Author Topic: Labelles's Perfect Genetics Challenge: The End of the Labelles (Completed)  (Read 154969 times)

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 9 - The Secret's Out!
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2015, 04:27:11 PM »
I'm back and all caught up! Wow. That was really good and I certainly did not see that coming. The triplets are all really pretty/handsome too  :)

Thank you!  ;D   I am happy you liked the plot twist!

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Chapter 9 - The Secret's Out!
« Reply #31 on: June 27, 2015, 05:11:32 PM »
 I'm starting a new dynasty challenge, so updates may come ever other day for now on, just to make sure I keep my sanity :D.

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Offline mpart

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Chapter 10 - All the Pieces Suddenly Fit
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2015, 10:11:48 PM »
I'm trying a new approach to my writing today. Enjoy!  :D *Special thanks to Mrs.Flynn for the patterns!*

Mercy could hear the minutes go by. Where was Charlie? Was he okay? Did Brad get him? So many questions with so few answers.

Charlie - "Mercy!"
Mercy - "Thank God, you're okay! What happened?
Charlie - " Yeesh, are you starting to feel again?"
Mercy - (Rolls eyes) "Just answer the question."
Charlie - "Fine. The police got me, so I opened the door and ran out."
Mercy - " They didn't have you handcuffed?"
Charlie - "Nah, I think they were more stupid then usual."
Mercy - "(Laughs) Were they ever intelligent?"
Charlie - "(Looks Hurt) Hey some of them actually want to protects us!"
Mercy - "Hey, calm down it was a joke, well kinda."
Charlie - " What are we going to do about money!"
Mercy - " I don't know!"

Ben - " What are we going to do?"
Alexander - " Well I guess the first order of business is to change our appearances."
Charlie - "Who let him come?"
Mercy - " Me, got a problem with that?"
Charlie - "Yeah I do."
Ben - "Stop fighting, Alexander is right."
Mercy - "Who's first?"
Alexander - I guess, me, since it was my idea."
Mercy - "Okay, what look do you want, then?"
Alexander - " I guess the opposite of myself."
Mercy took a deep breath, got out the hair dye and the old clothes, she found behind a dumpster. " I hope I will have better clothing." Okay, I'm done!

Alexander - "Uh, perfect???"
Ben - " Who's next."
Ben, Alexander & Mercy - "Charlie."
Charlie - "What! Why me!"
Mercy - "You're the brave sim, deal with it!"
Charlie - (sighs) "Fine!"
Mercy - "So your look?"
Charlie - "Martial Arts master."
Mercy - "Um, okay?"

Mercy - "Perfect!"
Charlie - "Aah! Where's my beautiful, blond hair!'
Mercy - " You wanted Martial Arts master. Ben your next!"
Ben - (shivers) " Okay, but I have to keep my genetics, no contacts, and definitely no hair dye."
Mercy - "Okay, I'll just shave you bald, and you can wear sunglasses."
Ben - "What!!!!"
(Mercy shaves head)

Ben - "My hair! My beautiful hair!"
Mercy - "Deal with it!"
Ben - "Time for your makeover!"
Mercy - "I don't like that glare in your eyes-"
(Dyes hair blond)
Mercy - "No!"
Ben - There is some new girly clothes for you!" (smiles)

Mercy - "Fine!"

Why are they trying to force a goth girl in girly clothes. Don't they know I hate bright colors!

The police are being more suspicious then usual.

Lucky we got our "makeovers" then. If only mom was here…..

This is the first time I have mourned her. Instead of being angry with the world, I cried for once. Huh, this is what it feels like. It will never erase what happened though. Some things I will never be able to get out of my head…….

Brad - "What should I do about her?"
Stranger - " I don't know, I guess break up with her?
Brad - "Fine!"
(Hangs up phone) " This better not get in the paper though…"

Brad - " You're a ignorant, stupid women, I'm done with you!"
Megan - " What? I though we had a good marriage!"
Brad - " You were wrong!"

Mercy - "No! Stop! Stop!"
Megan  - "I'm sorry, you had to see that."
(Megan gets stuck in fire, Mercy comes down screaming)

Mercy - "Mum!"
Megan - " Don't die, take care of your brothers!"
Mercy - "I will!"

(Thinks bitterly) Who would do such a thing. Its going to take a lot of time before I forgive him, and I will probably never trust him. Most of all, I blame myself. Theres work to do though!

Alexander conjured up apples for us to eat and for me to plant.

Alexander worked hard, harder than he should have had to do. I guess he blames himself for this mess, but no it was me. He went dumpster diving, I think my mum said she met my dad by a dumpster.

