Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 154964 times)

Offline Malley

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I want a claw machine for my bedroom! That would be pretty awesome but then I would probably never sleep, lol.

Offline mpart

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I want a claw machine for my bedroom! That would be pretty awesome but then I would probably never sleep, lol.

Same.  ;D I was reading your decadynasty and didn't realize the title of this chapter was similar to chapter 6 title. I hadn't read it yet before I had this posted.  :)

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Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 14 - Something You've Seen Before
« Reply #47 on: July 06, 2015, 12:22:51 PM »
The Majority of this chapter will be outfits, though the end is something you've seen before.  :)

Ben's Outfits:







Charlie's outfits:





*Similar to Bens.*


Alexander's Outfits:





*Similar to Bens.*

*Same as Formal.*

Mercy's Outfits:








Alexander's palms were sweaty. Would she say yes or no? Spit in his face? His anxiety kept growing every minute. He looked at the ring, a golden ring with a ruby in the middle. It had to be perfect.

 First, he took a romantic photo with her.

Then he gave her a heat of the moment kiss.

Hopefully, that was a good sign.
He finally did what he planned to do, he got on one knee, opened the box, and popped the question.

He made sure he proposed to her the place where her parents got married, she always said she wanted to have a better marriage then theirs turned out, and wanted the place where they got married to be a happy place for the family again.

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 14 - Something You've Seen Before
« Reply #48 on: July 06, 2015, 03:52:50 PM »
I got a chance to read all the way through, and this is a very entertaining story. I hope photobucket doesn't continue to give you too much more grief. I remember having some issues with it. Can't wait to see more of Ben and the family.

Offline Malley

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Same.  ;D I was reading your decadynasty and didn't realize the title of this chapter was similar to chapter 6 title. I hadn't read it yet before I had this posted.  :)

Lol  ;D Great chapter title, right?

Aww! That's so sweet that Alex would be so romantic like that  :)

Offline mpart

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Lol  ;D Great chapter title, right?

Aww! That's so sweet that Alex would be so romantic like that  :)

The best chapter title ever!  ;D I'm pretty sure he has a hidden hopeless romantic trait.

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 15 - New Beginnings, Sad Endings
« Reply #51 on: July 07, 2015, 08:24:59 PM »
Grim Reaper warning, I wasn't excepting it.   :-\  :(

Alexander - "Would you do me the honor of being Mrs.Brantley?"

I couldn't breathe. I was never one to get a happy ending, let alone deserve it. It was because I was like Brad.
I knew I was, but as long as I can keep denying it, I will be happy.

Mercy - Why did you even ask?"
His face fell, wrong answer. He was about to close the box when I literally squealed, "Yes!"

It was all like a dream, a good dream.
I know happiness can't stay forever, but I will try to enjoy the moment while it lasts.

Alexander - "So, I know we go off to University in a day, so I was wondering want to get married now?"
Mercy - "Yes, I got the dress in the car! I will go change!"
Alexander - "How did you know?"
Mercy - "You would only take me here if we were going to get married, duh!"

Mercy - "It's my mum's, I mean mom's dress."

I know pronounce you husband and wife!

We packed all our stuff up and headed to University.
Ben tried flirting with the top cheerleader.

Ben - "Hi, good looking!"
Cheerleader - "Eww!"

I, of course, dared Alexander to eat cinnamon, gaining rebel status.

School is not all fun and games.

I maxed spray painting, making me a honor student and have a higher rebel status.

I then changed my lifetime wish from Director to max spray painting and spray paint some masterpieces.
Ben was, what he is always doing, freaking girls out.

Ben - "Hey, there good looking!"
Girl - "Ahh! Run!"

Alexander, my husband, was busying be a good D student.

Alexander - "How do you spell technology, Mr.Teacher?

Ben finally met a girl who didn't run away from him, and for some strange reason wasn't attracted to him, even though he has the irresistible trait.

Ben - "I like video games, do you like video games?"
Vampire girl - "Yes!"

He ended up gaining nerd influence.
He kept chatting with her about university and life, and how human girls are naturally terrible creatures and can't realize good looks when they see them.

Charlie was busy making friends too.

How's the best way to wake up? By having someone scream in your ear with a megaphone that is!

I was feeling particularly angry today, at myself, the world, Brad. So, I organized a protest against criminals!

It was a success!

I realized what I was really angry at. Death! What better to rant about how death comes to soon!

That was a really bad idea!

No, favorite don't die!

