Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 155425 times)

Offline mpart

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Poor Ben  :( He finally gets a lady friend and she dies of hunger. Well, I guess that's a vampire for you...

Yeah, seemed to have trouble with girls.   :( All the sims were starving at University, it was insanity.

Offline mpart

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This is hilarious. I don't remember ever seeing so many stinky sims.

LOL, it seems like none of the people at University remembered to take a shower. My sims were always about to pass out or late to class if they took a shower it seemed.

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Offline mpart

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I stood there looking at the clock. Was she going to show up? She was exactly 5.34502985 minutes late! Luckily she showed up.
My palms were sweaty. I had to ask. I had to. It had been something I had been wanting to do since University.

Ben - "Ann, will you go on a date with me?"

Ann -" Finally! It took you long enough! Yes!"

Man, I have never notice how beautiful she is.

I took her to a garden. Girls like flowers, right?

Before I knew it, I was kissing her. Why does this keeping happening?

I was waiting for lecture about how terrible of a person I am, but instead I got different results.

I knew right then and there, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.
I asked her go steady, thank God she said yes!

Let's just say she finds me irresistible.

I pulled out my mother's ring. The delicate diamond ring was a bit outdated, but it still came with the original box.

Ann - "Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"

Mercy though it was a bit to normal for her taste.

Mercy - "Yeah, yeah Ben. That's nice. Now I'm going to go take a nap."

Offline mpart

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I redid Ben's room.

I love it!
I went out of my comfort zone when doing Ann's makeover, so I don't exactly know if it's good or not.
I gave her some contacts.  :)







Little did they know somewhere else someone was proposing again.  :D

Brad - "Marry me, again?"
Megan - "It's so beautiful! Oh, um I mean, yes!"

They had a simple wedding in Heaven, no big wedding dress.

I took a deep breath, today was the day. Today I would marry the man of my dreams. I couldn't stop staring at my ring, it was beautiful!
It was his mother's, a gorgeous diamond in the center of gold. We decided to write our own vows.

Ben - "I, Ben, promise never to electrocute you o rlock you in a room to die. I will love you even when death does us apart, and will take care of you in sickness and health, poor or rich."
I couldn't help but giggle at the electrocute part, he was a neurotic sim after all.
Ann - "I, Ann, promise to take care of you in sickness and health, to honor you and love you even when death does us apart."

May you both keep your vows.

They didn't realize trouble is on the arisen.
"10 Generations full of tragedy, you're family has cheated life itself, the Labelle's now have to pay for what your family has done, only the tenth generation of Labelle's can fix what you have done."

Alexander (screams) - "What do you mean?"

I knew exactly what it meant, my family had been every occult type and gone against the laws of nature, now Mercy's family must pay for my family's fault.

Offline mpart

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I just want to say thank you for 900 views!  ;D

Offline Malley

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Finally! Ann didn't shoot down the advances :) She turned out really pretty. Looking forward to what's going to followthaat mysterious ending...

Offline mpart

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Finally! Ann didn't shoot down the advances :) She turned out really pretty. Looking forward to what's going to followthaat mysterious ending...

She took forever, but it turned out all right. Thanks! I guess you will just have to read the next chapter.... :-X

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Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 19 - Don't Play With Fire
« Reply #67 on: July 19, 2015, 04:00:37 PM »
"Tick, Tock goes the clock!"(Insane Laughter)

Doctor 1 - "What a fascinating patient, (sips coffee), to be kicked out of 10 faculties for scaring the other patients!"
Doctor 2 -" Fascinating indeed,( sips coffee), the question is, who's the patient?"
I stared out the window. I was confused. Why would this happen? Why now when my life was finally good?

Ann - "Ben! What did you put in those waffles!"
Ben - "Just the usual stuff, what's that matter?"
Ann(cries) - Just leave me alone, oh, and make me cake piled with whipping cream and chocolate and ice cream...."
What's wrong with women these days?
I knew what I had to do. I had to protect Mercy, how, I don't exactly. I know as long as I'm in her life it's only going to get worse, maybe I caused her mom to die. I took a deep breath. I knew what I had to do, divorce her. As long as she doesn't know about the curse maybe I can keep it away from her.
Alexander - "Mercy, can you come down here?"
Mercy - "Okay, why?"
I wiped away a tear, it was better she didn't like me then her to die.
Alexander - "Mercy, were over!"

Mercy(sobbing) - "Whaat, what?"

Alexander - "You're going to stay down here until I can figure out what to do with you."
I didn't know what I excepted, but instead of fear I saw pure determination in her eyes."
Mercy - "Fine."

I would never get used to the idea of divorce. We weren't fighting at all, where did I go wrong? I blame the curse or my own ignorance for not seeing there was clearly something wrong. What was going to happen next? Just the thought of being in this room made be nauseous.

Though a lot of things made me nauseous these days.