I then went to the festival, you can change a goth girl's looks, but you can't change her at heart.

I picked some flowers, then went to the claw.

Finally! I had something good! I think a ghost gnome is worth a $1,000! We could have a roof over our heads with that money -

Then I drop it. Everything good always goes away. Story of my life. Luckily though, we had enough money for a restroom, a fridge and a sink!

After getting frustrated with the claw, I went in the haunted house. I came out, alive, like a boss.

Then got a donut for good measure.

The boys said they had a uneventful day.

Ben - (freak out!)
Random girl - Don't I know those random strangers from somewhere? Nah, I am just annoying kid!

*Sorry if this chapter got a little dark, it was told from Mercy's perspective.*

Offline mpart

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Re: Perfect Genetics Challenge: Thanks To All You Awesome People!
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2015, 10:27:44 PM »
Thank you guys for more than 400 views! Never thought I get more than 5 views, so thanks again! (throws confetti) Also, special thanks to the people commenting, and Malley and Mrs.Flynn! All of you who view this are awesome in your own way. Keep simming  ;D

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Wait, what? Woah, this is quite a rollercoaster here but I'm loving it! I loved goth Mercy, but she is cute as a blonde :)
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Malley

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I thought it was fitting that the chapter was told from Mercy's perspective. It is a dark subject so she would be the best narrator since dark is her forte and everything  ;)

Offline mpart

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Wait, what? Woah, this is quite a rollercoaster here but I'm loving it! I loved goth Mercy, but she is cute as a blonde :)

Sorry if I got you confused, I accidentally put a typo about Mercy getting teleported, thank you.  ;D

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Offline mpart

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I thought it was fitting that the chapter was told from Mercy's perspective. It is a dark subject so she would be the best narrator since dark is her forte and everything  ;)

Definitely have to agree!

Offline mpart

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Happy 491 views! Thank you guys, you are fabulous! This is going to be narrated by Mercy . I have permission to mention the Reapers, check out the legacy, it's awesome. -,18091.0.html

Ben - "Guys I had the worst nightmare that I was bald…..Aah! Its true! No!"

Ben - "Time to get a job."

Random Guy - Look, Look! Look at the homeless guy!

Alexander - "Ugh, people these days!"

Random cars pass by all the time, I wonder why this one got under my skin…

Alexander - Hey Mercy, I think I figure out why your dad set that fire!"
Mercy - "Man, it isn't obvious?"
Alexander - "Well, he's a witch right?"
Mercy - "Right…."
Alexander - " Well if he used to much powerful magic he could have gone insane, everything has its price, his hot-headed trait could of influenced what he did."
Mercy - " How do you know this?"
Alexander - "Remember the Reapers?"
Mercy - "Yeah."
Alexander - "Majun went insane, but he could handle enough power, Falcom lost Demi, and Eveline is blind, magic has it's price. So, lets say your dad transported your mom into that room, he probably couldn't handle enough magic."
Mercy - "So lets say your right? What happens then?"
Alexander (says grimly) - "He could be slowly dying from the magic. I want to see my family."
Mercy - "Um okay."

Alexander - " Whatever happens, I will make sure you won't get in trouble, okay?
Mercy - "Um, okay?"

Why was Alexander acting weird all the suddenly? Wait, is he flirting with me? What!

Alexander - " I found some roses."
Mercy - " Wow, their gorgeous!"

Alexander - "You know for a goth girl, your pretty."
Mercy - "Um, thank you?"

Before I knew it he kissed me!

Before I could think, the words were out of my mouth. "Hey wanna be my boyfriend?" His face brightened.

"Of course!" I am still a little flabbergasted of what just happen.

Ben - "Guys, time to go! Guys. Guys!"

Ben - Whatever.

Alexander - "I have to go."
Mercy - "Okay."

Alexander - "Well, it seems my family wants nothing to do with me."

Ben - "Well just be your family then."
Alexander - "Thanks."

Alexander - "So I really like your sister-"
Ben - "Um, okay want to get some pizza?"

Alexander - "Fine."

Mercy - "That's the star my dad named after my mom. My mom told me my dad was obsessed with aliens."
Alexander - "Haha!"

I woke up cold and before I knew it I was frozen solid, I looked around and my siblings were too. I heard a voice.

No! Save the heir, Alexander! Save the heir!
Luckily we all got unfrozen. To avoid that next time, we will all be sleeping in igloos.

Alexander asked me to the dance, I told him yes, but if aliens abduct me before then I'm sorry. We then went on a date, and he went snowboarding.

Ben was out finding a date.

Ben - "So don't take this the wrong way, but you should be nice to Alexander, he has a werewolf as a dad."
Artemis - "Okay then…"

Ben - "Will you go to prom with me?"
Artemis - "No way!"

