.
I looked Ben straight in the eyes.
I started talking smoothly.
Astra - "I can't summon fire anymore so somehow I got a new power, the power to see someones death and what happened before it."
Ben and Alexander jerked up a little. I guess they thought their dirty secret would stay hidden.
Alexander started mocking me.
Alexander - "Well isn't that a useful skill to have! Bravo! You won't do anything about it though, will you? Just like your mother!" He spitted out the last words like venom.

I was beyond showing him my respect.
Astra - "Alexander Brantley! You think I haven't seen what you have been doing with your life? You have been accompanying Vivian Amazon. You have been following her orders all the way up to almost killing Mercy!-"
Alexander - "Respect for ad-"

Astra - "Let me tell you, Alexander, it gets even better! I can't believe that you stood by Vivian thick and thin, even when you had to pose as a doctor to mess with Mercy! You've always wanted your revenge for what? A loving, faithful wive that was driven by some much guilt when you died that it took several years for her to recover. Of course you were alive and didn't give a crap about her or your daughter! Bravo to you Mr.Brantley!"
I was literally spitting out the words.

Alexander - "I don't recognize you as my daughter anymore."
Astra - "Good because I was never wanted to be recognize as your daughter in the first place."
Alexander - "Mercy did you teach her to treat people like this?"
Ann - "You mean taught her how to stand up for herself? Yeah, I guess Mercy and I did. Though Astra, you shouldn't usually snap at adults."
No one realized it was Kaleb's birthday.

I heard Kaleb running up the stairs and into John's room. Though he looked different, red hair and yellow eyes like Ann's. While, I was trying to piece it together Ann started panicking about it.

Ann - "Kaleb go dye your hair and put your contacts in! You know we can't let the curse think that Gwen's the only heir."
She then abruptly turned and saw our faces full of shock. So, Gwen was the only real heir!
Kaleb - "I'm done tricking people! I'm not the real heir ma!"
Kaleb then ran out the door and bolted down the street. Man, he stole my signature move. Ann was so overwhelmed by everything she didn't even glance his direction when he ran off. I'm sure he will get in trouble later though.

No one said anything for awhile and stared at the dead girl on John's bed. What did she mean she's not dead? She looks dead.
Mercy reached into hug Ann.

Mercy - "I would have done the same thing. I'm sorry for all you've been through."
Ann just sobbed like a little child in her mothers arms.
Ben spoke again after staying silent throughout the whole thing.
Ben - "I think we need to bury Gwen."
Ann had enough happening to her and she was broken.
Ann - "Okay Ben. Do what you want to do. Just don't bother me okay? I would like to have five minutes with my daughter."
I didn't exactly know what happened, but I saw a silver locket around Gwen's neck that wasn't there before. I wanted to burst out crying.
Alexander and Ben carried her to the family plot and buried her next to a tree. At least, that's what I heard.
Ben was standing over his little girl's grave.Traitor, you're just like Brad! I think Brad was beginning to look like a saint compared to himself. He probably would win "The Worst Father Of The Year" award. Maybe he and Alexander would tie for that position. It seemed like a thousand years ago Ben had accepted Alexander into his family. Worst. Mistake. Ever. Alexander had contributed to the biggest mistake in his life. Ben knew that he was the only one to blame was himself, but he wanted to blame someone, anyone except him for his mistake. Maybe I will go crazy like Brad. Ben stifled a laugh.

Ben - "How could you?"
Alexander - "How could I what?"

Ben - "How could you make me do that!"
Alexander - "That was your choice, Ben!"
I slumped down defeated while Alexander was talking to Vivian.
Alexander - "Vivian, Astra knows about what really happened to Gwen and about you. No, she's not dead anymore. She may tell the rest of the Labelle's.
No one noticed the hand reaching out of the freshly dug grave.

Vivian - "James why are you so sad?"

James - "Shut up! You killed Gwen!"

Vivian - "You'll be on my side, once you realize the girl is dead for good.
If only she knew.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 38 - Tricked
« Reply #131 on: September 25, 2015, 04:31:43 PM »
I just wanted to clarify some confusing links.  :D

Gwen died in Betrayal.

Kaleb was never the real heir, I thought it may be an interesting twist. No one really knew what to do when Kaleb ran off, the situation was overwhelming.

Any other questions are free to be asked, so sorry for the confusion.  :D

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 38 - Tricked
« Reply #132 on: September 27, 2015, 04:53:25 PM »
Poor Kaleb! He was forgotten all this time  :'( It was a good twist to find out that he wasn't an heir.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 38 - Tricked
« Reply #133 on: September 30, 2015, 08:57:23 PM »
Poor Kaleb! He was forgotten all this time  :'( It was a good twist to find out that he wasn't an heir.

Sorry to pull that twist, it would've made some things obvious.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Computer Issues
« Reply #134 on: September 30, 2015, 09:18:45 PM »
Another roadblock, yet again. On Friday when I was about to update my charger got extremely hot, like taking a pan out of the oven. Though, since Apple chargers get hot I thought it was normal. When my computer stopped charging I noticed my mac-charger port was burned. Apparently it's a rare thing, just great. I called and they said " some debris got into it." I just cleaned it out though, after later testing it out I found a crucial spring was missing and the buildup of heat caused one of the needles to burn my mac. I'm getting  a free charger from Apple and hoping the charger will fix the issue and the burn is just cosmetic. That or another phone call with Apple and repairs! Either way, whether I have to get a new computer and remake the characters the story will go on. It might be a delay, in the story though, maybe even 2 months. Though the motherboard works and it still turns on so I'm hoping for the best! It's a rare case and a lot of employees were shocked about it, though I still adore my Mac. PC's are starting to look better than before though....