You know what's the one of the most terrible feelings in the world?
Waiting for your fate to be decided at the hands of someone you thought you knew.
Though you clearly didn't and your finally seeing them the way they are.
Alexander - "I'm back."
Mercy - "Alexander," I said smoothly,"how have you decide to get rid of me?"
He seemed to stumble at that but quickly regained his wording,"Someone taught me how to get rid of Labelles, fire."
I know he saw the fear in my eyes.
Brad - "No!"
Megan - "We can't stop him, it's fate."
I was going to die the same way my mother did. it was cruel to bring back a memory so horrid, a memory I was now going to have to relive.
Mercy - "Fine. Do it."
The shock in his face was genuine, for once. What I was not expecting was that fire actually did show up.

Mercy(sobbing) - "W-Why?"
Alexander - "Oh Mercy, don't play that game like your mother did."
Pure anger arose at of me. I did something most people would die from. I stepped into the fire and didn't feel anything. I knew then that the thing I was trying to deny my whole life was helping me.
Mercy - "Oh dear Alexander, didn't you ever learn not to play with fire?"
I took one step out of the fire.

Mercy - "Especially when your dealing with a witch that's immune to fire!"
He went through many emotions in that moment, shock, amazement and one I will regret the rest of my life, fear.
I don't think he was excepting the fireball that came his way.

Mercy - "You should stop underestimating me."

All my bravo was gone. I could hear the grim reaper coming and when he did I saw pity in his eyes. I did something I would regret.

Something I would have to live with my whole life.
I ran quickly up to Charlie.
Mercy - "Charlie!"
Charlie (crying) - "Yyes?"

Charlie never cried, not even when mom died.
Mercy - "There's a fire, you better go call the firefighters."
I ran for the nearest taxi.
I tossed him a 100 dollar bill.
Mercy - "Drive to the nearest gas station."
The owner found me screaming on the floor and took me to the hospital.

8 months later; I live now with regret, guilt and fear consuming me.
People should stop playing with fire, it could destroy them.
Like it did to me.

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 19 - Don't Play With Fire
« Reply #68 on: July 19, 2015, 04:16:07 PM »
Thank you guys for 1,000 views!   ;D You people are awesome for viewing this!

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 19 - Don't Play With Fire
« Reply #70 on: July 22, 2015, 03:19:48 PM »
Oh my goodness, poor Mercy! That was such a sad chapter  :'(

Congrats on 1000 views  ;D

Yeah, I hope it wasn't to sad. Thx!  ;D

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 20 - A Present On The Doorstep
« Reply #71 on: July 22, 2015, 04:08:34 PM »
Sorry for the wait, I was having computer issues and then I found out I had tons of bad cc! Yay! Uninstalling and reinstalling! I'm officially bad cc free, right now though.  :)

I was so happy, I just found out I was pregnant! Though the lazy watcher seems to have lost that picture. I told Ben and he just yawned and said okay. I almost slapped him. Though after some thinking he said he wanted to be better than his dad and was cooking me food throughout the pregnancy. Did I forgot to mention my traits? They're Avant-Garde, Virtuoso, hot-headed, inappropriate, and snob. A little baby boy was born, John Leo Labelle.

Isn't he just beautiful! Oh wait, you can't see him.

John Leo Labelle: Not Heir
Traits:Virtuoso and Genius





It was a bitter cold morning when I found her. I saw a toddler screaming on the porch, attached to it was a note.
Astra Hope, please take care of her.

Ann - "Ben!"
Ben - "Coming!"
I was pretty positive who her mother was.
Ann - "When was the last time you saw Mercy?"
The word Mercy Grace Labelle brought several emotions to his face. Sadness, pity, resentment.
Ben(cooly) - "Not since the incident, why?"
I held up Astra. Ann - "I think she was pregnant."
It took a few minutes for Ben to digest this. Shock, confusion, and pity seemed to consume Ben.
Ben(whispers) - "She looks like a flame, she has her dad's face."
I think that was for himself and not for me.
Ann - "Are we going to take her in or not?"
Ben - "Of course!"

Astra Hope Labelle: Not Eligible
Traits: Genius and Loner





We took her in as her own, a month later she was calling me mama.
Her favorite thing though was the claw!

John and her were tight. Learning to walk with each other.

John - "Aztra, I fiwure outs hows to walksw!"
Astra - "Awewomew!"
John - "Puzh raondoz buttonz Aztra!"

Astra - "Okayz!"

John was very close with his uncle Charlie.  :)

So was Astra.  :)

Charlie (annoyed)- "Can you tell your brother to be quite?"
Astra - "No!"

Charlie - "Can you say uncle Charlie is the best dancer in the world?"
Astra - "I won't wie."
John loved his little Alligator.

Astra is such a cute little toddler!

John and I rocked in the rocking chair.

Ben was a little wary of Astra at first, but after she started calling him dada he was won over.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 20 - A Present On The Doorstep
« Reply #74 on: July 24, 2015, 12:06:50 AM »
The kids are so cute, but poor Mercy. I wonder if every generation will have such startling tragedy. If so I'm worried about them all.