Ben - "Aww!"

Offline mpart

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Mercy and Alex are cute together. And, why yes, the Reapers are a fabulous story  ;D

I can't disagree.  :D

Offline mpart

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Butterfly that title is for you.  ;D I know, I uploaded a day earlier, truth is I'm obsessed I really like writing this story. Grim Reaper Warning, he isn't in the story, but someone dies, so I'm labeling the death part as part 1 and the ending of this chapter part 2.

Part 1

Huh, I was a little surprised he hasn't change the house. He still has a picture of us, how sweet. The truth is, I forgive him and love him after everything that's happened, and I know it wasn't his fault that I died.

Yeah it's Megan again, didn't think you would see me again did you? I have feeling you guys will see me more, during the next 9 generations. Oops, I think he can see me.

Brad - "Megan!"
Megan - "Brad I think we both know why I'm here."

Well, this got awkward quickly.

Brad - "How dare you come back!"
Megan - "What do you mean, come back! I always make trips here! This is just the first time you have noticed me!"

What it looks to other people:

Brad - "Leave!"

Megan - (sigh)" Brad you can't kill a ghost!"
Brad -" Your not dead though, your still alive!"(insane laughter)
Megan - "No, I'm pretty sure I'm dead, I mean, I have a house in Heaven and everything."

(Extinguishes fire)

Megan - "Stop using your magic, your going insane, and your hot-head trait is controlling you!"

Brad - "I'm sorry Megan."
Megan - "It's okay, your forgiven, you were cursed."
Brad - "Wait what?"
Megan - "The boy, Alexander, doesn't know that he accidently brought a curse. Now lets go find you a house!"
Part 2

Mercy - "I will go get the mail!"

To who it may concern, Brad Labelle died a day ago, you now have  the house in your possesion.

Mercy - "Ben! Charlie!"
Ben - "What happened."
(With her hands shaking, she handed over the paper)
Mercy - (Her voice hollow) "We own the house, and were orphans."

Ben - "Its kinda nice to be home, I guess."
Mercy - "I'm going to wash the hair dye out of my hair, and by the way, Alexander's living here."
Ben - "Okay."
Mercy - "Found some new clothes."

Alexander - "Wait, your hair is naturally red?"
Mercy - "Yeah. A wise person once told me I don't have to be depressed to like the color black."
Ben - "I'm sure they are awesome! My hair, my beautiful hair it's back! I love you hair! I will never try to take you for granted ever again!"

Mercy - (smiling)"Watch it, you will start sounding like- dad."
Ben - "Yeah, I guess so."

Alexander - "How do i look?"
Mercy - "Great!"

Charlie - "My hair is back!"

Mercy - " I think we should redo the house, get rid of the basement, you know it's a new beginning.
All of them started smiling.

Offline Malley

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It's kind of sweet that Brad and Megan reunited when he died, I think? And congrats to the kids on getting the house.

Offline mpart

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It's kind of sweet that Brad and Megan reunited when he died, I think? And congrats to the kids on getting the house.

Sorry if its a little confusing right now, it will make more sense in later chapters, I hope. It was suppose to be sweet, though I have a talent for confusing people.  ::) I just hope the chapter wasn't too cheesy.

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I got University! ;D

I was ready to beg Mercy if I had to. I wanted that dog! Oh oops I forgot, yeah yeah its Ben narrating this chapter. Apparently I have to tell you guys.

Ben - "So the dog has special needs but Artemis told me should would give her to me, if I stopped stalking her."
Mercy - "Oh,okay, you can have the dog."

Ben - "Yes,thank you Mercy! Her names Guardia, I thought she could you know, be the guard for future generations, like Narnia."
Mercy - "Um I don't think Narnia was a guard."

Cute Pictures of Guardia:

Guardia in CAS:

We had the house redone a bit:

Living Room

Mercy's Room

My Room + Alexander's and Charlie's

Charlie loves the claw!

Charlie - "I wish mom was here."

Charlie got his wish!

Birthday time!

I guess we figured out what mom came for.

Alexander and Mercy wanted to build a snowman.

Cute horses.

Me and Charlie decide to try to get scholarship with no luck.

While Alexander was busy begging Mom to Marry Mercy.

She said he could!

I decided to take a chance and show my crush that I liked her.

I will never let a girl break my heart again.

Alexander's gained the trait:Computer Whiz.
I got the trait: Irresistible.
Charlie got the trait: Socially Awkward.
Mercy got the trait: avant-garde.
*Photo Bucket is acting weird, so if see anything strange, I have tried to fix it and it won't work.*