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Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 14 - Something You've Seen Before
« Reply #52 on: July 07, 2015, 08:27:05 PM »
I got a chance to read all the way through, and this is a very entertaining story. I hope photobucket doesn't continue to give you too much more grief. I remember having some issues with it. Can't wait to see more of Ben and the family.

Thank you, that means a lot to me. Photobucket always seems to want to have a war with me, but as long as I can post chapters, I will survive!  ;D

Offline mpart

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Grim - "You Labelle's! Always dropping dead like flies!
One minute I get one, the next moment the other one is dead!"
Mercy - "Uh, sorry?"

Grim - "I don't have to deal with you, plus you still have things to do. I'm sorry."
I took a deep breath. I knew when death said sorry to you about living, that you were going to have issues. Great. More issues!
I didn't know why I said this but it just happened,"We're cursed, aren't we?"
Grim - "Time to go, uh, I'll deal with your death another time, got to go ruin some dynasties!"
Mercy - "Wait!"

He just left, after he told me my life is going to be terrible, he just left?
Man, he smelled! I think though some people might of over heard us talking, I hope they learn to keep their mouth shut. I walked home trembling.
Sometimes peace doesn't last like you thought it would.

Alexander - "Welcome home! How was your day?"

I didn't want to lie so I told him the truth as much as I could with out scaring him.
Mercy - "Not my best, I said somethings about death that I now regret."
Alexander - "Oh, what did you say?"
Mercy - "I don't want to talk about this, can I just finish my art project?"
Alexander - "The one where you have to draw someone?."
Mercy - "Yeah, that one."

Back then, I was an idiot, a fool. If I would've just told him I'm sure my life would be better.
He would've probably had a better life too.
Back to the story, though.
Ben was off making friends.

Won't Ben ever learn? The Labelles are not destined for happiness.
So I kissed her! What was the big deal? She was unflirty!
I called her. If she still didn't like me, I was okay with that.

I just asked a simple question."Jenny will you go on a date with me?"Luckily, she said yes.
I wanted to scream at her, but when I got there I just ended up crying on her shoulder. Embarrassing.

I told her about Artemis. She just listened and was nice to me. I flirted, okay?

I ended up kissing her, though the lake was glitched.

We took a romantic photo together. I could almost hear the watcher screaming to giver her a makeover. If she finds out her traits before I do, I will be so mad!

She ended up becoming my girlfriend, I hope she will be my wife someday.

Don't worry, Charlie's been flirting too.

That Face! Lol!
Mercy was so hungry she ate a poison apple!

Poison apples are bad luck signs. Somethings going on, and I don't think I want to know.
Also, another sign, we officially have an alien stalker!
Like mom use to have!

Megan - "It's almost time, Brad."
Brad - "I know, I'm not happy about it though."

Offline mpart

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Happy 777 views! Yay!!!!!  ;D

Offline Malley

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Oh no! Not Mercy! Glad Grim decided to let her live. At least, it seems like a good thing right now...

Offline mpart

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Oh no! Not Mercy! Glad Grim decided to let her live. At least, it seems like a good thing right now...

I was freaked out when Mercy died,surprised, even more surprised when grim let her live,though I don't know if it is a good thing.  :-X
Wasn't aware grim could keep sims alive without the unlucky or lucky trait. 

Offline mpart

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Ben - "So I was thinking you could marry-"

My beautiful girlfriend died of thirst/hunger, right next to a refrigerator.
Game do you realize how hard it was to get Ben to get a girlfriend?
Charlie decided to earn some extra cash and volunteer at a science experiment, I think he regrets that now.
Mercy was trying to help me.
Mercy - "Ben, I'm sorry I don't know what I would do if something happened to Alexander, this is the- "
Ben - "Shut up!"

I will never forget her.

Only one person seemed to understand me, Ann, she had seen it all go down.

I got some love letters in the mail and decided I may as well find a wife.

It doesn't work that way.

I got my report card, let's just say I wished I had thrown it away.

I was just talking to Ann and I just kissed her.

Too Early?
I flirted with her though.

She better not starve to death like the last one.

Charlie had some unfinished business too.
Paris - "You are a plant sim?"

Paris - "How dare you kiss me!"
Charlie - "Women these days!"

It was time to go home.

We all ended up being mutated together, but luckily it got fixed. We ended turning the lot we were living at in to a graveyard, dad's grave disappears there.
We had some money so we bought a real house.


Unknown - "Tick, Tock, the time draws nearer! (Insane laughter)"

Offline Malley

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Poor Ben  :( He finally gets a lady friend and she dies of hunger. Well, I guess that's a vampire for you...

